Exam 1

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"Psychological need satisfaction fuels ________"


"Targets a prescribed behavior" and "applies pressures" are the two defining characteristics of what type of motivating style?


A _______ is an attractive environmental object that occurs at the end of a sequence of behaviors and acts to increase the probability that the behavior will recur.

inspirational speeches

A person high in the implicit motive for power would be most attracted to a movie or a book that featured a key scene showing:


A person who communicates an interpersonal tone of, "I am your ally; I am here to understand you and to support your strivings" offers a[n] ________________ motivating style.

failure tolerance

A prerequisite environmental condition that allows people to engage freely in optimal challenges and to experience optimal motivation even in the face of failure is:

skill is low and challenge is low

According to Csikszentmihalyi's flow theory, the worst profile of experience occurs when:

coerces a person into doing some particular act

According to Deci and Ryan's cognitive evaluation theory, all extrinsic events have two functional aspects: a controlling aspect and an information aspect. To say than an external events is controlling means that it:


According to McClelland, Koestner, and Weinberger (1989), the best predictor of people's behavior is a(n) _______ motive.

identified regulation

According to self-determination theory, the motivation that needs to be most enhanced in asking another person to engage in uninteresting but important activity (e.g. recycling, cleaning) is to promote:

introjected regulation

According to self-determination theory, what type of motivation explains the student's effort in school when the student says, "I try so hard so I won't feel guilty or ashamed of myself."?


According to the text, the need for ______ involves establishing, maintaining, and restoring relationships with others, mostly to escape from and avoid negative emotions such as disapproval and loneliness.

performance feedback information

According to the textbook, an environmental challenge does not create the psychological experience of being challenged until one additional ingredient is added to the experience. That ingredient is:

failure tolerance

All of the following are conditions to a well structured environment to satisfy our need for competence, except ...

inherent need for affiliation including the desire to be liked or share

All of the following are external stimuli that effect our behavior.


All of the following psychological needs rely on an organismic approach to motivation except:


Any offering from one person given to another person in exchange for his or her service or achievement


Extrinsic rewards to not always undermine instrinsic motivation, as some types of extrinsic rewards are more undermining than other types, All of the following are undermining characteristic of extrinsic rewards, except:


Flow is the state of:

personal competence and activity challenge are both high

Flow occurs when:

environmental incentives, consequences, and rewards

From where does a person's high level of intrinsic motivation come?

positive reinforcer

If a person receives a paycheck for coming to work on time, then the worker becomes more likely to come to work on time in the future. This example illustrates that the paycheck acts as a:

negative reinforcer

If a person takes an aspirin and the aspirin makes a headache go away, then the person becomes more likely to take an aspirin for a headache in the future. This example illustrates that the aspirin acts as a _______________.

fearful and anxious

In considering the conditions that activate affiliative behaviors, people experience an increased desire to affiliate with others when they feel:

come before; come after

Incentives behavior, whereas consequences behavior.

start; continuation

Incentives influence the of behavior, whereas consequences influence the

True answer

It would be accurate to say that all positive reinforcers are rewards.

both positive and negative emotions

On average, people show _____ when they face a standard of excellence, such as trying to become class valedictorian.

making more telephone calls and paying more visits to their friends

Once a relationship has been established, individuals with a high need for affiliation strive to maintain those relationships by:

a lack of empathy for others

One key negative side of a high level of the implicit motive for power is the person's tendency toward:

exposure to a supportive rather than a hostile environment

Organismic theories of motivation argue that a person's (an organism's) well-being depends on:


People high in the need for power desire to have high levels of all of the following except:


Positive & Negative Reinforcement, Punishment

attain influence over group outcomes

Power-oriented individuals tend to seek recognition in small groups and to find a way to make themselves visible to others, apparently in an effort to:

promotion behavior, suppressing behavior

Reinforcement is to ______________, as punishment is to _______________.


Rewards are particularly useful when something is boring.


Structure enhances engagement because it involves and satisfies the need for:

high power, high affiliation, and high inhibition

The "compassionate leadership profile" shows that specific constellations of power, affiliation, and self-control generally result in effective leadership. The characteristics that best represent an effective manager, according to the compassionate leadership profile, are:

pursue entrepreneurial behaviors

The arousal of the need for achievement readies to the individual to:

decreases; increases

The desire to affiliate _______ in embarrassing situations; the desire to affiliate ________ in anxiety-producing situations.


The dynamics-of-action model attempts to predict a person's latency to engage in an achievement-related activity,. When __________, the individual engages in achievement-related behavior the quickest. That is, the person's latency is very low, and they get right to work without procrastination.

doing something well to show personal competence

The environmental incentive that activates the emotional and behavioral potential of the implicit motive for achievement is:

opportunity to please others and gain their approval

The environmental incentive that activates the emotional and behavioral potential of the implicit motive for affiliation is:

involvement in a warm, secure relationship

The environmental incentive that activates the emotional and behavioral potential of the implicit motive for intimacy is:

effectance, mastery, and making progress

The hallmarks of competence psychological need satisfaction are:

1. performing better than others, as in winning a competition 2. performing a specific task well, as in solving a crossword puzzle 3. performing better than one has performed in the past, as in swimming faster than ever before

The impetus (desire) to do well relative to a standard of excellence for an achievement-oriented individual involves:


The incentive value of an environmental event is learned through:

communal relationships

The need for psychological relatedness is satisfied through:

enhanced self esteem

The primary benefits of psychological need gratification include all of the following:

social interaction; partner responsiveness

The primary condition that involves the need for relatedness is __________; while the primary condition that satisfies the need for relatedness is ________.

Guidance & Feedback

The psychological need of competence needs a condition in order to be satisfied, which of the following conditions is correct?


The question "do you even want to listen to music?" allows people to experience a sense of:


The study of extrinsic motivation revolves around three central concepts. Which of the following is not one of those concepts?

Social Gathering

These are all examples of what individual conditions to involve or satisfy the need for power EXCEPT for:

a.) it produces temporary compliance b.) negative coping models c.) poor mental health

What are the consequences of punishment?

Moderately Difficult Task, Competition, Entrepreneurship

What are the three conditions that involve and satisfy the need for Achievement?


What describes a positive and negative reinforcement or punishment?

Impacts enhanced cognitive engagement

What in NOT considered one of the hidden costs of incentives, rewards and consequences?

intangible award of recognition

What is NOT true regarding extrinsic rewards?

Lack of empathy

What is a negative side of having a high need for power?

an unconscious motivation that we are not aware of having

What is an implicit motive?


What type of extrinsic motivation motivates a person do something before the actual behavior:

interest; enjoyment

When an activity involves our psychological needs, we tend to feel high ________; when that same activity satisfies our psychological needs, we tend to feel high ______.

standard of excellence

When presented with a ___________, people generally experience not only positive emotions like hope that energize their approach behavior, but also negative emotions like anxiety that energize their avoidance behavior.

Environmental incentives, consequences, and rewards

Where does a persons high level of extrinsic motivation come from?

Constructive feedback, clear expectations and how-to guidance

Which of the following are examples of essential aspect of the provision of structure?

social needs

Which of the following are not acquired needs according to the text?

Controlling function

Which of the following describes, "if you do X, then you get Y"?

negative reinforcement

Which of the following events increases the future of probability of a behavior?

Better grades

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of Need Satisfaction?


Which of the following is NOT an example of what a person with an implicit need for achievement experiences when engaging a challenging task?

Agreeing with someone

Which of the following is NOT part of the four interrelated components of relatedness?

positive feedback

Which of the following is not a core aspect of relatedness support?


Which of the following is not a part of structured teaching?

cooperation and teamwork

Which of the following is not an essential aspect of the provision of structure?

failure shows the performer his or her performance level relative to others

Which of the following is not considered to be a competence-enabling, constructive aspect of an experience of failure?

Supports isolation

Which of the following is not directly related to the topic of relatedness?


Which of the following is not recognized as a benefit gained following an experience of psychological need satisfaction?

If you were with me, you wouldn't think that way

Which of the following phrases describes the controlling motivation style?

high power, low intimacy, high activity inhibition

Which of the following profiles of U.S. presidents has empirical research shown to be associated with the highest presidential effectiveness?

The values of Ms and Maf change depending on how motivated a person is to do that particular task.

Which of the following statements about Atkinson's Model is false?

shift a learner's attention away from task mastery and toward potential extrinsic gains

Which of the following statements is true? Extrinsic rewards:

people are inherently active

Which of the following statements would an intrinsic motivation theorist most readily agree?

good job, you improved by 10%

Which of the following ways of delivering praise best supports intrinsic motivation of the the person?

Doing something well to show personal competence.

Which of these statements is a social incentive that activates the implicit motive for Achievement?

Should, must, have to statements

Which one of the following is not an Autonomy-Supportive Instructional Behavior?

integrated regulation

Which type of extrinsic motivation best describes the following statement: "I go to work everyday because I am a hard worker who provides for my family.''

extrinsic motivation

Which type of motivation is most closely associated with the following orientation: "Do this in order to get that", where "this" is the requested behavior?

a rifle

Winter asserts that high-power individuals tend to gather an assortment of power symbols, or "prestige possessions". According to the text, power-seeking individuals are more likely to own:


_____ is the need to experience self-direction and personal endorsement in the initiation and regulation of one's behavior, and it reflects the desire to have one's choices and preferences rather than environmental events determine one's actions.


________ is the taking of beliefs, behaviors, regulations from other people?

implicit motives

__________ are acquired emotional and behavioral potentials to act that are activated by particular situational incentives.


an environmental event that attracts or repels a person toward or away from initiating a particular course of action.

intrinsic motivation

emerges spontaneously from psychological needs, personal curiosities, and innate strivings for growth


partners give benefits such as money and time with the expectation of receiving comparable benefits in the near future.

relatedness to others

provides the social context in which internalization occurs.

The arrow between R and C

shows that the behavioral response causes a consequence to happen.

The colon between S and R (stimulus and response)

shows that the situational cue sets the occasion for (but does not cause) the behavioral response.

S, R, and C

stand for situational cue (i.e., incentive), behavioral response, and consequence, respectively.


stems from a lack of competence (a competence deficit), a lack of autonomy (an autonomy deficit), or a lack of relatedness (a relatedness deficit).

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