Exam 2 His 102 ch21 ch 24

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Which of the following women is not properly paired with her reform activity?

Emma Goldman: work-related diseases and health hazards

A growing anti-business attitude during the first Hundred Days of the New Deal could be detected in which of the following programs?

Federal Securities Act

who was robert la follette

He was a progressive reformer who established policies that were labeled the Wisconsin Idea.

What was the purpose of the National Resources Planning Board?

It facilitated state and regional management of water, soil, timber, and minerals

Which of the following women was not a leader of the women-suffrage movement in the late 19th and/or early 20th centuries

Margaret Sanger

Which statement best represents the economic status of farm families during the 1930s?

Many farm families gave up because of debt and the drought

Which of the following agencies was created during the Hoover administration to help failing financial institutions and continued to be active through the New Deal years?

Reconstruction Finance Corporation

The Federal Reserve Act, signed into law by Woodrow Wilson, provided a banking system that was

centralized, with private banks that had no branches

Among the political changes that reformers wished to bring to state government during the early years of the twentieth century was

giving voters the power to enact laws directly

to a middle class reformer around 1910, which of the following statements would reveal the most about the morality of the movies

movies were typically shown in immigrant-district nickelodeons

which of the following was not an approach that Franklin Roosevelt used during the early years of his administration to fight the depression?

nationalization of the railroads and steel industry.

Which of the following was not true concerning the election of 1936?

Third-party candidates siphoned off an alarming number of Democratic votes

What did the Hepburn act of 1906 do?

empowered the ICC to set maximum railroad rates and to examine the financial records of railroads companies

Which of the following was not one of the causes for the growing split in the Republican party during the administration of william howard taft?

taft refused to pursue further antitrust causes

the mann act

the federal mann act made it illegal to transport a woman across a state line for "immoral purpose"

What did the Triangle Shirtwaist fire illustrate about the problems in American society?

the heavy toll that industrialization had taken on American life

W.E.B. Du Bois was the author of

the souls of black folk

Why did many progressives advocate restricting immigration to the United States?

they concluded that since the immigrant city bred problems, immigrants should be excluded

What did Booker T. Washington believe was the best way for blacks to improve their status in the US

they should accommodate themselves to segregation and disfranchisement while at the same time working hard and proving their economic value to society

Which of the following was not a goal of municipal reformers?

privatizing water, gas, and public transportation, for greater efficiency.

Which statement best describes Franklin Roosevelt's position concerning the Depression in the 1932 presidential campaign?

"He promised to end the depression but offered only vague plans describing how he was going to do it" New Deal stuff (a series of programs, public work projects, financial reforms, and regulations) expanding gov. role in promoting economic and social welfare

Food and Drugs Act

(Harrison Act) The original Food and Drugs Act is passed by Congress on June 30 and signed by President Theodore Roosevelt. It prohibits interstate commerce in misbranded and adulterated foods, drinks and drugs.

How did the National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act) influence the labor movement?

ALL OF THESE A. It guaranteed collective-bargaining rights B. It permitted closed shops C. It outlawed the practice of blacklisting union leaders D. It created the National Labor Relations Board

Which of the following is an accurate statement about unemployment during the New Deal?

As late as 1939 more than 17% of the labor force remained jobless

Birth of a Nation

Controversial but highly influential and innovative silent film directed by D.W. Griffith. It demonstrated the power of film propaganda and revived the KKK.

Benny Goodman was noteworthy because he

Created an integrated jazz orchestra that performed at Carnegie Hall

Which of the candidates in the 1912 presidential election advocated the most far-reaching changes for American society?

Eugene V. Debs

Which of the following examples of New Deal legislation is correctly paired with its purpose?

Fair Labor Standards Act: Banned child labor and set a national minimum wage

which of the following riders would not be considered a muckraker

Gifford Pinchot

Which of the following pieces of legislation was an attempt at campaign reform in the late 1930s?

Hatch Act

What did John Steinbeck describe in The Grapes of Wrath?

He described the desperate struggles of an uprooted dust-bowl family

What happened to Roosevelt's "court-packing" plan?

He had to drop it but was able to replace four members of the Supreme Court who retired shortly thereafter

Which of the following was not one of Roosevelt's immediate responses to the banking crisis?

He nationalized the banks

Molly Dewson

Head of the Women's Division of the Democratic Party 1930s. Advocated for appointment of women to high level posts in government. She was instrumental in getting Frances Perkins appointed as labor secretary. She battled for equal power for women in government. She had been a leader in the NCL and an active lobbyist for the federal minimum wage. In 1933 she had a list of 100 women who deserved federal jobs, by 1935 at least 50 women had been appointed to federal jobs.

Which of the following was not true of the National Industrial Recovery Act

It limited workers' collective bargaining rights IT DID: 1. It embodied ideas of industrial self-regulation and business-government cooperation and drew on the idea of trade associations which had been promoted by Herbert Hoover. 2. It was declared unconstitutional 3. It appropriated $3.3 billion for heavy-duty government public-works programs to provide jobs and stimulate the economy 4. Under it, major industries drafted codes of "fair competition," setting production limits, prescribing wages and working conditions, and forbidding price cutting

Which of the following is not a true statement about the Farm Security Administration?

It organized programs to teach poor farmers new, more efficient agricultural techniques

Which group faced appalling labor conditions in California's agricultural regions?


Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

New Deal program that hired unemployed men to work on natural conservation projects

What did Eleanor Roosevelt see as her primary role as First Lady?

She wanted to serve as an observer for her husband and promote social reform

Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)

The Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) was a federal law passed in 1933 as part of U.S. president Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal. The law offered farmers subsidies in exchange for limiting their production of certain crops. The subsidies were meant to limit overproduction so that crop prices could increase

What feature of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 established the basic framework of federal agricultural policy for decades to come?

The government provided subsidies to producers of major farm commodities in return for cutting production

What was happened as a result of the 1906 "Brownsville Incident"

Theodore Roosevelt approved the dishonorable discharge of a regiment of black soldiers in Brownsville, Texas, because some members of the unit, goaded by racist taunts, had killed a local civilian

NLRA "closed shop"

guaranteed collective bargaining rights, permitted closed shops(all employees must join a union), and outlawed such management tactics as blacklisting union organizers

which of the following is the most accurate generalization about the attitudes of progressives toward African Americans

most progressives generally supported or tolerated segregated schools and housing, and restrictions on black voting rights

The Clayton Anti-Trust Act

placed more restrictions on business activities that could lead to the formation of a monopoly

Amusement parks were important to the urban poor because they

provided an opportunity for a brief escape from life in the tenements.

Urban planners and architects such as Daniel Burnham wanted to

rebuild the urban landscape with grand boulevards, imposing squares, monumental buildings, and extensive recreational facilities, and thereby restore the public's pride in metropolitan America

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