Exam 1

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55. What is the energy system continuum? Describe when each system tends to predominate from a time standpoint.

1) ATP-PC system predominates for 8-10 seconds of short burst high intensity muscular activity. 2) Anaerobic glycolysis predominates for high intensity activity that occurs from 30s to 2 minutes of all out exercise. 3) Aerobic system predominates for any exercise is long in duration so low intensity workouts under the lactic acid threshold.

48. Are you producing energy primarily aerobically or anaerobically at rest? What percent of your calories come from fat? What percent from carbohydrate? How much lactic acid do you produce?

1) Aerobically 2) 2/3 percent come from fat, 1/3 from carbs 3) Lactic acid levels are low

32. What ways can you enhance storage of creatine phosphate in the cells? What happens if you deplete those stores?

1) Dependent on one's size, diet, muscle mass, and how a person trains! 2) If creatine levels are depleted, they can be refilled using dietary supplements, however, there are certain individuals that respond and do not respond to the intake of creatine.

36. Where does your body store glucose? Glycogen?

1) Glucose is stored in blood. 2) Glycogen can be found in the muscle cells and liver.

39. Compare the production of lactic acid in maximal and submaximal exercise.

1) Lactic acid accumulates very quickly in maximal exercise which eventually results in an inhibition of muscle contraction. 2) Lactic acid accumulates gradually at submaximal exercise and does not result in an inhibition of muscle contraction as quickly b/c it is also removed.

25. How does your body produce/manufacture ATP?

1) Limited supply stored in muscle cells 2) Breakdown of phosphocreatine 3) Food (cho, protein, fat) is broken down to and energy is used to manufacture ATP

26. What are the systems for ATP production in the body?

1) Phosphagen System (ATP-PC System) 2) Anaerobic Respiration (Lactic Acid System) 3) Aerobic Respiration (Oxidative System)

How many calories per week should someone expend in physical activity?


Give different interval workouts, be able to determine which will be more aerobic in nature and which will be more anaerobic in nature.

1. Aerobic: Time - 3-5 mins Reps - 3-10 Work:Rest Ratio - 1:1 or 2:1 2. Anaerobic: Time - 1.5-3.0 mins Reps - 4-8 Work:Rest Ratio - 1:2

4. What are the 5 components of health related physical fitness? What is the definition of each component?

1. cardiorespiratory fitness: aerobic, heart's ability to pump oxygen rich blood to the exercising muscles; endurance 2. muscular strength: maximal ability of a muscle to generate force 3. muscular endurance: ability of a muscle to produce force for an extended period of time 4. flexibility: ability to move joints freely through full range of motion 5. body composition: relative amounts of fat free mass

18. When will you return to pre-training levels with detraining? What affects how quickly you detrain?

10 weeks - 8 months; depends on how fit you were

Mary has a maximal heart rate of 200 beats/min and a resting heart rate of 60 bpm. What is her heart rate at 70% of VO2max using the heart rate reserve equation? 220 - age = maximum HR maximum HR - resting HR = heart rate reserve (heart rate reserve x training%) + resting heart rate = target heart rate


16. How soon will you see a measurable loss of fitness with detraining?

2 weeks

3. Approximately what % of Americans get at least 30 min of exercise 5 days/week?


For fitness, we normally recommend a frequency of ___ to ___ days/week and a duration of ____ to ___ minutes.

3 to 5; 20 to 60

30. How many seconds of all out exercise will the ATP-PC system support?

3-5 (up to 10-15) seconds of all out exercise

13. What might a workout look like that is designed to train the ATP-PC system in terms of intensity and duration?

3-5s of high intensity work; sprinting

79. The capacity of the lungs is usually ________ to _________ liters and it contains over ________ million alveoli.

4 to 6; 300

The minimum threshold for aerobic training for fitness is ____ to ____% of maximal oxygen uptake with an upper intensity of ______% of maximal oxygen uptake. This minimum to upper limit range is equal to _____ to ______ % of heart rate maximum.

40 to 85%; idk; 55 to 90%

17. What % loss of VO2max will you see after 4-12 weeks of detraining?

50% decrease

56. Are most activities aerobic or anaerobic?

A mixture of the two.

23. What chemical compound is made from the breakdown of food that allows the cells of the body to work?

ATP adenosine triphosphate

44. How much ATP energy is produced from the aerobic metabolism of one mole/unit of fat? Is this more or less than the amount produced by the breakdown of carbohydrate?

About 120-160 ATP molecules are produced, and this is more than the breakdown of carbohydrates.

50. Which of the potential fuel stores in your body have the greatest potential energy?

Adipose tissue (fatty acids) or fats

43. Where does fat enter into aerobic metabolism?

After fat has been beta-oxidized it is suitable for entry into the Krebs cycle and then for the ETC.

41. Explain the difference between anaerobic and aerobic glycolysis.

Anaerobic Glycolysis - does not rely on oxygen to fuel these processes and results in an accumulation of lactic acid production. Does not produce as much ATP as aerobic glycolysis does. Aerobic Glycolysis - relies on oxygen to be present to fuel processes necessary to produce ATP. Produces more ATP than anaerobic processes. Removes lactic acid build up as quickly as it is produced.

27. How does anaerobic metabolism differ from aerobic metabolism?

Anaerobic respiration produces ATP through chemical reactions that DO NOT require oxygen.

54. Describe the "crossover" concept in terms of exercise duration.

As exercise duration extends, an increased demand for fat metabolism increases and the reliance on carbohydrate decreases as a fuel source.

53. Describe the "crossover" concept in terms of exercise intensity.

As exercise intensity increases, so does an individual's reliance on carbohydrates and inversely fat reliance decreases.

51. What is the primary fuel during very low intensity exercise? What happens as you increase exercise intensity?

At very low exercise intensity fats are the preferred fuel source for aerobic glycolysis b/c body has the time to break down fats during easy workouts. As intensity increases carbohydrates become the more desired fuel source b/c they take less time to metabolize.

If someone is exercising at the same submaximal work load (same speed), how will their cardiac output, oxygen uptake, heart rate, stroke volume, and glycogen usage with aerobic training before starting on an aerobic training program and after training for a few months? In other words, Joe jogs at 6 miles per hour before starting on a running program. He is tested again running at 6 miles per hour after 2 months of training. How will the pre-training and post-training values compare.

Cardiac output stays same, heart rate decreases at rest and increases during exercise at slower rate but has same max, stroke volume increases at rest and during exercise, glycogen usage decreases because able to use oxygen more efficiently; oxygen uptake increases

20. How can you use these principles of training to improve your workouts and performance?

Changing FITT variables

49. What determines how energy is produced during exercise?

Depends on intensity of exercise, state of training & diet

40. What happens when lactic acid builds up in the muscles from high intensity work?

Eventually the lactic acid results in an inhibition of muscle contraction.

How does specificity of training apply to training for aerobic fitness?


7. What are the ways you can vary the overload applied?

FITT Principle frequency, intensity, time, type

29. How much energy is produced by the ATP-PC system? (A lot or a little?)

High energy but very little

37. About how many minutes of high intensity work will anaerobic glycolysis support?

High intensity workout that lasts less than 3 minutes

47. How can you tell if an activity is primarily aerobic or anaerobic?

If a workout is primarily aerobic, then it is likely to be lower in intensity, has lower lactic levels, uses fats for fuel, and can be performed at low VO2 Max levels. For anaerobic workouts, these are performed at higher intensities, w/ higher accumulation of lactic levels, primarily using carbs as fuel, and performed at higher VO2 Max levels.

What happens to fat and carbohydrate metabolism with aerobic training?

Learn to use fat more than CHO (since you have more fat available) and conserve your CHO

11. Will training the cardiovascular system improve muscular strength?


46. Is it good advice to exercise at a low exercise intensity so that you "burn more fat?" Why or why not.

No, because even though fats are primarily used at low intensities of aerobic exercise the amount of calories burned through this type of workout is not very much. On the other hand, high intensity workouts combine a mixture of fat/carbohydrate usage of fuel source and burns much more calories resulting in a much larger fat loss.

28. Describe/diagram the chemical compound phosphocreatine in simple terms.

Phosphocreatine is a high energy phosphagen chemical compound that is stored in muscle cells.

31. Give some examples of activities that will use predominately the ATP-PC system.

Powerful quick start of sprinters, swimmers, football players, high jumpers, triple jump, long jump, etc.

38. What is the limiting factor for anaerobic glycolysis?

Production of Lactic Acid

64. The sequence of electrical activity in the heart beat is that the ______ node fires and the electrical activity spreads through the ________ causing the ________ to contract. The electrical activity reach the _______ node where it rests briefly, then it passess through the Bundle of His, the right and left bundle branches, and the purkinje fibers and to the remainder of the left and right __________ causing the left and right __________ to contract.

SA node; ventricles; atria; AV node; atrium; ventricle

5. Why is it important to find the balance between training and recovery?

The body thrives off of homeostasis

52. Where does the energy come from to go from one steady state level of exercise intensity to a higher level? What determines if you can stay at that higher level?

The energy comes from a combination of anaerobic glycolysis burning lots of carbohydrates and some from ATP molecules readily available in muscles and from the Phosphagen system.

24. Describe or diagram the chemical compound ATP in simple terms.

The energy released from this compound allows cells to perform their work. Breakdown of this high energy molecule releases energy by removing a phosphate group.

45. What does the statement "fat burns in the flame of carbohydrate" mean? What are the implications for nutrition and performance?

This statement suggests that carbohydrates are necessary to keep the Krebs cycle functioning, but fats are also used simultaneously as fuel sources to produce ATP. However, carbohydrates are the preferred fuel source when exercising using the glycolysis system b/c fats are harder to localize. Despite this, fats are still utilized.

Usually, aerobic intensity is based upon percentage of __________________, which can be inferred by using ______________ or Rating of Perceived _________________.

VO2 max; heart rate; exertion

42. What role does protein metabolism play in the production of energy?

Very minimal production of energy. 5-15%

What happens to maximal cardiac output, oxygen uptake, heart rate, and stroke volume with aerobic training?

With same intensity cardiac output stays the same or decreases during exercise and at rest, heart rate increases during exercise but decreases at rest, stroke volume increases during exercise and increases at rest because heat is able to pump more blood easier (increased contractibility); they all increase except max heart rate

Be able to define different types of training: continuous, tempo, interval, and cross training.

a. Cross-training - several different modes b. Interval - alternating an interval of high intensity with an interval of low intensity c. Continuous performed at a continuing pace over a prolonged period of time d. Tempo- They're runs that are done at a steady effort level, usually just a little slower than your 10K race pace

14. How would a workout designed to train the lactic acid system differ from one targeting the aerobic systems?

aerobic: based on % of VO2max lactic acid: specificity of training

The equation to estimate maximal heart is 220 - ______ = estimated maximal heart rate.


73. Define stroke volume.

amount of blood pumped per heartbeat

67. The _____________ system is a high pressure system while the venous system is a ___________ pressure system. Why?

arterial; low

68. When the left ventricle pumps blood out to the systemic circulation, the blood flows through large _________ to smaller _______________ to _______________ which is where the blood passes through the muscles and gas and nutrient exchange takes place. The blood then flows through _________ to _____________ and back to the right atria.

arteries; capillaries; tissues; veins; venae cavae

60. The upper chambers of the heart are called the __________. The lower chambers of the heart are called the _____________.

atrium; ventricle

63. Blood flows through the heart from the right _________ to the right ____________ to the _________ to the left __________ to the left _________ and out the aorta to the ____________.

atrium; ventricle; lungs; atrium; ventricle; body

12. If two activities have a similar effect, how do you decide which activity is "better" for improved performance?

best to train the activity you will be performing

34. What fuel is used to perform anaerobic glycolysis?


9. Give an example of overload for each system: cardiovascular, muscular strength, muscular endurance and flexibility.

cardiovascular: cycling muscular strength: power-lifting muscular endurance: long distance running flexibility: gymnastics

59. The heart consists of 4 ___________. It is a ___________ which pumps blood. It has an ______________ system which stimulates it to beat. The heart muscle receives it own blood supply through the ____________ arteries.

chambers; muscle; electrical; coronary

66. The ______________ system carries oxygen and nutrients to the muscles and organs while the _________ system carries carbon dioxide and waste materials away from the muscle and organs.

circulatory; respiratory

71. At rest, most capillaries to the muscles are _____________, but during exercise most capillaries to the muscles are __________.

closed; open

86. The space in the chest cavity increases during inspiration because the _________ is lowered and the __________ are raised.

diaphragm; ribs

What are the three factors that get manipulated to produce progressive overload?

duration, frequency, and intensity

33. How would you describe the ATP-PC system in terms of intensity and duration?

fast energy, small amount

Maximal heart rate is not dependent upon ___________, but is mostly dependent upon __________.

fitness; age

81. The alveoli have a very large ________ supply.


69. No _______ exchange takes place in the arteries and they are _________ so they can expand and contract.

gas; elastic

Most aerobic training should be done between the perceived exertion of somewhat ________ to ________.

hard to hard; 12-16

57. What are the components of the cardiovascular system?

heart and blood vessels

What is the difference in the heart hypertrophy seen with aerobic conditioning vs weight training?

heart hypertrophy (thickening/strengthening of ventricular walls due to exercise which allows more efficient pumping of blood from the heart to the body) increase more during aerobic training than with weight training

77. Systolic blood pressure is the _______ pressure obtained during the __________ phase of the cardiac cycle while diastolic blood press is the ___________ pressure obtained during the ________ phase of the cardiac cycle.

highest; contraction; lowest; recovery portion

15. What is the principle of reversibility? Give an example.

improvements made with training are gradually lost when training stops; the rate of reversal varies for different adaptations ie: muscle atrophy

1. What are 8 different health reasons to exercise given in the reading?

improves psychological well-being, increases longevity, maintains working capacity, increases bone mass, reduces risk of diabetes, reduces risk of heart disease, reduces risk of stroke, reduces high blood pressure, weight control

76. Stroke volume, heart rate, and cardiac output all ___________ during exercise.


8. Which of the variables listed in #7 above has potentially the greatest impact in terms of improvement of performance?

intensity (how hard, maximum) has the greatest impact

22. Human movement is performed by taking the chemical energy in food and transforming it into ________ energy.


72. If there is little or no pressure in the venous system, how does blood get back to the heart?

muscle pump; "milking" action

19. Which will you lose faster if you stop training- muscular strength or muscular endurance?

muscular endurance

61. When blood is pumped out of the lower chambers to the lungs and the rest of the body, why doesn't the blood go back up into the atria?

one way valves

What is the best form of aerobic exercise?

one you will do

58. The purposes of the cardiovascular system are to: Deliver ____________ and _________ to the muscles and organs. Remove ______________ and other waste products from the muscles and organs.

oxygen and nutrients; CO2

78. The primary purpose of the respiratory system is to bring ____________ in from outside the body and to get rid of or exhale ___________ ______________.

oxygen; carbon dioxide

82. During gas exchange with the blood __________ diffuses from the alveoli to the blood and ________ diffuses from the blood to the alveoli.

oxygen; carbon dioxide

83. During gas exchange in the capillaries of muscle, _________ diffuses from the blood into the muscle and _________ diffuses from muscle into the blood.

oxygen; carbon dioxide

84. As blood enters the lungs it has a high concentration of ______________ and a low concentration of __________________. As it leaves the lungs it has a high concentration of _____________ and a low concentration of ________________.

oxygen; carbon dioxide; carbon dioxide; oxygen

We can use heart rate to prescribe exercise intensity because there is a ___________ relationship between %VO2max and %HRmax.


85. During inspiration or inhalation, air rushes into the lungs because the atmospheric air __________ is greater than the ____________ inside the lungs.

pressure; pressure

35. What is the end product of anaerobic glycolysis?

pyruvate and some lactic acid

65. _________ is the contraction phase of the heart and ____________ is the relaxation phase of the heart.

systole; diastole

What is aerobic metabolism?

takes place within muscle cells in specialized, sub-cellular structures called mitochondria; the creation of energy through the combustion of carbohydrates, amino acids and fats in the presence of oxygen.

What is aerobic capacity?

the a measure of the ability of the heart and lungs to get oxygen to the muscles; maximal oxygen consumption

75. Define oxygen uptake.

the amount of oxygen the body is using to produce "aerobic" energy

21. What is energy? What types of energy are there?

the capacity or ability to perform work; chemical, mechanical, heat, light, electrical or nuclear

6. Define and give an example of progressive overload.

the physiologic demand high enough to challenge the systems you want to train ie: body building

80. The alveoli are elastic, __________, membranous sacs.


70. Blood flows through the capillaries much slower than through the arteries. Capillaries are _________ and porous which allows gases, nutrients, and waste products to _____________.

thin; transfer across

For fitness, as long as the intensity is above a minimal threshold, the value of the exercise program equals ___________ expenditure.


74. Define cardiac output.

total amount of blood pumped per minute

10. Define and give an example of the principle of specificity.

training a certain body part or component of fitness yields benefits that are specific and related to it ie: weight-lifting

62. The right _________ pumps blood to the _____________ circulation and the left ____________ pumps blood to the ______________ circulation.

ventricle; pulmonary; ventricle; systemic

2. In general, in the United States, who is more inactive

women & african americans

Can maximal heart rate be estimated with a very high degree of accuracy.

yes; about plus of minus 12

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