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Iselectrics, a medium-sized medical technology company, has been successful in its research and development but needs improvement in its European sales. Which of these actions would most likely lead to long-term success for Iselectrics's European sales?

Acquire a company that has a successful medical technology sales force in Europe so that Iselectricscan gain access to new distribution channels.

Which of the following statements about managing alliance-related tasks is true?

Alliance-management capability is based on three alliance-related tasks.

Which of the following statements is true about managing alliance-related tasks?

Alliance-management capability is based on three alliance-related tasks.

American Snacks Inc., a conglomerate, has a strategic alliance with Très Bien Limité, a French snack-maker. However, Très Bien managers are concerned that the different business units of American Snacks will set up partnerships with direct competitors of Très Bien in France. What can owners and managers at American Snacks do to respond to Très Bien's concern?

Arrange for the alliance to be managed at the corporate level.

Companies must evaluate the relevancy of their internal resources. This happens in two ways: they test whether resources are (1) similar to those the firm needs to develop and (2) superior to those of competitors in the targeted area. Which of the following is the best way in which firms assess the second test?

Firms can apply the VRIO framework for the second test.

DalTech Inc., a publicly traded company, designs and manufactures wearable technology. What approach should DalTech take after a long period of horizontal integration in its industry? Assume that the industry is now stable and competitors have not made any major changes in price or marketing recently.

Focus on research and development as a form of nonprice competition.

________ enables firms to increase their organizational boundaries because the number of competitors decreases. This is demonstrated through the ________ model.

Horizontal integration; structure-conduct-performance

Using the Boston Consulting Group growth-share matrix, the managers of Fasehatice International determined that their business unit devoted to personal health monitoring devices was a star. Based on this finding, which of the following strategies is likely to produce the best results?

Increase investment in the personal health monitoring unit to encourage future growth.

Ganjaflex Industries is a major multinational conglomerate. Its business units compete in a range of industries, including home appliances, pharmaceuticals, commercial real estate, and plastics manufacturing. Although its largest business unit, which produces kitchen appliances, is among the most profitable in the industry, it generates only 35 percent of the company's revenues. Which of the following is most likely true of Ganjaflex's stock price?

It is valued at less than the sum of its individual business units.

Konmatfix Inc. recently acquired Finhigh Pharmaceuticals Inc. It now sells its own products along with the products originally sold by Finhigh Pharmaceuticals. As a result, Konmatfix's sales force will also be marketing the acquired company's products. How will this horizontal integration most likely affect Konmatfix?

It will lower its costs through economies of scale.

Because strategic alliances rarely work as well as managers expect they will, why do companies continue to go through with them?

Many owners, managers, and business analysts believe they are essential to survive in an industry.

Doncon Guitars is interested in pursuing backward integration to take greater ownership of the extraction of raw materials and production of components used in its signature line of guitars. Although this approach would lower the overall cost of producing a guitar, the costs associated with producing electronic pickups for sound amplification are far greater than those associated with sourcing pickups from a reliable supplier. Which of the following approaches is likely to produce superior results?

Pursue taper integration.

Rantouch is one of the largest tax-preparation firms in the United States. It wants to acquire Doncon , a smaller rival. After the merger, Rantouch will be one of the two largest income-tax preparers in the U.S. market. What should Rantouch include in its acquisition plans?

Rantouch will need to explain to the Federal Trade Commission how the acquisition will not result in an increase in prices for consumers.

Plexzap Sodas has been a market leader in the soft drink industry for several decades. However, its market research shows that consumer tastes have begun to shift to sugar-free flavored seltzer waters, a product that Plexzap is capable of producing with minimal changes to its facilities and production processes. Based on your knowledge of the core competence-market matrix, which diversification strategy should Plexzap pursue?

Redeploy and recombine existing core competencies to compete in markets of the future.

Salesforce is one of the leading providers of platform as a service (PaaS) tools and services. They developed a new competency in delivering software development that allows its customers to better customize their future needs. Viewing this through the lens of the Core Competence-Market Matrix, which of the following four options below does Salesforce best exemplify?

Salesforce built new core competencies to create and compete in markets of the future.Correct

Better Pill LLC is a small, new pharmaceutical company that is developing a valuable new drug. Which of these strategies would it be wise for Better Pill's owners or managers to take?

Seek an alliance with a company or companies that will complete the value chain.

Dev is a strategist for the firm Stark Industries, which produces high-quality HD movie cameras. This company needs a specific material for a new camera they are developing, which is manufactured in large quantities by a competitor called LENS Inc. However, this material is difficult to trade. Because of this, which of the following is most likely the best strategy for Dev to suggest?

Stark Industries should acquire LENS.

Can't Believe It's Not Hair Inc. (CBNH) dominates the ladies' wig market and wants to expand into men's toupees. How can CBNH 's managers determine whether the company should develop a toupee division internally, ally with a toupee maker, or acquire a toupee-making firm?

The managers need to determine whether the skills needed to create wigs and toupees are similar and whether CBNH creates better hairpieces than its competitors do.

A software firm is interested in acquiring an app development company that is small but highly profitable. The app developer also has a widely admired management structure and much lower attrition rates than are common in the industry. Which of these problems should the software firm anticipate?

The software firm may overpay for the app developer, poorly serving the software firm's shareholders.

A microchip company wants a computer company to produce more powerful tablets and therefore use more of its chips. That same computer company wants the microchip maker to create chips with faster processing power. What approach could these companies take so that both can serve stockholders well?

The two companies should enter a strategic alliance to bring about a win-win situation for them and to limit their rivals' power.

Johnson is an executive vice president at Conecom Hardware. He researches a proposal by a larger company, Openlane Hardware, to combine the two companies. By analyzing past performance, conducting focus groups, and interviewing Openlane employees, Johnson concludes that Openlane has poor profit margins, sells shoddy merchandise, and treats customers poorly. What actions should Johnson and Conecom Hardware take?

Turn down the acquisition offer and prepare to resist a hostile takeover.

Tyrell Corporation, a manufacturer of smartphones, has entered into a 15-year partnership with a software company to develop sophisticated operating systems and innovative mobile applications for its phones. This would mean that both the companies will have to mutually share their resources, knowledge, and capabilities to develop a superior product. What is the relationship between Tyrell Corporation and the software company best referred to as in this scenario?

a strategic alliance

When Aviato Inc. wanted to sell its cars in the country of Yugoslakia, it lacked access to distribution channels and marketing expertise in the country. Thus, Aviato Autos had to enter into a strategic alliance with a local automobile company to get access to the foreign partner's well-established distribution channels. Which of the following reasons for entering into a strategic alliance is best illustrated in this scenario?

accessing critical complementary assets

Golddex Autos currently sources components such as airbags, upholstery, and brake pads from various suppliers in the industry value chain. In order to lower costs and reduce the risk of interruptions in the supply of components, Golddex should pursue

backward integration.

Betasoloin Corp. is an automobile company whose core competency lies in manufacturing petrol- and diesel-based cars. The company realizes that more of its potential customers are switching to electric cars. The R&D department of the company acquires competencies in developing electric cars and launches its first hybrid car, which uses both gas and electricity. In this scenario, Betasoloin is primarily

building new core competencies to protect and extend current market position.

InGen Pharmaceuticals Inc., Desktop Pharma Inc., and WEN Pharma Inc. are three rival firms who have set up an alliance to conduct research and find a cure for cancer. They have made almost equal contributions to the research, and they also share their expertise with one another. However, the three firms will continue to behave as competitors in markets for other drugs and vaccines. What is this arrangement best referred to as?


Condax Electronics relied on a large chain of consumer electronics stores to sell its tablet computers, cell phones, and televisions and also to provide customer service and technical support. However, that retailer outsourced its service departments, and customers began to complain that they could not get reliable tech support for Condax products. In response, Condax Electronics decided to set up its own tech support department, and it also began to investigate opening its own brand-based retail stores. What does this scenario best illustrate?

forward vertical integration

Jennifer is the strategic business unit (SBU) CEO in charge of manufacturing stereo speakers for computers and laptops. Her SBU earnings and cash flow are both low and unstable. Which of the following strategies should Jennifer enact if examining her SBU through the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix lens?

harvest and/or divest

Danke Inc. is a diversified firm that creates more value than the cost that it incurs. As a result, they are experiencing a diversification premium in their stock price. Danke Inc. is able to accomplish all of the following except

increase their costs but maintain their current stock price.

The Umbrella Corporation (UC) recently acquired a smaller competitor, Packer and Associates, which specializes in issues not previously covered by UC, such as land use and intellectual property cases. Given the increase in the firm's size and complexity, it is likely that its internal transaction costs will


Sterling Cooper Footware and NERV Shoes Inc., two competing shoe brands, entered into a strategic alliance to study and acquire each other's competencies. Sterling Cooper Footware entered the strategic alliance to acquire the production system pioneered by NERV Shoes. Similarly, NERV Shoes agreed to the strategic alliance to study the design process of Sterling Cooper Footware. However, Sterling Cooper Footware was more successful and faster than NERV Shoes in accomplishing its alliance goal. What does this scenario best illustrate?

learning races

Warephase Airway's decision to acquire Konex Fuels Inc. proved to be ill-fated because the Warephase managers overestimated their abilities and skills. They believed that they had the skills to manage such diversified businesses and create additional shareholder value. However, the acquisition failed to create the anticipated synergies because the managers' capabilities were restricted to the airline industry. What does this scenario best illustrate?

managerial hubris

Tom is the CEO of Endless Possibilities Inc. and proudly boasts his firm's slogan, We Guarantee Success! However, Tom's constituents presented him with data on their latest project which suggests that they should not move forward. Tom, undeterred with this data, decides that he will still accept the project because he believes that he can't lose. This is a classic example of

managerial hubris.

Rosa is a senior manager at Veridian Dynamics, a motorcycle manufacturer. Veridian Dynamicshas entered an equity alliance with Parker Industries, a moped manufacturer. "Don't worry, Rosa," her counterpart at Parker Industries tells her. "I'm going to send you all our guidelines and documentation for manufacturing catalytic converters, and then you'll be all set." What else should Rosa request from Parker Industries?

personnel exchanges to share tacit knowledge

The managers at Statholdings Mobile Inc. want to diversify the business by acquiring a consumer electronics company. This acquisition would mean increased job security, higher compensation, and greater decision-making authority for the managers. The managers correlate this acquisition to greater power for them rather than to the appreciation in shareholder value. In this scenario, this acquisition by Statholdings Mobile Inc. is most likely a result of

principal-agent problems.

Soylent Corporation is a major nutritional supplement chain. Its managers are motivated to grow the firm in order to increase their market power and change the industry structure in their favor. Which of the following strategies is most associated with their motive for growth?

purchasing competitors

The core competency of Newex Motors is its fuel-efficient engine found in its cars. These engines are developed and built in-house. The company realizes that the growing demand for "green" vehicles has created a new market opportunity. Thus, it uses its existing technology to develop an engine that improves the fuel efficiency of recreational motorhomes. In this scenario, Newex Motors is

redeploying and recombining existing core competencies to compete in future markets.

Silis Autos is known for its affordable and reliable brand of consumer vehicles. Because its shareholders expect to see an improved rate of growth in the coming years, Silis' executives have decided to diversify the company's range of products so that at least 40 percent of the firm's revenue is generated by new business units. However, the company's resources, capabilities, and competencies are limited to producing other forms of motorized vehicles, such as motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles (ATVs). Which type of corporate diversification strategy should Beagle pursue?


Plexzap Products started as a luxury brand for designer apparel. Soon, the company expanded by launching its own line of premium perfumes, watches, bags, and home furnishings. This expansion allowed the businesses under the company to share a few of the common competencies in products, services, technology, and distribution. Which of the following corporate strategies is Plexzap pursuing in this scenario?

related-linked strategy

Massive Dynamic Computers sources the components for its laptops from various suppliers on the market. The firm pays $100 for processors, $35 for disk drives, $50 for screens, $10 for memory, and $40 for graphics and wireless internet cards. Massive Dynamic has determined that it would cost $200 per unit to produce all of the necessary components in its in-house manufacturing facility. In this scenario, Massive Dynamic should

vertically integrate.

Mary has been named CEO of an office furniture manufacturing company. As CEO, she is tasked with setting the firm's corporate strategy. Which of the following decisions is Mary most likely to make?

what range of products the firm should offer

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