Ethics and Professionalism Final
While principle ethics asks the question, "What should I do?" virtue ethics asks the question...
"Who should I be?"
The Supreme Court ruling in Jaffe v. Redmond indicated that... -a societal stigma is still associated with seeking counseling -counselors can assert privilege on behalf of a client even when the client has waived the privilege -psychiatrists are more likely to be granted privileged communication on a case-by-case basis than are counselors -counselors have a duty to warn intended victims of clients who threaten those who are endangered -communications between ministers and their congregants are usually not privileged
-a societal stigma is still associated with seeking counseling
In compliance with the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Act of 1972, federally funded substance abuse programs can disclose client records under the following circumstances: -when the client gives written consent -in the event of a medical emergency -for an audit or evaluation -to avert substantial risk of death or serious bodily harm if a court order is secured -all of the above
-all of the above
Which of the following might be the tasks of a Psychologist: -psychological testing -diagnosing -research -all of the above
-all of the above
When counselor trainees make audiotapes or videotapes of counseling sessions for supervision purposes... -trainees must retrieve the tapes after the supervisors have reviewed them, and then erase the tapes. -supervisors must handle the tapes appropriately during the time the tapes are in the supervisors' possession. -supervisors should return tapes to trainees after the tapes have been reviewed. -the tapes should be labeled simply, in a manner that does not bring attention to the fact that the tapes are confidential records. -all of the above.
-all of the above.
Disclosure of confidential information is acceptable under all of the following conditions EXCEPT -the counselor suspects abuse or neglect of a child. -a client poses a danger to self or others. -a counselor is in clinical supervision with another counselor. -a client has a fatal, communicable disease and the client's behavior is putting others at risk. -an attorney sends a counselor a letter requesting information.
-an attorney sends a counselor a letter requesting information.
Research has shown that... -clients are unlikely to drop out of counseling prematurely if their counselors are warm and empathic -counselors are generally willing to continue to counsel clients, at no cost to clients, when the clients' insurance benefits have run out -at least 30% of clients in counseling drop out prematurely -clients very rarely drop out of counseling without giving the counselor an explanation -the average adult client completes 6 counseling sessions no matter how many sessions are authorized by the client's health insurance provider
-at least 30% of clients in counseling drop out prematurely
According to Ridley, examples of unintentional racism included all of the following EXCEPT -avoiding the issue of cultural differences by claiming to be color blind and treating all people as if they were alike. -assuming that a client's problems are due to the client's cultural background. -interpreting a lack of trust in the counselor to the fact that the counselor is of a different race than the client -facilitating co-dependency relationships with ethnic clients out of a need to be accepted -misinterpreting a client's culturally learned patterns of communicating or behaving.
-facilitating co-dependency relationships with ethnic clients out of a need to be accepted
According to McIntosh, examples of White privilege include all of the following EXCEPT -being able to watch television and see people of the White race widely represented. -seeing on television White people positively represented. -knowing that if legal or medical help is needed, race will not work against the White person. -growing up in a White middle or upper class family environment. -not needing to teach White children about systemic racism for their own daily protection.
-growing up in a White middle or upper class family environment.
Distressed counselors or counselors suffering from burnout are terms used to refer to (There are 2 correct answers) -incompetent counselors. -counselors who have committed malpractice. -counselors who have had their licenses revoked. -impaired counselors. -counselors who have recently been fired from their jobs.
-incompetent counselors -impaired counselors.
Counselors who work with female clients should have an understanding of the high-prevalence problems and issues experienced by women, including each of the following EXCEPT -domestic violence. -tendency to be passive-aggressive. -sexual assault and harassment. -body image and objectification. -conflicts between work and family responsibilities.
-tendency to be passive-aggressive.
The ACA Code of Ethics requires counselors to explain to clients, before testing takes place, all of the following EXCEPT -that clients may ask questions while they are taking the test if any items are confusing to them. -the nature and purposes of the tests. -whether test results will be used as a screening tool for membership in a counseling group -what conditions produce the best test results. -that they will receive feedback about the test results.
-that clients may ask questions while they are taking the test if any items are confusing to them.
It is ethically permissible for counselors to terminate a counseling relationship for all of the following reasons EXCEPT: -the client does not pay the fees charged. -it is clear the client is no longer benefiting from counseling. -agency limits do not allow services to continue. -insurance benefits for mental health care have been exhausted. -the client experiences a crisis.
-the client experiences a crisis.
Counselors... -use the medical model -use the wellness model -use both -use neither
-use both
When writing case notes, there is disagreement among professionals about which two strategies? -documentation should be relatively vague so as not to reveal too much information. -as much detail as possible (e.g., dates, times of events, and exact words spoken) should be included. -in the event a counselor realizes that documentation should have been occurring sooner, the counselor should back-date the documentation rather than write a summary of what has happened up to that point in time. -counselors document to avoid responsibility for clinical decisions that were made or actions that were taken.
The primary professional association for counselors is the...
Studies regarding cultural bias in diagnosis have shown that
African American clients are more likely to be diagnosed with severe mental illnesses such as schizophrenia
This group sets the standard for counselor education and training programs
er State v. Brown, 1985 and State v. Magnuson, 1984, ___________ can be used against clients in criminal investigations, and is not protected by the Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Act of 1972.
Counselor direct observations
Counselors should not allow clients to believe they can solve problems on their own.
Students in counselor training programs should never seek counseling.
There is a small continuum regarding Biblical counseling definitions and practice.
Counselors should list all of their "letters" (degrees) on their promotional material Responses Add correction if necessary
False If a counselor has an MBA as well as an MSC, they do not need to advertise it. They should only advertise relevant material.
Counselors should consult with colleagues when they are uncertain about an exception to privileged communication.
False, consult with attorney.
Because race, ethnicity, gender, and social class are salient cultural variables for all people...
Individuals simultaneously experience both privilege and oppression.
________________ is a national voluntary certification.
Legal principles view the contents of a client's counseling records as belonging to
The client
When the client is deceased and there is no statutory language dealing with privilege and the death of the holder, the individual who usually is allowed to assert the privilege is...
The client's legal representative.
A Psychiatrist's primary task is to provide medication management for clients.
An understandig of human development is essential to counselors.
Counselors typically help everyday people with everyday problems.
Licensed Professional Counselors are qualified to give an DSM diagnosis.
Subpoenas are used... to obtain copies of records. to cause potential witnesses to testify at a deposition, hearing, or trial. to ask potential witnesses to respond in writing to written questions. to require witnesses to appear at a deposition, hearing, or trail and to bring their records with them. all of the above.
all of the above.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires that... counselors give clients a clear written explanation of how they use, keep, and disclose their health care information. clients have access to their records. a written process exists for clients to request amendments to their records. a written history of most disclosures of client information be available to clients. all of the above.
all of the above.
With respect to a client's right to choose the time and means of his or her death, the ACA Code of Ethics...
allows counselors the option to maintain confidentiality depending upon applicable laws and the specific circumstances of the situation after seeking consultation or supervision from appropriate professional and legal parties.
When counseling a client from a racial, ethnic, or cultural group different from the counselor's, it is important for the counselor to remember that...
although certain groups share similar traits or beliefs, each individual is unique and may not be like most others from his or her group.
When uncertain about the privileged status of information requested for disclosure through a subpoena, a counselor should consult with...
an attorney who represents the counselor or his or her employer.
A new and notable development in the 21st century has been...
an emphasis on social justice and advocacy
Informed consent documents that clients sign before counseling sessions begin...
are a good way to inform clients of their rights and responsibilities and are required by some federal rules and state laws.
Laws... -always support professional values and behaviors. -dictate maximum standards of behavior for professionals in a position of trust who provide services to the public. -are similar to ethics in that they represent ideal standards. -often conflict with an ethical standard related to a similar issue. -are agreed upon rules that are set forth by principles allowing people to live together in a society.
are agreed upon rules that are set forth by principles allowing people to live together in a society.
The personal values of counselors...
are influenced by their families of origin and their cultures, among other factors.
If a subpoena for the counseling records of a client is received, a counselor who works in a mental health agency should...
ask his or her supervisor to obtain a legal opinion as to whether the records should be copied for the attorney who has issued the subpoena.
The best statement about the nature of professional ethics in counseling is that... -if counselors study ethical codes and keep current with the professional literature, they can be assured of practicing in an ethical manner. -in order to practice in an ethical manner, counselors must always be in compliance with federal and state laws. -because there are few absolute, right answers to ethical practice questions, consultation with counseling colleagues is very important when making ethical decisions. -because there are few absolute, right answers to ethical practice questions, consultation with lawyers is very important when making ethical decisions. -the ethical standards have changed very little in the last 50 years, so if counselors learn the rules, they will be able to practice in an ethical manner.
because there are few absolute, right answers to ethical practice questions, consultation with counseling colleagues is very important when making ethical decisions.
Counselors who function according to mandatory ethics...
believe that their duty is to comply with basic "must" and "must not" statements in codes of ethics, and nothing more
It is vital for counselors to become aware of their own personal needs and values so that they
can avoid getting their own personal needs met through their counseling relationships.
Key points with respect to diagnosis include all of the following EXCEPT clients should not be told the diagnosis that has been assigned to them. counselors must be alert to sources of bias against women and minority group members in the diagnostic process. counselors should cooperate with physicians when clients may have a physical condition that is contributing to their mental or emotional problems or when they could benefit from taking medications for their condition. multicultural considerations are of paramount importance in diagnosis because all mental disorders occur in and are defined by a cultural context. counselors are guilty of insurance fraud when they do not diagnosis honestly and accurately and they can be subject to both civil and criminal liability.
clients should not be told the diagnosis that has been assigned to them.
As advocates, counselors are aware that:
clients' mental health is affected by their experiences of discrimination and marginalization
With respect to confidentiality and privileged communication...
confidentiality is primarily an ethical issue, and privileged communication is primarily a legal issue.
Regarding counselors' personal values, counselors...
could disclose their values to a client, if it is possible to do so in a way that conveys to the client that the client's values can be accepted or rejected without risking the relationship.
The primary difference between counselors and other mental health professionals is:
counseling is the primary professional service that counselors provide.
The court cases in Bruff and Walden demonstrated that...
counselors may be terminated from their employment if they take rigid positions regarding referring LGBTQIQ clients
When involuntary clients are required to sign documents waiving their privacy before beginning counseling sessions...
counselors should carefully explain to clients the limits of their privacy within the counseling relationship.
Which of the following statements is most appropriate regarding clinical case notes? counselors should not take clinical case notes if they are worried about the notes being subpoenaed or later being seen by the client or anyone else. counselors should take the clinical notes they need in order to function effectively as professionals. it is reasonable to assume that clinical case notes will not be read by anyone other than the counselor who wrote them. writing illegible case notes is a protection against being called upon to reveal sensitive information pursuant to a subpoena. if clinical case notes are kept at the home of the counselor, they cannot be subpoenaed.
counselors should take the clinical notes they need in order to function effectively as professionals.
The term "culturally encapsulated counselor" refers to a counselor who
defines reality according to one set of cultural assumptions and fails to evaluate other viewpoints, which renders the counselor insensitive to cultural variations.
Competence is most closely related to the moral principle of
do no harm
Because most counselors come from a middle class background, they...
find it difficult to hear class conditioning when listening to some clients' stories.
To be effective when counseling clients with physical disabilities, counselors should...
focus on the clients' abilities rather than limitations.
Generally, counselors create clinical case notes...
for their own use, so that they may be effective counselors.
To avoid being sued by a client for abandonment, counselors are advised to...
give the client adequate notice that the counselor is terminating the counseling relationship.
During the time that a counseling student is counseling clients in a practicum or internship setting, the student counselor...
has the same ethical obligations to uphold confidentiality as does a licensed counselor
Cultural competencies in working with LGBTQIQ clients include...
having a comfort and familiarity with LGBTQIQ sexuality and how it is expressed
When a counselor determines that a gay or lesbian client may have been illegally discriminated against, the counselor should...
help the client determine whether or not to seek legal advice.
The ACA code of Ethics... -helps to stabilize the profession -answers nearly all questions that a counselor might have -sets forth ethical responsibilities that never change -is the single, universally accepted code of ethics for counselors -is updated every two or three years
helps to stabilize the profession
Professionalism in counseling includes all of the following EXCEPT: -being intrinsically motivated to achieve best practices in counseling. -taking pride in one's profession. -holding a doctorate in counseling or a related field. -understanding the history and philosophy of the profession. -representing the profession to the public in a positive and vigorous manner.
holding a doctorate in counseling or a related field.
Because clients may have emergencies between counseling sessions, it is usually wise for counselors to
instruct clients to call a 24-hour mental health hotline number or report to a hospital emergency room.
External forces that can support counselors in their efforts to practice ethically include all of the following EXCEPT -supervision -intentionality -consultation -ethical codes -continuing education workshops and seminars
The standard used to determine whether a particular counselor is qualified to administer and interpret a particular test (there are 2 possible correct answers)... has been developed by the American Psychological Association. is so broad that any professional can administer and interpret any test. is established by each state by the state licensure board for psychologists. is not absolute and each counselor must make that determination for himself/herself. is based on a formula that includes graduate courses taken, number of administrations of that particular test previously, and amount of supervised experience giving that particular test.
is not absolute and each counselor must make that determination for himself/herself. is based on a formula that includes graduate courses taken, number of administrations of that particular test previously, and amount of supervised experience giving that particular test.
Once counselors have disclosed their legal questions to their immediate supervisors and have received a response either from the supervisor or from an attorney who is advising them as to the proper course of action?
it is essential for counselors to follow legal advice given to them, even if they do not agree with it.
Law and ethics differ in that...
laws dictate minimum standards of behavior that society will tolerate, whereas ethics represent the ideal standards expected by the profession.
In two recent court cases, students in counseling master's degree programs were dismissed from their training programs because they failed to...
learn to counsel LGBTQIQ clients effectively
Which of the following statements regarding counselor competence is FALSE? -once counselors have become licensed, the burden of ensuring competent services falls on the counselors themselves. -competence in counseling is difficult to define. -there is a continuum of professional expertise with gross negligence at one end and maximum effectiveness at the other extreme. -licensure ensures that practitioners are competent to do what their licenses permit them to do. -counselors are ethically required to counsel only within the boundaries of their competence.
licensure ensures that practitioners are competent to do what their licenses permit them to do.
All of the situations below may lead to client dependency EXCEPT -managed care programs that limit the number of counseling sessions. -the requirement in internship that counselors in training have a minimum number of client contact hours. -the belief that a counselor is effective if the client returns for counseling sessions on a regular basis. -a counselor has a strong need to be needed by others. -it is less risky for clients to maintain close relationships with counselors than with others in their lives .
managed care programs that limit the number of counseling sessions.
When clients seek counseling related to issues such as abortion, assisted suicide, interracial marriage, premarital sex, or sexual identity, counselors...
must examine their own values regarding these issues to ensure they can provide counseling services without allowing their own beliefs to interfere.
Breaches of client confidentiality by counselors...
occur rarely, and when they do occur usually are inadvertent.
Virtue ethicists believe that
people exist in connection to and in relationship with one another
At their most fundamental level, codes of ethics serve to
protect and promote the welfare of the client.
Privileged communication statutes...
protect clients from having confidential communications with their counselors disclosed in a court of law without their permission.
Because counselors have a fiduciary relationship with their clients, counselors must...
protect the best interests of their clients and not benefit inappropriately from the counselor-client relationship.
Keeping good records can benefit both counselors and clients in the following ways, EXCEPT: proving that the counselor is not impaired or suffering for burnout providing continuity of care if a client is transferred to another provider measuring progress in treatment creating an accurate history of diagnosis, treatment, and recovery offering self-protection for counselors
proving that the counselor is not impaired or suffering for burnout
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), which is sometimes referred to as the "Buckley Amendment," which of the following (choose 2). -community mental health centers in the United States. -public educational institutions. -private or parochial educational institutions. -public hospitals. -private hospitals.
public educational institutions, public hospitals.
The three major types of records that counselors keep are
recordings, clinical case notes, and administrative
Registration is the form of state regulation of a profession that...
requires members of a profession to sign up with the government if they practice the profession in the state, but anyone may sign the registry without a review of their credentials.
When choosing and implementing a counseling technique to use when counseling clients, counselors should be aware that...
research has demonstrated that some techniques are more effective than others in working with particular concerns and mental disorders
When a counselor discovers that a client holds values that are dramatically different from the counselor's own values, the counselor should...
respect the client's values even though the counselor disagrees with them.
From the perspective of principle ethics, a counselor who is counseling a client planning a violent act against another person and who intervenes to notify family members is Responses
sacrificing client autonomy in order to prevent harm and to do good.
When a husband subpoenas a counselor to reveal information in a court hearing that was provided by the wife in joint couples counseling sessions, and the wife objects to the information being revealed, the counselor...
should consult with an attorney because laws and court cases vary as to whether the counselor will have to reveal the information over the wife's object
When a counselor determines that a client may be at risk for harming self or others, the counselor always must...
take the steps necessary to prevent harm.
All of the following statements about advertising one's services in an ethical manner are true, EXCEPT: -the ACA Code of Ethics imposes strict criteria and restrictions on advertising. -counselors must correct misrepresentations of their qualifications if they learn about such misrepresentations. -counselors are required to distinguish between paid and volunteer work experience when they advertise their qualifications. -counselors must present their credentials accurately. -many counselors hold multiple credentials, and it is ethical to list all relevant credentials on their business cards.
the ACA Code of Ethics imposes strict criteria and restrictions on advertising.
With respect to what mental health professionals are qualified to diagnose using the DSM system,
the DSM manual specifically includes counselors as users of the DSM system
When a client accuses a counselor of wrongdoing through a complaint with the counselor's licensure board or through a malpractice law suit filed in court...
the client automatically waives his or her privacy rights and the counselor can reveal private information related to providing counseling services to the client.
Multicultural considerations were not given extensive attention in the ACA Code of Ethics until...
the fifth version adopted in 1995.
Legislators agree to license a professional group, such as counselors, only when it can be shown that...
the public cannot determine which practitioners are competent, and they might be harmed by incompetent members of that profession.
The most important resource for counselors to use in learning about different racial, cultural, or ethnic groups is
their clients
Counselor competency can be assured if
there is no way to assure counselor competency.
Counselors do NOT have an ethical obligation to uphold the confidentiality of information revealed to them when...
they encounter a client in the grocery store and the client reveals information about an event that occurred in the client's life between sessions
When attempting to make an ethical decision, it is recommended that counselors take all of the following steps EXCEPT... -tune into their feelings. -involve the client in the decision making process. -consider the moral principles. -consult with an attorney. -identify desired outcomes.
tune into their feelings, involve the client in the decision making process
If a Southeast Asian client refuses to seek police assistance when he or she has been the victim of a crime, the counselor should...
understand that the client may have negative feelings toward police because of police oppression in his or her native country.
It is TRUE that... the majority of the complaints filed with state licensing boards against counselors involve claims of breach of confidentiality. when counselors share confidential client information with other professionals involved in a client's care, the counselors should first obtain client permission to share the information. counselors should make the same guarantees of confidentiality in group counseling that they make when counseling individuals. due to concerns about confidentiality, counselors should never use a family member as an interpreter when counseling a client who does not speak the same language as the counselor.
when counselors share confidential client information with other professionals involved in a client's care, the counselors should first obtain client permission to share the information.
All of the following are situations in which it is necessary to consult with colleagues EXCEPT -when counselors face issues that require them to exercise judgment. -when there are no clear right or wrong answers. -when deciding whether to respond to a subpoena. -when it is possible that clinical decisions will be challenged later. -when they are not certain whether a client might be suicidal.
when deciding whether to respond to a subpoena.
In Pennsylvania you can call yourself a professional counselor when...
you become a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)