Ethnic Studies Final

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Which of the following describes pan-Indianism

ALL OF THESE: several tribes unite, intertribal social movements, tribes which are joined by political goals unite

Chinatowns today

ALL of these: Are a symbolic focus for Chinese, represent cultural decompression chambers for new arrivals, serve as an identity source for younger people

The term "yellow peril" captured which of the following characterizations of Asian people?

ALL of these: Drug addicted, savage, heathen

Which of the following statements is true regarding Asian Americans and income?

ALL of these: Earn more than whites, earn less than white with same education, income is related to school achievement

The media fuel prejudice against Asian Americans with

ALL of these: Inflammatory reporting, ethnic slurs, mistaken identity

The movement of Chinese Americans out of Chinatowns does which of the following

ALL of these: Signals upward motility of Chinese, indicated their growing acceptance of population, parallels the movement of white ethnics out of similar enclaves

Diversity within the Chinese American group is found in

ALL of these: region of origin, nationality, language

The hui kuans help members adjust to life in a new society by

ALL of these: settling disputes, lending money, organizing membership based on a person's district of origin in China

The island seized in 1969 by Native Americans who cleamed the "excess property" in exhchange for $24 in glass beads and cloth was


Mistaken identity by the media occurs when

American citizens of Asian descent are presented as if they are foreigners

From a ____ perspective, the millenarian movement can be views as a means of coping with the domination of White intruders over Native tribes


Which of the following is part of the Chinese Six Companies (CCBA)

Hui Kuan

The Battle of Wounded Knee II resulted in

Imprisonment of some of the leaders

First generation Japenese immigrants to the US are known as


In 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed legislation entitle the Civil Liberties Act, in which the US authorized reparations for

Japanese Americans

The term Issei refers to

Japanese immigrants to the US

Japensen Americans expect ____ to be less accultured than other Nisei


The most visible recent AIM activity has been its efforts to gain clemency for one of its leaders

Leonard Peltier

By 1900, the population of Native American's living north of the Rio Grande had been reduced by dwindling food sources and diseases to

Less than 250,000

Hawaiians have experienced

NONE of the above

The parents of former senator Danial Inui were born in Japan. The senator was born in the US. This would make the former senator from Hawaii of which generation?


Hawaii was initially populated by


Congress amended the American Indian Religious Freedom Act in 1994 to allow Native Americans the right to

Possess and use peyote for religious purposes

Korean Ethnic churches in Chicago and Los Angeles are the fastest-growing segment of


Asian Americans include all of the following groups EXCEPT

Puerto Ricans

What are Sansei?

Second generation American-born Japanese

The third wave of Korean immigration, post 1965, brought with it largely

Skilled professionals

Which of the following statements about Filipino Americans is FALSE?

Their primary loyalty is typically to their social organizations and clubs

Today there are 557 Indian reservations in the US, comprising _____ of the land

about 2 %

Within the US, Japenese have tended to

achieve upward mobility

The 1988 Indian Gaming Regulatory Act

allows for negotiated gambling agreements on reservations

Defiance, in the form of gangs, is a sign of


The Chiensen phrase Zhancao zhugen, meaning "to eliminate wees, one must pull out their roots," refers to


The 1.5 generation is another name for


Tong membership is based on


The Employmen Assistance Program

led highly motivated young people away from reservations

The problem of under enrollment refers to Indian School children who

never attend school or leave while in grade school

The Fort Laramie Treaty if 1868, in exchange for Sioux land, White settlers agreed

not to hunt or settle on the Great Sioux reservation

The Issei moved to the cities during the 1920's because of

passage of laws making it difficult for the to remain in agriculture

Viet Kieu are

people from Vietnam living abroad

In Hawaii in the late 1700's,

plantation operators arrived

The Allotment Act intended to impose upon the Native Americans the European concept of

private property ownership

Government-created initiatives to counteract tribal people's bleak employmen situation have included

programs to relaocate young talented Native Americans in urban areas away from the reservation

The termination Act of 1953

resulted in the withdrawal of basic services such as road repair and medical care

Tongs are

secret societies

Asian Indians see ___ work as most likely to help them make a transition to the US and to give them the money they need to become more self-reliant


Given their relatively long tradition of immigration, it is surprising that Filipino Americans have no significant

social organization representing the general filipino population

Through most of the 1980's, Asian Indian immigrants

tended to be urban, educated and English speaking

Efforts to explain the internment of the Japenese Americans by saying they did not resist would be considered

blaming the victim

The model minority stereotype of Asian Americans contains an implicit critique of Blacks, Hispanics, and others for failing to succeed as well as the model minority has. This could be viewed as

blaming the victim

Asian Indian Immigrants call themselves


Following World War II, Japanese Americans

dispersed throughout the US

Chinese American refers to

diverse ethnicities and nationalities

California's 1913 Alien Land Act

drove Japenese farmers into cities

By the mid-1960's 1/4 to 1/3 of people in the Employment Assistance Program

had returned to their home reservation

Organized around a person's district of origin in China are

hui kuans

A millenarian movement like the Ghost Dance is founded on the belief that a cataclysmic upheaval will occur in the immediate future followed by

Collective Salvation

What is meant by the Filiipino concept sa pamilya?

Devotion to family

One problem faced by Vietnamese refugees to the United States was

Downward social mobility

The number of Native Americans north of the Rio Grande in 1500 is estimated to have been about

10 million

In 2010 Pacific Islanders numbered around

14.6 million

The Chinese Exclusion Act was enacted in


Following the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act, Chinese became eligible to immigrate again in


Among Filipino Americans, ____ of the population speak English only


In 2004, _____ of Asian Americans over age 25 held bachelor's degrees compared to 29.7% of Whites.


Nationwide, unemployment of Native Americans is at


In 1882, Congress enacted legislation prohibiting the immigratio of


The model or ideal minority image is frequently applied to

Asian Americans

The first person murdered in a racially motivated attack after 9/11 was of ___ ancestry

Asian Indian

The gook syndrome refers to negative attitudes held by Americans about


The Indian Reorganization Act was based on which of the following principles?


Portraying the problems of racial and ethnic minorities as their fault rather than recognizing society's responsibilities is referred to as

Blaming the Victim

There are at least 1.3 million Asian Americans in


The term Nisei refers to

Children of Japanse-born immigrants

Acculturation of Chinese Americans in family life is evidenced by

Children questioning the authority of parents

When acculturation is weaker among Chinese Americans, family life is characterized by

Strict attitudes about sexual behavior

The primary agency concerned with Native American health care is

The Public Health Service (PHS)

Colonel George Cluster launched military operations against the Siouz because

The Sioux didn't leave their land when ordered

How can we draw on world systems theory to explain the exploitation of Native Americans by European invaders

The global economy can be seen as dividing between nations that control wealth and those that provide natural resources and labor

Wounded Knee, South Dakota, was the scene of an 1890 massacre of more thr 300 Sioux men, women and children by the

US Army

The term boat people was used to describe a stage of immigrations from


The Dawes Act or the General Allotment Act of 1887

Viewed the Indian as an independent homesteader

The Indian reorganization Act forced the tribal people to adopt the European Way of

Voting and election of leaders

The case study of a Hmong community takes place in


Fourth generation Japanese are known as


According to the 2010 Census, there has been ____ in the Native American population in the US since the 2000 Census

a 9% increase

The Japanese Americans were finally released from the evacutation camps as a result of

a Supreme Court decision

When Japense Americans recieved compensation for their time in internment camps, the check was accompanied by

a letter of apology from President George HW Bush

The Sioux Ghost Dance is an example of

a millenarian movement

Chinese Americans and Japenese Americans believe that prejudice and discrimination in the US have


A small initial wave of immigration came from Korea to the United State, via Hawaii, during the

early 1900's

The term for Japanese Americans interned in camps during WWII is


Governmental services to Native tribes such as subsidized medical care were a result of

fulfilled treaty obligations

Chinese Americans have not been active in politics because

the careers the best students pursue tend to be in science & business

Over the last one hundred years powwows have evolved into Native American cultural gatherings. Originally the term pau wau referred to

the medicine man or spiritual leader

A group that despite past perceptions and discrimination, succeeds economically, socially , and educationsally without resorting to political or violent confrontations with Whites is known as

the model minority

According to the textbook, all of the following are true about the success of Asian Americans EXCEPT

their acceptance as a group indicates growing pluralism in the US

The lack of significant Filipino social organization is due to

time consuming obligations to the family and the church

The secret societies in the Chiense community are called


Organized along family or kinship ties in Chinatowns is the


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