Exam 1

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The problems with defining piety as what all the gods love is that a. it contradicts the fact that all the gods love the pious because it is pious, not for any other reasons b. it gives only an external characteristic of piety c. it confuses what is piety with what is god-beloved d. All of the above


According to Socrates, in order to live a life of purpose and value, we must begin to examine a. Our self b. various cultures c. scientific discoveries d. natural wonders


In the Euthyphro, does Socrates get Euthyphro to agree with that all the gods love the pious because it is pious? a. He does b. He does not c. He does, but he can't


Socrates came closest to capturing the essence of philosophy when he said, _________. a. "The unexamined life is not worth living." b. according to the Delphic oracle, no one is wiser than Socrates c. I was attached to this city by the god...." d. " I will obey the god rather than you."


Socrates thought that no one knowingly does evil because ________. a. Evil is the result of ignorance b. evil is rooted in the unconscious c. people naturally make good choices without having to think about it. d. evil is really an illusion


T or F: A sound argument will never have false conclusion a. true b. false


T or F: A valid argument can have all false premises a. true b. false


T or F: an invalid argument can have all true premises and a true conclusion a. true b. false


The stated reason that powerful people demanded the death of Socrates was that he was "corrupting the youth." What was their underlying reason for deciding to execute Socrates? a. Socrates encouraged people to think for themselves and not blindly accept authority b. Socrates forces people to examine their lives and beliefs, which many found fainful c. Socrates instigated the rebellion of 404, resulting in a vicious dictatorship d. Socrates promoted the idea of theogony, meaning the gods are the source of agony


a deductive argument's purpose is to __________. a. prove that a conclusion is true b. show that a conclusion is plausible c. indicate that a conclusion is likely d. State a conclusion as precisely as possible


Socrates' exposes Euthyphros' first acceptable definition of piety as a. missing important proprieties b. leading to a contradiction c. based on an invalid argument d. asymmetric, no an identity


the word "philosophy" comes from two Greek roots that mean ________. a. critical-thinking b. love-wisdom c. passion- commitment d. dialectical certainty


Description of Socrates' divine sign a. IT often comes in his dreams b. it is his moral conscience that dictates him what to do. c. it is an averting voice that Socrates heard only when he was about to make a mistake. It was this sign that prevented him from entering into politics.


Philosophy provides the ___________ required to craft a life inspiring in its challenges and rich in its fulfillment. a. Precepts b. emotional currents c. conceptual tools d. Unconscious motivations


The oracle at Delphi told Socrates' friend that a. Socrates was the ordained by the gods. b. Socrates should spend his life questioning the Athenians about virtue. c. no one was wiser than Socrates d. only the god was wise


What is a valid argument? a. It is an argument with true premises and a true conclusion b. it is an argument with false premises and a false conclusion c. It is argument in that if all the premise are true, then the conclusion must be true.


When Socrates says that he wants the "Form" of piety, he means that he wants a. its general shape b. the influences that produce or "form" piety in an individual c. a definition d. that all Athenian citizens agree what piety is.


Which branch of philosophy is defined as the study of the ultimate characteristics of reality or existence? a. logic b. aesthetics c. metaphysics d. epistemology


Although the behavior of the Greek gods was not always kind or beneficial to human beings, their dealing with one another embodied core values that___________. a. placed entertainment above justice and order b. showed them to be evil personified c. are no longer understood d. helped shape Greek culture and character


Description of the Socratic method a. A didactic approach to teaching that focuses primarily on lecturing b. a complex approach of answering question form disciples with dynamism c. A didactic approach involving reading the Great Texts of civilization and writing about them to discover hidden meaning. d. A dynamic approach of question and intellectual analysis to draw answers out people


Euthyphro is a character that represents the typical Athenian at the time of Socrates in that ________. a. Euthyphro is a bigot b. Euthyphro is deeply concerned with religious matters c. Euthyphro has knowledge that he is unable or unwilling to put into practice d. Euthyphro appears, and acts as if, he has knowledge when he is in fact ignorant.


For Socrates, one should not truly be said to possess knowledge of something unless one was familiar with that something in terms of its________. a.associates b. appearances c. relation to the gods d. form


In the Crito, Socrates argues that it would be wrong to flee for all the following reasons except that: a. one ought never to return injustice for injustice and to violate the laws is to commit injustice b. one is obligated to abide by the laws of the city just as a child is obligated to obey his/her parents c. any violation of the laws of the city is in effect a violation of the tacit agreement between the city and each of its citizens. d.it is cowardly not to face death like a man


Socrates interprets the oracle's message to mean that a. Socrates is wise b. the wisest are those who know the most c. Socrates is ignorant d. The wisest are those who know that they are ignorant


What does Socrates argue to defend himself against the charges of Meletus? a. He did not know the laws of the city b. Meletus is too interested in the well-being of the youth of Athens c. Only the gods have the authority to question Socrates' teachings d.If he is intentionally trying to deceive the young, he would only end up hurting himself.


Which branch of philosophy that deals with question concerning the nature of knowledge in general? a. value theory b. first philosophy c. metaphysics d. epistemology


the conclusion reached in the Euthyphro is that piety is: a. Whatever all the gods love b. whatever some of the gods love c. care of the gods, just a doctor care for their patients d. none of the above


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