ENS 434 Tophat Exam 3

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True / False: All foods prepared for human consumption are required by law to contain a nutritional food label that informs the consumer on the macronutrient and calories in the product


True / False: Spending time every day to stand in order to help you burn more calories would be considered a process goal


True / False: Customers do not care about your product/service until they recognize that it holds value or relevance to them


True / False: Reported data on physical activity (PA) levels demonstrate increased participation by U.S. adults, yet obesity levels continue to climb because the amount of calories needed to be expended through PA are insufficient to achieve 2,000 kcal per week to promote weight loss


True/False : A challenge practitioners face with clients/patients today relates to how technology keeps much of their attention, making it progressively more difficult for us to demonstrate value in what we offer


True/False: Differences between how Westerners and individuals from the Orient might view the role of physical activity and movement like walking each day between destinations is an example of a societal norm


True / False: A person moves into the blue segment of BJ Fogg's schema once the new behavior is performed without the need of an existing anchor moment


True / False: Achieving a goal of participating in a 'metabolic blast' class 4 times a week that can be quantified in order to reach my weight loss goal is defined as an performance goal


True / False: Decreasing the number of push-ups (some Mary despises) at the end of a workout after a good good session is an example of a negative reinforcement


True / False: Getting a sedentary person to stand rather than sitting while texting friends about their plans for the weekend provides an example of premacking for a healthier lifestyle


True / False: If Michael is 35 lbs. overweight, a general estimate of his additional health care costs due to this extra weight would be approximately $679 more per year than Bob's health care costs who has a healthy weight


True / False: If someone attempts a adopt a very complicated behavioral action, they will need high levels of motivation to exceed the BAT


True / False: One construct of the Fogg model is to build a new behavior off an existing anchor moment


True / False: One defining characteristic of being extrinsically motivated is the value seen by the individual in the reward or recognition offered as an outcome for performing that action


True / False: One explanation for decreased levels of physical activity in children is related to changing transportation methods for getting them to school


True / False: One idea behind establishing goals is to direct a person's attention and action to relevant and important cues


True / False: Over the past few years the total number of hours spent watching TV by adolescents has experienced a drop from approximately 32-33% between 2011 and 2013 (average for both genders) to around 24-25% in 2015 (average for both genders)


True / False: Overall impact, level of satisfaction, and learning are each considered soft data and should be monetized when demonstrating an ROI on any wellness program


True / False: Recent research has shifted the emphasis on healthy living and weight loss more towards NEAT and what we do throughout the day rather than focused upon exercise sessions


True / False: Someone who participates in a behavior primarily because they recognize the importance of the outcome and the reasons for participating in the action(s) is beginning to align with their core values is demonstrating integrated motivation


True / False: The EFI provides a benefit to practitioners by providing valuable feedback pertaining to the experiences of the program upon the participant (i.e., whether their thoughts and emotions regarding the program are tracking appropriately)


True / False: The ability to visualize success in completing a task and do it repeatedly can increase one's motor skill development


True / False: The belief a person has in possesing the right to choose (actual or even perceived) is a powerful driver of intrinsic motivation


True / False: The implementation of tactics (strategies) that help an individual make healthier meals in their own home and planning by the city to build more grocery stores and stage more farmer's market events within a local community is an example of multi-level changes


True / False: The interactive approach of providing feedback is best reserved for more experienced and competent individuals rather than novice individuals as it requires the ability to self-evaluate


True / False: When using imagery the speed in which the image is viewed in the brain and whether one sees the image in 1st or 3rd person are important considerations to effectively incorporating imagery


True / False: When working with individuals, you should initially try to emphasize experiential goals, then shift to focus on their desired outcome after a few weeks


True / False: Changing technology and use of the internet has ushered in this idea of an 'On-demand Economy' where have access to a variety of products and services at our immediate disposal


True / False: Creating a sense of team or belonging with your clients or patients (customers) is critical to move from survival to success in business


Match the following items to their best definition:

1. Being accepted into grad school -> outcome goal 2. Scoring a 950 on the GRE -> performance goal 3. Spending 2 hours each day to prepare for the GRE -> process goal

Complete the following statement: The impact of obesity to the US is split into two areas, with approximately ___% of that amount spent on workman's compensation, overtime and higher insurance premiums


Which of the following reasons listed here do you think represents the MOST significant reason for obesity in America? A. Excessive portion sizes B. High costs of gym memberships C. Lack of recreational amenities D. High cost of food

A. Excessive portion sizes

What is Mary's BMI score is she stands at 5'5" and weighs 145 lbs.? A. approx 22.0 B. approx 24.0 C. approx 26.0 D. approx 28.0

B. 24.0

Calculate Anita's NPS score given the following information. Number of clients/customer's surveyed: 50 Scores: (a) 17 = 10 points. (b) 14 = 9 points. (c) 11 = 8 points. (d) 4 = 7 points. (e) 2 = 3 points. (f) 2 = 1 point. A. 8.1 B. 8.4 C. 8.7 D. 8.9

B. 8.4

Which letter within the SMAART+ acronym addresses the need to plan some limited flexibility with coping strategies to improve adherence? A. Specific B. Adjustability C. Accountability D. Realistic

B. Adjustability

Which segment of the population is considered the most important/influential in building your business through word of mouth A. Innovators B. Early Adopters C. Early majority D. Late majority

B. Early adopters

In which stage of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs would address the desire to acquire material wealth, fame and fortune? A. Physiological B. Esteem C. Safety D. Social (belonging)

B. Esteem

What is wrong with the following scenario? James establishes and documents his own goals for starting a plan to become more active. As part of this process he commits to finding one opportunity each day to be active regardless of what it is or for how long, and has thus far he has been able to accomplish this every day for the past 2 weeks. A. He should have allowed a fitness professional to set his goals B. His goal is not sufficiently challenging to ensure continued success C. His goals should focus upon his overall outcome and not the daily activity D. he needs to progress his goal from activity to exercise

B. His goal is not sufficiently challenging to ensure continued success

Which influencer defines how the effectiveness of a consequence is reduced if the individual's appetite for that source of stimulation is satisfied? A. Immediacy B. Satiation C. Escape learning D. Non-contingent learning

B. Satiation

What hunger scale range is considered ideal to control appetite, yet respect hunger? A. b/w 6 and 8 B. b/w 4 and 6 C. b/w 1 and 3 D. b/w 3 and 5

B. b/w 4 and 6

Which term defines how information on the physiological or emotional responses to a particular situation can enhance the clarity of an image? A. symbolic learning B. response propositions C. stimulus propositions D. psychoneuromuscular learning

B. response propositions

In which phase of the Socio-ecological Model would you find the influence of family, friends and peers? A. Intrapersonal factors B. Settings C. Cultural factors D. Sectors

B. settings

Calculate the annual obesity-related cost to Company ABC who employees 200 individuals of which 30% are considered obese, each averaging 30 pounds over a healthy weight A. $18,575 per year B. $27,626 per year C. $34,902 per year D. $46,234 per year

C. $34,902 per year

Which innovation outcome is considered to be incremental? A. New offerings to new users B. New offerings to existing users C. Existing offerings to existing users D. Existing offerings to new users

C. Existing offerings to existing users

Complete the following statement: When a company releases an updated and improved version of a product or service currently in use to their current audience, this is called an ___ improvement. A. Revolutionary B. Evolutionary C. Incremental D. Progressive

C. Incremental

Which event describes the following scenario: Mike desires a cold beer after seeing a TV commercial that shows people enjoying the sun, sand and water on a tropical island with that beer. A. Unconditioned stimulus B. Conditioned stimulus C. Unconditioned response D. Conditioned response

C. Unconditioned response

Which of the following is NOT a primary marker that concerns companies when developing and implementing a corporate wellness program? A. reach B. results C. relations D. ROI

C. relations

Which of the following represents the current dietary guidelines for adult Americans? A. 40-55% total cal from carbs B. 40-60% total cal from carbs C. 45-55% total cal from carbs D. 45-65% total cal from carbs

D. 45-65% total cal from carbs

When determining the prevalence of obesity in children, which percentile ranking begins to classify a child within the obese category? A. A BMI-for-age in the 75th percentile B. A BMI-for-age in the 80th percentile C. A BMI-for-age in the 90th percentile D. A BMI-for-age in the 95th percentile

D. A BMI-for-age in the 95th percentile

Which of the following does NOT provide a possible explanation to why US healthcare costs are so high? A. defensive medicine to avoid litigation B. model that compensates for volume rather than value C. use of explorative technologies and techniques D. full transparency of information on pricing

D. full transparency of information on pricing

Which of the choices presented BEST reflects the levels of the Socio-ecological model addressed in the following scenario? A start-up company providing access to wellness by scheduling free and onsite appointments with a dietitian who is there to educate the employees on healthier eating? A. interpersonal, individual, and sectors B. societal and interpersonal C. settings, sectors and intrapersonal D. individual and settings

D. individual and settings

Using the chart provided, what is the classification for a 9-year old boy with a BMI score of 25.0? A. underweight B. healthy weight C. overweight D. obese

D. obese

Which of the following would potentially reduce the total amount of food consumed and possibly reduce caloric intake? A. eating off white or light colored plates B. drinking out of taller, thinner glasses C. drinking more clearer fluids D. reducing the size of the plates used

D. reducing the size of the plates used

True / False: A period of rapid growth, but low absorption generally occurs during the growth phase


True / False: A survey of 50 people where 39 individuals score you as a 9 or 10, 5 people score you as a 7 or 8, and 6 people score you as a 1 through 6, reflects a good NPS


True / False: Given the score you just calculated, the first thing Anita should do is thank those individuals who scored her 9's and 10's and keep them excited about her product or services


True / False: On average, individuals with BMI scores of 40.0 and above miss approximately 6 to 8 work days per year in comparison to healthy individuals who only miss 1 to 2 workdays per year


True / False: The ROI from the example provided is calculated at 86.5% or $1.87 saved for every dollar invested


True / False: The wellness program running in San Diego focused on building better health, living safely and thriving is called 'Living Better'


True / False: A successful results-orientated wellness program will not need to allocate employees who are paid to promote wellness (i.e., as part of their job responsibilities) as this type of program is easily implemented


True / False: Cognitive Dissonance explains how our appetite for a sweet item may build until we finally give in and eat it (or binge) - soon after, our desire for that same sweet item decreases


True / False: Defining characteristics of a trend is that they experience intermittent growth and usually remain niche specific (i.e., within one small region and don't spread everywhere


True / False: Dieting alone without any exercise intervention can result in weight loss, but the unfortunate reality is that 22% of what is lost in actually lean body mass


True / False: Factors such as demographics, age and education fall under the interpersonal level of the socio-ecological model


True / False: If Cassandra participates in aerobic activities at least three times per week where she accumulates 2½ hours of moderate-intensity activity in each week, then she can expect to lose weight effectively


True / False: Income and education appear to have an insignificant effect on the obesity epidemic in the U.S


True / False: Money appears to be the strongest motivator of employees within the workforce


True / False: Older adults tend to have the highest rates of obesity in among US adults in comparison to younger and middle-age adults


True / False: Someone who participates in a behavior primarily because they desire the outcome desperately, although thy are not necessarily enjoying the action(s) is demonstrating introjected motivation


True / False: The 5210 initiative for youth implies 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily, 2 hours of physical activity per day, and 1 hour or less of recreational activity per day


True / False: The emphasis should be placed on outcome goals rather than process goals when trying to increase the likelihood of success in implementing change


True / False: The implementation of tactics (strategies) that help an individual make healthier choices by reading food labels and cooking using healthy recipes is an example of a multi-level changes


True / False: The participation metric needed to generate a positive ROI occurs at 45% participation rates


True / False: The two leading factors contributing to our healthcare cost are the expenses associated with hospital care and pharmaceuticals


True / False: Tracking the amount of time spent standing each week day in order to quantify total expended calories and progress towards the overall weight loss goal is also considered a process goal


True / False: US healthcare costs, as a percentage of the nation's GDP, are aligned with those of many other industrialized nations


True / False: Verification of ideas and exploring alternative solutions should generally precede the decision-making process when finding solutions to problems


True / False: When using imagery, it is important to only include auditory, cognitive and kinesthetic input, and avoid any emotional input as it can distort the clarity of your images


True/ False: Qi Qong is a technique that incorporates super-slow movement, with eyes closed to induce a deeper sense of mindfulness as well as mental imagery to rehearse before movement


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