English Trimester 2 Final Exam!!!

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What are the 8 parts of speech?

Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, conjunction, interjection, and preposition

Part 3) Now that Odysseus is home, what new problem must he solve?

Now that Odysseus is home, he must solve a new problem and that 's getting rid of all the suitors that have invaded his home, taking over his kingdom, and wanting to marry his wife, Penelope. he must battle for his kingdom and defeat all of the suitors, especially Antinous, who is the meanest.

Part 1) What happens to the men who go ashore in the land of the Lotus Eaters? Why might Odysseus be opposed to the eating of the lotus?

Odysseus and his men came on the land to take on water and Odysseus sends two men and a runner to learn what race of men that land kept alive. They fell in love with the Lotus Eaters who did not hurt them or kill them. They gave them sweet Lotus but whoever eats this, will not want to go back to their homeland and stay with the Lotus Eaters. Odysseus ended up dragging them back to the ship. Odysseus was so opposed to the lotus because it makes you never want to go back to your home where your family lives.

Part 2) Describe the main events of what happened with Helios in "The Odysseus".

Odysseus and his men were soon coming up to the island of the lord of noon who was Helios. Odysseus got a warning from Circe and Tiresias that he must shun the island of the sun and Odysseus told his men that there is nothing but trouble on this island and they should avoid it. But the men did not listen and they want to make their supper on this island and then put out to sea at dawn. Sleep came upon them when they got on the island. Then a giant wind blew and they dragged their ship to cover and Odysseus told them that there are food and drink and the cattle are not for them or they will pay. The men agreed to fierce the god who savors those sheep which is Helios. But only bread and wine remained for the men to eat and when that was gone, they grew hungry. But then Eurylochus told the men to cut the cattle and the men listened to him and cut it. Odysseus was sleeping during all of this and woke up to see what the men did. Lord Helios was very angry at this and told Zeus to punish Odysseus's men.

Part 1) Why might Odysseus have commented on the Cyclopes way of life before relating his adventure on their land?

Odysseus comments on the Cyclopes way of life before relating his adventure in their land because he explains where they live which is a cave and he tells us this because that's where they meet the Cyclops, Polyphemus, in the first place. He also explains the way they act and what their personality is like. Their personality is very dumb and not so nice. Odysseus tells us this because the Cyclops uses his personality against the men and he probably wanted to set the scene before he told us this story.

Part 1) How does Odysseus make sure that the Cyclops falls into a deep sleep? Why is this an important part of his plan?

Odysseus makes sure by giving him lots of wine so he gets drunk and falls asleep. This an important part of his plan because he wants to make a stake and he doesn't want him to wake up.

Part 1) Does Odysseus meet the Cyclops before or after he lands on the island of Phaeacia? How do you know?

Odysseus meets them before because he tells the story of what he did to Polyphemus in the cave and talked about what Polyphemus is like.

Part 2) Describe the main events of what happened with Scylla and Charybdis in "The Odyssey".

Odysseus sent his men towards Scylla and they rowed straight to her and she vomited all over the salt sea tide. She swallowed the sea and the men were scared of being devoured. Then Scylla took away six of Odysseus's best men from the ship and ate them and Odysseus suffered greatly from this because he lost a big part of his crew and will not have them if he comes to another problem in the future. The Rocks were now far behind and Scylla and Charybdis dropped astern. Scylla wanted Odysseus but didn't get him because he was strong enough to stay away from Scylla and not get eaten.

Part 1) How does Odysseus trick the Cyclops into letting him and his men out of the cave?

Odysseus tricks him by telling him his name is Nobody and he tricks his brothers by Polyphemus yelling to his brothers telling them that Nobody has blinded me and that tricked them because they had no idea what he was talking about. They also dressed as sheep.

Part 3) When Odysseus finally returns to Ithaca, his kingdom, what solution will Odysseus attempt?

Odysseus will attempt to fight and kill all the suitors.

Act 1) What does Paris seek from Capulet? From his response to Paris, what do you infer about the kind of father Capulet is?

Paris wants to marry Juliet. Capulet responds by saying that he should wait 2 more summers so he can get to know her and date her. This shows that he is a very loving father and he cares a lot for his daughter and he cares about her feelings.

Part 1) Why are the Lotus Eaters a threat to the journey of Odysseus and his men?

The Lotus Eaters are a threat to Odysseus and his men because if they eat the Lotus flower, they won't want to leave the island and they lose all desire to go home.

Part 1) Describe the character of the Cyclops, using evidence from the selection in your answer. What is IRONIC about his speech in lines 363-378?

The character of the Cyclops, Polyphemus, is that he is a huge man with one eye and is not nice at all and just lives in a cave by himself and he is also the son of Poseidon. He shows that he is rude and mean because he kills some men while they are in the cave with him. As they were in the cave, Polyphemus said that Nohbody, the name Odysseus said he was , will not get out alive, I sweaer. This is ironic because the men do get out alive, including Odysseus.


The climax is the moment when the events of the plot reach an emotional high point and the action takes a new turn.

Complete predicate

The complete predicate is made up of all the words that tell what the subject is or does, including the simple predicate.

Complete subject

The complete subject is made up of the simple subject and all the words that tell about it.

Part 4) Describe the death of Antinous?

The death of Antinous was very shocking for the rest of the suitors because Antinous went to go take a drink of wine from a golden cup, but Odysseus shot an arrow which hit him right under the chin and it went straight through his throat and the arrow went so deep in his throat that all you could see were the feather from the other end of the arrow.

Part 1) Which god is angry with Odysseus? Why?

The god that is angry with Odysseus is Poseidon because Odysseus blinded his son, Polyphemus and defeated his sons.

Act 1) What does the servant of the Capulets ask Romeo to do?

The servant asks Romeo to read a piece of paper that has the names of the people who are invited to Capulet's feast. The servant couldn't read so she asked Romeo to and that's when Romeo decided to go to the party and that's the same party Juliet is going to.

Part 3) What are the suitors doing in Odysseus's home?

The suitors have eaten his food, taken over his kingdom, and they want to marry his wife, Penelope.

Act 1) What seemed to be the basis for Romeo and Juliet's attraction for each other?

Their physical attraction for one another and the way they looked.

Part 3) Why are the suitors a problem?

They are a problem because Odysseus is the king of Ithaca, and they tried to take that away from him. They went behind Odysseus's back, thinking that he was dead, and tried to steal everything that was important to him like his kingdom and his family, especially his wife, Penelope.

Part 2) Why do the sirens pose a threat to the sailors?

They pose a threat to them because the sirens are irresistible and they sing them to their death.

Part 2) What do the men promise Odysseus when they land on the island of Helios?

They promise him that they would leave at dawn and not cut the cattle.

Part 4) What evidence do the nurse and Telemachus provide to convince Penelope that the stranger is Odysseus? How does she respond?

They tell Penelope that Odysseus has returned and all the suitors are dead, but Penelope refused it to be true and that he must be a god. She said that her and Telemachus would see the dead and the strange one who killed them. She finally seen Odysseus and she tells Telemachus that she will not speak to him, but they shall know each other and they have secrets which he will know if he is the real Odysseus, her husband.

Part 2) Describe the main events of what happened with the sirens in "The Odyssey".

When Odysseus is on his ship with his men, he tells them that Circe said that whenever there are sirens over the sea, they should avoid them and she said that only Odysseus is able to listen to the sirens and Odysseus tells them to tie him up to the mast of the ship and to untie him if he asks. As they ride on, there was a strange island of sirens, so Odysseus carved a cake of beeswax and put it on his men's ears so they couldn't hear the sirens and then the men tied Odysseus up as he told them to and they continued rowing. There were 2 sirens and Odysseus craved to listen and he yelled to the men to untie him, but the men held him still and rowed on. After all that was done, Odysseus peeled off the wax off his men's ears and then his men set him free. Then the sirens came again and the men heard and it scared them. This made them lose the hold of the ship and it got lost.

Part 2) What agreement do Helios and Zeus make?

When the men cut the cattle that Helios cherished very much, he got angry and told Zeus to punish Odysseus's men and Zeus told him that he would throw down one white-hot bolt and make splinters in their ship in the sea.

Part 2) What happens to those who slaughter the cattle?

Whoever slaughters the cattle will die because Helios cherishes cattle and when they do cut the cattle, Helios prays to Poseidon telling him to punish them.

Every sentence has 2 main parts, what are they?

a subject and a predicate

Describe Odysseus in 4 words.

Strong, loving, wise, and brave

Complex sentence

A complex sentence contains one main clause and one or more subordinate clauses.

Compound sentences

A compound sentence contains two or more main clauses that are usually joined by a comma and a coordinating conjunction.

Compound-complex sentence

A compound-complex sentence has more than one main clause and one or more subordinate clauses.

Conjunction- give an example

A conjunction is a word that joins words together. Ex- and


A foil is a character who provides a strong contrast to another character.

Adjective- give an example

An adjective is a word that describes a noun. Ex- red

Adverb- give an example

An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb. Ex- quickly


An aside is a comment made by a character that is heard by the audience or another character but is not heard by the other characters onstage.

Part 1) Describe an instance of Odysseus acting against the advice of his men. In your opinion, why doesn't Odysseus listen to them?

An instance of Odysseus acting against the advice of his men was when the sinking hilltop created a wave at the ship's front end that washes the boat backwards toward the shore which is where Polyphemus was. Odysseus cupped his hands but his crew told him to not bait the beast again and to leave him alone because he was defeating them anyway. They also said to give him their bearing with your trumpeting and he'll get the range and lob a boulder. But Odysseus told them that he will smash their timbers. Odysseus doesn't listen to them because he tells Polyphemus that he, Odysseus, is the one who blinded him whose home is in Ithaca. This makes the Cyclops respond and say that he will treat him well and tell his father, Poseidon, to befriend him. Odysseus knew that Polyphemus would respect him.

Interjection- give an example

An interjection is a word that expresses emotion. Ex- wow!

Part 4) Which of the suitors does Odysseus kill first?


Part 3) What role does Athena play in reuniting Odysseus with his son, Telemachus? Give two reasons why Telemachus might have had trouble identifying his father.

Athen played a role in reuniting Odysseus with his son by turning Odysseus back into himself instead of an old man. She made his cloak pure white, his jawline clean, the knit tunic fresh around him and no longer making his beard on his chin look gray. This made Telemachus think that Odysseus was a god based on how he looked with his new clothes and that's one reason why Telemachus had trouble identifying his father. The other reason was that he thought Odysseus was an immortal.

Part 3) Who helps Odysseus to solve the problem which are the suitors, who are invading his home?

Athena helps Odysseus to solve this problem by turning him into an old man and making him look like a beggar so the suitors wouldn't see that he is Odysseus. This will help defeat the suitors and them into thinking that he is just an ordinary man. Telemachus also helped Odysseus solve this problem by helping him fight and defeat the suitors.

Part 3) Who is Athena?

Athena is Odysseus's protector.

Part 1) Summarize the events that occur after Odysseus and his men become trapped inside the Cyclops cave. What personality traits does Odysseus reveal in leading his men to safety?

Before they got trapped in the cave, they were beached on a cavern yawning above the water, protected and hidden by the trees. An enormous man lived in there and Odysseus told his men to watch over the ship. He took 12 fighters and went ahead. Odysseus had a goatskin full of sweet liquor that Maron gave him. No man would turn away when cups of this came around. That's when they went inside the cave. This shows This shows Odysseus is wise.

Part 4) How does Eurymachus attempt to avert bloodshed?How does Odysseus respond?

Eurymachus attempts to avert bloodshed by telling Odysseus that he was right and that he and the men have been very rude and he tells him that Antinous is the one who started all of this. He tells him that they will pay back all the food and drinks they ate and they cannot blame him for his anger. Odysseus responds by telling him that there will be a killing until the score is paid and they forced themselves upon his house and that they will never escape death.

Part 2) How does Eurylochus persuade Odysseus to stop at Helios?

He persuaded Odysseus to stop at the island at Helios. He did this when Odysseus tells them that they should row on and avoid this island. He persuades him by telling him that he is made of iron and he never gets tired and that all the men are exhausted and he just wants to keep rowing on. He tells Odysseus that they should do as the hour demand and go ashore to make their supper and then they can put out to sea at dawn.

Part 2) How does Odysseus help his men overcome their fear as the ship approaches Scylla and Charybdis?

He told his men that they can make it through this and they have been in danger before this and to keep their heads up. He also told them to obey all of the orders he gives them. That was all Odysseus said and that brought the crew around to action.

Act 1)Why does Benvolio want Romeo to go to the Capulet's party the most?

He wants him to go out and meet other women so he can forget about Rosaline.

Act 1) Does Benvolio's wish for Romeo to meet another woman come true? Why is this a problem?

His wish does come true because he does meet another woman when he goes to Capulet's party. This a problem because he meets Juliet and she is a Capulet and Capulets hate Montagues.

Direct Characterization

In direct characterization, direct statements are made about a character's personality.

Indirect Characterization

In indirect characterization, a character's personality is revealed through the character's words, thoughts, or actions or through those of other characters.

Part 4) In the end, hat convinces Penelope that her husband has returned?

In the end, the thing that convinces Penelope that her husband has returned was that Odysseus tells her how he built their bed. At first, Penelope told Eurycleia to make up his bed for him that Odysseus had made, but Odysseus got angry and asked who dared to move his bed and he says that their bed was their secret sign was built into that bed and he told her how he built it. When Penelope heard him say all of this, she instantly knew that he was her husband, Odysseus and she cried, her knees grew weak, and she then ran to him and kissed him. She was so grateful that he has returned after 20 years.

Act 1) How do Romeo and Juliet find out they are members of the enemy families? Who tells them?

Juliet finds out from the nurse, who tells her that Romeo is a Montague and Romeo finds out from the nurse as well by telling him that her mother is the lady of the house.

Act 1) What are Juliet's parents attitude toward her getting married? Do they have someone in mind for her? If so, who?

Juliet's mom wants her to get married right away and her dad wants her to wait for a couple more summers. They have Paris in mind to marry her.

Act 2) Why does Mercutio make fun of Romeo after they leave the party? Explain the irony in this incident.

Mercutio makes fun of Romeo after the party because he wants Romeo to come out of his hiding place so he mocks Romeo's feelings for Rosaline. This is ironic because Romeo is in love with Juliet now and Mercutio doesn't know that.

Part 3) What is "the test of the bow"?

"The test of the bow" is where the suitors have to string Odysseus's bow and has to shoot an arrow through 12 axe-helve sockets in order to get Penelope's hand in marriage.

What is a good way to find the complete subject and complete predicate in a sentence?

A good way to find them in a sentence is to find the simple subject and simple predicate first.

Main clause

A main clause is part of a sentence that can stand alone.

Noun- give an example

A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea. Ex- Macey

Preposition- give an example

A preposition is a word that shows position. Ex- on

Pronoun- give an example

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Ex- She


A pun is a humorous play on different meanings of a word or on words that sound alike but have different meanings.

Part 4) What role does Telemachus play in the fight against the suitors?

A role Telemachus plays in the fight against the suitors is that he put a dark spear in Amphinomus and helped Odysseus while fighting all of the suitors. He went and got spears and armor. He got 4 light shields, 4 pairs of spears, and 4 helms for his father and this helped Odysseus continue with the battle against the suitors. They ended up killing all of them.

Epic Simile

A simile is an expression that used the words like or as to compare 2 seemingly unlike things. An epic simile, also called a Homeric simile, extends a comparison with elaborate descriptive details that can fill several lines of verse.

What is a simple predicate?

A simple predicate is the verb or verb phrase that expresses action or being about the subject.

Simple sentence

A simple sentence contains one main clause and no subordinate clauses.

What is a simple subject?

A simple subject is the main noun or pronoun that tells what the sentence is about.


A soliloquy is a speech delivered by a character who is alone onstage.

Subordinate clause

A subordinate clause is part of a sentence that cannot stand alone.


A tragedy is a play in which a main character, called the tragic hero, suffers a downfall.

Verb- give an example

A verb is an action word. Ex- runs

Act 1) How does Benvolio propose to cure Romeo of his lovesickness? Does Romeo appear to have much experience with women ?

Benvolio tells Romeo that he should go to the Capulet's party/feast so he can go out meet new women. Romeo doesn't appear to have much experience with women because he fell in love with Juliet based o her looks.


Characterization is the method a writer uses to reveal a character's personality.

Comic relief

Comic relief occurs when a short, funny episode interrupts an otherwise serious or tragic work.

Part 3) Why does Penelope summon Odysseus? What is ironic about her interview with him? What does his restraint say about his character?

Penelope summons Odysseus because she wants to know if he has heard rumors about Odysseus and if he knows Odysseus. She also wanted to greet and question him. Her interview with Odysseus is ironic because she thinks that he's just a beggar but he's actually Odysseus. Odysseus's restraint shows that he is a protective and loving character because he wants to defeat the suitors first before he reveals his identity to Penelope. He wants to protect her and that shows a lot of Odysseus and the type of character he is to his family and the kingdom of Ithaca.


Personification is a figure of speech in which an animal, force of nature, idea, or an inanimate object is given human qualities or characteristics.

Act 2) How does Romeo find out that Juliet shares his feelings? What does Juliet seem most concerned about in the balcony scene?

Romeo finds out that Juliet shares his feelings by hearing her talk about how much she loves him on her balcony while Romeo hides in the bushes in her backyard. Juliet seems most concerned that Romeo will get killed by the nigth watchmen in the balcony scene.

Act 1) Why is Romeo depressed? How would you characterize Benvolio's attitude toward Romeo?

Romeo is depressed because he is lovesick and the girl he is in love with, Rosaline, doesn't love him back. Benvolio's attitude Romeo is very caring and supporting.

Act 1) What causes members of the Capulet and Montague households to fight in the streets of Verona? What might the quarrel reveal about Verona's society?

Sampson and Gregory, the servants of the Capulets enter a public square in Verona and they are armed with swords. Abram, a servant of the Montagues comes in and they begin to fight because they were arguing and biting their thumbs at each other. Then Benvolio comes in and tries to break up the fight, but then Tybalt comes in and fights Benvolio. This quarrel might reveal that Verona's society is all about violence and is very rude to one another.

Part 2) What danger do Scylla and Charybdis pose to Odysseus and his crew?

Scylla poses danger to him because Scylla has 6 heads and will eat them and Charybdis poses danger to them because he can create whirlpools and it will kill all of them.

Part 4) How does Penelope first react to Odysseus?

She reacts by not believing that it was him and he must be a god. She was also stunned when she seen him and she couldn't even look at him or talk to him.

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