exam 4

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The nurse's open-ended statement is a means of focusing on the problem and obtaining more information about the client's concerns, which helps the nurse to identify issues and concerns clearly.

A client who has a femur fracture states, "I can't stay in this bed any longer. I need to get home so I can take care of my family." The nurse responds by saying, "You have talked about your family. Can you tell me more about your specific concerns?" Which of the following therapeutic communication techniques is the nurse using?

Organism and what antibiotic is effective against the organism

A culture and sensitivity are ordered to determine the

Participation is not equal

A nurse actively avoids the use of one-way communication. What is the major problem with one-way communication?

can you tell me why It bothers you that I went to the mall

A nurse is assisting with a family therapy session for parents and 2 school-age children. Which of the following statements should the nurse recognize as an example of effective communication among family members? ill tell on you should she bother me like that? can you tell me why It bothers you that I went to the mall please don't raise the voice at them, it was me who messed up.

Elicit information from the client.

A nurse is caring for a client and is establishing a nurse-client helping relationship. Which of the following communication techniques should the nurse use during the orientation phase?


A nurse is caring for a client who is discussing his post-traumatic stress disorder and states, "Everyone thinks you should be able to put it out of your mind. It happened so long ago — just get over it!" The nurse responds, "It must be very frustrating to encounter this kind of attitude." This response by the nurse is an example of which of the following therapeutic communication techniques?

Impaired verbal communication

A nurse is caring for a patient experiencing respiratory distress. The health care provider places an endotracheal tube. What is the most appropriate patient problem for this patient?

Saturday is the Sabbath for members of this faith, so the staff should postpone diagnostic tests and non-critical treatments until Sunday.

A nurse is contributing to the plan of care for a client who is a Seventh-Day Adventist. To provide spiritually and culturally sensitive care, which of the following interventions should the nurse suggest for this client?

Substance use

A nurse is discussing cultural concepts in mental health nursing with nursing staff. When discussing Native American clients, the nurse should identify which of the following as an increased risk for this cultural group?

The client's sociocultural background influences nonverbal communication.

A nurse is observing a client's nonverbal behavior. When evaluating this behavior, the nurse should factor in which of the following principles that influence nonverbal communication?

The nurse can demonstrate an understanding of Asian-American cultural differences by continuing the discussion and avoiding eye contact. A client from this culture may consider direct eye contact, close personal space, and touching to be impolite, aggressive, or disrespectful.

A nurse is reinforcing dietary teaching with a client who is Asian-American and looks at the floor during the instruction. Which of the following actions should the nurse take to demonstrate cultural sensitivity?

The nurse should address the client by her last name to show respect.

A nurse is reinforcing preoperative teaching with a client of Chinese heritage who speaks limited English. Which of the following methods of communication by the nurse demonstrates cultural competence?


A nurse is standing at the bedside with the patient lying in bed. What can the nurse be construed as demonstrating? Interest Power Caring Support

Nasotracheal suction

A sputum specimen has been ordered for a patient admitted with possible pneumonia of the right lower lobe. which is the best method for the nurse to use with a patient who cannot expectorate sputum on their own ?

In the early morning

A sputum specimen is ordered on a patient diagnosed with pneumonia. When is the best time for the nurse to the attempt to collect this specimen? At bedtime After lunch In the early morning After breakfast

urinary retention

After a Foley catheter has been removed, the nurse should assess the patient for:

Nurse takes into account the feelings and needs of the patient.

Assertive communication is a form of communication in which the

Before each meal At bedtime Upon waking up in the morning

Bladder training is initiated on a patient preparing for discharge to home from an acute care setting. When should voiding times be scheduled? (select all that apply) At least every hour At patients request Before each meal At bedtime Upon waking up in the morning

sit side by side

Chinese American patient. How should this nurse demostrate cultural awareness? Touch the patient? Make eye contact? or sit side by side


Chinese-American health beliefs focus on which type of medicine

close ended

During a complete assessment, which type of questioning is not usually conducive to fostering communication?

Utilizing a communication board

How might a nurse communicate with a patient who is on a ventilator

0-18 inches

In regard to personal space, which zone is considered an intimate zone (think inches or feet)

Bloody mucus Dark amber color with sediment

In the assessment of a patient's urine sample, what will the nurse consider an abnormal finding?(select all that apply) Clear, straw color A few mucus flecks Bloody mucus A slight aromatic odor Dark amber color with sediment


Listening is a form of which type of communication


Our Western culture believes in which social structure? Folk medicine Biomedical medicine Holistic medicine Spiritual medicine

1/2 tab

Please administer 10 mg of Zoloft by mouth.Available Zoloft is in 20 mg tablets.How many tablets will you give?

2 tabs

Please administer 150 mcg of levaquin by mouth.Available Levaquin is 75 mcg in tablet.How many tablets will you give?

60 ml

Please administer 600 mg of clindamycin by mouth.Available clindamycin is in 50 mg/5ml oral suspension.How many ml will you give?

1.5 tabs

Please administer 750 mg of aspirin by mouth.Available aspirin is in 500 mg tablets.How many tablets will you give?


Please administer 9 mg IM of Hydroxyzine.Available Hydroxyzine is 5 mg/ml by injection. How many ml will you give?


Some Asian and Native American cultures believe eye contact indicates....


The nurse from New York City is caring for a patient from Atlanta, Georgia. What difference between the nurse and patient mau cause them to experience difficulty in communicating?

Encouraging consultation of male members of the family regarding health care decisions.

The nurse is caring for a Mexican American patient. What nursing intervention would best demonstrate cultural sensitivity? Encouraging consultation of male members of the family regarding health care decisions. Discouraging consultation of male members of the family regarding health care desicions Asking the patient's spouse to see his baby before cutting the umbilical cord Asking the patient's spouse to hold the neonate before bathing the neonate

Date and time of the collection Room number Medical record number

The nurse is preparing to collect a urine specimen. What will this nurse include when labeling this specimen? (select all that apply) Date and time of the collection Identification of last name only Room number Medical record number Insurance informationRationale: Foundations and Adult Health Nursing page 673

10 mins **duplicate**

The patient is catheterized for residual urine. The nurse must perform this catheterization within how many minutes following voiding?

Speak to the patient as if he can hear what is being said. Encourage family members to read a book or newspaper to the patient

The patient is in a coma after a motor vehicle accident. Which statement regarding communication with the patient is most appropriate? (Select all that apply) [2 things]


The patient's recommended medication, based on the type of bacteria identified, is determined by what lab method..................culture? or sensitivity?

Phrase in one's own terms to verify what was communicated

The term paraphrasing means restating a

Blood that cannot be seen by the naked eye.

What does occult mean when testing a stool specimen

Believing a person's cultural practices and beliefs should be the standard

What is ethnocentrism

Indicates renal function and urinary output

What is the function of a 24-hour urine specimen (2 things)

midstream specimen

What is the term for the cleanest part of a voided urine specmen that is collected after voiding is initiated and before it is finished?

Maintaining silence is an effective therapeutic communication technique. The sender often becomes uncomfortable when using silence The ability to use silence effectively requires skill and timing Prolonged periods of misunderstood silence can cause tension

What is true about the use of silence in therapeutic Communication? (select all that apply) ..... [4 things]


What precautions should the nurse take when obtaining a specimen

Cleansing the first 2 inches of the catheter with soap and water every shift

What would be the correct explanation of catheter care? Cleansing the first 2 inches of the catheter with soap and water every shift Disinfecting the entire catheter with alcohol every shift Lubricating the catheter with antiseptic lotion every 24 hours Cleansing the meatal-catheter junction every 24 hours

its semi liquid

When explaining the difference between a colostomy and an ileostomy, the nurse explains which of the following about an ileostomy stool?

10 mins

When obtaining a residual urine specimen, the nurse knows that it is important to catheterize the patient after the patient voids within which time frame?


Which culture views time as "elastic," indicating time is flexible?


Which health belief system includes a belief of a supernatural force exerting influence to cause health or illness?

eye contact

Which is a form of nonverbal communication? Eye contact Jargon Connotation One-way communication


Which is not a requirement for communication? Sender Receiver Narrator Two-way communication

Discharge instructions Admission interview

Which nurse-patient interaction usually occurs in the "personal zone" of space surrounding the patient (Select all that applies) Urethral catheterization Complete bed bath Discharge instructions Injection administration Admission interview


Which physiologic factor might hinder communication? Grief Environment Pain Culture


Which stool specimen should be taken to the lab immediately after collection? Culture and sensitivity Bleeding Parasites Bacteria


Which time of the day is best for obtaining a sputum specimen

to inform the dr about abnormal labs

Why is it important for the nurse to be able to asses lab values

ethnic stereotype

a fixed concept of how all members of an ethnic group act or think?

talk as if they are talking to any other pt. (explain what they are doing)

caring for an unresponsive patient the nurse should


cultures in which women make decisions about health care and provide the care and discipline to the children


health belief system focues on restoring balance with physical, social, and metaphysical


holiday Ramadan is practiced by which members


in what culture does silence indicate respect

The patient legally consents to an invasive procedure knowing all the risks and possible complications

informed consent is when

Label the specimen, ensure the delivery to the lab, and assess the results

nurses' responsibility after a specimen has been collected


set of learned values, beliefs, customs and practices shared by a group


term for a group of people who share a common social and cultural heritage based on shared traditions, national origin, and physical and biological characteristics

Understanding various cultural practices and applying them to nursing care

transcultural nursing is....


type of aphasia indicates the patient is not able to recognize or interpret the message being received

nurse will see patients from many cultures. this nurse must develop cultural competence to provide the best care

what is cultural competence in nursing

patriarchal culture

when The male of the household makes the decisions

Yom Kippur

when does a jewish individual fast?

aphasia profoundly deaf legally blind severe COPD

which defining characteristics support the patient problem of impaired verbal communication? SATA aphasia geriatric patient profoundly deaf legally blind severe COPD

"In order words, you feel that your stomach aches are associated with stress at work?" "Do I understand you correctly that you are saying that you don't understand why the doctor prescribed this medication for you?"

which question is an example of clarification? (Select all that applies) "Does this headache have anything in common with your previous headache?" "You will take your medicine now, won't you?" "In order words, you feel that your stomach aches are associated with stress at work?" "What do you mean by that?" "Do I understand you correctly that you are saying that you don't understand why the doctor prescribed this medication for you?"

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