Exam 1

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After Constantinople expelled the Christian Crusaders in 1261, its art underwent a resurgence known as the

Palaeologue Renaissance

gold leaf

Paper-thin sheets of hammered gold that are used in gilding. In some cases (such as Byzantine icons), also used as a ground for paintings.

Describe the stylistic development that occurred from the time of the Peplos Kore, to the Parthenon's pedimental sculpture, to Nike Adjusting Her Sandal.

Peplos Kore was smooth with feminine curves, while still showing some geometric conventions female figures evolved as the male figure did throughout the classical era, but were still clothed Aphrodite of Knidos had a strong and well toned figure and stands in the contrappasto pose from the Hellenistic era, Nike adjusting her sandal is full of movement and emotion

What Neolithic Period cultural change is illustrated by the continental rebuilding at Catalhoyuk?

Permanent houses become locations of community identity.

What Neolithic Period cultural change is illustrated by the continual rebuilding at Catalhoyuk?

Permanent houses become locations of community identity.

What Neolithic Period cultural change is illustrated by the continual rebuilding at Çatalhöyük?

Permanent houses become locations of community identity.

When Neolithic Period cultural change is illustrated by the continual rebuilding at Catalhoyuk?

Permanent houses become locations of community identity.

Which ancient Mesopotamian culture is known for building huge royal complexes on elevated foundations within city walls?


Which ancient Mesopotamian culture's art incorporated stylistic influences from Greece and Egypt, as well as other cultures in the region?


What distinguishes the Head of Senusrett III as an example of Egyptian art of the Middle Kingdom?

Physical indications of stress and human anxiety.

How has the fact that the Ancient Aegean was widely known for its bronze materials helped scholars to know this era?

Scholars study the bronze export goods that fill shipwrecks from the era.

What are Paleolithic figurines that can be carried or held examples of?

Sculpture in the round

low relief

Sculpture in which figures project only slightly from a recessed background.

How does the portrait of Hatshepsut illustrate the persistence of Old Kingdom conventions during the New Kingdom?

She wears the kilt, headdress, and beard of the male ruler

How does ancient Egyptian art become more personal during the Middle Kingdom?

Some Middle Kingdom ruler portraits reveal human emotions

What distinguishes the Amarna Style from other New Kingdom art?

Some figures have exaggerated proportions that deviate from the traditional canon

Academics generally agree that the Gothic style of architecture began in 1140 with the construction of the choir of ___.

St. Denis

What building is an example of a longitudinal plan?

St. Peter's

What is an example of a narrative?

Standard of Ur

What object is an example of narrative?

Standard of Ur

Timber structural cores, steeply pitched roofs, and gables with protective decorations are characteristic of

Stave churches

The world's oldest recorded code of law is found on the

Stele of Hammurabi

What object illustrates the early Mesopotamian belief in the relationship between rulers and gods?

Stele of Hammurabi

Which object illustrates the early Mesopotamian belief in the relationship between rulers and gods?

Stele of Hammurabi

uranium-thorium dating

Technique used to date prehistoric cave paintings by measuring the decay of a radioactive element in the deposits of calcium carbonate that cover the surfaces of cave walls, to determine the minimum age of the paintings under the crust.

Why does the Great Temple of Amun at Karnak recall the plan of an Egyptian house?

Temples are homes of the gods.


The bottom element in an entablature, beneath the frieze and the cornice.


The covered entrance on the exterior of a building. With a row of columns or colonnade, also called a portico.

archaic smile

The curved lips of an ancient Greek statues in the period c. 600-480 BCE, usually interpreted as a way of animating facial features.

Which answer best describes how art is defined?

The definition of art varies depending upon an individual's education and experience.

Why did Justinian claim poetically that Hagia Sophia's gigantic dome seemed to hang suspended on a "golden chain from heaven"?

The dome rests on pendentives and piers, leaving the area below open

Themes in Byzantine Art

The emergence of Christian art in funerary context The development of Christian iconography The development of Christian architecture Byzantine religious architecture, liturgy, and aesthetics The Byzantine icon Byzantine patronage


The flat slab at the top of a capital, directly under the entablature.

What is an arch and connected pier on the outside of a church that contains the thrust of the vault called?

flying buttress

Another word for a page or leaf in a book is


The plan of Roman urban temples reveals that they were built

for visits to the interior cella

The plan of the Roman urban temples reveals that they were built

for visits to the interior cella.

Which component of the four-part method of art historical investigation allows the chapter to state that Rogier van der Weyden's Crucifixion with the Virgin and St. John the Evangelist both unifies and divides the scene?

formal structure

A common characteristic in the art of Constantinople under the Palaeologues is

forward-projecting perspective

The common Characteristic in the art of Constantinople under the Palaeolugue is

forward-projecting perspective

What new Greek subject matter is introduced in the Late Classical period?

fully nude women

what new greek subject matter is introduced in the late classical era

fully nude women

Tetrarchic portraiture is characterized by

geometric abstraction

Anglo-Saxon art is characterized by

geometric and interlacing designs

What characterizes the Viking ornamental syle?

geometric patterns

Tetrachric portraiture is characterized by

geometricized abstraction

Two equal intersecting barrel vaults form

groin vault

Christians could not use Roman temples as models for their churches due to the Christian practice of

group worship

Pilgrimage churches often attracted visitors in part because they

had relics

The Parthenon illustrates the Classical Greek interest in

harmonious proportions


having to do with the ultimate triumph of good over evil.

How were Geometric funerary vases used?

held votive offerings

How does the bronze statue of Karomama differ from previous ideals of Egyptian female beauty?

her fuller hips and breasts

In some works of art, the size of the figures denotes their importance. This is known as

hierarchic scale

What artistic convention identifies Narmer as king?

hierarchic scale

Which early Mesopotamian formal convention illustrates political stratification?

hierarchic scale

In the Annunciation to the Shepherds manuscript illumination from the Lectionary of Henry 2, the humans are smaller than and below the the angel, and the animals are smaller and lower than the humans. This technique is known as ___.

hierarchical scaling

Describe Cycladic sculpture

highly stylized. most general and prominent body features. geometric

A circle formed by stones or wooden posts is called a


The picture stone erected by the king Harald Bluetooth commemorated

his conversion to Christianity

Despite their disagreements over the exact meaning of Paleolithic cave paintings, scholars agree that the images

hold special meaning thanks to their location and repeated use

A cathedral is a church that is

home of the bishop

Wall with Torah Niche

house-synagogue, Dura-Europos, Syria. 244-45. Tempra on plaster, Niche was painted with scenes from Jewish history and the story of Moses

The Baths of Caracalla reflect the Late imperial period persistence of Roman

civic architectural projects

The Baths of Caracalla reflect the Late Imperial period persistence of Roman

civic architectural projects.

The Roman basilica is dedicated to

civic functions

A characteristic feature of Mesopotamian votive figures is their

clasped hands

Which of the following are windows above a side roof that let light into the central interior space?


The outpost at Dura Europos illustrates the

coexistence of religions

What device is used inside the dome of the Pantheon to lighten its weight?


In Medieval manuscripts, what is the page at the end called where scribes and illustrators sometimes signed their names and provided background information?


In medieval times, scribes and artists occasionally signed and dated their manuscripts in what is known as a/an


The facade of the temple of Ramses II at Abu Simbel

colossal portraits of the king

What is on the façade of the Temple of Ramses II at Abu Simbel?

colossal portraits of the king

Identify the parts of an Archaic temple elevation

column, entablature, and pediment

Which element of an Etruscan temple demonstrates Greek influence?

columned porch

The Great Hall at Karnak is called a hypostyle hall due to its


The great hall of Karnak is called a hypostyle hall due to its


composite pose

combining different viewpoints within a single representation

Middle Byzantine churches are known for their

complex shapes, vertical emphasis, and decoration inside and out

What "conceptual convention of Egyptian royal art" do the shoulders of Ramose's brother in the Tomb of Ramose illustrate?

composite pose

Which visual convention did Paleolithic painters use to show the most recognizable features of the animals they painted?

composite pose

The chapter compared Raphael's Madonna of the Goldfinch and Renoir's Mme. Charpentier and her Children to illustrate

composition shapes the way the painted figures interact

The romans could build faster and cheaper because they developed the use of


The Pantheon takes advantage of the Roman architectural developments of

concrete and the dome

The Parthenon takes advantage of the Roman architectural developments of

concrete and the dome

The Great Pyramids of Giza in Gaza differ from mastabas because they

contain burials

What aspects of the surface detail in the wall painting at Akrotiri demonstrate the sophisticated decorative sense of Minoan art?

contour lines, flat color, and pattern

The Classical convention of presenting standing figures with opposing alternations of tension and relaxation around a central axis is known as


The Kritios Boy displays the beginnings of the Classical Greek stylistic convention known as


What is the theme of Lorenzetti's Allegory of Good Government in the Country and City?

contrasting good and bad effects of government on people's lives through conveying bustling activity of productive citizens who also have the time for leisurely diversions

How does the Altar of Pergamon fit the characteristics of Hellenistic art?

contrasting light and shadow statues appear to crawl out onto steps

What is the term for the traditional ways of representing forms?


Analyzing iconography requires understanding the

conventional meaning a culture attaches to what is represented

Which of the following describes a structure in which each row of blocks or stones projects past the one below until they come together over a window or door?


How were Mycenaean tombs like the Treasury of Atreus built?

corbeled vault

Which of the following architectural orders has an acanthus leaf motif?


The interior of the Mausoleum of Galla Placid is more lavish than the exterior in order to

create a vision of heaven

Egyptians use a canon of proportions to

create an ideal system for depicting human figures

The Egyptians used a canon of proportions to

create an ideal system for depicting human figures

As seen in the Ishtar Gate, the notched towers can also be described as


Which is the place where the nave and transept intersect?


Roman villa plans typically include

cubiculae and tablinum organized around a peristyle

When the chapter explains that Rogier van der Weyden's Crucifixion with the Virgin and St. John the Evangelist may reflect the influence of another painter, which component of the four-part art historical method of interpretation does it employ?

cultural context

When the chapter explains that the austere quality of Rogier van der Weyden's Crucifixion with the Virgin and St. John the Evangelist may reflect the principles of the Carthusian monastic order, which component of the four-part method of art historical interpretation does it employ?

cultural context

What is the name for an early form of writing using wedge-shaped marks?


Which of the following is the oldest Aegean Civilization?


Which of the following is the oldest Aegean civilization?


What is Mycenaean architecture known for?

cyclopean masonry, fortified citadels, and megarons

Many megalithic ceremonial structures in western and northern Europe were dedicate to _________ rituals.


The decorative program at the parekklesion at the Monastery of Christ in Chora addresses

death and salvation

The visual puzzles in the Lindisfarne Gospels may be evidence that

deciphering patterns was a spiritual exercise

The first works of art ca. 77,000 BCE were used to

decorate the body

What were the first works of art ca. 77,000 BCE were used for?

decorate the body

The Early Classical period of Greek art is said to begin with the

defeat of the Persians

What have used archaeologists dated the shipwreck at Ulu Burun?

dendrochronology of a piece of firewood

How did Egyptian painter differentiate gender in painting?

depicted men's skin as red-brown and women's as light yellow

Why is the Bull Leaping fresco a typical New Palace period mural?

depiction of human activity

The Hellenistic Old Woman embodies the Hellenistic period's interest in images that are

descriptive and expressionistic

Few icons from the Early Byzantine period survive thanks to the iconoclasm's

destruction of religion images

Works of architecture are included in the text because they

display exceptional design or illustrate important cultural values

Works of architecture are included in this text because they

display exceptional design or illustrate important cultural values

Greek city-states are political entities that establish

distinct cultural identities

The coffers and oculus at the Pantheo are located in the


The coffers and oculus at the Pantheon are located in the


Archaic period temples employed the

doric and iconic

To protect the church and its congregation from trolls and demons, the gables of the Borgund Stave Church feature crosses or the heads of


What characterizes the architecture of Minoan Old Palace period?

dressed stone walls and wood columns

Certain sculptural effects, such as the circular patterns in the hair of the Young Flavian Woman are called


In Egypt, the rule by one family is known as


In Egypt, the rule by one family is known as a(n):


Ottonian churches are influenced by

early Christian and Carolingian architecture

How did the Egyptians' beliefs about the afterlife influence their art and architecture?

elaborate paintings and reliefs of royalty sculptures/structures to house the dead

What best describes the Minoan wall painting style?

elegant lines, natural scenes, and pure color

Although the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris was begun in the Early Gothic period, later modifications led to high Gothic style developments such as the ___.

elimination of the triforium and use of flying buttresses.

Middle byzantine artists increasingly gave their religious images greater


The Great Altar at Pergamon is typical of the anti-Classical Greek Hellenistic style due to its

emotion and melodrama

The conventions of Late Byzantine art include

emotion, small heads on large bodies, and forward-projecting perspective

Which new subject became important to the Hellenistic Greeks?

emotional melodrama

The chief purpose of the bright colors and exaggerated eyes in the Morgan Beatus

emphasize the event's terror

The chief purpose of the bright colors and exaggerated eyes in the Morgan Beatus is to

emphasize the event's terror

Late Byzantine artists invented an idea geometry to

evoke the presence of a spiritual realm

The objects from Sutton Hoo demonstrate the practice of

exchange with continental Europe and beyond

Which term best describes the figures on the Doors of Bishop Bernward?


The colossal figure of Akhenaten demonstrates characteristics that distinguish the Amarna style through

expressive and non-canonical facial features

What characteristics of Amarna style does the Colossal Figure of Akhenaten demonstrate?

expressive and non-canonical facial features

As the Gothic period progressed, all of the following architectural innovations occurred except ___.

exterior walls appears heavier

The Emperor Caracalla had himself depicted as a fierce ruler because the Late Imperial emperors

faced increased threats to the empire

The Emperor Caracalla had himself depicted as a fierce ruler because the Later Imperial emperors

faced increased threats to the empire.

The iconography of the stylized, doll-like figures on the Weighing of Souls tympanum from the Cathedral of Autun was intended to convey ___.

fear and repentance

Female figurines from the Paleolithic period typically stress what attribute?


Wall painting in Predynastic Egypt is


What is Cycladic art best known for?

figurative marble sculptures

An element in the statue Hermes and the Infant Dionysos that highlights the differences between High and Late Classical style is the

figure leaning on a post

A beginner's guide to Romanesque


Which is NOT a type of decoration used at the Great Mosque, Cordoba?

human figures

A hall that is filled with rows of columns is called:


Which is an image of a holy person


What is the banning or destruction of religious images called?


Which component of the four-part method of art historical investigation allows the chapter to state that Rogier van der Weyden's Crucifixion with the Virgin and St. John the Evangelist represents a scene from the biblical Gospel of John?



identifying and studying the subject matter and conventional symbols in works of art

Where did the Gothic architecture begin?


The churches of Hagi Sophia and San Vitale and the Monastery of Saint Catherine demonstrate how Justinian uses religion monuments to embody his

imperial power

Where was the bust of Nefertiti discovered?

in a sculptor's studio


in painting, the process of creating the illusion of three-dimensionality on a two-dimensional surface by use of light and shade. In sculpture, the process of molding a three-dimensional form out of a malleable substance


A technique of ancient Greek ceramic decoration in which black figures are painted on a red clay ground.


in pictures, an implied line around which elements are composed or arranged. In buildings, a dominant line around which parts of the structure are organized and along which human movement or attention is concentrated

Apulu of Veii illustrates how Etruscans

incorporated Greek gods into their beliefs

In contrast to Egyptian religious complexes, Greek sanctuaries were

integrated with the natural site

relief sculpture

A three-dimensional image or design whose flat background surface is carved away to a certain depth, setting off the figure. Called high or low (bas-) depending upon the extent of projection of the image from the background. Called sunken when the image is carved below the original surface of the background, which is not cut away.


A traditional way of representing forms.


A triangular gable found over major architectural elements such as Classical Greek porticos, windows, or doors. Formed by an entablature and the ends of a sloping roof or a raking cornice (a cornice formed by the junction of two slanted cornices).


A type of ancient Greek goblet with two large handles and a wide mouth.


A type of ancient Greek pottery in which the background color of the object was painted with a slip that turns white in the firing process.


A type of extremely hard and fine white ceramic first made by Chinese potters in the eighth century CE. Made from a mixture of kaolin and petuntse, it is fired at a very high temperature, and the final product has a translucent surface.

Which term is used when a Paleolithic artist captures the essence of the figure in simple shapes without trying to represent its specific and detailed appearance?


What is the effect of the use of conches at the Church of Hagia Sophia?

Allows for the effect of a larger interior space due to it's support of the dome on the square walled base

The reign of Akhenaten is also known as the:

Amama period

In the Egyptian religion, who was the "Eater of the Dead"?


head cluster

An abbreviated way of representing a crowd by painting or carving many heads close together, usually with too few bodies for the number of heads


An ancient Greek jug used for wine.


An ancient Greek vessel with an extended base to allow it to float in a larger krater; used to chill wine.


An architectural element used for support and/or decoration. Consists of a rounded or polygonal vertical shaft placed on a base and topped by a decorative capital. In Classical architecture, these are built in accordance with the rules of one of the architectural orders. They can be free-standing or attached to a background wall (engaged).

corbel / corbeling

An early roofing and arching technique in which each course of stone projects slightly beyond the previous layer (a corbel) until the uppermost corbels meet; see also under arch. Also: brackets that project from a wall.


An elite gathering of wealthy and powerful men in ancient Greece that focused principally on wine, music, poetry, conversation, games, and love-making.

votive figure

An image created as a devotional offering to a deity.


An open space in a Greek town used as a central gathering place or market. Compare forum.


An oven designed to produce enough heat for the baking, or firing, of clay, for the melting of the glass used in enamel work, and for the fixing of vitreous paint on stained glass.

In the Egyptian religion, who oversaw funerals and cemeteries, and was represented with a jackal's head?



Any line running back into the represented space of a picture perpendicular to the imagined picture plane.

Where did Darius receive his guests at Persepolis?


The Hellenistic statue best known for borrowing Classical styles is the

Aphrodite of Melos

Some early Jewish synagogues are based on Roman


Where can one find depictions of William the Conqueror's invasion and eventual defeat of England?

Bayeux Tapestry

Who revived large scale, complex bronze casting during the Early Medieval period?

Bishop Bernward

What do the majority of rock art images from the Swedish region of northern Bohuslän depict?


What do the figures from the 'Ain Ghazal embody the centrality of to Neolithic identity?


The Morgan Beatus, produced by the artist Maius, depicts commentary on the

Book of Revelation

Prince Siddhartha Gautama is the historical


Which idealizing artistic convention do Menakure and a Queen and Ti Watching a Hippopotamus Hunt share?

Canon of proportion

The art of Predynastic Egypt is principally made of


What is the art of Predynastic Egypt principally made up of?


the oldest dated european cave paintings are at

Chauvt, France

Middle Byzantine church central domes are commonly decorated with an image of

Christ Pantokrator

How does the Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus make clear Christ's power?

Christ is depicted like a Roman emperor

380 AD

Christianity proclaimed state religion of the Roman Empire

Which of the following is the first Gothic building?

Church of Saint-Denis

Christ in Glory (aka. Christ Enthroned, Flanked by Angels)

Church of San Vitale

Emperor Justinian and His Attendants, North Wall of the Apse

Church of San Vitale

Empress Theodora and Her Attendants, South Wall of the Apse

Church of San Vitale

What is a defining characteristic of Mesopotamian votive figures?

Clasped hands

The facade of the Temple of Ramses II at Abu Simbel has

Colossal portraits of the king.

Which visual convention did Paleolithic painters use to show the most recognizable features of the animals they painted?

Composite Pose

The shoulders of Ramose's brother in the Tomb of Ramose illustrate the "conceptual convention of Egyptian royal art" known as

Composite pose

Old Saint Peters basilica was funded by?


313 AD

Constantine and Licinius issue the Edict of Milan

312 AD

Constantine becomes Emperor in the West

330 AD

Constantinople dedicated

Which part of the Neo-Babylonian Ishtar Gate symbolizes strength?


Oratory of Galla Placidia

Cruciform plan (cross shape)

Describe the symbols, their meaning, and the message of Augustus of Primaporta?

Cupid at ankles and bare feet; divinity orators pose; divine leadership armour and all above; divine, victorious and supreme

What were many megalithic ceremonial structures in western and northern Europe dedicated to?

Death rituals

Ptolemaic mummy portraits were painted using what kind of medium?


The oldest and largest of the Giza pyramids is that of


Why were early humans able to make and understand art, unlike other species?

Humans can recognize symbols.

What does the Book of the Dead of Hunefer illustrate?

Hunefer's path to the afterlife

How does portraiture change in Early Roman imperial art?

Idealization based on Greek Classical art is combined with specific likenesses.

Who designed the funerary complex and stepped pyramid of Djoser?



In Greek architecture, a long roofed walkway, usually having columns on one long side and a wall on the other.

What term refers to construction with monumental stones?


Which term refers to construction with monumental stones?


Which term refers to construction with monumental stones? (like Stonehenge)


Egyptian painters differentiated gender in painting by depicting

Men's skin as red-brown and women's as light yellow.

electronic spin resonance

Method that uses magnetic field and microwave irradiation to date material such as tooth enamel and its surrounding soil.

Mid-Late Byzantine

Middle (843-1204) In 867, Basil I dedicated a new mosaic depicting the Theotokos (Mother of God) in Hagia Sophia. It marked the triumph of the iconophiles over the iconoclasts. -Middle Byzantine art is stylistically eclectic. Mosaics with otherworldly golden backgrounds were common, but some paintings, for example, those in the Paris Psalter, revived the naturalism of classical art. -Middle Byzantine churches like those at Hosios Loukas have highly decorative exterior walls and feature domes that rest on drums above the center of a Greek cross. The climax of the interior mosaic programs was often an image of Christ as Pantokrator in the dome. Late (1261-1453) -In 1204, Latin Crusaders sacked Constantinople, bringing to an end the second golden age of Byzantine art. In 1261, Michael VII Paleologus succeeded in retaking the city. Constantinople remained in Byzantine hands until the Ottoman Turks captured it in 1453. -Important mural paintings of the Late Byzantine period are in the Constantinopolitan Church of Christ in Chora. An extensive picture cycle portrays Christ as Redeemer; in the apse he raises Adam and Eve from their tombs. -Late Byzantine icons were displayed in tiers on an iconostasis or on individual stands so that the paintings on both sides could be seen. The great painting centers during this period were in Constantinople and Russia. The work of Andrei Rublyev is notable for its great spiritual power and intense colors.

What is the recess, or niche, called in the wall closest to Mecca of a Mosque


Which term refers to patterns that recall fields of flowers?


In St. Semin, the ceiling structure is a stone barrel vault, which was necessary for ___.



In Roman architecture, a civic building for legal and other civic proceedings, rectangular in plan with an entrance usually on a long side. In Christian architecture, a church somewhat resembling the Roman basilica, usually entered from one end and with an apse at the other.


In ancient Greece, a female devotee of the wine god Dionysos who participated in orgiastic rituals. Often depicted with swirling drapery to indicate wild movement or dance


In ancient Mesopotamia, a tall stepped tower of earthen materials, often supporting a shrine.


In architecture, evenly spaced, rounded parallel vertical grooves incised on shafts of columns or on columnar elements such as pilasters.

What distinguishes a codex from a scroll?

Individual pages were bound together

Which Shinto shrine has been ritually rebuilt every 20 years?

Inner Shrine, Ise, Japan

What describes scholarship on prehistoric art?

Interpretations of the meaning of prehistoric art vary and change over time.

Which answer best describes scholarship on prehistoric art?

Interpretations of the meaning of prehistoric art vary and change over time.

"Submission" is the literal meaning of


The Mozarabic style incorporated what cultural influence in representations of Christian subject matter?


The Mozarbic style incorporated what cultural influence in representations of Christian subject matter?


Spain's Mozarabaic style is the result of the

Islamic influence

How does the portrait of Constantine illustrate the continuity and change in Roman art during the Late Empire?

It combines Classical and abstract features

How does the portrait of Constantine illustrate continuity and change in Roman art during the Late Empire?

It combines Classical and abstract features.

How is the plan of Hagia Sophia unlike Early Christian churches in Rome?

It combines a longitudinal and central plan

How does the Ara Pacis embody the political context of the Roman Early Imperial Period?

It commemorates the emperor's achievements

How does the Ara Pacis embody the political context of the Roman Early Imperial period?

It commemorates the emperor's achievements.

Why was rib vaulting an important innovation in the construction of Gothic Churches?

It could provide a strong skeletal support for a lightweight masonry skin

Cycladic Culture

It has been reduced to geometric essentials

How does the cargo found at Ulu Burun testify to Ancient Aegean trade?

It includes items found from the Near East, Egypt, and elsewhere in Africa.

In what way does the portrait sculpture of Anulus Metellus illustrate the political context of the Republican period?

It is a portrait of a senator from the ruling oligarchy.

How is Djoser's Stepped Pyramid similar to a Mesopotamian ziggurat?

It is accompanied by a temple

How is the Stele of Hammurabi typical of Mesopotamian art?

It pictures the ruler's political prowess.

How does the Ishtar Gate embody the purpose of ancient Mesopotamian art?

It refers to the city's protective deity.

How does the Ishtar Gate embody the purpose of the ancient Mesopotamian art?

It refers to the city's protective deity.

How does the ziggurat at Dur Sharrukin symbolize the Assyrian ruler's claim to empire?

It shows the ruler's wealth, prestige, and stability.

What accounts for the significant number of Christian structures in Ravenna?

It was the Roman imperial capital in the West in the fifth century


Jewish place of worship; any large room where the Torah Scrolls are kept and read, site constructed like homes

The development of Christian iconography

Jonas cycle; the Good Shepherd; the Virgin Mary and Christ Child; Christ (in icons); Saints (icons and monumental images); narrative cycles of the Life of Christ and the Virgin; saints' lives

How is the bronze statue of Karomama traditional of Egyptian art?

Karomama is a member of the royal court.

Current archaeological scholarship suggests Paleolithic female figures like the "Woman from Willendorf" may have functioned

to build social alliances

Current archaeological scholarship suggests Paleolithic female figures like the Woman from Willendorf may have functioned

to build social alliances

What does current archaelogical scholarship suggest about the function of Paleolithic female figures like the Woman from Willendorf?

to build social alliances

What did Egyptian use the canon of proportions for?

to create an ideal system for depicting human figures

What was the primary significant of the extensive decorations inside Byzantine churches?

to create an otherworldly really distinct from outside the church

What was the primary significance of the extensive decoration inside Byzantine church?

to create an otherworldly realm distinct from outside the church

The Egyptian convention of depicting shoulders and torso in a frontal manner and hips, legs, and feet in profile was used

to depict royalty

What was the primary function of the earliest Sumerian writing?

to keep records of trade and commercial exchange

Egyptians decorate their tombs

to provide a comfortable eternal home for the ka

Why did Egyptians decorate their tombs?

to provide a comfortable eternal home for the ka

Perikles rebuilds the temples and sanctuaries on the Acropolis

to thank the gods for a military victory

perikles rebuilds the temples and sanctuaries on the acropolis

to thank the gods for a military victory (athena)

The wings that intersect with the nave and aisles at a right angle are known as


Gothic architects in France often replaced Romanesque galleries with what element in the nave elevation?


The passageway above the nave arcade and below the clerestory is called the


Which was the specialized art form developed by the Ottomans to symbolize the authority of the sultan on official seals, coins, buildings, and documents?


Which were the two roman architectural orders?

tuscan and composite

Explain the purpose and symbolism in Ti Watching a Hippopotamus Hunt.

twisted perception because of royalty hunters more realistic because not royal heroic hierarchal scale duty as government official

How does the Aphrodite of Melos combine fourth-century styles with Hellenistic styles?

twisting stance, strong projection of the knee, rich 3D quality of Drapery which is Hellenistic intended to recall the Aphrodite of Knidos by Praxiteles. the head has a dreamy gaze which shows the 4th century

The exterior of the Romansque St. Etienne served as a model for Gothic architecture because its ___ appeared repeatedly in Gothic churches.

two-tower tripartite facade

Which is the semicircular area above the door lintel of a church?


The Magdeburg Plaque demonstrates the Ottonian belief in the

unity of church and state

The Hellenistic Old Woman embodies the Hellenistic period's interest in subjects that are



uppermost section of a Classical entablature; a horizontally projecting element found at the top of a building wall or pedestal

Ottonian churches recall early Christian and Byzantine ornamental programs due to their

use of portable sculpture


used to describe the Classical convention of representing human figures with opposing alternations of tension and relaxation on either side of a central axis to give figures a sense of the potential for movement

how did the high classical greek period artists achieve ideal figures?

using canon of proportion

What new pictorial practice is introduced in the New Kingdom Temple of Ramses II at the Tomb of Nefertari?

using changes in hue to suggest three dimensions

How did High Classical Greek period artists achieve ideal figures?

using the canon of proportion

Which of the following is a thin layer or facing of a building or other object?


Which aspect of the Santa Constanza decoration is an example of syncretism?


As seen in the houses of Catalhoyuk, what is the focus of many neolithic paintings?

violent and wild scenes. torturing animals

The exedrae at the Pantheon are located in the


The relief sculptures on the Arch of Constantine demonstrate how the Late Imperial period appreciated art that

was both abstracted and classicizing

In church architecture, which is the monumental entrance found on Carolingian, Ottonian and later churches?


Roman Illusionism

when an artist creates an appearance of reality by using certain artistic techniques, such as perspective and shadowing. It can give a sense of depth or motion, and it brings the painting or artwork to life

The Egyptian convention of depicting shoulders and torso in a frontal manner and hips, legs, and feet in profile was used:

when depicting royalty

Which of the following marked the emergence of the human body as the primary location of the human identity?

woman and man

Which is our source of Estruscan temples?

writings of Roman architect Vitruvius

What characterizes the Viking ornamental style?

interlaced animals


interpreting works of art as embodiment of cultural situation by placing them within broad social, political, religious, and intellectual contexts

The image of Hammurabi is called a stele because it

is a standing stone

How does Anglo-Saxon art change around 600 CE?

it become Christian

Why is the Great Hall at Karnak called a hypostyle hall?

it has columns

How is this page from the Book of Kells typical of Anglo-Saxon art?

it is influenced by jewelry

Adam and Eve reproached by the Lord, from the bronze doors of the Ottonian St. Michael's is notable because it ___.

it represents the first sculpture cast in one piece since the fall of Rome.

How is the Battle of the Bird and the Serpent an example of allegory?

it uses battling animals to symbolize Christian teachings

Which of the following characteristics of Greek art became more pronounced during Hellenistic times?

it was more individual and emotional

How is the Dying Gallic Trumpeter typical of Greek Hellenistic period art?

its attempt to stir emotions

How is Married Couple Embracing typical of Etruscan figural art?

its lifelike intimacy

What feature of the imperial complex at Persepolis reflects the influence of Assyrian architecture?

its placement on a raised platform

What characteristics does the Temple of Olympian Zeus in Athens share with earlier Greek temples?

its plan

What feature of the imperial complex at Persepolis reflects the influence of Assyrian palace decoration?

its reliefs of tribute bearers

What aspect of Greek geography has the most profound impact on Greek Culture?

its seaside location, for trade with other cultures

Which aspect of Greek geography has the most profound impact on Greek culture?

its seaside location, for trade with other cultures

What made bronze a highly prized material?

its strength and functionality

Suicide of Judas & Crucifixion of Christ

ivory (only time you see a crucifix)

Priestess of Bacchus

ivory diptych

Our knowledge of "Barbarian" art is based primarily on


Which of the following is, in Egyptian belief, the life force or spirit of a human being?


Inside a mastaba is the

ka statue and chapel

What is located inside a mastaba?

ka statue and chapel

In textiles, the best known flat-weaves today are Turkish?


What is the angular islamic script that developed first called?


Which are tall, narrow windows crowned by a pointed arch?


What feature of the architectural complexes on Crete leads some scholars to speculate that these were key sites for community gatherings and ritual ceremonies?

large central courtyards

What was the most prominent feature of the New Palace period complexes?

large, central courtyard

Etruscan tombs are known for their representations of

leisure and festivities

Archaic period sculpture is increasingly


the archaic period sculpture is increasingly


The massive dome of Hagia Sophia appears to be light and graceful due to ___.

light filtering through arched windows at its base.

Formal analysis require art historians to examine

line, light, form, and color

How were passage graves decorated?

linear designs of rings spirals and diamonds


mage formed by arranging small colored stone or glass pieces (tesserae) and affixing them to a hard, stable surface.

In addition to being beautiful works of art, Carolingian manuscripts helped

make church law and practice consistent throughout the empire

The Standard of Ur illustrates the common Mesopotamian representation of

male potency to symbolize the ruler's authority as leader of the state

What common Mesopotamian representation does the Standard of Ur illustrate?

male potency to symbolize the ruler's authority as the leader of the state

Describe the architectural elements and symbolism of the Great Stupa at Sanchi.

marker for a sacred place symbolic representation of Buddha's burial mound central pilar supporting a triple umbrella (pivot of the universe) Harmika (sacred) anda (mountain home of the gods)

the athenian agora is a/an


Egyptian pyramids developed from the Early Dynastic period


Which of the following is a flat-topped, one story structure with slanted walls above a burial chamber?


The Neolithic period ended with the introduction of

metal working

The surviving art of the so-called "barbarians" is principally


What is the tower from which the call to prayer is made?


The most striking feature of the Great Mosque at Samarra (15-12). Iraq, is the spiral ___ from which a crier known as a(n) ___ called followers to prayer at certain hours.

minaret; muezzin


mixture of clay and water applied to a ceramic object as a final decorative coat; also a solution that binds different parts of a vessel together, such as the handle and the main body

How does the Late Classical period Greek mosaic of the Stag Hunt create a believable illusion of the real world?

modeling and foreshortening

The principal source of Anglo-Saxon painting is


The principle source of Anglo-Saxon painting is


The advantage of the red-figure vase painting technique is

more fluid drawing

What characteristics of Greek art became more pronounced during Hellenistic times?

more individual and emotional

Compared to Old Kingdom depictions of royalty, how were images of servants presented?

more lifelike

The parting of Lot and Abraham 432-440

mosaic from Santa Maria Maggione, transitional work, displays head clusters and pantomime gestures, unambiguous, mosaic pieces are bigger bc it's up higher

In 330 BCE Constantine:

moved the capital to Byzantium

Homes in Predynastic Egypt are

mud brick

Which is an islamic architectural decoration that appears in niche-like cells often in the transition area of wall to dome with many other decorative uses as well?


A common subject for Archaic vase painting is

mythological narratives

Which Mesopotamian stylistic convention is visible in the Great Lyre with Bull's Head?

narrative organized in registers

Which Mesopotamian stylistic convention is visible in the Great lyre with Bull's Head?

narrative organized in registers

Archaic vase painters excel at representing

narratives composed to take advantage of the pot's shape

archaic vase painters excel at representing

narratives composed to take advantage of the pot's shape

The analysis of the meaning of work of art includes the examination of

natural subject matter and iconography

The image of Theodora at San Vitale in Ravenna illustrates the Early Byzantine combination of

naturalism and abstraction

Which answer best describes the painting style of the Carolingian Coronation Gospels?


Early Classical period Greek art is characterized by the increasing desire for

naturalistic yet idealized forms

early classical period art is characterized by the increasing desire for

naturalistic yet idealized forms

Which parts of the Viking stave church plan are typical of Christian churches throughout Europe?

nave and apse

The plan of a Christian basilica includes

nave, aisles, and apse


of art that does not attempt to describe the appearance of visible forms but rather to transform them into stylized patterns or to alter them in conformity to ideals

What is New Palace period Minoan architecture characterized by?

openness, light, and complex plans

What syncretic image represents prayerful individuals?


In art history, composition refers to the

organization of a work of art

Discuss the iconography on the Carved Vessel from Uruk.

organized in 3 registers reduced to essential element in info sources of life, naked men carrying baskets may be a depiction of ritual marriage

What is identified as "Minoan in style" on the Dagger Blade with Lion Blade?

overlapping, thin bodies

In 509 BCE, the Romans:

overthrew the Etruscans and set up a Republic

The Good Shepherd, Orants, Story of Jonah Late 3rd-Early 4th Century

painted ceiling of catacomb (Jonah in the half circles) SS. Peter and Marcellinus, Rome central medallion has image of the Good Shepherd, surrounded by four lunettes which contain story of Jonah which is regarded as representing Christ's death and resurrection and thus ever lasting life, orant figures between the lunettes; may represent Christians who are buried there

Discuss the element of color and its relationship to Greek sculpture. Why is the consideration of color important?

painted to be more lifelike modern viewers are used to seeing the stone sculpture as stark white Greek sculpture was originally painted with brilliant colors, and with scientific analysis, we can re image the original state

Which is the roman word for "all the gods"



passage (walkway) around the apse in a basilican church or around the central space in a central-plan building

The Book of the Dead Hunefer illustrates his

path into the afterlife

The Book of the Dead of Hunefer illustrates his

path into the afterlife

The Christian Church's centrality in early medieval Europe is demonstrated by its

patronage of art and architecture

In Egypt, who would be portrayed most naturalistically?

people of lesser rank

How do historians know that cave paintings had special meaning?

people returned many times generation after generation

Two areas in a Roman house that are open to the sky and might have a shallow pool are the

peristyle and atrium

Identify the parts of an Archaic temple plan.

peristyle, pronaos, and cella

What distinguishes the Head of Senusret III as an example of Egyptian art of the Middle Kingdom?

physical indications of stress and human anxiety

When the chapter discusses the oak panels of Rogier van der Weyden's Crucifixion with the Virgin and St. John the Evangelist, it analyzes the painting's

physical properties

The four things art historians investigate in works of art are

physical properties, formal structure, subject matter, and cultural context

narrative image

picture that recounts an event drawn from a story, either factual or fictional

Which part of the Mausoleum of Galla Placid is cruciform?



plant material such as reeds or straw tied over a framework of poles to make a roof, shelter, or small building

What explains the stylistic continuity seen in ancient Egyptian art?

political stability

Which of the following best explains the stylistic continuity seen in ancient Egyptian art?

political stability

the riace warrior embodies the greek desire to

seek an ideal based on the human form

The Riace Warrior embodies the Greek desire to

seek an ideal based on the human form.

A barrel vault is a

semicircular arch extended into space.


semicircular space above the doors of a Cathedral.


semicircular wall area, framed by an arch over a door or window. can be plain or decorated

One way in which a Tuscan order column differs from one of the Doric order is that the

shaft is smooth

Assessing the physical properties of a work of art requires examining

shape, size, materials, and technique

Where does most of our knowledge of the Aegean Bronze Age come from?

shipwrecks and burials

Animal-style designs generally

show ribs and spinal columns

How was portraiture different during Egypt's Middle Kingdom?

shows more emotion

An upright stone slab decorated with writing or images that is used as a marker or memorial is a


Explain how the iconography of the Stele of Naram-Sin speaks to the greatness of Naram-Sin.

steps on bodies of enemies larger than the others wearing a helmet usually worn by gods

In Anglo-Saxon society, boars represented

strength and bravery

What were the advantages of using masonry in church buildings?

strength and durability & enhanced acoustical effect for chants sung inside

What is a common stylistic trait of Cycladic figurines?

strict symmetry

What does animal combat symbolize in Persian art?

strong leaders and their fearsome soldiers

Which terms used in formal analysis best describes animal style?


Which terms used in formal analysis best describes the animal style?


The picture stone erected by the king Harald Bluetooth reflects a departure from traditional Viking style in its

stylized figure of Christ

What characterizes the decoration of Old Palace period Kamares ware?

stylized ornament conforming to the vessel's shape

The shape and orientation of the Great Pyramids at Giza are related to the



supernatural guardian-protector of ancient Near Eastern palaces and throne rooms, often represented sculpturally as a combination of the bearded head of a man, powerful body of a lion or bull, wings of an eagle, and the headed headdress of a god, usually possessing five legs

Greek Geometric period funerary art focuses on

survivor emotions

Which is the pose that was a stylistic signature of the Gothic period?

swaying scurve

The imagery associated with the cult of Bacchus, seen in the church of Santa Constanza, is a good example of what practice in Christian art?



term describing anything that is cross-shaped

Which of the following are small pieces of stone or glass that are used to create a larger design?


The chapter's analysis of the cultural context of the two still life paintings reveals that

the Chinese painting references politics and the Dutch painting may refer to economics

The figures from "Ain Ghazal" embody the centrality of the ______ to Neolithic identity.


The figures from "Ain Ghazal" embody the centrality of the _______ to Neolithic identity.


The figures from 'Ain Ghazal embody the centrality of the _______ to Neolithic society.


What technique did the Minoans use by painting on wet plaster?

buon fresco technique

The Oseberg ship typifies the Viking use of ships for transportation and


The Sarcophagus with Indian Triumph responds to what change in the Roman High Imperial cultural contest

burial of the dead

The Sarcophagus with Indian Triumph responds to what change in the Roman High Imperial cultural context?

burial of the dead

The Sarcophagus with indian Triumph responds to what change in the Roman High Imperial cultural contest

burial of the dead

St Peters in rome was given its location because it was believed to be where Peter was


Which are thick masses of masonry that counter the thrust of vaults?


Which is the highest art form in the Islamic World?


A semi-precious stone or gemstone carved in low relief is known as a


Which of the following means a "measure", "rule" or "law" in greek?


What does the Palette of Narmer's sculptor use to represent the king's body?

canon of proportion

What pictorial convention was established in the Middle Kingdom?

canon of proportion

Which idealizing artistic convention do Menkaure and a Queen and Ti Watching a Hippopotamus Hunt share?

canon of proportion

Which pictorial convention was established in the Middle Kingdom?

canon proportion

Which of the following is the final, topmost stone in a corbeled vault?


Which islamic art form was most well known and accepted best in Europe?


A column in the shape of a woman is called a/an


Which of the following is the term given to female figures acting as columns?


Which animals found in the Book of Kells may refer to the battle of good and evil?

cats and mice

The purpose of a Roman triumphal arch is to

celebrate a military victory

Describe Stonehenge and discuss the theories that have surfaced regarding its meaning.

cemetery for cremation burials post and lintel attract cosmic events theory site and ceremonies linked to death

The palace chapel of Charlemagne is based on

central plan churches in Ravenna

The art of Predynastic Egypt is principally made of


The ____ of Paleolithic cave paintings led scholars to believe that they were more than mere art for art's sake

challenging location and repeated use

The _________ of Paleolithic cave paintings led scholars to believe that they were more than mere art for art's sake.

challenging location and repeated use


A prehistoric structure made up of two or more large upright stones supporting a large, flat, horizontal slab or slabs.


A round or oval ornament resembling a rose.


A sculpture of a draped female figure acting as a column supporting an entablature.

cylinder seal

A small cylindrical stone decorated with incised patterns. When rolled across soft clay or wax, the resulting raised pattern or design served in Mesopotamian and Indus Valley cultures as an identifying signature.


A small piece of stone, glass, or other object that is pieced together with many others to create a mosaic.


A small sealed room that house the Ka statue

What is a stele?

A standing stone

Why are the structure and function of the Pont du Gard described as "marks of Roman civilization"?

The aqueduct is a civic project that employs the arch.

The __________ of Paleolithic cave paintings led scholars to believe that they were more than mere art for art's sake

challenging location and repeated use

What about Paleolithic cave paintings led scholars to believe that they were more than mere art for art's sake?

challenging location and repeated use

What does a Mycenaean megaron consist of?

chamber proceeded by a columned porch


A broken piece of ceramic ware.


A circular area enclosed by stones or wood posts set up by Neolithic peoples. It is usually bounded by a ditch and raised embankment.


A circular neck ring worn by Celtic warriors.

What culture shift of the Middle Byzantine periods is reflected in the humanized image of the Virgin of Vladimir, seen in your text?

A desire for a more immediate and personalized religion


A device used in systems of spatial definition. In painting, it indicates the use of differing groundlines to differentiate layers of space within an image. In relief sculpture, it refers to the placement of self-contained bands of reliefs in a vertical arrangement.

Miniatures from the Paris Psalter are characteristics of Macedonian Renaissance art in their

return to a Classical use of modeling and rendering of space

Basilica-Plan and Central-Plan Churches

rotunda (round dome structure); atrium (porch); narthex (end); portal leads to the nave; aisles; clerestory (windows); apse (semi circle); transcept (t-shape); central plan is on an axis with a central dome

Egyptians bury mummified bodies in a


What did Egyptians bury mummified bodies in?


Which is the room in a monastery that is used for writing or copying manuscripts?


Paleolithic figurines that can be carried or held in the hand are example of

sculpture in the round

Describe the Lion-Human and discuss its possible meaning(s).

sculpture in the round combines figure with human and lion depicting mask ritual possibly animal like qualities such as power and hunting skills

In what was is Carolingian manuscript painting most clearly influenced by Greco-Roman traditions?

the importance placed on the human figure

In what way is Carolingian manuscript painting most clearly influenced by Greco-Roman traditions?

the importance placed on the human figure

Perhaps the most famous surviving tapestry is the 230-foot long Romanesque period Bayeux Tapestry, ___ in a continuous narrative.

the invasion of England by William the Conqueror

how is the early classical period kritios boy unlike archaic period kouroi figures

the kritios boy has a lifelike posture

What does the lack of a fortification at the palace at Pylos suggest?

the location was thought to be defensible


the main vertical section of a column between the capital and the base, usually circular in cross section


the material from which a work of art is made


A general term covering all types of wares made from fired clay.


A grand entrance, door, or gate, usually to an important public building, often decorated with sculpture.

palace complex

A group of buildings used for living and governing by a ruler and his or her supporters, usually fortified.


A high-fired, vitrified, but opaque ceramic ware that is fired in the range of 1,100 to 1,200 degrees Celsius. At that temperature, particles of silica in the clay bodies fuse together so that the finished vessels are impervious to liquids, even without glaze. It is glazed to enhance its aesthetic appeal and to aid in keeping it clean. It occurs in a range of earth-toned colors, from white and tan to gray and black, with light gray predominating. Chinese potters were the first in the world to produce it, as early as the Shang dynasty.


A horizontal element of any material carried by two or more vertical supports to form an opening.


A large ancient Greek or Roman jar with three handles (horizontal ones at both sides and one vertical at the back), used for storing water.


A longitudinal timber at the apex of a roof that supports the upper ends of the rafters.


A method of joining two elements. A projecting pin on one element fits snugly into a hole designed for it on the other.

thermo-luminescence dating

A method of radiometric dating that measures the irradiation of the crystal structure of material such as flint or pottery and the soil in which it is found, determined by how much a sample glows when it is heated.

stele (pl. stelai), also stela (pl. stelae)

A stone slab placed vertically and decorated with inscriptions or reliefs. Used as a grave marker or commemorative monument.

Compare and contrast the styles of Mummy Wrapping of a Young Boy and inner Coffin of Tutankhamun. What does the medium suggest about status?

Tut's inner coffin was made of gold and precious stones Tut's coffin shows the traditional symbol of the Pharaoh Mummy wrapping of a Young Boy shows the influence of Roman portraiture mummy is a more realistic image in encaustic

Who introduced the term Gothic?

Giorgio Vasari

To whom did Giorgio Vasari give the credit for "having revived the modern excellent art of painting, introducing good drawing from live natural models, something that had not been done for more than 200 years?


In St. Mark's Cathedral in Venice, the arms of its cross plan are equal in length and the interior focus is a central dome. This is known as a(n) ___.

Greek Cross Plan

In the Egyptian religion, who was the falcon-headed god?


What items are sometimes found in the floors of Neolithic settlements?

Human remains

What was the earliest use of metal?


_______ was the earliest use of metal.


In the Egyptian religion, who was the god of the dead and the underworld?


In Turkey, which dynasty brought the Byzantium Empire to an end?


Which of the following is an East Asian reliquary tower built with successively smaller, repeated stories?


Who was the first king of Egypt to use the title "Pharaoh"?

Tuthmose III

Sound in the Catacomb of SS. Peter and Marcellinus, Jonah and the Whale is an example of

a prefiguration of Christ

passage grave

a prehistoric tomb under a cairn, reached by a long, narrow, slab-lined access passageway or passageways


a raised platform that acts as the foundation for a building, or as a platform for a speaker

The names of Christian churches included all of the following except

a reference to the current bishop or church official

The circle enclosing the arms of Irish high crosses has been interpreted as

a ring of heavenly light


a sacred or holy enclosure used for worship. In ancient Greece and Rome, consisted of one or more temples and an altar. In Christian architecture, the space around the altar in a church called the chancel or presbytery

What separates the nave from the altar in a Byzantine church?

a screen

In a rare introduction to a medieval artist who is also a woman, Guda introduces herself as:

a sinful woman


a slight swelling of the shaft of a Greek column


a slim ancient Greek oil vase with one handle and a narrow mouth


a small chapel

Found at Dura Europas, The Crossing of the Red Sea is a good example of

a storytelling image


a system of representing three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional surface


a technique of ancient Greek ceramic decoration characterized by clay-colored figures on a black background


a term used by the ancient Greeks and Romans to label all foreigners outside their cultural orbit

still life

a type of painting that has as its subject inanimate objects or fruit or flowers taken out of their natural contexts

wattle and daub

a wall construction method combining upright branches, woven with twigs and plastered or filled with clay or mud

How does the Lindisfarne Gospel illustrate the persistence of stylistic aspects of "barbarian" metalworking traditions in the early Christian art of the British Isles?

abstract interlace patterns persist

Greek Geometric period art is characterized by its


What stylistic convention do Cycladic figurines display?


Which term is used when a Paleolithic artist captures the essence of a figure in simple shapes without trying to represent its specific and detailed appearance?


What is an example of the Late Classical period Greek art relaxation of conventions?

adjustments to the canon of proportion

what is an example of the late classical period greek art relaxation of conventions

adjustments to the canon of proportion

Early Classical period Greek sculptors employ bronze to

allow for more complex poses

early classical period greek sculptors employ bronze to

allow for more complex poses


an altarpiece constructed from multiple panels, sometimes with hinges to allow for movable wings


an ancient Greek or Roman jar for storing oil or wine, with an egg-shaped body and two curved handles

Radiating Chapel

an apse-shaped chapel which often radiates from the ambulatory.


an arched masonry structure that spans an interior space


an enclosed sacred area reserved for worship in ancient Greece

formal analysis

an exploration of the visual character that artists bring to their works through the expressive use of elements such as line, form, color, and light, and through its overall structure or composition

Found in a Jewish catacomb, Ark of the Covenant and Menorahs is a good example of

an iconic or symbolic image

Commodus's portrait dressed as Hercules employs the typical Roman Imperial portraiture characteristic of

an idealized, Classical body type


an image, especially popular in Europe during the seventeenth century, in which all the objects symbolize the transience of life. The images are usually of still lifes or genre subjects

Late Antiquity/ Early Christian

"Early Christian art" is referring to the earliest preserved artworks having Christian subjects, not the art of Christians at the time of Jesus. Most Early Christian art in Rome dates to the third and fourth centuries and is found in the catacombs. Painting -Early Christian art is Roman in style but Christian in subject. Painted ceiling of a cubiculum in the Catacomb of Saints Peter and MArcellinus in Rome, ex, is similar in format to the painted vaults of some 3rd century apartment houses at Ostia. Sculpture -Most Christian rejected cremation, and the wealthiest Christian faithful, like their pagan contemporaries, favored impressive marble sarcophagi for burial. Most common themes painted on the walls and vaults of the Roman subterranean cemeteries were also the subjects that appeared on Early Christian sarcophagi. Architecture and Mosaics -Although some Christian ceremonies were held in the catacombs, regular services took place in private community houses of the type found at Dura-Europos. Once Constantine took sponsorship of Christianity, an urgent need suddenly arose to construct churches. The new buildings had to meet the requirements of Christian liturgy (the official ritual of public worship), provide a suitably monumental setting for the celebration of the Christian faith, and accommodate the rapidly growing numbers of worshipers. The major Constantine churches in Rome stood on sites associated with the graves of Christian martyrs, which, in keeping with Roman custom, were all on the city's outskirts. Luxury Arts In late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, the minor arts- more appropriately called "luxury arts"- had high status, and they figure prominently in the history of art through the ages. Manuscripts Although few examples survive, illustrated books were popular in the ancient world. The long tradition of placing pictures in manuscrips began in pharanoic Egypt and continued to Greek and Roman times. Ivory Carving Among the other important luxury arts of Late Antiquity was ivory carving, which has an even longer history in the ancient world than manuscript illustration.

Early Medieval Art (Carolingian)

(768-877) -Charlemagne, king of the Franks sing 768, expanded the territories he inherited from his father, and in 800, Pope Leo III crowned him emperor of Rome. Charlemagne reunited much of western Europe and initiated a revival of the art and culture of Early Christian Rome. -Carolingian illuminators merged the illusionism of classical painting with the northern linear tradition, replacing the calm and solid figures of their models with figures that leap from the page with frenzied energy. -Carolingian sculptors revived the imperial Roman tradition of equestrian ruler portraiture and the Early Christian tradition of depicting Christ as a statuesque youth. -Carolingian architects looked to Ravenna and Early Christian Rome for models, but transformed their sources, introducing, the twin-tower western fascade for basilicas and employing strict modular plans in their buildings.

Early Medieval Art (Ottonian)

(919-1024) -In the mid-10th century, a new line of emperors, the Ottonians, consolidated the eastern part of Charlemagne's former empire and sought to preserve and enrich the culture and tradition of the Carolingian period. -Ottonian architects built basilican churches with towering spires and imposing westworks of their Carolingian models but introduced the alternate-support system and galleries into the interior elevation of the nave. -Ottonian sculptors also began to revive the art of monumental sculpture in works such as the Gero crucifix and the colossal bronze doors of Saint Michael's at Hildesheim. -Ottonian painting combines motifs and landscape elements from Late Antique art with the golden backgrounds of Byzantine art. Byzantine influence on Ottonian art became especially pronounced after Otto II married Theophanu in 972

absolute dating

A method, especially in archaeology, of assigning a precise historical date at which, or span of years during which, an object was made. Based on known and recorded events in the region, as well as technically extracted physical evidence (such as carbon-14 disintegration). See also radiometric dating, relative dating.

The Stele of Naram-Sin commemorates

A military victory

Byzantine patronage

-Constantine the Great and the City of Constantine/Constantinople/the New Rome; Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem; Church of St. Peter, Rome -maintaining and furthering the Roman imperial traditions and the legacy -Justinian's patronage throughout the Empire (San Vitale, Ravenna; Hagia Sophia, Constantinople; monastery of St. Catherine at Mt. Sinai) -imperial propaganda; images as substitutes for imperial presence -Galla Placidia (mausoleum) -local elite challenging imperial power -Theodore Methochites (the Parekklesion, funerary chapel at the Chora Monastery, Constantinople) -art as visual prayer: salvation and resurrection

Purse cover, from the Sutton Hoo ship burial in Suffolk, England, c. 625

-Early Medieval. -associated with East Anglian King Raedwald. -cloisonné technique. -compartments of gems, glass, etc. between strips of metal. -cross between mosaic and stained glass. -white background was bone of some kind. -heraldic type of grouping. -pictorial parallel to epic sagas in which heroes battle horrific beasts. -combination of animal (zoomorphic) figures and interlace. -zoomorphic forms migrated west from Sythian (Russian) tradition.

Gislebertus, Last Judgment, Saint-Lazare, Autun, France, ca 1120-1135

-Romanesque. -return to sculpture. --speaking to new audience, the general public. -called a Romanesque portal. -through these doors is salvation. -elongated figures a hallmark of Romanesque sculpture. -Christ, enthroned in mandorla, presides over separation of Blessed and Damned. -pilgrims will be judged favorably. -angels and demons weigh souls on a scale. -hideous demons look almost like insects. -meant to be an explicit warning to the flock. -Gislebertus signed it as a request to pray for him on judgment day.

The Byzantine icon

-portable and monumental icons -intercession, a link between worshipper and God -a visual aid for private and public devotion -mnemonic device -Iconoclasm and the ban on religious imagery

The development of Christian architecture

-the house church at Dura Europos -the basilica -basilica of St. Peter's in Rome; basilica of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem -the centralized church -Mausoleums of Santa Constanza, Rome, and Galla Placidia, Ravenna; San Vitale, Ravenna; Church of the Dormition, Daphni; Church of the Chora Monastery, Constantinople -the church of Hagia Sophia (Holy Wisdom) through the centuries -the hybrid basilica (basilica with a dome)

Byzantine religious architecture, liturgy, and aesthetics

-the interior of the church as a visual representation of God's house and Heavenly Jerusalem -mosaics and paintings make the invisible/divine visible -abstraction responds to the need to represent a permanent, transcendental reality

Early Gothic

1140-1194 14.00 in 1137, the abbot suger decided to embark on a great rebuilding campaign for his abbey church of st. denis. this spectacular renovation resulted in the first statement of the gothic style. what suger accomplished is difficult to see today because of later amendments to the design, but his desires are well-documented in his writings: to create a church with a new emphasis on light ("divine illumination") and on harmony (the mathematical relationship of parts). the means of attaining these goals included the hallmarks of the gothic style: ribbed groin vaults, pointed arches, extensive walls of glass, external buttresses, a symbolic use of "magic" numbers (groupings of 12 columns, 7 radiating chapels, etc.), and a new integration of interior spaces. the four main churches of the early gothic period: st. denis, pre chartres cathedral, laon cathedral, notre dame cathedral (paris) name the 4 elements in the early gothic nave elevation (in order from lowest to highest): nave arcade (bottom), gallery, triforium, clerestory (top)


A painting medium made by blending egg yolks with water, pigments, and occasionally other materials, such as glue.


A painting or relief sculpture of circular shape.


A platform or base supporting a sculpture or other monument. Also: the block found below the base of a Classical column (or colonnade), serving to raise the entire element off the ground.

High (classical) Gothic

1194 - 1300, high gothic cathedrals were intended to be visions of the heavenly jerusalem. to embody that mystical desire, architects of the late 12th, 13th, and 14th centuries created ever-higher, soaring structures suffused with illumination from what seems like entire walls of stained glass. as the gothic style matured during the high gothic period, churches became ever taller...until the vaulting of beauvais cathedral collapsed! this disaster may have prompted the final modifications we can see in french late gothic architecture. they are represented in slide 33 by the small sainte chapelle. no longer reaching dramatically toward god, this structure is squat in comparison with amiens and reims. however, replacing the vertical thrusts of its predecessors, are glorious expanses of stained glass windows. sainte chapelle emerges as a jewel of gothic architecture, a reliquary-shaped building whose walls are of glass rather than stone. this variant of gothic is known as rayonnant, after the radiating patterns that so often appear in its windows.

Flamboyant (late) Gothic

1240- (saint chappelle) 1500s (st. maclou). focus on beautiful radiant elements not height. virgin and child. beauty and stained glass and details. figures: delicate features, thin long neck and fingers and hands, expressionism. (angel gabriel from annunciation and visitation)

The earliest known prehistoric art dates to roughly

40,000 - 80,000 years ago

When do the the earliest known prehistoric art roughly date to?

40,000-80,000 years ago

Early Byzantine

527-726 -The reign of Justinian (527-565) opened the first golden age of Byzantine art. Justinian was a great patron of the arts, and in Constantinople alone he built or restored more than 30 churches. -Constructed in only 5 years, Hagia Sophia, a brilliant fusion of central and longitudinal plans, rivaled the architectural wonders of Rome. Its 180ft high dome rests on pendentives but seemed to contemporaries to be suspended "by a golden chain from Heaven." -The seat of Byzantine power in Italy was Ravenna, which enjoyed its greatest prosperity under Justinian. San Vitale is Ravenna's greatest church. Its mosaics, with their weightless, hovering, frontal figures against a gold background, reveal the new Byzantine aesthetic. -Justinian also rebuilt the monastery at Mount Sinai in Egypt, where the finest Early Byzantine icons are preserved. In 726, however, Leo III (717-741) enacted a ban against picturing the divine, initiating the era of iconoclasm.

The Mosaic Floor of the Beth Alpha Synagogue

6th century CE, Galilee, Israel; made by Marianos and Hanina; lots of geometric designs but central nave has figures; terrestrial ->celestial -> metaphysical

Early Medieval Art (Hiberno-Saxon)

6th to 10th Centuries -The Christian art of the early medieval British Isles is called the Hiberno-Saxon (or Insular). The most important extant artworks are the illuminated manuscripts produced in the monastic scriptoria of Ireland and Northumbria. The most distinctive features of these Insular books are the full pages devoted to neither text nor to illustration but to pure embellishment in the form of carpet pages made up of decorative panels of abstract and zoomorphic motifs. Some Hiberno-Saxon books also have full pages depicting each of the Four Evangelists or their symbols. Text pages often feature enlarged initial letters of important passages transformed into elaborate decorative patterns.

When was the geometric style dominant in Greece?

900-700 BCE

Which of the following is a linear design based on geometric patterns and scrolling vines?


relative dating

Archaeological process of determining relative chronological relationships among excavated objects. Compare absolute dating.

Which ancient scholar's work became available to Thomas Aquinas an consequently changed the church, all because the crusades brought Europe into contact with Byzantium and Islam?


What distinguishes art from tools during the Stone Age?

Art includes images while tools do not

What distinguishes art from tools during the Stone Age?

Art includes images while tools do not.

Which object embodies the use of "powerful symbolism and dynamic storytelling" in ancient Mesopotamian art?

Assurnasirpal II Hunting Lions

What is the name of the King of Dynasty 3 buried at Saqqara?


Which is the first great islamic building

Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem

Which architectural order has fluted columns without bases and unadorned capitals?


The Crossing of the Red Sea

Dura-Europos, 244-245 CE, wall painting, Syria, house synagogue, continuous narrative, shows the story of Moses parting the Red Sea in two sequential moments, large hovering hands represent

How does the Cathedral of St. Mark in Venice differ from the church of Hagia- Sophia?

Each dome maintains it owns separate vertical

The Good Shepherd

Eastern Mediterranean, late 3rd century CE. Marble, height 19" syncretism is when artists assimilate images from other traditions and give them new meaning, rare to have a suculpture surivie from them, lamb could symbolize sinners

What historical event permits the building of Christian churches in Rome?

Edict of Milan

What are New Kingdom temples an enlarged version of?

Egyptian homes, with a structure, courtyard, and gateway


Egyptian pyramid developed from the Early Dynastic period is called


an instrument with a pointed end which makes a delicate line or scratch; special writing tool for cuneiform with one pointed end and one triangular

In architecture, what is a regulated decorative system called?

an order

The Colossal Figure of Akhenaten demonstrates characteristics that distinguish the Amarna style through its

Expressive and non-canonical facial features.

What type of art is a wall painting in Predynastic Egypt an example of?


What practical concern is related to the composition of pedimental sculpture on Greek temples?

Figures must conform to the triangular shape.


France and Northern Spain -Romanesque takes its name from Roman-like barrel and groin vaults based on round arches employed in many European churches built between 1050 and 1200. Romanesque vaults, however are made of stone, not concrete. -Numerous churches sprang up along the pilgrimage roads leading to the shine of Saint James at Santiago de Compstela. These churches were large enough to accommodate crowds of pilgrims who came to view the relics displayed in radiating chapels off the ambulatory and transept. -The Romanesque period also brought the revival of monumental stone relief sculpture, esp. on church facades, where scenes of Christ as Last Judge often greeted the faithful as they entered the doorway to salvation. -The leading patrons of Romanesque sculpture and painting were the monks of the Cluniac order. The Cistercians, under the leadership of Bernard of Clairvaux, condemned figural art in churches and religious books.

The Good Shepherd 425-426

Galla Placidia, Ravenna, Italy. Lunette over the entrance, changing presentation of Christ figure after the religion is granted favored status, Christ becomes a more regal figure-purple robe, gold cross staff, golden halo

How is Greek art different from Egyptian art?

Greek artistic styles changed rapidly

Who ultimately put an end to the Persian Empire?


The Persians laid out Persepolis in a rectangular grid. From whom did they borrow this tradition?

Greeks and egyptians

How does the Assyrian palace at Dur Sharrukin use art as political propaganda?

Guardian lamassus intimidate and reliefs show tribute bearers

Which building were Ottoman architects like Sinan particularly inspired by

Hagia Sophia, Istanbul

What is the greek name for Greece?


Which Early Mesopotamian convention illustrates political stratification?

Hierarchic scale

Which Early Mesopotamian formal convention illustrates political stratification?

Hierarchic scale

Which artistic convention identifies Narmer as a king during the Early Dynastic period?

Hierarchic scale

Minoan culture gets its name from

King Minos

The term Mesopotamia means

Land between two rivers

Describe the purposes and medium for cylinder seals.

Lapis Laziui used to secure and identify documents very low relief, so could not be reproduced

All books were once "written by hand". The term for these books is


A composition known as Deesis features Christ along with

Mary and St. John the Baptist

The image known as the Diesis features Christ with

Mary and St. John the Baptist

What are Egyptian pyramids developed from the Early Dynastic Period called?


What accounts for the Sketchy style of the St. Matthew in the Carolingian Ebbo Gospels, according to your text?

Matthew's religious excitement

What was unusual about Egypt during the reign of Akhenaten?


The "third Rome" is


What were homes in Predynastic Egypt made of?


What are symbolic Buddhist hand gestures called?


Who unified Upper and Lower Egypt into one empire?


symbolic narrative

Narrative that represents something

Which is the entrance porch of a church?


What style describes the Torso from Harappa?


Which is the central space of a longitudinal church?


What is a city of the dead called?


Describe the Silk Road and its use and effect in China and the West.

Network of trade routes formerly established during the Han Dynasty. Linked regions of the ancient world in commerce. exchange of art, religion, philosophy, technology, language, science, architecture.

Why is Upper Egypt in the south and Lower Egypt in the north?

Nile runs south to north

What pictorial convention from the Old Kingdom persists in the Middle Kingdom?

Non-royal figures appear livelier than royal figures

What culture is known for its animal style art?


Which culture is known for its animal style art?


The territory of which of the following modern countries was NOT part of Charlemagne's empire?

Northeastern Spain

The Apollo Veii was originally located:

On a temple roof

Explain the religious importance of the Dome of the Rock to several faiths

Place from which Muhammad ascended to the presence of God (muslims) Creation of Adam and site of the temple of Solomon

Which object best illustrates how Christianity did not diminish Roman interest in the artistic traditions of their pagan Classical past?

Platter from Mildenhall

Which ancient Greek is noted for developing a "canon" of proportion, which he illustrated in the sculpture, the Spear Bearer?


Why did some prehistoric sites contain many more tools than the community needed?

Possessing extra tools demonstrated the owner's social status.

What kind of architecture is Stonehenge an example of?


There is little early Jewish sculpture due to the

Prohibition of idol worship

What is a building used as a tomb called?


The chapter's iconographic analyses of Raphael's Madonna of the Goldfinch and Renoir's Mme. Charpentier and her Children reveal that

Raphael's painting refers to Christ's death and Renoir's pictures a son and a daughter

Oratory of Galla Placidia

Ravenna, Italy C. 425 CE barrel vaulted arms housing sarcophagi, lunette mosaic of the martyrdom of St. Lawrence


Rectangular block between the metopes of a Doric frieze

How does the Parthenon embody the Classical Greek humanism, as illustrated by the statement, "Man is the measure of all things?"

Refinements in the design counteract optical illusions.

Anastasis means


Most Roman cities were planned according to a grid model that had first developed in

Roman army camps.

What distinguishes Roman portraiture during the Republican period from Greek Classical sculpture?

Roman portraiture emphasizes age and individual likeness.

How does the Temple of Portunus illustrate Horace's claim that "Captive Greece conquered her savage conquerors and brought the arts to rustic Latium"

Roman temples borrow many features from Greek temples

How does the Temple of Portunus illustrate Horace's claim that "Captive Greece conquered her savage conquerors and brought the arts to rustic Latium"?

Roman temples borrow many features from Greek temples.

Galleries builds a rotunda at Thessaloniki because this is the shape of

Roman tombs

Church of Santa Costanza

Rome 350 CE. central plan with vertical axes, mausoleum of Constantine's daughter, tall rotunda with an encircling ambulatory, mosaics have images of cherubs (putti) and grapes which have pagan meanings related to Bacchus but in the Christian sense related to the eucharist

Harvesting of Grapes

Rome Italy, 337-351 CE, ambulatory vault in Church of Santa Costanza, roman style , traditionally associated with Bacchus and his cult, wine references Eucharist and the trampling of grapes to transform them into wine is an image of death and resurrection, figures have shadows

Interior Church of Santa Sabina

Rome, 422-432 CE -constructed by Bishop Peter of Illyria; has basic elements of early Christian basilica, shows transition from Roman forum design, outside is simple brick but inside is marble veneer, arching nave arcade with corinthian capitals

Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus

Rome, c. 359, (Jesus equated w/ Apollo, god of sun) commissioned by a wealthy roman convert, allegory

Cubiculum of Leonis, Catacomb of Commodilla

Rome, early 4th century; narrative image (st. peter's life, striking rock for water) iconic image: christ flanked by alpha and omega; letters signify the beginning and the end

Byzantine traditions are still practiced toadying

Russian icon painting

Byzantine traditions are still practiced today in

Russian ion painting

Which scene from the Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus is an example of prefiguration?

Sacrifice of Isaac

Which of the following is the cycle of birth, life, death, and rebirth?


How are Assyrian palace reliefs unlike Sumerian art?

The Assyrian reliefs capture fleeting action.

How does the Cista of Novieos Plautios reflect Eturia's location?

The Cista's material is extracted from the Etruscan countryside

How does the Cista of Novios Plautios reflect Etruria's location?

The Cista's material is extracted from the Etruscan countryside.

How is the Early Classical period Kritios Boy unlike Archaic period kouroi figures?

The Kritios Boy has a lifelike posture.

What was the name of the 5,000-mile-long trade route between East Asia and the West?

The Silk Road

Before the Romans built the Pantheon, the largest unobstructed interior space in Europe was the

The Treasury of Atreus

In the Gothic period, ___ assumed a new role of importance in art and architecture.

The Virgin Mary


The middle element of an entablature, between the architrave and the cornice. Usually decorated with sculpture, painting, or moldings. Also: any continuous flat band with relief sculpture or painted decoration.

Corinthian order

The most ornate of the orders, this order includes a base and a fluted column shaft with a capital elaborately decorated with acanthus leaf carvings. Its entablature consists of an architrave decorated with moldings, a frieze often containing relief sculpture, and a cornice with dentils.

Why does the text describe the Mozarabic Morgan Beatus as nightmarish?

The paintings represent the end of the world

Why were Old Kingdom Egyptians able to build such large tomb complexes for themselves?

The period's economy was strong, and there was social and political stability

Which answer explains how the rules of St. Benedict are visible in the plan of St. Gall?

The plan includes spaces for work and prayer

How do the Great Pyramids of Giza differ from mastabas?

The pyramids contain burials

How did bronze's popularity impact relationships between Bronze Age populations?

The scarcity of tin encouraged trade.


The stage of an ancient Greek or Roman theater. In a modern theater, the area of the stage in front of the curtain. Also: the framing arch that separates a stage from the audience.

How does the Hatshepshut's Funerary temple represent the new approach to funerary complexes during the new kingdom?

The temple is monumental while the burial is less prominent

How does Hatshepsut's Funerary Temple represent the new approach to funerary complexes during the New Kingdom?

The temple is monumental, while the temple is less prominent.

hierarchic scale

The use of differences in size to indicate relative importance. For example, with human figures, the larger the figure, the greater her or his importance.

The imagery seen in the house-synagogue at Dura-Europos suggests the artists held what assumptions about the viewer?

The viewer is already familiar with the narratives depicted

How do early Byzantine ivory diptychs reflect Roman influence?

They adapt Roman honorific objects for Christian use

What evidence supports art historian Gail Hoffman's theory that the Cycladic marble figures were related to rituals of mourning the dead?

They are found in graves

How do the mammoth-bone dwelling in Russia and Ukraine fit the definition of architecture?

They are planned and built enclosures.

How do the mammoth-bone dwellings in Russia and Ukraine fit the definition of architecture?

They are planned and built enclosures.

Despite their disagreements over the exact meaning of Paleolithic cave paintings, what do scholars agree on about the images?

They hold special meaning thanks to their location and repeated use

What explains the exaggerated size of eyes in Early Mesopotamian art?

They represent the donor's gaze locked on the god.

What unique human ability does the introduction of art during the Paleolithic period reflect?

Think symbolically


To set pieces of a material or materials into a surface to form a design. Also: material used in or decoration formed by this technique.

What is the purpose of the ka statue in ancient Egyptian culture?

To shelter the soul

During the 11 century, Byzantium gave special trade status to this city, which allowed it to control much of the commerce between the East and West


Why is there a Byzantine church in Venice?

Venice traded with Constantinople

Menorahs and Ark of the Covenant

Wall painting in a Jewish catacomb, Villa Torlonia, Rome. 3rd century.

What distinctly Carolingian element do Charlemagne's builders use for his palace chapel?


Hierarchic Scale

Which artistic convention identifies Narmer as a king during the Early Dynastic Period?

What motivated the expensive addition of the apse mosaic in Hagia Sophia in the middle Byzantine period?

an urgency to assert the importance of iconic imagery


a Mediterranean plant whose leaves are reproduced in Classical architectural ornament used on moldings, friezes, and capitals

The "Books of the Dead" were

a collection of magic spells

What did the architects at Durham Cathedral develop that became an important element of Gothic Architecture?

a crisscrossing rib vault and bay system

What cultural shift of the Middle Byzantine period is reflected in the humanized image of the Virgin of Vladimir?

a desire for a more immediate and personalized religion

The plan of the English Gothic Salisbury Cathedral differs from French Gothic architecture in that it has ___.

a double transept and a square apse

What is a citadel?

a fortified complex

Gothic originally meant:

a fourth century Germanic people


a gateway building leading to an open court.


a large stone used in some prehistoric architecture

Santa Costanza's central plan means that it lacks

a long nave


a low-fired opaque ceramic ware, employing humble clays that are naturally heat-resistant and remain porous after firing unless glazed; it occurs in a range of earth-toned colors, from white and tan to gray and black, with tan predominating

lost-wax casting

a method for casting metal, such as bronze. A meltable model is covered with clay and plaster, then fired, thus melting the model and leaving a hollow form. Molten metal is then poured into the hollow space and slowly cooled. When the hardened clay and plaster exterior shell is removed, a solid metal from remains to be smoothed and polished

continuous narrative

a method of storytelling in which multiple episodes are depicted sequentially without being divided by frames into separate scenes


a mixture of metals; different metals melted together


a painted or carved panel or ensemble of panels placed at the back of or behind and above an altar. Contains religious imagery that viewers can look at during liturgical ceremonies or personal devotions


a particular manner, form, or character of representation, construction, or expression that is typical of an individual artist of a certain place or period


a passageway that extends behind the choir and apse and into the chapels.

Court Style/Rayonnant Gothic

a period in the development of french gothic architecture around 1240-1350. developing out of the high gothic style, characterized by a shift in focus away from the great scale and spatial rationalism of buildings like chartres cathedral or the nave of amiens cathedral, towards a greater concern from two dimensional surfaces and the repetition of decorative motifs at different scales. as well as increasing the size of window openings, it coincided with the development of the band window, in which a central strip of richly colored stained glass is positioned between upper and lower bands of clear or grisaille glass, which allowed even more light to flood in.

In Egypt, which kind of person would be portrayed most naturalistically?

a person of lesser social rank

iconic image

a picture that expresses or embodies an intangible concept or idea


a pile of stones or earth and stones that served both as prehistoric burial site and as maker for underground tombs

Which was the function of the Palette of Narmer?

a place to grind paint for eye makeup

What characteristics distinguishes the Orientalizing style of vase painting from the Geometric period?

animal and figurative motifs

The art of the so-called "barbarians" is characterized by its

animal and geometric designs

What is parchment made of?

animal skin

Which of the following is the Egyptian symbol of everlasting life?



any ancient Greek vessel without a sprout

panel painting

any painting executed on a wood support, usually planned to provide a smooth surface; the support can consist of several boards joined together


any round ornament or decoration. also: a large medal

What is the act of a human being elevated to a divine status?


What are the smaller semicircular rooms attached to the walkway going around the sanctuary of a Gothic church called?

apsidal or radiating chapels

A structure that transports flowing water is called?


radiometric dating

archaeological method of absolute dating by measuring the degree to which radioactive materials have degenerated over time

potassium-argon dating

archaeological method of radiometric dating that measures the decay of a radioactive potassium isotope into a stable isotope of argon, and inert gas


arm of a cruciform church, perpendicular to the nave. the point where the nave and transcept cross is called the crossing. beyond the crossing lies the sanctuary whether apse, choir or chevet

How does Lysippo's Man Scraping Himself differ from Greek sculpture of the High Classical period?

arms extended into space

how does lysippos's man snapping himself (apoxyomenos) differ from greek sculpture of the high classical period

arms extended into space

Describe at least three of the possible meanings that prehistoric painting may have had, and explain the rationale as to why each has been considered.

art had pure aesthetic value... total feeling/emotion social between clans ritualistic for good hunt


artistic styles in which aspects of works of art are exaggerated to evoke subjective emotions rather than to portray objective reality or elicit a rational response

The Forum of Trajan exemplifies the Roman High Imperial use of architecture

as propaganda

Roman imperial painters seemingly dissolve the walls they paint using

atmospheric and intuitive perspective to create the illusion of real space.

At Reims Cathedral, what technique permitted the creation of even more expansive walls of glass?

bar tracery

Works such as the gold Scythian plaque from Siberia were primarily made by ___ and the designs reflect their fascination with ___.

barbarian tribes; fantastic human-animal forms

A groin fault is created by the intersection of two

barrel vaults

A groin vault is created by the intersection of two

barrel vaults

The Christ as the Good Shepherd at Dura Europos is an example of syncretism because it is

based on Roman images of Apollo or Orpheus

The Beatus manuscript commissioned by Abbot Dominicus of San Salvator is notable for

being the oldest surviving Western work to be signed by a female artist

What is the symbolism of jewels when applied to the covers of Gospel Books?

biblical descriptions of the Heavenly Jerusalem

Which of the following is a style of ancient Greek pottery in which the objects are black and the background is red?


The majority of rock art images from the Swedish region of northern Bohuslan depict


Which construction consists of upright blocks support a horizontal one?

post and lentil

Stonehenge is an example of ______ architecture.



praying figures

The Doors of Bishop Bernward use a narrative strategy called



process whereby artists assimilate images and ideas from other traditions or cultures and give them new meanings

What two cultural developments in the Neolithic period affected art and architecture?

production of food and ceramics

Which two cultural developments in the Neolithic period affected art and architecture?

production of food and ceramics

Douris's use of foreshortening creates the illusion of

projection from back to front

douris's use of foreshortening creates the illusion of

projection from back to front

What do the animals on the Lion Gate at Mycenae symbolize?

protection and power

Which of the following is a massive Egyptian gateway?


Natural subject matter refers to the

recognizable things in a work of art

how does the parthenon embody classical greek humanism as illustrated by the statement, "man is the measure of all things"?

refinements in the design counteract optical illusions

As seen in the carved vessel from Uruk, the horizontal bands where visual narratives are displayed are known as


Which is a container for holy objects?


Which relic is housed at the Great Stupa, Sanchi?

remains of Buddha


representations of a standing figure praying with outstretched and upraised arms

In the Dream of Henry 1 from the Worcester Chronicle, Henry promises to:

rescind taxes

Carpet Page

resembles intricate textiles.

Miniatures from the Paris Psalter are characteristic of the Macedonian Renaissance in their

return to a Classical use of modeling and rendering of space

A serdab is a

small, sealed room that housed the ka statue

What is a serdab?

small, sealed room that housed the ka statue

Greek Hellenistic period art differs from Classical period art in its preference for representation that are

specific and individualized

What is the fact that the Vapheio Cup is found on the Greek mainland evidence of?

spread of Minoan stylistic influence

How is a corbeled arch or vault structured?

stacked stones placed progressively closer together

Qin Shihuangdi's ceramic soldiers were mass-produced using

standardized molds

Which two new religious orders served the urban populations?

the Franciscans and the Dominicans

What evidence leads archaelogists to believe that Lepenski Vir was occupied temporarily for rituals than serving as a permanent dwelling site?

the absence of agricultural activity

What evidence leads archaeologists to believe Lepenski Vir was occupied temporarily for rituals rather than serving as a permanent dwelling site?

the absence of agricultural activity

What evidence leads archaeologists to believe that Lepinski Vir was occupied temporarily for rituals rather than serving as a permanent dwelling site?

the absence of agricultural activity

Which evidence leads archaeologists to believe that Lepenski Vir was occupied temporarily for rituals rather than serving as a permanent dwelling site?

the absence of agricultural activity


the angel Gabriel's announcement to Mary that she would give birth to Jesus.


the arrangement of windows and doors in a structure.


the arrangement, proportions, and details of any vertical side or face of a building; an architectural drawing showing an exterior or interior wall of a building

Which concept was most important in the direction that Gothic architecture took?

the association of light and divinity

The emergence of Christian art in funerary context

the catacombs

Square Schematism

the church crossing square serves as the basis for determining the overall building dimensions.


the circular wall that supports a dome; a segment of the circular shaft of a column


the dating of wood based on the patterns of the tree's growth rings

The introduction compared Mark Rothko's No.3/No.13 (Magenta, Black, Green on Orange) and Martha Knowles and Henrietta Thomas's My Sweet Sister Emma in order to make the point that

the definition of art has changed over time

Ziggurats were the result of which cultural shift occurring in Early Mesopotamia?

the development of organized religion

What historical event led directly to the construction of spectacular Early Christian buildings in Ravenna?

the division of the Roman Empire into Western and Eastern part

Tetrarchic portraiture corresponds to what historical event?

the division of the Roman empire for administrative purposes

The Column of Trajan pictures the common Roman Imperial period theme of

the emperor's achievements

The Column of Trajan pictures the common Roman imperial theme of

the emperor's achievements


the final, topmost stone in a corbeled arch or vault, which joins the sides and completes the structure


the first five books of the Jewish bible


the horizontal elements above the columns and capitals; it consists of, from bottom to top, an archive, a frieze, and a cornice


the illusion created on a flat surface by which figures and objects appear to recede or project sharply into space; accomplished according to the rules of perspective

Greek Geometric period vase painting avoids

the illusion of three-dimensional space


the overall arrangement, organizing design, or structure of a work of art

What aspect of the Harvester Rhyton illustrates a departure from Near Eastern and Egyptian traditions?

the overlapping figures

Which answer explains how the rules of St. Benedict art visible in the plan of St. Gall?

the plan includes spaces for work and prayer

Your text explains that the Carolingian Palace Chapel at Aachen had an octagonal plan recalling the church of San Vitale in Ravenna. Based on what you have learned, which answer best explains the similarity?

the plan symbolized Charlemagne's renewal of the Roman Empire


the practice of some Postmodern artists artists of adopting images in their entirety from other works of art or from visual culture for use in their own art; the art of recontextulizing the image allows the artist to critique both it and the time and place in which it was created

The metope sculpture of the Lapith and Centaur illustrates the Greek belief in the triumph of

the rational mind over emotion

the metope sculpture of the lapith and centaur illustrates the greek belief in the triumph of

the rational mind over emotion

What is Sutton Hoo?

the site of an Anglo-Saxon burial

Why is the stone used in Minoan architecture called "dressed stone"?

the stone is cut and finished

What are the shape and orientation of the Great Pyramids at Giza related to?

the sun

Why were ceramic figurines produced by the thousands during the Tang dynasty?

the tombs

Which traditional Egyptian pictorial practice persists in the sculpture of Taharqo?

the use of the sphinx and snakes to symbolize royal power

The famous empress of the first golden age


Why was Hatshepsut portrayed as a male king?

there was not artistic convention for depicting a female ruler

The introduction of art during the Paleolithic period reflects the unique human ability to

think symbolically

sculpture in the round

three-dimensional sculpture that is carved free of any background or block

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