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Susie Walking Bear Yellowtail

Native American nurse who walked from the reservation working to improve health services for this population Est. Native American Nurses Association

Mary Elizabeth Carnegie

The Path We Tread: Blacks in Nursing Worldwide, Initiated baccalaureate nursing program at African American Hampton University, Dean and Professor at Florida A&M University

the purpose of nursing theories to clinical practice

They provide a foundational knowledge of care concepts that enable those in the profession to explain what they do for patients and the reasons for their actions. This is particularly important because it helps nurses articulate evidence that justifies the methodologies behind their practice.


first nurse in the bible

Augustinian Sisters

first nursing order of nuns

Linda Richards

first trained nurse in the US, documentation

Mary Nutting

founded first college of nursing, raising standards of nursing education

Lillian Ward

founded public health nursing in US

Margaret Sanger

founded the American birth control league, first birth control clinic in US, first president of Planned Parenthood

Florence Nightingale

founder of modern nursing Became an authority on public health and hospitals Heroine of the Crimean War Her practices still appropriate for today's nurses Transformed nursing from a profession for poor women to a noble occupation

A historical scientific development that is foundational to nursing practice was the discovery of the __________ theory of disease by Robert Koch in the 19th century


Robert Koch

germ theory

During the Middle Ages, the concept of the __________ emerged, which was a place of refuge that welcomed the travelers, the poor, and the sick


18th, 19th, 20th, centuries (1700-1940)

industrialism replaces agricultural society, living, health, and sanitary conditions deplorable, john Howards and prison reforms, Elizabeth fry and sisters of charity, Theodor fliedner opens Kaiserswerth deaconess institution (first nursing school), international red cross (treatment of wounded, protection of medical personnel and hospitals)

the purpose of Quality Improvement/Assurance processes

is to fulfill front- and back-end processes in the most efficient and fluid manner, delivering the intended product or service on-time and within-budget, and going above and beyond in all transactions and interactions with the consumer

Swiss J. H. Dunant

makes rules for caring for those injured in war—1864 The treatment of wounded Protection of medical personnel and hospitals

the early middle ages 476-1000

medicine and health associated with religious groups, emphasis shifted to personal care and comfort, hospitals found at monasteries, first nursing of nuns

the purpose of healthcare regulatory agencies

monitor practitioners and facilities, provide information about industry changes, promote safety and ensure legal compliance and quality services

Hilegard Peplau

mother of psychiatric nursing

Lavinia Dock

national league of nursing, history of nursing

German Theodor Fliedner

opens kaiserswerth deaconess institution the first real nursing school

Louis Pasteur


The National Association for Practical Nurse Education and __________ is an organization that is involved in numerous aspects of practical and vocational nursing


Dorothea Dix

treatment of the mentally ill, first US army nurse

During the Middle Ages, the majority of health care outside the home was provided by the Catholic Church


The International Red Cross was instrumental in establishing fair practices for the treatment of wounded people during wartime


Rebecca Anderson

An LPN who died trying to save victims of Oklahoma city bombing


Childbed fever (washing hands)

The first nursing school in the United States was opened in 1872 in __________


ancient civilization 3000 BCE-0

Egypt: physicians, midwives Babylonia: illness as punishment, preformed at special temples Old Testament Laws: dietary, hygienic, health, isolation China: acupuncture, pulse theory, medicine and drugs Greece: magic to science, healing method, care provided by men, women not worth of medical education Rome: medicine based on superstition, women had great esteem, organized nursing not established


Fabiola founded first public hospital and personally cared for sick and injured. (widow, remarried, dedicated life to charity)

Randolph Rasch

First African American man to graduate in nursing First African American male public health nurse First African American man to complete an MSN as a family nurse practitioner First African American man to earn a PhD in nursing

Mary Mahoney

First African American nurse

Annie Goodrich

First dean of the Army School of Nursing.

1. The first educational program in practical nursing in the United States was offered by the __________, a church-affiliated organization that originated in Europe.


Isabel Robb

advocated nursing rights, 3 years training, 6 day work week, eight hour workday

Clara Barton

angel of the bettlefield, field hospital during civil war, founded red cross

Joseph Lister


the high middle ages 1000-1475

catholic church crusades- monastic nursing orders replace deaconesses, knights hospitallers and knights templars established hospitals to care for pilgrims of Jerusalem and international red cross symbol, hospices established within monasteries staffed by religious orders, nursing orders and church influences encouraged development of nursing orders, strict organization according to church rules, church favors nursing over medicine, care was custodial, not curative

the renaissance 1300-1700 (decline of nursing)

classical thoughts arises, medicine takes lead among sciences, nursing dominance declines, martin Luther (Protestantism ends dominance of catholic church) nursing virtually stopped and remained dormant until 1820s

Ildaura Murillo- Rohde

created the national association of Hispanic nurses

Martha Elizabeth Rogers

developed therapeutic touch, discovered the science of unitary human beings

early christian era 1-476 CE

development of charitable acts, women began practicing nursing, first organized public health nurses,

Adah Belle Samuel Thoms

equal opportunity crusader's for AA people in nursing

The primary role of the National Association for Practical Nurse Education and Service (NAPNES) is to increase awareness of the history of practical nursing


During World War II, Florence Nightingale became appalled at conditions on the battlefield and introduced sweeping changes to the profession of nursing

false-- Crimean War

Currently, there are four major national organizations that represent the interests of practical and vocational nurses

false-- the National Association for Practical Nurse Education and Service (NAPNES) and the National Federation of Licensed Practical Nurses (NFLPN)

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