Ex Test Ch 5 and 6

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Identify four components of instruction on the resistance training technique that individuals should receive from their instructors.

1 - deliberately and controlled manner 2 - full ROM 3 - proper breathing (ecc = in, conc = out, avoid Valsalva) 4 - correct form/technique, body position

What is the minimum number of calories (kcal) to be burned per week in exercise and physical activity that evidence demonstrates results in health/fitness benefits?

1,000 kcal

The normal heart rate response to incremental exercise is to increase with increasing workloads at the rate of approximately ________ bpm per 1 MET.


How soon post event a symptom-limited stress testing of low- and intermediate-risk patients with NSTE-ACS patients can be conducted?

12-24 hr

Using the percentage of heart rate reserve method to prescribe exercise intensity, which of the following is the correct answer given the available test data below? HRrest: 70 beats · min-1 HRmax: 180 beats · min-1 Desired exercise intensity: 50%

125 beats · min-1

What is the gross relative oxygen consumption for a 125-lb, 35-yr-old female walking on a treadmill at 3.5 mph and a 2% grade?

16.3 ml · kg-1 · min-1

For the average adult whose goal is to achieve healthful fitness benefits, muscle groups should be trained with _________ (range) sets of __________ (range) reps to improve muscular fitness.

2-4 8-12

Which of the following recommendations is true regarding resistance training?

2-4 sets at 60%-70% of 1-RM

The standard prediction equation for age-predicted maximal heart rate is

220 - age

Improvements in CRF are lessened with exercise frequencies less than _____ days per week, and a plateau in improvement is seen when exercise is performed more than _____ days per week.

3, 5

An individual runs for an hour, 5 times per week at 10 METs. What is the volume of exercise?

3,000 MET · min · wk-1

One MET is equivalent to

3.5 mL · kg-1 · min-1.

Older adults can confer greater benefit by holding a stretch for

30-60 s.

If "moderate intensity," aerobic exercise is prescribed, what are the minimum recommendations for how often a healthy adult should engage in exercise to achieve health/fitness benefits?

5 d · wk-1

Because of regional muscle fatigue during cycle ergometry, what percentage of maximal oxygen consumption when compared to treadmill testing can be expected?

5%-10% lower

With respect to pedometer step counts, what has been suggested as a goal to attain recommended exercise targets?

5,400-7,900 can help

Over the first 4-6 weeks of an exercise program, it is recommended to increase exercise duration by how much every 1-2 weeks?

5-10 min

When performing a symptom-limited maximal exercise test, the selected exercise testing protocol should result in a total exercise duration of

6-12 min

At what point is depression of the J point measured on the electrocardiogram?

80 ms

An individual (age 30 yr, weight 120 lb) is pedaling a Monark cycle ergometer at 60 revolutions per minute at a resistance of 2.5 kg. What is the work rate?

900 kgm/min

Which of the following is the definition of "predictive value"?

A measure of how accurately a test result (positive or negative) correctly identifies the presence or absence of CVD in tested patients

Which of the following is an absolute contraindication for symptom-limited maximal exercise testing?

Active endocarditis

What may be one of the single best prognostic markers in all individuals regardless of health status?

Aerobic capacity

Which of the following are typically not monitored during a graded exercise test?

Blood gases These are: ECG Hemodynamic responses Symptoms

Which of the following is the most commonly used treadmill test protocol?

Bruce protocol

Which of the following is a health-related component of the Physical Health Domain?


At what interval should heart rate be monitored during a symptom-limited maximal exercise test?

Continuously but recorded during the last 5-10 s of each minute

All of the following are common methods for monitoring exercise intensity except

DBP These are: RPE MET HR

Which of the following is an abnormal electrocardiographic response to exercise?

Depression of the ST segment

At what interval should blood pressure be monitored during a symptom-limited maximal exercise test?

During the last 30-60 s of each stage

Which of the following is the preferred method of prescribing exercise intensity?

% heart rate reserve (measured)

Although important in some patient populations, which of the following is the least likely to be measured or monitored?

Expired gases Most likely: HR BP ECG

Exercise volume is the product of what three measurements?


True or False? An absolute decrease in arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2) ≥2% is considered abnormal.


True or False? An exercise program should be progressed by adjusting each of the components of the FITT principle upward on a weekly basis.


True or False? Rating of perceived exertion (RPE) is an appropriate primary quantifier of exercise intensity.


True or False? Resistance training composed exclusively of eccentric contractions is highly recommended to improve power.


True or False? Stretching should not be completed more than five times each week because too much stretching commonly results in hyperflexion.


True or False? The Guidelines recommend that a person who engages in activity at a vigorous intensity should do so at least five times per week.


True or False? The exercise prescription guidelines, as presented in this chapter, can be applied to all persons.


True or False? When prescribing exercise intensity based on percentage of the age-predicted maximal heart rate, the most accurate formula to use is 220 - age.


Which of the following is not a skill-related component of the Physical Health Domain?

Flexibility Power, agility, and coordination are

Which of the following is not a hemodynamic response to clinical exercise testing?

Gas exchange and ventilatory responses These are: HR SBP DBP

Exercise prescriptions for the general population typically target which components of the Physical Health Domain?


What is the pretest likelihood that a male aged 40 yr with typical angina pectoris has atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease?


When following the recommended procedures for setting up an exercise program, which should be done prior to determining the individual's exercise goals?

Informed consent

Which of the following is not a cognitive skill a nonphysician allied health care professional must possess to administer clinical exercise tests?

Knowledge of antidepressants Must have knowledge of: indications ex phys termination criteria

Which of the following electrocardiogram changes are known to affect test interpretation of ischemic heart disease?

Left ventricular hypertrophy

The ratio of the rate of energy expended during an activity to the rate of energy expended at rest is the definition of


Name the two goals of a health-related resistance training program.

Make ADL less stressful and manage/attenuate/prevent chronic disease/health conditions

Which of the following is not true regarding the recommendations for aerobic exercise intensity?

Moderate-intensity exercise can be defined as 60%-89% of HRR. These are true: Moderate-intensity exercise can be defined as 40%-59% of oxygen uptake reserve. Moderate- to vigorous-intensity exercise is recommended for the general population. Light- to moderate-intensity exercise is recommended for deconditioned individuals.

What principle of training states exercise below a minimum intensity, or threshold, will not challenge the body sufficiently to result in changes in physiologic parameters?


All of the following variables will assist in creating an individualize exercise program except

Patient's perceptions of current exercise trends Should include: Patient's social support for exercise participation Patient's beliefs about benefits of exercise Patient's current barriers to exercise

Define "exercise volume."

Product of frequency, intensity, and time (FIT)

Which of the following is a relative contraindication for symptom-limited maximal exercise testing?

Recent stroke or transient ischemia attack

Which exercise programming consideration is not correct?

Resistance training should be performed at a minimum of four times per week. You do want to: All individuals should participate in moderate-intensity aerobic activity on at least 5 days per week. Individuals with symptomatic cardiovascular, renal, or metabolic diseases should contact a health care provider before increasing their physical activity. On each day an individual participates in aerobic activity at a moderate intensity, it should be done for at least 20-60 minutes.

The rate pressure product is calculated by


In patients with left bundle-branch block, ventricular hypertrophy, and preexcitation syndrome

ST-segment abnormalities that develop during exercise are uninterpretable with respect to evidence of myocardial ischemia

At what interval should signs and symptoms be monitored during a symptom-limited maximal exercise test?

Signs and symptoms should be monitored continuously and recorded as observed.

The normal electrocardiographic response to exercise includes which of the following?

Slight decreases in R wave amplitude

In the current edition of the Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, which of the following is not included as a component of exercise prescription?

Strength FITT-VP are

Which component below may be placed variably in the ordering sequence of the exercise training session?


Which of the following is an example of a type C exercise?


Which of the following is not a valid guideline for prescription of muscular fitness training?

There should be at least 24 h separating exercise training sessions for the same muscle group. These are true: Frequency of resistance training of each major muscle group should be 2-3 d · wk-1. Each muscle group should be trained for a total of two to four sets. Each set should consist of 8-12 repetitions.

When progressing an exercise prescription, any of the components of the FITT principle may be manipulated. What is recommended as the component to be manipulated in the initial phase (first 4-6 wk) of an exercise program for an average adult?

Time (duration)

What is the most common exercise testing mode in the United States?


True or False? Muscular fitness may have an effect on management, attenuation, and even prevention of chronic disease.


True or False? Type A exercises require minimal skill to perform and the intensity can be easily modified to accommodate a wide range of physical activity levels.


Activities typically performed at a vigorous intensity, and performed by individuals who have been doing some exercise on a regular basis, are known as what type of activity?

Type B

Which of the following statements is false regarding the ST segment on a resting electrocardiogram?

Upsloping ST-segment depression ≥1 mm (0.1 mV) at 80 ms after the J point may represent myocardial ischemia, especially in the presence of angina. Should be >2mm These are true: Horizontal or downsloping ST-segment depression ≥1 mm (0.1 mV) at 80 ms after the J point is a strong indicator of myocardial ischemia. When ST-segment elevation is present in the upright resting ECG, only ST-segment depression below the isoelectric line during exercise is considered for ischemia. ST-segment depression at a low workload or low rate-pressure product is associated with worse prognosis and increased likelihood for multivessel disease.

How is VO2R calculated?

VO2max - VO2rest

What is the pretest likelihood that a female aged 35 yr with nonanginal chest pain has atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease?

Very low

Which of these two have been added to the FITT principle of Ex Rx?

Volume and progression

Which of the following is correct regarding aerobic activity duration?

Weight management may require >60-90 minutes of activity per session.

An adverse prognosis in the postmyocardial infarction patient includes

an ischemic ST-segment depression at a low level of exercise.

Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation involves

an isometric contraction followed by a static stretching of same muscle group.

All of the following are known to influence clinical exercise test data with the exception of

elevated levels of physical fitness. These are known to influence: orthopedic limitations. pulmonary disease. neurologic disorders.

Neuromotor components of an exercise prescription should include all of the following except

endurance Should include: Coordination Gait Agility

Scientific evidence indicates neuromotor exercise in older adults

facilitates balance and agility.

Exercise-induced myocardial ischemia may cause left ventricular dysfunction, exercise intolerance, and a ___________ blood pressure response.


A delayed decrease in heart rate during active postexercise recovery (e.g., at least 12 beats · min-1 decrease after the first minute in recovery or 22 beats · min-1 decrease after the second minute in recovery) is a powerful predictor of

overall mortality.

The normal blood pressure response to dynamic upright exercise consists of a progressive increase in

systolic blood pressure.

An evidence-based benefit of stretching is

the ROM around a joint is improved acutely and chronically.

The magnitude of ischemia caused by a coronary lesion generally is proportional to

the degree of ST-segment depression on the electrocardiogram.

In patients on vasodilators, calcium channel blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, and α- and β-adrenergic blockers, the blood pressure response to exercise is

variably attenuated and cannot be accurately predicted in the absence of clinical test data.

Interindividual variability for predicting maximal heart rate from age is

~10 beats · min-1.

The standard minimum criterion for a positive exercise test is

≥1.0 mm (0.1 mV) of horizontal or downsloping ST segment at the J point extending for 60-80 ms.

Exercise ECG sensitivity for the detection of ischemic heart disease has traditionally been based on angiographic evidence of a coronary artery stenosis

≥70% in at least one vessel.

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