Exam 1 - I

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8 Glucose oxidation is completed and ATP, NADH, and FADH2 are formed A) in the Krebs cycle B) in glycolysis C) as pyruvate is oxidized to acetyl‐CoA D) at the electron transport chain

A) in the Krebs cycle

There is a picture for this question: 6) Which compound is reduced in the reaction shown above? A) isocitric acid B) NAD+ C) NADH D) ketoglutaric acid


Diagram of electron transport chain: 9) Referring to the diagram, which molecule would you use to define this as anaerobic respiration? A) molecule A B) molecule B C) structure C D) the presence of H+ molecules

B) molecule B

A plot of the growth rate vs. temperature is shown from three different bacterial species In response to elevated temperature, which one would be considered thermotolerant? A. Bacterium A (quick decrease in growth) B. Bacterium B (steady high growth, then dips) C. Bacterium C (upside down hyperbola) D. none of the above

B. Bacterium B **check answer** **Not C Change to D if there would be no drop in growth rate no matter what

Which is matched correctly? A. Pseudomurien: comprises cell wall of Archaea B. Mycoplasma: thick peptidoglycan layer C. Mycolic acids: unusual cell wall components of Archaebacteria species D. Isoprene/terpenoids: phospholipids of Mycobacteria species E. None are matched correctly

B. Mycoplasma: thick peptidoglycan layer

1) Which one of the following pairs is mismatched? A) metachromatic granules ‐ phosphate storage B) PHB inclusions ‐ lipid inclusion; use as energy reserve C) ribosomes ‐ protein storage granule D) sulfur granules - sulfur oxidation product E) gas vacuoles - flotation; depth adjustment

C) ribosomes ‐ protein storage granule

Which statement below is false? A. Analysis of DNA content would not be a direct measure to measure microbial growth B. The best method for determining viable cell numbers in a sample is to dilute the sample, plate samples, and count colonies on the plates C. Pure culture work to obtain isolated colonies is best done using liquid media D. Petroff-Hauser counting chamber: direct measurement of cell counts E. A bacterial species exhibiting a cellular morphology classified as streptobacillus would appear as rods in chains

C. Pure culture work to obtain isolated colonies is best done using liquid media **Pretty sure it would be solid for the best isolation of colonies

Which of the following are false? A. Filtration is not considered a sterilization method B. The cleanliness of a surface would have an impact on the effectiveness of disinfectant applied to that surface C. Sanitation is the same thing as pasteurization D. 121 degrees C at 15 psi for 20 minutes are standard conditions that will kill endospores E. None are flase

C. Sanitation is the same thing as pasteurization

Organisms that can derive energy from the oxidation of inorganic forms of sulfur, iron or nitrogen and utilize carbon dioxide as a carbon source are called

Chemoheterotrophs **check answer**

An energy storage form from: carboxysomes PHB (polyhydroxybutyrate) inclusions gas vacuoles magnetosomes two of the above

PHB (polyhydroxybutyrate) inclusions

Picture shown of both a gram-positive and a gram-negative cell The correctly matched ones are: --A = gram-positive --B = gram-negative

Part A: Teichoic acids are found here Membrane phospholipids found here Telrapeptide rossbridges found here Part B: O antigen found here Periplasmic lipoprotein found here Membrane phospholipids found here Telrapeptide rossbridges found here

An autotroph can be classified as: consumer producer decomposer


True regarding microbes and pH (3)

Protons can leak through directly when the difference in intracellular and extracellular pH is very high The neutral form of membrane permeable organic acids can enter a cell, then lower intracellular pH as they dissociate internally If bacteria are actively growing in your stomach they would be considered acidophiles

Pentose-Phosphate Shunt

Ribulose-5-P is the key intermediate to make 3-7 carbon sugars to form aromatic amino acids or purine nucleotides

Entner-Doudoroff Pathway

Sugar acids catabolized to key intermediate, 6-phosphogluconate, then to pyruvate

Fermentation reactions

Supply NAD+ for the oxidation of glucose*

Pasteur's work with the French wine industry proved all of the following (3)

That microbes are responsible for the chemical processes that produce wine Microbial growth and metabolism can occur in the absence of air The formation of acetic acid during wine production was due to the presence of contaminating microbes

Pasteur's work with the French wine industry did not prove (1)

That microbes can cause disease

Pleiomorphic morphology

a bacterial type possessing a non-uniform cellular morphology, typically showing branching forms and irregular shapes

What is the most important element of the germ theory of disease? --The animal shows disease symptoms when...

a microorganism is inoculated into the animal

For a given electron donor, the most energy will be released when oxygen serves as the final electron acceptor because

oxygen has a more positive reduction potential than any other electron acceptor

Not a component of peptidoglycan


Look at exam II

question 32

Bacteria that utilize respiration as a way to catabolize a food source do not

require electron carries such as NAD+ or FAD

Bacteria that utilize respiration as a way to catabolize a food source

require the use of an electron transport chain have to use oxygen as a terminal electron acceptor

Genes for the capsid proteins are found in the


Robert Koch's work with tuberculosis proved more difficult in trying to establish the causative agent of disease. He required the development of _______ and _______ in order to isolate and prove Mycobacterium tuberculosis as the cause of the disease.

solid growth media culture techniques

Bacteria of the genus Mycoplasma are all characterized by

the complete lack of a cell wall

A choice that has all three groups have members that are considered microbes as defined in class

viruses, algae and archaea

In most bacterial cells, the generation of ATP in the cytoplasm via ATP synthase in the membrane DOES NOT require

A higher concentration of protons inside the cell than outside

False regarding microbes and pH

A neutralophilic bacteria in acidic pH would use transport mechanisms to import protons to maintain intracellular pH

The diagram (outlining Kreb's cycle) represents an overview of metabolism. Which statement below is correct regarding the diagram?

A positive delta G process is indicated by E (on B--A)

A pair of traits that the same organism can have: A. obligate aerobe; obligate anaerobe B. gram-positive; gram-negative C. obligate anaerobe; SOD or catalase producer D. barophile; psychrophile E. None of the above

A. obligate aerobe; obligate anaerobe **check answer** **not E

In most bacterial cells, the generation of ATP in the cytoplasm via ATP synthase in the membrane requires

An electrical potential gradient across the membrane; the inside being more negative An electrochemical gradient favoring proton entry into the cell An electron transfer system (ETS) An organic or inorganic source of electrons

Quiz #1


Quiz #2


True regarding control of microbial numbers (1)

Antisepsis and disinfection potentially reduce the numbers of pathogens, but each are used in different applications

False regarding microbes (1)

Archaea is a type of eukaryotic unicellular microorganism that can live in extreme conditions

10) The following represent different catabolic pathways that yield energy from the oxidation of an energy source. The electron donors in A‐E are oxidized; the electrons from these donors are ultimately transferred to a final electron acceptor as shown below. If light energy was also involved in the process, which of these reactions would represent photosynthesis as cyanobacteria carry it out? A) Glucose --> O2 B) H2O --> NADP+ C) Glucose --> Pyruvate D) Glucose --> NO3- E) H2S --> O2

B) H2O --> NADP+

7) Which is false regarding catabolic processes? A) They release energy. B) They lead to the formation of smaller molecules from larger, complex molecules. C) They are coupled to (linked to) ATP formation reactions, i.e., ADP + P ATP. D) None are false; A‐C are true statements

D) None are false; A‐C are true statements

2) Most bacteria have a cell wall, thus they tend to have an interior that is ___________ relative to the outside environment in order to maintain cell shape and cellular integrity. A) isotonic B) very low in solute molecule concentration C) hypotonic D) hypertonic E) two of the above are correct

D) hypertonic

4) Evidence for the endosymbiont theory comes from all the following except A) the presence of DNA in mitochondria and chloroplasts B) the presence of ribosomes in mitochondria and chloroplasts C) mitochondria and chloroplasts are similar in size to prokaryotic cells D) mitochondria and chloroplasts are able to grow and divide on their own outside the cell

D) mitochondria and chloroplasts are able to grow and divide on their own outside the cell

Shows two pictures of a bacterial cell from the cytoplasm to the exterior, labeled A-->E A cross-section of the cell envelope of two bacterial cells, A and B, are shown in the figure. Which label is matched with the correct structure? A. Structure A: lipoprotein B. Structure B: O polysaccharide C. Structure C: teichoic acids D. Structure D: capsule E. Structure E: S later

D. Structure D: capsule **check to see of correct**

False regarding microbial numbers (4)

Disinfection is a sterilization process Sanitation is the complete killing of all cells, viruses and spores from food preparation surfaces Sterilization methods target only pathogens

13) BONUS A‐E represent different catabolic pathways that yield energy from the oxidation of an energy source. The electron donors in A‐E are oxidized; the electrons from these donors are ultimately transferred to a final electron acceptor as shown below. Assuming light energy were not part of the process, which of these reactions would represent chemoautotrophy (i.e., lithotrophy)? A) Glucose --> O2 B) H2O --> NADP+ C) Glucose --> Pyruvate D) Glucose --> NO3- E) H2S --> O2

E) H2S --> O2

3) Which is false regarding bacterial endospores? A) Forespore development precedes formation of a mature endospore B) Endospore‐forming bacteria: Genus Bacillus and genus Clostridium C) Are highly resistant to heat, radiation, and chemical treatment D) Endospore formation is induced by chemical, physical, or nutritional stress. E) None of A‐D is false

E) None of A‐D is false

11) What is not required for synthesis of ATP from an ATP synthase? A) a proton (H+) gradient B) an electron transport system C) a proton motive force D) ADP and Pi E) fermentation reactions F) all are required

E) fermentation reactions

12) Autotrophs exist among both eukaryotes and prokaryotes; each can vary in terms of how they capture energy to form ATPs, but they all have one very important feature in common that classifies them as autotrophs. What is a characteristic that varies among autotrophs? A) requirement for light B) requirement for oxygen C) requirement for carbon dioxide D) A, B, and C can all vary among autotrophs E) only two of A, B, and C can vary among autotrophs

E) only two of A, B, and C can vary among autotrophs

Which of the following would occur if a motile bacterium were moving towards an attractant? A. a lower frequency of cw rotation of flagella B. a greater frequency of ccw rotation of flagella C. an increase in the frequency of tumbles D. A, B, and C are correct E. A and B are correct F. B and C are correct

E. A and B are correct a lower frequency of cw rotation with a greater frequency of ccw rotation of flagella

Which of the following is a micronutrient for bacterial growth? A. carbon B. nitrogen C. sulfur D. phosphorous E. nickel

E. Nickel

Scenarios that represent a situation where a suspected disease-causing microbe is not consistent with one or more of Koch's postulates: A. The microbe is found in all patients with a particular disease B. Some healthy individuals possess the microbe C. The microbe can be isolated and grown in pure culture D. Injection of the microbe into an animal host does not produce disease symptoms E. Two of the above

E. Two of the above ^D for sure is not and most likely B

Which are true? A. Treatment of an infection by gram-positive bacteria can be problematic since their cell envelope contains endotoxin activity B. Mycobacterium species of bacteria contain peptidoglycan but also possess long chain mycolic acids that produce a think cell envelope C. For those Archaea that possess a cell wall, it is of the same structure/composition as in bacteria D. Mycoplasma species of bacteria do not contain peptidoglycan E. Two of the above are true

E. Two of the above are true ^Pretty sure D and maybe C?

5) Which is a false statement? A) Fermentation is the same as anaerobic respiration. B) Water is the source of electrons for oxygenic photosynthesis. C) Glycolysis supplies ATPs for fermentation. D) CO2 becomes oxidized during the light‐independent reactions. E) Oxygen becomes reduced during cellular respiration. F) two of the above are false statements

F) two of the above are false statements

T/F Antiseptics are of higher strength since they are used for cleaning of inanimate objects; disinfectants are used on living tissue such as would cleaning or surgical preparation


True regarding bacterial endospores (4)

Forespore development precedes formation of a mature endospore Endospore-forming bacteria: Genus Bacillus and Genus Clostridium Are highly resistant to heat, radiation, and chemical treatment Endospore formation is induced by chemical, physical, or nutritional stress

Aquatic bacteria able to grow and thrive in waters possessing very high salt concentrations (in excess of 10-15% NaCl) would be ______________, capable of withstanding severe _______________.

Halophiles Osmotic pressures

This photosynthesizers N2 --> NH3 reaction is compartmentalized due to its oxygen sensitivity. Which process is this?

Heterocyst formation in cyanobacteria

Picture of bacterial cell labelled A --> E Which label is correctly matched with its proper function or structure?

Label C: The plasmid

True regarding prokaryotes

Many have cell walls comprised of peptidoglycan, a sugar-peptide polymer Some of these members can live in extreme conditions of temperature, pH, or salt concentration

Pasteur's work with the French wine industry directly provided all of the following

Microbes are responsible for the chemical processes that produce wine Microbial growth and metabolism can occur in the absence of air The formation of acetic acid during wine production was due to the presence of contaminating microbes

Valid conclusions and/or outcomes of Pasteur's experiment refuting the theory of spontaneous generation?

Microorganisms are ubiquitous The development of aseptic techniques when working with microbial cultures Living cells can only come from pre-existing cells

What are prions?

Misfolded versions of a normal protein -also infectious agent consisting of a self-replicating protein with no detectable nucleic acids

Shows a bacterial cell --Which pairing is correct

The capsule would be found external to this -- G (one of last layers on outside of cell)

True statements regarding microbes (4)

The common cold virus is not considered and emerging infectious disease (EID) The evolution of cyanobacteria allowed for the later evolution of cells with an aerobic metabolism The ancestors of modern-day bacteria date back to around 3.8 billion years ago Though changes were made later, the Kingdom Protista was originally formed to contain all microorganisms

True regarding the normal microbial inhabitants (i.e. microbiota) of your body (5)

The quantity of microbes in and on your body exceeds that of your own cells It is not uncommon for some members of the human population to be perfectly healthy and free of disease symptoms, yet still carry a deadly pathogen Most of the members of our microbiota either provide a benefit to us or do us no harm Under certain conditions, some members of your microbiota is probably those found in the intestines

False regarding prokaryotes

There is only one large taxonomic grouping (i.e. domain) of prokaryotes

Winogradsky and Beijerinck discovered the lithotrophic bacteria. The following is false concerning this group (1)

They are a type of heterotrophic bacteria

Which is false concerning catalase, SOD, and peroxidase enzymes?

They are found in all bacteria

True statements concerning catalase, SOD, and peroxidase enzymes (4)

They help to protect cells from the damage caused by reactive oxygen species (superoxide radical, hydroxyl radical) An obligate aerobe typically has all of these enzymes Facultative anaerobes would possess some or all of these protective enzymes Aerotolerant anaerobes would possess some or all of these protective enzymes

Winogradsky and Beijerinck discovered the lithotrophic bacteria. The following is true concerning this group (4)

They typically use carbon dioxide as a carbon source They can utilize compounds such as hydrogen or ammonia as sources of energy They are only found among the prokaryotes They have an important role in the functioning of ecosystems

True statements regarding the glycolysis pathway

Two pyruvate molecules are generated ATP molecules are generated via substrate-level phosphorylation It does not require oxygen to operate ATP's are used in the beginning of glycolysis

Microbes include members of the following groups

algae and protozoa viruses archaea and fungi bacteria

The components of peptidoglycan

amino acids N-acetylmuramic acid N-acetylglucosamine peptide cross-links

Viruses are characterized

as obligate intracellular parasites

Potential virulence factors for pathogens (3)

capsule fimbriae flagella

"Runs" and "tumbles" are associated with

flagellar motion of a motile prokaryotic cell

You analyze a sample of Martian soil and determine there are microscopic, unicellular organisms that possess a nucleus, cannot photosynthesize, and are heterotrophs. You can be reasonably certain that these are very similar to members of the


Not true about a spirochete

has a corkscrew motion due to the action of numerous flagella surrounding the exterior of the cell

Ultimately, the purpose of a respiration, either aerobic or anaerobic, is to harness the energy from electron transfers via redox reactions to

maintain a proton gradient across a membrane

An attenuated strain of a pathogenic bacteria or virus provided to a person

may prevent disease in the individual by later exposure to a more virulent form of the strain

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