Esthetician Nuts and Bolts

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When you add up durable, non-durable goods, and services its a big economy: about ___ in retail spending a month.

$421.4 billion

The habit loop is a 3 part process:

1-there's a cue or trigger that tells your brain to go into automatic mode and let a behavior unfold 2-you act out the routine in your life, and your brain records the actions 3-the reward. Your brain will record the activity, but unless you are rewarded for performing the activity, your brain will simply throw the recording away

There are ___ intangible reasons people buy products and services.


The average number of people a customer will tell about a good experience is ___; however the average number of people a customer will tell about a bad experience is ___.

9; 16





___ is an online career placement application that allows Nuts and Bolts graduates to create an online portfolio for employers and search for and apply to employers interested in hiring Nuts and Bolts graduates.

BeautyMob (formerly NaB Link)

-an online career placement application that allows Nuts and Bolts graduates to create an online portfolio for employers and search for and apply to employers interested in hiring Nuts and Bolts graduates

-a test that measures how well you have learned the skills and knowledge contained in a Cornerstone

Capstone Exam

For the client, prescriptions provide these 3 things:

Clarity-regarding which solution will help resolve their beauty problems Convenience-having the information written down so as to reference whenever the information is needed Good Value-paid for a service and received free information all for their benefit

-Greek word kosmetikos, cosme-beauty, ology-study of


When trying to identify whether a habit is good or bad, ask yourself:

Do you waste time doing the habit? What are you doing when you feel like you are wasting time?

The ___ is an award competition for students attending Nuts and Bolts member schools that recognizes outstanding business skills and academic excellence.


-unique online test software that will allow you to complete all your Capstone Quizzes so that you can receive your NaB Diploma and join as a salon and spa professional

OnTrack is NaB's

Profit =

Sales - Expenses

As a service provider, the prescription provides these 3 things:

Self-Advertisement-prescriptions should always include your name, salon name, contact info. We always want the client to remember the genius that solved their hair/skin/nail problem Professionalism-when you hand them a personal prescription customized just for them Loyalty-prescriptions show clients you care, enabling you to foster life-long business relationships

The Cornerstone Series uses ___ to teach you applied skills necessary for success as a salon and spa professional.

The Cornerstone Learning Method

-reveal not conceal the natural beauty of the skin

Valmy method

Every successful salon or spa knows that it is far easier and much less expensive for?

a business to retain clients than obtain new ones

What are the 4 stages of the Change Cycle?

a change is made, change creates a challenge, we must find a solution, we must implement the solution

Why is it important to maintain our composure at work?

a steady composure conveys a professional image to clients, a steady composure allows us to handle difficult demanding clients more effectively, a steady composure is an indication that we know how to handle stress effectively

What is a plan of action to reach a specific goal?

a strategy

-a word formed from the initials of other words, which is a trick that helps us remember the other words


This mental trick of memorizing the first letters of a phrase or series of words helps us remember the phrase or series of words.


The second step to overcome fear is to ___ to overcome the fear.


2nd step in overcoming fear?

act to overcome that fear

An example of nonverbal communication is?

all of the above

-aims for the "impossible", translates ambitions into action plans, financial rewards are the icing on the cake, always focuses on the goal as the reward


Key leadership attributes?

ambition, vision, confidence, taking risks, drive and energy, competitive spirit, self-criticism, leadership

-skills and knowledge you need to use every day in your career in the salon and spa industry to earn money and live your dream

applied business skills

The Conerstone Series teaches you all about:

applied business skills

The Nuts and Bolts educational program teaches you?

applied business skills

-skills that you will actually use every day as a salon and spa professional

applied skills

-a verbal guarantee that what you are saying is actually true


International Business Student of the Year includes:

attendance, overall GPA, percent of Customer Service Checklists completed correctly, the percent of up-services, the percentage of product to service sales, the percent of color service sales or chemical service sales and overall excellence in customer service

-your feelings about a particular person or thing and your position or posture of the body appropriate to express how you feel about the person or thing


-the beliefs and opinions we have about something and the physical posture, either conscious or unconscious, we take when interacting with others, such as when we slump our shoulders or look disinterested when talking to someone


Someone's kindness toward strangers is an example of an ___.


-the qualities of a person that we tend to admire


-can prevent the change that might be necessary and critical to your growth and development

bad habits helps the industry by providing 3 important functions:

beautymob helps salons and spas find nuts and bolts trained graduates straight out of school; beautymob helps nuts and bolts member schools place their graduates into quality jobs; beautymob helps nuts and bolts students find the right job with the right salon and spa immediately after graudation

-an online profile that includes your educational background, professional skills and interests, resume and online portfolio showcasing your work profile

-a measure of how good a client will feel when using a product or service


-a plan showing how much money you will make and how much money you will spend in a particular period of time


What are the 7 things you can do to build a team of leaders?

build confidence first, create anticipation, command respect, tap into their drive to excel, give clear simple instructions, define expectations, make it worth their while

-the pattern or the way in which people regularly buy products or services

buy cycle

Nothing happens until something is sold.

buy cycle generates jobs, which in turn produces wealth, allowing people to spend and make money

-the job or occupation that will become your primary source of income in your lifetime


-"seize the day" in Latin, which means to act today instead of waiting until tomorrow

carpe diem

This Latin phrase means "Seize the Day"

carpe diem

-helps us understand how change occurs so that we can learn not to fear change

change cycle

-a substance that is produced by or used in a chemical process, such as the process used to color hair


-the information a client provides about the quality and affordability of a product or service

client feedback

-is essential to be successful at retail

client follow up

-the act of contacting a client to ensure that a service or product is satisfactory or to motivate the client to return to your business

client follow up

-the list of all your clients who are your regular customers


In retail we must be committed to our ___.


Salon and spa professionals often refer to their list of customers as their?


Other careers in the industry:

colorist, nail technicians, barber, makeup artist, massage therapist, salon/spa owner

In depth training on:

communication skills, customer wow, requesting and retaining a clientele, expanding your client base through referrals, successful retail sales as an essential component in providing legendary customer service and client retention, how to build long-lasting client relationships, how to create a successful business, the importance of creating and understanding detailed client profiles and reports, building a powerful portfolio, how to become a successful salon and spa professional

-identifies main competition and makes it a target, never content with second best, always striving to be the best

competitive spirit

-to maintain a calm and steady control over our emotions


-is confident, but never afraid to ask for help, accepts criticism and moves on quickly, does not dwell on the past


An important goal to ensure your success as a salon and spa professional is to develop internal ___?


1st step in overcoming fear?

confront the fear

-providing the same great service or product knowledge to every client, every day, every time


-the act of turning productive and positive behavior into habits in your daily life


The quality of our services and product knowledge must be ___ in order to earn the trust of clients.


Nonverbal communication can often ___ your verbal messages, such as when you cross your arms while talking to a new client.


Nonverbal communication typically interferes with verbal messages in 2 ways:

contradiction-nonverbal messages contradict the verbal message you are trying to convey substitution-nonverbal messages substitute for the verbal message you are delivering

-ease of use


-the traits and qualities that you consider worthwhile and important and that guide your actions every day

core values

___ are the traits and qualities that you consider worthwhile and important and that guide your actions every day.

core values

The Cornerstone Series uses the ___ to teach you critical applied skills necessary for success in the business world.

cornerstone learning method

The ___ consists of five books, each with a unique focus to best prepare you for professional success.

cornerstone series

-the amount of money required to create a product or a service, including money, labor and other things such as utilities and insurance

cost of a product or service allows you to:

create an online profile showcasing your education, experience, interests and talents; create an online resume to share with employers interested in hiring Nuts and Bolts graduates; create an online portfolio to showcase your talent and abilities and share with employers; search for employers interested in hiring Nuts and Bolts trained graduates

-evidence of our qualifications: your state license or a diploma or certificate of advanced training


-the behavior and attitudes of people in a particular group, such as employees of a business


Every salon or spa has a business ___, regardless of whether it is a good or bad one.


The shared behaviors and attitudes of a group of people, such as the people who work in a business, is known as a ___.


Beneficial tools:

customer service checklist, paycheck calculator, goal tracker

The prefrontal cortex:

decisions are made

-to give a task to somebody else so that they can complete the task for you


-outward behavior, manner, and appearance


Your outward behavior, manner and appearance is referred to as your?


-wants a client can pay for


What are the 5 do's/dont's on verbal communication?

don't gossip do great new acquaintances like old friends don't let what others say affect your communication don't say things under your breath do praise people even when they are not around

-the amount of energy you have to work and accomplish your goals


Becoming a leader requires a lot of?


-is determined and perseveres, plans carefully and thoughtfully, confronts failure, rewards success

drive and energy

-motor vehicles and parts, furnishings and household equipment, recreational goods and vehicles

durable goods

-the means by which we all produce goods and services and consume goods and services


The salon and spa industry is a vibrant and growing component of the U.S.


___ and ___ - balanced with ___ and ___ - make services more and more productive to our overall economy.

efficiency and speed; quality and care

-a person who have advanced training in skin care and skin care treatments


-somebody with a great deal of knowledge about a skill, training, and experience in a particular field or activity


-the confidence we can readily identify in people

external confidence (can be see as arrogance/loud; a little goes a long way)

-is it being made? If so, is it overly intense or just right?

eye contact

-what is their face showing? mask-like and unexpressive, or emotionally present and filled with interest?

facial expression

Most common types of nonverbal communication that you need to take control of:

facial expressions, body movements and posture, gestures, eye contact, touch, space

-family and friends will think us a disappointment, so we avoid taking any risks


One of the most common fears we all face is the fear of?


TorF. A client's "needs" are the client's "wants" that have been shaped by society.


TorF. Client follow up is the information a client provides about the quality and affordability of a product or service.


TorF. Desires are wants a client doesn't want to pay for.


TorF. Integrity is the act of turning productive and positive behavior into habits in your daily life.


TorF. Internal confidence is a visible indicator that a person is confident.


TorF. Product knowledge is something a client received for free but is highly valued because it provides an additional service or treatment to clients at no extra cost.


TorF. Products that are compatible do not work together.


TorF. We are always conscious of our habits.


TorF. When a business determines the true cost of a product or service it sells, the business should never take into account the amount required to purchase the product or offer the service, as well as the cost of the labor involved to sell the product or offer the service, and other indirect costs such as utilities, insurance, rent and other such costs.


A helpful acronym to understand how fear prevents change is?

false evidence appearing real

The acronym for FEAR is?

false evidence appearing real

-a basic human emotion that usually expresses itself as an unpleasant feeling of anxiety or apprehension caused by the presence or anticipation of danger


-the single greatest obstacle to change


If you want to make changes in your life, you must understand that ___ is the single greatest obstacle to make those changes.


Once we know that perception is reality, we understand the secret to controlling?


The more we know the less we ___. The less we know the more we ___.


What can stop the change cycle from working?

fear of confronting challenges

3-step process to internalize the core beliefs that make hope so powerful:

goals-hopeful people pick goals; without you can't move forward action-hopeful people work to achieve those goals. Take steps to realize them. Pathways-Hopeful people choose paths that actually move them forward.

Being uncomfortable can be stressful, but some stress can actually be?

good for us

-help you achieve important goals and handle the stress of daily life

good habits

-assurances of fulfillment; automatically build confidence in the mind of the buyer


-an action or pattern of behavior that is repeated so often that it becomes typical of somebody, although he or she may not necessarily be conscious or aware of it


-all habits are formed by a psychological process called

habit loop

The basal ganglia:

habit-making behaviors, development of emotions, memories and pattern recognition

-make daily life easier, but if we don't learn how to control our bad ones they can stop us from embracing change


Estheticians provide:

hair removal (waxing, threading, tweezing, sugaring), facial massage, body treatments (wraps, exfoliation, hydrotherapy), skin care consultations, chemical exfoliation, eyelash and eyebrow tinting, eyelash extensions, aromatherapy, and make-up application, microdermabrasion, microcurrent, electrotherapy treatments, LED treatments, ultrasound/ultrasonic and mechanical massage treatments

To create a profit you have to?

have sales greater than expenses

We are all sales people and all have a responsibility to?

help create a good economy, earn income, and pay taxes

Your clients will expect you to have ___ ___ for both the products and services you offer.

high standards

You are joining a profession that has a very ancient ___ and a very bright ___.

history, future

-ensuring the product or service we recommended does what we say it does


What are the 8 core values that every successful retail business relies on?

honesty, trust, integrity, commitment, serving others, high standards, consistency and profit

The truth is our future success, in our personal and business lives, will be determined by?

how well we sell

The health and beauty industry focuses on?

humans innately being attracted to and with to attract others (why women wear makeup; men cologne)

The Nuts and Bolts program defines "recommending" as the act of?

identifying a client's needs, wants or desires and then acting on that information to suggest a product or service

-means to put a plan into action or take action to realize a goal


We must always act:

in the best interests of our clients

A career is a job that becomes your primary source of ___.


-the demand for immediate results

instant gratification (impulse buy)

-the emotions, pleasurable experiences, or feelings that encourage us to act

intangible motivations

-adhering to or living by a code of values. Walk the walk; back up your talk with your actions


-to act in a client's best interests at all times


-do they seem flat, cool, and disinterested, or over-the-top and overly dramatic? Is the intensity and pace of their gestures frantic? Do nonverbal responses come too quickly or too slowly?

intensity of gestures

-not outwardly visible because it is the confidence that makes us calm in stressful situations and causes others to respect, trust, and admire us

internal confidence (possess knowledge, take control, have the ability to make others feel safe)

-a word that you should be able to define and use as part of your professional vocabulary

key word

-the secret to overcoming fear, whether in your personal life or in the workplace is


Gaining ___ about our products, enables us to prescribe the best solution to solve our client's beauty problems, therefore positively impacting our business.


To overcome your fear of something new, you must gain ___ about it.


Many business owners are looking for employees with leadership skills because?

leaders can accomplish more than nonleaders, leadership skills are always in demand in any profession, leadership skills mean that you are better able to help others

-cultivates and rewards leadership in all employees, leads by both direction and example, leaving room for individual performance, shows strength by consultation and takes advice well, isn't afraid to ask for help


What are the 4 important reasons YOU want to become a leader?

leadership is a valued skill, leadership gives you the ability to accomplish more, leadership skills don't get old, leadership gives you the ability to help others

What is a type of behavior that is acquired through experience?


-one that is taught or acquired through experience

learned behavior

-an important skill or knowledge that you are asked to learn

learning goal

-the amount of money that you lost because your expenses were greater than your revenue


-the act of educating or motivating the client so that they realize that they really need or want the product or service we offer


-the process of providing information that appeals to our client's needs, wants and desires so that our clients are motivated to buy what we are selling


The process of educating or motivating a client to realize that they need the product or service we offer is called?


___, unlike selling, is the process of educating or motivating a client to realize that they need the product or service we are selling.


-the bad habit of simply accepting your current situation as something that is beyond your control


-make us appear less credible and embarrassed, so we would rather not try anything new


There are 8 intangible ___ that underlie the reasons people buy products or services.


-things that clients must have in order to survive or believe they must have in order to survive


Neuro-scientific research has proven that when you choose to repeatedly think new thought and take new actions those thoughts and actions gradually build?

new neural pathways in your brain that become your default thoughts and actions

-groceries, clothing and footwear, gasoline and other energy goods

non-durable goods

-communication by other means than by using words, such as through facial expressions, hand gestures or other body movements

nonverbal communication

To control you attitude you must take control of you?

nonverbal communication

You will be introduced to the ___ educational program: what it is, what it does, and how it's going to help you become a success.

nuts and bolts

To develop a good habit you must think:

of a good reward to give yourself when you complete an activity that you want to repeat again and again

-an ongoing expense required to keep a business operating, such as rent or utilities


-physical or psychological. If we don't know what is going to happen, our mind conjures the fear in physical or psychological, such as guilt or depression, which nags at our conscience, preventing us from making any progress


-an attitude or understanding based on what is observed or thought


-where you advertise or promote your product (internet, salon, mailer)


How do you control the change cycle?

positive change for you remember this rule: The speed at which challenges and problems are overcome is determined by the urgency and priority they are given

The culture of a salon/spa can be ___ or ___.

positive or negative

-are their bodies relaxed, or stiff and immobile? Shoulders tense and raised, or slightly sloped?


-best method of selling in the salon and spa industry is


-the act of recommending a particular course of action or treatment by writing it down


The most effective method to sell products and services in a salon or spa is?


-the amount charged for a product or service


-the act of identifying a client's needs, wants or desires and then acting on that information to recommend a product or service

problem solving

Selling is another word for:

problem solving clients' beauty problems; telling clients the benefits of our service; recommending the right service and products to suit the client's needs

-the description of the product/service you are offering to your clients; a compelling description is sure to attract more interest than a few poorly placed words on a page


The Four P's:

product, price, placement, promotion

In order to best solve your client's beauty problems, you need to develop your knowledge of?


New graduates of beauty school must obtain the following critical applied skills to succeed in the workplace:

professionalism/work ethic, oral and written communication, teamwork and collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving

-the amount of extra money you made selling the product after paying your expenses


-simply the difference between the sale price and the cost to buy the product or offer the service that is being sold

profit margin

Successful salons and spas always monitor and work to improve the ___ of the products and services they offer.

profit margin

If you value ___ in your salon or spa, you will always seek to live up to the ___ other core values for every client, every day, every time.

profit, 7

-asking someone to trust that what we say we will do, we will actually do


What are the 8 intangible motivations?

promises, benefits, values, testimonials, credentials, guarantees, instant gratification, convenience

-awareness of your product or service with existing and prospective clients


The key to unlock the secret that tells us HOW fear governs us is to?

realize and accept that perception is reality

-the act of identifying someone's problem and telling them about possible solutions


-the process of recommending a business or service to someone


Successful salons and spa know how to improve client management, revenues and profits by focusing on?

referrals, retail, requests, retention (all)

Cornerstone Learning Method?

reflect, engage, perform; team leaders; learning tools; diploma and beautymob

-everyone wants to be loved, respected and feel like we belong


Nonverbal cues can also serve to assist verbal messages in 3 ways:

repetition-nonverbal cues repeat a verbal message complementing-nonverbal cues add to or complement a verbal message accenting-nonverbal cues "accent" or strengthen a verbal message

-the act of politely asking for something


All successful retail businesses, including salons and spas, rely on four client strategies:

request, retention, retail and referral

The 4 Success R's?

request-get clients, retention-keep clients, retail-sell to the clients, referral-bring additional clients

Taking responsibility for one's actions and behaviors will earn the ___ of others.


-the act of being accountable to somebody or for something


All successful salons and spas focus on four client strategies: ___, ___, ___, and ___.

retail, referral, request, retention

-the methods used to effectively sell both services and products in a professional salon or spa


From now on we are referring selling as ___.


___ is one of the most important components of a healthy economy.


-the activity of ensuring a client returns to your business


-a positive gift to yourself that makes you feel good but that is not harmful


-a type of habit that we engage in every day in a formal manner


-a pattern or activity one consciously engages in regularly


A pattern or activity one engages in regularly is known as a?


We are all ___.


A successful salon or spa is only as good as its most valuable human resource - the ___ - and Nuts and Bolts will help you learn incredibly valuable skills to become the best of the best.

salon and spa professional

-avoids blaming others when something goes wrong, habitually conducts a calm analysis of why things went wrong, identifies and then removes the cause, when things go well, rejoices in success and rewards others


For salon and spa professionals, the Complete Retail Experience teaches you how to?

sell both products and services in a professional salon or spa

2 Fundamental concepts to understand in order to know how to sell:

selling is problem solving; selling is telling

-a critical factor in the success of a salon or spa

selling products along with services

You will retain clients by:

selling promises, telling clients about the benefits, demonstrating the value, and providing guarantees, instant gratification, and convenience to every client, every time, every day

-housing and utilities, health care, transportation services, recreation services, food services and accommodations, financial services and insurance, and health and beauty services


To be a successful salon or spa professional you must understand that your clients seek your ___ and ___ ___ because of your expertise.

services, product knowledge

-is the person you are talking to backing up or looking uncomfortably around? Are you moving forward when you are talking?


-not developing or changing and you are not making any progress


-not making any progress and not growing


When a business ceases to earn profits or fails to generate enough revenue to cover its expenses, the business is said to be ___.


To help you prepare to pass your Capstone Exams, you can take the ___ found in the Cornerstone Series.

step quiz

-an oversimplified opinion or definition of a person or group that tends to make the person or group appear to be worse than they really are


-a plan of action to reach a specific goal


-the mental, emotional, or physical strain caused by anxiety or overwork



stress hormone; can drive up blood pressue, suppresses your immune system, more susceptible to a host of stress-related ailments (colds, irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, heart disease, stroke)

To calculate a profit margin on a product or service you can:

subtract the business' cost to buy the product or offer the service from the sale price of the good or service

-when we become this we take on more responsibility, more work and more pressure. A fear of this causes us to engage in behaviors that prevent us from continuing to be this


-united pattern of behavior shared by a group that benefits the group

success culture

-always strive to increase their profit margins

successful retail businesses, including salons and spas

-a group, such as family, friends, or co-workers, who are available to help a person when required

support system

To fully embrace change you must learn to?

take control of your attitude

-never gambles, but isn't afraid to take calculated risks, tests hunches and isn't afraid to back them, doesn't worry about admitting faults and is confident that admitting faults makes them stronger

taking risks

2 Types of motivations that compel people to buy a product or service:

tangible and intangible

-something we can identify with one or more of the 5 senses: sight, touch, taste, hearing or smell

tangible motivation

Must be able to tell the client how these features/ingredients better their skin.

tea tree oil fights acne; aloe vera helps heal the skin; glycerin and avocado oil are key ingredients to keeping moisture in the hair

-a certified instructor who has completed the Cornerstone Series already and who acts as your Nuts and Bolts Coach

team leader

In the beauty industry you sell you ___ and ___.

technical skills, personality

-a favorable recommendation


-an award competition for students attending Nuts and Bolts member schools that recognizes outstanding business skills and academic excellence

the International Business Student of the Year

Cost is tricky to determine because you must account for?

the costs associated with materials used by the stylist (scissors, shampoos/conditioners), salary of the stylist, and all costs associated with running the business itself (electricity, rent, insurance, etc.)

Hopeful people share 4 core beliefs:

the future will be better than the present, I have the power to make it so, there are many paths to my goals, none of them is free of obstacles

A profit is?

the money made when the product or service is sold minus the expenses required to sell the product or service

Successful salons and spas are only as good as their most valuable resource which is?

the salon and spa professional employees

Product sales directly correlate to?

the trust between service providers and their clients

To control your attitude you must learn?

to control your nonverbal communication

In order to embrace change we must learn:

to get comfortable being uncomfortable

-is there any physical contact? Is is appropriate to the situation? Does it make you feel uncomfortable?


Applied skills are skills that you will actually use every day as a salon and spa professional.


The word cosmetology means the study of beauty.


TorF. A client's "needs" are those things that the client must have in order to survive or believe they must have in order to survive.


TorF. A guarantee is an assurance that a product or service will work as promised or described.


TorF. A team leader is a Nuts and Bolts certified instructor who has completed The Cornerstone Series and has been trained to teach the Nuts and Bolts educational program.


TorF. Applied business skills are the practical skills that you will use on the job every day.


TorF. Confidence, risk taking and the ability to criticize oneself are characteristics of a leader.


TorF. Expertise is the number one reason that clients seek out your services.


TorF. In order to earn your Nuts and Bolts Diploma, you must take and pass all 4 Capstone Exams for each book in the Cornerstone Series.


TorF. Knowing how to sell both services and products in a salon or spa is defined by Nuts and Bolts as the Complete Retail Experience.


TorF. One way to take control of your attitude is to learn how to control your verbal and nonverbal communication.


TorF. Stress can be good for us under certain circumstances.


TorF. The "economy" is defined as the means by which we all produce goods and services and consume goods and services.


TorF. The 5 senses can stimulate a tangible motivation to purchase a product or service.


TorF. To form a habit, rewards are essential.


TorF. When you follow up with a client, you ensure that the client's service was excellent, the products you sold them worked and that the client is motivated to return to your business.


TorF. When you guarantee clients that what you are telling them is actually true, you are offering the client an "assurance."


Clients must be able to ___ us in order for us to retail successfully.


To succeed as a salon or spa professional, you must learn how to gain the ___ of your clients.


A person who praises other people even when they are not present is generally understood to be someone who is?

trustworthy and honest

Overcoming fear is a ___?

two-step process

The profit margins on services on average are?

under 10%

In order to overcome challenges and problems in our personal and professional lives, we must give these challenges and problems?

urgency and priority

-how much something is worth


-something a client receives for free but is highly valued because it provides an additional service or treatment to clients at no extra cost

value add

-always plans for the future, shares vision and is willing to learn, knows when to revise the vision when it isn't working, isn't afraid to acknowledge when something is not working


-needs that have been shaped by society


Getting comfortable being uncomfortable is a phrase that means?

we must learn how to change our behavior and attitude to grow personally and professionally

What are the 10 top client retention strategies?

welcome complaints, build loyalty, questions, repeat business, reenergize customers, frequest opt-in communications, exceptional customer service, first impressions, courtesy counts, regular reviews

International Business Student of the Year must submit a 3-5 minute video that answers:

what has the student learned from the Nuts and Bolts program, how does the student plan to use Nuts and Bolts as a salon and spa professional, what lesson from Nuts and Bolts most impacted the student, where does the student want to be in 5 years and what are the steps they are going to take to get there, how has the Nuts and Bolts program made the student a better businessperson

In salon/spa retail it is important to ask 2 questions:

what is the goal of retailing? what is the difference between selling and marketing

Review the statements and write the best that describe you.

you see yourself as a younger person; you are stable, calm, adventurous, socially bold, confident and self-assured; you have a high need for achievement; you welcome change as positive; you feel as though you are locked in, substantive, and going nowhere; you always play it safe; you spend no time with superiors; your career has proven more successful than you originally hoped; you are willing to move; you are rarely ill or absent from work; you often feel stressed and tense; you do not smoke and you get exercise;

As a salon and spa professional you must learn to serve ___ ___.

your clients

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