Exam 2

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Fatty acids with two or more double bonds


Across, Different sides


A ______ merasures the amount of energy in food by burning the food in the presence of oxygen


A ______ speeds up a reaction by lowering the activation energy

Alkene/ Alkenes

A carbon-carbon double bond is an unsaturated hydrocarbonfunctional group in the ______ family Are alson found in Terpenes

Shorter and Stronger

A double bond is ______ and _______ than a single bond And a triple bond is _____ and ____ than a double bond

Functional Group

A group of atoms bonded in aparticular way is called a ______ group

Exothermic Reaction

A reaction that gives off heat

Endothermic Reaction

A reaction that requires heat


For a chemical reaction to occur, the molecules of the reactants must collide with each other with enought ______ and the proper ______


For an exothemic reaction the free energy of the reactants is greater than the free energy of the products and free energy change is ______

Alkyl Halides

Halogens Are common substituents on alkane chains these are called _____

Aromatic Compounds

Have a cyclic structure like benzene

Restricted Rotation

Organic Chemists say that the carbon-carbon double bond is rgid or has _______


When two molecules have the same molecular formula and the same attachments to the carbon skeleton but a different spatial arrangement, they are ______

Spontaneous Processes

Will continue to occur once stated and do not require energy from the surroundings

Branched-chain alkanes

Alkanes that do not have their carbon atoms connected in a single continuous chain are called this


Alkenes are considered ______ hydrocarbons because they have more than one bond between two carbon atoms

Free Energy

Also called Gibbs free energy, is the amount of energy present in molecules available to do work

Organic Compound

Are composed primarily of carbon and hydrogen, but may also include oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, and a few other elements (halogens (metals are not organic)

Inorganic Compounds

Are compounds that do not contain carbon and hydrogen (has metals)

Unsaturated Fatty Acids

Are fatty acids that contain less than the maximum number of hydrogen atoms per carbon atom

Straight-chain Alkanes

Are made up of carbon atoms joined to one another to form continuous, unbranched chains of varying length


Are proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and DNA, and belong to a class of organic compounds


Are ring-form alkanes


Are structurally simple organic compounds made up soley of carbon and hydrogen Are typically referred to as Saturated Hydrocarbon


Atoms that gain electrons during a chemical reaction are said to undergo


Atoms that lose electrons during a chemical reaction are said to undergo

Decompostition Reactions

Break apart larger molecules into smaller molecules


Compounds that are nonsuperimposable mirror images of each other are _____


Compounds that contain one or more carbon-carbon triple bonds are members of the ____ family

Nonspontaneous Processes

Do not occur naturally and require energy input


Elements other than carbon and hydrogen that are present in an organic compound are called this


Fatty acids with one double bond


If on e of the alkene carbons has two identical groups bonded to it, the compound cannot exist as a cis-trans stereoisomers. The group _____ be different


In a ________ reaction water is consumed as a reactant and the reactant molecule is split into two smaller molecules


In a ________ reaction, water is produced as two organic molecules are joined

Addition Reaction

In an _______ ________ to an alkene, an atom or group of atoms is added to a double bond in an organic molecule


In an endothermic reaction the free energy of the products is higher than that of the reactants. Energy is absorbed and the value of the Free Energy Change is _________

The Rate of chemical reactions

Increases with the amount of reactants


Increasing temperature _______ the kinetic energy


Indicates that these compounds contain only single bonds

Carboxylation Reaction

Invoves the addtition of carboxyl, or caroxylic acid, group

Reduced Species

Is know as the Oxidation Agent

Oxidized Species

Is known as Reducing Agent

The Free Energy Change

Is the energy difference between the free energy present in the product and reactant molecules


Molecules with the same molecular formula but different connectivity or arrangemenst of the atoms are called ____


Organic compounds that contain the same functional group behave ______

Condensation/ Hydrolysis

Reactions are the reverse of each other

Dash Bonds

Represents atoms that project away from the viewer

Wedge Bonds

Represents atoms that project out towards the viewer


Saturated fatty acids belong to a class of biomolecules


Study of heat or energy exchange in a chemical reaction


The C=O group found in several families is called a ______

Resonance Hybrid

The electrons in the double bonds are shared evenly by all six carbons in a _______

Activation Energy

The energy necessary to align the reactant molecules and to cause them to collide with enough energy to form products is the _______

Cellular Respiration

The series of reactions through which glucose is combusted

Hydrogenation Reaction

Two hydrogen atoms are added, coverting an alkene double bond to an alkane single bond

Rate of Reaction

We can measure the _______ by determining the amount of product formed (or reactant used up) in a certain period of time


generally gain electrons


generally lose electrons


indicates that alkanes are made up entirely of hydrogen and carbon


same side


the polyunsaturated fatty acids linoleic and (Alpha symbol)-linolenic are considered ______ fatty acids


to keep the focus on the functional group, an R is often used to represent the ___ of the molecule (only carbons)


when oxygen reacts with molecules producing carbon dioxide, water and energy

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