English 12A - Unit Five: For the Sake of Argument

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Which option most accurately explains how an evaluation of the facts led to the conclusion of the case Riley v. California?

A search of a phone's digital contents represents a serious violation of individual rights to privacy; therefore, police need a warrant to examine a cell phone, even if the owner is under arrest.

Lesson Twenty-Two

Advocacy in an Argument

Read the sentences. Water runs off after a storm. Water comes from places like lawns, streets, and parking lots. That water carries chemicals and contaminants. Oil is one contaminant. Which option shows how to most effectively combine this information using varying sentence structures?

After a storm, water runs off from places like lawns, streets, and parking lots. That water carries chemicals and contaminants, including oil.

Read the sentences. Carolyn forgot to set her alarm. She arrived at the theater in time for the performance. Which option best combines these sentences?

Although Carolyn forgot to set her alarm, she arrived at the theater in time for the performance.

Read the excerpt from Betty Friedan's essay "The National Organization for Women's 1966 Statement of Purpose." Which response most clearly evaluates Friedan's purpose for mentioning "muscular strength as a criterion for filling most jobs"?

Anticipating the counterargument, Friedan refutes the common idea that women are too weak to work, and she cites the shift in job requirements caused by technology.

Read the passage. I was waiting in line at the department store return counter. I got more and more frustrated. Calls were constantly being taken by the clerk on her cell phone. Which option shows the best way to revise the passage for clarity and cohesion?

As I waited in line at the department store's return counter, I became more and more frustrated because the clerk was constantly taking calls on her cell phone.

Read the excerpt from "The Federalist No. 10" by James Madison. Which excerpts clearly identify the premises of this argument?

As long as the reason of man continues fallible ... As long as the connection subsists between his reason and his self-love ...

Lesson Twenty-One

Breaking Down an Argument

Read the excerpt from "The Damned Human Race" by Mark Twain. Which option most accurately explains how Twain's use of analogical reasoning strengthens his argument?

By comparing humans and animals, Twain highlights the glaring differences in the human and animal motives for killing. His highly effective use of analogical reasoning delineates the fact that brutality is a human trait, not an animal trait.

Which option most accurately explains the constitutional principle of rule of law?

Each citizen is empowered by individual freedoms and rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.

In the court case Ingraham v. Wright, the court ruling determined that _[blank]_. Which option best completes the sentence?

Eighth Amendment protections do not apply in cases of corporal punishment in public schools

Lesson Twenty-Three

Examining Constitutional Principles

End of Unit Five, Next Up is Unit Five Exam!

Good Luck! :)

Read the excerpt from "George W. Harkins to the American People." The Tenth Amendment states The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. Which option most accurately describes how Harkins applies the Tenth Amendment to strengthen his argument that the government has failed the Choctaw people?

He highlights the idea that the state of Mississippi was not competent to legislate for the Choctaws because of the differences between Choctaws and Mississippians.

Read the sentence. Before accepting any scholarship offers, Sonia researched each town's options for off-campus-apartments that weren't too far away. Which option explains why the use of a hyphen in the sentence is incorrect?

Hyphens should not be used between a modifier and a noun.

In which sentence is the word fruition used correctly?

I hope my goal will come to fruition.

Jasmine is writing a letter to the editor in support of her town's plans to build a new public theater in the park. Which statement would make the most effective call to action in Jasmine's letter?

If you would like to see the arts thrive, please make a donation to the public theater fund.

Read the excerpt from "US Supreme Court: Ingraham v. Wright." Elimination or curtailment of corporal punishment would be welcomed by many as a societal advance. But when such a policy choice may result from this Court's determination of an asserted right to due process, rather than from the normal processes of community debate and legislative action, the societal costs cannot be dismissed as insubstantial. Which option best explains how this information fits into the chain of legal reasoning?

It is part of the analysis in the case, because it considers whether local regulations could be limited if the court finds that students' rights were violated.

Which options accurately describe how the US Supreme Court's conclusion regarding Ingraham v. Wright compared with the decisions of the lower courts? Select all that apply.

It overruled the Court of Appeals' decision, which found that the students were indeed subjected to cruel and unusual punishment. It supported the District Court's decision that the students' constitutional rights had not been violated.

Which responses explain why "The National Organization for Women's 1966 Statement of Purpose" is considered a work of public advocacy? Select all that apply.

It was published to inform the general public. It represents the views of a group that promotes equality for all. It was written by a citizen working to improve America.

In which option is the information presented correctly?

Jenny had to wash the car, buy groceries, and go to the bank before returning home.

Lesson Twenty-Four

Legal Reasoning

Which sentence uses the word indemnity correctly?

Patrícia read through the construction contract to check that it provided adequate indemnity in case any structures were damaged.

Read the excerpt from "The Damned Human Race" by Mark Twain. Which option most effectively explains why Twain uses an anticipated counterclaim to strengthen his argument?

Rebutting the idea that man is the only rational animal helps Twain preemptively defend against those who argue man is superior.

Checkpoint Twenty-Four

Score: 100%

Checkpoint Twenty-One

Score: 100%

Checkpoint Twenty-Three

Score: 100%

Checkpoint Twenty-Two

Score: 100%

Read the sentences. Sentence 1: For several minutes, the little girl in the ice-cream shop could not make up her mind about a flavor, but she finally chose a vanilla cone. Sentence 2: The little girl in the ice-cream shop finally chose a vanilla cone, although for several minutes she had not been able to make up her mind about a flavor. Which options correctly describe the differences between the structures of the two sentences? Select all that apply.

Sentence 2 changes the syntax to include a dependent clause. Sentence 1 is a compound sentence; Sentence 2 is a complex sentence.

Read the excerpt from the article "Participatory Journalism in the 21st Century." Which response most accurately explains how the author uses deductive reasoning to strengthen the argument that in the information age, both the press and their audience create journalism?

The author makes a series of logical conclusions to prove that "individuals are no longer passive consumers of news."

Read the sentence. The blustery speaker, he has a reputation for making overblown statements and playing loose with facts, failed to win over the skeptical audience. Which option shows a way to make this sentence correct by using punctuation?

The blustery speaker—he has a reputation for making overblown statements and playing loose with facts—failed to win over the skeptical audience.

Read the excerpt from Betty Friedan's essay "The National Organization for Women's 1966 Statement of Purpose." Which response most accurately describes the relationship Friedan notes between life expectancy and equality?

The bulk of women's lives is no longer spent having and raising children, so there is no excuse to keep them from developing careers.

Read the excerpt from "Bias in the Media." How effective is the author's support of the claim that the press is not always objective?

The support is not effective, because the author relies on only Lippmann as a source of information to support the claim, without considering any facts or examples from other reliable sources.

Read the excerpt from the article "Bias in the Media." A warrant implied by the author is that media should be impartial, purely reporting facts with no personal perspectives or opinions. Based on Toulmin's Model, which option best evaluates how this warrant supports the author's argument?

The warrant is only somewhat effective; if the audience does not accept or understand the warrant that is implied, then the audience will not accept the argument that bias in the media is widespread and a danger to accurate reporting of news.

Which statements about the roots of the word subservient are incorrect? Select all that apply.

The word subservient contains the root "servus," which means "eat." The words servant and subservient do not share a root.

Read Betty Friedan's essay "The National Organization for Women's 1966 Statement of Purpose." Which excerpt most clearly identifies a conclusion of Friedan's argument?

To this end, we urge American government and industry to mobilize the same resources of ingenuity and command with which they have solved problems of far greater difficulty than those now impeding the progress of women.

Read the excerpt from "The Damned Human Race" by Mark Twain. Which answer most accurately describes what Twain's causal reasoning achieves in the excerpt?

Twain implies that the presence of moral sense in man is responsible for his ruin and makes him a lesser being.

Read the excerpt from a letter to the editor. Which sentence could be added to the end of this letter to maintain a consistent tone?

We must all assume responsibility for returning Echo Lake to its former pristine state.

If your friend told you that "starfish" is a misnomer, what question would you most likely ask your friend?

Why is the creature's name incorrect?

Read the passage. Zach took an extended river cruise in Europe over the summer. He will not be able to afford a trip during his fall break. Which options most effectively revise the passage for cohesion? Select all that apply.

Zach took an extended river cruise in Europe over the summer. As a result, he will not be able to afford a trip during his fall break. Because Zach took an extended river cruise in Europe over the summer, he will not be able to afford a trip during his fall break.

In the chain of legal reasoning, the rule must be _[blank]_and _[blank]_. Which words correctly complete the sentence?

cited; stated

If you look in a thesaurus to find synonyms for the word anarchy, which words are you most likely to find? Select all that apply.

disorder chaos

If a written agreement is not equitable, it is not _[blank]_. Which option best completes the sentence?


A court's legal decision should always be based on _[blank]_. Which option best completes the sentence?


Which options most accurately describe the main purposes of the letter "George W. Harkins to the American People"? Select all that apply.

to describe to the American people the brutality and hardships the native tribes endured during their relocation to express Harkins's sentiments about the cruel relocation of the Choctaws to the West

Which word shares a root with the word veracity?


Which options correctly identify the legal issues in the case of Riley v. California? Select all that apply.

whether David Riley's Fourth Amendment rights were violated whether the digital content on David Riley's phone was illegally obtained

Which option correctly defines the word infraction?

the act of breaking a rule

Read the excerpt from Betty Friedan's essay "The National Organization for Women's 1966 Statement of Purpose." NOW is dedicated to the proposition that women, first and foremost, are human beings, who, like all other people in our society, must have the chance to develop their fullest human potential. Which option best describes the purpose of this statement?

to link the argument for women's equality to the founding ideas of the nation

Read the excerpt from President Thomas Jefferson's "Letter to John C. Breckinridge." But I suppose they must then appeal to the nation for an additional article to the Constitution, approving & confirming an act which the nation had not previously authorized. The constitution has made no provision for our holding foreign territory, still less for incorporating foreign nations into our Union. Which options correctly explain Jefferson's purpose in incorporating the constitutional principle of rule of law in this excerpt? Select all that apply.

to suggest that a new amendment was needed to make sure that the Louisiana Purchase was covered under the Constitution to show that the Louisiana Purchase did not really pertain to the articles and amendments set up in the Constitution

Read the sentence. Heather enjoys reading and discussing all kinds of books, and she belongs to two book clubs. Which option clarifies ideas in the sentence by adding a dependent clause?

Because Heather enjoys reading and discussing all kinds of books, she belongs to two book clubs.

In Riley v. California, which fact helped the court determine that this case's search and seizure was unreasonable?

Cell phones do not pose an immediate physical threat to police officers; therefore, this search and seizure action was a violation of Fourth Amendment rights.

In "George W. Harkins to the American People," Harkins is using the Ninth Amendment as the basis for his argument. This amendment focuses on rights being retained by the people, as follows: The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. How effectively does Harkins apply the principles of the Ninth Amendment to convey his perspective that the Choctaws are not being treated fairly?

Harkins effectively applies the principles outlined in the Ninth Amendment by stating that the Choctaws were in America first and have not been treated in a way that conforms to the Bill of Rights.

Read the excerpt from "George W. Harkins to the American People." Taking an example from the American government, and knowing the happiness which its citizens enjoy under the influence of mild republican institutions, it is the intention of our countrymen to form a government assimilated to that of our white brethren in the United States, as nearly as their condition will permit. Which statement most accurately explains how Harkins uses a constitutional principle in the excerpt?

Harkins uses popular sovereignty to show that the native tribes should be able to govern themselves rather than submit to the control of the United States.

Read the excerpt from the article "Bias in the Media." Which option most accurately explains how inductive reasoning is used to convey the argument that journalists were engaging in the "manufacture of consent"?

Inductive reasoning is used to show what Walter Lippman discovered based on his observations of "error, illusion, and misinterpretation" in the reporting of news.

Read the excerpt from President Thomas Jefferson's "Letter to John C. Breckinridge." In the excerpt, President Jefferson is telling Attorney General Breckinridge that the legislative branch of the government should look over the treaty of the Louisiana Purchase. How effectively does Jefferson apply the constitutional principle of checks and balances to help convey his perspective?

Jefferson applies the principle of checks and balances effectively because he recognizes that any factors affecting the fair distribution of the newly acquired land need to be passed through all branches of government.

Which option correctly describes the function of the conclusion in the chain of legal reasoning?

The conclusion takes a position by explaining whether the rule applies to a set of facts presented in a court case.

Read the sentence. The realization that the sun rises and sets, the moon waxes and wanes, and the ebbing and flowing of the tides can inspire belief in an orderly universe. Which option shows the best way to rewrite the sentence?

The realization that the sun rises and sets, the moon waxes and wanes, and the tides ebb and flow can inspire belief in an orderly universe.

How can writers vary syntax in their writing? Select all that apply.

by using a combination of simple and complex sentences by including descriptive phrases and clauses

Read the excerpt from the concluding paragraph of an argumentative speech. By calling and writing our representatives in Congress, we can make our voices heard. Which option correctly identifies the element being used in the excerpt?

call to action

Read the sentence. When my aunt taught me to crochet, she told me it requires three things, yarn, a crochet hook, and endless patience. What is the best way to revise the sentence?

When my aunt taught me to crochet, she told me it requires three things: yarn, a crochet hook, and endless patience.

The constitutional principle of separation of powers states _[blank]_. Which option correctly completes the statement?

that government divides power among three branches to limit the power of any individual branch

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