English 11B - Use of Information
Taking someone else's thoughts, words or ideas and claiming them as your own.
Direct quotes
When you use a direct quote do so only make sure its in the authors exact words, be sure to enclose the "exact words" in quotations. You don't have to quote an entire paragraph or even an entire sentence. Quote only the section of words necessary to make your point.
Gathering material takes two methods
- Direct quotes - Summarize/Paraphrase
- Don't let words speak for themselves, its your paper, express you ideas. - Analyze and explain your quotes after saying them. - Make sure you incorporate quotes smoothly so it doesn't seem choppy or jumbled. - Feel free to use quotes, paraphrases, and summaries together as long as it clear which is which.
Fact vs. Opinion
- Fact is something accepted that is proven true. - Opinion are interpretations of facts or possible facts in the process of acquiring proof or disproof.
You can tell if a fact doesn't have have to be cited by which criteria?
- Its generally considered to be a generally known fact - It can be found in general reference sources
Working on your outline
- Keeping your introductory reading, preliminary thesis, and beginning notes in mind, list the main points you plan to cover in your paper - Look over your list - Combine those points that are similar; subtract those that are irrelevant; and limit those that are too board - Try to put your thought into clear phrases - Finally, you should have a list of three to five ideas which will be the main sections of your outline - you don't really need sub points at this time
Summarizing and paraphrasing
- Make sure you understand exactly what the passage is saying, any mix-up will throw the whole thing off. - Then write down the relevant information that you want to include from the passage. - Then mold those points into your own words so that they fit your voice and into your paper. After the summary or paraphrase make sure to explain further why those points are important.
Avoiding Plagiarism
- Paraphrasing: Restating the words or ideas in the passage in your own words. - Cite: Use and document the actual text or original ideas from your sources.
Ways of Integrating sources into your paper
- Summarize the information that you're citing; a summary is a relatively brief objective account of a main ideas in a source or source passage but in your own words. The info has to be in your own words to be a summary. - Paraphrase is to restate a passage from the text in your own words. Your taking what the author says and tweaking the language to sound more like you. Summary focuses on the main points, paraphrasing is restating bits of the passage. - Quote: Uses the exact words, this way your making whatever point the author makes is not misconstrued at all by your own words Use them sparingly.
Does Sentence 2 plagiarize sentence 1?
- Yes, it does because it maintains much of the original sentence pattern and just changes the word order. - Yes, it does because it uses more than three words in order from the original sentence.
You are plagiarizing if you
- keep the original sentence and just change the words order - Use more than three words in order from the original sentence - Misrepresent the original meaning of the passage
For the purpose of research summary and paraphrasing are used interchangeably. Summarize when you need main ideas only and paraphrase when you need key ideas. Remember a summary is short and paraphrase is not.
Source Material
Incorporating source material is the key to a good paper. Make sure you summarizing, paraphrasing and quoting.
Integrating sources
It helps you, it makes it easier to present statistics and facts. You can help this to differentiate other peoples opinions, theories, and personal explanations from your own. Good quality sources makes your work more creditable and reliable. Integrating sources proves your information is reliable because they can see right where you got it from.