ENVS 101

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what is the current ecological footprint of the earths population?

1.5 earths

A fishery is considered collapsed when the annual catches fall below............ of their historic high. The stocks can no longer support the fishery.


What percentage of global fish consumption is compromised of fish rice and fish farms


excepting climate change is inevitable and adjusting as much as possible is referred to as:


an organisms habitat can be considered its __________, while it's niche can be viewed as its_________

Address; profession

there is overwhelming evidence that the PD fungus causes WNS - evidence gathered from many different aspects. therefore we can say that this explanation:

Can be considered a scientific theory

what is the clean water rule?

A recent addition to the clean water act that aims to extend the same protections to headwaters in tributaries that may affect downstream areas.


A relationship in which one organism lives on or in a host and harms it.

The Arctic ice cap reflects 90% of incoming solar radiation away from our planet and back out into space. this is known as:

albedo affect

what event occurs during coral bleaching?

alge exit the coral, leaving it weak

According to energy advisors, what produces the "greenest" kilowatt of electricity?

an "unused" kilowatt

what can trigger the process of eutrophication?

an access of nutrients discharged into the water

an essential ecological process that makes life on earth possible is called:

an ecosystem service

The form of coal with the highest energy content is:


what defines biodiversity hotspots?

areas with high numbers of endemic species and they cover a small area relative to their high biodiversity

which of the following factors has low albedo and contributes to warming?


what are some examples of green consumerism?

avoiding businesses that use greenwashing techniques, buying certified sustainably produced fair trade items, and supporting green businesses despite the increased costs

Rearing meat or dairy animals in confined spaces, maximizing the number of animals that can be grown in a small area is referred to as a __________.

concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO)

how does reducing consumption of certain goods also reduce consumers water footprint?

consumers use less water when deciding to purchase less goods

what methods can be used to manage intermittent renewable energy sources more efficiently ?

convert surplus electricity into chemical energy to store in batteries, update the power grid to better manage the fluctuating supplies of renewable energy sources, use multiple renewable energy sources at once so the strength of one offsets the weaknesses of others.

Wind turbines create electric Energy by:

converting wind, through a series of gears, to turn a generator

After capture which types of underground environments are suitable for CO2 sequestration?

deep saline formations, coal seams, and depleted oil and gas reservoirs

as a country's economy changes from preindustrial to post-industrial, low birth and death rates replace high birth and death rates. this phenomenon is known as.......

demographic transition

why is lead a dangerous toxic substance?

despite being water-soluble lead bioaccumulates and even small amounts of lead can lead to serious neurological problems.

what are some complicating factors associated with desalination treatments?

disposal of brackish wastewater, Financial and energy expenses

on the Galápagos islands, The finches that Darwin studied tended to have either small beans or large beaks. The smaller beaks are best at eating soft seeds but are ineffective at cracking large seeds. The larger beaks are best at cracking hard seeds. beaks of intermediate size are inefficient for either type of seed. which result of natural selection is at work in this example?

disruptive selection

Energy independence is the reliance on...... Energy security is the reliance on...... Energy security can hinge on......

domestic resources exclusively; affordable and reliable resources; non-domestic and domestic resources.

overfishing of upper-trophic-level Fish has led to humans seeking new species to harvest at lower trophic levels. this is called fishing......

down the food chain

identify some key reasons why so much nitrogen reaches surface waters:

drainage systems that remove water from soil, increased application of fertilizer to crops, and cultivation of crops that leak nitrogen

what were the practices that contributed to the Rapa Nui society's lack of sustainability?

drastically increased the population after settling on the island, and exhausted energy sources provided by the local ecosystem

why is electronic waste considered hazardous?

e-waste contains toxic metals such as mercury lead and chromium

A(n) ____________ for a country is the amount of land needed to provide its resources and assimilate its waste

ecological footprint

how does economic stability contribute to slowing population growth over the long term?

economic stability leads to improved access to healthcare, which results in decreased infant mortality.

what encompasses the values of the circular economic model?

environmental friendly businesses reclaim waste for energy production, producers ensure that any non-reusable waste easily assimilates back into the environment, businesses prioritizes the use of recycled or renewable resources, and product designers incorporate product waste into new product designs.

an example of primary succession is.....

establishment of new plants on a recent volcanic lava flow.

why is it impossible for scientist to acquire absolute or unquestionable proof for their explanations and conclusions?

even well substantiated series can be revised of new findings support a different conclusion.

which statement about wind turbines' threat to birds is true?

every year, domestic cats kill more birds than wind turbines

which cost factor affect unconventional oil and gas Production the most?

extraction costs

which situation best describes the "tragedy of the commons"?

herders put too many sheep in a public field because they think, "if I don't use this available resource someone else will"

out of the stationary sources of electricity which has the best energy return on energy investment?

hydro electric

renewable electricity resources in order from most used to least in the US:

hydro electric, Wind power, biomass, Solar power, geothermal

what challenges do policymakers face when trying to address environmental concerns?

incomplete scientific information, economic considerations, competing needs and expectations of stakeholders, and conflict between long-term goals and short-term interests.

why is the production of some ecosystem services considered priceless?

there currently are no substitutes for the services.

what are some challenges of restoration ecology?

loss of community relationships due to species extinction, unknown historical relationships among species in the community, disruption of ecological relationships caused by invasive species

what are factors that influence demographic growth as typical of more developed countries?

lower infant mortality, fewer pronatalist pressures, and higher crude death rates.

what is the reason that many African countries are said to have population momentum?

many African countries have a high number of young women who have not yet given birth.

unlike coal, the starting material for oil and natural gas was:

marine organisms.

more than half of the worlds fisheries are at _________ yield, The amount of fish that can be harvested without decreasing the yield in future years.

maximum sustainable

what additional factor, which is not a concern in observational studies, must scientists consider when conducting experimental studies on animal or human subjects?

scientists must consider the ethical ramifications of the study by weighing the benefits of the research against the liability of adverse effects on the subjects.

what sources of proxy data provide clues about earths past climates?

sediment layers, ice cores, tree ring analysis, and coral reef's

endemic species are _________ Susceptible to extinction due to habitat loss


The American alligator is considered a keystone species in the Everglades system because its presence leads to an increase in the:

(all of the above): availability of aquatic habitat, abundance and diversity of fish, and the abundance and diversity of wading birds.

The differences between fishing and aquaculture is/are:

(all of these answers are differences between fishing and aquaculture): Fish populations in aquaculture operations are typically more genetically uniform than wild Fish captured by fishing fleets, unlike fish harvested from the ocean aquaculture operations have historically been much smaller, The size of the catch in fishing is limited by the size of the wild population whereas in aquaculture fish production is primarily limited by the size of the area in which organisms can be grown, and unlike fishing operations aquaculture produces higher concentrations of a waste that can pollute aquatic ecosystems in which they are housed.

which of the following is a disadvantage of sustainable farming for the consumer?

(all of these answers are disadvantages): fruits and vegetables are less uniform and may contain more blemishes, The items have a shorter shelf life, and usually the items are more expensive

12% of the worlds land area is currently protected and national park and wildlife preserves whereas _________ Of the high seas is


A radioactive particles that has gone through 2 half-lives retains what percent of its parent material?


if earths population continues to grow at the current rate of 1.13% what will be the projected global human population in the year 2100?

25 billion

if current policies for World wide emissions reductions continue, what is the predicted amount of global warming over preindustrial levels by 2100?

3.6 Celsius

The US produces how much food animals each year?

9 billion

in what ways are boiling water nuclear reactors (BMR) Different from pressurized water nuclear reactors (PWR)?

A BWR uses the same water source to create heat and steam where is a PW are use a separate water sources for heating and steam. BWR makes all components of its systems radioactive unlike PWR

by 2050, an estimated 9.6 billion people live on earth. which of the following would best help to ensure sustainable food security for all humans?

A cultural shift involving a decrease in meat consumption in favor of a more plant-based diet

what occurs during a nuclear fission reaction?

A neutron strikes the nucleus of an atom breaking it into two or more smaller atoms?

what is an aquifer?

An aquifer is a body of water underground. It is an area of stored groundwater. An underground region of permeable soil or rock saturated with water

which of the following is a secondary source of information?

An article that references only peer-reviewed original research articles.

what human activity is the leading contributor to climate change?

Burning fossil fuels for electricity and transportation

what are some of the possible geological markers of the proposed Epoch, The Anthropocene?

Changes in natural drainage patterns due to urbanization and infrastructure such as buildings, highways, and dams. increased concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in soil and water due to the use of fertilizers. worldwide distribution of radioactive elements from nuclear fallout.

what notable nuclear accidents rank and highest in severity?

Fukushima and chernobyl

The ..... is the largest coral reef in the world

Great barrier reef

how can healthy riparian areas to help prevent eutrophication?

Ground vegetation slows water runoff, plants act as nutrient sinks, and plant roots stabilize the riverbank

spent fuel rods are one of the wastes associated with the production of nuclear energy. spent fuel rods are classified as _____________.

HLRW (high-level radioactive waste)

fisheries in which a catch shares system was put in place had.....

Half as many classes as the other fisheries

which of the following is an example of an external cost?

Health cost stemming from the hazardous waste produced during the making of a product

in terms of reaching earth's carrying capacity, developing countries exacerbate the problem due to their __________, while developed countries also aggravate the situation due to their ___________.

High fertility rates; overconsumption

what is the most potent greenhouse gas emitted by human activities?

Hollow carbons

what are examples of passive solar technology?

Home layout to maximize airflow, South facing windows, thermal mass building materials

The green revolution 2.0 is:

a movement that focuses on the production of genetically modified organisms to increase crop productivity or create new varieties of crops

what effect do acidic ocean waters have on shells made of calcium carbonate?

Increased dissolution (dissolving) of calcium carbonate shells.

which country has the greatest concentration of biodiversity in the world?


bleached coral hindered fish...

Learning to avoid predators

The form of coal with the lowest energy content is:


what is an example of an internal cost?

Materials, Energy, labor, plant, equipment and overheads

fracking is a method to extract _________ from deep unconventional reserves

Natural gas

The passage of the Frank R Lautenberg Chemical safety for the 21st-century act in 2016 place more emphasis on the precautionary principle when evaluating chemical products. what was the new approach?

New chemicals have to be proven safe before entering the market. every year, 10 chemicals already on the market have to be thoroughly tested. and the environmental protection agency (epa) uses risk assessments to determine how a chemical should be tested.

what are the advantages of petroleum oil?

Oil is the best for most liquid fuels, Oil is a concentrated energy source, and oil is a versatile raw material

What is the mechanics exam of community succession?

One community of species alters the environment in an area making it better suited to a new community

why are open dumps considered a human health hazard?

Open dumps can attract disease caring pests such as rodents and insects, Wind can blow trash away in open dumps polluting the environment, And open dumps contaminate surface and groundwater through leachate or flooding

The difference between point source pollution and non-point source pollution is that:

Point source pollution sources can be identified; Non-point source pollution sources are more obscure

what characteristics differentiate unconventional hydraulic fracturing wells from conventional oil wells?

Sand water and chemicals allow for further extraction, extraction depends on large fractures in the rock formation, The walls extend horizontally at the base of a vertical well shaft.

_____________ wastewater treatment is a biological process that uses micro organisms to break down organic matter.


how is bitumen extracted from Tar sand deposits?

Strip mining

which country has the most proven coal reserves?

The United States

which of the following is the biggest advantage to the United States' use of coal?

The United States has a lot of coal

identify the historical events that have contributed to human population surges:

The agricultural revolution, The industrial revolution, and the spread of industrial technologies

how do antibiotic resistant bacteria end up on meat products that consumers purchase at grocery stores?

The animals themselves have resistant bacteria in their guts and in their fecal matter which contaminate their meat when it is processed in the slaughterhouse.

what are some assumptions of Mainstream economics that are challenged by ecological economics?

The availability of resources is unlimited, economic growth continues indefinitely, and the current value of a resource is greater than its future value.

what is the enhanced greenhouse effect?

The enhanced greenhouse effect is an increase in global temperatures due to additional greenhouse gas is added to the atmosphere.

The concept of the trophic pyramid reflects:

The fact that each transfer of energy as you move up the food web results in a loss of about 90%

aquaculture can deplete lower-trophic level fish because:

The fish are caught and used to feed the farmed fish

if some members of a bird population had been able to escape Guam and colonize another island, which genetic concept would likely have happened?

The founder effect

The coordinated global effort to eliminate hunger by improving crop performances using modern agricultural technologies in developing countries is called:

The green revolution

how is climate change impacting species?

The habitat range of many species is shifting to hire latitudes or altitudes

what is the major cause of ocean acidification?

The increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels caused by human activity

what concerns about genetically modified organisms are justified based on current evidence?

The increased power of multinational corporation's over the food supply.

two isolated islands, One large and one medium size, are an equal distance from the same mainland. which island is more likely to have a high number of endemic species and why?

The large island because it has more niches to occupy in the medium Island

what is the rule of thumb that calls for leaving a safety margin when the data about a particular substance's potential for harm are uncertain, and when the substance may cause unexpected or unpredictable effects?

The precautionary principle.

zero population growth occurs when the problem reaches:

The replacement fertility rate

what industrial activity uses the most water in more developed countries?

production of electricity

which is false regarding positive feedback loops?

They always indicate a "positive" or beneficial event.

how do geothermal power plants work?

They utilize steam released from hydrothermal reservoirs to spin turbines and produce electricity.

why are healthy farm animals given antibiotics?

To prevent them from getting sick since they are in confined in highly contaminated areas

The average number of children that a woman has of her lifetime is called the:

Total fertility rate (TFR)

isotopes are Atoms that have the same number of ______________ but a different number of ________________.

protons; neutrons

Food miles are the distance that food travels from the source to you


including both internal and external costs when setting a price for a good or service is an example of __________ cost.


what are some ways that climate change is making agriculture more difficult worldwide?

Widespread flooding and increase drops are destroying crops and diminishing yields, New climatic conditions affect temperature extremes in the length of the growing season

if true cost pricing is applied which is the least expensive energy source?

Wind energy

which renewable resource does the United States energy information administration predict will increase the most by 2040?

Wind power

which renewable energy options are forms of direct or indirect solar energy?

Wind power, biomass energy, and solar power

In mutualism, one organism is ________________ and the other organism is ________________.

benefited; benefited

in predation, One organism is______________, while the other is _____________

benefited; harmed

In Commensalism, One organism is ___________ and the other organism is ___________

benefited; neither benefited nor harmed

what is the difference between bioaccumulation and biomagnification?

bioaccumulation is the buildup of substances within one organism, while biomagnification involves these substances moving up the food chain as one organism eats another.

which choice represents the correct hierarchy of organization from largest to smallest?

biosphere, biome, ecosystem, community, population, individual

if the global community elected to transition to a low meat diet the expense of climate change mitigation could be reduced by how much?

by50% by 2050

non-target species that become trapped in fishing nets and are usually discarded are known as.......


in what ways can sustainable agriculture help developing nations?

can minimize the need for water, local food production increases food security, many sustainable methods are less expensive.

aside from increasing rice yields by up to 50% how does the duck rice farm method provide financial gains?

can plant fig trees along the edges, can provide duck meat and eggs, and can provide fish for food or sale.

what cycles does deforestation interrupt?

carbon cycle

what cycles does fossil fuel combustion interrupt?

carbon cycle and nitrogen cycle

The biggest contributor to global warming is:

carbon dioxide released from burning fossil fuels.

A management system, known as ——-, allows fisherman or fishing cooperatives to keep a percentage of the total catch.

catch shares

what are forces that can represent pronatalist pressures?

childhood mortality, culture and religion, and need for labor

A shift of only a few degrees Fahrenheit in the average global temperature will likely result in more frequent and extreme heat waves. which of the following best describes this phenomenon?

climate change

what is the most common method worldwide for producing electricity?

coal power plants

why does salt water intrusion occur?

coastal aquifers are depleted of freshwater and saltwater can then flow in and contaminate the aquifer

ecosystem services are essential services that nature provides. Place ecosystem services from most economically valuable to least economically valuable according to Robert Costanzas estimates:

food production, habitat, genetic resources, recreation, Air quality, water supplies, soil formation, pest control, and aesthetic spiritual and educational values

what types of energy sources can be used to directly power vehicles?

fossil fuel oil, compressed natural gas, and renewable biomass

______________ is the heritable variation among individuals of a single population or within the species as a whole.

genetic diversity

why do scientist suggest that we have entered the Anthropocene, a new geologic time interval?

geological evidence from humans is a accumulating and will be found after we are gone

what are the freshwater sources on earth from the greatest to the least available amount?

glaciers and ice caps, groundwater, Lakes, soil moisture, atmosphere, rivers, living organisms

what are some causes of food insecurity?

governmental corruption, widespread poverty, and prolonged war or crisis

what is the largest human-caused threat to biodiversity?

habitat destruction

a road that cuts through a forest is an example of:

habitat fragmentation

natural gas is seen as a bridge fuel to transition from oil to more sustainable options, since it:

has a lower carbon footprint

which damaging substances are released when coal is burned?

heavy metals such as mercury and arsenic, particulate matter such as soot, gases such as sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide, and radioactive elements such as uranium and thorium.

which of the following is true regarding the greenhouse effect?

increased levels of human-produced carbon dioxide have enhanced greenhouse effect.

natural selection acts on ___________ while ___________ evolve

individuals, populations

by planting corn one year and beans the next on a given plot of land, or by planting alfalfa as a cover crop during the off-season, A farmer reduces the need for ___________ because beans and alfalfa fix nitrogen in the soil.

inorganic fertilizers

what is the meaning of Ecocentric?

intrinsic value of valuing nature, The entire environment and all life and not just the parts that are useful to humans. prioritizing ecosystem basically.

what were the major implications of the US nuclear waste policy act?

it designated the federal department of energy as responsible for nuclear waste disposa, establish guidelines for the research and development of permanent repositories, it identify deep underground storage is the best way to dispose of high-level radioactive waste.

how is the green revolution 2.0 different from the first green revolution?

it focuses on genetically modified organisms to increase crop productivity

what does it mean when environmental issue is a wicked problem?

it involves trade-offs that not everyone will be happy with.

according to findings from the census of marine life.....

it is estimated that 90% of large predatory fish such as tuna billfish and swordfish have disappeared

If a species is extirpated, this means that__________

it is extinct in one ecosystem but still exist in others

what trend has been observed at the great barrier reef?

it is losing an increasing amount of its outer layer

One advantage and burning natural gas instead of oil for fuel is:

it produces lower amounts of CO2 and other pollutants

what are riparian areas?

land area close enough to water to be affected by it

what are the specific disadvantages of Hydro power?

large dams permanently damage habitats and communities, production capacity can vary depending on rainfall patterns, and huge amounts of water evaporate from reservoirs in hot climates.

what are the reasons that human ecosystems create environmental problems that are difficult to solve?

largely unchecked population growth, produce large amounts of toxic waste, and have a heavy reliance on nonrenewable resources

unconventional reserves of oil or natural gas.........

may be recoverable with alternative techniques

regions of the world from the most to least amount of proven oil reserves?

middle east, Central and south America, North America, Africa, Eurasia, Asia and Oceania

what is the primary advantage of geothermal electricity production over wind and solar power?

more dependable

What is a pro of high-yield varieties of crops introduced globally during the Green Revolution?

more grain produced

what regions on earth face economic water scarcity?

most of sub-Saharan Africa, parts of Peru and Bolivia, Parts of India and south east Asia

what are some advantages of mountaintop removal compared to subsurface mining?

mountaintop removal is less dangerous for miners, coal companies pay less in wages because they need fewer miners, and minors are able to access thinner coal seams

What is the difference between natural capital and natural interest?

natural capital stuff such as brackish wetlands hardwood forest and oceans; natural interest is stuff such as Forest Growth fish stock growth and soil regeneration.

One major problem with human stress on ecosystems is that:

natural selection cannot keep up with the constant human-caused threats

what is the meaning of biocentric?

nature has intrinsic value, all animal lives are inherently valuable.

The specific role a species plays in its community is it's?


what cycles does over fertilization interrupt?

nitrogen and phosphorus cycles

The difference between a marine protected area and a marine reserve is.......

no fishing is allowed in a marine reserve

_____________________ is a nuclear reaction that occurs when a neutron strikes the nucleus of an atom and brakes it into two or more parts.

nuclear fission

Arrange the regions in order from the lowest percentage of the worlds population to the highest percentage:

oceania, North America, Central and south America, Europe, Africa, Asia.

__________ is farming without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemical additives

organic agriculture

call is a solid fossil fuel formed when plant material is buried in _____________ Conditions and subjected to _______________ over a long time.

oxygen-poor; High heat and pressure

most abundant to least abundant municipal solid waste in the United States:

paper - rubber leather textiles and other goods - food - Yard trimmings - plastic - Metal - Glass

The causes of pollution from most common to least common according to data from 2012

pathogens, nitrogen and phosphorus, dissolved metals excluding mercury, hypoxia, PCBs, sedimentation, PH changes, Mercury, pesticides

what cycles does mining interrupt?

phosphorus cycle

which of the following is not an example of passive solar technology?

photovoltaic cells

what is the starting material for coal?


how can watershed management affect groundwater aquifers?

polluted water contaminants shallow aquifers such as nitrogen from fertilizers, deforestation and draining of wetlands decrease water infiltration into the ground, ground water quantity is reduced by runoff on pavement and other hard surfaces

what factors do scientist look for when conducting a biological assessment of a body of water?

pollution sensitive organisms, High biodiversity, and abundant aquatic life

what three factors are multiplied in the IPAT model to gauge a population's ecological footprint?

population, Affluence, and technology

The EROEI (Energy return on energy investment) must be __________ for any fuel to be worth harvesting.


what are some ways to reduce flooding in urban and suburban areas?

rain gardens and permeable pavement

Why might control drainage increase the end of season yield?

reduced nutrient loss to runoff and increased water infiltration

besides infiltration how does stormwater runoff management benefit urban and suburban communities?

reduces flooding in flash flooding

what is the meaning of anthropocentric?

regarding human kind as the central or most important element of existence, viewing nature as important only in regards to human life

___________________ Energy is replenished over short time scales or is perpetually available


what factors will in a valuator consider when calculating the ecological footprint of a human population?

resource consumption, waste generation and disposal, and physical land requirements

what are control rods and how do they work?

rods made from materials that absorb neutrons such as boron or graphite are placed between the fuel rods in order to control the speed of the reaction.

what are factors that speed up the composting process?

rotating often to provide oxygen to micro organisms, Adding an earth worms to decompose plant matter, and using a Municipal composter with large specialized digesters

what is an example of non-point source pollution?

runoff water from lawns

what process allows for primary production of oil from a well?

significant pressure on the oil from millions of tons of rocks pressing down and earths heat

which factors make up the triple bottom line?

social, economic, and environmental factors

what characteristics affect the resilience of an ecological community?

species richness, species evenness, in species diversity.

which type of natural selection would favor the norm of a population and select against extremes?

stabilizing selection

what are some advantages of subsurface mining compared to surface mining?

subsurface mining has less impact on the surrounding landscape and offers more employment opportunities

in the carbon cycle, photosynthetic organisms use carbon dioxide to produce ........

sugar molecules

which of the following lists the path of water correctly?

surface -> soil -> water table -> aquifer

which type of source is most likely to perpetuate errors that have previously appeared?


A watershed is:

the area of land from which rainfall drains into rivers or lakes. an area of land rain and other sources of water flow to drain into a body of water.


the struggle between organisms to survive in a habitat with limited resources

what ecological functions do the artificial streams like to compare to Natural streams?

they do not process contaminants out of water, do not support the same aquatic life, and do not hold water on the same seasonal cycle.

what is the main goal of integrated pest management?

to control pests while minimizing or illuminating the use of chemical toxins

why are most antibiotics fed to healthy animals?

to promote growth and to prevent production diseases.

what is the over arching purpose of the United Nations sustainable development goals?

to protect the planet while also ensuring health and prosperity for all people.

sources of domestic water consumption from the source of greatest consumption to least consumption:

toilets, laundry, showers, faucets, leaks, other tasks, dishwashers

The zone of ___________ is the portion of an environment gradient within which the species survives, grow, and reproduces the best.


A(n)_________ organism is one that contains genes from another species


why are endemic species especially vulnerable to extinction when invasive species are introduced to their ecosystem?

typically isolated, if they have not called evolved with a particular species they may not have the traits needed to coexist with it

Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) are best suited in _______.

urban centers of wealthy countries as locations close to larger markets could help make RAS operations more likely to be economically viable

what are the characteristics of sustainable development?

uses local and abundant resources whenever possible, does not compromise the needs of future generations, and meets the needs of the current society.

not having access to enough clean water supplies is known as:

water scarcity

in order to improve the habitat and stop the hindered learning in the coral reef Fish what must occur?

we must reduce carbon dioxide omissions and stop polluting our waterways

what are three distinct advantages of Keralan culture that helped spread education and healthcare?

wealth and status were passed down to daughters rather than sons, The state had an above average concentration of missionary schools catering to people of all faiths, and there was no real divide between urban and rural populations in access to public services.

The actual temperature on any given day is the _______________, while the range of expected values, based on location and time of the year, is the ______________.

weather, climate

what is hypoxia?

where there is not enough dissolved oxygen in the water to support local organisms.

how does the number of biomes change based on temperature and precipitation?

with higher temperature and precipitation there more biomes

let's say that you are going to test whether exposure to the PD fungus causes WNS in bats. why is it necessary to have a control group in this experimental study?

you need to determine how many bats without exposure to PD show WNS symptoms.

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