EPSY 5404 - Group Counseling Final
Teaching REBT
- ABC model - ask or use real member's problem - use examples - whiteboard to make visual, list of irrational sentences for adults and kids
Adlerian Therapy Goals/Basics
- Help members use childhood experiences that created private logic (mistaken goals and guiding fictions) - similar to false beliefs - Help members discover how they continue to act out roles played in the family - Personality = product of interactions with others/reflected appraisals - Help members develop new behaviors more congruent with happy adult living - birth order
Using Reality Therapy
- Members will remember the WDEP model and can apply it to many situations - Members can help other members work through the WDEP model - Members connect how their basic needs play a major role in their lives
Solution-Focused Questions
- Miracle question - Exception question - Scaling questions - Coping questions
Gestalt Therapy Basics
- Root of client concerns - resistance to contact/lack of awareness, unfinished business that stems from the past - Contact needed for change and growth - Grounded in present moment - pay attention to client's body and verbal language
WDEP - Components of Change
- Want - Doing - Evaluation - Planning
Reality Therapy - Basic Components of Behavior
- acting, thinking, feeling
Direct ways of drawing out
- ask the member a question - ask if the member would like to talk
Phases of a Session
- beginning/warm-up phase - middling/working phase - closing phase - evaluate
tenants of Yalom's approach/difficulties
- establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationships - maintaining a sense of personal self-worth
Reasons for silence members
- fear/anxiety - thinking or processing - quiet by nature - not mentally present - not prepared - confused - lack of trust - intimidated by dominant member or leader
Solution-Focused Therapy
- focus on solutions rather than problems - emphasized members' strengths - group discussions on what works and exceptions to the problem - comment on member's strength and coping encourage group members to ease into solutions gradually
Drawing out
- gets members more involved - helps members who are shy - getting members to go deeper in support and therapy groups
Goals of Closing Final Session
- hearing from individual members regarding the overall group experience - strengthening decisions, commitments, and/or behavior changes - feedback of members to the leader and feedback of members to each other
beginning stage things to consider
- help get members acquainted - set a positive tone -clarify purpose of the group - explain the leader's role - explain how the group will be conducted/risks - help members verbalize expectations - draw out members - use exercises (rounds, dyads, sentence completion) - check out comfort levels of members - explain group rules - explain any special terms that will be used - assess members' interaction styles - cut off members - be sensitive to multicultural issues - focus on content - address questions - get members to look at other members when talking - closing the first session
Transtheoretical Model
- how people change - stages of change: precontemplation/denial, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance - leader thinking about the stage of change of any member who is working on some issue in the group
Reality Therapy Basics
- humans are responsible for making choices about their behavior - five basic needs: survival, love and belonging, power/achievement, freedom to make life decisions, fun - WDEP - emphasis on doing
Using REBT in Groups
- identify faulty or irrational thoughts - challenge or dispute these thoughts or beliefs - establish more rational or accurate thoughts that lead to less intense negative emotions - teach the process to members
purposes of first sessions
- leader must clarify the purpose - get members comfortable with the group - introduce content
Mistakes in Planning
- not planning - planning too much - too many or inappropriate exercises - irrelevant or meaningless content - not allowing enough time for the group to have any significant meaning - poor planning of time or order - not planning an interesting beginning - allowing too much time (or not enough time) for warm up - lack of flexibility
second session
- open second session (introduce new members, depends on success of first session) - planning for potential let down - ending the second session
Closing Phase
- process and summarize - allow leader to check for confusion or unfinished business - enhance members' commitment to the purpose of the group
After screening members, what to prep for?
- produce the big picture plan (thinking about all topics to cover in a specific group) - plan the format - same or varied - anticipate problems
informing big picture planning
- read books and articles on the subject - gather information during the screenings - discussing possible topics with colleagues
reflecting feelings vs. validating feelings
- reflections of feelings helps clients evaluate their own emotions - feeling validation used to support and reassure clients, includes a psychoeducational-authoritative-reassurance component
ways to draw out members who don't usually share
- rounds - written exercises - movement activities
use of eyes
- scan for nonverbal cues - getting members to look at other members - drawing out members - cutting off members
7 kinds of groups
- support, counseling/therapy, education, discussion, task, growth/experiential, self-help
When cutting off make sure to....
- tell members you are doing this - do it early - voice should not be critical - use eyes and hands (nonverbal signals)
REBT Basics
- thoughts cause feelings - ABC Model - activating event, beliefs, consequences - B ties C to A
Transactional Analysis Basics
- three ego states - parent, adult, and child - some events trigger your parent or child states - PAC circles show communication patterns
Unfinished Business
- unacknowledged and unresolved issues from the past - result in resentment, rage, hatred, pain, anxiety, and abandonment - stored in our bodies
Techniques for drawing out
- use of dyads - use of rounds - use of written exercises - use of eyes - use of movement exercises
delicate ways of drawing out
- use of voice is key - leader's attitude
Yalom's Curative Factors
Instillation of Hope Universality Imparting of Information Altruism Corrective Recapitulation of the Primary Family Group Development of Socialization Techniques Imitative Behavior Interpersonal Learning Group Cohesiveness Catharsis Existential Factors
apprentice model
More experienced leader models for a novice leader
Counseling theories authors usually teach group members....
REBT and transactional analysis
In reality therapy, which component of behavior is the most amenable to change?
Group educators encourage students to be....
active and directive
What is the most commonly used method to hold the focus?
addressing the group directly
agreed rules and values, individuals know their contributions, facilitator can take a step back, don't lose focus
models of coleading
alternate, shared, or apprentice models
which type of group is more likely to begin with a set number of sessions
an education group
benefit from receiving and giving information; members can be of a benefit to others, boost self-worth
The most important of the 15 therapeutic factors is ___________
clarity of purpose
Therapeutic Forces
clarity of purpose, relevancy of purpose, group size, length of each session, frequency of meetings, adequacy of setting, time of day, leader's attitude, closed/open groups, voluntary/nonvoluntary membership, member level of commitment, level of trust, member attitudes towards the leader, leader's experience in leading groups, coleadership harmony
shared leading
coleaders plan together and lead jointly, careful to maintain a common focus and direction
alternate leading
coleaders plan together, then alternate primary leadership role throughout a session according to a topic or an exercise... coleader in supportive role
The purpose of the group is classified as ________ in group counseling.
For which kinds of groups is the leader's theoretical knowledge most important _____________________.
counseling, therapy, support, and growth groups
The leader can use theory to take the session _______________.
deep enough to involve all members
The most important task in any counseling or therapy group is to ________
deepen the focus
development of socializing techniques
direct or indirect social learning; feedback for members to learn about their adaptive/maladaptive social behaviors
When should a group leader deepen the focus?
during the middle phase of the session
What groups are unconcerned with the interpersonal to intrapersonal continuum?
education and discussion
ending the group, more hopeful about future
Directive action behaviors ________
facilitate client action
Directive listening behaviors ________
facilitate client insight
Nondirective listening behaviors ____
facilitate client talk
interpersonal leadership style
focus on group process, here-and-now
intrapersonal leadership style
focus on personal issues, needs and concerns of individual members
group stages
forming/initial storming/transition norming performing/working adjourning/termination
outcome goals
goals related to changes in individual members
process goals
goals related to group dynamics, members' becoming more comfortable and more open in the group
corrective recapitulation of the primary family group
group resembles a family in many ways (authority figures, peer/sibling figures); group counseling a way to work through unfinished business
instillation of hope
group therapy can instill healing or facilitate change; can keep client in therapy, faith a treatment. mode can be effective, putting in effort and showing up if have hope, correlated with positive therapeutic outcome
value of theories in most groups
help members understand themselves and others better
initial, friendly, no trust yet, facilitator-directed, processes ignored, content heavy, no roles/responsibilities
group process
interaction and energy exchange among members
interaction between members, between members and the leader, and how members participate in the group
Group leaders who emphasize group stages and the members as primary agents of change will use a __________________ style.
for most therapy and counseling groups, a __________ style is better
the leader who is clear as to the purpose will have a better chance .....
keeping the content relevant and keeping members from going off on tangents
imparting information
learning occurs, transfer of helpful information on how to live your life, psychoeducation can minimize uncertainty
making it interesting, relevant, short, energizing, and that you have current, correct, and objective information
imitative behavior
members may imitate group leader's communication style; observing changes of other members/gain therapeutic outcome
What stage do leaders try to take the members deeper?
middle stage
mindsets, self-limiting internal behavior, self-limiting external behavior, strengths/unused resources, own their own problems
Two common reasons for using a group approach in ALL groups
more efficiency; more resources and viewpoints
Most common mistake made when planning?
not planning
people more likely to encounter others in the group who are similar to them and learn about their experiences while also being validated and listened to by others; seeing oneself in others
pointing out similarities between or among members' concerns and issues
groups with more than one purpose frequently have which purposes?
psychoeducation and support
releasing and getting relief from repressed emotions
rushing to a member because they are crying; "You can still have another child," "At least..." "She is in a better place now."
when opening the first session, leaders should do what with members who are not yet clear about the purpose?
start with a long opening statement and then getting into the content
when a leader does not get a group to stick to its purpose, this causes the group to be...
task or purpose of the group
The art of drawing out members in a group
the idea is to give members permission to speak without putting them on the spot
Who usually established the focus of the group?
the leader
most frequent unethical behavior on the part of the leader...
the leader not being competent to lead groups
closeness communication bias
the more we feel close to someone, the less likely we are to carefully listen to them
depth chart goal
to get below a 7
transition, group starts to suggest ideas, relationships made and broken, do not get stuck in this stage, needs good facilitation
norms loop
trust - self-disclosure - empathy - acceptance - trust
viewing emotions and disorders as culture specific
viewing emotions and disorders as universal
group dynamics
what is happening between members and leader or among members
inform your second session by...
what you learned from the first session
working; not all groups make it to this stage, respect/communications, start to take some responsibility for own life