Ethics Final Exam

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how leadership skills are developed (5)

-conceptual info and behavioral guidelines -conceptual info demonstrated by examples and brief descriptions of leaders in action -experiential exercises -feedback on skill utilization or performance from others -practice in natural settings

leader's actions that foster teamwork (2)

-informal techniques:actions that leaders can take using their own resources -formal techniques: actions that generally require organization structure or policy

entrepreneurial leadership behaviors

-strong achievement and drive and sensible risk taking -high degree of enthusiasm and creativity -typical pattern of being proactive -tendency to act quickly when opportunity arrises -visionary perspective combined with tenacity -dislike of hierarchy and bureaucracy -preference for dealing with external customers -eyes on the future

model the way, inspired a shared vision, challenge the process, enable others to act, encourage the heart

5 practices of exemplary leadership (leadership challenge)

receive feedback from those who work with and for them

A key part of 360-degree feedback is for leaders to _____.

extrinsic satisfaction

All of the following are substitutes for leadership except:

giving emotional support and encouragement; creating inspiration and visibility

All of the following are task-related attitudes and behaviors except:

team player

An individual who serves as an example to the team is performing the leadership role of...

organizational politics

Gossip, manipulation, playing favorites, and taking credit for another's work are all examples commonly associated with

consensus leadership

Jessica, the chief fashion designer at ApparelDezire, consults her team for designs to be showcased in the upcoming fashion week. Jessica decides on a couple of designs based on the suggestion of group members and the ones she feels the group would agree upon and support. Jessica's decision is attributed to the _____ style of leadership.

democratic leader

Katie, the marketing head of MeDiASure, a digital marketing agency, entrusts her team with the task of conceptualizing innovative marketing strategies for a client. Katie collects the group's opinions and lets the team make the final call on the most suitable strategies by vote. In this scenario, Katie is assuming the role of a(n) _____.


Leaders having a(n) __________________ conflict management style are moderately assertive and moderately cooperative.

various forces in the environment

Leadership takes into account factors related to the leader, the persons being led, and...

leader-member exchange model

Nixon, who is a team manager, decides to split his subordinates into two different groups. While the members of one group are invited to participate in processes like sales target determination and crisis management, the members of the other group are managed as per formal rules. Nixon's leadership practice is in accordance with the _____.

emphasizing group recognition and rewards

The formal technique that includes promoting team identity by emphasizing the team's value to the organization rather than that of the individual is called ________.

leaders should help the group realize why it should be proud of its accomplishments.

The teamwork tactic "emphasize pride in being outstanding" is based on the premise that:

has knowledge of the key task the group is performing

Torres was recently appointed the marketing head of a cosmetics company. He has a keen interest in the cosmetics industry and has extensively studied the company's past growth and marketing strategies. This reveals that Torres:

organizational politics

Trying to achieve one's own ends even if it means harming others in the organization is called ________.


When Carlos, the manager of a coffee shop, speaks to customers in order to find out trends in their preferences and their changing requirements, he is performing the leadership role of a(n) _____.


When an individual has ________ they have the ability to influence others.

cognitive intelligence

When an individual has ________ they very good at solving problems.

Doing what she or he thinks is right in spite of the political consequences

Which one of the following actions on the part of a leader would most likely contribute to a reputation of trustworthiness?

leader-member exchange model

________ is an explanation of leadership proposing that leaders develop unique working relationships with group members.


________ leaders communicate a sense of mission, stimulate new ways of thinking and enhances as well as generate new learning experiences.

insight into people and situations

a depth of understanding that requires considerable intuition and common sense

leadership grid

a framework for specifying the extent of a leader's concern for production and people

team builder (leadership role)

a key aspect of a leader's role is to build an effective team

promoting principles and values

a major part of a top leader's role is to help promote values and principles that contribute to the welfare of individuals and organizations

entrepreneur (definition)

a person who founds and operates an innovative business

trustworthiness (effective leadership traits)

a person's confidence in another individual's intensions and motives and in the sincerity of that individual's word

core self-evaluations (effective leadership traits)

a proud personality trait that captures bottom-line self assessment that is composed of self-esteem, locus of control, generalized self-efficiency, and emotional stability

management openness

a set of leader behaviors particularly relevant to subordinates' motivation to voice their opinion

giving emotional support and encouragement

a supportive leader gives frequent encouragement and praise and also displays caring and kindness even abut nonwork-related matters

team (understanding the leader's role in team-based organization)

a work group that must rely on collaboration if each member is to experience the optimum success and achievement

flexibility and adaptability (effective leadership traits)

ability to adjust to different situations

courage (effective leadership traits)

ability to face the challenges of taking prudent risks and taking initiative in general

entrepreneur (leadership role)

although not self employed, managers who work in large corporations have some responsibility for suggesting innovative ideas or furthering the business aspects of the firm

coach and motivator (leadership role)

an effective leader takes the time to coach and motivate team members, and sometimes to inspire large groups of people inside the organization

authentic leaders (a leadership style)

are passionate about the company, live out corporate values daily in their behavior in the workplace, and form long-term relationships with employees and other stakeholders


arrive at imaginative and original solutions to complex problems

different styles of conflict management

assertiveness-action in one's own best interest cooperativeness-working toward the best interest of the other person or group

transactional leaders (a leadership style)

attempt to create employee satisfaction through negotiating or bartering for desired behaviors or levels of performance

assertiveness (effective leadership traits)

being forthright in expressing demands, opinions, feelings, and attitudes

authenticity (effective leadership traits)

being genuine and honest about your personality, values, and beliefs as well as having integrity

humility (effective leadership traits)

being humble at the right times, admitting your mistakes to team members and admitting you don't know everything

what leadership produces

change and adaptability to new products, markets, new competitors, new customers, and new work processes

democratic leaders

confer final authority on the group

consultive leader

confer with group members before making a decision

spokesperson (leadership role)

emphasis is on answering letters or inquiries and formally reporting to individuals and groups outside the manager's direct organizational unit

achievement motivation

finding joy in accomplishment for its own sake

aligning people

getting people pulling in the same direction and collaborating smoothly is a major interpersonal challenge

leader-member exchange model IN-GROUP

given additional rewards, responsibility, and trust in exchange for their loyalty and performance. they become part of a smoothly functioning team headed by the formal leader

passion for the work and the people (effective leadership traits)

goes beyond enthusiasm and often expresses itself as an obsession for achieving company goals

how leadership influences organizational performance

goof results are attained when leasers develop teamwork and formulate the right strategy

proactive personality (effective leadership traits)

has a relatively stable tendency to effect environmental change

enthusiasm, optimism, and warmth (effective leadership traits)

helps build good relationships with team members, helps keep the group in an upbeat mood, and makes everyone feel more comfortable

there is no best or most effective style; it depends on the leader, followers, and the situation

how to choose the most appropriate leadership style

self-confidence (effective leadership traits)

improves one's performance in a variety of tasks, including leadership. A leader who is self assured without being bombastic or over bearing

creating inspiration and visibility

inspiring others is an essential leadership practice

knowledge of the business or group task

intellectual ability is closely related, technically competent in some discipline, particularly when leader of a group of specialist

technical problem solver (leadership role)

it is particularly important for supervisors and middle managers to help team members solve technical problems

tenacity and resilience

it takes a long time to implement a new program or consummate a business deal

the power motive

leader who has a strong need to control resources

extraversion (effective leadership traits)

leaders who are gregarious, outgoing, and upbeat in most situations

figurehead (leadership role)

leaders, particularly high-ranking managers, spend some part of their time engaging in ceremonial activities, or acting as a figurehead

role of ethical leadership in a corporate culture

leadership that is helping implement and reinforce shared ethical values to promote ethical culture and encourage ethical behavior of employees

what management produces

order, consistency, and predictability

initiating structure (leadership dimension of initiating structure and consideration)

organizing and defining relationships in the group by engaging in such activities as assigning specific tasks, specifying procedures to be followed, scheduling work, and clarifying expectations for team members

negotiator (leadership role)

part of almost any manager's job description is trying to make deal with others for needed resources

cognitive (analytical) intelligence

problem-solving and intellectual skills

drive and achievement motive

refers to propensity to put forth high energy into achieving objectives an dot persistence in applying that energy

emotional intelligence (effective leadership traits)

refers to the ability to do such things as understanding one's feelings, have empathy for others, and regulate one's emotions to enhance one's quality of life

framework for understanding leadership

refers to the effectiveness in leadership, and attaining desired outcomes such as productivity, quality, and satisfaction in a given situation

team player (leadership role)

relates to the team building role

sense of humor (effective leadership traits)

relieves tensions and boredom and defuses hostility in the workplace

autocratic leader

retain most of the authority. They make decisions confidently, assume that group members will comply, and are not overly concerned with group members' attitudes towards a decision

personalized power motive

seeks power mostly further their own interests. They crave the trappings of power, such as status symbol

traits, behaviors, and attitudes of a successful follower

self-management, commitment, competence and focus, courage

being a servant leader

serves constituents by working on their behalf to help them achieve their goals, not the leader's own goals

participative leader

share decision making with group members

consensus leader

strive for a group consensus

transformational leaders (a leadership style)

strive to raise employees' level of commitment and foster trust and motivation


the ability or authority to guide and direct others toward a goal; the ability to inspire confidence and support among the people who are needed to achieve the organizational goal

conceptual thinking

the ability to see the overall perspective and make farsightedness possible

practical intelligence

the ability to solve everyday problems by using experience based knowledge to adapt to and shape the environment


the ability to understand the long-range implications of actions and policies

consideration (leadership dimension of initiating structure and consideration)

the degree to which the leader creates an environment of emotional support, warmth, friendliness, and trust

executor (leadership role)

the leader that makes things happen, often helming translate plans into action

leader-follower relationship in communication

this connects followers with those in the company who are most familiar with the firm's ethical values. this makes both leaders and followers share the same vision and ethical expectations

satisfying high-level needs

to inspire people, effective leaders motivate them by satisfying higher-level needs, such as needs for achievement, personal growth, a sense of belonging, recognition, self-esteem, and a feeling of control over one's life

strategic planner (leadership role)

top-level managers engage in strategic planning, usually assisted by input from others throughout the organization

leader-member exchange model OUT-GROUP

treated in accordance with a more formal understanding of leader-group member relations. the members are less likely to experience good teamwork.

emotional intelligence (a leadership style)

when leaders have the ability to manage themselves and their relationships with others effectively

teamwork (understanding the leader's role in team-based organization)

work done with an understanding and commitment to group goals on the part of all team members

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