Exam 1 Child Psych

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Which of the following values represents the strongest correlation between two variables?


As identical twins, Kijana and Elroi share what percentage of their segregating genes?

100 percent

A woman who is a carrier of the disease PKU and a man who is also a carrier have a child. What are the child's chances of actually having the disease?

25 percent

Fertility begins to decline in both men and women after about age __________.


A "preterm" infant is one born before the __________ week of pregnancy.


Callie was born "low birth weight," meaning she weighed less than __________ pounds.


As fraternal twins, Oscar and Frank share about __________ percent of their segregating genes.


Two people with curly hair (a dominant trait) are wondering how likely it is that their first child will have curly hair. A geneticist determines that they are both heterozygous for curly hair (meaning they have one dominant and one recessive allele each). She tells them the probability of their first child having curly hair is about __________ percent.


Immediately after Holly's baby was born, he was whisked away to a corner of the room where the doctor and several other people performed an assessment of his vital signs known as the __________.

Apgar scale

__________ is a field in which scientists study genetic and environmental contributions to psychological and physical traits.

Behavior genetics

__________ refer(s) to environmental influences that are not present in the child's immediate environment, but can have an effect through the immediate environment.

Distal influences

__________ is a gooey substance from the mother's breast that helps the newborn's digestive system.


Which of the following statements is true about deception and harm in research with children?

Deception is acceptable if necessary, but it must not cause harm.

__________ refers to patterns of growth and change in behavior, thinking, or emotions over time.


The most common type of biologically based mild to moderate intellectual disability is __________.

Down syndrome

__________ is a mechanism in which chemicals attached to the genes can turn gene expression on or off, based on input from other genes or from the environment.


Which of the following statements about epigenetics is true?

Epigenetic changes are only one of many ways that experience can modify DNA expression.

__________ are usually used in non-Western cultural settings.

Ethnographic research methods

What is the primary advantage to using experimental design over correlational design when conducting a study?

Experimental studies allow the researcher to establish cause and effect, and correlational studies do not.

__________ refers to differences in experiences that are based in part on genetic variations among different people.

Gene-environment correlation

Josie, age 16, and Hanna, age 28, are pregnant. Who is more likely to receive prenatal care throughout the pregnancy?

Hanna is more likely to receive prenatal care.

__________ is the proportion of variance in a trait that is due to variation in genes.


__________ is the process by which the blastocyst becomes attached to the uterus.


__________ theories view the minds of children as somewhat like computers.


Which of the following is a reason the embryonic period is the most vulnerable period of development?

It is when all of the major organs and body parts develop in rudimentary form and are potentially sensitive to environmental toxins.

What is the function of vernix?

It protects the fetus's skin.

The term "behaviorism" was coined by __________.

John Watson

Correlations for the IQ scores of identical twins raised in the same home __________ those for fraternal twins raised in the same home.

are higher than

An influential ethologist was __________.

Konrad Lorenz

In contrast to Piaget, __________ was primarily interested in the influence of historical and cultural factors on cognitive development.

Lev Vygotsky

__________ measure(s) the relationships between more than one independent variable and a dependent variable.

Multiple regression

The correlations for IQ scores of biologically related parents and children __________ those for adoptive parents and children.

are higher than

__________ refers to the formation of new neurons within the brain.


__________ refers to the movement of neurons from the place where they are formed to their final locations in the brain.

Neuronal migration

__________ is a hormone that initiates uterine contractions and stimulates other hormones that regulate uterine contractions.


Why is it difficult to establish cause and effect in research studies on drug use during pregnancy?

People who abuse drugs tend to have poor health practices in other domains.

__________ refers to traits or disorders influenced by the combined effects of more than one gene.

Polygenic inheritance

__________ is a condition in which a preterm infant's lungs do not produce enough surfactin, leading to breathing problems.

Respiratory distress syndrome

__________ refers to influences that make children and adults raised in the same circumstances similar.

Shared environment

Prior to sexual differentiation between the 7th and 16th weeks of the prenatal period, male and female external genitals __________.

are identical

__________ have content that is predetermined, must be administered following specified rules, and are backed by norms for how groups of people perform.

Standardized tests

__________ view development as influenced by a number of interacting components.

Systems theories

__________ are any agents that can cross the placenta and harm the developing embryo or fetus.


In her research, Adia finds that language skills and aggression are negatively correlated. Adia can conclude that __________.

as language skills improve, aggression decreases

A researcher is investigating the effects of different types of exercise on children's weight. What are the independent and dependent variables in this experiment?

The dependent variable is weight; the independent variable is different types of exercise.

The developmental systems model is best thought of as a(n) __________.

conceptual framework

__________ is a research design in which the contributions of genes and environment are teased apart by comparing individuals who share 100 percent or 50 percent of their segregating genes.

The twin design

__________ is/are formed immediately after the union of sperm and ovum in the fallopian tube.

The zygote

Which of the following is an advantage of longitudinal studies?

They can detect patterns of change, such as the onset of negativism.

At about 7 weeks, a genetically male fetus turns on the SRY gene on the __________ chromosome and gives instructions for formation of the testes.


An aggressive child is frustrated by the rejection of peers in preschool. In kindergarten, the child's poor social skills lead to further rejection by his classmates and lack of concentration in class, leading to delays in early literacy development. This pattern is an example of __________.

a developmental cascade

Abnormal development resulting from the experience of institutionalized children in Romania who remained in the institutions for 18 months or more could be attributed in Gottlieb's model to __________.

a major alteration to the species-typical rearing environment

Raquel is several months pregnant and planning the birth. She does not want to go to a large, impersonal medical center where she would be attended by a physician. Her physician is most likely to recommend which of the following to lower the risks associated with childbirth?

a midwife

In kangaroo care, __________.

a preterm infant is held skin-to-skin by an adult

According to Gottlieb, the inevitability of development is __________.

a result of genetically controlled maturation and a species-typical rearing environment

The first environment in which genes begin functioning is __________.

a single cell

Zoe and Zia are identical twins. Based on this, we know that they formed from the split of __________ during the __________ stage of development.

a single zygote; germinal

Monozygotic twins are formed from the division of __________ into __________ organisms.

a single zygote; two genetically identical

Gottlieb proposed that each species inherits not only species-typical genes, but also __________.

a species-typical rearing environment

Erikson believed that rather than engaging in conflict over toilet training, the most important psychological issue for 1- to 3-year-olds was __________.

achieving some autonomy from parents

Antonio, an athletic and muscular boy, decides to play high school soccer. Assuming some of Antonio's athleticism has a genetic origin, this is example of a(n) __________ genetic-environment correlation.


In __________ gene-environment correlations, people seek out or create environments correlated with their genetic predispositions.


Which of the following is one of the five vital signs that makes up the Apgar scale?

activity/muscle tone

In a(n) __________, biological parents, their adopted-away children, and the adoptive parents and siblings are compared.

adoption design

At what point in development do neurons begin to form networks by forming numerous connections to other neurons?

after neurons migrate and reach their final location

A cross-sectional study investigates people of different __________ at the same point in time.


A(n) __________ is an alternate form of a gene-generally one comes from the mother and one comes from the father.


Today, the most common method of relieving pain during childbirth is the use of __________.

an epidural

The finding in Tucker-Drob & Harden's (2012) longitudinal twin study that child cognitive ability at age 2 predicted parental stimulation of the child at age 4, and that this relationship was largely a genetic one, based on analyses of twin data, provided evidence for __________.

an evocative gene-environment correlation

Down syndrome is caused by __________.

an extra 21st chromosome

In the __________ stage of development, Freud proposed that children focus on control of bodily wastes.


A research study finds that responsive parenting positively correlates with children's grades in school. From this study, we can conclude that __________.

as responsive parenting increases, children's grades also improve

As an epigenetic mechanism, methyl groups __________.

attach to DNA and reduce the expression of some genes

Nathan, age 5, was adopted from an orphanage before he turned 3, and he has difficulty forming social relationships. Studies have shown that incomplete or atypical development of __________ is a common result of institutional care.


According to John Bowlby's theory of attachment, behaviors such as crying, smiling, and expression of other emotions evolved in human babies to __________.

attract adult attention and care

In Gottlieb's developmental systems model, the influences of genetic and neural activity are __________.


The zygote forms into a ball of cells with a hollow core called the __________.


Huntington's disease __________.

can be passed on if one or the other parent has the allele for the disease

The combination of the First Trimester Screen and the triple screen test __________.

can identify most cases of neural tube defects

The experiment by Meaney and colleagues (Meaney, 2010; Weaver et al., 2004) on rats raised by nurturant and non-nurturant mothers concluded that early experience __________.

can modify gene expression

Jamir's research uses __________, in which he collects in-depth accounts on the experiences of a few children.

case studies

In the three stages of childbirth, the __________.

cervix must first dilate, or expand, in order to allow the baby to exit the uterus

When a fetus experiences rare genetic conditions that impact the amount of testosterone in the bloodstream, it may result in __________ genitalia at birth.

change to the structure of either female or male

Of the following, which is the most common source of cognitive disabilities?

chromosomal errors

In Bronfenbrenner's model, being part of the Millennial Generation represents the influence of the __________.


In Bronfenbrenner's model, the changes over time in the set of environmental contexts surrounding the child are referred to as the __________.


When Watson and Rayner (1920) conditioned an infant to fear a white rat by making a loud noise whenever the rat appeared, it was an example of __________.

classical conditioning

The first stage of labor ends with __________.

complete cervical dilation and effacement

Just recently, Jackie has begun to enjoy school activities in which she gets to classify rocks as igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic. Jackie is most likely in Piaget's __________ stage.

concrete operational

Jara's cat runs to the kitchen when she hears the sound of the can opener because the cat associates the sound with food. In this example, the cat running to the kitchen is the __________.

conditioned response

When Pavlov's dog salivated to the sound of a bell in the absence of food, the salivation was the __________.

conditioned response

Jara's cat runs to the kitchen when she hears the sound of the can opener because the cat associates the sound with food. In this example, the sound of the can opener is the __________.

conditioned stimulus

The "dynamic" in dynamic systems theory refers to __________.

constant flux in the interrelationships among the various influences

One reason that smokers tend to give birth to babies who weigh less is that smoking involves __________.

constriction of fetal blood vessels by nicotine

A number indicating the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables is the __________.

correlation coefficient

With a(n) __________ study, a researcher can determine which variables are related to each other and how they are associated.


A researcher compares the language skills of children tested in four different age groups at the same time: 3 years old, 4 years old, 5 years old, and 6 years old. Language skills are then compared based on the child's age. This study uses a __________ design.


The absence of chromosomes or presence of extra chromosomes in a fetus usually results in __________.

death of the fetus

Tonya and Tamika are raised by the same parents, but Tonya is adopted and Tamika is a biological child. Their level of general cognitive ability will likely show __________ with age.

decreasing similarity

The purpose of the Apgar scale is to __________.

determine whether a baby needs further medical evaluation or treatment

According to Gottlieb, development is probabilistic, meaning that __________.

development is not influenced by any specific factor with certainty

The focus of __________ is on the relationship between changes in behavior or thinking and changes with age in brain structure/function.

developmental cognitive neuroscience

When women have insufficient amounts of food during a pregnancy, it can lead to a more efficient metabolism that makes the child prone to obesity and diseases related to overweight. This is referred to as __________.

developmental programming

The __________ approach claims that the emergence of social smiling results from factors ranging from genetic activity to the social environment.

developmental systems

Most children who acquire HIV during pregnancy or birth in the United States __________.

die by age 3

Piaget's theory of cognitive development emphasizes that developmental changes are __________.


A(n) __________ influence on eating habits is the large portion sizes sold by fast-food restaurants.


The federal policies set to govern what children eat in school lunches represents a(n) __________ influence on eating habits.


Two separate sperm cells fertilize two separate ova to produce __________ twins.


Studies have shown that prepared childbirth classes __________.

do not produce healthier mothers and babies than standard medical practice

Karen and Katie are both pregnant. Katie smokes 10 cigarettes per day, and Karen smokes 20 cigarettes per day. This illustrates which of the following principles of teratogenic effects?


In most classic cases of fetal alcohol syndrome, children's mothers drank the equivalent of five or more drinks on one occasion twice a week __________ of pregnancy.

during the first trimester

One similarity between Freud's theory and Erikson's theory is that __________.

early experience impacts later experience

One possible reason for more frequent mutations in sperm cells compared to egg cells is that __________.

egg cells are produced only once

For Freud, the rational, logical part of the personality was the __________.


Development from the third through the eighth weeks is part of the __________.

embryonic period

The IQ scores of adoptive parents are correlated with their adopted children, which represents a(n) __________.

environmental influence

Svetlana's parents grew up in Russia, with many food shortages. When they immigrated to the United States, there was plenty of food for Svetlana. Svetlana's parents were of average height, but Svetlana was much taller. Presumably her parents had genes that would have enabled them to be taller than they were if they'd had adequate nutrition. The difference in the heights of Svetlana and her parents illustrates how __________.

environments influence gene expression

Dr. Thich studies animal and human behavior in natural settings as well as experimental settings. Dr. Thich is a(n) __________.


The 23 pairs of chromosomes in every human being are stored in __________.

every bodily cell

In __________ gene-environment correlations, people elicit different responses from the people in their environments on the basis of their genetic predispositions.


Zoe, age 2, likes to create music by hitting pots and pans with a spoon. Her mother decides that Zoe has musical ability, and so she enrolls Zoe in music classes. Assuming Zoe actually has genes predisposing her to musical talent, the example demonstrates the __________ gene-environment correlation.


In __________, researchers seek connections between adaptations made by our ancestors and various aspects of development.

evolutionary developmental psychology

In fragile X, deficient levels of the FMRP protein affect which of the following?

executive functions of the brain

Karen does not go with her mother to work, but the policies in her mother's workplace impact Karen. With respect to Karen, Mom's workplace is an example of a(n) __________ in Urie Bronfenbrenner's bioecological model.


It is possible to determine a cause and effect relationship between two variables with __________.

experimental studies

Gene __________ is the extent to which a gene can perform its functions of regulating other genes or producing proteins used in the body.


In the United States today, the __________ most often serves as a labor coach during childbirth.

father or partner

What is the most common non-genetic cause of intellectual impairment and birth defects?

fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

The __________ refers to the time from the ninth week until birth.

fetal period

Evidence that the fetus can see by the sixth prenatal month is provided by __________.

fetuses closing their eyes in response to the bright light from a fetoscope

Which of the following is always conducted in a non-laboratory setting such as a home, classroom, or neighborhood?

field experiment

An anthropologist is studying a remote tribe of people who have had little to no contact with outside civilization. She notices that 2-year-olds in the tribe imitate others and show empathy and cooperation much like her 2-year-old nephew back in the United States. According to evolutionary theorists, these behaviors may be universal in the human species because they facilitate __________.

fitting into a social group

Psychodynamic theories are so-named because the theories __________.

focus on opposing forces or conflicts within the psyche (mind)

A key risk factor for neural tube defects is a lack of __________.

folic acid in the mother's diet

Behavior geneticists use the term __________ to refer to influences that make children and adults raised in the same circumstances different.

non-shared environment

Although only 12 years old, Ah Lam is able to use the scientific method, formulating and testing hypotheses. Ah Lam is in Piaget's __________ stage of cognitive development.

formal operational

The likelihood of having __________ with the use of fertility drugs or in vitro fertilization.

fraternal twins increases

The name for reproductive cells is __________.


A __________ is a segment of DNA that serves as a template for making one or more proteins.


Children with PKU may show very different outcomes with and without exposure to phenylalanine in the diet. This demonstrates the role of __________.

gene-environment interaction

Identical twins reared apart still have substantial correlations between their IQ scores, suggesting a role for __________, but the correlations are lower than those recorded for identical twins reared together, suggesting a role for __________.

genes; environment

The role of a __________ includes helping potential parents consider genetic risks for disorders in their offspring.

genetic counselor

Adoption studies have shown that __________ children become __________ similar with age in general cognitive ability.

genetically related; more

The __________ period occurs in the first two weeks after fertilization.


Research findings from the Nurse-Family Partnership, a home visiting program, showed that low-income teenage mothers who participated in the program __________.

had fewer premature births and showed benefits to the child's later development

Some pregnant women may be concerned about amniocentesis because it __________.

has a slight risk of injury to the mother or pregnancy termination

Down syndrome is associated with __________.

heart conditions

One of the jobs of glial cells is to __________.

help guide neurons during migration

In Sigmund Freud's theory of psychosexual development, the __________ represents the ever-present source of biological needs and desires.


The Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale is useful in __________.

identifying infants who need medical attention

According to Erikson, the psychosocial crisis that all adolescents must resolve is __________.

identity versus role confusion

An example of development is __________.

improved control of emotions over a period of months

Seo-yun is one of four children. Her mother is short, and her father is tall. In all likelihood, when they are grown, Seo-yun and her siblings will have heights __________.

in an intermediate range between the heights of her parents

Studies have found that life stress __________ is associated with higher degrees of methylation in genes involved in brain development.

in the first four years of life

Twin studies show that some personality traits, such as antisocial behavior and religiousness, show __________ with age.

increasing heritability

Karen played a video for a group of children to see how their behavior changed after watching the video. There was also a control group of children who did not watch the video but were tested just like the other group. In Karen's experiment, the __________ was watching the video.

independent variable

In genetic science, having a susceptibility gene __________.

indicates that a person has an increased likelihood for developing a particular genetic disorder

Juan works hard to master spelling, writing, and math in school and receives praise from his teacher. According to Erikson, Juan is responding positively to the psychosocial crisis involving __________.

industry versus inferiority

Neural tube development illustrates Gottlieb's developmental systems model because development __________.

involves an intricate exchange between genes, biological signals from growing tissues, and outside environmental influences

Studies of brain functioning, cognition, and behavior in children with fragile X syndrome reveal that the pathway from genes to behavior __________.

involves atypical aspects of both brain development and cognitive functioning

In the United States, the use of C-sections __________.

is a common option for a variety of conditions that threaten the health of the mother or baby

Patricia has fragile X syndrome, in which a gene on her X chromosome __________.

is silenced

Because the problem of obesity has occurred across children as a group, __________.

it cannot be entirely due to genetic factors

About the end of the fifth month, the fetus is covered with downy hair called __________.


Many studies demonstrate interactions between a single gene and specific environmental factors. However, in the real world, the most common interactions probably take place between __________ of genes and __________ environments.

large numbers; diverse

Surfactin is a substance that coats the __________.

linings of the lungs

A researcher follows the same group of children from ages 2 to 18 to measure how intelligence changes over time. This study uses a __________ design.


Patterns of change over time can be detected by a(n) __________.

longitudinal study

The symptoms of Klinefelter syndrome result from __________.

low testosterone levels

The last major organ system to develop in the final two months of the fetal period is the __________.


In Bronfenbrenner's bioecological model, the influence of politics at a national level represents influences in the __________.


In developmental cognitive neuroscience, knowledge about the structure of the brain as it develops has been advanced by using __________.

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Pat has one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. Therefore, Pat is a(n) __________.


Who is most likely to experience extreme effects of fragile X syndrome?


Color blindness runs in Shari's family. She just found out that she is pregnant with a boy. Shari is concerned that her baby may be color-blind because color blindness is more likely to occur in __________.

males because the Y chromosome does not have a corresponding allele to counteract the color-blindness allele on the X chromosome

Chromosomal errors generally occur during the process of __________.


The type of cell division that occurs only in men's and women's reproductive cells is called __________.


Joe's mother is very involved at Joe's school. The link between Joe's home and his school represents the __________ in Bronfenbrenner's bioecological model.


Bahir interacts with his parents and siblings, as well as with his teachers and peers. In Bronfenbrenner's bioecological model, Bahir's interactions with his parents/siblings and with his teachers/peers represent different __________.


The process by which cells divide and multiply is __________.


In the study by Caspi et al. (2003) discussed in the text, genetic testing of males who were followed from childhood into adulthood revealed that individuals with a genetic vulnerability in the serotonin transporter gene (the s/s genotype) were __________.

more likely than individuals without such a vulnerability (the l/l genotype) to be depressed as adults, but only when child maltreatment was likely to have occurred

An important insight to take from the data on heritability of different traits and disorders is that __________.

most traits and disorders are moderately to strongly heritable

To collect data on child behavior, Salama goes to the park and watches children play. Salama is using __________.

naturalistic observation

Jolisa believes that her child's development is very strongly influenced by genetic inheritance. Jolisa's belief emphasizes the role of __________ in development.


Studies show a __________ correlation between the amount of alcohol that a pregnant mother consumes and the child's IQ score several years after birth.


As values of one variable go up, values of another variable go down. This relationship describes a __________.

negative correlation

Because Sally did not study enough for school, her mom nagged her constantly. To get her mom to stop bothering her, Sally began to study more. Her mother's nagging acts as __________.

negative reinforcement

Use of heroin or other opioids during pregnancy can lead to the baby becoming dependent on the drug. This is called __________.

neonatal abstinence syndrome

The transformation of neural stem cells into new types of neurons is known as __________.

neural differentiation

A __________ is a cell in the brain that sends and receives information.


There is __________ threshold level below which we can confidently say that alcohol has no effect on the developing fetus.


According to Erik Erikson, psychosocial crises occur __________.

throughout the life span

Mina and Lee are siblings who live in the same home. Mina has played soccer since she was 3 years old, and Lee has played the piano since he was 4 years old. Playing soccer and taking piano lessons are differences that are examples of __________.

non-shared environment

Mari was conceived by in vitro fertilization. If she is similar to other children conceived using this method, we can expect her development and psychological adjustment to be __________.

normal throughout childhood and adolescence

In the context of standardized testing, __________ refer(s) to data on the performance of large groups of people.


Malcom believes that providing a warm, supportive home environment is the most important influence on child development. Malcom emphasizes the role of __________ in child development.


Mia saw her friend Jack cluck like a chicken and tried to do the same. Mia's imitation of Jack represents __________.

observational learning

Timmy uses his toy light saber to imitate the actions of a character in a movie. According to Albert Bandura, this is an example of __________.

observational learning

In __________ conditioning, existing behavior is strengthened or weakened by changing the consequences.


Mothers who gain too much weight during pregnancy or are overweight during the pregnancy have an elevated risk of having a child who is __________.

overweight during childhood and adulthood

In __________ gene-environment correlations, children inherit genotypes correlated with their family environment.


Twila and Jerome are actors. They enroll their daughter Marla in children's theater. This is an example of a(n) __________ genetic-environment correlation.


In the __________ stage of Freud's theory, children become interested in marrying the opposite-sex parent.


Kara has red hair, and Nora has dark brown eyes. These descriptions represent the __________.


The __________ is the observable trait or disease in an individual, influenced by genotype and environment.


In development, __________ refers to the extent to which development can be altered by experience.


Baby Raymond smiled at his mother, and in response, his mother cuddled Raymond. In operant conditioning terms, cuddling was __________ for Raymond's smile.

positive reinforcement

Bill has a tough time seeing solutions to problems from another person's point of view. Bill is at Piaget's __________ stage of cognitive development.


When mothers use cocaine and marijuana throughout the pregnancy, it is associated with __________.

problems in school learning and behavior

When neurons develop in the brain but never form working synapses with other neurons, it is referred to as __________.

programmed death of the cells

In Caleb's house, snacks are readily available, and this contributes to his weight gain. According to the bioecological model of development, snacks in the home are __________.

proximal influences

Most of the foundational knowledge about child development originates with __________.

psychologists and researchers

Fernando stopped dropping food from the table because his mother scolded him. In operant conditioning, the scolding would be considered __________.


A __________ is a type of self-report method that can quickly gather data from a large number of people.


Information-processing theorists studying children's memory development focus on __________ children use to move information from working memory to long-term memory.


Dr. Walters invites children to her laboratory to play together with the same toys so that she can watch and record their peer interactions. Dr. Walters is using __________.

structured observation

In the study of diversity, __________ typically refers to physical characteristics, and __________ refers to cultural features.

race; ethnicity

The majority of genetic disorders involve __________ traits.


Freud's legacy for developmental science is __________.

recognizing the lasting effects of early experience

Judith is about to have her baby. During labor, she can expect that her uterus will contract at __________ intervals that become __________ until the baby is pushed out through the vaginal opening.

regular; shorter

Dr. Ali gives a standardized test to children when they are 6 years old and then gives an alternate version of the same test to the same children three months later. If Dr. Ali finds that the scores on both administrations of the test are similar, he can conclude that the test has a high degree of __________.


As a child, Amir was irritable and experienced harsh parenting. However, he was able to bounce back from these negative experiences because he is highly intelligent and had excellent, caring teachers in school. Amir's ability to recover from negative experiences demonstrates __________.


DeCasper and Spence (1986) found that babies who had been read a Dr. Seuss story out loud for the six weeks before birth __________.

responded positively to the story after birth

In Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development, children employ __________, which refer(s) to organized ways to think about or act on objects.


Older fathers are more likely to have offspring with __________.


In dynamic systems theory, the system may become unstable for a period of time and then transforms into a more complex and effective system, according to the __________.

self-organizing principle

A(n) __________ is a range of time when development is most affected by experience.

sensitive period

According to Piaget, in the first year of life, an infant is in the __________ stage of cognitive development.


Sukrit is reasonably well coordinated. He can coordinate the motions of the left hand and the right hand as he examines new objects, turning them over, holding them in one hand, and touching them with the other hand. However, he cannot speak in words yet. Sukrit is in Piaget's __________ stage of cognitive development.


The basis of the genetic code in all living things is the __________.

sequence of chemical bases in DNA

To help a child learn a language, parents may praise a child for making sounds that are close to words but are not complete words yet. In this example, parents are using __________ to teach language to a child.


Timo, age 7, and Nora, age 9, had the same parents, rode the bus every day to the same school, and had their rooms at home across the hall from each other. These experiences represent the __________.

shared environment

Of the following groups, which is most likely to receive prenatal care consistently throughout the pregnancy?

single mothers in their 30s

A newborn who weighs less than the normal range for a given gestational age is considered __________.


In Vygotsky's theory, the development of thinking is connected to __________.

social and cultural contexts

In the study of diversity, __________ appears to have more impact than race or ethnicity on child development.

socioeconomic status

When the neural tube fails to close in the middle or lower regions during the embryonic stage, it leads to a neural tube defect such as __________.

spina bifida

Smoking is associated with which of the following disorders in infancy?

sudden infant death syndrome

In Freud's theory of personality, conscience represents the __________.


Once a male fetus starts to produce __________, female internal structures present in the fetus start to wither away and male structures continue to develop.


Kalia wants to approach the birth of her first child as a natural process. Her midwife advises her to use __________ because it is more suited to this approach.

the Lamaze method

The phenomenon that children of different ages grow up in different time periods, and therefore may have very different experiences, is known as __________.

the cohort effect

The drug thalidomide, which caused stunting or missing limbs because it stopped development of arms and legs between 20 and 36 days after fertilization, illustrates that __________.

the embryonic period is a sensitive period for development of basic bodily structures

Explanations for the rise in childhood obesity using the bioecological model of development highlight the role of __________.

the environment

Researchers found that for autism and schizophrenia, the number of de novo mutations leading to those conditions went up with the age of __________.

the father but not the mother

Conclusions that can be drawn from the DeCasper and Spence (1986) study include that __________.

the infant recognized a familiar over an unfamiliar story

During the embryonic period, __________.

the major body organs originate

Having an infant with Down syndrome is more common if __________ is older.

the mother or the father

Gracie underwent a growth spurt over the summer and felt awkward for a while on the soccer field in the fall. But after a couple of weeks of practice, she noticed she was able to move more quickly into position near the ball and thus have more options about re-directing it. According to dynamic systems theory, these changes are an example of __________.

the self-organizing principle

In a study of adults, scientists found that those maltreated in childhood had the greatest likelihood of depression as adults if they had __________ serotonin transporter gene allele.

the short-short (homozygous)

The conditioned stimulus in Pavlov's famous dog experiments was __________.

the sound of a bell

Neurons do not touch, meaning that a message must cross __________ for one neuron to communicate with another neuron.

the synapse

The effects of rubella on babies most clearly illustrate which of the major principles governing teratogenic effects?

timing of exposure

In Vygotsky's theory, cultures provide __________ to assist children's learning, such as the counting system, the abacus, and the calculator.


Jara's cat runs to the kitchen when she hears the sound of the can opener because the cat associates the sound with food. In this example, the cat food is the __________.

unconditioned stimulus

When a dog salivates naturally after food is placed in its mouth, the food is the __________.

unconditioned stimulus

The largest category in terms of classifying the potential causes of birth defects is actually __________.

unknown etiology

Ultrasonography is __________.

used to monitor fetal growth, detect multiple births, and detect developmental defects

Ethical guidelines for research involving children include __________.

using the least stressful procedures possible

Dr. Dante is concerned that his newly constructed test of intelligence may not actually measure intelligence, so he correlates the scores with performance on an established set of cognitive tests. Dr. Dante is testing whether his new test is __________.


According to Vygotsky, people in Western cultures rely heavily on __________ to teach children practical skills, whereas people in traditional societies use __________ to teach practical skills.

verbal instructions; observation and demonstration

Mansa's baby was moving so much that it seemed to be trying out for some Olympic sport. When Mansa mentioned this to her doctor, her doctor informed Mansa that fetal movement is __________.

vital for fetal physical development

In the brain, __________ connect the rear part of the temporal lobe to the frontal lobe.

white matter tracts

At present, it is still the case that most developmental research studies have been conducted on __________.

white, European American children

A doula is a __________.

woman who has experienced childbirth before

Freud divided development into psychosexual stages, which were named after __________.

zones of the body that the child found most stimulating

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