esc 1000 chapter 10

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In what part of a subduction margin might you find rocks deposited on the abyssal plain, far from land?

Accretionary Wedge

A widely cited theory associates active faults and earthquakes in China and southeast Asia to the India-Eurasia collision. This theory suggests ________.

India is plowing into the "soft underbelly" of Asia, pushing East Asia eastward

A(n) ________ is a thick accumulation of sediments and small tectonic blocks formed of material scraped off subducting oceanic lithosphere at a convergent margin.

accretionary-wedge complex

The higher the temperature, the more likely it is that a rock will deform ________.


A good example of a present-day, passive continental margin is the ________.

east coast of North America

The area labeled C shows an active fault bounding the range. Which best describes the motion on the fault?

east side up

Orogenesis refers to the formation of mineral deposits.


Terrane accretion generally occurs along a divergent boundary between a continental plate and an oceanic plate.


Burial of rocks increases the confining pressure so that deeply buried rocks are more likely to ________ than shallow rocks.


Monoclines, anticlines, synclines and domes are all examples of ________.


What type of basin would be most likely to contain large amounts of sediments derived from a volcanic source?

forsaeic basin

In a monocline, one of the limbs of the fold ________.

is horizontal

Folded limestones that are exposed high elevations in the Himalayas were originally deposited as sediments in a ________.

marine basin between India and Eurasia.

In an overturned fold, the beds have rotated ________.

more than 90 d

The ________ is (are) characterized by terrane accretion that has been active throughout most of Mesozoic and Cenozoic time.

western margin of North America

Large circular downwarped structures are called ________.


Granitic batholiths typically form over time intervals of ________.

billions of years

What is the modern theory for orogenesis?

plate tectonics theory

The San Andreas Fault in California and the Alpine Fault in New Zealand are examples of ________.

strike-slip faults

Island arcs and Andean type mountains are both examples of mountains formed by ________.


The boundary between two terranes or two continents that have collided is called a ________.


In thrust faulting, ________.

the crust is shortened and thickened

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