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A complete spinal cord transection injury results in paralysis, which is the inability to do which of the following? a) move voluntarily and feel b) move at all and feel c) feel d) move at all e) move voluntarily


As you are reading this text, your _____ is processing the text, your _____ is relating the text to your memory of what the words mean, and your _____ is "planning" your eye movements across the screen. a) Occipital; temporal; frontal b) Temporal; temporal; occipital c) Occipital; parietal; temporal d) Parietal; occipital; frontal e) Temporal; occipital; parietal f) Parietal; temporal; occipital


Cell bodies of sensory neurons are located in a) dorsal root ganglia. b) propriospinal tracts. c) ventral horns. d) dorsal horns. e) ventral root ganglia.


Exercise causes a general stimulation of the hypothalamus, resulting in the release of most hypothalamic neurohormones. What is the general effect of this stimulation? a) Increases in metabolism, energy availability, and blood volume b) Decreases in blood volume and blood glucose and a slow increase in metabolism c) A rapid and large increase in heat production, a decrease in serum free fatty acids, and an increase in circulating glucose d) An increase in metabolism, a loss of body water, and storage of glucose by the liver


The motor end plate is a) a folded area of muscle cell membrane with ACh receptors clustered at the top of each fold. b) formed by the membrane of enlarged axon terminals, that lie on the surface of skeletal muscle cells. c) the same as the neuromuscular junction.the same as the synaptic cleft. d) a special fibrous matrix whose collagen fibers hold the axon terminal in proper position.


What event triggers the generation of an action potential? a) The membrane potential must depolarize from the resting voltage of -70 mV to a threshold value of -55 mV. b) The membrane potential must hyperpolarize from the resting voltage of -70 mV to the more negative value of -80 mV. c) The membrane potential must return to its resting value of -70 mV from the hyperpolarized value of -80 mV. d)The membrane potential must depolarize from the resting voltage of -70 mV to its peak value of +30 mV.


What is a varicosity in the autonomic nervous system? a) A series of swollen ends that act as synapses b)The interchanging of neurons from several autonomic nerves as they pass from the spinal cord to their target tissues c) Another name for cell bodies in the autonomic nervous system d) The blood vessels that supply autonomic neurons with blood


Where do most action potentials originate? a) Initial segment b) Cell body c) Nodes of Ranvier d) Axon terminal


Which of the following choices best describes the path of sensory information from the receptor into the spinal cord? a) Afferent neuron to dorsal root ganglion to dorsal horn b) Efferent neuron to dorsal root ganglion to dorsal horn c) Afferent neuron to dorsal horn to dorsal root ganglion d) Efferent neuron to dorsal horn to dorsal root ganglion


Which of the following is an effect of the parasympathetic nervous system? a) airway constriction b) increased heart rate c)decreased urination d) increased renin secretion


preganglionic neurons release ACh onto nicotinic cholinergic receptors. These receptors are likely ___________. a) Ion channel receptors b) G-protein coupled receptors c) Receptor enzymes d) It depends on which branch of autonomic pathway.


unmyelinated, consists of cell bodies, dendrites, and axon terminals a) gray matter b) white matter c) ascending tracts d) descending tracts e) propriospinal tracts


Exocrine glands, smooth muscles, and cardiac muscles are directly regulated by the A.Autonomic nervous system B.Central nervous system C.Somatic motor nervous system D.Enteric (digestive) nervous system E.Peripheral nervous system

a, e

Exocrine glands, smooth muscles, and cardiac muscles are directly regulated by the a)Autonomic nervous system b)Central nervous system c)Somatic motor nervous system d)Enteric (digestive) nervous system e)Peripheral nervous system

a, e

**You have a patient who has experienced sudden weight loss, a rapid or irregular heartbeat, sweating, and nervousness or irritability. Blood tests indicate that the patient has a higher than normal concentrations of TSH, T4, and T3. The TRH concentration is lower than normal. The patient most likely has ________. a) primary hypersecretion b) secondary hypersecretion c) tertiary hypersecretion d)primary hyposecretion e)secondary hyposecretion f) tertiary hyposecretion


Arrange the following events in the proper sequence: 1. Efferent neuron graded potential reaches threshold and fires an action potential. 2. Afferent neuron graded potential reaches threshold and fires an action potential .3. Target organ responds. 4. CNS reaches decision about response. 5. Sensory receptor detects change in the environment. a)5, 3, 4, 2, 1 b)5, 2, 4, 1, 3 c)2, 3, 5, 1, 4 d)3, 1, 4, 2, 5 e)5, 1, 4, 2, 3


Choose the FALSE statement. a) A hyperpolarized cell has a negative membrane potential compared to one at rest. b)Because sodium and potassium ions cross the membrane during an action potential, their concentrations inside the cell change significantly. c)If a second graded potential begins before the first one ends, the voltage changes add together. d)Within a single neuron, different types of voltage-gated ion channels may have different threshold voltages.


During the rising phase of an action potential, voltage-gated sodium channels open (activate) in response to depolarization. There is a net movement of sodium ions into the neuron causing the membrane to depolarize further. This greater depolarization causes even more voltage-gated sodium channels to open (activate). This phenomenon is an example of: A.a negative feedback loop B.a positive feedback loop C.a hula hoop D.what are you talking about there are no loops


Given the previous slide, what are the (traditional) tissue types for the adrenal medulla and cortex? a) Endocrine, nervous b) Nervous, endocrine c) Exocrine, endocrine d) Nervous, nervous e) Endocrine, endocrine


How do the synapses of the autonomic nervous system differ from a neuromuscular junction (NMJ)? a)There is no effective way of blocking (antagonizing) the effects of the autonomic nervous system, but blocking the somatic motor system is relatively easy. b)Neurotransmitter receptors are concentrated on the postsynaptic membrane in the NMJ but diffusely arranged across the tissue in a varicosity. c)Synapses of the somatic motor system receive input from the brain, whereas the autonomic nervous system signaling originates in the spinal cord. d)The neurotransmitters used are very different between the two systems.


Steroid hormones travel through the bloodstream... a) unaided. b)attached to polar carrier molecules. c)attached to nonpolar carrier molecules. d)... Gotcha! They don't travel through the bloodstream.


The diameter of bronchioles varies under the control of ________ neurons, which cause the diameter to ________. a) sympathetic; either increase or decrease, depending upon the type of receptor present b) autonomic; constrict under parasympathetic control and dilate under sympathetic control c) parasympathetic; either increase or decrease, depending upon the type of receptor present d) autonomic; dilate under parasympathetic control and constrict under sympathetic control


The division of the efferent nervous system that controls smooth and cardiac muscles and many glands is the ________ division. a) parasympathetic b) autonomic c) somatic d) sympathetic


What characterizes depolarization, the first phase of the action potential? a) The membrane potential reaches a threshold value and returns to the resting state. b) The membrane potential changes from a negative value to a positive value. c) The membrane potential changes to a much more negative value. d) The membrane potential changes to a less negative (but not a positive) value


What is the first change to occur in response to a threshold stimulus?a) Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels change shape, and their activation gates open. b) Voltage-gated Na+ channels change shape, and their activation gates open. c) Voltage-gated Na+ channels change shape, and their inactivation gates close. d) Voltage-gated K+ channels change shape, and their activation gates open.


Which of the following would NOT cause the membrane potential to change from -70 mV to +30 mV? a) sodium ions entering the cell b) potassium ions leaving the cell c) phosphate ions leaving the cell d) calcium ions entering the cell


Which type of acetylcholine receptor is present on postganglionic neurons, and which type is present on the target tissues in autonomic pathways? a) Adrenergic on the postganglionic neuron and nicotinic on the target tissues b) Nicotinic on the postganglionic neurons and muscarinic on the target tissues c) Muscarinic on the postganglionic neuron and adrenergic on the target tissues d) Muscarinic on the postganglionic neuron and nicotinic on the target tissues


A single neuron is stimulated at the central nervous system; this signal travels through 2 neurons before reaching the target tissue, where the neurotransmitter acetylcholine is released onto the target tissue. The acetylcholine binds to a muscarinic receptor to induce a response. These steps describe could describe which of the following situations? a) Activation of the sympathetic nervous system in the heart b) Activation of the sympathetic nervous system in the sweat glands c) Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system in the intestines d) Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system in vascular smooth muscle

b, c

In an excitable cell, which of the following events will make the cell more likely to fire an action potential? Many choice: A.Na+ leak channels close B.K+ leak channels close C.Voltage-gated Na+ channels open D.K+ channels open when the membrane potential (Vm) is -90 mV

b, c

Which of the following is a similarity between the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems?Multiple answers!!!! a) Both can use epinephrine. b) Both can use acetylcholine. c) Both have a network of 2 neurons that extend from the spinal cord. d) Both have a network of more than 2 neurons that extend from the spinal cord. e) Both synapse onto effectors including the heart and bronchioles. f) Both have a single effect on all target tissues, depending on the neurotransmitter used.

b, c, e

In an excitable cell, which of the following events will make the cell more likely to fire an action potential? Many choice! a)Na+ leak channels close b)K+ leak channels close c)Voltage-gated Na+ channels open d)K+ channels open when the membrane potential (Vm) is -90 mV


A patient was exposed to a nerve gas during a chemical warfare attack. The nerve gas inhibited the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. What will happen to the amount of acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft, and how can this be treated? a) The amount of acetylcholine will increase; treat with a cholinergic receptor agonist. b) The amount of acetylcholine will decrease; treat with a cholinergic receptor agonist. c) The amount of acetylcholine will increase; treat with a cholinergic receptor antagonist. d) The amount of acetylcholine will decrease; treat with a cholinergic receptor antagonist


If a physiological dose of an experimental drug was administered, and the subject responded to the chemical, which would indicate that this drug is an epinephrine agonist? a) decreased sweating b) hypoglycemia (low blood glucose)decreased heart rate c) increase in fatty acids in the blood d) constriction of respiratory airway


The absolute refractory period of an action potential: a) only ensures one-way travel down an axon. b)only prevents summation of action potentials. c) ensures one-way travel down an axon, allows a neuron to ignore a second signal sent that closely follows the first, and prevents summation of action potentials. d) only allows a neuron to ignore a second signal sent that closely follows the first. e) ensures one-way travel down an axon and allows a neuron to ignore a second signal sent that closely follows the first.


The diameter of blood vessels varies under the control of ________ neurons, which cause the diameter to ________. a) autonomic; either increase or decrease, depending upon whether the innervation is sympathetic or parasympathetic b) sympathetic and parasympathetic; decrease or increase, respectively c) sympathetic; either increase or decrease, depending upon the type of receptor present d) sympathetic and parasympathetic; increase or decrease, respectively


The embryonic region from which the entire nervous system eventually develops is the __________. a) Neural tube b) Neural crest c) Neural plate d) Ependyma e) Ventricle


The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are divisions of which system? a)the central nervous system b)the sensory nervous system c)the autonomic nervous system d)the somatic motor nervous system


What would be the effect of ACh binding to its receptor on a skeletal muscle cell? a) Ca2+ would flow into the cell, and Na+ would flow out of the cell. b) Na+ would flow out of the cell, and K+ would flow into the cell. c) Na+ would flow into the cell, and K+ would flow out of the cell. d) Ca2+ would flow out of the cell, and Na+ would flow into the cell.


What would you expect to happen to the amount cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) if there were a mutation that decreased the number of sodium pumps in the choroid plexus? a) It would increase b) It would increase osmolarity c) It would decrease d) It would stay the same


Which is a difference between the anterior pituitary and the posterior pituitary? a) One secretes hormones made in the neuron cell bodies in the hypothalamus, and the other secretes hormones made in neuron cell bodies in the pituitary. b) One secretes peptide hormones, and the other secretes steroid hormones. c) One secretes chemical signals from endocrine cells, and the other secretes chemical signals from neural cells. d) One secretes a hormone involved in breastfeeding, and the other does not.


Which of the following is a similarity between peptide and steroid hormones? a) Both are lipophilic. b) Both bind to intracellular receptors. c) Both travel through the blood to bind target cell receptors. d) Both are made from amino acids. e) None of the choices are correct.


Which of the following would be the most difficult molecule/compound to keep OUT of the brain? a) Glucose b) Bacteria c) Nonpolar steroid hormones d) Polar peptide hormones e) Catecholamines


Which part or characteristic of the nervous system is the most different when comparing humans with other animals? a) The large number of glia relative to neurons in the central nervous system b) The cerebellum c) The cerebrum d)The way that nerve signals are produced via action potentials


temporal lobe: A. primary somatic sensory cortex B. visual cortex C. auditory cortex D. association


Acetylcholine from preganglionic neurons binds to nicotinic cholinergic receptors that are ionotropic. What ions will move through the membrane? a) K+ out of the cell b) Na+ out of the cell c) K+ into the cell d) Na+ into the cell


Damage to which brain lobe would cause problems with skeletal muscle movement? a) Parietal b) Occipital c) Temporal d) Frontal


Hyposecretion from damage to the thyroid gland leads to... a) Increased TRH, increased TSH, increased T4 & T3 b) Decreased TRH, decreased TSH, decreased T4 & T3 c) Increased TRH, decreased TSH, decreased T4 & T3 d) Increased TRH, increased TSH, decreased T4 & T3


Neurons in the parasympathetic pathway use which of the following neurotransmitters? a) acetylcholine (preganglionic) and norepinephrine (postganglionic) b) norepinephrine (preganglionic) and acetylcholine (postganglionic) c) norepinephrine d) acetylcholine


Steroid hormones are synthesized in the ________ of the cell. a) Golgi apparatus b)mitochondria c)rough endoplasmic reticulum d)smooth endoplasmic reticulum e) nucleus


What makes the brain more complex than a simple reflex pathway? a) The lack of an integrating center b) The unique character of the output signals sent from the brain to peripheral targets c) All areas of the brain receive sensory input from every part of the body, making the brain one large integrating center. d) The ability to generate information in the absence of external input


The adrenal medulla is important to the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system because a) it is a source of catecholamines and it is considered a modified sympathetic ganglion. b) it is considered a modified sympathetic ganglion. c) it is a source of catecholamines. d) it releases epinephrine and norepinephrine directly into the blood. e) it is a source of catecholamines, it is considered a modified sympathetic ganglion, and it releases epinephrine and norepinephrine directly into the blood.


Which is NOT a method of hormone action? a) control of enzymatic reaction rates b) control of ion or molecule transport across cell membranes c) control of electrical signaling pathways d) control of gene expression and protein synthesis e) All are methods of hormone action.


Which of these does NOT contribute significantly to the protection of the brain? a) cranium b) cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) c) dura mater d) subarachnoid space e) cerebral space


parasympathetic tissue receptor A. acetylcholine B. norepinephrine C. cholinergic nicotinic receptor D. adrenergic receptor E. cholinergic muscarinic receptor


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