Exam #1: Chapters 1-6

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What percentage of the average American colonist's income in the 1760s was typically spent on taxes?

20 percent

Which of these individuals would have most likely preferred Pietism to Deism in the eighteenth century?

A Scots-Irish migrant

The Great Compromise led to which of the following outcomes?

A bicameral legislature with a House of Representatives and a Senate

Which of the following changes occurred in white society in the Chesapeake colonies at the same time that slavery was being forced on Africans?

A more rigid class structure with a well-defined and highly visible economic and political elite began to emerge.

What made George Whitefield such a successful evangelical preacher in New England in the 1740s?

A reputation for being "almost angelical" in appearance

What was a critical point of disagreement between George Mason of Virginia and Mr. Heath of Massachusetts on the question of slavery in the United States?

A state's culpability for American slavery even if that state did not permit it

Which of the following individuals would have been an unlikely Loyalist in 1776?

A yeoman farmer in Connecticut

Which of the following statements explains the Patriots' successful revolution against Great Britain?

About one-third of the population strongly supported the war and was willing to finance the fighting through inflation.

Patriots' widely publicized use of natural rights arguments to protest British actions in the 1760s inspired which of the following?

African American slaves to petition the Massachusetts legislature for the abolition of slavery

According to the map, most coastal residents came from which origins?

African and English

The term Middle Passage refers to which of the following?

African slaves' perilous transatlantic journey to the Americas

According to the map, which group accounted for the largest percentage of the population in the British colonies in 1775?


Source 6, the excerpt from a satirical pamphlet describing the life of a Philadelphia prostitute, provides evidence to support which of the following conclusions?

American colonists probably questioned the reputations of independent businesswomen.

Which of the following consequences of the eighteenth-century Great Awakening made it historically significant?

Americans' new freedom to challenge authority within and outside the church

Which Europeans were represented by guilds in the fifteenth century?


Members of activist groups, such as the Sons of Liberty, were typically which of the following?

Artisans, shopkeepers, poor laborers, and seamen

What factor most likely explains why Eliza Lucas (source 2) and Mary Vial Holyoke (source 3) were able to accomplish such a great deal?

As wealthy women, they could afford to depend heavily on the work of slaves and servants.

Where did the first colonists who settled South Carolina and introduced racial slavery in the 1660s come from?


The fact that source 4 appeared in an abolitionist work published in New York in 1807 is important to a historian's interpretation of the source for which of the following reasons?

Because of their political agenda, abolitionist sources may reflect some biases and inaccuracies.

Which of the following individuals might have been most likely to endorse Galloway's Plan of Union?

Benjamin Franklin

In which colonial city was the British military most concentrated by 1775?


Which of the following statements describes the American Revolution's impact on civilians in areas that saw military conflicts?

Both British and American troops were known to loot farms and harass and rape civilian women.

The information in this graph provides evidence for which of the following statements?

Britain's American possessions consisted of both neo-European and plantation colonies.

Which of the following statements describes the early Industrial Revolution and its impact on the American colonies in the eighteenth century?

Britain's new ability to produce more and cheaper goods than ever before transformed American markets and raised most colonists' standard of living.

Considered together, Johnson's message to the British Lords of Trade (source 2), the painting "Indians Giving a Talk to Colonel Bouquet" (source 3), and Killbuck's remarks (source 5) would most likely lead a historian to which of the following conclusions?

British and Native Americans made assumptions about one another that complicated their relationships and efforts to negotiate.

Which of the following statements characterizes responses to the planned Stamp Act?

British politicians, with the exception of William Pitt, refused to consider the idea of American representation in Parliament.

The Constitution, as completed on September 17, 1787, gave the national government which of the following?

Broad powers over taxation, military defense, and commerce

Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from this map?

By 1750, Spain was no longer heavily involved in transatlantic trade.

Through which of the following actions did Sir Henry Clinton launch his southern campaign in 1778?

Capturing Savannah, Georgia, and mobilizing hundreds of blacks

Which of the following Native American groups focused their economic activity on agriculture?


People from which of the following groups modeled themselves after the English aristocracy in the first half of the eighteenth century?

Chesapeake landowners

Which of the following factors prevented Europeans from seeking to conquer territory in Africa in the fifteenth century?

Coastal kingdoms were too well defended.

Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from this map?

Colonial merchants were emerging as important participants in transatlantic trade around 1750.

Which of the following statements describes rural life in the New England colonies during the eighteenth century?

Colonists' sense of personal worth and dignity in rural New England contrasted sharply with European peasant life.

Considered together, the coins shown in sources 5 and 6 suggest which of the following conclusions about Spain and Portugal in the sixteenth century?

Commerce was very important to both Spain and Portugal.

Which of the following was part of William Pitt's strategy to mobilize the American colonists for the Great War for Empire in 1756?

Committing to provide a fleet of British ships and 30,000 soldiers to North America

Which of the following features characterized the Middle Atlantic colonies of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania in the eighteenth century?

Cultural diversity

Which of the following states had no western land claims?


As part of its mercantilist policy in the late seventeenth century, England committed which of the following actions?

Drove the Dutch from New Netherland

Which of the following characterized tobacco, rice, and sugar production in eighteenth-century America?

Each drove the expansion of the slave trade for a time.

What arguments did the Connecticut delegates make in Philadelphia in favor of permitting the continued importation of slaves into the United States?

Each individual state should have the right to decide its approach to slavery.

Which of the following statements characterizes eighteenth-century religious practice in Pennsylvania?

Each religious sect enforced moral behavior among its members.

Which of the following statements describes the English migrants who initially settled in the Jamestown colony in the early 1600s?

Early Jamestown settlers expected to profit from gold, pearls, and Indian labor.

Most trade routes out of Africa transported

Enslaved people

Although women made few gains in the eighteenth century, they did achieve a degree of progress in 1790 when they won which of the following?

Equal access to public education in Massachusetts

The Navigation Acts of the mid-seventeenth century included which of the following stipulations?

European goods imported to the colonies had to go through English ports.

Which of the following was an outcome of New England families' efforts to maintain the freeholder ideal in the late eighteenth century?

Farmers abandoned traditional grain crops and adopted livestock agriculture instead.

Which of the following factors was among those that motivated many merchants, artisans, and journeymen to protest against the Stamp Act?

Fear that their personal liberty would be undermined

Which of the following statements describes the Boston Massacre, which took place on March 5, 1770?

Five Bostonians were shot and killed by British troops who were later exonerated of the crime.

Despite the favorable terms Americans achieved in the 1783 Treaty of Paris, they could not ultimately secure which of the following?

Forgiveness of their debts to British merchants

Hostilities between French troops and Virginians led by Colonel George Washington began in 1754 at which of the following locations?

Fort Duquesne

Why did British and American diplomats take nearly two years to conclude a peace treaty after the British surrendered at Yorktown?

France and Spain stalled, hoping for some major naval victory or territorial conquest before the official peace.

According to the graph, which two nations' colonies had the highest percentage of Africans relative to Europeans between 1641 and 1760?

France and the Netherlands

Which of the following was a provision of the Treaty of Paris of 1763?

France lost all of her North American territory east of the Mississippi River.

Which of the following eighteenth-century Pennsylvania immigrant groups quickly lost its cultural identity by practicing intermarriage with other Protestants?

French Huguenots

The group that came to be known as the Cajuns after the Great War for Empire were

French settlers expelled by the British from Nova Scotia and deported to Louisiana.

Which event turned the tide of the war after Britain's series of victories in the South in the late 1770s?

French troops' arrival in Newport, Rhode Island, in 1780

Which British outpost or city maintained a similar quantity of British military presence between 1763 and 1775?

Ft. Detroit

Why did British General Gage refuse to use his military force to protect the stamps that were to be used once the Stamp Act took effect?

Gage believed that military force would disperse the protests but spark an insurrection.

Which of the following statements describes the role of money and economic exchange in eighteenth-century rural New England?

Generally, no money was exchanged between relatives and neighbors, but accounts of debts were maintained and settled every few years by cash transfers.

Which of the following combinations describes wealthy Chesapeake and southern women in the first half of the eighteenth century?

Genteel and deferential

Considering sources 1, 2, and 3, which of the following characteristics were most valued by American women in the eighteenth century?

Hard work and thrift

Why might Louisiana governor Bernardo de Gálvez (source 4) have made a point of praising the contributions of black soldiers to the Patriot cause?

He aimed to show American leaders that all of his people supported them.

For which of the following reasons did Britain's King James II create the Dominion of New England in 1686?

He aimed to strengthen royal control of the American colonies.

For which of the following reasons did Luther Martin from Maryland propose a clause to allow a prohibition or tax on the importation of slaves at the Philadelphia convention?

He believed that the slave trade contradicted the principles of the Revolution.

Why had Christopher Columbus faded from public view by the time he died in 1506?

He failed to find great treasures or kingdoms.

American Antifederalist Patrick Henry opposed the ratification of the Constitution for which of the following reasons?

He feared high taxes, a large bureaucracy, and a standing army.

What does Jehu Grant's narrative (source 6) suggest about why he joined the Patriot forces during the American Revolution?

He feared that his master would sell him to the British troops.

For which of the following reasons might Lord Dunmore (source 1) have proclaimed in 1775 that he would grant freedom to all "indentured Servants [and] Negroes . . . that are able and willing to bear Arms" on behalf of Great Britain?

He hoped to exacerbate slave owners' fears about the impact of the rebellion on the institution of slavery.

What does John Smith suggest in source 1 about why Powhatan allowed him to live?

He was influenced by Pocahontas's desire to save Smith.

To which of the following factors did Nathan Cole attribute his new understanding that he would be saved?

His personal acceptance of God

Which of the following statements about Native American groups and their economic activities is justified by this map?

Hunting-gathering was the main economic activity in the northern part of North America.

George Grenville designed the Sugar Act of 1764 to accomplish which of the following?

Improve colonial merchants' compliance with customs laws

According to Woody Holton, which of the following was a primary motivation for the Articles of Confederation to be replaced?

Injustices in states' laws

Which of the following Native groups capitalized on its geographic location in central New York and remained a significant political force in North America long after colonization?


Which of the following was an outcome of Elizabeth I's compromise on the Church of England in the late 1500s?

It angered English people who supported radical Protestantism.

Based on these maps, which of the following statements describes the change in British military policy in North America between 1763 and 1775?

It changed from frontier protection to suppression of urban political disturbances.

Why was the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 significant?

It prohibited slavery in the territory and earmarked funds from land sales for public schools.

Why did New Englanders resent the Quebec Act of 1774?

It recognized Catholicism as the official religion of Quebec.

In which of the following ways did the Rockingham ministry in Britain fashion a compromise to the Stamp Act crisis in 1766?

It repealed the Stamp Act, lowered the molasses tax, and crafted the Declaratory Act.

In what way does this painting of the coronation of Charles II illustrate a shift away from the turmoil of the English Civil War?

It represents the return of monarchical power to Great Britain.

Why was the Covenant Chain between New York and the Iroquois people in the eighteenth century significant?

It served as a model for relations between the British Empire and other Native American groups.

Why was the influx of American gold and silver into the English economy during the sixteenth century significant?

It stimulated further economic expansion.

Which of the following statements is true of the Quaker religion in the 1660s?

It taught that God imbued all men and women with an "inner light" of grace.

Which of the following summarizes Joseph Galloway's position on Britain's taxation of the colonies?

It was justified because Britain provided protection and support to the colonies.

Merchants from which of the following countries made inroads in the Arab-dominated trade routes of the Mediterranean in the twelfth century?


The European Renaissance began in 1300 in which of the following countries?


Who led the moderate faction at the Second Continental Congress and won approval of a petition expressing loyalty to George III and asking for a repeal of oppressive parliamentary legislation?

John Dickinson

Which of the following describes the relationship between William Johnson's description (source 2) of the native inhabitants of the Ohio Valley and David Jones's description (source 4) of the same peoples?

Johnson emphasizes their differences from Europeans, whereas Jones emphasizes their similarities.

Which of the following actions did Lord North's government take in response to the First Continental Congress in 1775?

Labeling the Continental Congress an illegal assembly

How did the finances of the Continental Congress compare to those of the states during the first two years of the Revolutionary War?

Like the states, the Continental Congress lacked income and issued paper money in an effort to sustain itself.

Which of the following critiques would Benjamin Franklin and John Wise most likely have offered in response to Sarah Lippet's and Nathan Cole's views on religion?

Lippet's and Cole's views led them to focus on the afterlife rather than on life itself.

Great Britain was primarily responsible for which exports?

Manufactured goods

Which of the following statements characterized Pennsylvania's democratic constitution of 1776?

Many leading Patriots found its radically democratic elements quite alarming.

The 1774 Coercive Acts applied to which of the following colonies?

Massachusetts only

According to Jared Ingersoll's Report on the Debates in Parliament, those in Parliament who opposed the Stamp Act did so based on which of the following arguments?

Members of Parliament should not institute taxes they did not have to pay themselves.

The Aztecs lived in which of the following present-day locales?


Great Britain relied on the West Indies for

Molasses and sugar

At the Massachusetts Ratifying Convention, Mr. Neal and General Thompson justified their objections to the institution of slavery on what grounds?


Which of the following describes the Continental army during the Revolutionary War?

Most of its recruits were poor native-born youths and older foreign-born men.

Which of the following was true under the Articles of Confederation?

Most of the power remained with the states.

What message do you think Simon Van De Pass intended to convey through his 1616 portrait of Pocahontas (source 5)?

Native Americans could be successfully assimilated.

What did the German immigrants known as redemptioners do on their arrival in Pennsylvania in the eighteenth century?

Negotiated the terms for a period of servitude through which they would pay for their trip

The Treaty of Alliance that the French and Americans signed in 1778 included which of the following stipulations?

Neither side would sign a separate peace that failed to recognize American independence.

Which of the following regions exported the most precious metals?

New Spain

Which of the following statements describes the change in English economic philosophy toward the colonies beginning in the 1650s?

No longer content with a favorable balance of trade with European countries, the English government controlled trade with the colonies.

The land that is Tennessee today was claimed by which state prior to 1790?

North Carolina

Which of the following statements is justified by this map?

Northern temperatures made it difficult for Native American groups to practice agriculture as their dominant economic activity.

The Townshend Acts of 1767 imposed duties on which of the following goods?

Paper, paint, glass, and tea imported into the colonies

According to Ingersoll, supporters and opponents of the Stamp Act in the British Parliament agreed on which of the following issues?

Parliament had supreme and unlimited authority over every part of the King's dominions, including the colonies.

What spurred the British Parliament to repeal the Tea Act in 1778?

Parliament hoped it would aid Britain's efforts to seek a negotiated peace with the Continental Congress.

Which of the following statements characterizes the British government's attempts to meet its war debt following the Great War for Empire?

Parliament increased import taxes on items used by the poor and middling classes such as sugar and beer.

In 1450, the majority of European men were which of the following?


Which American colony was established in the 1660s as a haven for Quakers?


The English philosopher John Locke believed which of the following ideas?

People had natural rights such as life, liberty, and property.

Sarah Lippet's view of God most closely resembles the view articulated by which of the following religious movements?


How did the Pietism movement of the eighteenth century differ from Puritanism?

Pietism stressed an individual's relationship with God.

Based on the information in this graph, which type of colony was likely to have been most important to the French and the Dutch after 1641?


Which of the following issues formed the basis for the major political and economic challenges that faced post-revolutionary state governments in the 1780s?

Plentiful but worthless paper currency and big debts

Which of the following occurred in the aftermath of the Glorious Revolution of 1688?

Plymouth, Maine, and Massachusetts Bay were joined to create a new royal colony.

At the First Continental Congress in 1774, New England delegates advocated which of the following plans?

Political union and defensive military preparations

How does historian Pauline Maier characterize the Congress under the Articles of Confederation?

Politically paralyzed

How did British politicians respond to the Americans' cry of "no taxation without representation"?

Politicians argued that the colonists already had virtual representation.

Which of the following developments created a crisis for New England Puritan society in the eighteenth century?

Population growth made freehold land scarce.

In Federalist No. 10, James Madison maintained that the constitutional government would accomplish which of the following ends?

Prevent any one faction from becoming dominant

Which of following is the name for the European practice whereby the eldest son inherited all of his father's land?


Why was the print revolution that occurred in the colonies during the early eighteenth century significant?

Printing allowed for the broad transmission of new ideas.

The political conflicts that wracked colonial Pennsylvania in the middle of the eighteenth century stemmed from which of the following sources?

Rapid immigration and population growth

The presence of George Grenville, who is carrying a coffin, and a bale on the wharf labeled "Black cloth return'd from America," suggest that this illustration was created to celebrate which of the following?

Repeal of the Stamp Act

Which of the following Patriot values trumped slaves' individual liberties during and after the American Revolution?

Respect for property rights

Killbuck's remarks (source 5) and Aeneas MacKay's message to John Penn (source 6), when considered together, serve as evidence of which of the following?

Rising tensions between the Native Americans and American colonists in the West

Which of the following examples could be seen as the Iroquois delegation using diplomatic language and behavior to indicate their dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs with Great Britain?

Saying they were being courted by the French

How does historian Gregory Evans Dowd describe the policy of eighteenth-century British colonial authorities toward the Native Americans?

Separation and removal

The three-fifths compromise dealt with which of the following issues?


What does source 3 suggest about the relationship between indentured servants and slaves in Virginia in the 1670s?

Slaves and indentured servants lived under similar conditions in 1670s Virginia.

Which of the following was true of slavery in the American colonies in the eighteenth century?

Slaves created a sophisticated culture with extended kin relationships and traditions.

The advertisement presented in source 5 supports which of the following historical conclusions?

Some colonial women without husbands had the skills and resources to run businesses.

Which of the following statements is justified by this map?

Some intercontinental trade took place via overland routes.

Considered together, the runaway slave advertisement (source 3) and the report of de Gálvez (source 4) might lead a historian to which of the following conclusions?

Some slaves fought with the British, but some also joined the Patriot cause.

Delegates from which of the following states were highly invested in the defeat of Luther Martin's proposal to prohibit or tax the importation of slaves?

South Carolina

Why did Pueblos decide to revolt in the early 1680s?

Spanish officials persecuted Pueblo peoples for turning away from Christianity.

Which of the following describes the process of tribalization that occurred in America in the early eighteenth century?

Stateless peoples' adaptation to the demands imposed on them by neighboring states

Which agricultural product served as the foundation for the South Atlantic System in the eighteenth century?


The wife who used the Chew dining room depicted in source 4 would most likely have been responsible for which of the following types of labor?

Supervising the labor of household servants or slaves

According to Pauline Maier, what was a major concern about the future of the new nation?

That the republic would end in anarchy

Which of the following statements characterizes African states' involvement in the Atlantic slave trade?

The Asante kings used the profits of slave trading to expand their political dominion.

Puritan minister Cotton Mather's response to which of the following eighteenth-century crises demonstrated that Enlightenment ideas had begun to influence him?

The Boston smallpox epidemic

Which of the following statements characterizes the relative military strengths of the British and Patriot forces during the Revolutionary War?

The British could expect support from thousands of Loyalists in the colonies and many Indian tribes.

Which of the following was the purpose of the Tea Act imposed by Parliament on the colonies in May 1773?

The British needed to bail out the financially strapped British East India Company.

Which of the following describes the character of Britain's empire in America before 1660?

The British ruled their American colonies in a haphazard and lax manner.

Why did the British surrender to the Americans in the Battle of Yorktown in 1781?

The British were outnumbered and cut off from reinforcement or retreat by sea.

In which of the following ways did the plantation colonies of Barbados differ from those in the Chesapeake in the seventeenth century?

The Chesapeake adopted slavery gradually and Barbados did so quickly.

What effect did American tobacco have in England during the early colonial period?

The English developed a huge appetite for tobacco, which stimulated the English economy and bolstered England's treasury.

Which of the following eighteenth-century movements posed a significant challenge to traditional assumptions about race, gender, and class in American society?

The Great Awakening

George Grenville conceived the Sugar Act of 1764 to replace which of the following acts?

The Molasses Act of 1733

Which of the following statements describes the religious controversy that emerged from the Great Awakening during the 1740s and 1750s?

The Old Lights prohibited traveling preachers from speaking to a congregation without its minister's permission.

John Dickinson's Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania was a response to which of the following policies?

The Stamp Act

Which of the following developments fostered the flow of migrants into the Virginia colony between 1617 and 1622?

The Virginia Company began to allow individual settlers to own land.

Which of the following events provoked a major crisis for Puritans in Massachusetts in the seventeenth century?

The annulment of Massachusetts's charter

Which of the following statements describes the status of European monarchs in 1450?

The authority of the monarchs was often challenged by local nobles.

Which of the following statements describes the historical significance of the April 1776 Battle of Lexington and Concord?

The bloodshed that took place made further compromise highly unlikely.

Which of the following describes the significance of the Glorious Revolution of 1688 in England and America?

The change represented a major step toward democracy in both England and the North American colonies.

How does this illustration, The Village of Secoton, 1585, depict European influence upon the Algonquian people?

The cluster of homes surrounded by fields is similar to European farm communities.

On what basis did the American colonists object to the vice-admiralty courts in which violators of the Sugar Act were tried?

The courts were run by British-appointed judges.

What urgent matter did the four kings of the Iroquois present to Queen Anne of Great Britain?

The delay of a planned war against the French

Which of the following statements describes the Stamp Act Congress, which was held in New York in 1765?

The delegates protested loss of American liberties and challenged the act's constitutionality.

John Calvin and Calvinist theologians of the 1500s stressed which of the following ideas?

The doctrine of predestination

The map reflects most directly which of the following continuities in U.S. history?

The failure to define precisely the relationship between American Indian tribes and the national government

The colonists' real objections to the Sugar Act stemmed from which of the following?

The growing administrative power of the British government over the colonies

Which of the following statements characterizes the nature of colonial Pennsylvania during the eighteenth century?

The growing wheat trade in the mid-eighteenth century brought an influx of colonists, leading to conflict within the colony.

Which of the following factors posed a major problem for the colonies during the American Revolution?

The high price and scarcity of goods

What does source 3 suggest about why the king of Sofala preferred to pay allegiance to the crown of Portugal rather than to Monomotapa?

The king of Sofala wanted to avoid constant warfare with the Emperor of Monomotapa.

How did Britain's skyrocketing national debt affect its government in England and America in the 1760s?

The need for higher taxes spurred Britain to increase the size and power of its bureaucracy in England and America.

Which of the following was a result of the long-practiced policy of subdividing land in New England for inheritance by the mid-1700s?

The number of children conceived before marriage rose sharply.

Why were the land ordinances of the 1780s considered a great accomplishment of the Confederation Congress?

The ordinances provided for orderly settlement and created a fair process for those areas to eventually become fully equal states.

Which of the following was a consequence of the large increase in paper currency in circulation in the states during the Revolutionary War years?

The paper bills quickly fell in value, becoming nearly worthless.

How did South Carolina planters respond in the aftermath of the Stono Rebellion in 1739?

The planters decided to import fewer Africans.

Which of the following statements describes the dominant approach to settlement in North Carolina in its early years?

The proprietors planned to set up a manorial system, but this plan failed.

Which of the following was part of British Parliament's effort to govern the colonies after the Great War for Empire ended in 1763?

The seizure of American vessels carrying supplies from the mainland to the French West Indies

How did the Stamp Act crisis of 1765 compare to the crisis over the Townshend duties in 1768?

The stakes had risen. In 1765, American resistance to taxation had provoked an argument in Parliament; in 1768, it produced a British plan for military coercion.

Which of the following was true for the Iroquois in New York during the period of imperial warfare in the early eighteenth century?

The tribe allied with France and Britain and declared their intention to remain neutral.

Which of the following describes the Dutch colony of New Netherland in the seventeenth century?

The venture failed to attract many settlers.

Which of the following statements characterizes postwar trends in American trade?

The war had crippled American shipping, which reduced the export of tobacco and other farm goods.

A historian examining the two photographs presented in source 4 would probably reach which of the following conclusions?

The work of women in colonial America varied according to class and geography.

In source 2, William Johnson suggests which of the following notions about the prospect of war with the Native Americans living in "Indian country"?

Their courage and lack of interest in material wealth would make the Indians formidable opponents.

On which of the following bases did John Rolfe justify his 1614 marriage to Pocahontas in source 4?

Their love made it possible for him to make her a Christian.

The large number of peasants depicted in this illustration, European Peasant Life, is indicative of which of the following?

Their survival required that they farm cooperatively.

What specific purpose did the colonies of New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia serve for the British Empire in the eighteenth century?

Their wheat crops made them the breadbasket of the Atlantic world.

What evidence in this illustration of the Kincaid site suggests that this town was part of the Mississippian culture?

There are numerous mounds located throughout the town.

What method did Chesapeake planters use in the early eighteenth century to prevent slave revolts?

They bought slaves of different ethnic backgrounds to limit their ability to organize.

Which of the following statements describes Native American peoples east of the Mississippi River?

They had no single style of political organization.

How did the Daughters of Liberty contribute to the American boycott of British goods in the late 1760s?

They promoted nonimportation by making and wearing homespun cloth.

Which of the following was one reason the British sent 7,500 troops to North America after the end of the Great War for Empire in 1763?

They sought to prevent colonists from settling in the trans-Appalachian west.

Why did the Virginia gentry fear the rise of the Baptists in the mid-eighteenth century?

They threatened to undermine the gentry's position and privilege.

How did the British respond after their loss at the Battle of Saratoga in 1777?

They tried to broker a negotiated settlement with the Americans.

Which of the following statements characterizes events at Valley Forge in the winter of 1777-1778?

Through the training of Baron von Steuben, the Continental army emerged as a much tougher and better-disciplined force.

Why might British officials have wanted to remove Native Americans from colonial civil jurisdiction according to Gregory Evans Dowd's assessment?

To avoid constraints of the law when dealing with Native Americans

Benjamin Franklin's attraction to deist views led him to place the highest value on which of the following activities?

Treating other people well

Which of the following statements accurately characterizes the western land claims shown on this map?

Virginia and New York's western land claims shared a significant overlap.

Why did the Virginia General Assembly (source 2) issue such a strongly worded response to Lord Dunmore's proclamation?

Virginians feared that many slaves would desert their masters or rise up against them.

Which of the following terms describes Colonel John Bradstreet's view of the Indians of the Six Nations in source 1?


In both recorded accounts, which of the following portrays the Native American delegations' descriptions of their value as military allies?

Warriors on the front lines of all confrontations

What was significant about George Washington's leading of his troops across the Delaware River on Christmas night in 1776?

Washington's action surprised the enemy and gave the Americans their first real victory.

Which of the following was a result of the Crusades, which took place between A.D. 1096 and 1291?

Western European merchants gained awareness of Asian trade routes.

Which of the following statements best describes women's property rights in the English colonies in the eighteenth century?

When they married, women passed legal ownership of all personal property to their husbands.

How did the British government respond to hostilities in America in 1754?

William Pitt and Lord Halifax persuaded Prime Minister Pelham to start a war in America against the French.

How did farmwives throughout the colonies in the eighteenth century contribute to their families?

Wives acted as helpmates to their husbands and performed both domestic and agricultural tasks.

Which of the following battles marked the end of the American Revolution in 1781?


To persuade Massachusetts, Virginia, and New York to ratify the Constitution, leading Federalists promised that

a bill of rights would be added to the Constitution.

This map characterizes the British colonies in 1775 as

a collection of diverse immigrants living in close but separate communities.

The greatest concern expressed to Queen Anne by the Iroquois delegation was

appearing unable to fight the French.

In the 1760s and early 1770s, lawyers and other educated Americans used common-law arguments mainly to

assert the colonists' rights and liberties as Englishmen.

Thomas Morton suggested that the reason Native Americans in seventeenth century New England set fire to the land twice every year was to

clear it of weeds and other plants.

In comparing the two historians' selections on climate and history, one might say that White and McNeill would likely agree

climate has an enormous influence on historical events.

At the same time as Parliament imposed the Stamp Act, it also passed the Quartering Act, which required

colonial governments to provide barracks and food for British troops sent to America to protect them.

For this question, refer to the following painting, George Whitefield Preaching, by John Collet. The painting above best serves as evidence of

colonial religious fervor and diversity.

For this question, refer to the following map, "The Growing Power of American Merchants, 1750."

colonial resistance to perceived corruption in the imperial system.

The Navigation Acts, implemented in the American colonies by Britain in the mid-seventeenth century, were originally intended to

cut the Dutch and French out of the colonial trade.

King Henry VIII started the English Reformation by

declaring himself supreme head of the new Church of England.

The Hohokam, Mogollon, and Anasazi peoples who lived in present-day Arizona and New Mexico around A.D. 1000

developed irrigation to manage the water supply.

In North America's plantation colonies, most indentured servants

did not escape from poverty.

Eric Hinderaker and Gregory Evans Dowd would likely agree that British officials

directed their policies toward avoiding conflict, either through diplomacy or separation.

According to Sam White, when brief expeditions in North America experienced severe weather, they

dismissed the severity as an aberration.

According to this map, which European colonial region experienced the greatest population density?


For this question, refer to the following painting, George Whitefield Preaching, by John Collet. Movements similar to those depicted in the painting above most directly led to

growth of a religious faith that led colonials to see themselves as a chosen people blessed with liberty.

The social order in Europe around 1450 can be described as

hierarchical and authoritarian.

More than 200,000 Spaniards from Castile migrated to America in the 1500s in order to escape

high taxes on agriculture and military service.

Patriot women contributed to the war effort in the 1770s by

increasing production of homespun cloth.

By the mid-1500s, Spain's main goal in North America was to

maintain its dominance and power in the region.

By 1770, after five years of crisis and debate over American sovereignty,

outspoken colonial leaders had repudiated Parliament and claimed equality for their own assemblies under the king.

The Stamp Act was instituted by Parliament in the colonies in 1765; it was

part of England's plan to create a more centralized imperial system in America.

Which European nation was the first to involve itself in exploration of the Atlantic as a route to Asia and the African slave trade?


Sam White asserts that early visitors to North America initially believed climate conditions around the globe were

similar at similar latitudes.

On the eve of European colonization of the Americas, most Western Europeans lived in

small, relatively isolated rural communities.

In October 1492, Columbus, his men, and his ships reached

the Bahamas.

The French and Indian War started as a result of disputed land claims regarding

the Ohio River Valley.

This map best serves as evidence of

the enactment of policies that began to encourage orderly incorporation of new territories into the nation.

In Maryland, the aftermath of the Glorious Revolution was characterized by

the establishment of the Church of England as the official church.

Woody Holton points out the fact that, initially, the House of Representatives was the only body elected directly by the people, in order to demonstrate that

the framers feared excessive democracy.

In eighteenth-century New England, the notion that parents would pay grown children for their past labors in exchange for the privilege of choosing the children's spouses was known as

the marriage portion.

The British colonists in eighteenth-century North America enjoyed a significant degree of autonomy over their royal governors mainly due to

their control over governors' salaries.

Powhatan, leader of a confederation of about two dozen tribes in Virginia,

treated the English as potential allies and attempted to integrate them into his chiefdom.

Eric Hinderaker might support the idea that eighteenth-century British imperial authorities

tried to use diplomacy to bring about mediated compromise.

When the early eighteenth-century Anglo-French wars temporarily ended with the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713, Britain had

won major territorial and commercial gains, including Newfoundland, Acadia, and the Hudson Bay region as well as access to the western Indian trade.

Which of the following is one of the reasons why some scholars believe the Mississippian city Cahokia disappeared?

A period of warfare

Which of the following groups provided the labor for Brazil's profitable plantations in 1620?

African slaves

Which of the following statements describes Africans in Virginia after the 1660s?

Africans found themselves more entrenched in slavery as a permanent condition.

In source 6, Thomas Ringgold's statement that "It seems to be the interest at least of every gentleman that has slaves, to be active in the beginning of these attempts . . ." suggested which of the following?

All slaveowners have an interest in preventing the successful escape of slaves and servants.

Which of the following describes Pocahontas's feelings in her conversation with John Smith in source 6?


Which of the following statements describes the significance of the arrival of New World crops, including maize and potatoes, in Europe and Asia after the 1500s?

American crops increased agricultural yield and population growth in the Old World.

Which of the following features characterized the earliest European religious beliefs?


Most of the people living in West Africa when European trade began in the early fifteenth century were


What does source 2 suggest about the power relations that existed among Powhatan's people?

As chief, Powhatan held a great deal of power.

What did Olaudah Equiano's account of the Middle Passage suggest about why the average slave mortality rate reached about 14 percent during the Atlantic crossing?

Assaulted by illness and emotional suffering, many Africans lost the will to live.

What accounted for the uneasy relations that persisted between Powhatan's people and the Jamestown settlers for more than a decade after 1607?

Both groups' inability to reach an agreement about who would pay tribute to whom

Why did the number of Indians living in Mesoamerica decline from about 20 million in the fifteenth century to approximately 3 million by 1650?

Disease carried by Europeans decimated most Indian tribes who came into contact with them.

The first phase of the Reformation in the 1500s had its greatest success in which of the following countries?


Which of the following was the outcome of the surprise Indian attack on the Virginia colony in 1622?

James I revoked the Virginia Company's charter and made it a royal colony.

Considered as a pair, sources 1 and 2 provide evidence for which of the following conclusions?

Masters were careful to purchase only healthy slaves and servants.

The rise of commerce in most of Europe in the fifteenth century shifted the balance of power by favoring which of the following groups?


Which of the following describes trading relationships among Native Americans in the period before European contact?

Native Americans developed expansive trade networks that spanned great distances.

Equiano's description of being greeted upon his arrival in Barbados by "Africans of all languages" serves as evidence of which of the following?

Planters' use of ethnic diversity to deter slave revolts

Martin Luther advocated which of the following ideas?

The Catholic Church was corrupt and in need of reform.

How was colonization similar for the French and Spanish?

The French and Spanish aimed to Christianize the native peoples.

Why were the modern-day countries of Mexico and Peru originally Spain's most significant conquests?

The Inca, Aztecs, and Mayans had great wealth, particularly in gold.

Which conclusion can be supported by source 2, the Portuguese officer's account of de Soto's 1557 expedition?

The Native Americans' fighting skills compensated for their lack of crossbows and armor.

According to Morton, what was one reason why the Europeans in seventeenth century New England frowned upon the Indians' practice of burning the landscape?

The practice made it difficult for the Europeans to find large trees and good timber.

Which of the following motivations drove the Spanish conquistadors who followed Columbus to the Americas in the early sixteenth century?

Their thirst for battle and riches as well as land in the conquered territory and titles of nobility

Which of the following statements describes Morton's views on the Native Americans' approach to landscape management in seventeenth century New England?

There were drawbacks to the Native Americans' approach, but it also provided benefits.

Which of the following was true of the Restoration Colonies of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and the Carolinas in the 1660s?

They were created by Charles II as he expanded English power in America.

What can you infer about the cultural values of Mississippian peoples from source 1, the Mississippian neck guard?

Warriors were highly valued members of Mississippian societies.

When they settled in the New World in 1630, the Puritans' first priority was to

create a reformed society that would model true Christianity in America.

According to John R. McNeill, the two expeditions referenced in the passage demonstrate that

ecology can often bring political consequences.

The main motive for King Philip II's attack on England in 1588 was to

eradicate Protestantism in England and Holland.

Typically, when an English woman of the fifteenth century married, she

gave up ownership of her property to her husband.

In source 5, Joseph Mulders's testimony is historically significant because it

indicates that servants had access to legal recourse if their masters mistreated them.

Source 5, the Portuguese coin, reveals that sixteenth-century Portugal particularly valued

maritime exploration and trade.

Portuguese colonists in Brazil in the sixteenth century created an industry based on which of these resources?


Based on this map, which of the following regions was struck the hardest by diseases spread via the Columbian Exchange?

the americas

The economic livelihood of the Virginia colony in the 1700s depended on which of the following products?


In contrast to the Spanish missionaries of the sixteenth century, the seventeenth-century French Jesuits

tried to understand the Indians' values and worldview.

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