environmental final

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Peaking plants help in times of peak demand and are typically inexpensive to build but expensive to run.


Positive feedback loops tend to exacerbate the effects of climate change.


Producing hydrogen takes as least as much energy as you get out of it when you use it.


Reservoirs formed behind large dams are potentially major contributors to climate change, especially dams located in tropical areas such as Brazil.


Solar Thermal Power Systems can use external combustion engines to generate electricity.


Some of the largest electric power plants in the world are hydroelectric plants.


The Montreal Protocol is generally thought of as an international agreement that stopped a global environmental problem, the depletion of the ozone layer due to CFCs.


The amount of carbon in the surface layers of the ocean is comparable to what is in the atmosphere.


Which is not a type of light water nuclear reactor?

fusion reactor

What are the two types of geothermal power plants?

steam geothermal hot-water geothermal

A 1 GWE coal plant will consume many more tons of fuel compared to a 1 GWE nuclear plant.


Extreme temperature events will occur more regularly with climate change. This means hotter maximum temperatures almost everywhere on Earth.


The ozone hole, or ozone depletion in the stratosphere, is the same problem as global warming.


The theory of the greenhouse effect dates to 1972.


The theory that climate change could be caused by increased concentrations of carbon dioxide was first proposed in 1984.


There are zero negative environmental impacts of solar energy.


There is enough tidal energy to supply 100% of the worlds energy needs.


There is not enough solar energy hitting the earth to meet the current energy demands of humans.


Wind energy could meed all of the US electrical demand and would be extremely reliable with today's technology and the current grid.


Indirect forms of solar energy include:

Flowing water Moving air Biomass

Active solar domestic hot water heating systems oftentimes will have a heat exchanger.


An evacuated-tube collector is an efficient active solar heating system.


An upset in Earth's energy balance is called climate forcing.


Land use changes don't generally affect the climate.


About 30% of solar energy that hits earth is reflected back into space.


Geothermal energy is pollution free.


Hydroelectric power could solve all of the worlds energy needs.


Large scale use of wind and solar will require no upgrades to transmission lines - long distance AC lines will work fine.


Like a house, a planet's energy-loss mechanism is conduction (rather than energy loss through radiation and/or convection).


Nuclear fusion electric power plants currently provide a significant amount of carbon-free electricity.


Nuclear power plants produce no solid waste.


Sea level rise due to climate change in the recent past has been mostly caused by melting continental glaciers.


Sustainable non-fossil fuel energy sources for transportation are readily available.


The consistent electric power generated by wind turbines is easily integrated into the grid.


The dominant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is CO2.


The energy needs of a typical 300hp car could be met with solar panels on the roof of the car.


Passive solar heating systems generally have all but the following attributes?

A natural gas boiler for a hot water heating system.

Nuclear energy is which of the following:

A source of carbon-free power A potentially dangerous form of generating electricity Generates about 20% of US electricity One of the biggest sources of electricity in New Jersey

Hydrogen (H2) can be formed through electrolysis, thermal splitting or steam reforming. None of these involve the use of fossil fuels which means creation hydrogen has no environmental impact.


7% of world electricity is generated from hydropower, while 16% of electricty in the US is generated from hydropower


An example of an active solar heating system is photovoltaic solar panel.


Average deaths among miners and the general public are far higher with nuclear power compared to coal power.


Carbon capture and sequestration is a technology that is feasible with mobile sources of carbon emissions such as cars, trains, trucks and ships.


Carbon sequestration is technically viable if it ensures that 95% of carbon is retained for 500 years.


Climate change will increase the moisture content in the atmosphere and increase rainfall almost everywhere on Earth.


DC transmission has no advantages to AC transmission for very long distances.


Nuclear energy is one of only two sources of non-fossil energy that is proven to be able to make a significant contribution to world energy supply. What is the other source?


Which of the following are not advantages of alternating current (AC) as opposed to direct current (DC) for the electric power grid?

None of the above. All of the above answers are advantages of AC over DC

A climate systems response to forcing is characterized in terms of climate sensitivity.


Voltage is analogous to:

Pressure in a water system.

Which of the following is the largest source of background radiation for the average resident of the US?


A negawatt is a term used to describe energy we don't use.


What statement about the use of fuel cells and hydrogen vehicles is false?

They are highly polluting.

A better term for a geothermal heat pump is ground-sourced heat pump.


A carbon sink can continue to absorb and sequester carbon while carbon in a carbon reservoir cycles from one reservoir to another.


CO2 cycles rapidly back and forth between the atmosphere and other carbon reservoirs. A typical CO2 molecule spends about 5 years in the atmosphere. It is also true that the atmospheric lifetime of CO2 is around 1,000 years.


Carbon dioxide is the single greatest source of anthropogenic forcing.


Corn ethanol and sugarcane ethanol used as biofuels produce more volatile organic compounds than gasoline and petrodiesel.


Electricity and hydrogen (H2) are energy carriers.


Energy efficiency can be a win-win-win. Consumers, power companies, and the environment can actually save money and it can benefit everyone.


Hydroelectric plants are much more efficient than coal or natural gas power plants and can be over 90% efficient.


Infrared absorbing gasses in Earth's atmosphere such as water vapor and carbon dioxide are called greenhouse gasses.


Intermittency is a challenge with renewable energy.


Life on earth is dependent on the greenhouse effect because it keeps the planet warm, like an insulating blanket.


Methane, the principal component of natural gas, is the second largest contributor to anthropogenic forcing.


Negative feedback loops tend to reduce the magnitude of climate change.


Nitrous oxide and halocarbons such as chlorofluorocarbons are two other greenhouse gasses that contribute to anthropocentric forcing.


The atmospheres of the planets Venus, Earth and Mars vary greatly in the amount of greenhouse gasses they contain and thus help confirm what basic science explains about climate and greenhouse gasses.


The burning of fossil fuels including coal, oil, and natural gas contribute to over 75% of anthropogenic CO2 emissions.


The energy needs of a typical house (3.5kW) could be met with solar panels on the roof.


The fraction of sunlight that is reflected back into space is called albedo.


The greenhouse effect is a misnomer because greenhouse glass prevents convective heat loss while greenhouse gasses prevent heat loss through radiation.


The ice-albedo positive feedback loop explains why the arctic is warming much faster than other parts of the Earth.


The sun hits the earth with a power per unit area of 1,364 Watts per meter squared.


Tropical diseases could become more common in temperate regions with climate change.


Water vapor feedback is the most important positive feedback loop.


The main fuel used in nuclear reactors is:


Which of the following is not an example of biomass:


The three main grids in North America are called (select three below):

Western interconnection. Texas interconnection Eastern interconnection

Nuclear reactions in all operating utility-scale power plants are:

fission reactions

According to the author of our text book, there are four approaches we can take to address anthropogenic climate change. Which of the following is not one of the approaches he writes about?

mitigating carbon emissions by changes in land use that encourage sufficient carbon sequestration to offset carbon dioxide emissions

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