Exam 3

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What type of rock results from the cementation of bits of pre-existing rock?

Sedimentary rock.

A cowboy says he is going to ride his horse across the "Great Divide". What landform is he talking about?

a mountain range

Transform faults are areas of crustal

accommodation and plate movement.

The lithosphere floats atop the


The ocean crust

becomes progressively older away from the mid-ocean ridges.

The classes of seismic waves based upon the part of Earth they travel through are

body waves (P- and S-waves) and surface waves (Love and Rayleigh waves).

Compressive forces cause the crust to

buckle and fold, thereby shortening the crustal surface.

A mineral that is not a silicate is


Surface waves are useful for investigating Earth's interior because they

cast shadows indicating Earth's layers. refract at the boundaries between Earth's layers. reflect at the boundaries between Earth's layers. -none of the above

Which of the following properties most clearly reflects the internal arrangement of atoms in a crystalline material?


The mantle can be separated into two different portions-the lower mantle and the upper mantle. The lower mantle is

completely solid due to extreme pressure that prevents rocks from melting.

Folded mountains are produced by _____________.


The kinds of tectonic stress that act on Earth's crust, forming faults and folds, include________.

compression tension Shear stress -all of the above.

Contact metamorphic rocks are typically not foliated because

contact metamorphism occurs from heat and not from deformation due to stress.

Continental crust extends farther down into the mantle than oceanic crust because

continental crust is thicker than oceanic crust.

An "ice sheet" is also known as a(n)

continental glacier.

Divergent boundaries are areas of

crustal formation.

All minerals are

crystalline solids.

Igneous rock is formed from

crystallization of magma.

Minerals are formed by the process of


Earth's landforms are built up by

deposition and plate tectonics.

New lithosphere is formed at

divergent plate boundaries.

The lithosphere rides on top of the asthenosphere. Lithospheric movement causes

earthquakes, volcanic activity, and mountain building activity.

Minerals are composed of

elements joined as compounds.

Which of the following is not a type of tectonic plate boundary?

fault plate boundary

The most common mineral in Earth's crust is ________ and the second most common mineral is ________.

feldspar; quartz

The property many metamorphic rocks exhibit by flat or elongated mineral grains in parallel layers is called


Along a reverse fault, the________ wall moves down ward relative to the ________ wall.

foot; hanging

Rocks are grouped into three classes depending on how the rock was


The hypothesis of continental drift was supported by the jigsaw fit of the continents, similar _______.

fossils, matching rock types, and ancient ice sheets

The Ogallala Aquifer is a source of


The rock that has undergone the greatest extent of metamorphic change is


Moh's scale is defined on the basis of minerals that have different


Rocks can begin to melt if

heated by rising magma from Earth's interior. a decrease in pressure results in a sufficient decrease in the rocks' melting point. the rocks' water content increases thereby decreasing the rocks' melting point. -all of the above

As magma cools, the first minerals to crystallize are those with a _______.

high melting point

A continental glacier is also called a(n)_____.

ice sheet

Where are most of the volcanoes on Earth located?

in the Ring of Fire

Groundwater is a nonrenewable resource because

it takes thousands of years to recharge aquifers.

The most common carbonate rock is


The last minerals to crystallize are those with the

lower melting point.

Alfred Wegener supported his theory of continental drift by

making a connection between the rocks, rock structures, and plant and animal fossils found in both Africa and South America.

A sedimentary rock can turn into an igneous rock by

melting and cooling.

Rocks altered by heat and pressure beneath Earth's surface are

metamorphic rocks.

The physical property of cleavage, the tendency of certain minerals to split along certain planar surfaces, is conspicuous in


Color is not a reliable means for mineral identification because

minerals come in a variety of colors, and chemical impurities in the mineral can affect color.

A polymorph can be defined as

minerals that have the same chemical formula, but different crystal structures.

Because S-waves do not travel through Earth's outer core, scientists inferred that the outer core is

molten liquid.

Human population growth affects water pollution because

more people produce more industrial waste that is discharged into streams and the ocean.

What kind of fault indicates that crust has been pulled apart?


The three kinds of plate convergence are

oceanic-oceanic, continental-oceanic, and continental-continental.

The two most common igneous rocks are basalt and granite. Basalt is commonly found ________ and granite is found ________.

on both the ocean floor and continental land; only on the continents

Which of the following is not a characteristic of quartz?

one direction of cleavage

Secondary waves can travel through all areas of the Earth except the

outer core

We can say that Earth's crust floats on the mantle because

part of the mantle is hot enough to flow as a plastic solid.

Water precipitated over land completes its cycle as it

percolates into the ground. evaporates from the surface to the atmosphere. enters streams and lakes and makes its way to the oceans. -all of the above

Convergent boundaries are areas of

plate collision.

The difference between point pollution and nonpoint pollution is that

point pollution has a clear source.

Most of Earth's freshwater is located in

polar ice caps and glaciers.

The inner core is solid because

pressure from the weight of the surrounding layers prevents the inner core from melting.

When the mineral assemblage of a rock changes due to high temperature and pressure, the rock undergoes


The rock cycle is the process by which

rock is transformed from one type to another.

Evaporation of seawater produces clouds that precipitate freshwater because

salts are left behind when water evaporates.

Some ________ rock is formed from minerals that were once dissolved in water.


Because sedimentary rocks are formed at Earth's surface, they provide clues about past geologic events and settings. A low energy, quiet environment such as a lagoon or lake bed provide the perfect setting for the formation of

shale and evaporites.

Limestone may be made up of

shell fragments from marine animals.

The volcanoes of the Hawaiian Islands are

shield volcanoes.

A glacier forms when

snow accumulates to form ice and the ice mass begins to flow under its own weight.

A mineral property that is useful for identifying mineral species is_______.

specific gravity

A mineral's hardness is dependent on the

strength of its chemical bonds.

Fault-block mountains are produced by

tensional forces and movement of sections of rock along fault planes.

When you stretch a rubber band you are applying

tensional stress.

Part complete Factors that have shaped Earth's land surface include__________.

the action of plate tectonics The actions of wind, water, gravity, and ice. The actions of people. -All of the above.

According to the theory of seafloor spreading, large quantities of molten rock rises up along

the mid-ocean ridges.

Oceanic and continental crust differ in that

the oceanic crust is mainly composed of dark basaltic rock while the continental crust is mainly composed of lighter-colored continental rock. the continental crust is thicker on average than the oceanic crust. the continental crust is less dense than the oceanic crust. -All of the above.

Isostasy is

the positioning of the crust in response to the buoyant force and gravity.

P-waves refract at the boundary between inner and outer core because

there is a change of phase between inner and outer core.

Petroleum and oil reserves are often found in sedimentary rocks because

these rocks can contain fossilized organic matter

The theory of plate tectonics states that the continents move because _______.

they are embedded within the drifting lithospheric plates.

Where does surface runoff from the Appalachian Mountains eventually go?

to the Atlantic Ocean

Tectonic plates move beside one another at ______________.

transform plate boundaries

A section of crust is pushed up from below creating a dome-like mountain. What kind of mountain is this?

upwarped mountain

The balance of gravitational and buoyant forces acting on the crust determines its

vertical position.

Anticlines and synclines are like

wrinkles in a rug when you push the ends of the rug toward one another

How can rock respond to stress?

It can break. It can deform elastically. It can deform plastically. -all of these

Why is groundwater in an aquifer a nonrenewable resource?

It can take thousands of years for rainwater to percolate downward to recharge the aquifer.

What is a difference between extrusive and intrusive igneous rocks?

Intrusive igneous rocks generally have large crystals, whereas extrusive igneous rocks have no crystals at all or small crystals.

According to most estimates, Earth is approximately

4.6 billion years old.

Which of the following sources of water pollution are "point sources"?

A factory discharging heat into a stream.

The water cycle includes water in the

A) atmosphere, biosphere, ground, surface, and ocean. B) hydrosphere. D) both A and B

The theory of continental drift is credited to

Alfred Wegener.

Which plate subducts when oceanic and continental plates meet and why?

The oceanic plate subducts beneath the continental plate because the oceanic plate is most dense.

You are hiking in the desert. Just when you think you have run out of water, you see a cool spring. As you sip from the spring you are thinking:

"Interesting. . . this spring is where the water table meets the land surface."

What percentage of Earth's water is freshwater?


What is the difference between a rock and a mineral?

Rocks are consolidated mixtures of minerals.

Why is silver classified as a mineral?

Silver is an inorganic material. Silver is naturally occurring. Silver has a specific chemical composition. -All of the above.

point pollution has a clear source.

Some pollutants are toxic at such low concentrations that they cannot be practically diluted.

Part complete Which of Earth's layers lies directly beneath the lithosphere?

The asthenosphere

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