exam 4 ch 15

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Which of the following groups has the highest rate of HIV among the transgender community?

Black transgender men

pubic lice diagnosis

A pubic lice infection is diagnosed by finding the parasites or eggs in the pubic hair. Although they can typically be seen with the naked eye, a magnifying lens may also be used.

hiv treatment

Antiretroviral therapy (ART)

Syphilis Diagnosis

Anyone who develops a chancre should immediately go to a health care provider to be tested for the presence of the syphilis-causing bacteria. Several at-home STI kits are now available that provide syphilis testing. A diagnosis can be made by culturing and evaluating the lesion or through a blood test. Blood tests check for the presence of antibodies, which develop after a person is infected with the bacteria. However, during late syphilis, blood tests may appear negative or weakly positive even if the infection exists (Singh et al., 2008). All sexual partners should also be tested for syphilis, regardless of whether they are experiencing symptoms. If a person thinks that they may have been exposed to syphilis but test negative, they should consult with a health care provider immediately.

scabies symptoms

Usually the first symptoms include a rash and intense itching. The first time a person is infected, the symptoms may take between 4 and 6 weeks to develop. If a person has been infected with scabies before, the symptoms usually develop more quickly.


a small sore that results from syphilis infection


parasitic infection of mites that affects the skin

Vaginal Infections

Candidiasis Trichomoniasis Bacterial Vaginitis

Herpes diagnosis

blood tests


Disease transmission by direct or indirect contact.

When was HIV/AIDS first identified by the medical community?


Which age group currently accounts for the highest rates of HIV in the United States?


What is the lowest level of T helper cells a person can have before being diagnosed with AIDS?


What is the United Nations' target date for eradicating AIDS around the world?


About how many people in the world today are living with HIV?

35 million


A bacterial sexually transmitted infection that causes a puslike discharge and frequent urination in men; many women are asymptomatic.

reverse transcriptase

A chemical that is contained in the RNA of HIV; it helps to change the virus's DNA.

scabies diagnosis

A diagnosis can usually be made on examination of the skin rash. A skin scraping can be done to confirm the diagnosis. A delay in diagnosis can lead to a rapid spread of scabies, so immediate diagnosis and treatment are necessary (Tjioe & Vissers, 2008).

Congenital syphilis

A syphilis infection acquired by an infant from the mother during pregnancy.

herpes simplex 2 (HSV-2)

A viral infection that is often sexually transmitted and is responsible for genital ulcerations and blisters.

Herpes simplex 1 (HSV-1)

A viral infection that is usually transmitted through kissing or sharing eating or drinking utensils and can cause cold sores or blisters on the face and mouth.

Describe HPV in terms of incidence,

Although human papillomavirus is not a nationally reportable infection, studies have found that it is very common in the United States. In fact, HPV is so common that experts believe most sexually active people will get it at some point in their lifetimes (Workowski & Bolan, 2015). It's estimated that more than 79 million Americans are infected with genital HPV and another 14 million become newly infected each year ("Genital HPV Infection," 2017). There are racial/ethnicity differences in the prevalence of HPV, with the highest rates among non-Hispanic Black adults and lowest among Asian adults

viral hepatitis treatment

Bed rest, adequate diet, fluid intake are advised, antiemetics may be ordered

viral hepatitis diagnosis

Blood tests are used to identify viral hepatitis infections. Like for many of the other STIs, at-home kits are now available that provide testing for HCV

Describe chancroid in terms of incidence

Chancroid is a nationally reportable infection, and data reveal that it has decreased steadily in the United States since 1987. Whereas approximately 5,000 cases of chancroid were reported in 1987, only 11 were reported in 2015 (Barton et al., 2016). The majority of cases diagnosed in the United States involve a person who has traveled to a country where the infection is more common, such as countries in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean.

chancroid treatment

Chancroids are treated with antibiotics. Ulcers typically improve between 3 and 7 days after treatment is begun. All recent sexual contacts should be told to seek testing and treatment.

chlamydia treatment.

Chlamydia can easily be treated with antibiotics. All sexual partners should also be tested, even if they are not experiencing symptoms. As we discussed earlier, some health care providers may provide antibiotics for partners who are unwilling to get treated (Schembri & Schober, 2011). Rapid reinfection is usually due to the failure of sex partners to get tested or receive treatment. Patients are advised to abstain from penetrative sexual behaviors for 7 days after beginning antibiotic treatment, and they should be retested within 3 months of treatment.

chlamydia symptoms

Chlamydia has been called a "silent disease" because there are often no symptoms. While some men may experience symptoms, the majority of women do not. Those who do have symptoms usually develop them within 1 to 3 weeks after becoming infected. If there are symptoms, a woman might experience burning during urination, pain during penetration, and pain in the lower abdomen. In most women, the cervix is the site of infection with chlamydia, so cervical bleeding or spotting may occur. Men may experience a penile discharge, burning sensations during urination, burning and itching around the opening of the urethra, and a pain or swelling in the testicles. The bacterium that causes chlamydia can also cause epididymitis and nongonococcal urethritis in men. With or without symptoms, chlamydia is contagious, which explains why rates are increasing.

Describe chlamydia in terms of incidence

Chlamydia is a nationally reportable infection, and data reveal it is one of the most prevalent of all STIs in the United States today. Rates have been increasing since the late 1980s when the first screening programs were established. In 2015, there were more than 1.5 million cases of chlamydia in the United States . Greater numbers may be because of more active screening for chlamydia, but experts believe they represent a true increase in the infection. Like other STIs, there are age, gender, race/ethnicity, and geographical differences in the prevalence of chlamydia.

Chancroid diagnosis

Diagnosis can be difficult, mainly because of problems culturing H. ducreyi, the responsible bacteria. A fluid sample from the ulcers is collected to examine for the presence of the bacteria. Difficulties with diagnosis may be responsible for the underdiagnosis of chancroid.

Describe gonorrhea in terms of incidence

Gonorrhea is a nationally reportable infection, and data reveal it is a prevalent STI in the United States today. Although national rates of gonorrhea reached an all-time low in 2009, they have increased almost every year since then. In 2015, there were close to 400,000 cases of gonorrhea reported in the United States

viral hepatitis symptoms

HBV and HCV can also begin as acute infections, although they can also become chronic and lead to long-term liver problems. Symptoms of HBV usually occur anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months after infection, although infection with HBV is usually asymptomatic. Possible symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, jaundice, headaches, fever, a darkening of the urine, moderate liver enlargement, and fatigue. Finally, most people infected with HCV are asymptomatic or have a mild illness, which develops within 8 to 9 weeks.

perinatal HIV infection

HIV transmission from mother to child during pregnancy, labor and delivery, or breast-feeding

More than 40 types of ____ can infect the genitals, anus, mouth, and throat during sexual behaviors.


syphilis treatment

In its early stages, syphilis is relatively easy to treat. Treatment typically involves a single injection of an antibiotic for persons who have been infected less than a year. Additional doses may be required if a person has been infected longer than a year (Workowski & Berman, 2010). Treatment can cure syphilis in the early stages, but it might not undo any damages already caused by the bacteria (such as any neurological damage).

Describe scabies in terms of incidence,

Infection with scabies occurs worldwide and among all races, ethnic groups, and social classes. Like pubic lice, there are no mandated reporting laws, but scabies affects millions of people worldwide.

Syphilis symptoms

Infection with syphilis is divided into three stages. The first stage, primary or early syphilis, occurs anywhere from 10 to 90 days after infection . During this stage, there may be one or more small, red-brown sores, called chancres, that appear on the vulva, penis, vagina, cervix, anus, mouth, or lips. The chancre (SHANK-ker), which is a round sore with a hard, raised edge and a sunken center, is usually painless and does not itch. If left untreated, the chancre will heal in 3 to 8 weeks. However, during this time, the person can still transmit the infection to other sexual partners. secondary syphilis produces raches on the palms or soles. In the third and final stage of the infection, tertiary or late syphilis, the infection goes into remission. The rash, fever, and other symptoms go away, and the person usually feels fine. However, an infected individual is still able to transmit the infection for about 1 year. After this time they are no longer infectious. Left untreated, however, syphilis can spread to the brain and nervous system and cause neurological problems, including numbness, headaches, paralysis, changes in vision, dementia, and possibly death.

pubic lice treatment

It is necessary to kill both the parasites and their eggs to treat pubic lice. In addition, the eggs must be destroyed on sheets and clothing. Over-the-counter creams or shampoos can be used to treat pubic lice. If necessary, prescription creams and shampoos can be prescribed if the over-the-counter methods do not work. Sheets and any articles of clothing that have been worn 2 to 3 days prior to treatment should be machine washed and dried. Hot water and dryer cycles should be used. Items that cannot be washed can be dry-cleaned or stored in a sealed plastic bag for 2 weeks. As with the other STIs, it is important to inform all sexual partners within the previous month that they are at risk for pubic lice.

Describe issues related to high-risk groups and STIs.

Large discrepancies have been found in STI prevalence, with higher rates in young people, certain racial/ethnic groups and minority populations, and men who have sex with men (MSM). Young adults are disproportionately affected by STIs, and the incidence of these infections continues to grow in this population, primarily because many engage in high-risk sexual behaviors, such as multiple partners or inconsistent condom use, or both. Studies have found that 1 in 4 sexually active adolescent females are infected with an ST

Describe syphilis in terms of incidence

Like gonorrhea, syphilis is a nationally reportable infection. Data reveal that the syphilis rate in 2000 was the lowest it had ever been since reporting began in 1941. At that time the surgeon general announced a plan to eliminate syphilis from the United States. Unfortunately, syphilis rates have been increasing since then. In 2015, there were close to 24,000 reported cases of syphilis, which was the highest rate since 1994 (Barton et al., 2016). Experts believe this was due to increases in rates of MSM. Rates of congenital syphilis have also been increasing, and in 2015 there were close to 500 reported cases (Barton et al., 2016). Like gonorrhea rates, four main factors are related to syphilis prevalence in the United States: age, gender, race/ethnicity, and geographical area. In 2015, syphilis rates were highest among males who were 25 to 29 years

hiv symptoms

Many people experience flu-like symptoms, including fever, sore throat, rash, muscle and joint pain, headaches, oral candidiasis, diarrhea, night sweats, and fatigue.Common opportunistic diseases include Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, toxoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, cytomegalovirus, tuberculosis, and Kaposi's sarcoma (KS). Lesions from KS frequently occur around the ankle or foot, or they may be on the tip of the nose, face, mouth, penis, eyelids, ears, chest, or back

In which region would you be LEAST likely to encounter a person who has HIV

Middle East

gonorrhea symptoms

Most men who are infected with gonorrhea experience symptoms alerting them of the infection, although they can infect others before the onset of symptoms. Symptoms include a urethral discharge, painful urination, and/or an increase in the frequency and urgency of urination, as well as epididymitis. Symptoms usually appear between 2 and 6 days after infection. Unlike men, the majority of women do not experience symptoms until complications develop, such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).

HPV diagnosis

Pap test, colposcopy, and at home kits

How does HIV differ from the herpes virus?

People can die from having HIV.

Chancroid symptoms

People infected with chancroid experience development of a small lesion or several lesions at the point of entry. Four to 7 days after infection, a small lump appears and ruptures within 2 or 3 days, forming a shallow ulcer. These ulcers are painful, with ragged edges, and may persist for weeks and even months. The infection may spread to the lymph nodes of the groin, which can cause swelling and pain.

Describe pubic lice in terms of incidence

Pubic lice are common and regularly seen by health clinics and various health care providers. Although there are no mandated reporting laws, pubic lice affect millions of people worldwide.

herpes treatment

Since people with HSV infection may experience recurrent episodes of blisters, medications can be used as needed to shorten the duration of outbreaks. Medications can also be taken during the prodromal phase before the appearance of blisters. Alternatively, daily suppressive therapy can be used to reduce recurrences. Natural remedies for herpes outbreaks include applying an ice pack to the affected area during the prodromal phase and applying cooling or drying agents such as witch hazel. Increasing intake of foods rich in certain amino acids, such as l-lysine, which includes fish or yogurt, and decreasing the intake of sugar and nuts Lysine can also be purchased from the vitamin section of any drugstore. Herbal treatments have also been used, including lemon balm (to dry cold sores), aloe (to decrease healing time of blisters), and peppermint oil (to inhibit the virus from replicating). However, the use of herbs can trigger outbreaks in some people, so it is recommended that they be used under medical supervision.

Herpes symptoms

Symptoms (may be asymptomatic) -First outbreak Flu-like symptoms and bumps or blisters Even after sores disappear, virus remains in body Health consequences if untreated: -Pregnant women Greater risk for miscarriage and premature labor, and infant may become infected

HPV symptoms

Symptoms for HPV are dependent on the type of HPV infection. As we discussed, certain types of HPV cause genital warts and/or growths in the throat, nose, and mouth. Warts are usually flesh colored, with a bumpy surface. Genital warts can develop in women on the vagina, vulva, introitus, or cervix, and in men on the penile shaft or under the foreskin in an uncircumcised penis (Workowski & Berman, 2010). Warts can also appear on the anus in both men and women. Warts are generally asymptomatic, and unless they are large, many people do not notice them and unknowingly infect their sexual partners. If warts grow in the throat, they can potentially block the airway, causing breathing difficulties and/or a hoarse voice.

gonorrhea diagnosis

Testing for gonorrhea can be done with a urine test that detects the bacteria, or through a sample of the discharge from the cervix, urethra, or another infected area with a cotton swab. The discharge is incubated to allow the bacteria to multiply. It is then put on a slide and examined under a microscope for the presence of the gonococcus bacterium.

gonococcus bacterium

The bacterium that causes gonorrhea (Neisseria gonorrhoeae).

pubic lice symptoms

The most common symptom is a mild to unbearable itching, which often increases during the evening hours. This itching is thought to be a result of an allergic reaction to the saliva that the lice secrete during their feeding. The itching usually forces a person to seek treatment, although some people detect the lice visually first. People who are not allergic to this saliva may not experience any itching.

gonorrhea treatment

The recommended treatment for gonorrhea infection is antibiotics, but the bacteria responsible for gonorrhea has developed resistance to almost every antibiotic that has been used for treatment. Today the CDC recommends the use of dual therapy, with two antibiotics, to treat gonorrhea. All sexual partners should also be tested for gonorrhea, regardless of whether they are experiencing symptoms. If a sexual partner is unlikely to seek treatment, some health care providers will provide patients with antibiotics or a prescription for them. Typically, becoming infected again after treatment is most likely caused by the failure of sex partners to get tested or receive treatment.

HIV prevention

To prevent the further spread of HIV, people's behavior must change. Many programs have been started to achieve this goal, including educational programs, advertising, and mailings. Public service announcements about HIV/AIDS have increased on radio stations, and many television programs have agreed to address HIV/AIDS in upcoming episodes. A variety of television shows have also included the topic of HIV/AIDS in their programming. Many schools today are also including HIV education in their classes. These programs provide students with information about HIV, risky sexual behaviors, and prevention strategies. Different educational programs emphasize different messages.

cervical dysplasia

abnormal growth of cells in the cervix

The most effective way to avoid STI transmission is to

abstain from oral, vaginal, and anal sex


acute or chronic infection that can lead to pulmonary or central nervous system infection

A person diagnosed with gonorrhea will receive a prescription for which of the following?


What is the most effective course of treatment for syphilis?



bacterial infection characterized by small bumps that rupture and form painful ulcers


bacterial infection that can cause a puslike discharge


bacterial sexually transmitted infection that is divided into primary, secondary, and tertiary stages

Which of the following STIs is a person LEAST likely to contract in the United States?


Two of the most common causes of pelvic inflammatory disease are

chlamydia and gonorrhea

antiretroviral therapy (ART)

combination of antiretroviral drugs for the treatment of HIV

acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)

condition of increased susceptibility to diseases as a result of HIV

opportunistic disease

condition that occurs when the immune system is weakened

Which of the following is the most effective contraceptive method for reducing STI risk?



contagious viral infection that causes eruptions of the skin or mucous membranes


parasite that can cause serious symptoms including coma

What category of sexually transmitted infection applies to scabies?


College students are at an increased risk for acquiring STIs because they

engage in behaviors that put them at greater risk

genital warts

fleshy growth on the genitals

From a health perspective, what is the most important thing a sexually active person should do?

get tested for STIs

pubic lice

parasitic infection of wingless bugs

Describe herpes in terms of incidence

he herpes simplex virus is not a nationally reportable infection in the United States, but studies have found that infections are very common. In fact, 62% of people have been infected with HSV-1 by adolescence, and 85% have been infected by the age of 60. It's estimated that as many as 25% of women and 12.5% of men are currently infected with HSV-2, although only about 20% of these are aware of the infection (Horn et al., 2015). This is mainly because some people might not have symptoms, or have mild or unrecognized infections (Workowski & Berman, 2010). The majority of people who become infected with HSV-2 are infected by someone who doesn't even know they have it.

hiv diagnosis

here are several ways to test for HIV, including blood tests to detect the virus, oral/blood tests to detect antibodies to the virus, and combination tests to detect both the virus and antibodies (also called antibody/antigen tests). A nucleic acid test is a blood test that can detect the presence of HIV in the blood. Although it is an expensive test and not often used for routine HIV testing, it does provide information about viral load. Combination tests can generally be used earlier than an antibody-only tests, and they are commonly used in many labs today. antibody tests. at home tests.

Describe HIV in terms of incidence

highest in males, blacks, hispanics, gay and bisexual men

chlamydia diagnosis

hlamydia can be diagnosed through urine testing, but it can also be diagnosed from cultures of the vagina, cervix, urethra, rectum, or mouth. People who have engaged in oral or anal sex with infected partners should also undergo oral and rectal testing. Like many of the other STIs, at-home kits are now available that provide multiple-site testing for chlamydia.

punishment concept

idea that people with an STI deserves it for being sexually corrupt

oral candidiasis

infection in the mouth caused by the excess growth of a fungus


inflammation of the duct behind the testes

Describe Pelvic inflammatory disease in women.

is an infection of the female genital tract, including the endometrium, Fallopian tubes, and the lining of the pelvic area. Two of the most common causes of PID are chlamydia and gonorrhea

Which of the following terms reflects the amount of virus in body fluid?


viral load

measure of the severity of a viral infection


most common bacterial STI in the USA

Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP)

opportunistic disease that often occurs in people with AIDS


period in which a person is infected with a STI but does not test positive

scabies treatment

prescription creams are available to treat scabies. All bed sheets, clothing, and towels must be washed in hot water, and all sexual partners should be treated. Usually itching continues for 2 to 3 weeks after infection, even after treatment.

Kaposi's sarcoma (KS)

rare form of cancer that often occurs in untreated men with AIDS

viral shedding

release of viral infections between outbreaks from infected skin

human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

retrovirus responsible for the development of AIDS


secondary infection in the body from an already existing infection

CD4 cell count

test that measures T-helper white blood cells, showing how well someone's immune system is controlling HIV

HPV treatment

treatment alternatives include chemical topical solutions (to destroy external warts), cryotherapy (freezing the warts with liquid nitrogen), electrosurgical interventions (removal of warts using a mild electrical current, often referred to as a LEEP, or "loop electrosurgical excision procedure"), or laser surgery (high-intensity lasers to destroy the warts). Women with high-risk types of HPV may be encouraged to have pelvic examinations and Pap tests more frequently.Although there have been two HPV vaccines available in the United States—Gardasil and Cervarix—both of these were phased out in 2017. The newest HPV vaccine, Gardasil-9, is currently the only available HPV vaccine

T lymphocyte (T helper cell)

type of white blood cell that helps to destroy harmful bacteria in the body

nongonococcal urethritis

urethral infection in men that is usually caused by chlamydia

suppressive therapy

use of antiviral medications to reduce the frequency of herpes recurrences


vaginal infection that may result in discomfort, discharge, and inflammation

Which of the following infections can lead to impaired liver function?

viral hepatitis

Describe viral hepatitis in terms of incidence

viral hepatitis is a nationally reportable infection, it is typically underreported. In 2014, there were approximately 1,200 reported new cases of HAV in the United States, which was 30% less than in 2013 ("Surveillance for Viral Hepatitis," 2016). However, experts point out that because of underreporting and the exclusion of asymptomatic infections, the number of new cases of HAV in the United States was probably closer to 2,500 in 2014

viral hepatitis

viral infection causing inflammation of the liver


virus that can lead to diarrhea, weight loss, headache, fever, confusion, or blurred vision


without recognizable symptoms

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