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Barry and Katz results

he Temne had a highly significant tendency to accept the suggestion of the cultural norm while the Eskimo group almost disregarded it entirely.

Hofstede results

identified key cultural difference between countries

Define cultural transmission

processes by which attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs are passed from one generation to the next. Occurs due to enculturation and social cognition

Define acculturation

psychological and cultural change as a result of contact and interaction between cultures. this can result in changes to all cultures, not only the non-dominant culture

Define etic

relates to extrinsic (measurable) properties of a society that are important for comparison and scientific observation -between culture -relates to acculturation

Define SCA

the scientific study of social cognition, social interaction, and social influence with regard to human behavior

Hofstede aim

to identify traits through the classification of behaviour with regards to culture

Barry and Katz aim

to study individualism and collectivism across cultures including Scottish people, Temne people and the Inuit; to see if the difference of these two cultures' individualism scores would correlate with their conformity.

Hsu and Barker strengths and limitations

Strengths: Lots of data to use and easy to get the information, high theoretical generalization, large sample size Limitations: Low internal validity (nature of the studies is unknown), possible ethical concerns, possible participant and researcher bias, and low ecological validity

Barry and Katz strengths and limitations

Strengths: high cross-cultural validity, Limitations: low ecological, deception

Hofstede strengths and limitations

Strengths: moderate ecological validity, replicated six times, high cross cultural validity, Limitations: low internal validity, possible demand characteristics, possible experimenter bias, low generalizability with only IBM employees in certain counties, stereotyping risk, culture is non-static

Hsu and Barker aim

To test the hypothesis that a value shift from collectivist to individualist values would be evident since China opened its doors to trade in 1979.

Define culture

a shared, learned, symbolic system of values, beliefs and attitudes that shapes and influences perception and behavior

List 4 principles

-human beings are social animals and we have a basic need to belong -culture influences behavior -people have not only an individual identity, but also a collective or social one -people's views of the world are resistant to change

Link to principle

2- culture influences behavior


Hofstede (cultural dimension), Barry and Katz (conformity), Hsu and Barker

Hofstede conclusion

Hofstede concluded there are 4 bipolar Cultural Dimensions: Individualism-Collectivism, Masculinity-Femininity, Power Distance and Uncertainty Avoidance; long-term v. short-term orientation, and indulgence v. restraint were added later.

Hsu and Barker procedure

In this meta-analysis, researchers conducted a content analysis of 566 television advertisements, rating for individualism or collectivism and the prominence of traditional and modern themes.

Hsu and Barker conclusion

Looking at advertisements as a reflection of culture is important because marketing theory tells us that advertisers must reflect the values of their clients if they wish to create a marker for their products. This, in turn, suggests that as China opened its doors to trade it also opened its doors to cultural influence from outside.

Hofstede procedure

Participants were 60,000 IBM employees from over 50 different countries. They were asked to fill in surveys, and the study carried on for 10 years

Barry and Katz conclusion

The different results for the Temne and Eskimo people are due to the different degree of conformity required by the contrasting social and environmental conditions of their cultures. Support that the degree of individualism of a culture will affect group member behavior, conformity.

Hsu and Barker results

The researchers found that advertisements aimed at younger Chinese viewers scored higher on individualism than collectivism.

Barry and Katz procedure

The researchers used the Asch paradigm to measure conformity, where a series of lines of varying length are presented to participants. One target line is given on top of a page and eight lines of varying lengths are printed below the target line. The participants are asked to identify which of the other lines is of equal length to the target line. The participants are then given a hnt identifying one line (incorrectly) as the line that "most" (Scottish, Temne or Eskimo) people choose as being the correct one.

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