exam 4

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Lewis Termin: Stanford - Beint scale (1906/16)

"Intelligent Quotient" IQ - enables direct comparison of children of diff ages, normal distribution/ bell curve, ppl hover i middle, ppl float around sides

theories of intelligence - spearman

1904 general intelligence ("g" factor)

theories of intelligence - Gardner

1983 multiple intelligences

Which of the following best describes the relationship between light-dark cycles (from the rising and setting sun) and circadian rhythms?

Circadian rhythms are generated by the body, but reset by light- dark cycles.

In 1965 a high-school student, Randy Gardner, stayed awake 11 days for a science fair project. What effect did this experience have on him?

Gardner suffered no serious psychological consequences.

Kendler, et al. 2015

IQ went up when adopted into affluent household, and don when adopted to poor household

How would the activation-synthesis theory explain why people dream of an inability to move?

It really is difficult to move the muscles during REM sleep.

extreme case: anxiety, depression, alexithmya

NOT an emotion, it is a chronic state, it is related though

Benit believed intelligence was

NOT fixed

An experimenter presents two tones, A and B, in this pattern: AAAAB, AAAAB, AAAAB, AAAAB. How might we test whether the listener is conscious?

Present AAAAA. A conscious person shows an enhanced response to the final A.

Why might horses and sheep get so little sleep per night?

They are in danger of being attacked while they sleep.

What evidence suggests that we sometimes consciously perceive a stimulus afterward, instead of simultaneously with it?

We don't perceive a brief masked stimulus, but a slightly longer one seems to last the whole duration.

change blindness

a perceptual phenomenon that occurs when a change in a visual stimulus is introduced and the observer does not notice it


ability of a test to provide consistent and stable scores (if unreliable, cannot be valid)


ability of the test to measure what it was designed to measure (if unreliable, cannot be valid)

Cattel fluid intelligence

ability to think and reason abstractly and solve problems - considered independent of learning, experience, and education ex: solving puzzles, problem solving strategies as you get older, things slow down

Which of the following is most likely to cause people to have difficulty falling asleep?

becoming accustomed to going to bed late and then trying to shift to going to bed earlier

what determines g factor?

being spanked? highly educated parents? all is correlative, not causation

overt non-verbal expressions

body language

consciousness of the brain -

brain and mind are inseparable

Eyeferth 1959 study

children raised by white vs mixed vs diff = no difference

What is one important function of sleep?

conserving energy

Steingberg Triarchic Theory

conventional (analytical) academic problem solving -- practical (general novel ideas) and practical (required fore everyday tasks where multiple solutions exist)

cognitive, physiological processes, physiological, expressive behavior, behavior, cognitive appraisal


As a rule, which type of people can best tolerate a period of sleep deprivation?

evening people

Paralympic games study Matsumoto and Willing 2009

facial feedback hypothesis (embodied emotions)

Lewis Teman thought IQ was

fixed in one's genetics BAD

David Wechsler WAIS (1935/55)

for adults sub scales scoring changes average score = 100 most used scale today is a derivative of this (currently in its 3rd version) culturally biased

dizygotic twins

fraternal 50% genetic overlap

Spearman's g factor

general ability factor analysis - stats one factor that affects your intelligence - correlates all performance on all tests

assessing reliability: test-retest reliability =

give the same test twice and compare scores

Robert Yakes Army Alpha (1917)

grew out of stanford-binet in response to WWI bc there were many illiterate Americans who were advanced, ppl were found to be able to be intelligent without having gone to school, acknowledging intelligence doesn't rely on verbal abilities --> psychologists helped US govt, boosted its status, advanced field

monozygotic twins

identical 100% genetic overlap

A period of sleep ____ memory for something just learned and ____ attention and memory for material learned after awakening.

improves... improves

awareness is associated w

increased brain activity

Cattel crystalized intelligence

learning from past experiences - situations that require crystallized intelligence include reading comprehension and vocabulary exams intelligence peaks at 50

George Mandler (former APA res): why did consciousness evolve?

learning, making judgements, trouble shooting

Gardener's Multiple Intelligences

linguistic, logical - mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily - kinesthetic, interpersonal, interpersonal, naturalist intelligence - measures different angles and parts of learning (so, if they are separable things, they shouldn't correlate, but they DO correlate, so it suggests there is one fundamental generalized ability) - questions: does it measure intelligence or just talent

windt: consciousness is

main psych focus

mental age vs chronological age

measure of how intelligent you are vs your chronological age, no way it is immovable or innate


mental age / chronological age x 100 100 is the average eg: when you were 10 years old you would be 100

descartes' dualism

min is physically distinct from brain

is intelligence a result of nature?

more that says intelligence is not a result of nature

more _____ than ______ words exist

negative, positive


not merely book learning, a narrow academic skill or test taking smarts, rather a broader and deeper capability for comprehending our surroundings -- "catching on" "making sense of things" or "figuring out" what to do

phi effect

optical illusion of perceiving a series of still images, when viewed in rapid succession, as continuous motion

any scientific study of consciousness is based n the premise that

phenomenal experience is entailed by neuronal activity in the brain

Alfred Binet 1905

predicts school achievement - 30 simple questions on simple tasks to find whose behind (shake hands, follow light name body parts, etc)

John Raven (1938)

progressive materials visual problem solving less culturally biased

does free will exist? libet experiment

proves that conscious thought does not control actions, there is no free will "consciousness of a decision may be a mere biochemical afterthought, with no influence whatsoever on a person's actions."

Assessing validity: criterion-related validity =

relationship between scores on a test and an independent measure of what the test is supposed to measure

behaviorism is just


qualities of a good test

standardized: pretested to a representative sample of people and from a normal distribution or bell curve reliable: extent to which a test procedures consistent and results valid: extent to which a test measures what we want it to measure, SAT's predict college success?


subjective experience of the world and your mental activity, moment by moment subjective experiences reflecting on one's current thoughts or paying attention to one's immediate surroundings, a view from within, inner experience, WHAT WE LOSE WHEN WE SLEEP, awareness

propose of emotions

survival, motivation, make decisions,social communication

why did consciousness evolve?

to survive unsocial situations understand self (theory of mind) and others deceive others (Machiavellian complex) deal w complex novel situations

scale of emotions

valence, arousal, dominance

physiological: emotions are almost always accompanied by

visceral "fight or flight" Release of hormones that radiate throughout body Physiological measures heart & breathing rate blood pressure sweating


your subjective conscious experience, an appraisal of how you feel "I feel afraid"

origin of intelligence: is intelligence inherited (nature) or undetermined by our environment and upbringing (nurture)?

BOTH - disagreement is about relative indifference ... twins reared apart?

Why would it be unlikely for anyone to engage in sleepwalking during REM sleep?

The muscles are too relaxed.

what are emotions

everyone knows until they're asked to define it - Fehr and russell 1984 involve a subjective conscious experience accompanied by bodily arousal and characteristic overt and expressions

behavioral expressiveness

overtime nonverbal expressions ("body language")

universally expressed emotions

quickly and rather automatically identified even blind people do it since birth

Woody Harrelson

quits smoking pot bc he felt it made him emotionally unmovable

Illusions -

reality doesn't match subjective experience phi effect change blindness deja vu


related to automatic nervous system, heart, breathing rate, blood pressure, sweating


the ability of people who are cortically blind due to lesions in their striate cortex, also known as primary visual cortex or V1, to respond to visual stimuli that they do not consciously see

Assessing validity: content validity =

the extent to which test items represent the knowledge or skills being measured

Someone with right-hemisphere damage ordinarily neglects the left side of objects. What happens if the person closes his/her eyes and tries to describe a scene form memory?

The description neglects the left side.

Cant apply IQ to adults over 18 because

all adults should be on the same level

vegetable/locked in syndrom

alterations to conscious awareness directly related to brain damage - blindsight - neglect

problem w mental age

can't compare across ages, mental age of 6 at age 5, vs age of 10 at 9, which is smarter?

theories of intelligence - Cattel

1942 Fluid vs crystallized intelligences

theories of intelligence - Sternberg

1985 Triarchic

Crick & Koch (2003)

Consciousness provides the best interpretation of sensory information in light of past experiences

Some people describe themselves as "morning people", while others describe themselves as "evening people". Which of the following statements is true regarding that distinction?

Evening people" have low body temperatures in the morning that gradually rise during the day

what suggests there may be genetic influence in intelligence?

IQ: identical r=.84 vs fraternal r=.60

What evidence suggests that some people in a vegetative state may be conscious?

Instructions to imagine playing tennis evoked appropriate brain responses.

A worker at International Amalgamated, Inc., is currently working from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The company wants to shift her to a different work time. For the sake of her physical and mental health, which of the following would be best?

Move her to the 4 p.m. to midnight shift, then to midnight to 8 a.m. shift.

What is the relationship between blindness and visual dreams?

People who lose their vision because of eye damage can still have visual dreams.

What happens to the brain's representation of a sensory stimulus on occasions when people are conscious of it, that does not happen when they are unconscious of it?

The activity spreads through much more of the brain.

On average, how do dreams differ from daily life?

They are more likely to include unhappy emotions.

People watched a dot moving around a clock and spontaneously decided when to flex their wrist, remembering and later reporting the location of the dot at the time of the conscious decision. Researchers also measured the time activity increased in the Premotor cortex, and the time of the wrist movement. Why were the results theoretically important?

They suggest that conscious thought does not control our actions.

Suppose astronauts are on a flight to another planet. The temperature and lighting of the spacecraft remain constant at all times. When will the astronauts become sleepy?

about once every 24-25 hours

assessing reliability: split-half reliability =

divide one test into two parts and compare the scores on each part

For most people the experience of jet lag is most severe if they travel across time zones

from west to east.

The Hard Problem "explanatory gap" "fathomless abyss"

how the physical process in the brain - firing of neurons give rise to subjective experience - feelings, thoughts, emotions ("qualia")

Under what circumstance do memory tests underestimate the abilities of older adults?

if the test takes place in late afternoon or evening

measurable brain activity can predict

what you're seeing

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