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B. variant-record

The Pascal equivalent of union construct in C is A. record C. set B. variant-record D. pointer

B. Bit

Which of the following is the abbreviation of binary digit? A. Bin C. Byte B. Bit D. Bid

B. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

Which of the following represented by HTTP? A. Huge Text Transfer Protocol B. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol C. Hyper Text Transmission Protocol D. High speed Text Translate Protocol

A. Connector

A circle in the flowchart symbols represent which one of the following? A. Connector C. Data B. Decision D. Terminator

B. Decision

A diamond shape symbol in a flowchart represents, A. Process C. Merge B. Decision D. Preparation

D. none of the above

FORTRAN is a A. regular language B. context free language C. context-sensitive language D. none of the above

B. Bharat OS

Source code is not available for user in A. open source C. linux OS B. Bharat OS D. none

D. nybble

A 4-bit data word is called A. data bus C. band B. byte D. nybble

B. letter

A FORTRAN variable at the most six or less letters or digits begins with a A. zero C. digit B. letter D. decimal

B. 8

A byte is composed of how many bites? A. 7 C. 4 B. 8 D. 2

D. 8

A byte is composed of how many bits? A. 2 C. 6 B. 4 D. 8

B. it has random access memory

A computer is always freely programmable if A. the programme contains branch instructions B. it has random access memory C. it contains an interchangeable read only memory D. it contains an EPROM

B. logic circuit

A digital circuit is known as A. arithmetic circuit C. electronic circuit B. logic circuit D. sequential circuit

B. template

A flow charting tool, called a ...... contains all the standard symbols used to draw flow chart A. flow line C. note B. template D. operation


A language in which a statement in a loop that runs 100 times and is decoded 100 times, is A. BASIC C. FORTRAN B. COBOL D. PASCAL

C. digital, analog

A modem is used for transmission of _____ data in ______ medium A. analog, digital C. digital, analog B. digital, digital D. analog, analog


A program in execution is called A. process C. CPU B. function D. memory

A. process

A rectangular shape symbol in a flow chart represent, A. process C. merge B. decision D. preparation

D. cursor

A small movable symbol which appears on the screen to indicate the current position is a A. dot C. movable dot B. flash D. cursor

A. word processor

A software package to aid text processing and produce letters etc is called A. word processor C. keyboard B. terminal D. instruction

B. file allocation table

A special file that is used by he operating system to store the physical location of all the files on a storage medium such as hard disc or floppy disc is called. A. field C. file format B. file allocation table D. file information table

A. linker

A utility program that takes a procedure and searches a library to locate copies of any procedures called but not defined in the first procedure, is called A. linker C. relocator B. leader D. text editor

B. access to fall features of the machine

ALGOL is oriented to the solution of scientific language. ALGOL introduced the idea of A. nested procedure B. access to fall features of the machine C. structural programming D. none of the above

B. Arithmetic Logic Unit

ALU means, A. Asian Labor Union C. American Loggers Union B. Arithmetic Logic Unit D. Arithmetic Logic Universe

C. machine dependant

An assembler is A. programming language dependent B. sytanx dependant C. machine dependant D. data dependant

A. low level programming language

An assembly language is a A. low level programming language B. Middle level programming language C. high level programming language D. internet based programming language


BOSS is developed by A. NASA C. C-DAC B. IUCCA D. NASDAQ

D. debian

BOSS is developed over A. mandrake C. fedora B. suse D. debian

A. symbolic, instruction

Basic stands for Beginners All purpose ......... code A. symbolic, instruction B. system, instruction C. source, program, information D. sequential input

C. Compact Disk Read Only Memory

CD ROM represent which of the following? A. Compact Data Read Only Memory B. Compatible Read Data Only Memory C. Compact Disk Read Only Memory D. Compatible Disk Read Only Memory

A. Central Processing Unit

CPU means, A. Central Processing Unit B. Common Processing Unit C. Canadian Processing Unit D. Continuing Project Unit


Cellular phone operates on which frequency? A. VHF C. EHF B. UHF D. SHF


Channel 2 to 13 operates on which frequency? A. VHF C. EHF B. UHF D. SHF

A. can be neglected

Compared with the time for storage access, the speed of the arithmetic module A. can be neglected B. can be neglected if the speed of the arithmetic module is small C. cannot be neglected D. cannot be neglected because the speed of the arithmetic module is small

A. digital subscriber line

DSL means, A. digital subscriber line B. digital subscription link C. digital subscription line D. digital subscriber link

A. digital subscriber line

DSL means, A. digital subscriber line C. digital standard line B. digital subscription line D. digital service line

C. fiber optic link around the globe

FLAG means, A. fiber link around the globe B. four mode link around the globe C. fiber optic link around the globe D. four link around the globe

A. a file transfer protocol

FTP means, A. a file transfer protocol B. file transfer port C. fle transmission port D. file termination protocol

A. fiber to the home

FTTH mean, A. fiber to the home C. fiber to the hall B. fiber to the house D. filter to the home

D. none of the above

GOOGLE CHROME is _______ A. compiler C. editor B. OS D. none of the above

A. Scheme is large and complex; Common lisp is small

How is Scheme opposite to Common Lisp? A. Scheme is large and complex; Common lisp is small B. Common is lisp is not an ANSI standard; Scheme is C. Scheme is exclusively statically scoped; Common lisp supports dynamic scoping D. common lisp is interpreted; Scheme is compiled

C. synchronous

If the registers in the interface share a common clock with the CPU registers then transfer between the two units is said to be A. parallel C. synchronous B. serial D. asynchronous

C. the lexical analyzer

In a compiler the module that checks every character of the source text is called A. the code generator C. the lexical analyzer B. the code optimizer D. the sytanx analyzer

B. terminal

In the time-sharing mode, the use communicates with the computer via a A. key C. channel B. terminal D. spool

D. Application Software

MS WORD is a type of, A. Operating System B. System Software C. System Architecture D. Application Software

A. browser

Mozilla Firefox is ________ A. browser C. compiler B. editor D. none of the above


Nibble is composed of how many bits? A.4 C.6 B. 8 D.7

A. portable document format

PDF mean, A. portable document format B. portable document file C. protocol document format D. protocol document file

A. micro-programming

Programming in a language that actually controls the path of signals or data within the computer is controlled A. micro-programming B. instruction set C. assembly language programming D. machine language programming

A. serial interface standard

RS 232C is a(n) A. serial interface standard B. parallel interface standard C. analog transmission standard D. device driver standard

D. it takes time to transfer information in and out of shift registers

Serial operations are slower than parallel operations because of A. hardware complexity B. interrupted by intermediate operations C. unparallel mode same operations can be skipped D. it takes time to transfer information in and out of shift registers

D. 1s

The UNIX command for listing the files in the current directory is A. dir C. list B. 1d D. 1s

B. date

The UNIX command for setting time is A. set<time C. time<set B. date D. time

C. exit from the current loop

The effect of a 'break' statement inside a loop in a c program is to A. exit from all the enclosing loops B. exit from the program C. exit from the current loop D. terminate the current iteration of the loop

B. congestion control

The function of network layer is A. transmit raw layer C. error correction B. congestion control D. token management

D. parallel priority interrupt

The method that uses a register to establish the priority of the requesting device according to position of the bits is A. dasy-chain priority interrupt B. polling C. hand shaking D. parallel priority interrupt

B. relative mode

The most relevant addressing mode to write position independent codes is A. direct mode C. indirect mode B. relative mode D. indexed mode

B. asynchronous data transfer scheme

The scheme that uses hand shaking principle is called a(n) A. synchronous data transfer scheme B. asynchronous data transfer scheme C. DMA data transfer scheme D. interrupt drives data transfer scheme

B. log-in-id's

The statement who/sort in UNIX prints the list of users currently logged on according to A. log-in-time C. usernames B. log-in-id's D. passwords

A. 0

The value of the integer variable x after execution of the following C statements is i = 0, w = ++? ++i...i; A. 0 C. 1 B. 2 D. -1

B. spooling

To read data from (and write it to) peripheral devices in parallel with normal job processing via a faster medium is called A. key-to-disk transfer C. multi-programming B. spooling D. branching

A. assembler

Translator for low level programming language were termed as A. assembler C. linker B. compiler D. loader

A. simplex method

Transmission of data done in one direction only is called a A. simplex method C. off duplex method B. full-duplex method D. none of the above

A. uniform resource locator

URL means, A. uniform resource locator B. universal resource locator C. uniform resource location D. universal resource location

A. World Wide Web

WWW means, A. World Wide Web C. World Wide War B. World Wide Windows D. World War Way

A. modem

What device is used in converting a computer digital signal to analog signals for transmission over telephone wires? A. modem C. digital switch B. network hub D. demodulator

B. wide area network

What do you call a communication network that covers a wide geographical area such as a state or a country? A. local area network B. wide area network C. metropolitan area network D. multi-level network

B. an object program

What do you call a translated program in machine language? A. source program C. a machine program B. an object program D. a user's program

A. full duplex

What do you call the simultaneous two way mode of communication? A. full duplex C. half duplex B. simplex D. full-full duple

D. retro virus

What do you call viruses designed to corrupt antivirus software? A. anti-virus B. anti-virus eradicator C. worm D. retro virus

C. monitor program

What is the another term of operating system (OS)? A. start up program C. monitor program B. computer program D. all of these

B. Portrait

What is the default setting of paper in the printers dialog box? A. Landscape C. Legal B. Portrait D. A4

B. 356

What is the equivalent of the hexadecimal EE in octal system? A. 365 B. 356 C. 653 D.536

A. Bit

What is the fundamental unit of storage in digital computers? A. Bit C. Code B. Byte D. Baud.

A. Universal Serial Bus

What is the meaning of USB? A. Universal Serial Bus C. Universal Series Bus B. Unlimited Serial Bus D. Unified Serial Bus

A. Bit

What is the smallest unit of information handled by a computer? A. Bit C. Nibble B. Byte D. Cell

C. trashing

What is the term for a deadlock situation that occurs when a program references a different page for almost every instructions and there is not even enough memory to hold most of the virtual memory? A. paging C. trashing B. scanning D. handshaking

C. system analyst

What is the term for computer professional who plans an entire computer system? A. programmer C. system analyst B. software developer D. all of the choices

B. downloading

What is the term used to describe the moving of software from another computer t your own computer? A. surfing C. uploading B. downloading D. accessing

D. Virtual memory

What refers to the computer's use of head disk storage to simulate RAM? A. Volatile memory C. Data storage B. ROM D. Virtual memory

C. trace

What refers to the debugging method in which the program is executed one instruction at a time and the register contents can be examined after each step? A. text editing C. trace B. syntax analyzing D. stacking

A. writing

What term is used to describe storing of data into a memory? A. writing C. reading B. loading D. memorizing

D. fiber optic communication

What type of communication system uses light rather than electricity o communicate? A. data communication B. optical communication C. microwave communication D. fiber optic communication


When the output of the AND gate is inverted which gate is formed? A. OR C. NAND B. NOR D. DNA

C. operation part and address part

Which basic components comprise a machine instruction? A. operation part B. operation part and data part C. operation part and address part D. address part


Which device puts data on the data bus during a write operation? A. ALU C. Keyboard B. CPU D. Accumulator

B. Ctrl+end

Which group of keys in the keyboard will be needed to go to the bottom of a document? A. Alt+end C. Ctrl+home B. Ctrl+end D. Alt+end

D. DMA data transfer scheme

Which is not a program data transfer scheme? A. synchronous data transfer scheme B. asynchronous data transfer scheme C. interrupt driven data transfer scheme D. DMA data transfer scheme


Which is not programming language? A. PASCAL C. COBOL B. LOTUS D. FORTRAN

C. Control unit and ALU

Which of the following are the two main components of the CPU? A. Control unit and registers B. Registers and main memory C. Control unit and ALU D. ALU and bus

B. firewall

Which of the following does not threatens the operation of the computer? A. Trojan horse C. worm B. firewall D. hacking


Which of the following is not a HIGH LEVEL computer programming language? A. FORTRAN C. MODEM B. COBOL D. ALGOL

D. natural language

Which of the following is not an example of a high-level programming language? A. machine language C. high level language B. assembly language D. natural language

A. Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Logic

Which of the following is represented by CMOS? A. Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Logic B. Complimentary Mutual Oxide Semiconductor C. Common Oriented Bussiness Logic D. Complementary Mental Oxide Semiconductor

A. Joint Photographic Experts Group

Which of the following is represented by JPEG? A. Joint Photographic Experts Group B. Joint Photographic Experts Grade C. Joint Photography Experts Grade D. Joint Photographic Experts Group

D. Instructions are stored there permanently

Which of the following is the most characteristic of ROM? A. It is measured in megabytes B. It is volatile C. It performs mathematical calculations D. Instructions are stored there permanently

D. Semiconductors

Which of the following is used for manufacturing chips? A. Control bus C. Control unit B. Parity unit D. Semiconductors

A. Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code

Which of the following represented by BASIC? A. Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code B. Beginners Algorithm Symbolic Instruction Code C. Beginners All-purpose System Instruction Code D. Beginners Algorithmic System Instruction code

B. Common Business Oriented Language

Which of the following represented by COBOL? A. Common Business Language B. Common Business Oriented Language C. Common Oriented Business Language D. Common Business Orientation Language

B. because local variables in Lisp have unlimited extent

Why must local variables in Lisps generally be allocated in the heap, rather than on the stack A. because we don't know their sizes at compile time B. because local variables in Lisp have unlimited extent C. because Lisp subroutines don't follow strict LIFO calling conventions D. because the Lisp garbage collector is unable to manipulate address in the stack

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