EPA Study Guide

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As of 2017, How much can a technician be fined for violating the Clean Air Act, including knowingly releasing non-exempt refrigerant into the atmosphere? a. $10,000 per day per violation b. $17,531 per day per violation c. $27,500 per day per violation d. $44,539 per day per violation

$44,539 per day per violation

Before making a major repair, technicians must evacuate an appliance or component containing more than 200 pounds of R-410A to which of the following levels? a. 0 psig b. 25 mm Hg absolute c. 10 inches of Hg vacuum d. 15 inches of Hg vacuum

10 inches of Hg vacuum

What is the maximum normal charge of HCFC or HFC refrigerant in an appliance that is allowed to use system dependent recovery equipment? a. 5 pounds b. 10 pounds c. 15 pounds d. 50 pounds

15 pounds

System-dependent devices may only be used on appliances containing; a. 20 pounds of refrigerant or less b. 18 pounds of refrigerant or less c. 15 pounds of refrigerant or less d. more than 15 pounds of refrigerant

15 pounds of refrigerant or less

A rupture disk on a recovery vessel for low-pressure refrigerants relieves at; a. 5 psig b. 10 psig c. 15 psig d. 20 psig

15 psig

What is the typical design burst pressure of a rupture disk on a low-pressure centrifugal air-conditioning system? a. 5 psig b. 10 psig c. 15 psig d. 20 psig

15 psig

According to ASHRAE Guideline 3, the system should be checked for leaks if during a standing vacuum test the pressure in a system rises from 1 mm Hg to a level above; a. 1.5 mm Hg b. 2.0 mm Hg c. 2.5 mm Hg d. 3.0 mm Hg

2.5 mm Hg

To prevent freezing, when purging an evacuated water-cooled chiller system with R-123, at what pressure or vacuum can liquid charging first begin? a.500 microns b. 50 microns c. 20 in Hg vacuum d. 20 psig

20 in Hg vacuum

Identify the pressure corresponding to 32°F for R-123. a. 23 inches of Hg vacuum b. 20 inches of Hg vacuum c. 14 inches of Hg vacuum d. 11 inches of Hg vacuum

20 inches of Hg vacuum

Starting in 2019, what is the leak rate threshold for commercial refrigeration equipment with a full charge of 50 or more pounds of an HCFC refrigerant? a. 30% b. 20% c. 10% d. 5%


How long must a technician evacuating refrigerant from appliances with a full charge of more than 5 pounds and less than 50 pounds that are being disposed of keep records of the event? a. 1 year b. 3 years c. 5 years d. 10 years

3 years

Unless plans are made to replace a system exceeding the maximum leak, repairs must be made in; a. 30 days b. 45 days c. 60 days d. 90 days

30 days

EPA regulations require that all Commercial and Industrial Process Refrigeration containing more then 50 lbs. of refrigerant MUST be repaired when the annual leak rate exceeds; a. 15% b. 30% c. 35% d. 80%


Starting in 2019, what is the leak rate threshold for industrial process refrigeration equipment with a full charge of 50 or more pounds of an HCFC refrigerant? a. 5% b. 10% c. 20% d. 30%


If a high pressure appliance containing 210 lbs. of R-22 refrigerant Recovery and/or Recycling equipment manufactured before November 15. 1993 must be evacuated to a level of; a. 15 inches of vacuum b. 10 inches of vacuum c. 4 inches of vacuum d. 0 inches of vacuum

4 inches of vacuum

R-123 at a pressure of 18.1 inches Hg vacuum has a saturation temperature of: a. 28° F b. 32° F c. 36° F d. 40° F

40° F

What is the maximum allowable factory charge of refrigerant for Type I appliances using CFCS, HCFCS, or HFCs? a. 3 pounds b. 5 pounds c. 10 pounds d. 15 pounds

5 pounds

When dehydrating a system it should be evacuated to a level of; a. 30 inches of mercury b. 25,000 microns c. 500 microns d. EPA does not have a requirement

500 microns

For which of the following refrigeration systems/appliances would it be permissible to use a passive recovery device for recovery of CFCs, HCFCs, or HFCs? a. A centrifugal air conditioner b. A reciprocating liquid chiller c. A single compressor, large commercial walk-in freezer d. A domestic refrigerator

A domestic refrigerator

Recovered refrigerant may contain which of the following impurities? a. Ammonia, carbon dioxide, and methyl chloride b. Sodium chloride, potassium nitrate, and silicone oil c. Sulphur dioxide and methane d. Acids, moisture, and oil

Acids, moisture, and oil

What type of appliances are technicians certified to charge and open after passing the Type 1 examination? a. Appliances containing 5 pounds or less of refrigerant that have been hermetically sealed and charged st the factory b. split systems containing 5 pounds or less or less of refrigerant that have been hermetically sealed and charged st the factory c. appliances containing 5 pounds or less of refrigerant that have an open drive compressor and have been charged at the factory d. motor vehicle air-conditioning equipment

Appliances containing 5 pounds or less of refrigerant that have been hermetically sealed and charged st the factory

When pressurizing a system with nitrogen you should; a. never exceed 3.5 times the high side rating b. charge through a pressure regulator c. place a relief valve in the downstream line from the pressure regulator d. Both B and C

Both B and C

Which type of refrigerant is the most harmful to the stratospheric ozone? a. CFCs b. HCFCs c. HFCs d. HFOS


System-dependent or passive recovery equipment; a. Captures refrigerant into a non-pressurized container with assistance of the appliance compressor b. captures refrigerant into large containers only c. always uses a vacuum pump d. a vacuum pump cannot be used in conjunction with non-pressurized containers

Captures refrigerant into a non-pressurized container with assistance of the appliance compressor

Which refrigerant can be purchased by someone who is NOT a Section 608 certified technician? a. Carbon Dioxide refrigerant b. Hydrofluorocarbon refrigerants c. Hydrofluoroolefin refrigerants d. Hydrochlorofluorocarbon refrigerants

Carbon Dioxide refrigerant

EPA regulations state that maintenance, service or repair involving the removal of the following component is a "major repair"? a. Pressure switch b. Compressor c. Liquid line drier d. Evaporator fan motor


What is the result of raising the temperature of the room in which a low pressure chiller is located? a. Lower pressure in the chiller b. Faster refrigerant recovery c. Delayed recovery d. Reduced oil flow

Delayed recovery

Where is the rupture disc located on a centrifugal chiller? a. Condenser b. Evaporator c. Liquid line d. Economizer


Which of the following refrigerants is considered a high or very high pressure refrigerant? a. CFC-11 b. HFC-R22 c. HCFC-123 d. All CFCs


Which type of refrigerant typically has the lowest global warming potential? a. HCFCs b. HFOs c. HFCS d. All are equal


Non-condesables will cause; a. Low superheat b. Low discharge pressure c. High superheat d. High discharge pressure

High discharge pressure

Which of the following statements about R-1233zd is FALSE? a. It is a SNAP approved replacement for low-pressure centrifugal compressor systems. b. It is being considered for applications where R123 might have ben used c. It is suitable for air conditioning applications where cooling water is used (larger applications) d. It is mildly flammable.

It is mildly flammable.

When can appliances containing refrigerants be recovered to atmospheric pressure? a. For major repair such as replacing the compressor, condenser, or evaporator. b. The repair is followed by an evacuation of the appliance to the environment. c. Leaks in the appliance make recovery to the prescribed level unattainable. d. The appliance is being disposed of and recycled.

Leaks in the appliance make recovery to the prescribed level unattainable.

Why should the oil be removed from a low-pressure system at 130°F? a. 130°F is the normal operating temperature for oil in a low-pressure system. b. Less refrigerant will be contained in the oil at the higher temperature, c. Warmer oil has a lower viscosity and flows more easily. d. It shows that the heater is working.

Less refrigerant will be contained in the oil at the higher temperature

What is the primary source for a water cooled recovery unit condensing coil? a. Willed water from the evaporator b. Condensing water c. Local municipal water supply d. Deionized water

Local municipal water supply

A crankcase heater is often used to prevent refrigerant from migrating to the oil during periods of; a. Low ambient temperature b. High ambient temperature c. Low humidity d. High humidity

Low ambient temperature

What is a deep vacuum usually measured in? a. Psig b. Psia c. Inches of Hg d. Microns


After the refrigerant has been recovered, which of the following can be used to flush the system? a. R-22 b. Compressed Air C. Nitrogen d. Water


What can ester based oils be mixed with? a. Pag oils b. Paraffinic mineral oils c. Alkyl-benzene oils d. No other oils

No other oils

It has been a violation of EPA Section 608 regulations to vent HFC's since; a. July 1, 1992 b. May 1, 1993 c. November 14, 1994 d. November 15, 1995

November 15, 1995

How many different refrigerants may be recovered into the same cylinder? a. Only one b. Only two c. Any number as long as all are CFC's. d. Depends on the reclaim company.

Only one

Which type of lubricants are HFO refrigerants miscible in? a. AB lubricants b. POE lubricants c. Mineral oils d. All refrigerant lubricants

POE lubricants

All Refrigeration & HVAC systems are protected by a; a. Low pressure switch b. High pressure switch c. Compressor impedance overload d. Pressure relief valve

Pressure relief valve

What should systems that use R-407C be leak checked with? a. Any available CFC. b. Any available HCFC. c. Pressurize nitrogen and a trace amount of R-407C. d. Pressurize nitrogen and trace amount of R-22.

Pressurize nitrogen and trace amount of R-22.

Which of the following statements is true? a. There is no difference between refrigerant grade hydrocarbon refrigerant and propane for grills. b. Propane cylinders for grilling contain impurities that can damage refrigeration equipment. c. Refrigerant-grade hydrocarbon refrigerant is of lower quality that consumer propane cylinders. d. Hydrocarbon refrigerants can be used as a retrofit refrigerant.

Propane cylinders for grilling contain impurities that can damage refrigeration equipment.

Which of the following refrigerants is an HFO? a. R-1234yf b. R-123 c. R-134a d. All three are HFOS


Which of the following refrigerants is an HCFC? a. R-22 b. R-134a c. R-1234YF d. R-410a


Clean refrigerant for reuse by separating the oil from the refrigerant and removing moisture from the refrigerant by passing through one or more filter driers, is the definition of, a. recover b. reclaim c. Reuse d. Recycle


Manufacturers often color code the exterior of gauges. What color is the high pressure gauge on a typical gauge manifold set? a. Green b. Yellow c. Blue d. Red


For an appliance that uses a CFC, HCFC, or HFC refrigerant, which of the following violates the prohibition on venting? a. Accidental releases associated with timely repair of an appliance. b. Refrigerants emitted when cutting a line without properly evacuating the appliance. c. Refrigerants emitted in a catastrophic failure of an appliance. d. Refrigerants emitted when connecting or disconnecting low loss hoses to charge or service an appliance.

Refrigerants emitted when cutting a line without properly evacuating the appliance.

What can be done with the refrigerant trace gas and nitrogen after the leak is found? a. Recover the mixture b. Recover in a special recovery tank c. Recycle the refrigerant back into the system d. Release to the atmosphere.

Release to the atmosphere.

In which of the following can refrigerant be vented? a. Releasing R410a from a household refrigerators. b. Releasing mixed refrigerant from a recovery cylinder. c. Releasing isobutane from a household freezer. d. releasing R-22 from appliances with a charge of less than 5 pounds.

Releasing isobutane from a household freezer.

When corrosion is found within the body of a relief valve, the valve must be: a. Repaired b. Reconditioned c. Cleaned d. Replaced


Which of the following actions would always be considered "major" under EPA's regulations? a. Replacement of the evaporator coil b. replacement of a filter-drier c. Replacement of a switch d. Replacement of a purge unit

Replacement of the evaporator coil

Which of the following repairs would always be considered "major" under EPA's regulations? a. Replacement of the evaporator coil. b. Replacement of the filter-drier. c. Replacement of a Schrader valve core. d. Replacement of a condenser fan motor.

Replacement of the evaporator coil.

Which of the following always falls under the EPA definition for "major maintenance, service, or repair?" a. Replacing an oil filter b. Replacing an expansion valve c. Replacing a compressor d. Replacing an accumulator

Replacing a compressor

What should the technician review when working with any solvents, chemicals, or refrigerants? a. Moisture solubility data sheet (MSDS) b. Chemical compound reference sheets (CCRS) c. Safety data sheets (SDS) d. Chemical composition reference sheets (CCRS)

Safety data sheets (SDS)

Which component is particularly susceptible to leaks in low-pressure refrigeration with open drive type compressors? a. Chiller tubes b. Shaft seals c. Charging connections d.Shaft bearings

Shaft seals

Which of the following gasses help form the earth's protective shield? a. Methane b. Radon C. Stratospheric Ozone d. Carbon Dioxide

Stratospheric Ozone

Recovery equipment that relies on the compressor in the appliance and/or the pressure of the refrigerant in the appliance would be considered: a. System-dependant b. Self-contained c. A packaged terminal unit d. Self-sufficient


Continuous excessive moisture collection in the purge unit of a low-pressure refrigeration system could indicate what condition? a. The system was charged with contaminated refrigerant. b. The condenser or chiller barrel tubes are leaking. c. The purge unit is not operating properly d. The purge adjustment is not set properly.

The condenser or chiller barrel tubes are leaking.

What should be on and what should be off during vapor removal from a low-pressure refrigeration system? a.The system water should be on and the recovery compressor should be off. b. The system water pumps and recovery compressor should be on, and the recovery condenser water should be off. c. The system water pumps, recovery compressor, and recovery condenser water should all be on. d. The system water pumps should be off, and the recovery compressor should be on.

The system water pumps, recovery compressor, and recovery condenser water should all be on.

Refrigerants CFC R-12, HCFC R-22, and HFC R-134a are all classified as; a. Type B-1 b. Type B-2 c. Type A-1 d. Type A-2

Type A-1

To determine if the system is leaking more that the allowable rate, the EPA allows the use of the following methods to determine full charge? a. Use of the calculations based on power consumption, in kWh. b. Use of the calculations based on compressor horsepower. c. Use of calculations based on component and pipe sizes. d. Use of the calculations based on the BTU capacity of the system.

Use of calculations based on component and pipe sizes.

What should be done after reaching the required recovery vacuum on an appliance? a. immediately disconnect the recycling or recovery equipment, and open the system open the system for service. b. Wait for at least a few minutes to see if the systems pressure rises, c. Break the vacuum with nitrogen and d. Pressurize the system with nitrogen and perform a leak check

Wait for at least a few minutes to see if the systems pressure rises

Which of the following methods can be used to pressurize an R-1233zd system for the purpose of opening the system for non-major repair? a. Adding nitrogen to the system. b. Warming the liquid refrigerant in the system. c.Adding compressed air to the system's condenser. d. Adding carbon dioxide to the system's condenser and evaporator.

Warming the liquid refrigerant in the system.

Which of the following are recommended safe work practices when recovering refrigerants? a. Wear safety eyewear and butyl-lined gloves when connecting and disconnecting hoses. b. Wear a respirator when working with any refrigerant. c. Wear cotton gloves when working with any compressed gas. d. ventilation is only necessary if oil, appearing as a white cloud or fog, is emitted during the recovery procedure.

Wear safety eyewear and butyl-lined gloves when connecting and disconnecting hoses.

When is it against EPA regulations to use system-dependent recovery equipment? a. When the compressor of the appliance is operational. b. When ambient temperature is over 105°F. c. When the appliance contains over 15 pounds of refrigerant. d. When the appliance is leaking.

When the appliance contains over 15 pounds of refrigerant.

How does cooling occur in a direct expansion vapor compression refrigeration system? a. When the refrigerant vapor turns to a liquid. b. When the refrigerant is under maximum pressure. c. When the liquid refrigerant is vaporized. d. When the refrigerant gives off heat.

When the liquid refrigerant is vaporized.

All appliances must be equipped with a service aperture or process stub which is used when adding or removing refrigerant from the appliance. What is typically used on small appliances? a. a straight piece of tubing that is entered using a piercing valve b. a line located 15 inches below the compressor c. a valve installed at the factory which has a 1/4 inch diameter and machine threads d. a service aperture is not present because small appliances are exempt from this requirement

a straight piece of tubing that is entered using a piercing valve

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFC's) a. both contain hydrogen b. are explosive c. are ODP substances d. will be completely phased-out in 2030

are ODP substances

A very large refrigerant leak can cause suffocation because refrigerants, a. smell strong and make breathing difficult. b. are lighter than air and cause dizziness. c. are heavier than air and displace oxygen. d. sting the nose and cause sneezing.

are heavier than air and displace oxygen.

Two types of recovery systems are; a. system dependent and passive b. system dependent and self contained c. self contained and active d. recycling and reclaiming

b. system dependent and self contained

Refrigerant should be removed from the condenser outlet if the condenser is; a. below the receiver b. above the receiver c. on the roof d. is leaking

below the receiver

Applying heat with a heat gun to the compressor, a. may free-up a bound compressor b. can help vaporize any trapped liquid refrigerant during recovery c. can help remove trapped refrigerant vapor during recovery d. can aid in isolating and pinpointing a refrigerant leak

can help vaporize any trapped liquid refrigerant during recovery

When evacuating a system, the use of a severely oversized vacuum pump could; a. cause trapped oil to freeze b. cause trapped refrigerant to freeze c. cause trapped water to freeze d. cause the valves to freeze

cause trapped water to freeze

When using a self-contained recovery device on a CFC, HCFC, or HFC system with an operating compressor, technicians must; a. recover the refrigerant to 5 inches of mercury vacuum. b. recover 80% of the nameplate charge. c.recover the refrigerant to both 4 inches of mercury and 80% of the nameplate charge. d. either recover the refrigerant to 4 inches of mercury vacuum or 90% of the nameplate charge.

either recover the refrigerant to 4 inches of mercury vacuum or 90% of the nameplate charge.

States and local governments may; a. not establish any laws related to refrigerants. b. establish laws that are not as strict as the Clean Air Act/EPA regulations c. establish laws that contain stricter requirements that the Clean Air Act EPA regulations. d. establish laws that exempt refrigerants from the Clean Air Act.

establish laws that contain stricter requirements that the Clean Air Act EPA regulations.

Self-contained or active recovery equipment; a. depends on a special charcoal bag b. has its own means of recovery c. is not capable of reaching required liquid rates d. depends only on a vacuum pump of more then 3 cfims

has its own means of recovery

Which of the following is required when attaching a guage set to check system pressures? a. release a small amount of refrigerant to check for contamination. b. have manual or self-sealing valves on the end of the gauge set hoses to minimize any release of refrigerant. c. recover refrigerant and recharge to specifications even if no repairs are needed. d. use hoses that are 3 feet or longer.

have manual or self-sealing valves on the end of the gauge set hoses to minimize any release of refrigerant.

Small appliances are equipped with a straight piece of tubing (process stub used to: a. install a piercing type access valve fitting b. measure sub-cooling c. as a p-trap for residue and debris d. measure superheat

install a piercing type access valve fitting

Which of the following statements is true of recycling and recovery equipment a. it must be tested by an AHRI-approved third party b. it must be equipped with low-loss ball valves and flare fittings c. it must be able to handle more than one refrigerant d. it must be labeled as certified to meet EPA's requirements

it must be equipped with low-loss ball valves and flare fittings

Excessive running of a purge system on a low-pressure chiller generally indicates what condition? a. faulty air sensors b. leaking system c. ambient temperature is too high d. low purge unit efficiency

leaking system

After recovering refrigerant, the nitrogen used to flush the system may be; a. legally vented b. recovered c. Reused in another appliance d. Requires pressure regulator for legal venting

legally vented

Upon completion of refrigerant liquid transfer between recovery unit and the refrigeration system, you should guard against trapping: a. oil in the transfer unit. b. oil in the refrigeration systems cooler c. liquid refrigerant in the service hose between closed service valves. d. liquid refrigerant in the recovery receiver

liquid refrigerant in the service hose between closed service valves.

Refrigerant has been recovered from an air-conditioning system and held in a refillable cylinder, in order to replace the condenser coil. The refrigerant; a. may be charged back into the system. b. may be sold as is to another equipment owner. c. must be reclaimed. d. must be destroyed.

may be charged back into the system.

A standard vacuum pump designed specifically for evacuation and dehydration can: a. be used alone as a self-contained (active) recovery device c. b. never be used as a recovery device in combination with a pressurized container c. be used alone as a substitute for any recovery device d. be used alone as a system dependent (passive) recovery device

never be used as a recovery device in combination with a pressurized container

When a system is in full vacuum __________. a. it is dangerous to charge the system b. never use a micron gauge c. never energize the compressor d. no precautions are required

never energize the compressor

Type 1 Certification is required for; a. persons handling refrigerant during maintenance, service or repair of small appliances b. all persons who work in the factory that produces refrigerant c. all persons working at a disposal site must be EPA certified as Type I d. owners of manufacturing companies that make the CFC's

persons handling refrigerant during maintenance, service or repair of small appliances

Which of the following is an acceptable method or device presently used for monitoring the 80% fill level in a recovery tank? a.superheat when a capillary tube is present or subcooling when a thermostatic expansion valve is used b. refrigerant scale or tank internal float device c. refrigerant temperature measurement d. refrigerant pressure measurement

refrigerant scale or tank internal float device

Which of the following is NOT required for an appliance that is using an ozone-depleting refrigerant to be mothballed (thereby extending the leak repair deadline)? a. shut down the appliance temporarily b. evacuate the refrigerant from the isolated section or component c. evacuate refrigerant from the appliance to at least atmospheric pressure d. remove the appliance and store it in a warehouse at the facility

remove the appliance and store it in a warehouse at the facility

When R-410A is recovered from an appliance, it; a. can be mixed with either R-32 or R-125a during the recovery process, since R-410A is a mixture of those two refrigerants. b. can be mixed with R-134a but not R-22 during the recovery process. c. need not be recovered since R-410A is not one of the refrigerants covered by the Clean Air Act. d. should be recovered into a recovery vessel that is clearly marked to insure that mixing of refrigerants does not occur.

should be recovered into a recovery vessel that is clearly marked to insure that mixing of refrigerants does not occur.

Small appliances in recreational vehicles may use refrigerants such as Ammonia, Hydrogen, or water therefore; The refrigerant must be recovered b. the refrigerant should not be recovered c. should be stored for later uses d. should be sent back to the dealer for processing purposes

the refrigerant should not be recovered

Which of the following is a reason to take an oil sample? a. a new filter drier has been installed b. the unit has had a compressor burnout c. the unit is not cooling properly d. recycled refrigerant has been added to the unit

the unit has had a compressor burnout

High pressure appliances can be evacuated to atmospheric pressure (O psig) when; a. using both liquid and suction lines driers b. the appliance is charged with HFC refrigerant c. charging refrigerant back into the system after a minor repair d. there is a leak

there is a leak

Why should solder-less type piercing valves NOT remain installed on refrigeration systems after completion of repairs? a. they are too expensive to remain on every product b. they tend to leak over time c. they restrict refrigerant flow d. they tend to trap lubricant

they tend to leak over time

If a large leak of refrigerant occurs such as from a filled cylinder in an enclosed area, what action should be taken when no self-contained breathing apparatus is available? a. use butyl-lined gloves and try to stop the leak b. use a leak detector to locate the leak and try to stop the leak c. vacate and naturally ventilate the area d. make sure the unit is de-energized, close the service valves and try to stop the leak

vacate and naturally ventilate the area

When should an appliance NOT be evacuated all the way to prescribed level? a. when preforming a major repair followed by a minor repair b. When the repair is followed by an evacuation of the appliance to the environment c. when leaks on the appliance make evacuation to the prescribed level unattainable d. when the appliance is being disposed of at a later date

when leaks on the appliance make evacuation to the prescribed level unattainable

Which condition can cause excessive pressure on the high side of a self contained (active) recovery device? a. when the thermal expansion valve is stuck open. b. when the capacity of the recovery tank is larger that the charge size of the system. c. when there is a large volume of non-condensable gas in the refrigerant being recovered. d. when the system is set for no subcooling,

when there is a large volume of non-condensable gas in the refrigerant being recovered.

HCFC'S _____________. a. will not damage the stratospheric ozone b. will damage the stratospheric ozone c. will deplete the stratospheric ozone d. are only harmful to ground level ozone

will deplete the stratospheric ozone

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