EU History Final

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Treaty of Lisbon Policy Provisions

-JHA policy area is greatly strengthened -defense policy is given fuller recognition

Jeremy Corbyn Speech

-Labour Party Head -No second referendum -Should vote in Parliament -Not the Norwegian Model -Wants to remain in customs Union and single market -Comprehensive UK-EU Customs Union -Close and cooperative relationship with European Neighbors -Based on values of internationalism, solidarity and equality

Can Brexit be reversed

-Lord Kerr is author of Article 50 TEU - the one that Theresa May triggered on May 19 2017 -Treaty of Lisbon was end product of a constitutional convention that brought 105 delegates representing national governments and EU institutions -Convention had a secretary and Lord Kerr was the Secretary - all nationalities represented -Lord Kerr given task of drawing up provision/article -Up to that point it was thought that if any member state wanted to leave how would they go about it -Idea of an exit cause - Lord Kerr authored and he says it can be reversed because there is nothing in article that says it can't -Never triggered it before so there's no reason it can't be reversed -Donald Tusk says it would be fine if Britain wanted to reverse -Macron says they would be welcome back with open arms -Legally there is no issue

Second Reading

-Strict time limits -One lead committee -EP can approve by simple majority but to amend or reject needs absolute majority

EFTA countries joining EEC post-Maastricht

-Sweden, Finland, and Austria join the EU -couldn't join previously because of USSR -wanted to join as soon as possible because knew Maastricht Treaty would be revised and wanted to be members before next Treaty amendment

Treaty of Nice policy provisions

-only marginal extensions of existing policy areas, mainly in the JHA and social policy fields

Amber Rudd

-position that Theresa May used to have -soft Brexit camp

Press Conference with Gunter Schwabowski

-press conference announcing lift of travel restrictions of east Germans if they had valid passport -unprepared for question of when this takes place and gives off the cuff answer -Germans flooded to Berlin Wall

European Regional Development Fund

-principle development fund -created and responds to Britain joining European Communities -Suggestion of Pompidou

Angela Merkel

-she is not sentimental about European integration -she is pragmatists - least ideological chancellor ever -European integration about what works

St Malo Accords

-signed in 1998 and that is beginning of European Security and Defense Policy -began as bilateral agreement between Britain and France and then became an EU policy

Mutual Assistance Clause

-Activated by Francois Holland in November 2016 as result of attacks in France by ISIS -Equivalent to NATO's article 5 -MAC provides if a member state is victim of armed aggression - more general term than attack -"On its territory" - territory of NATO is the members territories, but this is for any member state territory -All the means in their power - might not be military contribution but just financial contribution

Theresa May Third Speech on Brexit

-Admitted that not all the promises made by Brexitiers can be realized -Will not except the rights of Canada and the obligations of Norway -Leaving the Single European Market -Leaving the Customs Union -Want to avoid a hard border -Safeguard the Good Friday Agreement - underpins peace in Northern Ireland -Want associate status in EU agencies -Tailor made deal including financial services -Wants a customs partnership arrangement to minimize frictions to trade -Implementation period to be time limited -Want to negotiate trade agreements with countries around the world -Control of ouir laws -Frictionless a border as possible between us and EU -Broadest and deepest possible partnership covering more sectors and more fully than any free trade agreement today

Ireland and Brexit

-After Brexit will Irexit become a reality -Nigel Firage said if Ireland wants to be independent state they have to leave EU -Irony of being run by Britain but now being run by Brussels -Said beyond Dublin a lot of Irish people are Eurosceptic -Spots a gap in the political market because there is no FN or UKIP equivalent and there is Euroscepticism

David Davis

-At beginning believed Britain should leave single market -Canada plus plus plus agreement -That one covers mostly goods -Britain wants a lot more than what was conceded to Canadians -Norwegian model would be that you have full access to European Union but you pay for it

Decline in Permissive Consensus

-Begins with June 1992 when Denmark voted no to constitutional amendment - passed 2nd time around -Switzerland chose not to be in European Economic Area (EEA) 1992 -Denmark on Euro membership - rejected though they now shadow euro and may as well be in it -Ireland and Treaty of Nice vote -Sweden on Euro membership in 2003 - out of eurozone and no sign it will be joining -France and Netherlands anti-Constitution -Britain on in/out referendum

Thatcher and the EU

-Britian was paying too much so she got a rebate -Thatcher had a new style of diplomacy which was a shock to the system -She was aggressive and stubborn -In past EC summits had been calm and reasoned on the surface -Leaders had differences but tended to manage them in reasonable manner but Thatcher was more adversarial -Agree to give thatcher a budget rebate that would be looked at annually -Also said that CAP would be reformed -Other countries have this rebate because in order to give Britain back a rebate the other countries have to provide it so in order to make sure there is fare distribution some of the other countries have to be given a rebate

Treaty of Amsterdam Policy Provisions

-CFSP provisions are strengthened -much of JHA pillar is transferred to EC pillar -new policy areas are added to EC pillar, including anti-discrimination, promoting employment, and consumer protection

EP Second Reading

-Can approve common position by simple majority -Reject common position by absolute majority -Amend the common position by absolute majority

Lisbon Treaty signed in 2007 and came into effect in 2009

-Case of old wine in new bottles -Constitution for Europe repackaged (No symbolism, No word Constitution, No EU anthem, flag, or motto) -Treaty of Lisbon ushers in a new era -Created a President of European Council -Created a Vice President of European Commission combined with role of High Representative of FA&SP -Provided for the election of Commission President - no more effectively endorsed but now vote formally - symbolic significance -Splizenkandidaten system has no treaty basis -German idea but not Merkel's idea

Enhanced Cooperation

-Coalition of willing and able - those willing and able to proceed toward European Integration -Introduced into economic and judicial pillar -Article 20 TEU -Ex. Trans National Divorce Law (Rome III Regulation) -International couples in EU -If they want to divorce where should it be granted -This law introduces greater uniformity -Allows majority of countries to introduce legislation and its only applicable to countries that are part of it -Ex. EU Patent -Ex. Financial Transactions Tax -Ex. European Public Prosecutors Office -Set up to identify and punish fraud -Some countries want to tackle it at National level -Purpose is to allow necessary integration steps to be taken by core member states without causing EU as a whole to unravel or split -9 Member states can activate enhanced cooperation -Introduced with conditions that were so specific people thought it wouldn't be used -Under Treaty of Lisbon 9 Member states can activate it -To a European Federalist it and idea of vanguard makes sense -Not for country like Britain that could find itself in outer tier - slow lane

Delors ideas

-Completion of Single European Market was his Big Idea -Rome treaty did not set deadline for completion only for customs union -Single European Act provides for the deadline -SEM could remedy economic ills -Can stimulate economic growth, reduce ?, attract investment from all member states -Desire to complete internal market with institutional reform -Very ambitious legislative program -Increase in use of qualified majority voting and legislative input of EP was necessary -MFF is legally binding financial sector -Idea is that the EU would not run out of necessary finance

Treaty of Amsterdam

-Constructed Abstention introduced in 2nd pillar -European Parliament seats capped at 700 - that has been disregarded -National Parliaments given a new scrutiny role -Felt principles of subsidiarity and proportionality not being complied with -COSAC formal recognition -Has permanent secretariat in Parliament -Idea was a new scrutiny role for national parliaments

History of Britain and the EU

-Consulting the people in referendum is not ordinary -Harold Wilson in 1975 held a referendum on EC membership and won it -David Cameron in 2016 held a referendum and lost it -1970s had a period of high inflation and low economic growth - period of stagnation -EMU did not materialize -EPC - European Political Cooperation did materialize - Davignon Report -European regional Development Fund - principle development fund -Adeneaur oriented West Germany toward the West but Brandt said you could not ignore East Germany -Edward Heath is Prime Minister form 1970-1974 was an enthusiast in Europe - rare since most British are pragmatic toward European Communities -In 1974 there is a general election and Harold Wilson holds a referendum since there was a big section of his own party that was anti -Margaret Thatcher campaigned for Britain to lead European Communities -Cameron called for referendum to placate his own back enders in his own party

Treaty of Amsterdam and Three Pillars

-Could sum up as consolidation -Wanted to consolidate and make more user friendly the Maastricht Treaty -Inserted social chapter into main body of text because of concern of government under John Major - had opt out on social policies -Tony Blair much more interested in social policy - rights of workers -Second pillar created a new high representative for CFSP -Third Pillar shrunk with Schengen included but Visa, asylum, immigration transferred to 1st -QMV was extended in Council - ECJ judges have to be unanimously agreed on as well as the Budget

Treaty of Paris Institutional provisions

-Creates High authority, Council of Ministers (with some QMV), Common Assembly, Court of Justice

Philip Hammond

-Criticized heavily at recent meeting of World economic forum -Said that trade relationship between UK and EU will be as close to what it is right now

Article 7 against Poland

-EP backed resolution in support of Commission recommendation -should be triggered against Poland for undermining the rule of law -Member state could lose voting rights in Council -Poland Executive has been making constitutional reforms making Judiciary effectively under judicial control -Do reckon this issue might be biggest issue of 2018 -Franz Timmerman met with Mateusz Morawicki Poland's PM -Don't want Poland to lose voting rights so need to figure out how to avoid that -Jaroslaw Kaczynski is Chairman of PiS - effective political leader in Poland


-Informal meetings of restricted access -Purpose is to achieve compromise between Parliament and Council between legislatures -Commission acts as honest broker after submitting proposal -Could be represented by head of unit, director, or Commissioner -EP delegation -Council delegation - Presidency and chairs of COREPAR I and II -COREPAR - National officials with role of ambassorial rank -COREPAR I are junior and COREPAR II is senior -Agreements are informal and must be approved by the respective institutions

Solidarity Clause Article 222 TFEU

-It emphasizes the Union and its member states shall act jointly in spirit of solidarity -MAC highlights the role of member states not the EU

Santer Commission Dismissal

-EP was never happy with Commission implementation of the Budget -Never had proof of wrongdoing until Commission official said he had proof that implementing budget of commissioner not being given -Brought to attention of Commissioner superiors and they tried to bury it -He went to the Greens in the EP and they took it from there -EP investigated further and as a result there was an agreement that there should be a Committee of the Wise appointed - five professional auditors -They would go into Commission and investigate if there was a case to answer to allegations of nepotism, fraud, and mismanagement -In March 1999 they said there was indeed a case to answer -Not corruption with capital C but there were instances of poor management of financial responsibility -As a result, to the agreement between Commissions and EP they resigned as a body -Commission stands or falls as one -However, they were so close to end of mandate that they stayed on in caretaker capacity -Took care of day to day management but no new legislative proposals

Davignon Committee

-EPC emerged because of it -informal meetings between member states -intergovernmental in nature -SEA brings it into a treaty plan

Michael Barnier

-EU 27 chief negotiator says there will be no cherry picking -He gets direction from the EU 27

Treaty of Lisbon Institutional Provisions

-European Community disappears -third pillar is moved into the TFEU but the second pillar remains in the TEU -creates 2 new important posts: European Council President and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (which merges the existing leading foreign policy posts in the Council and the Commission) -extends legal base of QMV -new voting system is created in the Council though not to come into effect until 2014 - and even then there are transitional arrangements -significant extensions to application of co-decision procedure which is re-named the OLP -Military core - voluntary -PESCO -Those willing and able - politically and militarily capable -Launched by 25 of the EU member states -UK, Denmark, Malta -Ireland did sign up for it though it is a neutral country

Single European Act Institutional Provisions

-European Council is given legal recognition -the legal capacity of the Council to take decisions by QMV is extended - notably to internal market measures -a new legislative procedure - the cooperation procedure - is created which gives the EP more powers -an assent procedure is also created which results in the assent of the EP being required

First draft text of formal withdrawel agreement on Phase 1

-Financial Settlement -Citizens Rights -Ireland -Northern Ireland will remain in customs Union -Theresa May rejects withdrawal of text saying it would undermine UK common market and threaten constitutional integrity of the UK by creating customs and regulatory border down the Irish sea

Preamble of Single European Act

-First mention in treaty document of an economic and monetary union -About completing European Market -Signals direction that the European is going

Three Pillars

-First pillar is supranational - economic pillar -Second pillar is intergovernmental - political pillar establishing CFSP -Third Pillar is intergovernmental - judicial and foreign affairs -European Community - economic pillar -UK negotiated 2 opt out clauses (EMU, Social Policy) -Social policy was safeguarding social rights of workers -Denmark negotiated four opt outs (EMU, Defense, JHA, and Citizenship) -Second Pillar was CFSP -Third Pillar was JHA

Balanced Budget Treaty

-Fiscal Compact Treaty Article 3 -If you reach budget deficit rules then correction mechanism can be triggered -Must be part of national law - part of Germany's constitution but other member states said not just national law -Have to keep budget in balance -Idea is that part of eurozone means you must follow budget deficit rules -These rules are not new they are just enforceable now -Came into effect on January 1, 2013 when 12 of the 17 eurozone member states ratified it -If it was an EU Treaty all the Member states would have had to ratify it but it was intergovernmental

Elections in Italy

-Five Star Movement did very well -Anti EU and anti-immigrant -IN EFDD with UKIP in the European Parliament -PD - Socialist Party -Did not do too great with only 18.7% -Northern League did well - also anti EU but even more extreme -Matteo Salvini MEP -ENF Group -Forza Italia got 14.04% -Silvio Berlusconi -EPP in European Parliament -Coalition is going to take weeks possibly months -The concern is what happens if results in Italy are replicated in European Parliament -European Parliament does have very important legislative powers -Concern in Italy is immigration, security, and social issues

Policy Developments 1970s

-Franco German axis is important but is it sufficient in itself - other member states have to follow suite -Brexit helped to galvanize the EU 27 -European Council was an idea of D -Estaing and supported by Schmidt - first meeting in 1975 -Establishment of European Council caused concern for smaller member states and in return smaller member states wanted direct elections for European Parliament

How important an issue is Brexit in 2018

-Franco-German axis has definitely moved on as well as EU 27 -When France and Germany agree on a matter that is pretty much acceptable to the rest of the member states because they are so different so if they can agree then you accept it -Think Brexit is a reality and therefore need to get on with other matters -Think Brexit is a problem but no longer think it will threaten EU -Has acted as a catalyst strengthening European integration -Britain no longer in a position to slow down the European integration process -EU 27 want to see further reforms of the Eurozone -Eurozone budget and finance minister for Eurozone area -Migrant Crisis is more of an important issue

Gorbachev reforms

-Glasnost - transparacncy or openness -Peristrokos - reform -Supposed to regenerate communism but it set in motion process that spirled out of its control -Public services and health were very poor -Alcohol consumption was only thing that was up in the USSR -Gorbachev wanted to stop the arms race and let Eastern countries go if they wanted to in order to save communism -Awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 1990

Wolfgang Schauble Sep 1, 1994 Speech

-Identifies hard core as comprising five or six countries - the founding members of the EU -Says we should form a vanguard and put forward with the European integration process -Necessary because not all member states understand the necessity of moving forward -Solution to reluctant European is hard core and form vanguard -They can follow in own time at their own pace, but Vanguard should move ahead

EMU Convergence Criteria

-Low inflation rate -Low interest rate -ERM membership at least 2 years -Annual budget deficit of not more than 3% of GDP -National debt not more than 60% of GDP -Last two are the most controversial -If you reach those debt limits it triggers financial penalties though that was not introduced in Maastricht treaty -Also did not introduce a bailout fund that only came about because of financial crisis of 2008

Endorsement for Splitzenkandidat system

-MEP's voted to reject any candidate for Commission President who is not part of a political group -Macron is opposed to the system because he thinks it reduces the size of the candidates -Before Lisbon Treaty the European Council would choose themselves -The Lisbon Treaty creates a link between the outcome of EP elections and choice of President - to help create public interest and voter turnout in EP elections -The system does not have any treaty basis it was just an idea that came from EP itself -It was the way the EP interpreted that position

Ireland Fiscal Compact Treaty

-Main factors for Yes vote -Main political parties on message -Wanted access to ESM - people realized the significance of it -Greek Crisis - Ireland did not want to go in that direction -Euro Crisis - it was a serious one and they took it quite seriously -Pragmatism prevails - fear versus anger -Michael O'Leary says they are voting in favor of self-preservation

Bruges Speech

-Margaret Thatcher -Very European -David Cameron echoes many of the points that she is making -Think that on migrant issues Europe should speck with a single voice -We in Britain do not want a Brussels based divider/European super state -Happy as is -Don't like Delors vision of a political Europe -Opposed to treaty amendments -Preference for intergovernmentalism -Support for market liberalization - in favor of completion of single European market -Strong alliance between European communities and US

John Major

-Margaret Thatcher's successor -Referendum was advisory only but result gave government obligation to negotiate a Brexit -True remit can only be to agree promises made in referendum -> so far promises have not been met and electors know they were misled so they have every right to reconsider -Says Theresa May should allow a free vote in Parliament or call second referendum

When are most proposals adopted

-Most proposals adopted at first reading now a days -There are more meetings between EP and Council -More contact and MEP's and Ministers are more familiar with procedure -Council presided over by one country and that country wants to show it has had productive presidency -Much legislation is uncontroversial in nature - very rare for ideological battles -Most legislation is straight forward and technical -Early on legislation adopted in 22 months now its 19months

Treaty of Nice

-No new policy provisions -It was about institutional provisions -Amsterdam leftovers -Size and composition of college of commissioners -Extended QMV to some extent but not huge amount -Reweighting of votes in Council -Seats in EP raised to 736 -Enhanced cooperation made more user friendly being activated by 8 member states -Limited extension of co-decision procedure -Not a very important procedure -Only came to public attention because the Irish said no the first time

First Reading

-No time limits -Involvement of different Committees - provide opinions -EP may approve, amend, or reject by simple majority -Council by QMV

Santer Commission

-Only time commission has ever resigned -Jaques Santer followed Delors as Commission President and served 1 term -Delors was very ambitious and had vision of European Integration -Santer was much more modest saying do less but do it better -More of a manager than a visionary -Achieved accession negotiations with Central and East European Countries (CEEC) -Facilitated the IGC leading to Treaty of Amsterdam in 1997 -Launched Stage III of EMU - introduction of virtual Euro -Delors set standard for strong visionary president and at other end of scale is Santer mostly just because his commission had to resign

John Major Sep 7, 1994 Speech

-Quick to respond to idea of hard core -Response of caution -Concerned with idea -Says flexibility has to be and essential component -Recoils at idea where some are more equal than others -Resisting this idea of a hard core

Cameron's new negotiated terms

-Safeguards for non-Eurozone members -Competitiveness -British opt out from ever closer Union -EU migration concern about benefit tourism -agreed in new settlement that there should be an emergency brake for migrants -meant that UK could limit in work benefits to EU migrants for up to 4 years -it would have limited duration of 7 years -asked for further extension of 6 years but did not get it -new settlement was too detailed and did not play role at all in referendum

Ireland Campaign Against Nice

-Said Treaty of Nice was more on slogans -Say No to Nato. Say No to Nice. -> not even related issues -If you don't know vote no -Very low turnout -Either fell apathetic to the issue - don't care/not engaged -Not politically informed enough to make an intelligent decision -Reaction across Europe was one of shock - Ireland qualified for structural funding -Decision was reversed in second referendum -Concerns were: -Loss of sovereignty - more integrated less control over own affairs -Neutrality - Ireland is neutral country like Malta, Cyprus, etc. and so more integrated they became they would come under pressure and have to abandon -Abortion - there is constitutional ban in Ireland and concern was more integrated it became then sooner or later that ban might disappear

Leo Vradadkar

-Said that Norway Plus model might be possible -For Ireland, Britain is a very important trade partner

Martin Selmayr

-Secretary General of European Commission -European Commissions top Civil Servant -Became General Secretary very quick - took 9 months? -He is not a politician, so EP does not have to endorse him that is internal European Commission task -It happened so fast that is raised eyebrows -Dutch MEP"s want him to resign -All political group leaders decided to put this on agenda for Strasbourg -No question about his abilities and qualifications just question of how it was done

Delors Report of 1989

-Set out 3 stage process for realization of economic and monetary union -ECB would determine monetary policy and binding budgetary rules would be introduced -Madrid European Council agrees to convene intergovernmental council (ICG) on EMU -Thatcher tried to oppose but she was outvoted -IGC on political union was also set up

European Monetary System

-The whole idea of it did not happen -There was a snake in the tunnel system but that did not succeeded very well because of the recession -In 1978/79 the idea was revived again - only became a runner when D'Estaing and Schmidt hijacked it -Once France and Germany supported it then it could come into being in 1979 -It was a European Exchange Rate Mechanism -European currency Unit was a virtual currency

UK 2017 Elections

-Theresa May hoped to increase parliamentary majority but lost it -Need 326 for majority but she got 322 because North of Ireland party gained 7 seats but would not take up their seats and abstained -May has 318 supporters -60 of them are hard brexitiers -Cannot govern without them - must have a deal that satisfies them because the House of Commons is going to vote on UK withdrawal bill -Two major parties won the vast majority of seats and both political parties are in favor of leaving the EU but what separates them is the end state -Theresa May has a minority government and has been propped up by the DUP - Democratic Unionist Party > small political party in Northern Ireland -Have confidence and supply arrangement -No coalition don't want any ministries -Willing to support Theresa May on the basis of an agreement where May promised 1 billion in Northern Ireland to be reviewed in 2 years' time -That created waves because the other parts of Northern Ireland were like well we want 1 billion pounds too please

Velvet Revolution

-Transition was so smooth and bloodless -Romania was the only exception where the rulers of Romania were executed on Christmas day -Human chain linking the three Baltic capitals -Linking hands -No firearms

2012 Fiscal Compact Treaty

-Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union (TSCG) -Needed to protect the Euro - Merkel "If the Euro fails, Europe fails" -Purpose was to ensure that governments maintain sound and sustainable public finances by preventing government deficits becoming excessive -Means that members of eurozone have to keep public finances in order -Preamble says access to ESM is conditional on ratification of Treaty -That is the bailout fund -According to Maastricht treaty there was no way for a country to be bailed out -Because of the financial crisis countries like Greece, Ireland, and Portugal needed to be bailed out -ESM is established in 2012 and is now permanent bailout fund -Have to sign up to treaty to have access to it


-VIsgrad -Poland -Hungary -Slovakia -Czech Republic

The Euro

-Virtual euro created January 1, 1999 -France and Germany lead the way once again -UK remains aloof -In January 1, 2002 changeover to actual euro takes place over 6 months -National currencies withdrawn permanently -Happened very efficiently

2002-03 Convention on Future of Europe

-Want to make EU more efficieint, transparent, and more democratic -Produced Constitution for Europe in 2004 -Rejected by France and Netherlands in 2005 and that threw EU into disarray -Mythical Polish Plumber and concern about cheap migrant labor -Neoliberalism vs a social protection models -Islam in Europe - countries like turkey joining -Euro inflation -Domestic issues - lack of popularity of government of the day -Caused issues because legally cannot continue but politically cannot stop -Decided to repackage Constitution as Treaty of Lisbon -10 CEEC's join in 2004 - EU 25

Treaty of Maastricht Policy Provisions

-a framework and timetable for creating EMU is incorporated in the EC Treaty -pillars two and three create the treaty foundations for CFSP and JHA -several new policy areas are added to the EC Treaty including development, public health, and consumer protection

EP and co-decision procedure

-applied to about 10 articles when it was introduced -constitutional amendments led to more Treaty articles so that now co-decision applies to most areas

Conciliation Committee

-brings together equal member of MEP's and Ministers so there will be 28 of each -28 MEP's are going to be big hitters (chairmen, rapporteurs, shadow rapporteurs) -point is to arrive at an agreed text -If successful two houses vote and they do or don't adopt -if there is no successful conclusion by conciliation committee then the act fails -So important that Conciliation works that they have to prepare for it -> reason for trialogue -Meetings of restricted access represented by 3 institutions (Commission, Council, EP) -They may and do take place at each of the meetings -Not mentioned in the procedure but key to effectiveness

Treaty of Nice Institutional Provisions

-changes national representations in EU institutions in preparation for enlargement -changes QMV weightings -extends legal base of QMV -small extensions to application of co-decision procedure -makes enhanced cooperation procedure easier to apply

Michael Grove

-colleague of Cameron and when referendum declared he supported Leave side -made own bid for leadership of the conservative party

Ordinary legislative procedure

-council by QMV throughout -Commission Proposal -sent to EP and Council simultaneously -EP may not put any amendments forward or it does by simple majority -Then goes to Commission to see how feasible they are -Then council has its first reading and it either approves of amendments or doesn't -If Council approves then legislation is adopted -If Council does not fully accept amendments the Council adopts its common position -EP then has a second reading -If act is rejected, then the act is not adopted, and procedure fails and has to start all over -If EP amends, then Commission will examine and see how feasible -Council then has second reading now with deadlines - 3 months -conciliation committee -If successful two houses vote and they do or don't adopt -if there is no successful conclusion by conciliation committee then the act fails

Treaty of Maastricht Institutional Provisions

-creates the European Union as a three pillar structure -extends legal base of QMV -creates co-decision legislative procedure which increases the power of the EP

Treaty of Rome Institutional Provisions

-establishing the EEC and EURATOM March 1957-Jan 1958 -Creates Commission, Council of Ministers, (QMV more restricted than under the Treaty of Paris), Assembly and Court of Justice to serve all three communities

Helmut Kohl

-expressed Germany's commitment to European Project -Not really vital for Germany to give up own currency -For man Germans the Deutchmark was more than a currency but also very symbolic -He wanted to show that Germany was at heart of European integration and not less committed -Kohl given first EU state funeral -Merkel was his protégé and began at the very bottom

Treaty of Amsterdam Institutional Provisions

-extends legal base of QMV -extends the co-decision procedure to more policy spheres, and amends aspects of the procedure to the EP's advantage -creates enhanced cooperation procedure -creates new post of High Representative for the CFSP

Treaty of Lisbon an National Parliaments

-gives National Parliaments real teeth: real power -Yellow card - if 1/3 of NP think that Commission Proposal does not represent subsidiarity or proportionality then Commission has to withdraw and change it -Orange card - if ½ of the NP's think it's not represent subsidiarity or proportionality then the EC must withdraw proposal permanently - basically amounts to a veto -National Parliaments role is formal scrutiny not policy making -European Citizens Initiative has to be 1 million signatures for an EU competence -For some it enhances efficiency in EU but just because QMV is possible does not necessarily mean it will be used in practice -Most times the council will try to seek consensus -Fact that treaty of Lisbon extended QMV did affect the dynamic because chairmen could just say if we don't get consensus I am calling a vote -Council works in shadow of the vote -For a lot of European Federalists crisis is not a bad thing but a useful thing

Single European Act

-included research and development - greater degree of community involvement -To speed up the results and diminish duplication -recognized the European Council - given legal recognition -Up to that point it was just a political body -Lisbon treaty gave it institutional statist -structural fund effectively doubled -CAP has the guarantee sections: funds guaranteed prices and guidance section -increase efficiency of institutions on one hand and legitimacy of others -created new court: Court of First Instance -SEA increased input on EP by introducing new procedure to cooperation procedure -introduced the assent procedure

Current Labour Party in the UK

-increasingly identifying itself as party for soft Brexit -Led by Jeremy Corbett who is a Euroskeptic -now is saying that we are going to leave -opposed to idea of second referendum as is Theresa May but thinks we should have soft Brexit

European Council

-institutionalized the summit meetings of the EC -it was an intergovernmental body -it oversaw major treaty reforms -European Council although intergovernmental body it has helped bring about new developments for European integration

Theresa May

-kept low profile throughout whole campaign -may have know it was going to be close to call so didn't want to be on one side or another -between two warring factions in own cabinet which is representative of conservative party -Good number of conservative party are in favor of remaining but feel bound to follow people -Conservative party is very divided on the issue -trying to fin a way to satisfy both camps -dispensable - convenient for Conservative party to have her there for the moment but there are others looking for her job

Court of First Instance

-known as General Court which was to act as preliminary court for ECJ -deals with matters of legal fact because workload of ECJ was growing

Treaty of Rome Policy Provisions

-lays foundations and timetable for a customs union with removal of internal barriers to trade and the establishment of a common external tariff -foundations also laid for deeper economic integration through the creation of a common market and some common policies - including agriculture and transport -provides for the possibility of a common market in nuclear materials but with safeguards built in -other activities in the nuclear field to be promoted

Treaty of Paris Policy provisions

-lays foundations for a common market in coal, steel, coke, iron ore, and scrap

Edward Heath

-led the negotiations between Britian and European community -he was generally enthusiastic about European Integration -wanted Britain to be in European communities and be a leader -did not hold a referendum about joining the European communities -said it was because referendum is not a constitutional British tradition


-looming in July 2015 - Greece leaving the Eurozone -They stayed because of bailout program -Greek Prim Minister he says that in this case Grexit does mean Grexit because they are leaving the bailout fund -Migrant Crisis erupted in September as result from Syrian Civil War -Largely because of one photograph of a toddler dead on the beach -As a result of that it became an issue for European Countries as a whole

David Cameron

-made promise in 2013 to hold referendum -Overheard to have said that Brexit is a mistake and not a disaster -Not as bad as they all thought but its still going to difficult -Private comment to prominent industrialist from India -As a former PM speaking to prominent industrialist from India and a potential investor in Britain he was hardly going to say that Brexit was a disaster

The Troika

-managed the Bailout program -Made up of 3 institutions (IMF, Commission, ECB) -Money for bailout came from these three institutions

Referendum in UK

-non-binding -Parliamentary sovereignty -Directly consulting the people is most unusual -Theresa May believes they are bound by that decision when she became PM after David Cameron resigned in 2016 -Said Brexit means Brexit - no one knows what that means -The soft brexitier's are in favor of remaining in the single European market because the benefits are so great -Britain is a trading nation -80% of its economy is trading services - that's how it creates it's wealth and biggest trading partner is EU 27

Assent Procedure

-now the consent procedure -was to be applied to new accession treaty -if EU agree to have a new member state then EP had right to give its assent -the assent procedure applied to association agreements -if it didn't go ahead then it could not go ahead -extended to apply to all international agreements

Referendum in Greece

-on June 20th 2015 -In wake of that capital controls were introduced -Meant that country was effectively bankrupt -Only could withdraw 60 euros a week at the ATM -Country standing up and saying they can't take any more of this austerity -Said if you aren't going to help us then I will go elsewhere - Putin -Russia suffering under sanctions applied by EU and have to be agreed unanimously so if member state vetoed economic sanctions that would be great for him -There is a geopolitical aspect to it -Greeks asked if they wanted to sign up for the terms of the bailout program -There was a resounding no vote -If Greece had left Eurozone that could have led to a domino effect -EU and Eurozone to guarantee own survival had to keep Greece in so that is the card that Greece played

Maastricht Treaty

-signed in Feb 1992 -Needed to be ratified by all member states -Germans concerned about the provisions in the Maastricht treaty -Also concern about a European Defense Community and there would be a -Three pillars because they involve different policy making styles -Lisbon Treaty abolished the three pillar structure -all about extension -Extended legal base for QMV but even to this day there are still areas where unanimity is required and Council always seeks consensus -Luxembourg Compromise was period of 2 decades and member states got used to it -To make institutions more efficient they mean extending QMV -Co decision procedure - replaces cooperation procedure

British Cabinet on Brexit

-split on the issue -75% of members of parliament are opposed to Brexit -there is consensus of opinion that the will of the people has to be accepted -Theresa May is remainer -Boris Johnson is unofficial leader of leave campaign -David Davis voted to leave -Phil Hammond was convinced remainer and now soft Brexitier

Berlin Wall

-symbolized division of East and West -Wall went up in 1961 because so many people were trying to leave East Germany -These were professionals who you need for society -From USSR point of view the wall was the only way to solve this -In 1989 the wall comes down -German reunification happens a year later -USSR implodes in 1991 -Great jubilation and joy when it fell -there were mass marches: all peaceful in October of 1989

Single European Act Policy Provisions

-the aim of completing the internal market by 1992 is given treaty status -new policy areas are added to the EEC Treaty, notably environment, economic and social cohesion, and research and development

Conciliation and Third Reading

-time limits -no amendments allowed -EP either amends or rejects

Response to Theresa May Speech

-tusk said that the only thing left based on what May said is a free trade area -no tariffs and some services but not financial services (banking, insurance, etc.) -Barnier appreciated the clarity of her speech -Weber is concerned and does not see how they are going to reach an agreement -Verhofstadt said she needed to move beyond vague aspirations and that is double cherry-picking -Boris Johnson stranded at airport so he took picture with May's speech and gave thumbs up

Boris Johnson

-unofficial leader of leave campaign -some say it was Boris factor who convinced them through some think he didn't make such a decisive impact -his political career up to that point would suggest otherwise

Opt Outs

-unwanted but necessary -least worst solution for Treaty on European Union to be signed

Economic and social cohesion

-wanted to bring about greater amount of cohesion -Targeted financial assistance -That gave rise to the structural funds -European Regional Development Fund 1975 -European Social Fund -Training programs for long term unemployed and youth unemployed

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