English Comp 2 Test

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MLA in text citation book

-In MLA style, do not place a comma between the name and the page number. -When no author is shown on a title page, cite the title of the article, the name of the magazine, the name of a bulletin or book, or the name of the publishing organization. You should abbreviate or use an acronym (e.g., BBC, NASA).

The Abstract ( and tense)

A quick and thorough summary of contents of your paper. MUST BE: 1. accurate- reflect purpose of paper 2. self-contained: -explains the problem and defines terminology -briefly describes both methods used and findings -gives overview of conclusions 3. Concise and Specific- range of 80-150 words 4. Non evaluative- do not appraise or assess the value of the work. 5. Coherent and readable- use active, vigorous syntax and PRESENT TENSE to describe results but PAST TENSE to describe testing procedures.


Abbreviate the author's first name with the first initial followed by a period. Invert the name of the second author and replace the word "and" with an ampersand if the source has multiple authors. For example, change: Washington, George, and John Adams. to: Washington, G., & Adams, J. 2 Place an open parenthesis after the period. Insert the year of publication and then enter a close parenthesis. Add a period. For example: Washington, G., & Adams, J. (1799). 3 Maintain the hanging indentation format that you used in MLA format. Books 1 Leave the book title italicized. Format the title in sentence case: Capitalize the first letter of the first word, the first letter of the first word after a colon or the first letter of a proper noun. For example, change: The Beginning of the American Presidency: Two Perspectives (italicized). to: The beginning of the American presidency: Two perspectives (italicized). 2 Insert a comma between the city of publication and the colon. Leave a space. Add the two-letter abbreviation for the state of publication. For example, change: Mount Vernon: to: Mount Vernon, VA: 3 Replace the comma that follows the publisher's name with a period. Remove the original date entry and the medium. For example: Washington, G., & Adams, J. (1799). The beginning of the American presidency: Two perspectives (italicized). Mount Vernon, VA: First President Press. Journals and Periodicals 1 Remove the quotation marks around the title of an article if you are citing a short work. Format the title in sentence case. For example, change: "The Recent American Presidency: Two Perspectives." to: The recent American presidency: Two perspectives. 2 Leave the title of the periodical italicized. Format the title in title case: Capitalize every word in the title that is not an article, as well as the first and last words, regardless of their usage. Insert a comma at the end of the title. For example, The Journal of Presidents in America, (italicized) 3 Italicize the volume number, if it is available. Insert parentheses around the edition number. Do not italicize the edition number. Insert a comma at the end of the volume and edition entry. For example: The Journal of Presidents in America, 44(2), (italicize "44") 4 Insert the page numbers. Use the complete page numbers. Do not use the efficient page number entry that is preferred in MLA format. For example, change 250-85 to 250-285. 5 End the citation with a period. For example: Clinton, W. J., & Bush, G. W. (2012). The recent American presidency: Two perspectives. The Journal of Presidents in America (italicized), 250-285. Webpages 1 Insert a comma between the year and the close parenthesis, if the month and day of publication are available. Enter the unabbreviated month and then enter the day. For example: (1865, April 1). 2 Remove the quotation marks around the webpage title. Format the title in sentence case. For example, change: "Being President." to: Being president. 3 Remove the website title, publisher's name, original date and access date entries. Add "Retrieved from" after the webpage title. Enter the URL. For example: Lincoln, A. (1865, April 1). Being president. Retrieved from http://www.loc.gov/chiefexecprofiles/lincoln

MLA online magazine article

Article from an Online Magazine Neustadt, Robert. "Looking Beyond the Wall: Encountering the Humanitarian Crisis of Border Politics." UTNE Reader. May/June 2013. Web. 19 June 2013.

APA in text large quote

Albert (2013) reported the following: Large quote indented 10 spaces. (pp. 314-315)

MLA editorial work cited

Crisp, David. "Wasteful College Spending Has Its Advantages." Editorial. Billings Outpost Online 14 Mar. 2013. Web. 30 Apr. 2013. Editor, Translator, Illustrator, or Compiler If the name of the editor or compiler appears on the title page of an anthology or compilation, place it first: Pollack, Harriet, ed. Eudora Welty, Whiteness, and Race. Athens: U Georgia P, 2013. Print. If your in-text citation refers to the work of the editor, illustrator, or translator (e.g., "The Ciardi edition caused debate among Dante scholars"), use this form with the original author listed after the work, preceded by the word By: Raffel, Burton, trans. Beowulf. Glendale, CA: Bibliotech, 2012. Print. Dore, Gustave, illus. Don Quixote. By Miguel Cervantes. Raleigh, NC: Lulu, 2013. Print.

Reference page for DVD or tv show

Edwards, B. (Director). (1961). Breakfast at Tiffany's [DVD]. Hollywood, CA: Paramount.

Characteristic of Reports or empirical

Empirical- 1. Introduces the problem or hypothesis investigated and explains the purpose of the work. 2. Describes the method used to conduct the research. 3. Reports the results and the basic findings. 4. Discusses, interprets, and explores the implications of the findings. You will need to work closely with your instructor to accomplish each of these stages.

MLA Journal Article work cited page

Journal Article Vrtis, Mary C. "Preventing and Responding to Acute Kidney Injury." American Journal of Nursing 113.4 (2013): 38-47. Web. 9 Nov. 2013. Sosteric, Michael. "Isolation and Connection in a Digital Village." Socjournal 1 Mar. 2013: n.pag. Web. 22 Sept. 2013.

Correct punctuation for MLA in text citation

Keep page citations outside quotation marks but inside the final period, as shown here: "The benefits of cloning far exceed any harm that might occur" (Smith 34).

Reference page part of a book

List author(s), date, chapter or section title, editor (with name in normal order) preceded by "In" and followed by "(Ed.)" or "(Eds.)," the name of the book, (italicized), page numbers to the specific section of the book cited (placed within parentheses), place of publication, and publisher. Kahlenberg, R. D. (2013). Unions and the public interest: Is collective bargaining for teachers good for students?—Pro. In N. Berlatsky (Ed.). At issue series: Are unions still relevant? (pp. 133-138). Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven.

Reference page for Journal

List author(s), year, title of the article without quotation marks and with only the first word (and any proper nouns) capitalized, name of the journal underscored or italicized and with all major words capitalized, volume number underscored or italicized, and inclusive page numbers not preceded by "p." or "pp." ex) Busby, J. W., Smith, T. G., White, K. L., & Strange, S. M. (2013). Climate change and insecurity: Mapping vulnerability in Africa. International Security, 37(4), 132-172.

Reference page for newspaper article

List author, date (year, month, and day), title of article with only first word and proper nouns capitalized, complete name of newspaper in capitals and underlined, and the section with all discontinuous page numbers. Unlike other periodicals, p. or pp. precedes page numbers for a newspaper reference in APA style. Single pages take p., while multiple pages take pp., as shown below. Few, J. (2013, April 21). New hope for foreign teachers. Savannah Morning News, pp. 1A, 6A.

MLA newspaper work cited

Newspaper Article, Column, Editorial Whitefield, Mimi. "Port Executives Say a Funding Gap for Port Upgrades Could Hurt U.S. Competitiveness." Miamiherald.com. Miami Herald, 17 Apr. 2013. Web. 17 Apr. 2013.

MLA Novel work cited

Novel Conrad, Joseph. "Chapter 1." Heart of Darkness. 1902. Web. 26 Jan. 2014.

Characteristic of Review

Review- 1. Define a problem or issue that is the subject of discussion. 2. Summarize the article(s) or book(s) under review. 3. Analyze the literature to discover strengths, weaknesses, or inconsistencies in the research. 4. Recommend additional research that might grow logically from the work under review

MLA tv show work cited

Television or Radio Program Gleiser, Marcelo. "Defining Our Place in the Universe." Morning Edition. National Public Radio, 17 Apr. 2013. Web. 24 Apr. 2013.

Reference page for book

Turney, C. (2013). 1912: The Year the World Discovered Antarctica. Berkeley, CA: Counterpoint. List the author (surname first and then initials for given names), year of publication within parentheses, title of the book italicized and with only first word of the title and any subtitle capitalized (but do capitalize proper nouns), place of publication (including state abbreviation or country name), and publisher. In the publisher's name omit the words Publishing, Company, and Inc., but otherwise give a full name: Florida State University Press; Pearson Longman; HarperCollins. List chronologically, not alphabetically, two or more works by the same author—for example, Fitzgerald's 2012 publication would precede the 2013 publication. Fitzgerald, R. A. (

Characteristic of Theoretical

Theoretical- 1. Identifies a problem or hypothesis that has historical implications in the scientific community. 2. Traces the development and history of the evolution of the theory. 3. Provides a systematic analysis of the articles that have explored the problem. 4. Arrives at a judgment and discussion of the prevailing theory.

APA- Definition of 3 types of papers

Theoretical- draws on existing research to examine topic. Reports of Empirical Study- report details of o.g. research Review- examines state of current research

MLA in text citation magazine article

Use a shorted version of the title when no author is listed: In the spring of 1862, the tranquil setting of Frances Chancellor's farmhouse seemed far removed from the horrors of war; however, the civilians' impending ordeal in the midst of violent combat was fast approaching with the arrival of the Union army. According to a recent article in Hallowed Ground magazine, "Sassing Yankees seemed good sport briefly, but gave way to deadly danger when the dusty country crossroads became the focus of operations for two mighty armies" ("Dramatic Events").

Citing work by one author of more than one book

Use lowercase letters (a, b, c) to identify two or more works published in the same year by the same author—for example, (Thompson, 2013a) and (Thompson, 2013b). Then use "2013a" and "2013b" in your References. If necessary, specify additional information: Horton (2012; cf. Thomas, 2013a, p. 89, and 2013b, p. 426) suggested an intercorrelation of these testing devices, but after multiple-group analysis, Welston (2011, esp. p. 211) reached an opposite conclusion.

indirect source MLa in text and work cited

Whether it is a natural disaster or gradual climate change, towns, cities, and communities across the nation must seek guidance and assistance for balancing the needs of the people and the preservation of the environment. According to Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy, "The EPA must help communities adapt to a changing climate." She goes on to say that the "Implementation Plans offer a roadmap for agency work to meet that responsibility." (qtd. in Kemery) On the Works Cited page, you will list Kemery's name with the information for his article, but you will not list McCarthy's name there because she is not the author of the article.

Reference page internet source

When citing electronic sources in your APA references, include the following information if available: 1. Author/editor last name, followed by a comma, the initials, and a period. 2. Year of publication, followed by a comma, then month and day for magazines and newspapers, within parentheses, followed by a period. 3. Title of the article, not within quotations and not italicized, with the first word and proper nouns capitalized. Note: This is also the place to describe the work within brackets, as with [Abstract] or [Letter to the editor]. 4. Name of the book, journal, or complete work, italicized, if one is listed. 5. Volume number, if listed, italicized. 6. Page numbers only if you have that data from a printed version of the journal or magazine. If the periodical has no volume number, use "p." or "pp." before the numbers; if the journal has a volume number, omit "p." or "pp."). 7. Give the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) if available. 8. If no DOI is available, then use the words "Retrieved from" followed by the URL. Line breaks in URLs should come before punctuation marks such as slashes. Include the date of access only for material that changes over time (e.g., Wikis).

Citing APA more than one author

When one work has two or more authors, use and in the text but use & in the citation. Werner and Throckmorton (2013) offered statistics on the toxic levels of water samples from six rivers. but It has been reported (Werner & Throckmorton, 2013) that toxic levels exceeded the maximum allowed each year since 2009. For three to five authors, name them all in the first entry (e.g., Torgerson, Andrews, Smith, Lawrence, & Dunlap, 2013), but thereafter use "et al." (e.g., Torgerson et al., 2013). For six or more authors, employ "et al."

MLa in text citation of online source

Whenever possible, identify the author of an Internet article. Usually, no page number is listed. Hershel Winthrop interprets Hawthorne's stories as the search for holiness in a corrupt Puritan society. If you can't identify an author, give the article title or website information. One website claims that any diet that avoids carbohydrates will avoid some sugars that are essential for the body ("Fad Diets").

Reference page for editor

Wolper, Allan. "Pictures of Pain: Outcry against The Journal News' Gun Map Paints Hypocritical Portrait of Media Critics." Editor & Publisher Mar. 2013: 28+. Web. 24 Oct. 2013.

Reference page for editor MLA

Wolper, Allan. "Pictures of Pain: Outcry against The Journal News' Gun Map Paints Hypocritical Portrait of Media Critics." Editor & Publisher Mar. 2013: 28+. Web. 24 Oct. 2013.

MLA work cited for books

are required; add other items according to the circumstances explained in the text that follows. 1. Author(s) 2. Chapter or part of book 3. Title of the book 4. Editor, translator, or compiler 5. Edition 6. Volume number of book 7. Place, publisher, and date 8. Page numbers 9. Number of volumes 10. Medium of publication—"Print." The following example provided shows three primary divisions of a Works Cited entry for a book, Author's Name. Title of the Book. Publication information. Allison, Dorothy. "This Is Our World." The Writer's Presence. Eds. Donald McQuade and Robert Atwan. 7th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2011. 633-41. Print.

In text citation of long quotes MLA

indenting 1 inch or 10 spaces, which is usually two clicks of the tab key. Do not enclose the indented material within quotation marks. If you quote only one paragraph or the beginning of one, do not indent the first line an extra five spaces. Maintain normal double spacing between your text and the quoted materials. Place the parenthetical citation after the final mark of punctuation. In the example below, the parenthetical citation might be a title to an Internet article rather than page numbers:

Tense for APA

present-- results past-- describe testing procedures

How to cite APA in text

• Cites last names only. • Cites the year, within parentheses, immediately after the name of the author. Include only the year in the text citation even if the reference includes a month. • Cites page numbers with a direct quotation but not with a paraphrase. • Uses "p." or "pp." before page numbers.

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