English Exam

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The Harlem Renaissance started in what decade


At what temperature does the old-timer tell the man it is dangerous to travel alone

60°F below zero

What did Dan Cody do for Gatsby

He educated gatsby about money and the people who have it

What does John do at the end of the story

He faints

Which statement most accurately describes the musician in the weary blues

He feels alone and dissatisfied

Nick, Tom and his lover and up at a party at the apartment in New York, And something happens for the second time in Nick's life. What was it

He got drunk

What does this line from the book mean? "The vitality of Gatsby's illusion and gone beyond daisy beyond everything"

He had, through his years of dreaming, made daisy larger than life

In the apartment, what did Tom do to myrtle when she mentioned Daisy's name

He hit her and broke her nose

Who is Mr. Wolfshiem

He is a racketeer and a business associate of Gatsby's. He fix the 1919 World Series

How is Gatsby introduced in the novel

He is mentioned in a conversation between Nick and Jordan. Later nick him on the lawn in the moonlight

Who is Kilpsringer

He is the border who always seems to be a Gatsby's house

What did Wilson do to myrtle and why

He locked her in her room. He suspects that she is having an affair

How do Mr. and Mrs. Mallard feel about each other

He loves her, and she loves him at times

What did Gatsby do to impress daisy

He showed her his house and his elegant clothes

What does Gatsby tell Nick about himself

He went into the military and received his education from Oxford

Why does Theodore think it is all right to forget her chores

Her novel will make money for her family

What is Gatsby's real name and where is he from

His name is Jay Gatz from North Dakota

What does the woman in the wallpaper tell you about the social context of the late 1800s

Husband's rules made some Women feel trapped

What had the green light on the dock meant to Gatsby

It stood for his vision of his future with Daisy

When the other workers move on,

Janie goes to visit Eatonville

Nanny clings to dreams of

Janie well married

Nick says the following: "he is worth the whole damn bunch put together. "Who is Nick talking about?

Jay Gatsby

What unfortunate accident happens to Theodora's novel

Kathleen Kyd's novel has the same title

The speaker in the weary blues tells about a time when he or she

Listen to someone play the piano and sing

What diminutive name does John frequently referred to the narrator as


Where did daisy meet Gatsby for the first time


Theodora hoops her novel will sell so that she can

Make money to help her family

Who said the following quote whenever you feel like criticizing anyone... Just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantage is you had"

Nick Caraway, who is repeating what his father said

At the end of the novel, what happens between Nick and Jordan Baker

Nick breaks off the relationship because she offense his moral sensibilities

The narrator throws the key from the window so that

No one can get into the room

Which of these do not represent Gatsby's wealth

Old, family money

What is Janie wearing as she walks home at the opening of the story


Which of these words describes Gatsby


Janie hints to Logan that she

Plans to leave him

What kind of dog troubles with the man

A husky

What kind of room does the narrator believe her room once was

A nursery

What are the eyes of Dr. TJ Eckleburg

An illustration on a billboard

The Harlem Renaissance is considered a rebirth or a renewed interest in something. Which of the following answers is not true regarding those renewed interest?

Art, music, sports, and theater/drama

How does John generally treat the narrator

As his daughter

Richards rushes to tell Mrs. Mallard the news because he wants to

Be the first to tell her

After Joe's death Janie

Burns her head rags

The speaker in Harlem suggests that the results of deferring a dream

Can be violent

When uncle James suggests an idea for Theodora's next book you can infer that he

Cares only for sanitation

What is the name for a newcomer in the land


Logan claims that his first wife

Chopped wood

What word does the narrator frequently use to describe the movement of the woman in the wallpaper


At the end of the story, the narrator's husband finds her

Creeping around the room

What happens when the five return home from their trip into New York city

Daisy is driving Gatsby's car and she hits myrtle Wilson but keep striving

Why do Gatsby daisy Tom Jordan and Nick drive into the city on such a hot afternoon

Daisy wants to avoid confrontation and get away from her problems

On the day after the confrontation between Tom and Gatsby in New York City what does Gatsby instruct his garden or not to do

Drain the pool

What quality do the four poems have in common

Each poem portrays the feelings and experiences of African Americans

Janie is proud that tea cake volunteers to help the Red Cross


Jody offers to escort Janie home from the store if she is scared


Motorboat sleeps out the storm at a room in Palm Beach


The judge supports sop the bottom in blaming Janie for the killing


Why couldn't get anyone to come to Gatsby's funeral

Gatsby had no close friends who really cared about him

Why did Nick Carraway go to the party at Gatsby's

Gatsby sent him a direct invitation

What does Mr. Wolfshiem tell Nick about Gatsby

Gatsby was the kind of man to take home to meet your mother and sister

After she cries, Mrs. Mallard

Goes alone to her room

What matter did Gatsby have Jordan Baker discuss with Nick

Guess we wanted Nick to arrange a luncheon meeting between himself and Daisy

Mrs. Mallard decides that love

Has less value than freedom

What is caught in the wallpapers pattern

Strangled heads

You can tell that society believes that women were fragile when Josephine

Tells the bad news in unfinished sentences

In to build a fire by Jack London what is the story setting

The Yukon

In chapter 2 in Myrtle went out with Tom and Nick, where do they go? What was at 158th St.

The apartment where Tom meets his mistress

According to the speaker in I to why will no one dare to say eat in the kitchen

The darker brother will be strong

What aspect of the African American identity does the speaker emphasize in the Negro speaks of rivers

The long history of the black race

How does the speaker compare himself or herself to rivers in the Negro speaks of rivers

The speakers soul is deep like the waters of the river

Mrs. Mallard spreads her arms out to welcome

The years ahead

Describe nicks relationship with Jordan

They are beginning to get friendly

How are Daisy and Tom alike

They are both careless and don't take responsibility for their actions

Why did Nick move to New York

To learn about the bond business

Why does Wilson believe that Gatsby killed myrtle

Tom tells him that the car is Gatsby's

How does Mrs. Mallard feel right after she accepts that she will be free


Any Tyler was deserted by her husband


Joe is horrified to learn from Janie that he is dying


Miss Turner hates tea cake because of the way he looks


Nanny slapped Janie for refusing to marry Logan


Nunkie flirts with tea cake


Phoebe boasts of being Janie's best friend


Swamp animals run from the approaching hurricane


Tea cake combs Janie's hair


Tea cake wins back all of the money that he borrowed from Janie


The fight at the café succeeds and driving Miss Turner out of town


Under her widowss veil Janie is happy to be free of Jody


What is the magazine editors attitude towards Theodora

Unconcerned about her feelings

When Dr. dace walks Theodora home from the train you can infer that he

Understands what she's feeling

What is the main characters name

We never find out

Where is Gatsby's mansion located

West egg

You can best describe the speaker in Harlem as someone who

Wonders about unrealized dreams

Janie shows tea cake how much she loves him by

Working beside him in the field

What reason does myrtle give for marrying George Wilson

She thought he was a gentleman but later she found out differently

Uncle James talks about his neighbors, Kathleen kyd, too

Show that Kyd is an ordinary person

In addition to the store, Joe wants a

Post office

The wallpaper pattern that traps the creeping woman represents the

Rules that everyone expects the narrator to follow

In order to escape the wrath of the hurricane, tea cake should have noticed certain people are leaving the area. They were


Tom's friend/mistress is described as kind of unattractive. What good quality does she have

She carries herself sensuosly

What does this excerpt tell you about the first person narrator? "I don't want to leave now until I found it out. There is a week more, and I think that will be enough."

She is obsessed with the wallpaper

On the day myrtle died what does Michaelis believe caused myrtle to run into the street

She saw the yellow car and was running to stop Tom

Why did myrtle run into the street on the day she died

She thought Tom was in the yellow car and was running to him

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