English Vocab htmlno

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"An engine that provided medieval artillery used during sieges; a heavy war engine for hurling large stones and other missiles= arbalest, arbalist, arblast, ballista, bricole, catapult, onager, trebuchet, trebucket /&gt;~ engine<img src=""Screenshot_2016-07-31-11-59-34.jpg"" />"


"Aprilt\ Share the Word of the Day Definition noun :an antidote against poison; especially : a confection held to be effective against poison Brainstorm used to refer to temporary insanity. What changed? Examples ""What he wanted, in effect, was a universal antidote, which medical science has for years referred to as a mithridate."" — Harold L. Klawans, Newton's Madness, 1990 ""Is enough known about the mechanisms of poisoning"


"Grifter commonly refers to: A practitioner of confidence tricks; one who befriends another to take advantage of them, or gain something from them.""Grifter"" on @Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grifter?wprov=sfta1"


"Of or relating to or characteristic of Damascus or its people • damascene city gates(of metals) decorated or inlaid with a wavy pattern of different (especially precious) metals≈ fancyNoun: damascene|'da-mu,seen|A design produced by inlaying gold or silver into steel~ design, figure, patternVerb: damascene|'da-mu,seen|(handicraft) inlay metal with gold and silver~ inlayDerivedNoun: DamascusNoun: Damascene|'da-mu,seen|A native or inhabitant of Damascus~ Syrian<img src=""300px-Tourist_items,_Toledo.JPG"" />"


"The ....... is a device used to measure the speed of a golf course putting green by applying a known force to a golf ball and measuring the distance traveled in feet.<img src=""paste-6390911336449.jpg"" />"


&gt;venesection: surgical incision into a vein; used to treat hemochromatosis.Phlebotomy is the process of making an incision in a vein with a needle. The procedure itself is known as a venipuncture.r [sound:rec1471525300.mp3]


&nbsp;&nbsp; Share the Word of the Day &nbsp;Definition&nbsp;noun&nbsp;1 :a mixture of many drugs and honey formerly held to be an antidote to poison&nbsp;2 :a remedy for all ills : cure-all, panacea[sound:rec1473212456.mp3]


&nbsp;&nbsp;\SWEE-ba ck\ &nbsp;&nbsp; Share the Word of the Day &nbsp;Definition&nbsp;noun&nbsp;:a usually sweetened bread enriched with eggs that is baked and then sliced and toasted until dry and crisp&nbsp;[sound:rec1475449515.mp3]


&nbsp;‎(comparative more cucumiform, superlative most cucumiform)&nbsp;&nbsp;Shaped like a cucumber; having the form of a cylinder tapered and rounded at the ends, and possibly curved. [quotations ▼[sound:Cucumiform - definition of cucumiform by The Free Dictionaryvia torchbrowser.com.mp3]

Noun: religiosity

-tee|Exaggerated or affected piety and religious zeal= pietism, religionism, religiousism~ devoutness, religiousnessDerivedAdjective: religiose, religious


-tur|A measuring instrument for measuring variations in a magnetic field~ measuring device, measuring instrument, measuring system


/Submitnouna small wave of water; a ripple.


/nounthe systematic computational analysis of data or statistics.""content analytics is relevant in many industries""information resulting from the systematic analysis of data or statistics.""these analytics can help you decide if it's time to deliver content in different ways"""


8.mp3]member of euro mil unit composed of heavilty armer cavalarymen compel by coercion threat of crude means subjusgate by opposing tropps


<img src='Screenshot_2016-07-27-21-12-04.jpg'/>


<img src='Screenshot_2016-07-27-21-18-27.jpg'/>

Noun: heuristic|hyû'ris-tik|

A commonsense rule (or set of rules) intended to increase the probability of solving some problem= heuristic program, heuristic rule~ formula, rule⇒ lateral thinkingDerivedAdverb: heuristically


A medicated lozenge used to soothe the throat= cough drop, pastil, troche~ lozenge


A modified leaf or leaflike part just below and protecting an inflorescence~ husk⇒ bracteole, bractlet, calycle, calyculus, epicalyx, false calyx, glume, involucre, spathe

cuckquean ‎(plural cuckqueans)

A woman who has an unfaithful husband.cah uck queen1562, John Heywood, The Proverbs and Epigrams of John Heywood (A.D. 1562), Reprint edition, Spenser Society, published 1867, page 62:Ye make hir a cookqueane.1897, William Kirby, "Weird Sisters", in The Golden Dog[1] (Fiction), Repritnt edition, Echo Library, published 2009, ISBN 9781406853940, page 289:Yes, that's her name! His cuckquean she is; his wife she is not and never shall be!2007 September 13, Judith Warner, "Horned and Scorned", in New York Times[2], retrieved 2012-09-12:A formidable woman of real power and prestige, she emerged from the Monica affair much more cuckold than cuckquean. Her husband's perfidy did, in a sense, disturb the natural order of things; in the post-feminist age, ...2010, Robert K. Tanenbaum, Betrayed[3], Simon and Schuster, ISBN 9781439149232, page 4:The rumors about his serial philandering had been out there for years, but a friendly liberal press had not tried very hard to confirm the allegations, and the missus was apparently resigned to the role of a stoic cuckquean.

Noun: barnyard|'baarn,yaard|

A yard adjoining a barn • a manure-scented barnyard~ yard

Adjective: infective|in'fek-tiv|

Able to cause disease • -------- agents= morbific, pathogenetic, pathogenic≈ unhealthfulCaused by infection or capable of causing infection • a carrier remains infective without himself showing signs of the disease • viruses and other infective agents= infectious≈ infected, septicDerivedNoun: infection, infectiveness, infectivityVerb: infectSee alsohighly infective


Adjective: caprine|'ka,prIn|Being or pertaining to or resembling a goat or goats • a caprine strain of virus • a caprine voice • caprine creaturesDerivedNoun: goat[sound:rec1475612693.mp3]


Adjective:-n(u)l|Capable of being corrupted • a venal police officer= bribable, corruptible, dishonest, purchasable≈ corruptDerivedNoun: venality, venalnessAdverb: venally

Noun: swot|

An insignificant student who is ridiculed as being affected or boringly studious= dweeb, grind, nerd, wonk~ assimilator, learner, scholarVerb: swot(swotted, swotting)|swót|Usage: BritishStudy intensively, as before an exam • I had to swot on my Latin verbs before the final exam= bone, bone up, cram, drum, get up, grind away~ hit the books, studySee alsoswot up

n: e-business

Commerce conducted electronically (as on the internet)= e-commerce~ commerce, commercialism, mercantilism

journeyman noun | JER-nee-mun

Definition 1 :a worker who has learned a trade and works for another person usually by the day 2 :an experienced reliable worker, athlete, or performer especially as distinguished from one who is brilliant or colorful

dunnage (2 meanings)&nbsp;

Definition 1 :loose materials used to support and protect cargo in a ship's hold; also : padding in a shipping container 2 :baggage


Definition 1a :a V-shaped indentation b :a slit made to serve as a record c :a rounded indentation cut into the pages of a book on the edge opposite the spine 2 :a deep close pass : gap 3 :degree, step Scroll down for more about notch WORD GAMES AND QUIZZES: WEEKLY CHALLENGE


Definition1 : a pet name2 : the use of pet names[sound:rec1471796769.mp3]


Fortified by or furnished with a castle or castles. [quotations ▼]

: fructuous|frúk-choo-us|

Fruitful; productive; profitableNoun: fructuousness Adverb: fructuously

Verb: eternalize|i'tur-nu,lIz|

Make famous forever • This melody eternalized its composer= eternize, immortalize~ alter, change, modifyDerivedNoun: eternalizationAdjective: eternal


March 20\ Share the Word of the Day Definition adjective :leaving the nest soon after hatching

Adjective: jaunty at least one meaning

Marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners • a jaunty red hat= dapper, dashing, natty, pert, raffish, rakish, snappy, spiffy, spruce≈ fashionable, happening, stylishHaving a cheerful, lively, and self-confident air • a jaunty optimist • walked with a jaunty step= chipper, debonair, debonaire≈ cheerfulDerivedNoun: jaunt, jauntinessVerb: jauntAdverb: jauntily


Popularity: Bottom 10% of wordsDefinition of incidentalistplural -s: one that is more concerned with the minutiae of incident than with broad overall views or concepts

Adjective: centesimal

Relating to or divided into hundredthsThe ordinal number of one hundred in counting order= 100th, hundredth≈ ordinalDerivedNoun: hundredthAdverb: centesimall


Someone who intervenes with authorities for a person in trouble (usually using underhand or illegal methods for a fee)= influence peddler~ important person, influential person, personageA chemical compound that sets or fixes something (as a dye or a photographic image)= fixing agent~ chemical compound, compound⇒ fixative, hypo, sodium thiosulfate, sodium thiosulphateA skilled worker who mends or repairs things= mender, repairer~ skilled worker, skilled workman, trained worker⇒ darner, maintenance man, repairman, service manSynthetic narcotic drug similar to morphine but less habit-forming; used in narcotic detoxification and maintenance of heroin addiction= dolophine hydrochloride, methadon, methadone, methadone hydrochloride, synthetic heroin~ narcotic

exaaperated and its forms

Synonyms Examples Word OrigiSee more synonyms on Thesaurus.comverb (used with object), exasperated, exasperating.1.to irritate or provoke to a high degree; annoy extremely:He was exasperated by the senseless delays.2.Archaic. to increase the intensity or violence of (disease, pain, feelings, etc.).adjective3.Botany. rough; covered with hard, projecting points, as a leaf.


Synonyms and Antonyms of intended to make a person or thing seem of little importance or value Synonyms belittling, contemptuous, decrying, degrading, demeaning, derogatory, denigratory, deprecatory, depreciative, depreciatory, derisory, derogative, detractive, disdainful, disparaging, pejorative, scornful, slighting, uncomplimentary

Adverb: unitedly|yoo'nI-tid-lee|

With cooperation and interchange • we worked unitedly on the project= togetherAdjective: united


Word OriginSee more synonyms on Thesaurus.comnoun1.a thick soup or stew of vegetables or meat, often thickened with barley.2.British. hodgepodge.3.Law. a hotchpot.In civil and property law, hotchpot (sometimes referred to as hotchpotch or the hotchpotch rule) refers to the blending or combining of property in order to ensure equality of division.

pantechnicon: Dictionary.com's Word of the Day

Word of the Day - a furniture van; moving van. http://dictionary.reference.com/wordoftheday/2016/07/24 at Dictionary.com[sound:rec1472919281.mp3]


[]&nbsp;Spell &nbsp;SyllablesWord Originnoun1.the measurement of the depths of oceans, seas, or other large bodies of water.2.the data derived from such measurement, especially as compiled in a topographic map.Origin of bathymetry[sound:rec1472316067.mp3]


[n.]: One to whose decision a cause is referred; a referee


[sound:rec1472315937.mp3][an-ok-see-uh, uh-nok-]&nbsp;Spell &nbsp;SyllablesWord Originnoun1.an abnormally low amount of oxygen in the body tissues; hypoxia.2.the mental and physical disturbances that occur as a result of hypoxia.Origin of anoxiaadj anoxic


a pair of suspenders for trousers- maybe older ususuage


blast of wind with sand


bsp;Managee can be:&nbsp;&nbsp;In management, a person who is managed.


e playadjective ful·some \ˈfu̇l-səm\Popularity: Top 40% of wordsSimple Definition of fulsome&nbsp; &nbsp; : expressing something (such as praise or thanks) in a very enthusiastic or emotional waySource: Merriam-Webster's Learner's DictionaryExamples: fulsome in a sentenceEditor's note: Did You Know?Tip: Usage guide&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Full Definition of fulsome&nbsp; &nbsp; 1&nbsp; &nbsp; a : &nbsp;characterized by abundance : &nbsp;copious &lt;describes in fulsome detail — G. N. Shuster&gt; &lt;fulsome bird life. The feeder overcrowded — Maxine Kumin&gt; b : &nbsp;generous in amount, extent, or spirit &lt;the passengers were fulsome in praise of the plane's crew — Don Oliver&gt; &lt;a fulsome victory for the far left — Bruce Rothwell&gt; &lt;the greetings have been fulsome, the farewells tender — Simon Gray&gt; c : &nbsp;being full and well developed &lt;she was in generally fulsome, limpid voice — Thor Eckert, Jr.&gt;&nbsp; &nbsp; 2&nbsp; &nbsp; : &nbsp;aesthetically, morally, or generally offensive &lt;fulsome lies and nauseous flattery — William Congreve&gt; &lt;the devil take thee for a...fulsome rogue — George Villiers&gt;&nbsp; &nbsp; 3&nbsp; &nbsp; : &nbsp;exceeding the bounds of good taste : &nbsp;overdone &lt;the fulsome chromium glitter of the escalators dominating the central hall — Lewis Mumford&gt;&nbsp; &nbsp; 4&nbsp; &nbsp; : &nbsp;excessively complimentary or flattering : &nbsp;effusive &lt;an admiration whose extent I did not express, lest I be thought fulsome — A. J. Liebling&gt;fulsomely adverbfulsomeness noun&nbsp;


e&nbsp; &nbsp; to work, write, or study laboriously, especially at night.&nbsp; &nbsp; to write learnedly.[sound:rec1471903921.mp3]


e]&nbsp;Spell &nbsp;SyllablesWord Originadjective1.pertaining to or resembling a slug; sluglike.Origin of limacine[sound:rec1472316901.mp3]


el; I-le]&nbsp;Spell &nbsp;SyllablesWord OriginSee more synonyms on Thesaurus.comnoun, plural campaniles [kam-puh-nee-leez, -neelz] (Show IPA), campanili &nbsp;[kam-puh-nee-lee; Italian kahm-pah-nee-lee] (Show IPA)1.a bell tower, especially one freestanding from the body of a church.Origin of campanile


e|By touch • he perceives shapes tactually= hapticallyDerivedAdjective: tactual


fasten as rope.


food and other items served at table number of people who can seat at a table

Adverb: thenceforward

from that time on


ge: N. AmericanPertaining to or characteristic of an invitation • She gathered a list of invitational organizationsDerivedNoun: invitation

verb | GLOUR Definition :to look or stare with sullen annoyance or angerScroll down for more about glower



glue or adhesive


having many talents


ik|A painting or carving (especially an altarpiece) on two panels (usually hinged like a book)~ art, fine art[sound:rec1504183162.mp3]


in a reputable manner


izəm]NOUN&nbsp; &nbsp; extreme strictness in interpreting or enforcing a law, precept, or principle.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; (in the Roman Catholic Church) formerly, the doctrine that in doubtful cases of conscience the strict course is always to be followed.


l • she was girlishly shyDerivedAdjective: girli


lazy not active


n \ˈbōl\Popularity: Bottom 30% of wordsSimple Definition of boll&nbsp; &nbsp; : the part of the cotton plant that contains the seedsSource: Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Full Definition of boll&nbsp;


n. Excessive confidence or boldness; audacity: "No one had the temerity to question her decision


noun, pluralos.1.the part of a Muslim house or palace in which the wives and concubines are secluded; harem.2.a Turkish palace, especially of the sultan.[sound:rec1470594995.mp3]


n|An image (usually a negative image) that persists after stimulation has ceased= afterimage~ memory image⇒ aftertaste

Adjective: sanitarian

n|Of or pertaining to health, or the ws of health; sanitaryNoun: sanitarian|,sa-ni'teh-ree-un|An advocate of sanitary measures; one especially interested or versed in sanitary measures

Verb: schuss|

ort) ski downhill • The lodge hopes visitors will come to Zip, dip, flip, zag, schuss, board and ski in Michigan~ ski


p;n \ˌbri-gə-ˈdün\Popularity: Bottom 30% of wordsDefinition of Brigadoon: &nbsp;a place that is idyllic, unaffected by time, or remote from realitybrig ah dune


prow'kón-sul|An official in a modern colony who has considerable administrative power~ functionary, officialA provincial governor of consular rank in the Roman Republic and Roman Empire~ governorAn anthropoid ape of the genus Proconsul~ hominoidDerivedNoun: proconsulate, procons


psycholinguistics, the study of how humans acquire and use language.


ree|Measurement and study of the human body and its parts and capacities~ measure, measurement, measuring, mensurationDerivedAdjective: anthropometric, anthropometrical[sound:rec1471525603.mp3]


reg-nul|Of or pertaining to the reign of a monarch • regnal years /&gt;DerivedAdverb: regnally

ad hockery

reliance on temporary solutions rather than on consistent long term plansad hok uh ree


r|A tool that throws out a blast of steam ladenwith sand; used to clean or grind hardsurfaces~hand toolDerivedVerb: sandblast


r|One who uses a spear • a spearer of fishDerivedNoun: spearVerb: spear

Adjective: solstitial|

s l|Happening at a solstice; esp. (with reference to the northern hemisphere), happening at the summer solstice, or midsummerOf or pertaining to a solsticeDerivedNoun: solsticeAdverb: solstitially

Lodestar | Definition of Lodestar by Merriam-Webster

something that leads or guides groups of people of a person


s|Speak unfavourably about • She traduces her husband everywhere= badmouth, drag through the mud, malign~ asperse, besmirch, calumniate, defame, denigrate, slander, smear, smirch, sullyDerivedNoun: traducement, traducer

Adjective: ectypal

ul|Copied, reproduced as a moulding or cast, in contradistinction from the original modelDerivedNoun: ectype


ur|An instrument for measuring the dilatation or expansion of a substance, especially of a fluid


verb | GLOUR Definition :to look or stare with sullen annoyance or angerScroll down for more about glower

undock is a

word to leave dock

Noun: pillow verb or adjective forms

w|A cushion to support the head of a sleeping person~ cushion⇒ bed pillow, bolster, long pillowVerb: pillow|pi-low|Rest on or as if on a pillow • pillow your head= rest~ lay, place, pose, position, put, setDerivedAdjective: pillowy

Noun: unreasonableness

| nus|Quality or degree of not responding to reasoned argumentDerivedAdjective: unreasonable


|(especially of a title) free from any encumbrance or limitation that presents a question of fact or law • I have unmortgaged title to this property= clear≈ unencumberedDerivedAdjective: mortgaged

Adjective: calumnious

|(used of statements) harmful and often untrue; tending to discredit or malign • Which of these contains the calumnious material?= calumniatory, defamatory, denigrating, denigrative, denigratory, libellous, slanderous≈ harmfulDerivedNoun: calumny, calumniousnessAdverb: calumniously

Adverb: unpropitiously

|, n an inauspicious manner= inauspiciously◑ propiuslyDerivedAdjective: unpropitiousAdverb: propitiously

Adjective: mawkish|

|Effusively or insincerely emotional • a mawkish novel= bathetic, cheesy, cutesy, drippy, gooey, hokey, kitschy, maudlin, mushy, sappy, schmaltzy, schmalzy, sentimental, slushy, soppy, soupy≈ cornball, emotional, lovey-doveyDerivedNoun: mawkishnessAdverb: mawkishly

Adjective: trigNoun: trig

|Neat and smart in appearance • the trig corporal in his jaunty c≈ tidy

Adjective: well-spoken

|Speaking or spoken fittingly or pleasingly • a few well-spoken words on civic pride • a well-spoken gentleman≈ articulate


|Sung or played in a restless, hurried, and spasmodic manner • Agitato violin is the technique of playing restlessly and tense

Noun: sergeancy

|The office of a sergeant; sergeantshipDerivedNoun: sergeant

haying 2 meanings

|The&nbsp;harvesting&nbsp;of&nbsp;hay /&gt;~harvest,&nbsp;harvest home,&nbsp;harvesting /&gt;The&nbsp;season&nbsp;for&nbsp;cutting&nbsp;and&nbsp;drying&nbsp;andstoring&nbsp;grass&nbsp;as&nbsp;fodder=haying time&lt;~season,&nbsp;time of year&lt; /&gt;Verb:&nbsp;hay|hey|Convert&nbsp;(plant&nbsp;material)&nbsp;into&nbsp;hay&lt;~convertDerivedNoun:&nbsp;hayer


|e|Light informal conversation for social occasions= bavardage, chin wag, chin wagging, chin-wagging, chit chat, chit-chat, chitchat, gab, gabfest, gossip, small talk, tittle-tattle~ chat, confab, confabulation, natter, schmoose, schmooze

halter 2 meanings

|hol-tur|Rope&nbsp;or&nbsp;canvas&nbsp;headgear&nbsp;for a&nbsp;horse,&nbsp;with&nbsp;arope&nbsp;for&nbsp;leading=hackamore~headgearA&nbsp;rope&nbsp;that&nbsp;is&nbsp;used&nbsp;by =hangman's halter,&nbsp;hangman's rope,hemp,&nbsp;hempen necktie~ropeA&nbsp;woman's&nbsp;top&nbsp;that&nbsp;fastens&nbsp;behind&nbsp;the&nbsp;backand&nbsp;neck&nbsp;leaving&nbsp;the&nbsp;back&nbsp;and&nbsp;armsuncovered~topEither&nbsp;of the&nbsp;rudimentary&nbsp;hind&nbsp;wings&nbsp;ofdipterous&nbsp;insects;&nbsp;used&nbsp;for&nbsp;maintainingequilibrium&nbsp;during&nbsp;flight=balancer,&nbsp;haltere~wingVerb: halter|hol-tur|Hang&nbsp;with&nbsp;a&nbsp;halter~hang[2],&nbsp;string upPrevent&nbsp;the&nbsp;progress&nbsp;or&nbsp;free&nbsp;movement&nbsp;of=cramp,&nbsp;hamper,&nbsp;strangle~bound,&nbsp;confine,&nbsp;limit,&nbsp;restrain,&nbsp;restrict,throttle,&nbsp;trammel

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