Essential Cell Biology Exam 2 study chapter 5-7

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Which of the following is true about "junk DNA"?

Portions of junk sequence are conserved between species and thus may be functional.

Protein concentration can be regulated by all of the steps listed EXCEPT

DNA replication

Export of RNA from the nucleus requires the RNA to have which characteristic(s)?

5' cap and poly-A tail

When are chromosomes in their most compacted form?

during mitosis

What type of bonds are formed between histone proteins and DNA to form nucleosome core particles?

electrostatic interactions

If one end of a DNA strand has a phosphate group on it, the chemical group on the other end must be


which of the following is found only in eukaryotic genomes, and NOT in prokaryotic genomes?


The structure feature of DNA that hints at the mechanism for its replication is the

complementary base pairing

How does methylation of histone tails affect the accessibility of DNA?

it can have different effects depending on the location

which of the following is a function of the protein component of chromosomes?

it packages the DNA strands

The catalytic sites for peptide bond formation during translation is found in which part of the ribosome?

large subunit RNAs

The reading frame to use for translating am mRNA into functional protein is determined by the

location of an AUG

Which type of RNA is converted into protein for performing its cellular function?


Which of the following properties could help RNA be both an information storage unit and a self-replicating molecule?

RNA can act as a template for making copies of itself.

The splicing of introns out of an mRNA molecule is catalyzed by

RNA molecules that base pair with the splice to promote intron removal

Why does RNA polymerase make more mistakes than DNA polymerase?

RNA polymerase does not have a proofreading activity

What is a function of the nucleolus?

to assemble ribosomal RNA and proteins into ribosomes

Which of the following describes the chromosomes makeup of a somatic cell of a human biological male

22 pairs of autosomes + 1 X chromosomes +1 Y chromosomes

What is the relationship between genome size and organismal complexity?

More complex organisms generally have larger genomes but there are many notable exceptions.

_______ is a sequence of DNA that contains the information required for making a particular functional RNA or protein

A gene

What is the benefit of protein synthesis in polyribosomes?

More protein can be produced from a single RNA

The technique whereby human chromosomes are stained and identified is called a


The type of bond that holds together neighboring subunits in a single strand of DNA is a

Phosphodiester bond

What is the name of the complex that degrades proteins that have reached the end of their lifespan, are damaged or are misplaced?


Which nucleic acid often base pairs with itself to fold into complex three-dimensional shapes in the cell?


The consistent diameter of the DNA double helix arises between of which property?

base pairing of pyrimidines with purines

What can happen if heterochromatin spreads inappropriately into an area with active genes?

The active genes can become silenced

The process of gene expression always involves which process(es) described in the dogma?


How does tRNA become attached to the correct amino acid?

aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase

Heterochromatin can spread along a chromosome until it encounters a

barrier DNA sequence

which of the following specialized DNA sequences provides an attachment point for the segregation of duplicated chromosomes?


What recognizes the stop codons in an mRNA?

release factor

DNA is a better molecule for long term storage of genetic information that RNA because

the deoxyribose sugar stabilizes DNA chains.

When Griffith injected heat-killed infections bacteria mixed with live harmless bacteria, he found that the mice died because

the live harmless bacteria were transformed into infectious bacteria

The part of the DNA molecule that carries the information of producing protein is

the order of the nucleotide bases

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