Exam 2 Lifespan

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family function - PERAS

Physical Economical Reproductive Affective and coping Socialization

Buddhism and healthcare practices

"the great physician" 4 noble truths. the real cause of human suffering is ignorant cravings -does not condone taking lives of any form -accepts modern science

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

(level 1) Physiological Needs, (level 2) Safety and Security, (level 3) Relationships, Love and Affection, (level 4) Self Esteem, (level 5) Self Actualization


Cultural transmission the gradual acquisition of the characteristics and norms of a culture or group by a person, another culture, etc.cultural transmission from adults to children

Whats to do to restore health

-pre and postoperative teaching - lifestyle couseling for someone with a osteomy

Teaching learning process - Assessing

-readiness to learn -education level -use appropriate sources


-sexual partners, not married to each other, but residing in the same household, financial need, or changing values.

Adolescent age group

-similar to adults, teaching resembles same as adults -uses peer group, recognize the need for independence, establish trusting relationship.

Cognitive learning

-storing or recalling of new knowledge in the brain. ex: patient explains how insulin works in glucose levels

Single Parent family

Maybe due to separation, divorce, widowed, or never married

Teaching learning process - Planning

- SMART - specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timetable goals -form verbal or written contract

Teaching learning process - Evaluate

- evaluate teaching, make sure they understand, able to demonstrate, and include changes in confidence. -renew plan if outcome not met

toddlers and preschoolers (2 - 5 years)

- may have some understanding of medical test, but teaching is still directed towards the parents -often eager to demonstrate skill taught and ask questions. use simple words and keep things short because of short attention spand

Adult learners (andragogy)

- self concept of independent -experiences are rich for learning resource -readiness to learn is associated with developmental task or social role -think materials should be ready immediately

What are somethings that affect patient learning?

-Age and developmental level ( piagets theory of intellectual development) - must consider patients maturation, psychosocial development, and cognitive development. -Family support and financial -cultural influences and language deficits - dont let family translate critical information -health literacy - knowledge of health info

school age children (6 - 12 years )

-Capable of logical reasoning and should be included in the teaching - learning process whenever possible -Use clear explanations and reasons for procedures, stated in a simple and logical way, they are open to new experiecnes

Teaching learning process - Diagnose

-Learning needs, validate patient and family through questionnaires, checklist, and conversation, make REALISTIC

Ways to maintain and promote health wellness

-Teaching passive exercises to L sided weakness patient. -Designing safe exercises program for young athlete. -Teach good nutrition to group of young middle school

What is the basic purpose of teaching and couseling

-To help patients and families develop self care abilities. -Teaching provides the knowledge that patients need to make informed health care decisions and implement a care plan

Nuclear family (traditional)

-a family consisting of a father and mother and their biological children -could also be composed of adoptive parents/kids, surrogate parents/kids, or stepparents/kids

Average amount of sleep for teens, children, adults, infants, toddlers,

-adult: 7-9 -older adults have weird sleep patterns 7-8 -infants : 12 - 15 -toddlers : 11-14 -preschoolers: 11-13 -school age 6-13 -teens : 8-10

Teaching learning process - implementing

-be flexible -short sessions 15 - 30 mins -give important info first -assess patient comfort level and empower them

Ways to prevent illness

-counseling preggo about health to promote fetus health -Teaching parents how to make home safe for kids -preventive screenings for high risk disease pts. first aid, safety, immunization, screening, id and management of risk factors

Older adult

-identify learning barriers (visual, hearing def. etc) -successful plans may take extra time, accommodate for sensory deficits, and reduction of environmental distractions -always good to have family member in for teaching session.

Psychomotor learning

-learning a new physical skill -integrates mental and muscular activity ex: demonstrates how to administer insulin

Nursing as a teacher key concepts

-listen to your patients and family -Every interaction is an opportunity to teach -Keep education patient-centered (holistic) -Teaching begins at first patient encounter


A federal and state assistance program that pays for health care services for people who cannot afford them. any age, disability, low income. You must be a US citizen, satisfactory immigrant, or resident of the state


A federal program of health insurance for persons 65 years of age and older and fully disabled workers and their dependents if they qualify for SS DRG(diagnosis related groups - classified based on major medical diagnosis to control the rise of healthcare costs. gives the hospital a fixed amount based on diagnosis/procedure

islam and healthcare practices

Allah, on god, is only one, all powerful, must pray 5 pillars -obligatory prayer, holy days , ramadan, almsgiving -eating pork and drinking alcohol is forbidden -some women not allowed to make decisions, man has to be around sometimes if consent is sought

Healthy People 2020

Attain high-quality, longer lives free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death. Achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups. Create social and physical environments that promote good health for all. Promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviors across all life stages.


Believe in the person's choice and God's sovereignty. The body is believed to be the temple of the Holy Spirit.

BETTER model

Bring up the topic of sexuality Explain that you are concerned with all aspects of patients' lives Tell patient that sexual dysfunction can happen; that you will address their concerns Timing is important to address sexuality with each visit Educate patients about the side effects of their treatments Record your assessment and interventions in the patients' medical record

palliative care

Care designed not to treat an illness but to provide physical and emotional comfort to the patient and support and guidance to his or her family. evolved from hospice experience . not restricted to the end of life and begins at the time of the diagnosis. holistic approach

Dyadic family

Couples who choose not to have children


Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act. is a federal law that regardless of insurance situation or ability to pay in an emergency, they should be treated and stabilized

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)

Goal: decrease the number of uninsured , expand coverage, control health care costs, and improve health care delivery system, provides medicaid, provides the health insurance marketplace, help people find insurance that cost fit.

Patient education

Influencing patients behavior for better health, less hospitalization, patient education must be ongoing and interactive and involved everyone.


P=Permission to discuss this with a client LI=limited information SS=specific suggestions IT=intensive therapy

Blended Family

Parents bring home unrelated children from previous relationships together to form a new family

Blended family

Parents bring home unrelated children from previous relationships together to form a new family

Primary level of healthcare

Prevention: treatment fo common health problems. Immunizations, physicals, education, risk assessment, these can be done at Health department, planned parenthood etc.

Secondary level of healthcare

Screening:treatment of problems that involve more specialized clinical expertise. mammogram, pap smear, colonoscopy, prevent complications, provide treatment in early stages.

Tertiary level of healthcare

Treatment: management of rare or complex disorders. treatment of an established disease to prevent further damage. to restore and rehabilitate to decrease suffering and long term disability.

extended family

a family that extends beyond the nuclear family, including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other relatives, who all live nearby or in one household.

Family definition

a group of people who live together and depend on one another for physical, emotional, and financial support


a home providing care for the sick, especially the terminally ill.

respite care

a type of care provided for caregivers of homebound ill, disabled, or elderly patients

Piaget Formed operations

ability to use logical reasoning to solve problems


an action is right or wrong independent of its consequences


anything that pertains to a person's relationship with a nonmaterial life force or higher power

aggressive eye contact

asian, native americans, indochinese, arabs, and appalachians.

why is there a growing number of healthcare needs?

baby boomers are getting old and retiring. baby boomers are a massive population getting older

cultural sensitivity

being aware that cultural differences exist and have an effect on values, learning, and behavior.

personal space for arabic and africans

being close is ok

Chinese americans view on illness

caused by imbalance of yin and yang that may be due to overexertion, prolonged sitting or lying in bed. amulets worn or hung over door prevent illness, jade charms worn prevent harm or accident

Affective learning

changes in attitudes, values and feelings ex: pt expresses renewed self-confidence after physical therapy

Who benefits the most from preventive programs ?


Dyadic nuclear

couple chooses not to have children

values and beliefs

developed unconsciously since childhood. They are a continuum and continue to develop throughout the lifespan.

Judaism and healthcare

devine revelation and with commitment to obedience to gods will. Hebrew bible is their guide -special needs in diet, m/f contact, death -no treatment or procedures on sabbath

African americans view on illness

due to a state of disharmony caused by spirits or demons. can be prevented by eating 3 meals a day , rest and clean environment, copper and silver bracelets worn by females to prevent illness

personal space for europeans, asians

farther away


female head of the family

preconventional morality

first level of Kohlberg's stages of moral development in which the child's behavior is governed by the consequences of the behavior

What is the nurse legally responsible for when it comes to ADPIE?

for charting that teaching has occurred, patient learned the material and the teaching was successful.

Native Americans view on illness

illness may be price for something in the past or yet to occur. does not believe in germ theory

Cultural beliefs

influence how people make decisions about the treatment , medication adherence, self care, perceptions of illness, which in turn affects the delivery of healthcare

isometric exercise

involves muscle contraction without shortening (no movement or very little movement ex: movement of quads or glutes)

isotonic exercise

involves muscle shortening and active movement ex: swimming, walking , and jogging

Acute condition

less than 6 months

Hispanics view on illness

may be a punishment from god for wrongdoing, result from bad luck, evil eye, envy, fright

single parent family

maybe do to separation, divorce, widowed or never married

Chronic condition

more than 6 months

isokinetic exercise

muscle contrations with resistence ex: lifting weights, rehab movements for elbows or knees


one who holds that nothing can be known about the existence of a higher power


organized system of beliefs about a higher power; often includes set forms of worship, spiritual practices, and codes of conduct. -provides guidance in responding to lifes challenges, share sense of community


person who denies the existence of a higher power


process of adapting and accepting the culture as ones culture: the shared system of values, beliefs, and behavioral expectations that provides a social structure for daily living Acculturation: the process of adapting to and integration characteristics of the dominant culture as ones own Assimilation: process of adapting and accepting the culture as ones own

conventional morality

second level of Kohlberg's stages of moral development in which the child's behavior is governed by conforming to the society's norms of behavior


sexual partners, not married to each other, but residing in the same household. could be from any age group


similar to ethics -usually refers to private personal standard, right or wrong, word ought, should, good, bad and awareness of feelings of guilt

Infant (birth to 1 year)

teaching is directed toward the parents


the male head of a family or tribe


the process of learning culture - cultural transmission


the rightness or wrongness of an action depends on the consequences of the action

Jehovahs witnesses and healthcare practices

they oppose the "false teaching" of other sects, opposition often extends to modern science, including medicine. -NO blood transfusions, violates gods law -no tobacco or alcohol -courts have no approved the restriction of life threatening treatment on parents will

postconventional morality

third level of Kohlberg's stages of moral development in which the person's behavior is governed by moral principles that have been decided on by the individual and that may be in disagreement with accepted social norms

whats the role of family?

to help meet the basic human needs of its members while also meeting the needs of society

What is the ultimate goal of teaching?

to see and measure positive behavioral changes in an individual

nuclear family

traditional family; two parents and their children


unselfish regard for the welfare of others

Piaget period of concrete operations

uses logical reasoning to solve concrete problems


when a nurse acts for a patient without consent to secure good or prevent harm


when divorced parents assume joint custody of children


where divorced parents assume joint custody of children

muslim arab women/men eye contact

women - avoid eye contact for modisty men- avoid eye contact with women

Roman Catholicism and healthcare

workship of god revealed to the world through jesus christ. love of thy neighbor. -importance of sunday church -7 sacraments and only natural means of birth control, abortion and others is completely forbidden.

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