English 3B Unit 8

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2) Answer True or False. A play and a myth could never have the same theme.


18) Match the biblical allusion. symbolizes patience


22) Important allusions in Herman Melville's classic novel Moby Dick are _______________.

biblical names the story of Jonah

6) Guilt, courage, customs and traditions, love, values, leadership, and revenge are examples of ____________.


1) A dependable source of information is a ____________.

primary source

8) In order to be able to spot allusions in literary works, you should __________.

read widely

3) Often, one situation depicted in a literary work may logically lead to a less or more desirable


6) The parts of speech that can serve as sensory language include:

adjectives objects of prepositions adverbs

2) A frequent subject of a literary work is good vs. __________.


12) A play that was written by playwright Arthur Miller called The Death of a Salesman tells the story of a previously successful salesman who is no longer capable of selling anything. The theme could be said to be success vs. _________.


7) Themes that provide messages that mean the same to anyone anywhere at any time are called ______________ themes.


7) Another interesting primary source could be a(n) _________________ recording such as "Italian Renaissance Dances" on a soundtrack.


2) Primary sources may be in literary pieces such as books or _____________.


7) Answer True or False. Making an inference ensures success.


4) What part of speech is the word "methodically" in the following sentence? The fastidious young man consumed his meal of chicken legs, mashed potatoes, and steamed vegetables slowly and methodically, only pausing to sip tiny sips of mineral water.


13) The Curtaine Lecture is _____.

an illustration that provides a glimpse into Elizabethans' attitudes about women's place in the world

6) An inference may be a stepping stone to a possible _________.


11) An allusion is a(n) _____________.

famous person, place, event, literary work, myth or work of art

2) If a text in a literary piece states a problem and then goes on to present a solution, then it is a(n) ____________________ text structure organizing its ideas.


5) Other names for an inference are _________ or _________.

proposal suggestion

7) The five senses sensory language appeals to are _______________, hearing, touch, _______________, and _______________.

smell sight taste sound

1) Read the following sentences and provide the best "context" answer. A) Jimmy held on to the horse's reins as the mare sauntered down the country path. B) Jimmy held on to the horse's reins as the horse galloped madly through the thicket. In which sentence, A or B, do you think the context tells you that Jimmy is holding onto the reins very tightly?


8) The character ____________________ appears in Grendel, a novel by American author John Gardner.


7) Refer to O Henry's "The Gift of the Magi" for the following question: Which of the following shows evidence that Della loves the gift Jim has presented her.

But she hugged them to her bosom, and at length she was able to look up with dim eyes and a smile and say: "My hair grows so fast, Jim!"

20) The novel East of Eden by John Steinbeck portrays a son who is wild and uncontrollable - Caleb - and another who is devout and plans a career in the church - Aron. Steinbeck is making an allusion to the Biblical tale of ________________.

Cain and Abel

10) In a popular children's film and play The Lion King the character Simba is comparable to ________________ in William Shakespeare's great play Hamlet.


13) Match the biblical allusion. _____________ represents total devotion to the welfare of others, even at his own expense.

Jesus Christ

24) Shakespeare nods to mythology in his usage of the phrase "By Jove" in his play ____________.

Love's Labours Lost

14) Match the biblical allusion. ____________ represents rebirth.


15) Match the biblical allusion. ____________ symbolizes an individual who is lost and found and is unselfish.


5) Answer True or False. Consulting primary sources will help you understand a literary work's themes more easily.


8) Refer to O Henry's "The Gift of the Magi" for the following question: Which of the following shows evidence that Jim wants to get on with everyday life and forget about the gift "problem."

"And now suppose you put the chops on."

5) Which of the following is a piece of evidence that shows Della loves what she is presenting to Jim.

"Isn't it a dandy, Jim? I hunted all over town to find it. You'll have to look at the time a hundred times a day now."

4) Which of the following gives the best evidence that Della works hard to give Jim what she thinks he wants?

"Pennies saved one and two at a time by bulldozing the grocer and the vegetable man and the butcher until one's cheeks burned with the silent imputation of parsimony that such close dealing implied."

13) In our studies, we will consider events that happen after 1900 to be __________________.


20) If you read a short story that discussed the invention of the airplane, you should consider it a clue to a _______________ context. HINT: Check on www.wikipedia.com to see when Wright brothers flew their first airplane.


8) A recent bestseller tells how Eastern Native American tribe used wampum, single beads made of quahog or Western North Atlantic clam shells, as messages or memory aids. White men used belts of wampum as a monetary unit. The theme of greed in this example has a certain ______________ context.


19) If you read a book that addressed the dating habits of the young people, you would consider that to be a clue to a _________________.

cultural context

12) The ways of living created by a group of human beings is a ______________________.


8) A conclusion is a(n) ______________________.

final decision

21) "Morning to ye, shipmates, morning: the ineffable heavens bless ye; I'm sorry I stopped ye" are clues to the _________ used in the cultural and historical/contemporary contexts.


3) Primary sources can help you relate to the characters' situations and their ________________.


6) "In organic gardening, you do not use chemical fertilizers to fertilize the soil. In conventional gardening, you can use chemical fertilizers to enrich the soil. Organic gardening yields vegetables that are healthier. Conventional gardening produces vegetables that have incorporated chemicals." The text structure in the text organizes ideas in ___________________ form.


10) "The Tragicall Historye of Romeus and Juliet," Giuletta e Romeo, and Historia Novellamente Ritrovata di Due Nobili Amanti are _____.

sources William Shakespeare might have accessed to help him write Romeo and Juliet.

17) Choose the seven clues that point to contemporary contexts.

state of art particular dates and events types of transportation famous people types of housing state of trade/business state of science

12) The characters ______________________ from William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet are modernized in the form of Tony and Maris in the play West Side Story and the film of the same name.

Romeo and Juliet

3) A statement that influences the words, sentences, or passage around it is a _____________.


16) Choose the ten clues that point to historical contexts.

housing famous people norms in trade/business art food state of science/technology language clothing transportation modes dates/events

15) Choose the seven clues that point to cultural contexts.

housing social mores language religion clothing art food

6) A(n) _________________ or drawing may also serve as a primary source.


21) The term "mythological" refers to _____.

imaginative lore of ancient cultures

10) The term "classical" refers to __________.

people, events, or literary/art works from before modern times

1) Which sentence is more interesting because it contains sensory language? A) The fastidious young man consumed his meal of chicken legs, mashed potatoes, and steamed vegetables slowly and methodically, only pausing to sip tiny sips of mineral water. B) The young man ate.


23) Match the mythological allusion. A. titanic B. do not accept gifts from an enemy C. Antigone D. Venus and Aphrodite E. Icarus F. an individual's weakness G. The Midas Touch

A. Large & Strong B. The Trojan Horse C. A tragic character overcome my fate D. Goddess of Love E. Represents overconfidence F.Achille's heel G. anyone lucky in money matters

16) Match the biblical allusion. raising Cain

causing trouble

12) The term "Biblical" refers to _______________.

characters, sayings, and stories from the Bible

14) The Italian Renaissance in its Historical Background, The Italian Renaissance, and Daily Life—the Italian Renaissance are examples of _____.

books that describe life during the Italian Renaissance

18) If you saw a movie that showed how all of the citizens of a particular society drank hot chocolate, you might believe that this is a clue to _________________.

(I got 66/100 on this question) a contemporary context a cultural context

3) Citing evidence: The theme of love permeates O. Henry's "The Gift of the Magi." Select three pieces of evidence of Jim's love for Della.

(I got a 33/100 on this question) "Don't make any mistake, Dell," he said, "about me. I don't think there's anything in the way of a haircut or a shave or a shampoo that could make me like my girl any less." "Instead of obeying, Jim tumbled down on the couch and put his hands under the back of his head and smiled." "He enfolded his Della."

11) Number the following processes you should engage in when reading literature in the order they should occur, with 1 being the first step and 3, the last.

1. Analyzing 2.Making inferences 3.Drawing a conclusion

25) Match the classical/traditional allusions. A. "To sleep, perchance to dream, For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil." B. a line that symbolizes traitorousness C. ill-fated lovers D. it's more important to have character than be well-known

A. a statement against suicide in Shakespeare's play Hamlet B. "Et tu, Brute?" C. Romeo and Juliet D. "What's in a name?"

19) Match the biblical allusion. fighting against overwhelming odds

David and Goliath

6) Refer to O Henry's "The Gift of the Magi" for the following question: Select three pieces of evidence that Della loves Jim.

She saved for weeks so that she could buy him a present. She loves the present he gave her even though she can't use it. She sold her hair to give him a Christmas present.

9) An arrangement of ideas, values, customs, views, and more is provided by ____________.

a frame of reference

3) What part of speech is the word "fastidious" in the following sentence? The fastidious young man consumed his meal of chicken legs, mashed potatoes, and steamed vegetables slowly and methodically, only pausing to sip tiny sips of mineral water.


7) "In organic gardening, you do not use chemical fertilizers to fertilize the soil. In conventional gardening, you can use chemical fertilizers to enrich the soil. Organic gardening yields vegetables that are healthier. Conventional gardening produces vegetables that have incorporated chemicals."If the text was rearranged to say "In organic gardening, you do not use chemical fertilizers to fertilize the soil. Organic gardening yield vegetables that are healthier. In conventional gardening, you can use chemical fertilizers to enrich the soil. Conventional gardening produces vegetables that have incorporated chemicals" you would have an example of a _________________________ form.


5) Certain themes can be considered to be in different _____________ of themes; for instance, memories may be good or bad.


1) A text structure that records the causes of an event and then records the event's effects is the ____________________ type.


3) You read the following: "Jamelah studied hard in high school and achieved a high-B average. She did well on her SAT test and applied for entrance into a state university. Upon acceptance, she again worked hard and was able to obtain a scholarship for her last two years of undergraduate school." You would say the text structure is ______________________.

chronological order

9) The events in The Iliad and The Odyssey appear in a text structure of _________________ in the sci-fi novels Llium and Olympos by author Dan Simmons.

chronological order

11) The _____________________ text structure in which one side is compared to another is present in both the modern film "X-Men" and The Iliad by Homer.


5) A text says, "In organic gardening, you do not use chemical fertilizers to fertilize the soil. In conventional gardening, you can use chemical fertilizers to enrich the soil. Organic gardening yields vegetables that are healthier. Conventional gardening produces vegetables that have incorporated chemicals." The text has a(n) ________________ text structure.


10) When drawing a conclusion after reading a literary work, you should _____.

consider any new evidence base it upon previous inferences

10) A biography records the life of Theodore Maiman, who demonstrated the first working laser on May 16, 1960, at the Hughes Research Laboratory in Malibu, California. The biography has a(n) ______________ context.


4) A written work's theme may be a message or __________________ about man's situation.


1) The principal subject of an author's work is the __________.


5) What part of speech is the word "consumed" in the following sentence? The fastidious young man consumed his meal of chicken legs, mashed potatoes, and steamed vegetables slowly and methodically, only pausing to sip tiny sips of mineral water.


9) The Mysteries of Love and Eloquence; or the Arts of Wooing and Complementing are _____.

ways in which Elizabethan youth courted one another

1) Order the following steps in the process of determining a literary theme, with 1 being the first step and 4, the last.

1. Read the literary work. 2.Think about what the writer was trying to say. 3.Formulate an idea about what you believe the theme to be. 4.Cite evidence that supports your idea of what the theme is.

12) When did Shakespeare write Romeo and Juliet?


11) The "Italian Renaissance Dances" is _____.

a primary source that provides music of the Italian Renaissance

9) Drawing a conclusion is _________________.

a process

8) "A Work Worth Reading" is _____.

a written work that discusses whether parents should be able to arrange marriages for their children

2) Read the following sentences and provide the best "context" answer. A) Jimmy held on to the horse's reins as the mare sauntered down the country path. B) Jimmy held on to the horse's reins as the horse galloped madly through the thicket. In which sentence, A or B, do you think the context tells you that Jimmy is holding onto the reins lightly?


2) Choose three examples of sensory language in the following sentence. The fastidious young man consumed his meal of chicken legs, mashed potatoes, and steamed vegetables slowly and methodically, only pausing to sip tiny sips of mineral water.

fastidious man chicken legs young man

12) A play that was written by playwright Arthur Miller called The Death of a Salesman tells the story of a previously successful salesman who is no longer capable of selling anything. The theme could be said to be success vs. _________.


14) Events in our studies that occur before 1900, we consider to be _______________.


4) The cultural and __________________ settings of a literary work may be made clearer to readers by the reading/viewing of primary sources.


9) A book details Dutch society's obsession with tulips that led to the formation of an economic bubble based on the value of tulip bulbs. Reaching its height in 1637, the obsession is part of the book's ______________ context.


4) After a reader encounters enough evidence, she may be ready to make _____________ or suggestions about a literary piece.


4) Writing that accurately describes an object, an event, or a process has a(n) ____________________ text structure that organizes its ideas.

(I got this wrong) illustrative

17) Match the biblical allusion. Judas signified Jesus' identity to the Romans by kissing Jesus.

kiss of death

11) If you read a play about a preadolescent girl who learns that her mother was a spy before she married her father, you could say that the theme was one of ______________ versus experience.


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