Exam #3 MNG Vocab

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A contingency plan specifies what will be done if __________. a. the primary plan is disrupted b. the primary plan is successful c. it is necessary to satisfice d. there is post-decision dissonance


Abby has been charged with creating a media strategy with a high level of richness. Currently, her firm uses mainly email and formal written correspondence. Abby's goals are to increase interactivity and the firm's ability to communicate multiple cues to customers. Of the following communication media, which could Abby adopt because they are very high in richness? a. videoconferences and face-to-face b. personal written and telephone c. telephone and email d. email and instant messaging


Leon is a new human resources manager who has been charged with expanding the sales force. Which of the following ideas should he implement for running effective job interviews? a. Make any necessary accommodations if candidates have disabilities. b. Conduct the interview in a conference room where you can sit across the table from the candidate. c. Open the interview by asking the candidate to tell you something about themselves. d. Emphasize staff problems and corporate shortcomings so the candidate has a realistic impression of the workplace.


Nancy is the administrator at a community nonprofit. She was hired for her expertise in planning and budgeting, but she has experienced conflicts with personnel. Which of the following statements is true about Nancy's role? a. She is a manager. b. She is a leader. c. She is both a manager and a leader. d. She is neither a manager nor a leader.


Nonprogrammed decisions require managers to use good judgment and __________. a. creativity b. procedures c. decision rules d. clear and specific goals


Some experts believe that groupthink contributed to the failure of NASA's Challenger mission. If this is correct, then which of the following statements is NOT likely true about the Challenger team members? a. They fought constantly and couldn't agree on anything. b. They believed they were invulnerable against failure. c. They were insulated against opposing outside information. d. They ignored the ethical implications of their decisions.


The Delphi technique is a method that allows people to __________. a. systematically gather the judgments of experts to develop forecasts b. see differences among situations, phenomena, or events c. analyze the benefits of situations, phenomena, or events d. generate ideas and then discuss them and vote until reaching consensus


The nature of managerial leadership varies depending on the culture. Which of the following countries experiences a low need for managers to have immediate and precise answers to subordinates' questions? a. Sweden b. Italy c. Germany d. Japan


The third step in the rational decision-making approach is to __________. a. determine the decision type b. generate alternatives c. identify the problem d. state the situational goal


What is one way to enhance horizontal communication? a. Online videos, wikis, or blogs can be made available to employees. b. Have managers provide regular performance reports and updates. c. CEOs can visit various worksites for face-to-face communication. d. Subordinates can engage in daily informal contacts with managers.


Which of the following defines communication? a. the transmission of information between people that creates a shared understanding and feeling b. the transmission of information from one person to another in order to agree on something c. the conversion of information into a message in the form of symbols, pictures, or words d. anything that blocks, distorts, or changes a sender's message


Which of the following enables users to see who is logged on and to chat with them in real time? a. instant messaging b. telecommuting c. filtering d. email


Which of the following is more closely associated with leadership than with management? a. motivating b. organizing c. evaluating d. budgeting


Which of the following statements is true about escalation of commitment? a. It is also known as the sunk cost fallacy. b. It outlines how a group escalates into a cycle of generate, discuss, and vote. c. It describes the tendency for a group's average post-discussion attitudes to be more extreme than its average pre-discussion attitudes. d. It describes how people are quick to change incorrect decisions.


According to prospect theory, people are more strongly motivated by __________ than by __________. a. ethics, personal gains b. potential losses, potential gains c. potential gains, potential losses d. personal gains, ethics


Conflict is most likely to escalate due to __________. a. the uncertainty associated with change b. one party involved using aggressive tactics c. differences in people's values or worldviews d. a high degree of task interdependence


Distributive negotiations occur under zero-sum conditions. What does this mean? a. Both sides gain equally under the negotiation so that neither loses. b. Any gain by one party is offset by an equivalent loss to the other party. c. Any gain by one party is offset by an equivalent win for the other party. d. Both sides lose equally under the negotiation so that neither wins.


Divergent thinking is a skill that allows people to see __________ situations, phenomena, or events. a. the limits and benefits of b. differences among c. a meaningful subset of information about d. similarities among


In path-goal theory, which leadership style is best for managing employees who are new to dealing with ambiguous, unstructured tasks? a. supportive b. directive c. participative d. achievement-oriented


Jess works for the Rainbow Irrigation Company and has been assigned to work with her suppliers in China. There have been disagreements about shipping deadlines and quality of parts. Which of the following strategies would most likely be viewed favorably by the Chinese managers? a. be honest and direct about the issue b. compromise to resolve the issues c. collaborate to solve the problems d. have a solution prepared in advance


What term refers to the encoded information of the communication process? a. channel b. message c. feedback d. decoding


When each side sacrifices something in order to end the conflict, this is called __________. a. avoiding b. compromising c. collaborating d. competing


When mediating a conflict, what does active listening entail? a. taking the person's side to build a relationship b. reading the other person's facial expressions c. asking questions designed to get the correct answer d. revealing information to maintain open communication


Which is a useful email guideline that managers can follow to improve business communications? a. Write elaborate and descriptive message lines for clarity. b. Reread emails to check for spelling and grammar before sending them. c. Send group emails regularly to keep people informed. d. Respond to each question in an email in separate responses.


Amy has been told she needs to improve her active listening skills. Which strategy would help her to do this? a. increase the level of background noise to tune out distractions b. ask basic yes/no questions to show signs of comprehension c. closely observe the speaker for changes in tone and body language d. avoid making too much eye contact so the other person isn't nervous


In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in the trait approach to determining leadership characteristics. Which of the following statements is true about this approach? a. Women and minorities have been well represented in the trait studies. b. Leadership can be predicted by factors such as body shape and handwriting style. c. Recent studies have identified a limited set of leadership traits, such as emotional intelligence, drive, and charisma are acknowledged leadership traits. d. Early studies identified being short as a leadership trait.


In which stage of Glasl's model of conflict escalation does one side get frustrated by debate and block the opponent's goals, forcing the opponent to yield? a. threat as a strategy b. images and coalitions c. action over words d. hardening


Micah is known as someone who is respectful of and concerned about his subordinates. He effectively communicates so that his subordinates know what is expected of them. How would he be categorized according to the Ohio State leadership studies? a. low consideration, low initiating b. low consideration, high initiating c. high consideration, high initiating d. high consideration, low initiating


Relationships with coworkers, bosses, and others we know because of the roles we hold are known as __________. a. diagonal ties b. intranets c. formal ties d. informal ties


When you complete the Least-Preferred Coworker Scale, whom should you have in mind? a. the type of person you generally gravitate toward b. the type of person whom you like the least c. the person with whom you can work the least well d. the person with whom you have the least in common


Which of the following barriers to communication is an example of selective perception? a. Information is intentionally withheld, ignored, or distorted. b. A message isn't decoded the way the sender intended it. c. The message is seen and heard based on expectations. d. Something blocks, changes, or distorts the message.


Which of the following identifies post-decision dissonance? a. an innate belief about something without conscious consideration b. staying with a decision even when it appears wrong c. doubt about a choice that has been made d. more extreme post-discussion attitudes


Which of the following is true about media richness? a. Immediate feedback reduces richness by promoting irrelevant and tangential commenting. b. Videoconferencing is a good way to save travel time and expense during negotiations. c. Media that are low in number of cues and language variety are low in richness. d. The more concrete and specific the message, the higher the level of richness that is needed.


Which of the following questions does Vroom's decision tree approach purport to answer? a. How should I convince my subordinates that the decision I have made is correct? b. To what extent should my decisions reflect the best interests of my subordinates? c. To what extent should my subordinates be involved in making decisions? d. Have I used all the information at hand to make the correct decision?


Which of the following statements is NOT true about the nature of conflict? a. Conflict can increase employee commitment. b. Conflict can undermine decision quality. c. Conflict is inherently destructive. d. Conflict must be managed correctly.


You disagree with your boss about a decision, and you're really frustrated. Which of the following strategies would work best to keep this conflict from escalating? a. You can document your boss's actions in order to keep a paper trail for future use. b. You can avoid talking about the problem because it might lead to angry words. c. You can focus on the outcomes you want rather than on your boss's actual position. d. You can speak separately to other people involved in the conflict to get their support.


Carla and John disagree about production goals for their office furniture manufacturing company. Carla, the marketing manager, believes the company will be most profitable with a wide variety of desk and chair models that are produced in short runs. John, the production floor supervisor, argues that the production of one model at a time makes the most sense and is, therefore, most profitable. They end up agreeing to do longer runs of fewer models, while still maintaining a modest variety of models to offer their customers. What type of behavioral approach does this decision represent? a. bounded rationality b. satisficing c. administrative modeling d. suboptimizing


If you decide to take a break and go for a hike in order to focus less consciously on the creative process, which stage in the creative process are you experiencing? a. insight b. preparation c. verification d. incubation


In which form of alternative dispute resolution does the third party have the authority to impose a settlement on the parties? a. conciliation b. mediation c. ombudsman d. arbitration


Oleg follows Vroom's decision tree to a terminal node and then discusses an important issue with his subordinates individually, getting their opinions before making a decision. Which style did Oleg use? a. delegate b. decide c. facilitate d. consult


Research has shown that managers who have good conflict resolution skills __________ than managers who don't. a. get fewer promotions b. use anger more effectively c. fare no better in the workplace d. get more promotions


Stephen needs to decide about whether or not to promote his firm's new sportswear line. He knows that his sportswear company's ad campaign will result in the firm earning profits of $575,000. He also knows that if he doesn't run the ad campaign, his company will earn only $100,000. What type of condition is he operating under? a. condition of uncertainty b. condition of suboptimizing c. condition of risk d. condition of certainty


What is the goal of brainstorming? a. provide the resolution to a problem or a decision b. identify "mindguards" who can protect the group from adverse information c. gather judgments from noted experts to help develop forecasts d. produce new ideas and solutions by stimulating group members' creativity


What type of communication occurs when top-level executives in an organization seek feedback from white-collar employees at all levels of the organization? a. upward communication b. horizontal communication c. downward communication d. diagonal communication


Which conflict management style emphasizes problem solving and pursues an outcome that gives both parties what they want? a. competing b. avoiding c. compromising d. collaborating


Which factor determines the degree to which subordinates should participate in the decision-making process, according to Vroom's decision tree approach? a. the personal characteristics of employees b. the manager's leadership style c. the characteristics of the group d. the characteristics of the situation


Which of the following describes someone with a 1,1 rating on the Leadership Grid? a. I enjoy the personal relationships with my team and want them to feel comfortable. b. I support and respect my team and want them to be committed to our goals. c. I expect the work to be done and don't believe people issues should interfere. d. I believe in doing the minimum amount of work in order to meet organizational goals.


Which of the following involves an impartial third party who facilitates a discussion using persuasion and logic, establishes each side's priorities, and suggests a settlement that does not have to be accepted? a. dictation b. conciliation c. arbitration d. mediation


Which term refers to the ability of an individual to generate new ideas? a. contingent thinking b. decision making c. empowerment d. creativity


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