Exam 2 Project Management

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Select all that apply Project managers need to try to make the project team as tangible as possible to the participants by developing a unique team identity to which team members can become emotionally attached. Common vehicles for establishing a team identity include:

Establish team rituals Creation of a team name Co-location of team members Effective team meetings

Which aspects of project management require a system/process to track and control change?

Implementation of contingency plans. Improvements suggested by team members. Project scope.

Identify a common method for reducing project costs when time is not an issue.

Reducing project scope

When estimates for project costs exceed the budget, it may make sense to ___ in order to reduce costs.

outsource project work

managers play a key role in developing high-performance project teams


A virtual project team is one in which the team members are geographically situated so that they may seldom, if ever, meet face-to-face as a team.


True or false: A perfectly leveled project can result in every activity becoming critical.


Management reserves are established contingency reserves are identified and funds established.


Accelerating project completion, typically by rearranging the network schedule and using start-to-start lags, is referred to as:

fast tracking.

In scheduling terms, resource constrained means resources are and time is .

fixed flexible

In scheduling terms, time constrained means project duration is and resources are .

fixed flexible

Assigning professionals full time to a project avoids the hidden cost of .


Low-cost, realistic, efficient methods for completing an activity under normal conditions are supported by Blank______ time.


Questions that related to stakeholder interaction best fit as ____ decisions, that a project manager should address early in the project.


A deficit of can significantly alter project dependency relationships, completion dates, and project costs.


A project manager has fewer options for accelerating project completion once the has been established.

schedule or plan

A network is if it has several critical or near-critical paths.


If a network has several critical or near-critical paths it is deemed to be _______


In order to shorten a project, managers need to look for critical activities that can be shortened with the increase in cost per unit of time. (Enter only one word per blank.)

smallest, lowest, minimal, or least

Which of the following conflicts can occur during the executing stage of the project life cycle?

Priorities Schedules Workforce Technical

Which are the goals of smoothing a resource constrained project?

Prioritize assignment (allocation) of resources to activities Minimize any delay

In what step of group decision making does the project manager identify the underlying issues?

Problem identification

Which of the following conflicts can occur during the defining stage of the project life cycle?

Procedures Priorities Schedules

Which of the following conflicts can occur during the planning stage of the project life cycle?

Procedures Technical Workforce Priorities Schedules

_____ postulates that project groups transition from a lower level to a higher level of performance about halfway through the project.

Punctuated equilibrium model of group development

According to experience and research, identify a condition under which a high-performance team is more likely to develop?

When team members are located within conversational distance of one another

The symptoms of groupthink include ___.

illusion of invulnerability negative stereotypes of outsiders whitewash of critical thinking

Reducing is one way to accelerate project completion, but it is rarely acceptable or used.


Which of the following equations is used to compute an activity's cost slope?

(crash cost-normal cost)/(normal time-crash time)

Which of the following is not considered an indirect cost?


Risk Assessment is the first step in the risk management process.


In a generic project life cycle, which of the following phase(s) has/have the highest probability of risk occurring?

Defining and Planning

Which are potential impacts given a project with risk responses but no contingency plan?

Delayed corrective action. Panic. Incorrect actions taken.

Once resource assignments have been finalized, you are able to develop a budget schedule for the project.


During , the team generates a list of possible solutions on a flipchart or blackboard.


____ costs are incurred when completing an activity in its realistically shortest time.


Which of the following is critical for the final step of creating your budget baseline?

Identify a time-phased budget to complete a work package (cost).

As indicated by experience and research, identify the conditions under which high-performance project teams are much more likely to develop.

Members serve on the project from beginning to end The organization culture fosters cooperation and trust There are 10 or fewer members per team Members are assigned to the project full time

What negative impacts does the centralization of project resource planning hope to avoid?

Overall schedule slippage. Resource bottlenecks. Insufficient resource utilization.

Where in the project life cycle should a project manager begin the risk identification process?


Project managers play a key role in developing high-performance project teams. Which of the following is NOT one of the activities the project manager performs to build a high-performance team?

Select project goals

Which of the following should you do if you want to have effective meetings?

Solicit recommendations and implement changes. Periodically take time to review how effective previous meetings have been. Assign good record keeping. Prepare and distribute an agenda prior to the meeting.

Which statement best describes the scales used to measure/predict probability, impact, and detection?

They may vary depending on project.

Which of the following is a reason for reducing project duration due to intense global competition and rapid technological advances?

Time to market

Which methods may be used to transfer risk in a project?

Warranties and/or guarantees Fixed-price contracts Insurance

Which of the following best describes a risk event?

What can go wrong during the project

Freeway projects can fall short of the original intentions but still add value for each mile completed. This is called "." (Enter only one word per blank.)


Identify the equation to compute the cost per unit of time or slope for any activity.

rise (activity cost) divided by the run (activity duration)

The key to reducing project scope without reducing value is to reassess the true of the project.


In the _______ stage of team development, members accept that they are part of a project group but resist the constraints that the project and the group put on their individuality.


The term "resource" is used a great deal in project management. What are the classifications of resources that must be managed in a project schedule?

Equipment People Materials

risk occurs when the project encounters a threat that is outside the scope of the project or the authority of the project manager.


Each identified risk should be assigned, or shared, by which of the following stakeholders?

Person responsible for work package Project manager

Risks can have both or consequences.

Positive Negative

What are the primary goals of "resource smoothing" within a project plan?

Potentially reduce the maximum amount of a needed resource. Increase utilization percentage of resources used.

Who usually generates and maintains risk profiles?

Project office

Which mitigation strategy is normally first pursued to minimize the cost impact of a risk event occurring?

Reduce likelihood.

scheduling refers to scheduling a project in which resources are inadequate.


The goal of the failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) is to prioritize risk by _____.

assigning numerical FMEA rankings

Why is the second step of risk management to assess the risks identified in the first step?

To establish priorities for attention

Why should groups be used in the risk identification stage, rather than individuals?

To make more accurate judgments about risks.

Which statement is correct with respect to transferring risk?

Transfer of risk does not change the likelihood or impact.

What do resource allocation methods seek to improve for a time constrained project?

Utilization of resources

Which statement best defines the methodology for accepting project opportunities?

When the event occurs, implement increased application of resources, but don't expend any pursuing it.

A schedule is said to be "resource constrained" under which of the following circumstances?

When the precedence network duration cannot be met due to lack of resources When the assignment of resources to one or more activities is overcommitted

It is easier to shorten a project when resources are not . (Enter only one word per blank.)

constrained, Limited, or Restricted

When the project manager reduces the intensity of the conflict by smoothing over differences, that is an attempt to ___________ the conflict.


The shortest possible time an activity can be completed realistically is called ___ time.


The shortest possible time in which an activity can realistically be completed is called its time.


When trying to reach a decision, it is useful to have a set of for this process. (Enter only one word per blank.)

criteria, standards, or metrics

Knowing the slope of activities allows project managers to compare which ____ activities to shorten.


Sacrificing quality may reduce the time of an activity on the path.


When a project is behind schedule, getting back on schedule usually requires compressing the time on some of the remaining activities.


When critical path activities can be completed in parallel rather than sequentially, it is called ___.


The _______ stage of team development ends once team members begin to think of themselves as part of a group and the team moves to the ______ stage.

forming, storming

List the steps of risk management in their proper sequence.

1. Risk Identification 2. Risk Assessment 3. Risk Response Development 4. Risk Response Control

What title best describes the role of the project manager in the group decision making process?


Conflict is detrimental to the success of the project and should be avoided in all cases.


What is created when project costs are placed in a time schedule depicting when they are to occur?

Project cost baseline

Why can the traditional critical path, which is based upon precedence logic, be rendered meaningless after resource constrained leveling is used?

Resource availability becomes an over-riding factor to technical precedence.

Which of the following are the assumptions underlying the Cost-Duration Graph?

The cost-time relationship is linear All accelerations must occur within normal and crash times Normal time assumes low-cost, efficient methods to complete the activity Crash time represents a limit - the greatest time reduction possible under realistic conditions Slope represents cost per unit of time

A shared is the answer to the question "What do we want to create?"


A time phased baseline budget is required to compare which two project management control criteria?

Actual cost. Planned cost.

What does fast tracking require?

Close coordination among those responsible for the activities affected Confidence in the work that has been completed

funds are established to cover project risks.


Match the tip on the left, with the tool or technique a project manager can use to implement the tip, on the right.

Use electronic video technology to verify work Have members "show" work that has been done via Internet video. Don't let team members vanish. Use an internet scheduling software to store team member's calendars. Establish clear norms and protocols for surfacing assumptions and conflicts. Ask team members to explain their viewpoints, actions, and concerns clearly; double-check that the message has been understood. Share the pain. Rotate meeting times so that all team members have a turn working according to their clock. Establish a code of conduct to avoid delays. Develop a priority system to distinguish messages that require immediate response from those with longer time frames.

The priority rules for resource smoothing are applied in ___.

any period when two or more activities require the same resource

The additional costs of doing it twice are often more than compensated for by the benefits of satisfying the . (Enter only one word per blank.)


Contingency reserves as the project progresses.


In scenario analysis, the significance of ____ is assessed.

each risk event

In the ______ stage of team development, team members try to find out what behaviors are acceptable and what performance expectations are.


When complex problems require input from multiple specialists, ____ decision making should be used.


The first project meeting comes in a variety of shapes and forms and is often held off-site over one or two days. This meeting is called a project _________ meeting.


A _____ is the contingency budget set aside to deal with risk events.

management reserve

In the ________ stage of team development, the team is fully functional and accepted. And the group will work together to accomplish project goals.


The _______ stage of team development ends when the goals of the project are achieved and then the team moves to the _________ stage.

performing, adjourning

For conventional work groups, ______ is the last stage of their development. However, for project teams, there is a(n) _____ phase where attention is devoted to wrapping up the project.

performing; adjourning

Questions such as 'How will the project plan be developed?' and 'What are the specific roles and responsibilities of the participants?' are part of the ____ decisions a project manager needs to address.


Consultants use a wide variety of - techniques to elevate team performance.

team building

Symbolic actions at the project level that contribute to a unique team subculture are called ________.

team rituals

By using information from the WBS and resource schedule, a project manager can create a ___.

time-phased cost baseline

Put the steps used in the "parallel method" of resource constrained smoothing into their correct order.

1. Assign resources to the activity with the minimum amount of slack, unless there is a tie 2. Assign resources to the activity with the smallest duration, unless there is a tie 3. Assign resources to the activity with the smallest activity identification number

Click and drag on elements in order Place the steps involved in group decision making in the correct sequence. (Place the first step at the top.)

1. Identify problems 2. Generate alternatives 3. Reaching a decision 4. Following up

Outsourcing means you have less over the project and will need to have clearly definable .

Blank 1: control Blank 2: deliverables

When there are high overhead costs, it is prudent to examine the direct costs of shortening the versus the overhead cost savings.

Blank 1: critical Blank 2: path

The total cost for each duration is the sum of the and costs.

Blank 1: indirect Blank 2: direct

Which statements are correct with respect to time buffers?

Buffers should be added to projects with high uncertainties.

reserves are identified for specific work packages or segments of a project found in the baseline budget or work breakdown structure.


What is the process used to sum up work packages to determine cost of individual deliverables and then the total project cost itself?

Cost "roll up"

Why is "minimum slack" the first criteria for the parallel method heuristic?

Critical activities will have the minimum amount of slack in a network.

Which of the following is not one of the techniques for accelerating project completion?

Critical tracking

In a generic project life cycle, which phase would incur the highest cost if a negative risk event occurs?


When in a hurry to complete a project where time is of the essence, and rework is possible, which method of reducing project duration is most appropriate?

Do it twice-fast and correctly

Multi-project environments add complexity to organizations. What must any system be able to do in these multi-project environments?

Effective allocation of resources. Timely recognition of resource shortages.

Which of the following should you do if you want to have effective meetings?

Encourage active participation of all members by asking questions. Summarize decisions, and review assignments for the next meeting. Review the agenda before beginning, and tentatively allocate time for each item.

Identify the characteristics that are commonly associated with high-performing teams.

Encourage risk taking and creativity. Make effective use of individual talents and expertise. Encourage differences of opinion. Share a sense of common purpose. Maintain a problem-solving focus.

There are typically three objectives project managers try to achieve during the first meeting of the project team. Which of the following is not one of the objectives of the first project team meeting?

Establish the project manager's authority.

What characteristics of a risk event may make "accepting the risk" an appropriate strategy?

Extremely low probability of occurrence. Low cost impact.

On high-priority projects, senior management will often tell a project manager who will be on the team.


Place the steps required to construct a project cost-duration graph in the correct order.

Find total direct costs for selected project durations Find total indirect costs for selected project durations Sum direct and indirect costs for these selected durations

Which of the following is the first step required to construct a project cost-duration graph?

Find total direct costs for selected project durations.

In what step of group decision making does the team evaluate the effectiveness of the decision?


Which of the following is the last step in facilitating group decision making?

Following up

Match the stages of the Five-Stage Team Development Model with the associated project activity.

Forming Orientation to project Storming Emotional response to the demands of the project Norming Open exchange of relevant information Performing Emergence of a solution Adjourning Dissolution of the group

Match the following symptoms of groupthink with their explanation.

Illusion of invulnerability It is marked by a high degree of esprit de corps, an implicit faith in its own wisdom, and an inordinate optimism that allows group members to feel complacent about the quality of their decisions. Whitewash of critical thinking The group members discuss only a few solutions, ignoring alternatives; they fail to examine the adverse consequences that could follow their preferred course of action. Negative stereotypes of outsiders "Good guy/bad guy" stereotypes emerge in which the group considers any outsiders who oppose their decisions as the "bad guys," who are perceived as incompetent and malicious and whose points are unworthy of serious consideration. Direct pressure When a team member does speak out or question the direction in which the team is headed, they are reminded that speed is important and that the aim is agreement, not argument.

In scenario analysis, which of the following is used to assess risk?

Impact of an event Probability of an event

costs continue for the life of the project.


Match the techniques for managing dysfunctional conflict with their descriptions.

Mediate the conflict The project manager intervenes and tries to negotiate a resolution by using reasoning and persuasion, suggesting alternatives and the like. Arbitrate the conflict The manager imposes a solution to the conflict after listening to each party. The goal is not to decide who wins but to have the project win. Control the conflict The manager attempts to reduce the intensity of the conflict by smoothing over differences or interjecting humor. Accept the conflict In some cases the conflict will outlive the life of the project, and the project manager may have no choice but to allow it to continue. Eliminate the conflict Sometimes the conflict has escalated to the point that it is no longer tolerable and the source(s) must be removed from the project.

Which of the following is commonly associated with high-performing project teams?

Mistakes are treated as opportunities for learning rather than reasons for punishment.

What are the advantages of establishing a core project team?

Multi-tasking costs are avoided Undivided attention to a specific project is attained Creation of a shared goal

A time phased budget will facilitate which aspects of project management?

Project cost control. Good project scheduling.

Which statements correctly describe a time constrained and a resource constrained project schedule?

Resource constrained projects are those in which resources are fixed. Time constrained projects work to an imposed deadline/completion date.

What term is used to describe the documents needed to develop an adequate risk response control plan?

Risk Register.

The sequence of steps in managing opportunities is the same as negative risk, but which step utilizes a different approach?

Risk Response Development.

In the context of change control management, identify the sources of changes in a project.

Risk events Project customers Project managers

frees up resources that can be assigned to a critical activity.

Subcontracting or Outsourcing

Which real life project management alternatives are omitted/not considered when discussing the foundational concepts of project resource allocation models?

Task splitting Restrictions on adding resources during execution

When assigning project work, a manager must do which of the following?

Team veterans with new hires on the project team. Have people work together as early in the project as possible if they have never worked together before.

What are the preferred approaches to assigning resources to activities?

Team veterans with rookies. Team people with compatible work habits.

Which are negative consequences of using the smoothing/leveling process on a project network?

The number of critical activities is usually increased. Possibly alters the way the critical path is defined. Slack is reduced thereby reducing scheduling flexibility during execution.

What happens to a time constrained schedule if executed with insufficient resources?

The resource constrained schedule will be forced onto the plan.

Which of the following is true of scheduling resources?

The resource-constrained schedule will materialize as a project is implemented if resources are truly limited.

A team goes beyond the scope statement of the project and states in explicit terms the norms and values of the team.


The cost-time crashing method relies on choosing the method for reducing the duration of the project.


While project managers tend to focus on group rewards, there are times when they need to reward individual performance. All of the following are among the rewards used to motivate and recognize individual contributions except ______________.

coaching and counseling

One of the biggest challenges in managing a virtual team is ___.

developing effective patterns of communication

An activity's crash costs include ____ costs.


When a cost is assigned to a work package and activity, it is a project ___ cost.


A project network is insensitive if it has a critical path with no near-critical paths.


Hourly workers are typically paid time and a half for overtime and time for weekends and holidays.


When a conflict becomes intolerable, the best strategy for a project manager may be to ___________ the conflict.


Moving toward the optimum time can result in savings when the network is __.


Managers are wise to recruit individuals who already have a good working relationship with key stakeholders, especially in a environment in which a significant portion of the work will be under the domain of a specific functional department and not the core project team.


The statement, "the whole is less than the sum of its parts" describes _____________.

negative synergy

risk occurs when a conscious decision is made to accept the risk of an event occurring.


Risk responses are developed based upon ___.

risk assessment classifications.

Scheduling time-constrained projects focuses on resource


Risk response approaches are

Specific to each risk event.

risks are problematic; they can often be the kind that cause the project to be shut down.


What best describes a contingency fund for a project?

A reserve to manage all known and unknown project risks.

Which of the following pertain to "risk" in the context of project management? (Check all that apply.)

A risk may have a positive impact on project objectives. A risk is an uncertain event or condition. A risk may have a negative impact on project objectives.

Which statement best defines the methodology for sharing project opportunities?

Allocate some or all ownership to another party best able to capture the opportunity for the benefit of the project.

Which are appropriate methods for handling technical (project technology related issues) risk?

Back-up or alternate plans. Testing and assessment methods.

True or false: A risk breakdown structure should focus on task-level risks during the initial risk identification stage.


Which is the correct term used in a resource-constrained project whenever leveling of over-allocated resources will result in the project duration being extended?

Level outside of slack

reserve funds are needed to cover major unforeseen risks and, hence, are applied to the total project.


reserves are set up to cover unidentified risks and are allocated to risks associated with the total project.


Which of the following is a goal of smoothing?

Minimize fluctuations in resource demand.

What is the benefit of a risk management plan for a project?

Minimizing the impact of risks occurring.

Identify two limiting assumptions that have been used in this chapter to improve the ease of demonstrating resource allocation.

Resources assigned to a task cannot be changed. Splitting activities is not allowed.

Assigning proper resources to activities is accomplished by using information developed during what process?

Work package development

risk is changing the project plan to eliminate the risk or condition.


, or reducing project duration, is accomplished by shortening one or more activities on the critical path.


Only by focusing on actual can potential solutions be found.


The downside of leveling is a loss of that occurs from reducing .

flexibility slack

zone risks are typically considered inconsequential and ignored unless their status changes.


In general terms, risk mitigation will approach an identified risk by planning to reduce its:

impact. likelihood.

A giant Popsicle melting faster than expected is an example of risk. (Enter only one word per blank.)


An is an event that can have a positive impact on project objectives.


Projects of long duration need some contingency for changes—which are usually upward.


zone risks receive first priority.


We cannot factor in resource availability along with technical dependency when creating the original network because even if resources are known, one could not assess the impact of resources unless a Blank______ were created.

resource neutral schedule

Impact × Probability × Detection =

risk value

An effective tool for identifying specific risks is the . (Enter only one word per blank.)

risk breakdown structure

A ____ is a list of questions that address traditional areas of uncertainty on a project, drawn from previous, similar projects.

risk profile

A details all identified risks, including descriptions, category, probability of occurring, impact, responses, contingency plans, owners, and current status.

risk register

Which best describes what is meant by "risk avoidance" in a risk management plan?

Changing the project plan to eliminate a risk condition.

reserves are set up to cover identified risks; these reserves are allocated to specific segments or deliverables of the project. Need help? Review these concept resources.


What type of contingency is typically required to manage a "schedule risk," i.e., finishing a project late?

Contingency funds, i.e. cash

Identify the two statements that are correct and explain the distinction between a risk response plan and a contingency plan.

Contingency plans go into effect after a risk occurrence happens. Risk response plans are initiated before the risk occurs.

What are key components of a contingency plan?

Cost estimates in the planning, not execution, phase. Defining the event that will initiate/trigger the plan into action. Naming a person responsible to execute the plan.

Which response explains why monitoring risk during project execution is important?

New risks may emerge as project activities complete. People may hide problems until they become difficult to manage.

Which of the following types of activities might need time buffers?

Noncritical activities to reduce the likelihood that they will create another critical path Merge activities Activities with severe risks Activities that require scarce resources

scales can be a bit more problematic, since adverse risks affect project objectives differently.


A common response for meeting unattainable deadlines is to reduce project scope which invariably leads to _____.

reduced functionality

In projects the availability or unavailability of will often influence the way projects are managed.


Trust in virtual projects grows through team member:

responsiveness. consistency. reliability.

An advantage of the owner taking more responsibility is that, while costs are lowered, the original scope is . (Enter one word in the blank.)

retained, unaffected, maintained, or unchanged

During the project definition phase ______, ______, and ________ are the most significant sources of conflict.

schedules priorities administrative procedures

Assessing identified risk is done with respect to which of the following aspects of the project?

Project timing Project cost Project priorities

In addition to kick-off meetings, project managers are responsible for ___ meetings.

audit problem-solving status report

Place the following components of the risk response matrix in the correct sequence.

1. Risk event 2. Response 3. Contingency plan 4. Trigger 5. Who is responsible

Which aspects of a project may be finalized once resources are applied to a project plan?

A baseline project schedule The project baseline budget

When identifying risk, a team should initially focus on what aspect of risk?

Actual events that increase the risk

Which of the following is the least desirable time to create a project cost-duration graph?

After the project has started

Identify the intangible costs incurred due to sustained overtime work.

Burnout Divorce Turnover

Identify the options for accelerating a project schedule when resources are constrained or the budget is severely constrained. (Check all that apply.)

Compromise quality Critical-chain Reducing project scope

Match the following stages of the five-stage team development model with the associated group process. Instructions

Forming Testing and dependence Storming Intragroup conflict Norming Development of group cohesion Performing Functional roles emerge Adjourning None

conflict plays a critical role in obtaining a deeper understanding of the issues and coming up with the best decisions possible.


In what step of group decision making does the team brainstorm possible solutions?

Generating alternatives

What is one major finding of Gersick's research on the punctuated equilibrium model of group development?

Gersick's research suggests that not all teams go through the same sequence of the "5 stages" of development.

Which of the following is NOT an example of behavioral norms associated with high-performing teams?

High performing team members are allowed to establish their own work schedule.

Two of the biggest challenges involved in managing a virtual team are developing trust and effective patterns of communication. Which of the following is NOT one of the tips for alleviating communication problems of virtual teams?

Hold face-to-face meetings

What piece of information is missing to draw a proper conclusion from the following data? 1) Planned cost for the first month of a project = $5,000. 2) Actual expenditures for the first month = 8,000.

How much work was completed for the money spent.

What is key to developing a risk transfer approach to risk management?

Identify and document responsibility for absorbing the impact of the risk occurrence.

Which of the following is the first step in facilitating group decision making?

Identifying problems

Which of the following are the most important factors affecting the recruitment process when a new project team member is recruited?

Importance of the project Management structure for the project

How can teams improve efficiency in a resource-constrained environment?

Improve project planning methodology Ask to bypass some organizational policies

What are potential negatives with respect to splitting a task when planning/assigning project resources?

Increased management time involvement. Probable increase to split task's total duration.

costs cannot be associated with any particular work package or activity.


Once total direct costs have been added to the cost-duration model, what happens next?

Indirect costs are added to the model.

What are potential benefits of splitting a task when planning/assigning project resources?

It ensures improved resource utilization. It shortens project duration.

Why is it important to have a shared vision among team members?

It inspires team members to give their best effort.

In the "parallel method" of smoothing, what happens if an activity is not allocated a needed resource?

It is pushed out farther in time until enough resources are available.

According to Brooks' Law, what is the likely impact of adding more people to a late project?

It makes the project slip further.

What are the drawbacks in using insurance to transfer risk?

It may be difficult to explain the risk and its consequences to an insurance broker. Insurance is often costly

Which are appropriate methods for handling cost risk?

Item-by-item price risk analysis

Match the individual reward on the left with its description on the right.

Letters of commendation A note or letter stating the way in which an individual has contributed to the project's success. Public recognition Beginning a status review with a brief mention of project workers who have exceeded project goals. Job assignments Accommodating a team member's preference for a task or duty, in recognition for good work. Flexibility Allowing a team member to work at home when a child is ill.

Which term is the correct project management software terminology for time constrained smoothing techniques?

Level only within slack

Mary is the project manager of a new team formed to develop a new product for her organization. She notices that close relationships, feelings of camaraderie, and shared responsibilities for the team's success have formed. In what stage of development is her team?


When the project encounters a threat that is outside the scope of the project or the authority of the project manager, what should they do?

Notify the appropriate people within the organization

The operating structure of Jose's team is fully functional and accepted. Group energy has moved from getting to know each other and how the group will work together to accomplishing the project goals. In the context of the Five-Stage Team Development Model, which of the following stages of development is Jose's team most likely in?


When forming teams, project managers look for knowledgeable individuals with experience and skills critical to successful project completion. Which of the following is not a proper consideration in the team member recruitment process?

Political affiliation

Which statement best describes why resources need to be incorporated into a project precedence network plan?

Project network times cannot become a schedule until resources have been assigned.

What are the potential actions of project funding cuts such as the reduction or elimination of the source of project cash inflow?

Reduce project scope Cancel remainder of the project

When the project team is salaried, which of the following are the preferred choices for accelerating project completion?

Schedule overtime Work longer hours

Identify the most significant source of conflict which occurs in all the project phases, i.e. defining, planning, executing, and delivery.


Which of the following phrases best describes the concept of positive synergy?

The whole is greater than the sum of the parts

Groupthink refers to the tendency of members in highly cohesive groups to make decisions quickly without adequate consideration of alternatives.


In what circumstance can Brook's Law be overcome?

When new staff are added early enough to a late software project.

What is the starting point to determine the savings possible in reduced project scope?

Work breakdown structure

On most projects, additional workers increase the requirements to coordinate their efforts.


During the course of the discussion to reach a decision, the project manager attempts to build among the group.

consensus or agreement

An underlying assumption of the Cost-Duration Graph is that the cost of reducing the time of an activity is ____.

constant per unit of time.

Crashing frequently results in of resources.


One way of reducing project costs is identifying tasks that _________ can do themselves


In many matrix structures, the manager controls who is assigned to the project.

functional or departmental

Heuristics do not always yield an optimal schedule, but they are very capable of yielding a schedule for very complex networks with many types of resources.


When strong commitment to a decision is needed, Blank______ should be used.

group decision making

Most project managers we talk to advocate the use of rewards for project performance.

group or team

The president of a software company remarks in a speech that new technologically advanced software will be available in one year. This is an example of reducing project duration caused by ___.

imposed project deadlines

A contractor finished a bridge across a lake 18 months early and received more than $6 million for the early completion. This is an example of reducing project duration caused by ____.

incentive contracts

With the total direct costs for the array of specific project durations found, the next step is to collect the costs for the same durations. Need help? Review these concept resources.


The less steep the cost slope of an activity, the ___________

less it costs to shorten one time period

When a project manager intervenes to negotiate a resolution by using reasoning and persuasion, suggesting alternatives, and other like actions, the project manager is trying to ___________ the conflict.


The use of 6:00 a.m. meetings to get a project back on schedule is an example of ______ reinforcement to motivate project performance.


The ideal assumption is that direct costs for an activity time represent costs.


When a project team loses momentum, it is the job of the ___ to realign the team with project objectives and get the team moving forward.

project manager

Select all that apply Disagreements and conflicts naturally emerge within a project team during the life cycle of the project. Participants will disagree over:

project priorities. allocation of resources. quality of work.

A common method for shortening project time is to an activity. (Enter only one word per blank.)

subcontract or outsource

In practice, external risk events are often referred to as "Blank______" to differentiate them from those that are not within a project manager's or team's responsibility area.


The Snapshot from Practice "Smartphone Wars" is an excellent example of reducing project duration due to __________.

time to market

Questions such as "How will progress be assessed?" and "How will team members get data from each other?" are part of the ______ decisions that a project manager should address early in the project.


Not only is more time needed to coordinate and manage a larger team but also there is the additional delay of the new people.


Smoothing improves the of resources.


In a ________ project team the members are geographically situated so that they may seldom meet face-to-face as a team.


A shared can transcend the incongruities of a project and establish a common purpose to channel debate in a constructive manner.


The most efficient time to create a project cost-duration graph is ___.

when a project does not have an imposed duration. during the pre-project planning phase

The costs for activities used for developing a budget are rolled up from the work breakdown structure which summarizes cost from the:

work packages.

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