Exam 2

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For April of 2001, natural gas prices averaged $5.191 per million btu. In april of 2000, natural gas prices averaged $3.27 per million btu. If an average home consumes 100 million btu's of energy over the course of one winter for heating, how much more did it cost to heat the home in year 2001?


What percentage of the total fleet of vehicles on the road today in the U.S. is responsible for emitting 35% of all hydrocarbon emissions coming from vehicle tailpipes?

1% of the dirtiest cars are responsible for 35% of the total tailpipe emissions in the U.S.

Total US proven reserves of crude oil are 22,446 million barrels. Estimated production (extraction) was 1,915 million barrels per year (DIVIDE #S)

12 years (22,446/1,915) = 11.72 yrs

Overall, the U.S. economy consumes nearly how many million barrels of crude oil per day?


Russia: production (in thousand barrels per day) = 7,500 reserves (billion barrels) = 50 approximately how many years will the crude oil supply of Russia last given current reserves and production?

18 years

Many countries have 50% of the population or more owning a car. Thus in 2000 the U.S population had 80% of vehicle ownership.During what year did the US achieve the 50% level?


The Transportation sector is heavily dependent on petroleum. Approximately how much of the total oil consumed in the United States is solely dedicated to the Transportation sector?

2/3 (66%) (more than 50%) 2/3 of the oil consumed in the United States is used to fuel our vehicles!!! Very little oil is used for electricity (3%), the rest makes fuel oil, petrochemicals, coke, etc. Please also note that *oil supplies 97% of our transportation fuel* (biomass and methane contribute to the rest).

Carbon = 12 grams/mole Hydrogen = 1 gram/mole What is the molecular weight of octadecane? (hint: Determine how many carbon and hydrogen atoms are in octadecane first)

254 grams

What percentage did coal contribute to the total fossil fuel consumption? total fossil fuel consumption = 83.9% coal contributed = 22.4%


On average, each person in the US uses approximately how many gallons of crude oil per day?


As of 2008, the top 5 world oil producers were China, Iran, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and United States. Where do you think U.S. ranks?

3 US is the 3rd largest oil producer in 2006. Saudi Arabia was the 1st. There is oil in many locations around the world although the high quality crudes are not as well dispersed. The MiddleEast now produces almost 30 % of the World crude oil supply.

In 2001, all of South and Central America produced 7,000,000 barrels of crude oil per day. During that same time period, the United States consumed 19,633,000 barrels of crude oil per day. How many days worth of production would it take ALL of South and Central America to satisfy the consumption of the United States for one

3 days

What is the share of oil to our total energy?


how much of the world's crude oil supplies are produced by OPEC?


How many gallons of crude oil is there in a barrel?

42 U.S. gallons When first found, oil had to be transported to market in wagons over rough roads. There was spillage and losses from evaporation in the Summer so out of about 50 gallons only 42 reached the market. Now we no longer use barrels but it is still the measure of volume used.

98% of all transportation fuel is produced from petroleum. What percentage of petroleum is used to produce transportation fuels?

50% - of all the petroleum refined in the U.S., half goes toward producing transportation fuels. Other products include lube oils, heating oils, feedstocks for plastics industry, etc.

What percentage of a barrel of crude oil is converted into gasoline in the U.S.?

50% - the other 50% goes into producing coke, asphalt, heating oil, diesel, jet fuel, kerosene, and light fractions (butane/propane/methane)

The number 5.00 x 10^5 is equivalent to what number?


If Iraq is unable to supply oil, thus cutting the supply of Iraqi oil to the US, what percentage of the total oil imports will be lost?

6% Approximately 6% of the US oil is imported from Iraq. This is equivalent to approximately 600,000 barrels of oil per day! This is probably too high now with the problems Iraq is having exporting oil.

Iran: production (thousand barrels per day) = 4,000 reserves (billion barrels) = 100 approximately how many years will the crude oil supply of Iran last given current reserves and production?

60 years

The carbon content of a typical crude oil will range between...

80% to 90% (typically they range from 84% carbon to 89% carbon). The remainder is hydrogen 10%-15% and small amounts of sulfur, nitrogen, and oxygen

What percentage of the transportation market is fueled by oil?


How do you find the molecular weight of something?



A material which links fossil fuels to organic matter

Crude oil

A naturally occurring complex mixture of mostly hydrocarbons

Ways to modify a vehicle in order to increase fuel efficiency (miles per gallon):

A) Decrease Drag (wind resistance) B) Decrease Mass C) Replace The Gasoline Engine with a Diesel Engine D) Decrease Rolling Resistances and Friction in The Vehicle E) Operating with Proper Tire Pressures

Green atoms are carbon and blue atoms are hydrogen in this image.

Alkane (paraffin)

What type of molecule is long and looks like a zig zag with bumps?

Alkane (paraffin) CnH2n+2.

Structural trap

An impermeable layer such as a salt cap. As the oil and natural gas moves through porous rocks if it meets an impermeable layer then it is stuck and the maturation process continues

Why is the Corvette made out of fiberglass?

As Force = mass x acceleration Reducing the mass allows for better acceleration

A refinery process called cracking creates desirable sized molecules by way of breaking larger molecules into smaller ones: Note this is an example of the cracking process. It is not the same as the molecule used in the question. Assuming that one larger molecule is broken into two smaller molecules, what would the chemical composition of the product be if: - The initial large molecule to be cracked was dodecane (C12H26), and - One of the cracked products was propane (C3H8)


Which group was the first to discover underground deposits of oil and gas?

Chinese - They were using natural gas well before Christ was born

In a typical distillation column, the light ends come off from the top. At the top of the column, what is the temperature relative to the rest of the column?

Coolest A heater is placed at the bottom of the column. The compounds with the lowest boiling points evaporate and travel up (vapor has a lower density than a liquid, thus rise). As the vapor rises, it cools (heat is supplied at the bottom). Eventually it is cooled sufficiently to convert back to a liquid. At this point the compounds are taken out of the column. Thus at the top of the column, the lightest components are taken off.

Which of the following points on the ternary diagram shown below correspond to a crude oil with the following composition: Paraffin = 60% Naphthalene = 20% Aromatic = 20%

D point (almost lowest point)

Most cargo boats (ships) use what type of fuel to power their engines?

Diesel or fuel oil - diesel fuel contains a higher energy content per unit mass than gasoline

Besides the West Coast being in an isolated location for shipment of oil and the fact that consumption growth is faster than capacity growth, why is the cost of West Coast gasoline so much higher? (also Hawaii)

Environmental regulations force the west coast to use a special reformulated gasoline. As environmental regulations increase the need for cleaner gasoline are necessary. In order to make gasoline cleaner, refiners must further process the gasoline, which costs huge amount of money to the refinery and the cost is passed down to the consumer. We must decide if we want a cleaner environment or cheaper gasoline. Hawaii is another location with very high gasoline prices (transportation cost has been included)

What are the advantages of driving gasoline powered vehicles?

Existing infrastructure, existing technology, public appearance

According to the current US Energy Overview, President Bush proposes to decrease the use of alternative and renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, biomass, and geothermal energy and provides additional funds for the safe closure of nuclear energy generating

FALSE. The current plan is to expand the use of renewable and alternative energy sources along with the safe expansion of nuclear energy

According to the current US Energy Overview, President Bush does not discuss any proposals to provide temporary income tax credits for the purchase of new hybrid electric and fuel cell vehicles. T or F?

False *delete*

Where was the first natural gas well dug?

Fredonia, New York

What is the name of the tax imposed upon vehicles which do not meet specified fuel economy targets?

Gas Guzzler Tax - Depending on the specific fuel economy of the vehicle, a tax is assigned. For example, vehicles that fall into the 21.5 to 22.4 range are taxed an additional $1,000 onto the manufacturer's retail price.

Qualities of an old-deep crude oil

HIGH paraffins, LOW viscosity, LOW density, LIGHT honey color, SWEET odor, LOW sulfur content

Does PA have a high or low State Tax on Gasoline?

High tax - 44.7

The highest quality crude oil has what color?

Honey. A light crude oil is typically one of higher quality.

Gasification is an environmentally friendly choice.

It is a process that converts organic or fossil fuel based carbonaceous materials into carbon monoxide, hydrogen and carbon dioxide

Natural gas as a transport fuel is not pollution free.

It is cleaner than gasoline and many of the other fuel options but it is NOT pollution free.

Gasoline prices are dependent on crude oil costs.

It is not the majority of the cost, but crude oil costs are about 40% of the gasoline cost.

Why are cities heavily polluted?

Lots of vehicle traffic and vehicle pollution. Gasoline and diesel vehicles do not help because the emissions of many vehicles are released in the same location.

An electric vehicle has zero emissions but it is not pollution free

Most of the electricity is fossil fuel generated, so there will be air pollution, just not from the electric car

Boom Type Barrier

Oil spill containment equipment - used to contain the oil, thus preventing it from further spreading in the water. This device consists of an above water barrier and a "skirt" which provides an underwater barrier. This is very useful in calm waters.

Formation of crude oil requires a long period of time and some certain conditions. Which do you think is undesirable for the formation at the bottom of the sea/lake?

Oxygen The formation of crude oil occurs with the presence of no or little oxygen because aerobic decay, which requires oxygen should be prevented during the process.

The process of "desalination"

Removing the salt water from the crude oil -Crude oil in the ground is typically found along with a reservoir of salt water. When extracted both the crude & brine (salt water) are extracted. This needs to be removed prior to refining in order to prevent corrosion of the material (plus water doesn't burn very well).

Containment Wall

Required by law to be installed to help minimize the effect of a spill or leak from the tank

Natural gas prices spiked in 2001. What triggered this?

Rolling blackouts in California. The lack of electricity in CA caused an increase in natural gas usage (as both an alternative energy source and to generate supplemental electricity). This increase in demand resulted in a spike in Natural gas price.

The main reason for the U.S. to have Strategic Petroleum Reserve is what? (should not be used for price adjustments)

So they will have a supply of oil that can run the country for 90 days in case of a national emergency and imported oil supplies are cut off.

What is OPEC's view on why oil prices are so high?

Taxes placed on the oil by the nations consuming the oil - taxes place by the U.S.

Burning hydrogen in air is not pollution free

The high temperature of the flames produces NOx.

A methane hydrate molecule is a methane molecule enclosed inside of an ice crystal.

The known reserves of methane are much larger than the known reserves of traditional natural gas- hydrates contain significantly more methane than known to exist traditionally

A paraffinic hydrocarbon (straight chain) typically does not have more hydrogen atoms than a branched hydrocarbon with the same number of carbon atoms

There are CH3 structures but they are balanced with the CH structures and so the average of the non-chain ends in CH2 (same as a straight chain)

Where was the first operational oil well located at in this country? (it's now a state park called drake well)

Titusville, PA

Why is the Alaskan pipeline not straight?

To allow for expansion - the oil out of the ground is warm

Why do jet airplanes fly at high altitudes (on the order of 30,000 feet or greater)?

To take advantage of low density air, thus allowing the plane to travel more efficiently. Flying through air of lower density allows the plane to experience less "resistance" of drag.

Gasification involves the production of a synthesis gas (carbon monoxide and hydrogen) which is then either 1) combusted to produce heat and products, or 2) recombined to produce a variety of products including ultra-clean fuels.


High quality crude oils have a low viscosity and low quality crude oils have a high viscosity.


In the energy overview, President Bush proposed the authorization by congress for exploration and development of ANWR (Artic National Wildlife Refuge) resources, providing there is no significant adverse impacts.


President Bush proposes to provide tax incentives for using renewable energy sources such as wind generated electricity (providing a 1.7 cent per kWhr tax credit) (thus not being as dependent on foreign energy sources).


Diesel engines do NOT contain spark plugs.

True *radio ppl can't be tracked*

If you generate electricity via a fuel cell using hydrogen as the fuel cell, it is pollution free.


More people are telecommuting to work, true or false?


Which South American country is a member of OPEC?


The United States imports oil from the United Kingdom

You import some of our North Sea crude. Unfortunately these fields are going to run out of the extractable portion of the crude oil (about 30% of the in ground oil can be extracted) in the next 15 years or so.

What is an example of a biomarker?

a porphrin ring found in a crude oil A porphrin ring directly connects the crude oil to plant material where the porphrin ring was originated.

Resources are the deposits that are known to exist. Reserves are the deposits which are actually being produced. What is required for resources to be converted to reserves?

a rise in oil prices or an advance in technology

How much of the proven oil reserves are under OPEC's control?

about 3 quarters (~78%)

which is the most popular method of getting to work? car, train/subway, bus, walking


Oil and natural gas are naturally occurring chemicals made up of what?

carbon and hydrogen

In a typical carbon cycle, plants grow by way of sunlight. when these plants die, the organic material decays and is converted into what?

carbon dioxide

What is NOT used to find crude oil reserves?


In the energy overview, President Bush proposes to use waste wood from saw mills and paper plants as a source of renewable energy. This biomass will be used to generate electricity. true or false?


According to the current U.S. Energy Overview, President Bush proposes decreases in funding for energy efficiency programs and consumer conservation programs, true or false?

false **DELETE**

In the energy overview, President Bush proposes to use natural gas as a source of nuclear energy to help increase national security, true or false?

false- natural gas is a fossil fuel not a source of nuclear energy

Is natural gas a fossil fuel or a source of nuclear energy?

fossil fuel **DELETE**

What is the main reason for the U.S. to have a Strategic Petroleum Reserve?

it is a supply of oil that can run the country for 90 says in case of a national emergency and imported oil supplies are cut off **DELETE**

Natural gas consists primarily of what?


What region has the largest petroleum reserves?

middle east

Some city buses are switching from the typical diesel to compressed natural gas. why?

no soot means longer engine life

If you were searching for a crude oil reserve, what would signify that oil may be near?

reservoir rock, faults and folds, source rock, a seep, structural traps

When looking at a map of the Arab Emirates, to which side is the Persian Gulf?

the right side

President Bush proposes to provide tax incentives for using renewable energy sources such as wind generated electricity (providing a 1.7 cent per kWhr tax credit).


The bulk of government subsidies for energy development DO NOT go to the oil and natural gas industry, true or false?


Sniffers, magnometers, gravity meters, air guns, radar, satellites, geophones

used to find crude oil reserves

Primary production may produce 10-15% of the total reserve. afterwards a technique called secondary production is used. this involves what?

water or stream injection Many times the brine produced from the extraction will be separated and injected back into the well. The saltwater produced by the well or other water (such as municipal (drinking) water) can be pumped down into the reservoir. The oil being less dense than the water floats on top and is thus forced into the well bore of the production pipe. Utilizing water flooding perhaps an additional 10 % can be obtained.

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