ETS (Form 1, 2, 3) (Abrev.)

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A student is designing a presentation about the importance of recycling and why disposable water bottles should be banned. Which of the following media will be most effective in emphasizing the main idea of the student's speech and appealing to the emotions of the audience?

A graphic showing how many times the water bottles used in one year can wrap around the Earth

Which THREE of the following novels are correctly paired with their corresponding author? Beloved-Alice Walker The Joy Luck Club- Amy Tan The Color Purple- Maya Angelou The Woman Warrior-Maxine Hong Kingston Their Eyes Were Watching God- Zora Neale Hurston

B. The Joy Luck Club-Amy Tan D. The Woman Warrior- Maxine Hong Kingston E. Their Eyes Were Watching God- Zora Neale Hurston

---------Madeleine L'Engle, from A Wrinkle in Time Which of the following terms best conveys the mood created by the imagery used in the passage?


In his much-praised book Albion's Seed, David Hackett Fischer argues that regional accents were in place in America by the time of the Revolution. Question: The passage provides a discussion of which of the following?


An author of a popular social media site posts an advertisement for the site claiming that "teenagers these days all love using social media sites." Which of the following methods of appeal is the author using in the claim?


Which THREE of the following words use the prefix "in" meaning "not"?

Interminable, Incongruous, and Innocuous

A language arts class is learning the two-column note system. The teacher models how to fold the paper, write the main ideas on the left side, and write the subtopics and details on the right. Which of the following assignments is most appropriate to have the students practice the system?

Analyzing multiple characters from a story

Which of the following teacher strategies is most effective in helping English-language learners to understand the meanings of unknown words in a class novel and enhancing their comprehension of the text?

Introducing the vocabulary prior to reading the text by pairing the words with pictures or illustrations

It is my belief that nearly any invented quotation, played with confidence, stands a good chance to deceive. There are people who think that honesty is always the best policy. This is a superstition; there are times when the appearance of it is worth six of it. ------Mark Twain, from Following the Equator Twain uses which of the following rhetorical devices to make a comment about honesty?


The following paragraphs were written by seventh-grade students in response to the prompt: "Tell a suspenseful story about what happens in a house after the lights flicker." Student A ends the paragraph with the sentence, "Thinking was all I could do." Which of the following statements best describes the function of the word "Thinking"?

It acts as the subject of the sentence

Spider - Walt Whitman How does the use of free verse affect the meaning of the poem?

It allows lines to be longer or shorter to emphasize and contrast ideas

Which of the following best describes the impact of the setting in the passage?

It creates a mood of wonder about the world

Which of the following statements about K-3 reading instruction is best supported by the passage?

It does not teach all the kinds of literacy skills required for academic success in later grades

"Now, you have to choose between two roads." The man from the Revolutionary Committee looked straight into my eyes. "You can break with your family and follow Chairman Mao, or you can follow your father and become an enemy of the people." His voice grew more severe. "In that case we would have many more study sessions, with your brother and sister too, and the Red Guard Committee and the school leaders. Think about it. We will come back to talk to you again." ------Ji-li Jiang, from Red Scarf Girl Which of the following statements best describes the effect of the narrative point of view used in the passage?

It draws the reader's sympathies toward the narrator's situation

A teacher directs students to read the first chapter in a textbook and then write a short summary of what they have read. Which of the following best describes how the strategy promotes active reading?

It encourages readers to identify key ideas from the text

A reading teacher asks students to consider how a personal experience relates to the passage the class is currently reading. Which of the following statements explains how the activity promotes active reading?

It encourages students to make connections with the text

The parenthetical citation at the end of the passage signifies which of the following about the previous sentence?

It is a claim that is supported in separate publications by Haycock in 2001 and Greenleaf and her colleagues in 2011

During a reading unit, a teacher notes that students consistently struggle with staying focused and on topic when engaging in partner conversations. Which of the following teacher strategies best addresses the issue?

Modeling conversation stems for students to use while holding accountable interactions

Which of the following strategies best supports students' acquistion of new vocabulary encountered in a text?

Modeling for students how to use context clues in the text to predict the meaning of words

Jamie walked the dog wearing high heels. The student writer of the sentence will benefit from further instruction in which of the following?

Modifier placement

The following sentence is from a draft of a student's essay. Many believe that social media is harmful for adolescents. Some argue that it may be beneficial to adolescents. Which of the following is the most appropriate transition to add to the beginning of the second sentence?


A student pronounces "idea" as "idear i d e a r," "remembers" as "remembuhs r e m e m b u h s," and "yard" as "yahd y a h d." Which of the following dialects is a student using?

New England

In oral language, the substitution of a long vowel /aw/ sound for short /o/ sound, such as in the words "coffee ("cawfee") and "long" ("lawng"), is indicative of pronunciation typically heard in which of the following North American cities?

New York City, New York

Classify the type of assessment as summative or formative: A state reading comprehension test at the end of a school year


Which of the following is a dystopian novel set in fictional Panem in which a sixteen year old girl must compete against other children for her life?

The Hunger Games

The following is an excerpt from a draft of a student's persuasive essay, E-readers are better for education because the technology is more engaging for students than the old paper pages of a book. Which of the following strategies does the student author use to help the reader understand what "superfluous" means?

The writer includes a synonym in the next clause

"Jean, if monsieur pleases," replied the newcomer, "Jean Passepartout, a surname which has clung to me because I have a natural aptness for going out of one business into another. -----Jules Verne, from Around the World in 80 days Which of the following can be inferred about the relationship between Mr. Fogg and Passepartout?

Their interactions will be professional in nature

(1) Picture this: a student is at his locker at the end of the day, packing every textbook he has into his bag. (2) First he packs his books: history, math, social studies, and even a novel. (3) He loads his binders and notebooks into his bag and pulls the zipper shut. barely closing the bursting backpack. (4) Using all of his strength, he hoists the backpack up to his shoulders and staggers down the hall to catch his bus (5) His back hurts and he can barely carry the load, but he has homework to do and needs his books to do it. (6) The school board should replace textbooks with e-readers because doing so will decrease the load that students have to carry home every night and will make students much happier Which transition, inserted at the beginning of sentence 3, would be most appropriate?


Which of the following is the best reason for a teacher to limit the source list when requiring students to conduct research?

To narrow student focus

At another level, inference can be viewed as a integral part of the reading process. ------ William P. Bintz et al., from "Using Literature to Teach Inference across Curriculum." Which of the following statements is best supported by the passage?

Understanding textual nuances and connotations influences comprehension

Students in an eighth grade English Language Arts class are preparing presentations about literary works associated with the Civil Rights movement. The teacher would like the students to incorporate an interactive multimedia element into their presentations. Which of the following demonstrate an appropriate and effective integration of interactive multimedia for this kind of presentation?

Using a clickable timeline to outline where a particular work fits into the sequence historical events

A teacher notices that students are having difficulty comprehending dense nonfiction texts. After reading the given passage, the teacher decides to modify instruction. Which of the following activities will best help students to use the reading practices described in the passage?

Using a semantic map to brainstorm what students already know about a topic

James, a seventh grade student, is having trouble writing a thesis statement for an argumentative essay. His teacher wants to provide scaffolding to help James develop his thesis statement. Which of the following strategies will best help the teacher meet the instructional goal?

Using model texts to demonstrate effective thesis development to James

"Our land is alive, Esperanza," said Papa, taking her small hand as they walked through the gentle slopes of the vineyard. Leafy green vines draped the arbors and the grapes were ready to drop. Esperanza was six years old and loved to walk with her papa through the winding rows, gazing up at him and watching his eyes dance with love for the land. ----Pam Munoz Ryan, from Esperanza Rising

an indication that plants are taking over

In a drama, the main character sustains the action in the plot, while the _________________________________ serves as the opposing element throughout the plot.


Students in a language arts class are choosing independent reading books. The teacher suggests the students choose a book, read a few pages, and then answer the following questions. Did I understand what I just read? Do I remember what I just read? A primary benefit of the activity is that it helps students to select books that:

are appropriate for their reading level

Sonnets and blank verse poems are similar in that they both:

are written in iambic pentameter

The previously unpublished writers The passage is primarily concerned with:

attempting to characterize an unusual group of writers

Romeo and Juliet The passage best supports a description of Benvolio as ________________________________


A teacher wants to conduct a formative assessment of students' understanding of a lesson on punctuation to determine if further instruction is needed on the topic. To best achieve the goal, the teacher should have students

complete an exit slip that asks them to correctly punctuate two sentences

She was interested, but not particularly skilled, in woodworking, pottery, and sculpture


She signed up for the class because she was hoping to learn more about forensics


The book, though published in a radical period (1972) and an expanding economy, has a conservative ecological message. The writer of the passage characterizes the book as a

fantasy intended to comment on a contemporary phenomenon

To best strengthen analytical reading skills, a teacher should have students

generate questions about the author's purpose in passages

In this passage, Papa can best be characterized as

loving and wise

As a formative assessment during a literature circle, Mr. Scott asks his students to write a short journal entry. The following is a journal entry from Robert, a seventh-grade student. Robert's journal entry can best be described as:

making a personal connection to the novel

He had intended to work for three hours each day, but then he realizes that he wasn't getting the project done on schedule. The sentence above could best be revised by

making the verb tenses consistent

What type of figurative language is this sentence? Her energy was pent up; she was a rodent in a cage.


There have now been many studies of elite performers-concert violinists, chess grand masters, professional ice-skaters, mathematicians, and so forth. Question- The primary purpose of the passage is to

present an argument about the relationship between practice and performance

There have now been many studies of elite performers-concert violinists, chess grand masters, professional ice-skaters, mathematicians, and so forth. The author of the passage uses the underlined sentence to

provide supporting evidence

Literary nonfiction most differs from traditional nonfiction in that it usually includes

vivid description authorial voice, and compelling structure

How-how did I get here? "It would take another Earthling to explain it to you. Earthlings are the great explainers, explaining why this event is structured as it is, telling how other events may be achieved or avoided. I am a Tralfamadorian, seeing all time as you might see a stretch of the Rocky Mountains. All time is all time. It does not change. It does not lend itself to warnings or explanations. It simply is. Take it moment by moment, and you will find that we are all, as I've said before, bugs in amber." "You sound to me as though you don't believe in free will." said Billy Pilgrim. ----Kurt Vonnegut, from Slaughterhouse Five Which of the following quotations from the passage best supports Billy Pilgrim's assertion that the Tralfamadorian does not believe in free will?

"All time is all time. It does not change."

1. This phrase "fabulous monster" was used by a unicorn in Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass to describe the character Alice 2. The Latin expression "O Temporal! O Mores!" was used by the ancient philosopher Cicero and means "Oh what times! Oh what customs!" What textual evidence from the second passage provides the most direct support for the claim that modern youth are similar to the youth of previous generations?

"Beauty and idealism, the two eternal heritages of Youth, are still alive."

Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss. Ask yourselves how this gracious reception of our petition comports with these warlike preparations which cover out waters and darken our land. -----Patrick Henry, from his "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" speech Which of the following is an example of Logos used by Henry in the excerpt?

"Has Great Britain any enemy, in this quarter of the world, to call for all this accumulation of navies and armies?"

"It's a long story, shank," the boy said. "Piece by piece, you'll learn----- I'll be takin' you on the Tour tomorrow. Til then.........just don't break anything." He held a hand out. "Name's Alby." He waited, clearly wanting to shake hands. --------James Dashner, from The Maze Runner Which of the following excerpts from the passage best supports the inference that his surroundings are unfamiliar to Thomas?

"Piece by piece, you'll learn-I'll be takin' you on Tour tomorrow."

Spider - Walt Whitman Which phrase from the poem most clearly characterizes the speaker's pursuit as lonely?

"Surrounded, detached, in measureless oceans of space." (line 7)

Ever wonder what it's like to be different than everybody else? If you do, R.J. Palacio's novel Wonder can give you a glimpse into the life of a boy named Auggie who is different than everybody else. The teacher has been working with the students on providing context in the introduction by giving short summaries of the discussed text. Which of the following sentences from the draft most effectively meets the goal?

"The book takes place during Auggie's first year at a new school and shows how difficult being different can be."

(1) Narwhals are medium sized whales that are found mainly in the Arctic waters of Canada and measure about 13-18 feet, but the males are somewhat larger. (2) Unlike other whales, there +++inimitable+++ characteristic is a large tusk that protrudes from a canine tooth in the whale's head. (3) The narwhal eats cod and halibut in the summer, they eat flatfish in the winter. (4) ++++ Even though narwhals can live up to 50 years, some die prematurely because they don't migrate to warmer waters before the sea freezes over.++++++ (5) Unfortunately, the narwhals get stuck under the ice and can't get to the surface for oxygen. (6) The narwhal is on the near threatened list of marine species. Which of the following phrases provides a context clue to help readers understand the meaning of the highlighted word in sentence two?

"Unlike other whales"

"Jean, if monsieur pleases," replied the newcomer, "Jean Passepartout, a surname which has clung to me because I have a natural aptness for going out of one business into another. -----Jules Verne, from Around the World in 80 days Which of the following lines from the passage best supports the inference that Mr. Fogg is pleased with the work experience of Passeparout?

"You are well recommended to me"

A leaf falls to earth While butterflies float near. For each, a mirror. Question: To make this poem fit the structure of a classic haiku, the author should change

"float" to "hover"

Which of the following practices are associated with differentiated instruction in an English Language Arts classroom? Select all that apply.

-Distributing surveys to determine student learning styles -Grouping literature circles based on student interest in book topics -Allowing students to select from among several graphic organizers for prewriting

Which THREE of the following questions are appropriate to ask when evaluating the credibility of a Web-based research source?

1. Is the author of the source an expert on the topic? 2. Is the source intended to inform, persuade, evaluate, and entertain? 3. Does the source's publication date affect the timeliness of the information

Ms. Khan - Mildred Taylor, from Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry Which of the following student responses is most accurate and objective summary of the passage?

10. A. The father of a young girl named Cassie tells her how important it is to own land.

Ms. Khan - Mildred Taylor, from Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry Which of the following student predictions is most strongly supported by the passage?

11. B. Something's going to happen that helps Cassie find out that the land means a lot to her too, not just to her family.

Ms. Khan - Mildred Taylor, from Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry Which of the following student comments about Mr. Logan is best supported by the passages?

12. A. Mr. Logan has self-respect, and he wants Cassie to have it too.

Ms. Khan - Mildred Taylor, from Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry Which of the following student responses provides the best example of a text to self connection that demonstrates comprehension of the passage?

9. C. My mom owns a furniture store that my grandfather started when he was young. It's kind of like the land in Cassie's family. My mom says I can work there when I get older and maybe even own it myself one day.

Which of the following is a characteristic of a blog?

A blog gives a writer an authentic audience

He took his vorpal sword in hand: Long time the manxome foe he sought----- Lewis Carroll, from "Jabberwocky" Based on knowledge of syntax, which definition best describes the meaning of "manxome"?

A characteristic

Which of the following is a primary source for a research project on one-room schoolhouses?

A family photo depicting a relative teaching in a one room schoolhouse

.......I sat up in my high brass bed, and suddenly it came to me that the fat yellow grasshoppers had to be an entirely new species, separate and apart from the green ones, and that I-- Calpurnia Virginia Tate-had discovered them. And didn't the discoverer of the brand-new species get to put her name on it? I was going to be famous! My name would be heralded far and wide; the governor would shake my hand; the university would award me a diploma. But what did I do now? How did I stake my claim on the natural world? I had a vague idea that I had to write to someone to register my find, some official in Washington. -------Jacqueline Kelly, from The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate Which of the following statements best summarizes the passage?

A girl considers the possibilities associated with her discovery of a new species of grasshopper

The following is a paragraph from a first draft of a student's persuasive essay. I support the school board's proposal to require all students to complete community service hours. Volunteering to support local organizations can help students gain valuable life skills. These include: leadership, communication, and teamwork. In addition, students will feel a sense of pride when they learn that they can assist others; and these positive feelings can increase students' self-esteem. Which of the following reference materials will best help the student improve the paragraph?

A grammar handbook

(1) Perhaps one of the most important actions people can take to improve their physical health is to adopt healthy sleep habits. (2) Lack of sleep is tied to a number of health issues. (3) ++++Sleep deprivation can lead to weight gain+++(4) It can lower a person's natural immunity as well. (5) Scientists have gathered a great deal of data that prove that lack of sleep causes health problems. (6) High blood pressure and heart disease are also related to lack of sleep. (7) Another concern is the link between chronic sleep loss and stroke. (8) Getting a good night's sleep can only help a person's health. Which of the following is most appropriate to add to the paragraph as a supporting detail?

A lack of sleep can affect insulin production, which can put a person at risk for developing type 2 diabetes

Over the past few decades, the health of American students has greatly declined. Which of the following writing formats is most appropriate for allowing students to share their writing with an audience that has the power to bring about change?

A letter

Woolf, Virginia. Mrs. Dalloway. London: Penguin Books, 2012. Print---- A Room of One's Own. [email protected], 15 July 2015. Web. 19 May 2016. Which of the following best identifies the highlighted portion of the citation?

A mark indicating the same author is cited with a different source

A student is writing a research paper about the importance of honeybees in the environment. Which of the following resources should the student use to develop a reliable, relevant essay?

A peer reviewed article about bees from an online science journal

Ms. Jackson's students are writing reports on famous inventions, but their research notes so far are mostly unstructured lists of details. Which of the following instructional tools is likely to provide the best structure for helping Ms. Jackson's students organize their notes and plan their reports?

A problem-solution graphic organizer

The man at the helm was watching the tuff of the sail and whistling away gently to himself, and that was the only sound excepting the swish of the sea against the bows and around the sides of the ship. In I got bodily into the apple barrel, and found there was scare an apple left; but, sitting down there in the dark, what with the sound of the waters and the rocking movement of the ship. I had either fallen asleep, or was on the point of doing so...... ------ Robert Louis Stevenson, from Treasure Island Which of the following analyses regarding literary elements in the excerpt is most accurate?

A setting creates a relaxing mood

Spider - Walt Whitman The following is a student's summary of the poem. The speaker likes nature a lot and likes spiders and spider webs. He compares himself to a spider. The speaker talks to his Soul in a frustrated way. He feels like he is alone most of the time. He can't seem to ever get where he wants to be. Still, he keeps trying to reach his goals. The speaker is not happy and feels depressed most of the time. Which of the following claims from the student's summary are supported well by evidence from the poem? Select all that apply:

A. "He compares himself to a spider" C. "He feels like he is alone most of the time" D. "Still, he keeps trying to reach his goals."

Mrs. Joe Gargery - Charles Dickens from Great Expectations The point of view in the passage is

A. First Person

Romeo and Juliet Which of the following statements best describes Romeo's response to Benvolio in lines 20-23?

A. he does not want Bevolio to pity him

My people, the Arapaho The approach used by the author is best described as ______________________________.

A. poetic and personal

The following is an excerpt from a draft of a student's persuasive essay, E-readers are better for education because the technology is more engaging for students than the old paper pages of a book. Which of the following best supports the claim that e-books are more engaging than traditional books?

According to a recent Pew Research Center poll, out of the readers surveyed, the average number of e-books a person read in a year was 21, but it was only 13 for traditional books

While some professionals in the field of education theorize that homework does not correlate with academic achievement, many educators recognize homework with a purpose as a proven and effective tool if used as a reinforcement of a specific learning task. Which of the following provides the strongest evidence to support the author's argument?

According to a study by Dickens and Paul, when students are given homework that directly relates to recent instruction, students can retain skills sets and comprehend the academic content (282).

.The following is the first draft of a student essay on word origins. Words, words, words.............where do the words used by people originate? Many authors are given credit for creating many of the words used in everyday conversation. Authors like William Shakespeare, Edgar Allan Poe, and Dr. Seuss created words that we used every day. Which of the following teacher suggestions about organization will best support the student in making appropriate changes to the essay?

Add transitions between the body paragraphs to better connect the main ideas

A middle school English Language Arts teacher wants to incorporate the recommendation of the passage into a lesson for a unit on the Harlem Renaissance. Which of the following lesson descriptions best reflects the recommendation of the passage?

After a mini-lesson on reading poetry, students work on different literacy center activities involving Harlem Renaissance poems at a variety of reading levels

"Well in that hit you miss. She'll not be hit/ with Cupid's arrow. She hath Dian's wit, And, in strong proof of chastity well armed, From love's weak childish bow she lives uncharmed.-------William Shakespeare from Romeo and Juliet The passage uses which of the following literary devices?


Mrs. Joe Gargery, - Charles Dickens from Great Expectations Which of the following is used in the description of Joe Gargery in the second paragraph?


The first recorded observations of noctilucent clouds were made in the 19th nineteenth century after the eruption of super-volcano Krakatoa. At the time, people thought the clouds were caused by the eruption, but long after Krakatoa's ash settled, the clouds remained. In those days, NLCs N L C s were a polar phenomenon confined mainly to the Arctic. In recent years, they have intensified and spread with sightings as far south as Colorado and Kansas. Which of the following best identifies the meaning of the excerpt?

Although noctilucent clouds have existed in the Arctic for centuries, they have recently increased and entered new regions

The following excerpt is from a student draft. They needed to make decision quickly. They hoped they would not regret their decision. They didn't have all the information yet. Which of the following correctly combines the sentences into a compound-complex sentence?

Although they didn't have all the information yet, they needed to make a decision quickly, and they hoped they would not regret their decision.

Romeo and Juliet Which of the following forms of English is used in the passage?

C.Elizabethan English

Ms. Dunn is having her eighth-grade students participate in whole-class discussions focused on current events.

Annotate the article with questions and comments

Which of the following strategies best assists a student in creating a text-to-self connection?

Annotating a text with a brief note when the text reminds the student of a personal experience

Over the past few decades, the health of American students has greatly declined. Which mode of writing is most appropriate for the task presented in the prompt?


Persuasive or Argumentative- Includes warrants, counterclaims, and rebuttals


Persuasive or Argumentative- Presents data objectively and without bias


A language arts teacher is guiding a class in a collaborative discussion of a text they have recently read. Which of the following strategies will best promote depth of understanding?

Asking students to support opinions with evidence from the text

Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe. The passage ends with which of the following?

B. A foreshadowing of events to come

Romeo and Juliet How does the setting help to develop the theme of the passage?

B. In line 5, Romeo sees evidence of the fight that took place before he entered, and this intensifies his feelings about the close relationship between love and hate

(1) Narwhals are medium sized whales that are found mainly in the Arctic waters of Canada and measure about 13-18 feet, but the males are somewhat larger. (2) Unlike other whales, there +++inimitable+++ characteristic is a large tusk that protrudes from a canine tooth in the whale's head. (3) The narwhal eats cod and halibut in the summer, they eat flatfish in the winter. (4) ++++ Even though narwhals can live up to 50 years, some die prematurely because they don't migrate to warmer waters before the sea freezes over.++++++ (5) Unfortunately, the narwhals get stuck under the ice and can't get to the surface for oxygen. (6) The narwhal is on the near threatened list of marine species. Which TWO of the following best explain errors present in the excerpt?

B. Sentence 2 has an incorrect use of a homophone C. Sentence 3 has a comma splice

Each restaurant in the district is (noted or notorious) for its mouthwatering cuisine. Question- In the activity, The teacher is focusing students on which of the following?


Which THREE of the following strategies would be likely to encourage students to maintain appropriate discussion behavior during a text-based discussion?

Before students read the text, review discussion Before the discussion, model appropriate discussion During the discussion, redirect unproductive student behavior

The family was excited to enjoy the ----quirky---- rides at the amusement park. The rides at this park were different from those at other parks because each ride had a theme that centered around a fictional character. For example, one ride allowed park goers to fly like Peter Pan, harnessed to a rope-and-pulley system. Another ride had guests sliding down a tube that looked like the magic rabbit hole from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Which of the following accurately defines the underlined word as it is used in the excerpt?

Being peculiar in nature

1. This phrase "fabulous monster" was used by a unicorn in Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass to describe the character Alice 2. The Latin expression "O Temporal! O Mores!" was used by the ancient philosopher Cicero and means "Oh what times! Oh what customs!" Which of the following best describes the relationship between the two passengers?

Both texts acknowledge the impetuous nature of youth, but only Temple's tone implies her approval of "past generations."

Question: How does Whitman develop the theme of a poem?

By describing a phenomenon in nature and connecting it to the speaker's goal

This phrase "fabulous monster" was used by a unicorn in Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass to describe the character Alice 2. The Latin expression "O Temporal! O Mores!" was used by the ancient philosopher Cicero and means "Oh what times! Oh what customs!" Which of the following statements best explains the meaning of the sentence. "We have sowed the wind: we are reaping the whirlwind" in the context of the first passage?

By rejecting all the principles of past generations, young people have left themselves adrift and unable to achieve anything worthwhile

Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe. In the passage, the narrator is primarily concerned with:

C. Discussing a fateful decision he made in spite of opposition

Thames - Joyce Cary, from The Horse's Mouth Which of the following best characterizes the language used to describe the Thames?

C. It consistently employs figurative language instead of factual, declarative statements.

Spider - Walt Whitman How does the word choice of "ductile" (line 9) affect the meaning of the poem?

C. It reinforces the metaphor of the spider's silk

Many working Labs are employed in the assistance dog field, especially as guide and service dogs. Pups are usually raised by volunteers who socialize them around people and animals in different settings and start their basic obedience training. ------September Morn, from Training Your Labrador Retriever Which of the following sentences best summarizes the excerpt?

C. Labs are commonly used as service dogs for individuals with specific needs and go through a lengthy training process before being place

A teacher is giving a demonstration on identifying "to be verbs. The teacher highlights "to be" verbs in a sample text and then asks students to replace them with more specific verbs. The demonstration is most effective at helping students during which of the following stages of the writing process?

C. Revising

Questions 26-28 My people, the Arapaho Which of the following statements best represents the author's main idea?

C. The Arapaho people are disappearing and their land is changing.

Romeo and Juliet. How do the oxymorons in lines 8-13 contribute to the effect of the passage?

C. They illustrate Romeo's ambivalent feelings about love.

Mrs. Joe Gargery - Charles Dickens from Great Expectations In the passage, the character of Mrs. Gargery is developed primarily through the author's depiction of her:

C. effect on other people

The following is an excerpt from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Web site. (1) Everyone has weird feelings when they are stressed. (2) Fight or flight can cause things like sweaty palms or dry mouth when you are nervous, or knots in your stomach after an argument with someone. (3) This is totally normal and means that your body is working exactly like it should. (4) There are lots of signs of stress---common types are physical (butterflies in your stomach), emotional (feeling sad or worried), behavioral (you don't feel like doing things), and mental (you can't concentrate). (5) Most physical signs of stress usually don't last that long and can help you perform better, if you manage them right. The second paragraph of the excerpt is organized mainly through which of the following text structures?

Cause and effect

Henry organizes his argument around which of the following types of claims?

Challenging a commonly held idea

If you have some liniment I'll put it on my dignity," Mrs.Mrs. Whatsit said, still supine. "I think it's sprained. A little oil of cloves mixed well with garlic is rather good," And she took a large bite of sandwich. ---------Madeleine L'Engle, from A Wrinkle in Time Which of the following inferences is best supported by the passage?

Charles is concerned about but also frustrated with Mrs. Whatsit

At the beginning of the school year, Mr. Martin gives his students a reading survey in which they are asked to share topics they want to learn more about, their genre preferences, and the names of the most difficult books they have read. For which of the following tasks will the information gathered from the survey be most helpful to Martin?

Choosing texts that are based on students interests and abilities

His works of historical fiction have earned him the Newberry Medal and Coretta Scott King Book Award and include novels such as Elijah of Buxton, set in the pre-Civil War era, and The Watsons Go to Birmingham---1963, set during the Civil Rights movement. The author described, whose works are frequently taught in a middle school curriculum, is ___________________________.

Christopher Paul Curtis

An English Language Arts teacher wants students to write their ideas and opinions about the main character of a novel they have just finished reading and then have other students read and comment on the ideas. Which of the following digital tools is best for students to use to achieve the objectives?

Classroom blogs

Which of the following assessment tools could support the development of a student-centered learning environment by allowing students to provide input into the way they are assessed?

Collaboratively designed rubrics

Derek was selected to speak at his middle school graduation. Before his speech began, the principal gave a short introduction. Which of the following guidelines of good public speaking did Derek disregard?

Consistently presenting oneself in a manner that displays credibility

(1) Narwhals are medium sized whales that are found mainly in the Arctic waters of Canada and measure about 13-18 feet, but the males are somewhat larger. (2) Unlike other whales, there +++inimitable+++ characteristic is a large tusk that protrudes from a canine tooth in the whale's head. (3) The narwhal eats cod and halibut in the summer, they eat flatfish in the winter. (4) ++++ Even though narwhals can live up to 50 years, some die prematurely because they don't migrate to warmer waters before the sea freezes over.++++++ (5) Unfortunately, the narwhals get stuck under the ice and can't get to the surface for oxygen. (6) The narwhal is on the near threatened list of marine species. The highlighted sentence is best categorized as which of the following?


Place the description of poetic form next to the subgenre of poetry it best exemplifies Ode

Complex and lyrical, often written in praise of a person or object

Label as Simple or Compound sentence: The bird flew swiftly, but it missed the chance to eat the bread


Miriam texted Marty, and they were able to have dinner together.


We thought that the beach was too crowded, but our children, who love to play in the water, weren't bothered by the throngs of sunbathers. The statement above is an example of what type of sentence?


Which THREE of the following strategies are the most effective in implementing independent reading in the classroom?

Conducting book talks to introduce new titles and authors Dedicating consistent silent reading time each day during class Cultivating a classroom library containing a variety of different genres

Which of the following formative assessment strategies is best to use when working with students who have difficulty composing responses to open-ended questions?

Conferencing with students individually to discuss planning and constructing a written response

Place the description of poetic form next to the subgenre of poetry it best exemplifies- Sonnet-

Contains fourteen lines, written in iambic pentameter

Which of the following literary elements are features of most contemporary poetry?

Contemporary Poetry has Theme and meter Dialogue and Plot

Romeo and Juliet In line 32 Romeo says, "I have lost myself." What is the meaning of this statement based on its context?

D. He is experiencing emotions foreign to his usual nature

A teacher assigns a novel set in the American Civil War to a class of students with a wide range of reading abilities and language skills. To best help all students understand the historical context of the novel, the teacher should

D. make available a variety of supplementary materials about the Civil War, such as videos, texts, and photographs

He felt guilty for having such a warm memory in the presence of Primrose's pain. He wished he could make her feel better, but he could not think of anything to say. ----Jerry Spinelli, From Eggs The phrase "been given custody of Primrose's dream.." suggests which of the following?

David understands keeping Primrose's secret is an important obligation

(1) Why should we put an end to littering? (2) I will tell you why. (3) Imagine a dark, gray world where everyone litters, and the once-beautiful earth is covered in a blanket of garbage. (4) Now let's rewind and imagine what would happen if everyone started throwing away their garbage properly. (5) The earth would be green and lush and covered in a blanket of flowers and grass. (6) This could be our reality (7) Also, you can be fined for littering (8) So don't litter! Which of the following changes to the draft will best improve the organization?

Deleting sentence 7

Which of the following student activities is most appropriate for a teacher to use as a summative oral assessment?

Delivering a presentation about a capstone project

I think that it is important to remember birthdays. I have the best time on my birthday because people think to buy gifts and give me lots of attension. The principle at our school always announces birthdays, and I try to make sure that I get all my friends a card for their birthdays. Question: When editing the paragraph, Cristina would benefit most from using which of the following reference materials?


He was a senior, and he'd been at Pencey the whole four years and all, but nobody ever called him anything except "Ackley." Not even Herb Gale, his own roomate, ever called him. "Bob" or even "Ack." If he ever gets married, his own wife will probably call him "Ackley." He was one of those very, very tall, round-shouldered guys---he was about six four----with lousy teeth. The whole time he roomed next to me, I never even once saw him brush his teeth. ----J.D. Salinger, from The Catcher in the Rye Which of the following literary elements is best demonstrated in the passage?

Direct Characterization

Now, let me pose this question to America. If in the next five minutes a television announcer came on and said, there is a major international crisis---there is a major threat to the world or in this country----a major threat, my question is: Who, if you were appointed to name one of the three of us, who would you choose? Who has the perseverance, the character, the integrity, the maturity to get the job done? I hope I'm that person. ------George H. Bush, from the second 1992 presidential debate Which of the following does the speaker use to appeal to the audience?

Direct invocation of underlying fears

Determine the genre- Figurative language and/or plot structure is commonly used.


Determine the genre-The majority of the text is composed of dialogue


Which of the following stages provides a teacher with the best opportunity during writers' workshop to introduce students to the use of dialogue in their writing?

During the mini-lesson

Which of the following genres is characterized by futuristic settings depicting a world in which social and political structures become oppressive while attempting to achieve the ideal society?

Dystopian fiction

No matter how successful early instruction in reading is, it cannot fully prepare students for the literacy demands to evolve after third grade. - Gina Biancarosa, from Adolescent Literary: More Than Remediation" According to the passage, what is a primary challenge of adolescent literary instruction?

Ensuring that struggling readers receive both basic reading remediation and instruction in content-area literacy skills

A teacher asks students to circle the headings in an informational text and rephrase each heading as a question. The activity best enforces which of the following literacy strategies?

Establishing a purpose for reading

O my Luve's like a red, red rose, That's newly sprung in June: O my Luve's like the melodie That's sweetly play'd in tune. As fair art thou, my bone lass, So deep in luve am I; And I will luve these still, my dear, Till a' the seas gang dry. Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear And the rocks melt wi' the sun; I will luve thee still, my dear, While the sands o' life shall run. And fare-thee-weel, my only Luve! And fare-thee-weel, a while! And I will come again, my Luve, Tho' twere ten more thousand mile! ----Robert Burns Which of the following statements best represents the function of the poem's structure?

Each of the stanzas takes on a more solemn tone than the preceding one to show a deeper level of the speaker's affection

A teacher is working with a group of students who read below grade level and would like to develop activities to help support their reading development. For each strategy listed, select whether it is effective or ineffective for the teacher's instructional goal. -Having students paraphrase their reading regularly


A teacher is working with a group of students who read below grade level and would like to develop activities to help support their reading development. For each strategy listed, select whether it is effective or ineffective for the teacher's instructional goal. -Reading aloud to students daily


Crises there will continue to be. In meeting them, whether foreign or domestic, great or small, there is a recurring temptation to feel that some spectacular and costly action could become the miraculous solution to all difficulties. A huge increase in newer elements of our defenses; development of unrealistic programs to cure every ill in agriculture; a dramatic expansion in basic and applied research---these and many other possibilities, each possibly promising in itself, may be suggested as the only way to the road we wish to travel. ----Dwight D. Eisenhower, from his Farewell Address Which of the following inferences is supported by the information in the first paragraph?

Eisenhower distrusted dramatic approaches to national problems

Which of the following approaches would be the most effective way to expand students' long-term vocabulary?

Embedding vocabulary instruction into each unit by using words relevant to the content

The first sign of returning consciousness was cold. Then sound. [Meg] was aware of voices that seemed to be traveling through her across an arctic waste. Slowly the icy sounds cleared and she realized that the voices belonged to her father and Calvin. She did not hear Charles Wallace. She tried to open her eyes but the lids would not move. She tried to sit up, but she could not stir. +++++++She struggled to turn over, to move her hands, her feet, but nothing happened. She knew that she had a body, but it was as lifeless as marble.+++++++ She heard Calvin's frozen voice: "Her heart is beating so slowly-=" Her father's voice: "But it's beating. She's alive." "Barely." __---------Madeleine L'Engle, from A Wrinkle in Time The dialogue between Meg's father and Calvin serves mainly to do which of the following?

Emphasize the severity of Meg's predicament

I have pledged myself and my colleagues in the Cabinet to a continuous encouragement of initiative, responsibility and energy in serving the public interest. Let every public servant know, whether his post is high or low, that a man's rank and reputation in this Administration will be determined by the size of the job he does, and not by the size of his staff, his office or his budget. Le it be clear that this Administration recognizes the value of dissent and daring---that we greet healthy controversy as the hallmark of healthy change. Let the public service be a proud and lively career. And let every man and woman who works in any area of our national government, in any branch at any level, be able to say with pride and with honor in future years: "I served the United States Government in that hour of our nation's need." ------John F. Kennedy, excerpt from State of the Union Address, 1/30/61 President Kennedy employs an appeal to which of the following?


(1) The United States currently relies heavily on coal, oil, and natural gas for its energy. (2) Fossil fuels are nonrenewable, that is, they draw on finite resources that will eventually dwindle, becoming too expensive or too environmentally damaging to retrieve. The passage contains which of the following characteristics that identify it as expository writing?

Evidence and examples to explain a process

Maya Angelou's "On the Pulse of Morning" Which of the following best describes the organization of the paragraph?

Examples are provided, and a summary statement is made

We have all been told that drinking tea can calm us down and help us to concentrate, but is it true? According to Dr. Gary Lance of County General Hospital, "Tea contains theanine, which heightens mental alertness," The excerpt best demonstrates which of the following persuasive techniques?

Expert opinion

The authors pointed out that electrical and chemical signaling systems have been identified in plants which are homologous to those found in the nervous systems of animals. They also noted that neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and glutamate have been found in plants, though their role remains unclear. ------Michael Pollan, from "The Intelligent Plant" Which of the following best describes the writer's purpose?

Explaining a concept

A teacher assigns students the following writing task. After much debate your local town council has voted to convert an old shopping center into a recreation center for town citizens. Because children make up such a large part of the town, the council has decided to get input from sentences. What kinda of activities and programs should the new center offer? How else could the center be used for children? Write a letter to the council that responds to these questions and expresses your thoughts about the new recreation center. Which of the following writing modes is most suitable to respond to the writing task?


Ever wonder what it's like to be different than everybody else? If you do, R.J. Palacio's novel Wonder can give you a glimpse into the life of a boy named Auggie who is different than everybody else. Which of the following best describes the type of writing used by the student?


Which of the following words contains an affix that means "outside"?


How-how did I get here? "It would take another Earthling to explain it to you. =====Earthlings are the great explainers, explaining why this event is structured as it is, telling how other events may be achieved or avoided. ======I am a Tralfamadorian, seeing all time as you might see a stretch of the Rocky Mountains. All time is all time. It does not change. It does not lend itself to warnings or explanations. It simply is. Take it moment by moment, and you will find that we are all, as I've said before, bugs in amber." "You sound to me as though you don't believe in free will." said Billy Pilgrim. ----Kurt Vonnegut, from Slaughterhouse Five Which of the following best describes the theme of the Tralfamadorian's remarks?

Fate is predetermined

(1) Perhaps one of the most important actions people can take to improve their physical health is to adopt healthy sleep habits. (2) Lack of sleep is tied to a number of health issues. (3) ++++Sleep deprivation can lead to weight gain+++(4) It can lower a person's natural immunity as well. (5) Scientists have gathered a great deal of data that prove that lack of sleep causes health problems. (6) High blood pressure and heart disease are also related to lack of sleep. (7) Another concern is the link between chronic sleep loss and stroke. (8) Getting a good night's sleep can only help a person's health. Which of the following is the most effective transition to add to the beginning of sentence 3?

For example,

By the year 2025, some people believe that hover cars will be available. This futuristic invention will cause a significant amount of change to the United States in terms of infrastructure. Roadways will need to be built to accommodate both traditional and hover vehicles. Which of the following words or phrases would provide the best transition before the word "roadways"?

For instance

Which of the following sentences contains a split infinitive?

For your safety, we ask you to kindly stay in your seats until the "fasten your seat belts" sign has been turned off

Classify the type of assessment as summative or formative: An exit slip at the end of a lesson


When a student is writing research paper, a style manual will be most helpful for which of the following tasks?

Formatting the page headings

Thames - Joyce Cary, from The Horse's Mouth Which of the following best describes the descriptive strategy used most consistently in the excerpt?

Fragments connecting a series of perceptions and reactions

Underlying this passion for ideas is a belief in the singularity of France's mission. This is a feature of all exceptionalist nations, but it is rendered her in a particular trope: that France has a duty to think not just for herself, but for the whole world. In the lofty words of the author Jean d'Ormesson, writing in the magazine Le Point in 2011: "There is at the heart of Frenchness something which transcends it. France is not only a matter of contradiciton and diversity. She also constantly looks over her shoulder, towards others, and towards the world which surrounds her. More than any nation, France is haunted by a yearning towards universality." -------Sudhir Hazareesingh, from "The Dimming of the Light" Which TWO of the following excerpts from the passage support the conclusion that the author views French philosophy as a dominant force in world culture?

France has a duty to think not just for herself, but for the whole world. There is at the heart of Frenchness something which transcends it.

------------, the process by which a word from one part of speech is changed to another, can also be achieved by adding -------------- to words. For example, "fuse" becomes "refuse" and "govern" becomes "governor." Question- Which of the following sets of words correctly fills the blanks in the sentence above? A. Functional shift.......affixes B. Orthography..............roots C. Lexical change........blends D. Usage..........gerunds

Functional shift.........affixes

The following is the first draft of a student essay on word origins. Words, words, words.............where do the words used by people originate? Many authors are given credit for creating many of the words used in everyday conversation. Authors like William Shakespeare, Edgar Allan Poe, and Dr. Seuss created words that we used every day. Which of the following teacher questions will best guide the student toward recognizing the error in the first highlighted sentence?

Have you maintained a consistent verb tense?

An English-language learner is very reluctant to participate and share in class. The teacher has observed the student using a high level of English proficiency in social settings. Which of the following teacher strategies will best support the student in experimenting with academic language in class?

Having a student first share ideas with a partner and then with the class

A teacher wants to gather feedback about student understanding of specific concepts in order to respond to the students' needs. Which of the following strategies for collecting feedback best meets the teacher's goals?

Having students reply to open ended questions about he day's lesson on a short form.

Ms. Chau wants her students to transfer their knowledge of plot structure to the writing of their own stories. Which of the following prewriting activities should she use to accomplish her goal?

Having the students complete story maps for their narratives that include plot structure elements

"Jean, if monsieur pleases," replied the newcomer, "Jean Passepartout, a surname which has clung to me because I have a natural aptness for going out of one business into another. -----Jules Verne, from Around the World in 80 days Which of the following best explains why Passepartout wishes to forget "even the name of Passepartout"?

He wants to find a long-lasting career

Then she stops still, like some bright idea has just come to her, turns around, and heads back my way. ----Sharon Flake, from The Skin I'm In Which of the following best explains the function of the word "bright" in the sentence?

I describes a noun

What type of figurative language is this sentence? He has a chip on his shoulder.


The one tree in Francie's yard was neither a pine nor a hemlock. It had pointed leaves which grew along green switches which radiated from the bough and made a tree which looked like a lot of opened green umbrellas. Some people called it the Tree of Heaven. No matter where its seed fell, it made a tree which struggled to reach the sky. It grew in boarded-up lots and out of neglected rubbish heaps and it was the only tree that grew out of cement. ------It grew lushly, but only in the tenements districts.---- ------Betty Smith, from A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Which of the following best describes the type of figurative language used in the highlighted sentence?


Identify the type of error in the sentence: The main character displays a great deal of courage, such as when he turned his back on his best friend in order to do the right thing.

Inconsistent Verb tense

The following paragraphs were written by seventh-grade students in response to the prompt: "Tell a suspenseful story about what happens in a house after the lights flicker." Student A's paragraph contains which of the following errors? Select all that apply

Incorrect word choice, Incorrect semicolon use, and Comma misplacement

Prefix: not Root: believe Suffix: possible to be Which of the following words can be defined based on the word roots listed above?


A teacher is working with a group of students who read below grade level and would like to develop activities to help support their reading development. For each strategy listed, select whether it is effective or ineffective for the teacher's instructional goal. -Having sustained silent reading daily


Can tiny sea urchins save a Hawaiian coral reef? In Oahu's Kaneohe Bay, with a little help from scientists, it appears they can. Since the urchin program started in 2011, hundreds of thousands of baby Hawaiian collector sea urchins (Tripneustes gratilla) have been released into targeted areas of the bay to gorge on the algae invaders. Although native to the bay, the collector sea urchin population was too low to battle the invasive algae. Using funds from a ship grounding a decade earlier, officials developed a sea urchin hatchery. ------From " Sea Urchins Help Combat Invasive Algae on Corals" by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Which of the following best identifies the author's purpose for writing the article?

Informing the general public and researchers about conversation efforts

How-how did I get here? "It would take another Earthling to explain it to you. Earthlings are the great explainers, explaining why this event is structured as it is, telling how other events may be achieved or avoided. I am a Tralfamadorian, seeing all time as you might see a stretch of the Rocky Mountains. All time is all time. It does not change. It does not lend itself to warnings or explanations. It simply is. Take it moment by moment, and you will find that we are all, as I've said before, bugs in amber." "You sound to me as though you don't believe in free will." said Billy Pilgrim. ----Kurt Vonnegut, from Slaughterhouse Five Which of the following best describes how the alien perspective in the highlighted sentence conveys the author's point of view?

It mocks the human idea that events can be controlled

Which of the following statements best explains the benefit of using the fishbowl technique to engage students in oral discussion?

It provides structure for all students to participate as listeners and responders to multiple perspectives

A winter camping trip requires a lot of important equipment: a sturdy tent, an insulated sleeping bag, and plenty of warm clothes. Which of the following statements best explains the purpose of the colon?

It separates an independent clause from a list

None of the students wish to participate in the class trip; therefore, it will be canceled. Which of the following best describes the function of the word "therefore"?

It shows the relationship between two independent clauses

Name the Author- The Call of the Wild

Jack London

A student is writing an expository essay outlining current scientific breakthroughs. Which of the following identifies the type of diction that is most appropriate for the essay?


Name the Author- The Book Thief

Jeanne DuPrau

Name the Author-The Kite Runner

Khaled Hosseini

A teacher has students construct invented words using the root word "purpose" to demonstrate their understanding the prefixes. Which of the following student-centered words means "used for the incorrect or wrong purpose"?


I have heard what the talkers were talking, the talk of the beginning and the end, But I do not talk of the beginning or the end. -----Walt Whitman, from "Song of Myself" Which of the following themes is most clearly developed in the poem?

Live in the moment

Which of the following best identifies an effective technique for maintaining audience engagement and focus when delivering a speech?

Making eye contact with audience members for brief intervals

Which TWO of the following are necessary components of effective speech delivery?

Making eye contact with the audience Developing rapport with listeners

Name the Author- The City of Ember

Markus Zusak

The first sign of returning consciousness was cold. Then sound. [Meg] was aware of voices that seemed to be traveling through her across an arctic waste. Slowly the icy sounds cleared and she realized that the voices belonged to her father and Calvin. She did not hear Charles Wallace. She tried to open her eyes but the lids would not move. She tried to sit up, but she could not stir. +++++++She struggled to turn over, to move her hands, her feet, but nothing happened. She knew that she had a body, but it was as lifeless as marble.+++++++ She heard Calvin's frozen voice: "Her heart is beating so slowly-=" Her father's voice: "But it's beating. She's alive." "Barely." __---------Madeleine L'Engle, from A Wrinkle in Time

Meg's mental recovery is quicker than her physical recovery

Ms. Sanchez is having her students develop nonsense words to practice using prefixes. Which of the following nonsense words means "something near a "splock"


That night---when so much began and so many things changed forever---Meggie had one of her favorite books under her pillow, and since the rain wouldn't let her sleep she sat up, rubbed the drowsiness from her eyes, and took it out, its pages rustled promisingly when she opened it. Meggie thought this first whisper sounded a little different from one book to another, depending on whether or not she already knew the story it was going to tell her. -------Cornelia Funke, from Inkheart Which TWO of the following details are most important to include in a summary of the passage?

Meggie is unable to sleep because of the rain Meggie takes out a book to read

Regular conferences between a teacher and individual students in which learning goals are set and discussed will best support students in doing which of the following?

Monitoring and recognizing their progress in a subject area

Ever wonder what it's like to be different than everybody else? If you do, R.J. Palacio's novel Wonder can give you a glimpse into the life of a boy named Auggie who is different than everybody else. Which of the following revisions to the highlighted sentence uses proper MLA MLA format for quoting from a novel?

Mr. Browne said, "When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind" (48)

Place the description of poetic form next to the subgenre of poetry it best exemplifies Ballad

Narrative in structure, often contains characters, plot and setting

Each of the following sentences contains an ambiguity EXCEPT:

Not all students were present

About a year ago, I was really struggling with school and life in general. I had lost any confidence I had once had, and I felt overwhelmed by everything. Which of the following pieces of information is most relevant to include in the essay?

Numerous studies indicate that participating in physical activities can strengthen a person's sense of self-worth and raise his or her sense of self-esteem, especially in childhood and early adolescence

Digital slideshow software is most effectively used to accomplish which of the following objectives?

Organizing and displaying supplemental information to accompany an oral presentation

Which of the following best supports students' ability to logically arrange information in their writing?

Outline graphic organizer

The following is a citation of an online newspaper article. Stevenson, George. "New Convenience Store Causing Traffic Troubles for Area Residents." Hamilton Tribune 12 Dec. 2014: DB05(underlined) .Print. Which of the following is represented by the underlined portion of the citation?

Page number

The following is an excerpt from a student narrative. He cannot believe that Jake and Mario were involved in the fiasco this morning. He slams the door, drops his backpack in the empty chair, and is stomping into his room. After a few moments of silence and a few deep breaths, the absurdity of the situation involving his cousins reveals itself and causes bubbles of laughter to erupt spontaneously. The student will most benefit from a review of which of the following?

Parallel Structure

The greatest leader of our time has been struck down by the foulest deed of our time. -------Lyndon B. Johnson, from "Let Us Continue" Which TWO of the following rhetorical devices are used in the excerpt?

Parallelism and Antithesis

Can I see another's woe, And not be in sorrow too? Can I see another's grief, Line And not seek for kind relief? (5) Can I see a falling tear, And not feel my sorrow's share? Can a father see his child Weep, nor be with sorrow filled? Can a mother sit and hear (10) An infant groan, an infant fear? No, no! never can it be! Never, never can it be! What is the theme of the poem?

People cannot help feeling the unhappiness of others

Crises there will continue to be. In meeting them, whether foreign or domestic, great or small, there is a recurring temptation to feel that some spectacular and costly action could become the miraculous solution to all difficulties. A huge increase in newer elements of our defenses; development of unrealistic programs to cure every ill in agriculture; a dramatic expansion in basic and applied research---these and many other possibilities, each possibly promising in itself, may be suggested as the only way to the road we wish to travel. ----Dwight D. Eisenhower, from his Farewell Address What complaint does Eisenhower make in the first paragraph?

People seldom consider the whole range of solutions for major issues

Persuasive or Argumentative- Makes a claim based primarily on an opinion


Horseshoe crab populations are dwindling because humans are interfering with their ability to lay eggs. Beach development and human interactions along the shoreline prevent horseshoe crabs from reaching their nesting areas. Horseshoe crabs are an important part of the marine ecosystem and are essential for the well-being of humans. People need to create ways to protect these creatures. By creating laws and banning shoreline development, people can create an environment where horseshoe crabs will continue to flourish. The passage is best identified as which of the following types of writing?

Persuasive essay focusing on the importance of environmental preservation

As a mother, Susan strongly believes that new car seat laws must be passed not only for the protection of her own children but also for the protection of the children of others. The sentence contains an example of which of the following methods of appeal?

Plain folks

Determine the genre- The text is written in stanzas or lines


A language arts teacher would like students to create podcasts for a book-talk assignment. Once the students have written and edited their scripts. Which of the following steps is most important for them to complete before recording the final drafts of their podcasts?

Practicing using inflection to emphasize important points

"Jean, if monsieur pleases," replied the newcomer, "Jean Passepartout, a surname which has clung to me because I have a natural aptness for going out of one business into another. -----Jules Verne, from Around the World in 80 days Based on the passage, which of the following terms best characterizes Mr. Fogg?


Can tiny sea urchins save a Hawaiian coral reef? In Oahu's Kaneohe Bay, with a little help from scientists, it appears they can. ------From " Sea Urchins Help Combat Invasive Algae on Corals" by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Which of the following best identifies the organizational structure of the passage?

Problem and solution

The shopkeeper and the protagonist decided to travel together, and he had many adventures along the way.

Pronoun-antecedent disagreement

A teacher is planning to use the following passage with a class that contains several English-Language learners who are at the speech emergence stage of language acquisition. "Thunder!" he cried. "A week! I can't do that; they'd have the black spot on me by then. The lubbers is going about to get the wind of me this blessed moment; lubbers as couldn't keep what they got. and want to nail what is another's. Is that seamanly behaviour, now. I want to know? But I'm a saving soul. I never wasted good money of mine, nor lost it neither; and I'll trick 'em again. I'm not afraid on 'em. I'll shake out another reef, matey, and 'daddle em' again." -----Robert Louis Stevenson, from Treasure Island Which of the following methods will best facilitate the ESL's ability to understand the passage?

Providing the ELsE L s with a list of words and idioms in the passage and their meanings

"Jean, if monsieur pleases," replied the newcomer, "Jean Passepartout, a surname which has clung to me because I have a natural aptness for going out of one business into another. -----Jules Verne, from Around the World in 80 days Which of the following themes is most clearly demonstrated in the passage?

Punctuality is a virtue

Can I see another's woe, And not be in sorrow too? Can I see another's grief, Line And not seek for kind relief? (5) Can I see a falling tear, And not feel my sorrow's share? Can a father see his child Weep, nor be with sorrow filled? Can a mother sit and hear (10) An infant groan, an infant fear? No, no! never can it be! Never, never can it be! The poem used which of the following structures?


The following excerpt is from a student draft. The Board of Education should vote to add recess to the middle school schedule because it will improve classroom behavior. Students will have an opportunity to run and play, which will allow them to burn off energy and come back to the classroom prepared to learn. Focus will improve, as will learning. Which of the following statements best describes the main claim of the excerpt?

Recess has important benefits for middle school students in terms of behavior and learning

.......I sat up in my high brass bed, and suddenly it came to me that the fat yellow grasshoppers had to be an entirely new species, separate and apart from the green ones, and that I-- Calpurnia Virginia Tate-had discovered them. And didn't the discoverer of the brand-new species get to put her name on it? I was going to be famous! My name would be heralded far and wide; the governor would shake my hand; the university would award me a diploma. But what did I do now? How did I stake my claim on the natural world? I had a vague idea that I had to write to someone to register my find, some official in Washington. -------Jacqueline Kelly, from The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate Which of the following pre-reading activities will best prepare students to make text-to-self connections?

Reflecting on a time when they have been proud of an achievement

(1) Perhaps one of the most important actions people can take to improve their physical health is to adopt healthy sleep habits. (2) Lack of sleep is tied to a number of health issues. (3) ++++Sleep deprivation can lead to weight gain+++(4) It can lower a person's natural immunity as well. (5) Scientists have gathered a great deal of data that prove that lack of sleep causes health problems. (6) High blood pressure and heart disease are also related to lack of sleep. (7) Another concern is the link between chronic sleep loss and stroke. (8) Getting a good night's sleep can only help a person's health. Which of the following changes most improves the organization of the paragraph?

Removing sentence 2 and replacing it with sentence 5

The one tree in Francie's yard was neither a pinenor a hemlock. It had pointed leaves which grewLinealong green switches which radiated from the (5) bough and made a tree which looked like a lot ofopened green umbrellas. Some peopled called itthe Tree of Heaven. No matter where its seedfell, it made a tree which struggled to reach thesky. It grew in boarded-up lots and out of (10) neglected rubbish heaps and it was the only treethat grew out of cement. It grew lushly, but onlyin the tenements districts. ----------------------Betty Smith, from A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Which of the following words best describes the mood created by the descriptions in the passage?


Students are working in groups to discuss their annotations of a novel and to compare ideas. One student says, "I noticed a change in the character when she started to cry. I think she did this because her feelings were hurt and she was lonely." Which of the following active reading strategies is being exemplified?

Responding to and interacting with the novel

Mr. Avedesian asked his sixth grade English Language Arts class to write a paragraph describing a family vacation. Based on the paragraph, which of the following instructional approaches will best help to improve the student's written vocabulary?

Reviewing vowel-constant e word families

Which TWO of the following devices does Henry use in the excerpt?

Rhetorical question

The book, though published in a radical period (1972) and an expanding economy, has a conservative ecological message. Question: The novel described in the passage is:

Richard Adam's Watership Down

Students are instructed to sit in a circle and are each given two "talking chips" The teacher provides a prompt and then asks the students to discuss their ideas by throwing a chip into the middle of the circle when they have something to add. If multiple chips are thrown, students must use eye contact and silent communication to determine who speaks next. Which of the following best identifies a primary skill that the activity targets?

Scaffolding active-listening strategies

Can tiny sea urchins save a Hawaiian coral reef? In Oahu's Kaneohe Bay, with a little help from scientists, it appears they can. ------From " Sea Urchins Help Combat Invasive Algae on Corals" by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Which of the following literal interpretations of the passage is most accurate?

Scientists are helping to populate a Hawaiian coral reef with sea urchins to eat the invading algae

With a possible launch in the mid 2020s twenty twenties, WFIRSTW FIRST, or the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope, could zero in on a distant planet's reflected light to detect the signatures of oxygen, water vapor, or some other powerful indication of possible life. -------NASA Which of the following inferences is best supported by the passage?

Scientists are interested in discovering a planet that has the same life-sustaining features as Earth

Brian pulled himself up until he was sitting upright back in the corner of the cave. He put his head down on his arms across his knees...... and cried until he was cried out. ------Gary Paulsen, from Hatchet Which of the following themes is most clearly developed in the passage?

Self-pity accomplishes nothing

A teacher is working with a group of English-language learners to support their vocabulary development. The teacher highlights an unknown word in the text and writes the word on a digital slide. The teacher uses an online dictionary and thesaurus to look up definitions and synonyms for the word and adds words and phrases related to the meaning to the digital slide. The teacher also adds pictures related to the meaning to the digital slide. The teacher is modeling which of the following word-learning strategies?

Semantic mapping

The following is an excerpt from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Web site. (1) Everyone has weird feelings when they are stressed. (2) Fight or flight can cause things like sweaty palms or dry mouth when you are nervous, or knots in your stomach after an argument with someone. (3) This is totally normal and means that your body is working exactly like it should. (4) There are lots of signs of stress---common types are physical (butterflies in your stomach), emotional (feeling sad or worried), behavioral (you don't feel like doing things), and mental (you can't concentrate). (5) Most physical signs of stress usually don't last that long and can help you perform better, if you manage them right. The conclusion that two people might not react the same way to a stressful situation is most supported by which of the following sentences?

Sentence 13

(1) The Hollywood film industry has been a fixture of popular culture for many decades. (2) However, no decade was as notable and influential as the 1930's. (3) Many groundbreaking movies made during that time featured actors and actresses who are recognized as Hollywood icons even today. (4) Clark Gable, Judy Garland, and even Ronald Reagan dazzled on the silver screen in those years. Which sentence from the passage best expresses the writer's key claim?

Sentence 2

(1) The United States currently relies heavily on coal, oil, and natural gas for its energy. (2) Fossil fuels are nonrenewable, that is, they draw on finite resources that will eventually dwindle, becoming too expensive or too environmentally damaging to retrieve. ---- "Learning About Renewable Energy" by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, a sector of the United States Department of Energy Which of the following sentences from the passage best supports the idea that wind and solar energy sources is becoming necessary?

Sentence 2

(1) He was a small man-most seafaring men are small-barely taller than I and dressed in a frayed green jacket over a white shirt that was note too clean. (2) His complexion was weathered dark, his chin ill-shaven. (3) His mouth was unsmiling. (4) His fingers fidgeted and his feet shuffled. (5) His darting, unfocused eyes, set deep in a narrow ferretlike face, gave the impression of one who is constantly on watch for threats that might appear from any quarter at any moment. ------Avi, from The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle Which of the following sentences from the passage best illustrates indirect characterization by revealing the narrator's perception of the man?

Sentence 5

(1) I really can't say enough about how much I love running track. (2) I think running track is fun! (3) Running is also good for you. (4) Doctors say that it makes your heart stronger. (5) Other kinds of exercise also make your body stronger. (6) When I run I feel like I can do anything. (7) It's important to be able to run. (8) What if you were being chased by an animal in the woods, wouldn't you want to know how to run then? (9) I know that you are ready to run. (10) If you join the track team, you'll be moving faster in no time! Which sentence is LEAST relevant to the speaker's main argument?

Sentence 5

Scientists were initially surprised to discover ++++thermophilic+++++ bacteria. Which of the following student responses demonstrates the most effective strategy for decoding the meaning of the underlined word?

Since the word contains "thermo-," I think it means something that lives in a hot environment

(1) Picture this: a student is at his locker at the end of the day, packing every textbook he has into his bag. (2) First he packs his books: history, math, social studies, and even a novel. (3) He loads his binders and notebooks into his bag and pulls the zipper shut. barely closing the bursting backpack. (4) Using all of his strength, he hoists the backpack up to his shoulders and staggers down the hall to catch his bus (5) His back hurts and he can barely carry the load, but he has homework to do and needs his books to do it. (6) The school board should replace textbooks with e-readers because doing so will decrease the load that students have to carry home every night and will make students much happier. Which of the following sentences can best be identified as the student's thesis?

Sentence 6

Place the description of poetic form next to the subgenre of poetry it best exemplifies- Pastoral

Set in a simple, rural background, expresses nostalgia for age or place

Following other self-study research (LaBoskey, 2004; Samaras & Freese, 2006), this study employed open-ended questionnaires, reflective portfolios, and memory work as methods for collecting information regarding teachers' past experiences with genres, their ongoing writing practices, and their reflections on their writing processes. Which of the following best describes the author's purpose?

Sharing information with specialists in a particular field

1. This phrase "fabulous monster" was used by a unicorn in Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass to describe the character Alice 2. The Latin expression "O Temporal! O Mores!" was used by the ancient philosopher Cicero and means "Oh what times! Oh what customs!" Which of the following statements best describes a stylistic choice that Malone makes in the second passage?

She uses a quotation to reinforce the idea that people have always been alarmed by cultural changes introduced by youth.

.......I sat up in my high brass bed, and suddenly it came to me that the fat yellow grasshoppers had to be an entirely new species, separate and apart from the green ones, and that I-- Calpurnia Virginia Tate-had discovered them. And didn't the discoverer of the brand-new species get to put her name on it? I was going to be famous! My name would be heralded far and wide; the governor would shake my hand; the university would award me a diploma. But what did I do now? How did I stake my claim on the natural world? I had a vague idea that I had to write to someone to register my find, some official in Washington. -------Jacqueline Kelly, from The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate

She will share her discovery with others

Walter and Reyna sat in the shade of the oak tree.


What can you do to help students understand a rubric?

Simple language, modeling how to use the rubric to evaluate a specific essay, providing examples of essays at each scoring point

Which of the following statements best describes the sub-genre of fiction known as fantasy?

Stories contain unrealistic elements, such as characters with magical powers

The following is an excerpt from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Web site. (1) Everyone has weird feelings when they are stressed. (2) Fight or flight can cause things like sweaty palms or dry mouth when you are nervous, or knots in your stomach after an argument with someone. (3) This is totally normal and means that your body is working exactly like it should. (4) There are lots of signs of stress---common types are physical (butterflies in your stomach), emotional (feeling sad or worried), behavioral (you don't feel like doing things), and mental (you can't concentrate). (5) Most physical signs of stress usually don't last that long and can help you perform better, if you manage them right. Which of the following best summarizes the central idea of the excerpt?

Stress is a normal biological process that comes with several benefits to people

He was a contumacious child; he became more likely to leave his toys on the floor the more often he was told to pick them up. Which definition best describes the meaning of "contumacious"?

Stubbornly disobedient

The following paragraphs were written by seventh-grade students in response to the prompt: "Tell a suspenseful story about what happens in a house after the lights flicker." Which of the following statements best explains why student A's response to the prompt is more effective than student B?

Student A does not immediately reveal what is in the box

Which of the following is a primary benefit of having students keep a writing portfolio?

Students are encouraged to reflect on their development as writers

Which of the following best describes a key characteristic of flexible grouping?

Students are grouped and regrouped throughout a lesson, based on their learning needs and to meet instructional objectives

Which of the following best identifies how including students in the creation of rubrics helps them improve as writers?

Students gain a greater understanding of the goals of the writing task and how to achieve expectations

A teacher is doing the following recursively in the classroom: -Conducting ongoing evaluations of student writing -Having students plan ahead for upcoming writing assignments -Conferencing with students before, during, and after they write -Creating a safe environment for students to write in the classroom -Creating multiple opportunities for students to engage in free-writing activities Which of the following research-based theories do the activities best reflect?

Students learn writing conventions by writing regularly

What is an important principle of the writing process?

Students may need to move back and forth between the writing stages

(1) The United States currently relies heavily on coal, oil, and natural gas for its energy. (2) Fossil fuels are nonrenewable, that is, they draw on finite resources that will eventually dwindle, becoming too expensive or too environmentally damaging to retrieve. ---- "Learning About Renewable Energy" by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, a sector of the United States Department of Energy Based on the content of the passage, then intended audience is most likely which of the following?

Students, educators, and members of the public looking for information about energy sources

The protagonist, unlike the other characters, have distinctive characteristics that make the other characters fear him.

Subject Verb Disagreement

A jay venturing into a yard where peacocks used to walk found there a number of feathers that had fallen from the peacocks when they were molting. He tied them all to his tail and strutted down toward the peacocks. When he came near them they soon discovered the cheat, and striding up to him pecked at him and plucked away his borrowed plumes. So the jay could do no better than go back to the other jays, who had watched his behavior from a distance; but they were equally annoyed with him, and told him: "It is not only fine feathers that make fine birds." ---Aesop Which of the following statements best describes the theme of the fable?

Substance cannot be judged solely by appearance

The following paragraphs were written by seventh-grade students in response to the prompt: "Tell a suspenseful story about what happens in a house after the lights flicker." In student B's paragraph, sentence 4 reads, "A small green person came up to me and started speaking a language that I did not know." Which of the following is the best transition word to add of the beginning of sentence 4?


The Secret Life of Bees was written by which of the following authors?

Sue Monk Kidd

A teacher wishes to enhance the use of reflection and collaboration in a writing class. In order to address the goal, the teacher should..

Suggest students interview one another about a piece of writing and discuss specific strengths and weakness of the writing

Classify the type of assessment as summative or formative: A multimedia presentation at the end of a unit


The sport of basketball has seen many changes in the years since its dawn. Professional basketball made its debut in 1946 and has grown into a multibillion dollar industry with thirty teams and the best-paid players on average of any professional sport. As coaches and players have learned more over the years about the game and proper training, advances in athletic wear have also helped to win more games. With the advance in social media, basketball has become even more popular. Which of the following additional sentences provides the best support for the student's claim?

Superstar players, starting with George Mikan, who was 6'10 6 foot 10 inches and averaged 22.6 points a game, helped to build excitement around the game and create lifelong fans

Which of the following characteristics distinguishes creative nonfiction from fiction?

Teaching element

Using the Reader's Workshop model, which of the following strategies most accurately describes how a teacher should select texts for students?

Teaching students to select their own texts based on interests and ability to recognize the majority of words

Wenger E., N. White, and J.D. Smith. Digital Habitats: Stewarding technology for communities. Portland, OR: CPsquare, 2009. Print. Based on the citation above, which of the following is true?

Th book has more than one author

What time period was The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane set in? (check)

The American Civil War

What time period was Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes set in? (check)

The American Revolution

Buck did not read the newspapers, or he would have known that trouble was brewing, not alone for himself, but for every tide-water dog, strong of muscle and with warm, long hair, from Puget Sound to San Diego. Because men, groping in the Arctic darkness, had found a yellow metal, and because steamship and transportation companies were booming the find, thousands of men were rushing into the Northland. These men wanted dogs, and the dogs they wanted were heavy dogs, with strong muscles by which to toil, and furry coats to protect them from the frost. The passage is from which of the following novels?

The Call of the Wild

What time period was Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor written?

The Great Depression

Langston Hughes's poem "I, Too" best aligns with which of the following historical contexts?

The Harlem Renaissance

What time period was Number the Stars by Lois Lowry set in? (check)

The Second World War

The following is an excerpt from a draft of a student's persuasive essay, E-readers are better for education because the technology is more engaging for students than the old paper pages of a book. Which of the following best describes the final sentence of the student writing sample?

The author includes a counterclaim and attempts to rebut it

O my Luve's like a red, red rose That's newly sprung in June: ----Robert Burns, from "A Red, Red Rose" Which of the following most accurately analyzes the author's use of figurative language in the lines?

The author uses a simile to compare his emotions to a freshly blossomed flower

Which of the following statements best represents the central idea of the excerpt?

The colonists must look honestly at the offensive actions the king has taken against them

Which of the following factors in most important to consider when verifying the accuracy of information on a Web site?

The credentials of the site's author

Traditional folkloric studies of Native American oral literature worked with transcriptions of the verbal component of the performance, as if those "texts" represented the reality. The passage suggests that the literary criticism described in the last sentence "proves of little value" for which of the following reasons?

The critics ignore an important element in the presentation of the literature

This floor was filthy, yet they set Antanas with his mop slopping the "pickle" into a hole that connected with a sink, where it was caught and used over again forever; and if that were not enough, there was a trap in the pipe, where all scraps of meat and odds, and ends of refuse were caught, and every few days it was the old man's task to clean these out, and shovel their contents into one of the trucks with the rest of the meat! The passage offers insight into which of the following aspects of industrialized cities in the early 1900's nineteen hundreds?

The crudeness and lack of care in the meatpacking industry

Which of the following components of a citation is unique to electronically accessed sources?

The date the source was accessed

Which of the following best defines the term "vernacular language"?

The dialect, or normal spoken form of language of a specific population

About a year ago, I was really struggling with school and life in general. I had lost any confidence I had once had, and I felt overwhelmed by everything. Which of the following statements best explains the type of writing used by the student?

The inclusion of a claim indicates that this is a persuasive piece

The sport of basketball has seen many changes in the years since its dawn. Professional basketball made its debut in 1946 and has grown into a multibillion dollar industry with thirty teams and the best-paid players on average of any professional sport. As coaches and players have learned more over the years about the game and proper training, advances in athletic wear have also helped to win more games. With the advance in social media, basketball has become even more popular. Which of the following best explains why the passage lacks a clear and logical argument?

The inconsistent presentation of details disrupts the reasoning

About a year ago, I was really struggling with school and life in general. I had lost any confidence I had once had, and I felt overwhelmed by everything. Which of the following pieces of information will best help the student to revise the essay with the intended audience in mind?

The intended audience of education officials is going to be more interested in data than personal experiences

[He] was depressed by [his mother's] somber mood, but not by the imminence of war........."I heered some of the big fellers talkin' the other night, and they said the war, even if it comes, will be no more than a breakfas' spell. They said that soldiers up here kin take the South by the britches and make it holler 'Nough' quicker than it takes coffee to cool off fer swallerin'.' ------Irene Hunt, from Across Five Aprils Which of the following student statements accurately evaluates the passage?

The main character is not worried about the war and repeats the older boys' sentiments that the war will be over quickly

Each of the following is true of the approach known as mapping EXCEPT:

The most effective shape of maps developed by students is the pinwheel

"Now, you have to choose between two roads." The man from the Revolutionary Committee looked straight into my eyes. "You can break with your family and follow Chairman Mao, or you can follow your father and become an enemy of the people." His voice grew more severe. "In that case we would have many more study sessions, with your brother and sister too, and the Red Guard Committee and the school leaders. Think about it. We will come back to talk to you again." ------Ji-li Jiang, from Red Scarf Girl Which of the following best describes the central idea of the passage?

The narrator is dismayed by political pressure and wants to escape

He felt guilty for having such a warm memory in the presence of Primrose's pain. He wished he could make her feel better, but he could not think of anything to say. ----Jerry Spinelli, From Eggs Which of the following inferences is best supported by the passage?

The portrait that Primrose holds is connected to her sadness in some way

The following is a sentence from a draft of a student's narrative Preparing for the first day of middle school, Ryan glared at the clothes in his closet and sighed before slamming the door. Which of the following statements best explains the impact of the student's decision to use the word "glared" as opposed to the word "looked"?

The reader infers that the boy is unhappy with his clothing options

You'll be wonderin' whut's de reason I 's a grinnin' all de time. An' I guess you t'ink my sperits Mus' be feelin' mighty prime. Well, I fess up, I is tickled. As a puppy at his paws. But you needn't think I's crazy. I ain' laffin' 'bout a cause. -----Paul Laurence Dunbar, from "Expectation" The use of dialect in the poem provides context about which of the following?

The region in which the speaker lives

Crises there will continue to be. In meeting them, whether foreign or domestic, great or small, there is a recurring temptation to feel that some spectacular and costly action could become the miraculous solution to all difficulties. A huge increase in newer elements of our defenses; development of unrealistic programs to cure every ill in agriculture; a dramatic expansion in basic and applied research---these and many other possibilities, each possibly promising in itself, may be suggested as the only way to the road we wish to travel. ----Dwight D. Eisenhower, from his Farewell Address Which of the following statements explains the effect of the rhetorical device in the second paragraph?

The repetition emphasizes the need for rational judgement

The White House Your door is shut against my tightened face, And I am sharp as steel with discontent; (5) The pavement slabs burn loose beneath my feet, A chafing savage, down the decent street; And passion rends my vitals as I pass, Where boldly shines your shuttered door of glass. Oh, I must search for wisdom every hour (10) Deep in my wrathful bosom sore and raw, And find in it the superhuman power To hold me to the letter of your law! Oh, I must keep my heart inviolate Against the potent poison of your hate. ------- Claude McKay Which of the following best describes how meaning is developed in the poem?

The restriction of a classical structure reflects the speaker's need for personal restraint

The key part of a centrifuge is its rapidly rotating interior. Think of it as a small version of a top-loading washing machine. In a centrifuge, though, the interior chamber spins faster than the parts in a car's engine. Anything inside a spinning centrifuge experiences a force that slings it away from the center of rotation and toward the device's rim. This is similar to how wet clothes in the washer get squished against the inside wall of the drum during the spin cycle. ------Sid Perkins, from "Scientists Turn Toy into Valuable Tool for Medical Diagnosis" Which of the following is the central idea of the passage?

The rotation of a centrifuge creates a force which moves its contents away from its center

[He] was depressed by [his mother's] somber mood, but not by the imminence of war........."I heered some of the big fellers talkin' the other night, and they said the war, even if it comes, will be no more than a breakfas' spell. They said that soldiers up here kin take the South by the britches and make it holler 'Nough' quicker than it takes coffee to cool off fer swallerin'.' ------Irene Hunt, from Across Five Aprils Which of the following student inferences about the setting of the passage is most accurate?

The story takes place during the Civil War

The following excerpt is from a student's persuasive essay. Students should be allowed to listen to music in class. There are many reasons why this would be a good thing. One of the reasons is that music is really just literature put to song. This literature would just give the students another opportunity to analyze words and poetry. Isn't that what class is for? Which of the following best describes a weakness of the student's argument?

The student lacks researched evidence to support the claims

The one tree in Francie's yard was neither a pine nor a hemlock. It had pointed leaves which grew along green switches which radiated from the bough and made a tree which looked like a lot of opened green umbrellas. Some people called it the Tree of Heaven. No matter where its seed fell, it made a tree which struggled to reach the sky. It grew in boarded-up lots and out of neglected rubbish heaps and it was the only tree that grew out of cement. ------It grew lushly, but only in the tenements districts.---- ------Betty Smith, from A Tree Grows in Brooklyn The highlighted sentence primarily serves to emphasize which of the following about the neighborhood?

The uniqueness of the neighborhood

The grey of outside is inside. Inside the living room. Inside the living room. Inside the chest. Inside me. It's so grey that turning on a lamp is too sharp and it hurts. So the lamps are off. But it's still too bright. It should be black inside and that's what I want so I put my head under the sofa cushion where the green plaid fabric smells like Dad's sweat and Devon's socks and my popcorn an the cushion feels soft and heavy on my head and I push deeper so my shoulders and chest can get under it too and there's a weight on me that holds me down and keeps me from floating and falling and floating and falling like the bird. ------Kathryn Erskine, from Mockingbird Which of the following best describes how word choice affects the mood of the passage?

The use of dull colors and somber language creates a gloomy atmosphere

A Red, Red Rose O my Luve's like a red, red rose, That's newly sprung in June: O my Luve's like the melodie That's sweetly play'd in tune. As fair art thou, my bone lass, So deep in luve am I; And I will luve these still, my dear, Till a' the seas gang dry. Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear And the rocks melt wi' the sun; I will luve thee still, my dear, While the sands o' life shall run. And fare-thee-weel, my only Luve! And fare-thee-weel, a while! And I will come again, my Luve, Tho' twere ten more thousand mile! ----Robert Burns Which of the following statements best analyzes the poet's use of poetic devices?

The use of similies in the poem describes the object of the speaker's affections

Over the past few decades, the health of American students has greatly declined. Which of the following is the most important factor to consider when determining the format of the writing piece?

The ways in which the audience expects to receive communications

Which of the following sentences best demonstrates negative connotation?

The woman was chatty for the duration of the business meeting

1) Why should we put an end to littering? (2) I will tell you why. (3) Imagine a dark, gray world where everyone litters, and the once-beautiful earth is covered in a blanket of garbage. (4) Now let's rewind and imagine what would happen if everyone started throwing away their garbage properly. (5) The earth would be green and lush and covered in a blanket of flowers and grass. (6) This could be our reality (7) Also, you can be fined for littering (8) So don't litter! Which of the following sentences, when added to the draft, will best support the main idea with data?

There are approximately 16,000 pieces of litter in just one mile of highway

Which of the following reference materials is most useful in identifying antonyms of various words?


Miniver sighed for what was not, And dreamed, and rested from his labors; He dreamed of Thebes and Camelot, And Priam's neighbors. ----Edwin Arlington Robinson, from Miniver Cheevy" Which of the following explains the impact of the numerous allusions in the poem?

They reveal that Miniver wishes for the past

He felt guilty for having such a warm memory in the presence of Primrose's pain. He wished he could make her feel better, but he could not think of anything to say. ----Jerry Spinelli, From Eggs Which of the following statements best describes the point of view used in the passage?

Third person limited point of view is used to clarify the thoughts and feelings of only one major character

"It's a long story, shank," the boy said. "Piece by piece, you'll learn----- I'll be takin' you on the Tour tomorrow. Til then.........just don't break anything." He held a hand out. "Name's Alby." He waited, clearly wanting to shake hands. --------James Dashner, from The Maze Runner Which of the following predictions is best supported by the evidence in the passage?

Thomas' will learn more and it will require bravery

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. "Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door---Only this, and nothing more." ------Edgar Allan Poe, from "The Raven"

To create a hypnotic tone through use of rhythm and onomatopoeia

South Africa is about three times the size of California. It is situated at the southern tip of the African continent, surrounded on three sides by ocean. Lying south of the equator it has, in general, a warm, sunny climate. The landscape is as beautiful as it is varied, including some of the best beaches in the world....... ----------Barry Denenberg, from Nelson Mandela: "No Easy Walk to Freedom" Which TWO of the following best describe the author's purpose in the passage?

To describe the geography of South Africa To provide interesting details about South Africa

A teacher is planning to have students write movie reviews for the school newspaper. Which of the following should the teacher identify for the students as the primary purpose for writing?

To evaluate the movie using the evidence to support opinions

Which of the following is the most appropriate reason to use a chart of graph in a classroom lesson?

To show trends, data, and comparisons more clearly

Crises there will continue to be. In meeting them, whether foreign or domestic, great or small, there is a recurring temptation to feel that some spectacular and costly action could become the miraculous solution to all difficulties. A huge increase in newer elements of our defenses; development of unrealistic programs to cure every ill in agriculture; a dramatic expansion in basic and applied research---these and many other possibilities, each possibly promising in itself, may be suggested as the only way to the road we wish to travel. ----Dwight D. Eisenhower, from his Farewell Address Which of the following best describes Eisenhower's purpose?

To urge the public to carefully consider the impact of certain governmental decisions

A teacher uses the terms "choppy" "disconnected" and "lacks flow" to indicate the errors in a student's paper. The student would most benefit from additional instruction in which of the following?


The following paragraphs were written by seventh-grade students in response to the prompt: "Tell a suspenseful story about what happens in a house after the lights flicker." Which sentences interferes with the logical organization of student A's in paragraph?

When the lights went out, I was wondering what was going on. (sentence 4)

Which of the following is a complex sentence?

While he waited in traffic on the highway, Joe realized he was on the wrong road

When following a writing workshop lesson format, which of the following stages involves teacher-demonstrated skills or strategies?

Whole-class mini-lessons

Ever wonder what it's like to be different than everybody else? If you do, R.J. Palacio's novel Wonder can give you a glimpse into the life of a boy named Auggie who is different than everybody else. During a writing conference, which of the following teacher questions will best help the student elaborate on ideas expressed in the second paragraph?

Why do you think what she did to the picture was crossing the line?

He felt guilty for having such a warm memory in the presence of Primrose's pain. He wished he could make her feel better, but he could not think of anything to say. ----Jerry Spinelli, From Eggs

Withholding the truth is sometimes necessary for the good of others

The following is the first draft of a student essay on word origins. Words, words, words.............where do the words used by people originate? Many authors are given credit for creating many of the words used in everyday conversation. Authors like William Shakespeare, Edgar Allan Poe, and Dr. Seuss created words that we used every day. Which of the following statements best explains the central idea of the student's essay?

Words introduced by authors can become standard words in the English language

(1) I really can't say enough about how much I love running track. (2) I think running track is fun! (3) Running is also good for you. (4) Doctors say that it makes your heart stronger. (5) Other kinds of exercise also make your body stronger. (6) When I run I feel like I can do anything. (7) It's important to be able to run. (8) What if you were being chased by an animal in the woods, wouldn't you want to know how to run then? (9) I know that you are ready to run. (10) If you join the track team, you'll be moving faster in no time! Which of the following methods of persuasion does the speaker use? Select all that apply

`Expert Opinion and Testimonial

A teacher hands out a list of nonsense words with prefixes attached to help students learn the meaning of the prefixes. Which of the following is the best student guess at the meaning of the word "macrodentern" if the word "dentern" means a meeting of a committee?

a public forum

In a drama, actions that occur in a series at the same time or location and end with a cut to another time or location are best referred to as:

a scene

"It's a long story, shank," the boy said. "Piece by piece, you'll learn----- I'll be takin' you on the Tour tomorrow. Til then.........just don't break anything." He held a hand out. "Name's Alby." He waited, clearly wanting to shake hands. --------James Dashner, from The Maze Runner The author's characterization of Thomas can best be described as:

afraid, because of his reaction to the situation

A primary purpose of an analytical essay is to:

critique and respond to a text

An autobiography differs from a memoir because an autobiography

describes significant events throughout a subject's life

Michael Ondaatje's first book, The Collected Works of Billy the Kid, is a postmodern blend of genres; a puzzling and rewarding collage of poetry, character sketches, songs, newspaper interviews, fiction, quotations from secondary sources, and even photographs. Question: The sentence above is most likely to begin an essay that employs which of the following methods of development?


A student is preparing to deliver an oral presentation and needs to find out how to correctly pronounce several words. Which of the following reference materials is most appropriate for the task?


Promoting novels in a sound-bite culture is like selling elephants from a gum ball machine. The author used the image of elephants in a gumball machine to suggest that novels are:

difficult to summarize in a sound bite

Traditional folkloric studies of Native American oral literature worked with transcriptions of the verbal component of the performance, as if those "texts" represented the reality. The passage is primarily concerned with _________________________________________.

evaluating a particular approach to studying Native American oral literature

Promoting novels in a sound-bite culture is like selling elephants from a gum ball machine. The author is primarily concerned with: _________________________________________

explaining his or her reaction to a particular situation

"Now, you have to choose between two roads." The man from the Revolutionary Committee looked straight into my eyes. "You can break with your family and follow Chairman Mao, or you can follow your father and become an enemy of the people." His voice grew more severe. "In that case we would have many more study sessions, with your brother and sister too, and the Red Guard Committee and the school leaders. Think about it. We will come back to talk to you again." ------Ji-li Jiang, from Red Scarf Girl Which of the following inferences is best supported by details in the passage?

he narrator is intimidated by the Revolutionary Committee members

America is destined for better deeds...... We have no interest in the scenes of antiquity only as lessons of avoidance of nearly all their examples. The expansive future is our arena, and for our history. We are entering on its untrodden space, with the truths of God in our minds, beneficent objects in out hearts, and with a clear conscience unsullied by the past. We are the nation of human progress, and who will, what can, set limits to our onward march? Providence is with us, and no earthly power can. We point to the everlasting truth on the first page of our national declaration, and we proclaim to the millions of other lands, that "the gates of hell"-the powers of aristocracy and monarchy-"shall not prevail against it." -----John L. O'Sullivan, from "The Great Nation of Futurity" The tone of the excerpt is

hopeful and passionate

When searching for a new car, my mother was concerned with getting the best deal. The first sales lot she visited was full of sharks and salesmen in cheap suits looking to make commission. After investigating a few other lots, she was able to find a great yet inexpensive car and spent time haggling with the sales manager at the local dealership to purchase her new vehicle for a reasonable price. Which of the following terms from the passage has a positive connotation?


The following is the first draft of a student essay on word origins. Words, words, words.............where do the words used by people originate? Many authors are given credit for creating many of the words used in everyday conversation. Authors like William Shakespeare, Edgar Allan Poe, and Dr. Seuss created words that we used every day. For the 2nd highlighted sentence, the teacher should recommend that the student include a transition that:

introduce an illustration

A teacher is using the following sentence, in which nonsense words have been inserted into context with real words, to help students analyze context to determine word meaning. The peeble listened well to the spangler so a determination of guilt could be made. The teacher asks students to figure out the meaning of the word "peeble." Which of the following student responses best demonstrates effective use of context clues?


1. This phrase "fabulous monster" was used by a unicorn in Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass to describe the character Alice 2. The Latin expression "O Temporal! O Mores!" was used by the ancient philosopher Cicero and means "Oh what times! Oh what customs!" In the content of the second passage, Malone's use of the phrase "fabulous monster" suggest that

modern youth are misunderstood and wonderful creatures

The following paragraphs were written by seventh-grade students in response to the prompt: "Tell a suspenseful story about what happens in a house after the lights flicker." Student B's paragraph is best characterized as:


My people, the Arapaho The author's argument is supported primarily by _________________.

offering descriptive observations

After letting students consider an essay topic, a teacher asks students to break into groups and share summaries of their essays. The activity will most benefit students in helping them.

organize their thoughts to communicate them effectively

What type of figurative language is this sentence? The sky was full of dancing stars.


(1) Picture this: a student is at his locker at the end of the day, packing every textbook he has into his bag. (2) First he packs his books: history, math, social studies, and even a novel. (3) He loads his binders and notebooks into his bag and pulls the zipper shut. barely closing the bursting backpack. (4) Using all of his strength, he hoists the backpack up to his shoulders and staggers down the hall to catch his bus (5) His back hurts and he can barely carry the load, but he has homework to do and needs his books to do it. (6) The school board should replace textbooks with e-readers because doing so will decrease the load that students have to carry home every night and will make students much happier! The paragraph would most likely be used to introduce an essay intended to


The following is from a draft of a student's writing piece. Did you know that tap water is not the healthiest water available? Filtered water sold in vending machines or grocery stores ensures a much safer alternative to water directly from the tap. You really should do some research, and then make the correct decision to drink only filtered water. You'll be glad you did. Which of the following best describes the author's purpose?


Jurgis went down the line with the rest of the visitors, staring open-mouthed lost in wonder. He had dressed hogs himself in the forest of Lithuania; but he had never expected to live to see one hog dressed by several hundred men. It was like a wonderful poem to him, and he took it all in guilelessly---even to the conspicuous signs demanding immaculate cleanliness of the employees. Jurgis was vexed when the cynical Jokubas translated these signs with sarcastic comments, offering to take them to the secret rooms where the spoiled meats went to be doctored. ------Upton Sinclair, from The Jungle Based on the excerpt, the author's main purpose is to

reveal the working conditions in an important industry

Can I see another's woe, And not be in sorrow too? Can I see another's grief, Line And not seek for kind relief? (5) Can I see a falling tear, And not feel my sorrow's share? Can a father see his child Weep, nor be with sorrow filled? Can a mother sit and hear (10) An infant groan, an infant fear? No, no! never can it be! Never, never can it be! The dominant grammatical construction the poet uses is the:

rhetorical question

Romeo and Juliet The passage best supports a description of Romeo as _________________________


1. This phrase "fabulous monster" was used by a unicorn in Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass to describe the character Alice 2. The Latin expression "O Temporal! O Mores!" was used by the ancient philosopher Cicero and means "Oh what times! Oh what customs!" In the first passage, Temple place quotation marks around "self expression" primarily to indicate that

she is mocking the common use of the term among young people

I have a few things in my mind which I have often longed to say for the instruction of the young; for it is in one's tender early years that such things will best take root and be most enduring and most valuable. First, then. I will say to you my young friends- and I say it beseechingly, urgently- ----- Mark Twain, from "Advice to Youth" The second paragraph makes it clear that Twain's message is actually that you people

should be trusted to make their own decisions

What type of figurative language is this sentence? The baby was as sweet as honey.


She needed to finish her homework and her chores, but adventure called


A teacher is preparing a unit in which students will work in small groups to select a topic and conduct relevant research before writing individual essays. To best ensure that all students participate in the group work, the teacher should group the students according to:

student interest

Her hair was the same colour as a carrot, and was braided in two stiff pigtails that stood straight out from her head. Her nose was the shape of a very small potato, and was dotted with freckles. Under the nose was a really very large mouth, with healthy white teeth. Her dress was curious indeed. Pippi had made it herself. It was supposed to have been blue, but as there hadn't been quite enough blue cloth, Pippi had decided to add little red patches here and there. On her long thin legs she wore long stockings, one brown and the other black. -------Astrid Lindgren, from Pippi Longstocking The physical descriptions of the character's attributes relate to the overall plot by

suggesting that the character will make life an adventure

Traveling at a speed of 80 miles per hour, he saw the car go by in a blur. Swimming swiftly through the aquarium, the children were delighted by the fish. Which of the following correctly describes the cause of confusion in the sentence above?

the participial phrase at the beginning of each sentence does not refer to the grammatical subject

A jay venturing into a yard where peacocks used to walk found there a number of feathers that had fallen from the peacocks when they were molting. He tied them all to his tail and strutted down toward the peacocks. When he came near them they soon discovered the cheat, and striding up to him pecked at him and plucked away his borrowed plumes. So the jay could do no better than go back to the other jays, who had watched his behavior from a distance; but they were equally annoyed with him, and told him: "It is not only fine feathers that make fine birds." ---Aesop The theme of the fable is developed primarily through

the reactions of supporting characters to a central character's actions

The previously unpublished writers The first sentence of the passage suggests that the writers in the anthology are part of "a unique phenomenon in history" because

they are members of a relatively large group

The last few nights he had had the most uncertain feelings about the sidewalk just around the corner here, moving in the straight toward his house. He had felt that a moment prior to his making a turn, someone had been there. The air seemed charged with a special calm as if someone had waited there, quietly, and only a moment before he came, simply turned to a shadow and let him through. ----Ray Bradbury, from Fahrenheit 451 Which of the following pairs of words best contributes to the tone of the passage?


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