exam 2 -- KIN 258

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Why do men have a higher RMR?

-more muscle mass -larger in size


increase in muscle fiber size

one can increase RMR by:

increasing lean muscle mass

rate of improvement in weight training depends on _____ _____ ______

initial strength level

Exercise can be ___, ____, or ____. Isometric movements do not result in movement, whereas isotonic actions move a body part.

isotonic, isometric, isokinetic

The ____ the muscle, the ____ force is can produce.

larger, more

the greatest strength gains are made with a training program using ____ _____ and ____ ____ , whereas the greatest improvements in endurance are made using high repetitions and low resistance.

low repetitions, high resistance

one-rep max (1 RM) test

measurement of the maximum amount of weight that can be lifted at one time

motor unit

motor nerve and all of the muscle fibers it controls

Isotonic programs include exercises with ____ loads. Isometric training includes exercises in which a muscle contracts at a ___ ___ against an immovable object. Isokinetic exercises involve machines that govern the ___ ____ ___ during muscle contraction.

movable; fixed angle; speed of movement

fiber recruitment

process of involving more muscle fibers to increase muscular force

The _____ and _____ (or curl-up) tests are used to assess and evaluate muscular endurance.

push-up and sit-up

anabolic steroids

synthetic forms of the hormone testosterone


# of repetitions performed consecutively without stopping or resting

muscular strength

-ability of a muscle to generate maximal force -increasing muscular strength by exercise training will also increase muscle endurance

Muscle strength is defined as:

-ability of muscle/muscle group to generate maximal force

muscular endurance

-ability of muscles to generate force over and over again -training to improve muscular endurance does not significantly improve muscular strength

isometric strength-training program

-based on concept of contracting a muscle at a fixed angle against an immovable object, using an isometric muscle action -specific to joint angle at which the muscle group is trained

starter phase

-beginning phase of an exercise program -goal of this phase: to build base for further physical conditioning

intermediate fibers

-combination of characteristics found in slow- and fast- twitch fibers -contract rapidly, produce great force and resist fatigue because they have well-developed aerobic capacity -contract more quickly and produce more force than slow-twitch fibers, but contract more slowly and produce less force than fast-twitch fibers -i.e. chicken legs = dark meat, slow-twitch fibers (red); chicken breast = light meat, fast-twitch fibers (white)

fast-twitch fibers

-contract rapidly and generate great amounts of force, but fatigue quickly -low aerobic capacity, white in color -supplied by only a few capillaries -well equipped to produce ATP anaerobically, but only for short time -used during activities requiring rapid or forceful movement (jumping, sprinting, or weight lifting) -most easily damaged in strenuous exercise

slow-twitch fibers

-contract slowly and produce small amounts of force -fibers are highly resistant to fatigue -red or darker in color due to numerous capillaries that supply the fibers -capactiy to produce lg. quantities of adenosine triphosphate (ATP); suited for low-intensity, prolonged exercise (walking, slow jogging) -postural muscles composed primarily of slow-twitch fibers

What is thermic energy of food?

-energy expenditure that is required for digestion -when we eat, we burn calories -15% of daily energy expenditure

What is resting metabolic rate?

-energy that is needed in order to keep major organs working (heart, lungs and kidneys) -energy to keep body alive

What are factors effecting RMR?

-gender (RMR for men = 1700 KCals per day, women = 1300 KCals per day) -not taking into account PA or consumption of food

How does strength training influence resting met. rate?

-increase in muscle mass in relation to body fat -increase of 1 lb. of muscle elevates resting metabolism by approx. 2-3%; increase magnified w/ larger gains in muscle -5-lb. increase in muscle mass results in 10-15% increase in RMR -fat mass decreases as overall body weight and muscle mass increase

How do I increase my RMR?

-increase my muscle mass

resting energy expenditure (resting metabolic rate)

-increased strength training = increased RMR -energy required to drive the heart and respiratory muscles and to build and maintain body tissues -elevated met. rate allows body to burn more calories throughout the day; lower met. rate burns fewer calories, leading to weight gain

slow progression phase

-second phase of an exercise program -goal of this phase: to increase muscle strength beyond the starter phase

maintenance phase

-third phase of an exercise program -goal of this phase: to maintain the increase in strength obtained during the first two phases


-used to increase testosterone in the body -anti-aging and weight loss supplement capable of improving libido, vitality, and immunity levels -masculinization of women

What is physical activity?

-walking to class or around your apartment -55-60% of daily energy expenditure -three types: occupational, lifestyle, and leisure

The ____ ____ ____ can be used to evaluate muscular strength.

1 RM test

What are some benefits of strength training?

1. reduces low back pain, 2. reduces incidence of exercise related injuries, 3. decreases incidence of osteoporosis, 4. helps maintain functional capacity that normally decreases with age, 5. improves a muscle's resting energy expenditure

Two physiological factors determining amount of force that a muscle can generate:

1. size of the muscle, and 2. number of fibers recruited during the contraction

What are the three components of daily energy expenditure?

1. thermic effect of food 2. physical activity 3. resting metabolic rate

On average, if you gain 1 lb. of muscle you will elevate your RMR by:


Weight lifters should take protein or other supplements to get bigger faster.

FALSE. Buying supplements such as protein powders or pills is mostly a waste of your hard-earned funds. Although athletes do need slightly higher amounts of protein than less active people, their needs can easily be met through a healthy diet, so supplements are unnecessary.

Muscle turns to fat if you don't use it regularly.

FALSE. Fat and muscle are two different types of tissue, and one cannot convert to the other. However, if you stop exercise and consume more calories than you expend, you may build up more fat tissue, and you will probably notice it in your physical appearance.

Strength training is important only when you are young.

FALSE. Muscle strength and endurance are needed throughout the lifespan. Strength training for older individuals has been shown to help prevent falls and allow for independent living.

Increasing muscle endurance will always increase muscle strength.

FALSE. The intensity and number of exercises you do to improve muscular endurance will not necessarily improve muscular strength.

Women who lift weights will quickly develop "bulky" muscles.

FALSE. The male sex hormone testosterone affects muscle size. With the same amount of training, men will gain more muscle mass than women because they produce more testosterone.

In the context of strength and endurance training, the ____ ___ means you need to progressively increase the amount of resistance with which you train.

PRE principle


a type of exercise where there is movement of a body part; most exercise or sport skills are isontic exercise (dynamic exercise)

Resting energy expenditure is:

a.) amount of energy produced during resting or sedentary activities such as building and maintaining body tissues b.) aka resting metabolic rate (RMR)

muscular endurance is defined as:

ability of a muscle or muscle group to generate a submaximal force repeatedly

eccentric muscle action

action in which the muscle develops tension as it lengthens while controlling the movement with gravity; aka negative work

concentric muscle action

action in which the muscle develops tension as it shortens against resistance and/or gravity; aka positive work

range of motion

amount of movement possible at a joint

progressive resistance exercise (PRE)

application of the overload principle to strength and endurance exercise programs

Early in a weight-training program, women gain strength _____ ______ as men

as quickly

strength training promotes positive changes in _______ and _____

body composition and flexibility

Valsava maneuver

breath holding during an intense muscle contraction; can reduce blood flow to the brain and cause dizziness and fainting

specificity of training

concept that the development of muscular strength and endurance, as well as cardiorespiratory endurance, is specific to both the muscle group and the training intensity

To reduce the possibility of injury, the ___ ____ ___ ___ can be performed instead of the 1 RM test.

estimated 1 RM test

Slow-twitch fibers shorten slowly but are ____ resistant. Fast-twitch muscle fibers shorten quickly but fatigue rapidly. _____ fibers shorten quickly but fatigue slowly.

fatigue; intermediate

The process of involving more muscle fibers to produce increased muscular force is called ____ _____.

fiber recruitment


fibrous connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone

push-up test

fitness test designed to evaluate endurance of shoulder and arm muscles

More intense types of exercise require more _____. To generate this force, a greater number of ___ ____ must be made to contract.

force; muscle fibers

number and percentage of skeletal muscle fiber types are strongly influenced by _____.


on average, one would expect a man to have a RMR _____ a female's RMR.

greater than

muscle size increases primarily because of _________

hypertrophy (increase in size of muscle fibers)


increase in number of muscle fibers

low resistance + high repetitions =

increased muscular endurance

high resistance + low repetitions =

increased muscular strength

As the exercise intensity ____, fibers are progressively ____, from slow-twitch to intermediate fibers and finally to ____ fibers.

increases; recruited; fast-twitch

The ____ of training will determine whether the muscular adaptation is primarily an increase in strength or in endurance.


The ____ __ _____ determines whether you primarily increase muscular strength or endurance. ___ ___ training will increase muscle strength and size; low-intensity training will increase muscular endurance.

intensity of training; high-intensity

isotonic programs

involve contracting a muscle against a movable load (usually a free weight or weights on weight machine)

isokinetic program

involved concentric or eccentric muscle actions performed at a constant speed (isokinetic refers to constant speed of mmt.)

Isometric exercise involves ___ ____ ____. Isotonic and isokinetic exercises use ___ ____ (muscle shortens) and ____ _____ (muscle lengthens).

isometric muscle actions; concentric actions, eccentric actions

The _____ system provides energy (ATP) for low to moderate activities lasting longer than 2 minutes.


The ______ system provides energy (ATP) for high intensity activities lasting 0-10s.


muscle action

shortening of a skeletal muscle (causing movement; concentric) or the lengthening of a skeletal muscle (resisting movement; eccentric)

Skeletal muscle actions are regulated by ____ coming from motor nerves. A ____ ____ consists of a motor nerve and all the ___ ____ it controls.

signals; motor unit

What is skill level determined by?

strength and endurance of the muscles

Skeletal muscle is composed of various types of fibers that are attached to bone by ____.


sit-up test

test to evaluate abdominal and hip muscle endurance

curl-up test

test to evaluate abdominal muscle endurance


thin layer of connective tissue surrounding the muscle


type of exercise in which muscular tension is developed but the body part does not move; aka static exercise


type of exercise including concentric or eccentric muscle actions performed at a constant speed using a speciliazed machine


used to increase blood testosterone with the intent to increase strength, lean body mass, and sexual performance

Muscle fiber recruitment is regulated ___ through the nervous system. We decide how much effort to put into a particular movement.


By understanding which types of fibers are used for various exercises, you will better understand __________________________________.

why you are working a particular muscle, or muscle group, in a particular way

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