Exam 6

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A __________ is a shared character state that was not inherited from a common ancestor. These characters can make two species seem related when they are actually not.

monophyletic, paraphyletic, polyphyletic

A _____________ group includes its most recent common ancestor and all of its descendants, a ___________ group includes its most recent common ancestor but not all of its descendants, and a ______________ group does not include the most recent common ancestor of the organisms within the group.


A _____________ is constructed by nesting clades characterized by shared derived characters.

Ancestral and descendant

A clade consists of a common ____________ species and all of its ________________ species

minor; species

A common criticism of evolution is that selection only produces ______ changes and cannot produce the variety of ______ documented in the fossil record. Multiple choice question. substantial; breeds minor; species minor; breeds substantial; extinctions


A common misconception among the general public is that the features of species can be scientifically explained by __________ design

Secondary sexual characteristics

A deer's antlers, a ram's horns and the bright plumage of a male paradise bird are all examples of which of the following? Multiple choice question. Sperm competition Secondary sexual characteristics Intersexual selection Primary secondary characteristics

the hypothesized evolutionary relationships among species or higher taxa

A phylogeny is a diagram that represents Multiple choice question. the potential allele combinations that may result from a particular parental cross the hypothesized evolutionary relationships among species or higher taxa the locations of genes on a chromosome the trophic interactions among organisms living in a community

a natural disaster.

A population bottleneck could be caused by Multiple choice question. a natural disaster. colonization of a new habitat. new mutations that arise in a population. introduction of individuals from a different population.

as natural selection acts to modify a complex system, the system is functional at each evolutionary stage.

A seemingly irreducible complex structure can evolve by natural selection because Multiple choice question. natural selection operates on each part of a system separately, not on system as a whole. even though it is very small, there is always a chance that all of the components of a complex system can evolve simultaneously. as natural selection acts to modify a complex system, the system is functional at each evolutionary stage.


A sudden and permanent change in the environment can lead to a type of natural selection called ___________ selection.


A term used to indicate species or higher level groups, such as genera or families, is ___________.

photosynthetic anatomy

A type of genes that is unique to plants codes for Multiple choice question. genome replication and repair photosynthetic anatomy protein synthesis nonmobile gametes

very high rates of horizontal gene transfer in the early history of prokaryotes

According to genome comparisons, the most likely hypothesis that explains why many microbes have a mix of bacterial and archaeal genes is Multiple choice question. very high rates of horizontal gene transfer in the last 1,000 years constant very high rates of horizontal gene transfer between Bacteria and Archaea that started early and continues today very high rates of horizontal gene transfer in the early history of prokaryotes

the formation of an entirely new species.

According to some critics of evolution, natural selection can produce changes in a population, but it cannot cause substantial changes leading to Multiple choice question. the formation of an entirely new species. differences between modern corn and its ancestor teosinte. the formation of the different dog breeds. higher frequencies of the dark forms of the peppered moth.


According to the ____________ species concept, a population should be considered a separate species if it has been evolving independently of other groups of populations.


According to the ____________ species concept, species are distinguished by whether gene flow occurs between populations.

In Africa in the 1920s

According to the best estimates we currently have, when and where was HIV first transferred from primates to humans? Multiple choice question. In Africa in the 1920s In the United States during the 1800s In Africa during the 1800s In the United States in the early 1980s In Africa in the early 1980s


According to the ecological species concept, species are groups or populations the share the same ecological ______________.

has evolved independently of other groups of populations

According to the phylogenetic species concept, a species is a population that Multiple choice question. is reproductively isolated from other populations has substantial morphological differences from other populations has evolved independently of other groups of populations


According to the theory of blending Inheritance, offspring were expected to be phenotypically _____________ relative to their parents, which would dilute any new genetic variants.


After a branch on a cladogram, each species will share a set of these characters that are not found in species below the branch point. Multiple choice question. Variable Convergent Primitive Derived

become a transposon

After a gene duplication event, which is not one of the most likely fates of the duplicate gene? Multiple choice question. become a transposon assume part of the function of the original gene gain novel function through mutation lose function through mutation

Silver fox

After generations of selective breeding, this animal has been made exceptionally tame. Multiple choice question. Badger Silver fox Lynx Spotted hyena

Genes and species

Although speciation may occur in populations that are geographically distant from one another, exchange of __________ between the populations through processes such as migration or wind dispersal of pollen can cause the populations to remain integrated as the same ___________.


Although the biological species concept can be useful when distinguishing among species, it is not as effective when pertaining to organisms that commonly undergo __________ with other species and produce viable offspring.

the great species richness of angiosperm plants.

Although the reason for the species richness of beetles is unclear, it is thought to be related to Multiple choice question. their ability to fly. a relatively intense selective pressure imparted on them by predators. specialization on a wide range of plant, animal, and fungus taxa. the great species richness of angiosperm plants. an early appearance in the fossil record.

ancestral character because it is present in other vertebrate animals and likely evolved prior to the common ancestor of mammals.

Among mammals, the presence of lungs is a(n) Multiple choice question. ancestral character because it is found only in mammalian vertebrates. shared derived character, representing an evolutionary reversal to an ancestral character state. ancestral character because it is present in other vertebrate animals and likely evolved prior to the common ancestor of mammals. shared derived character because it likely evolved in the most recent common ancestor of mammals.

ancestral character because it is present in other vertebrate animals and likely evolved prior to the common ancestor of mammals.

Among mammals, the presence of lungs is a(n) Multiple choice question. ancestral character because it is present in other vertebrate animals and likely evolved prior to the common ancestor of mammals. ancestral character because it is found only in mammalian vertebrates. shared derived character, representing an evolutionary reversal to an ancestral character state. shared derived character because it likely evolved in the most recent common ancestor of mammals.


Aneuploids arise through mistakes in ____________.

natural selection.

Antibiotic resistance in bacteria is an example of Multiple choice question. nonrandom mating. natural selection. horizontal gene flow. genetic drift.

can produce significant

Artificial selection clearly shows that selection ______ evolutionary changes, such that over millions of years, selection can produce the diversity of life on earth. Multiple choice question. can produce significant is not able to produce produces only minor

higher susceptibility to disease in tomatoes

Artificial selection has resulted in all of the following outcomes in agriculture except Multiple choice question. higher susceptibility to disease in tomatoes larger corn ear size increased milk production from cows greater oil content in corn

intended unintended desirable undesirable

Artificial selection may result in traits that are Multiple select question. intended unintended desirable not heritable undesirable


As a result of convergent evolution, many marsupial mammals of Australia look similar to __________ mammals found elsewhere and occupy a similar ecological niche.

would vary from one genotype to another.

As a result of epistasis, the selective advantage of an allele Multiple choice question. would be the same in all genotypes. would vary from one genotype to another.


As a result of polyploidization, the ___________ of genes can be changed.

Change often occurred simultaneously across the different lineages of the horse family The rates of evolution varied through time with long periods of little or no change In some lineages completely opposite trends are observed

As the horse family fossil record became more complete, scientists realized that the evolution of horses was not linear, constant, and unidirectional. Why? Multiple select question. Change often occurred simultaneously across the different lineages of the horse family The rates of evolution varied through time with long periods of little or no change In some lineages completely opposite trends are observed When looking at the fossil record, it is evident that there was an overall trend in the evolution of horses

genotype; allele

Assortative mating changes ______ frequencies but does not change ______ frequencies. Multiple choice question. allele; homozygote allele; heterozygote genotype; heterozygote genotype; allele


Attempts to domesticate silver foxes by artificial selection resulted in the _________ selection of traits which produced silver foxes that were as tame as domestic dogs.


Based on the information presented in this cladogram, what is an ancestral trait for salamanders, lizards, tigers, gorillas, and humans? Multiple choice question. Amniotic membrane Bipedalism Hair Jaws Tail loss


Beaks in African black-bellied seedcracker finches are small or large, but not intermediate in size. This is an example of _____________ selection.

is a non-random process

Because it favors those variations that lead to the highest reproductive fitness, natural selection: Multiple choice question. proceeds according to an intelligent design is a random process is a non-random process

Shared derived

Because it was inherited from the most recent common ancestor, hair in mammals is called a ___________ ____________ character in cladistic analyses.

homologous trait

Because parental care was likely exhibited by the common ancestor of dinosaurs, crocodiles, and birds, it is a ______. Multiple choice question. vestigial trait homoplastic trait homologous trait


Because taxa at a lower level are grouped into smaller and smaller numbers of taxa at higher levels, the taxonomic system is said to be ___________.

Experiments Conserved

Both the genomes of closely and distantly related organisms are useful in medical research; the former because they can be used in designed __________ to identify gene function, the latter because ________ sequences provide clues about the causes of disease.


Changes in allele frequencies within a population may result from ____________ , which are changes in the nucleotide sequences of an organism's DNA.


Close relatives of humans are not useful in locating _________ portions of genes as not enough evolutionary time has yet elapsed since they diverged from the human lineages.

0.64 AA, 0.32 Aa, and 0.04 aa

Consider a gene in a population of fruit bats. There are two alleles for this gene, A and a, that occur in a population with the frequencies 0.8 and 0.2, respectively. If the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, what genotype frequencies will be observed? Multiple choice question. 0.80 AA, 0.16 Aa, and 0.04 aa 0.80 AA and 0.20 aa 0.25 AA, 0.50 Aa, and 0.25 aa 0.50 AA, 0.25 Aa, and 0.25 aa 0.64 AA, 0.32 Aa, and 0.04 aa

heterozygote advantage.

Consider a gene with two alleles, A1 and A2. If the fitness of A1A2 individuals is higher than the fitness of both A1A1 and A2A2, we are observing Multiple choice question. non-random mating. heterozygote advantage. outbreeding. inbreeding.

Its frequency will remain unchanged

Consider a gene with two alleles, one dominant, and the other recessive. If this population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with respect to this gene, what would happen to the dominant allele from generation to generation? Multiple choice question. Its frequency will remain unchanged Its frequency will slowly increase Its frequency will slowly decrease


Consider a population with 100 cats. If 72 cats are black and 28 are white, what is the phenotypic frequency of black cats? Multiple choice question. 0.36 0.56 0.28 0.14 0.72

appears to be constraining evolutionary change.

Consider two populations (population A and population B) of the same plant species and the gene Xx. Researchers discover that there is constant flow of the x allele from population B into population A. This allele happens to be detrimental to individuals in population A because of the local soil conditions. In this case gene flow Multiple choice question. is strongly promoting evolutionary change. appears to be constraining evolutionary change. has a random effect on evolutionary change.

natural selection.

Darwin proposed that the mechanism of evolution is Multiple choice question. natural selection. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. inheritance of acquired characteristics. punctuated equilibrium.

Finches and niches

Darwin's ____________ likely evolved after an ancestral species colonized the Galapagos Islands and underwent character displacement as they adapted to the vacant ecological ___________ available.

not accepted by everyone in the general public

Darwin's theory of evolution is Multiple choice question. accepted by everyone in the general public not accepted by everyone in the general public

shared with the most recent common ancestor of a group, but not with prior ancestors.

Derived characters are Multiple choice question. shared by two species derived from different ancestors. shared with the most recent common ancestor and prior ancestors of the group. inherited from a common ancestor and are the result of convergent evolution. shared with the most recent common ancestor of a group, but not with prior ancestors.


Derived characters are only shared with the most recent common ancestor of a clade, whereas _____________ characters are shared with the most recent common ancestor as well as earlier ancestors.

Significant and little

Despite the ____________ differences in their morphology and behavior, humans and chimps have accumulated ___________ genetic differences since they last shared a common ancestor.

genetic variation

Different alleles of genes are found within different individuals of a population. This is known as Multiple choice question. genetic drift natural selection genetic variation

eliminates unnecessary DNA much faster

Drosophila may have fewer transposons compared to humans because Drosophila Multiple choice question. cannot receive transposons cannot form unnecessary DNA eliminates unnecessary DNA much faster


Duplication of an entire block of genes is also known as ____________ duplication.

Modern horses have a single toe enclosed in a bony hoof.

Early horses had four toes on the front feet and three toes on the hind feet, all encased in fleshy pads. What statement correctly describes how the toes have changed during the evolution of modern horses? Multiple choice question. Modern horses have a single toe on each foot enclosed in a fleshy pad. Modern horses have two toes on the front foot and three toes on the back foot. Modern horses have a single toe enclosed in a bony hoof. Modern horses have two toes enclosed in a bony hoof.

Broad, short

Early horses inhabited woody areas where they probably browsed leaves and escaped predators by dodging through openings; this explains why those animals had ___________ feet and ___________ legs.


Early systematics (before the advent of molecular sequencing) was based on overall __________ between species.


Ecological isolation, behavioral isolation, and temporal isolation are examples of __________ isolating mechanisms.

pigs cattle corn

Economically important organisms that have been modified significantly through artificial selection include Multiple select question. fruit flies pigs cattle corn

location of the population.

Enzyme allele frequencies within a population may vary based on Multiple choice question. location of the population. biochemical structure of the enzyme. size of the population.

intermediate transitional

Even though there are gaps in the fossil record, some of the most direct evidence for evolution comes from fossils called ______ fossils that illustrate how certain major transformations in life forms occurred. Select all that apply. Multiple select question. intermediate punctuated keystone isotopic transitional

relatively often during the evolution of plants.

Evidence shows that polyploidy has occurred Multiple choice question. relatively rarely during the evolution of plants. relatively often during the evolution of plants. extremely rarely during the evolution of plants.

differences between humans and chimps

Evidence suggests that segmental duplication may account for many of the Multiple choice question. differences between humans and chimps similarities between humans and pufferfish differences between humans and pufferfish similarities between humans and chimps

Larynx and mouth

Evidence suggests that the human-specific mutations in FOXP2 gave early humans the ability to better use their brain to coordinate their ____________ and _____________, thus allowing them to speak.


Evolution can result from any process that changes the ______ composition of a population. Multiple choice question. habitat age genetic male/female


Evolution is supported by a substantial body of evidence and explains a wide range of observations, thus it is considered a scientific _________.


Evolutionary change cannot occur in populations with no __________ variation.

Genetic basis

Evolutionary change is not caused by phenotypic variation if the phenotypic variation lacks which of the following? Multiple choice question. Heterozygote Genetic basis Exon shuffling Natural selection


Evolutionary changes in the horse family can be related to changes in their habitat in North America (where most of the horse evolution has occurred); in particular, horse evolution was related to the widespread appearance of Multiple choice question. dune habitats as the ocean levels decreased woody areas grasslands swampy habitats along the ocean coast


Evolutionary relationships among species are evaluated through the identification of shared derived characters in an approach called ______________.

Streamlined, friction

Fast swimming marine predators such as dolphins, sharks, and tuna, have a ___________ body shape that minimizes __________ in the water.

mating success. number of offspring produced per mating. survival.

Fitness is a measure of (choose all that apply) Multiple select question. mating success. number of offspring produced per mating. physical strength. survival.

(p + q)2

For a gene with two alleles whose frequencies are p and q, the Hardy-Weinberg equation states that the genotypes that are possible for the population are p2 + 2pq + q2, which is equal to Multiple choice question. q - p. p2 + q2. (p + q)2. p2 - q2.

there must be no migration into or out of the population.

For a population to be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, Multiple choice question. there must be no migration into or out of the population. the rate of migration into the population must be less than the rate of migration out of the population. the rate of migration into the population must be greater than the rate of migration out of the population. the rate of migration into the population must equal the rate of migration out of the population.


Galapagos finches with powerful thick beaks typically eat large Multiple choice question. fruits seeds grubs insects


Gene duplication provides an opportunity for genes to ___________ in their functions because after duplication a "backup" pair of genes is in place.


Gene duplication provides an opportunity for genes to ___________ in their functions because after duplication a "backup" pair of genes is in place.


Genes that do not produce a functional product are known as _______________.

allele frequencies

Genetic variation in a population results from evolutionary forces that cause changes in Multiple choice question. predatory habits population size allele frequencies migration rates


Genetic variation is necessary for ________ change to occur.

providing information on genes involved in diseases

Genome comparisons aid conservation biology by Multiple choice question. providing information on genes involved in diseases helping scientists find the closest relatives of threatened species predicting the genetic future of a species

Bacterial and archaeal

Genome sequencing has revealed many organisms that contain a mix of ____________ and _____________ genes.


Genome size and ____________ number are typically not correlated because potentially large amounts of DNA may be noncoding.

It restricts gene flow.

Geographic isolation can accelerate speciation due to which of the following reasons? Multiple choice question. It restricts gene flow. It increases the level of mutation. It counteracts the effect of natural selection. It increases the level of genetic drift.

Large, random

Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium requires that the population size is ____________ and that mating is ___________.

heterozygotes have the highest fitness.

Heterozygote advantage can maintain an allele that is deleterious when it is recessive because Multiple choice question. heterozygotes have the highest fitness. it ensures that the allele remains rare in the population. heterozygotes occur more commonly than either homozygote.

Vertical - from parents to offspring; horizontal - between different species

How are genes transferred during vertical and horizontal gene transfer? Multiple choice question. Horizontal - between different species; vertical - from offspring back to parent Vertical - from parents to offspring; horizontal - between different species Vertical - between different species; horizontal - from parents to offspring

Homologous traits are inherited from a common ancestor; homoplastic traits are not.

How are homologous and homoplastic traits different? Multiple choice question. Homoplastic traits are inherited from a common ancestor; homologous traits are not. There is no difference; they are synonyms. Homologous traits are inherited from a common ancestor; homoplastic traits are not. Homologous traits are common to all life on Earth; homoplastic traits are not. Homoplastic traits are common to all life on Earth; homologous traits are not.

Traits produced by convergent evolution have not evolved from a common ancestral trait, while homologies have.

How are traits produced by convergent evolution different from homologies? Multiple choice question. Traits produced by convergent evolution are always present in very closely related organisms, while that is not necessarily true for homologies. Traits produced by convergent evolution have not evolved from a common ancestral trait, while homologies have. Traits produced by convergent evolution have evolved from a common ancestral trait, which is not always true for homologies.

Genes shared by mice and humans can be studied in mice and the results can be applied to treat human diseases.

How can model organisms such as the mouse be used to determine the cause of human diseases? Multiple choice question. Genes that are conserved in close relatives to humans such as the mouse provide clues on diseases. Genes shared by mice and humans can be studied in mice and the results can be applied to treat human diseases. Genes that are not shared by humans and mice can give us clues about what genes have to be present for certain diseases to develop.

As species adapt to different environments, they can accumulate differences that lead to speciation.

How can natural selection play a role in speciation? Multiple choice question. Many small random genetic changes can accumulate, causing reproductive isolation. As species adapt to different environments, they can accumulate differences that lead to speciation. If one species is subject to natural selection while the other is not, speciation will occur.

They can search the pathogen genomes for genes that are suitable drug targets.

How can pharmaceutical researchers use genome sequence information to create new drugs against pathogens? Multiple choice question. They can use pathogen genomes to find out how long ago those pathogens evolved. They can search the pathogen genomes for genes that are suitable drug targets. They could use the pathogen genomes to understand if other animals are also affected by the pathogen.

The allele frequencies in the founding members of the population differ from the allele frequencies in the original large population.

How can the founder effect cause a previously rare genetic disorder to become common in the new population? Multiple choice question. Natural selection affects large populations more dramatically than it affects small populations. Natural selection affects small populations more dramatically than it affects large populations. New mutations are more likely to arise in small populations than in large populations. The allele frequencies in the founding members of the population differ from the allele frequencies in the original large population.

Although fertilization is successful, the resulting hybrid is unable to develop or reproduce.

How do postzygotic isolating mechanisms prevent successful interspecies hybridization? Multiple choice question. Although fertilization is successful, the resulting hybrid is unable to develop or reproduce. Members of different species attempt to mate but are unsuccessful due to anatomical differences. The egg cannot be fertilized by sperm of another species following a successful mating attempt. Members of different species come into contact, but do not recognize one another as potential mates.

Differences between breeds can be larger than differences between different genera of animals or plants.

How does artificial selection contradict the claim that selection can only produce minor evolutionary change? Multiple choice question. Differences between breeds can be larger than differences between different genera of animals or plants. Artificial selection has produced many new species of plants and animals. Variation in bristle numbers among different populations of artificially selected fruit flies does not overlap after about 35 generations. Industrial melanism can be reversed within 20 generations.

It causes organisms to seem closely related when they are not.

How does homoplasy affect cladistic analysis? Multiple choice question. It has no effect because the homoplastic characters are exhibited by distant common ancestors. It causes organisms to seem closely related when they are not. It causes organisms to seem even more distantly related than they are.

It increases the frequency of all new alleles. It causes detrimental alleles to become less common.

How does natural selection affect allele frequencies? Multiple select question. It causes detrimental alleles to become less common. It eliminates all new mutations. It increases the frequency of all new alleles. It causes beneficial alleles to become more common.

Members of a species are able to interbreed in nature and are reproductively isolated from members of other species.

How does the biological species concept define a species? Multiple choice question. Members of a species are defined based on the separate evolution of lineages over time. Members of a species require the same set of habitat resources and have a similar influence on other species and the environment. Members of a species are able to interbreed in nature and are reproductively isolated from members of other species. It combines ideas of several species concepts, resulting in one that considers reproductive isolation, evolutionary lineage, and ecological factors.

It has been used to track the transmission of the virus among individuals. It has revealed that HIV evolved from a simian virus.

How has phylogenetic analysis been used in studies of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)? Multiple select question. It has been used to track the transmission of the virus among individuals. It has been used to engineer the virus so that it cannot infect humans. It has been used to predict the future course of evolution of the virus. It has revealed that HIV evolved from a simian virus.

It revealed that multiple HIV strains arose independently from SIV. It revealed that humans have acquired HIV from multiple species.

How has phylogenetic analysis led to a greater understanding of HIV and AIDS? Multiple select question. It revealed that all HIV strains are more closely related to each other than they are to SIV. It revealed that multiple HIV strains arose independently from SIV. It revealed that humans have acquired HIV from multiple species. It revealed that HIV and SIV originated simultaneously.

Relative dating was used in the past; today we use absolute dating.

How has rock and fossil dating changed since Darwin's times? Multiple choice question. Since Darwin's times scientists have been using absolute dating, however we have much better technology today. In the past scientists used absolute dating; today they use relative dating methods. Relative dating was used in the past; today we use absolute dating.

Today the fossil record is far more complete.

How has the fossil record changed since Darwin? Multiple choice question. Today the fossil record has improved only very slightly from the one in Darwin's time. Today the fossil record is just as incomplete as in Darwin's time. Today the fossil record is far more complete.

By using shared derived characters are to construct clades within clades

How is a cladogram constructed? Multiple choice question. By using shared derived characters are to construct clades within clades By organizing species along a horizontal line representing the geological time at which they first evolved Like a flow chart, with evolutionary pathways leading to phenotypic traits By identifying disparate groups of organisms based on similar phenotypic traits

The larger the population, the lower the chance of genetic drift is.

How is the size of a population related to the likelihood that the population will experience genetic drift? Multiple choice question. Most populations experience the same level of genetic drift, regardless of their size. The larger the population, the lower the chance of genetic drift is. The smaller the population, the lower the chance of genetic drift is.

Some genome size variation

How much genome size variation can be accounted for by polyploidy? Multiple choice question. No genome size variation Some genome size variation All genome size variation

23 and 24

Humans have a haploid chromosome number of _______ while all living great apes have a haploid chromosome number of ________. (Fill the blanks with numbers, do not spell them out.)

postzygotic isolating mechanisms.

Hybrid inviability and hybrid infertility are two examples of Multiple choice question. postzygotic isolating mechanisms. non-zygotic isolating mechanisms. prezygotic isolating mechanisms. non-adaptive isolating mechanisms.

Hunt in groups in open grassland areas

Identify the feeding behavior and habitat of lions. Multiple choice question. Hunt in groups in open grassland areas Solitary hunters in forest regions Solitary hunters in open grassland areas Hunt in groups in forest regions

Behavioral Ecological

Identify the two main prezygotic isolating mechanisms between lions and tigers in India. Multiple select question. Behavioral Temporal Ecological Mechanical

The evolution of reproductive isolating mechanisms

If reproductive isolation is the criterion used to define species, then the process of speciation is equivalent to which of the following? Multiple choice question. The interaction between genetic drift and natural selection The evolution of reproductive isolating mechanisms The interaction between gene flow and natural selection


If the frequency of heterozygotes in a population of mice is 0.48 for a particular gene, what would be the frequency of heterozygotes in future generations if the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium? Multiple choice question. 0.16 0.24 0.48 0.36

the same species

If two populations that are geographically distant from one another regularly experience gene flow (ex: through migration), those populations are most likely which of the following? Multiple choice question. the same species the same subspecies, but not the same species two different species


If we consider all frogs and toads together, we are including numerous genera and families at once. Which would be the appropriate term to use for this group of beings? Multiple choice question. Supergenus Superfamily Characters Taxon

Not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium

If we find evidence that a population is experiencing changes in allele frequencies from one generation to the next, we say that this population is which of the following? Multiple choice question. Not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium In Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium Increasing in size Not evolving

was closely related to that of a patient of the dentist

In 1998, a dentist was convicted of injecting his former girlfriend with HIV-infected blood thanks in part to phylogenetic analysis, showing that the victim's viral strain Multiple choice question. was more closely related to those found in members of the community than any of the dentist's patients had been transmitted to her from a monkey the couple had encountered on a trip to Africa was closely related to that of a patient of the dentist had an unknown origin most closely matched his own

They are sympatric species.

In Michigan, two different species of gray treefrogs, Hyla versicolor and Hyla chrysoceles, can exist in the same pond at the same time. The two species are anatomically very similar, but their mating calls differ. How would you describe the existence of such similar species in the same location? Multiple choice question. They are sympatric species. These are actually subspecies. This is speciation in progress. They are allopatric species.

Pike cichlids

In Northeastern South America, which of the following is the main predator in streams found just below waterfalls? Multiple choice question. Pike cichlids Killifish Guppies

Frequency dependent

In __________-___________ selection, the fitness of a phenotype depends on the proportion of individuals in the population that have that phenotype.


In a cladogram, what word describes an ancestral species and all of its descendants? Multiple choice question. Clade Taxon Outgroup Synapomorphy

They should be smaller and not very brightly colored

In a laboratory experiment, researchers placed guppies in three different types of pools: no predation, low predation, and high predation. Researchers hypothesized that predation is a selective force and that large, brightly colored guppies are more conspicuous to predators. Based on that, what would you predict the guppies will look like in the pool with high predation after 10 generations? Multiple choice question. They should be large and brightly colored They should be smaller and not very brightly colored They should be very small and very brightly colored They should be very large, but not very brightly colored


In a population of seahorses, red seahorses on average produce 125 offspring and brown seahorses produce 75 offspring. What is the fitness of the brown phenotype? 0.4 1 0.6 1.4


In artificial selection experiments with corn plants that began in the 19th century, scientists have managed to increase oil content of corn kernels by Multiple choice question. 4.5% 100% 4,500% 450%

industrial melanism

In certain areas of the world, populations of moths have been shown to change over the years with dark forms becoming more abundant than light forms; this phenomenon is called Multiple choice question. industrial melanism artificial melanism natural melanism pollution melanism


In chickens, the same gene that affects a hen's comb also affects the rate at which the hen lays eggs. Tis is an example of Multiple choice question. pleiotropy. artificial selection. heterozygosity advantage. natural selection.


In cladistics, a(n) _______ is a taxon that is closely related to, but not a member of, the group whose evolutionary relationships are being studied. Multiple choice question. ingroup outgroup phylogeny character


In cladistics, a(n) ______________ is any aspect of the phenotype, including morphology, physiology, behavior, and DNA.

it was inherited from their common ancestor that also cared for its young.

In dinosaurs, crocodiles, and birds, parental care is a homologous trait because Multiple choice question. it is present in all members of the clade that includes these groups. it is present in their most recent common ancestor, but not in previous ancestor. it was inherited from their common ancestor that also cared for its young. it evolved independently in each of these groups through convergent evolution.

the fitness of a phenotype depends on its frequency in the population.

In frequency-dependent selection Multiple choice question. the fitness of a phenotype depends on the frequency of matings between individuals with that phenotype. the fitness of a phenotype depends on its frequency in the population. the fitness of a phenotype depends on the frequency of mutations leading to that phenotype.

an allele's selective advantage may vary from one individual to another based on their genotype.

In genes that are epistatic in nature, Multiple choice question. certain alleles can never confer a selective advantage. selection on one allele would have no effect on other alleles. an allele's selective advantage will always be different in different individuals. an allele's selective advantage may vary from one individual to another based on their genotype.


In humans, the three most gene-rich chromosomes have undergone the highest amount of gene ______. Multiple choice question. transposition loss duplication mutation

They confer an advantage in intrasexual competition

In many animals, structures used for fighting, such as horns, have evolved to be larger in males because of which of the following? Multiple choice question. They are related to an animal's health status They are the product of convergent evolution They confer an advantage in intrasexual competition

exhibit variation.

In natural populations, most genes Multiple choice question. are not variable. are monomorphic. possess only one allele. exhibit variation.

not high enough

In nature, mutation rates are usually ______ to maintain alleles that are not favored in a population by natural selection. Multiple choice question. often able not high enough too high


In order to be fertile, a polyploid must have a(n) _______ number of chromosomes.

transitional fossils

In recent years, scientists have discovered remarkable fossils, such as a four-legged aquatic mammal and a snake with legs. These are examples of Multiple choice question. vestigial fossils key fossils transitional fossils

chromosomes with fewer genes have also had fewer duplications

In the chromosomes of humans, the rate of duplication is related to the number of genes such that Multiple choice question. chromosomes which are gene-rich have had fewer duplications chromosomes with fewer genes have also had fewer duplications chromosomes with fewer genes have had the most duplications

specialization on angiosperms.

In the phytophagous beetles, phylogenetic analysis has revealed that high species richness is associated with Multiple choice question. specialization on cycads. specialization on conifers. timing of clade origination. specialization on angiosperms. the evolution of an herbivorous lifestyle.

specialization on angiosperms.

In the phytophagous beetles, phylogenetic analysis has revealed that high species richness is associated with Multiple choice question. specialization on cycads. the evolution of an herbivorous lifestyle. specialization on angiosperms. timing of clade origination. specialization on conifers.

even if the alleles are not favored by natural selection.

In theory, if mutation rates were high enough, alleles could be maintained in a population Multiple choice question. if the population size is small. only if the alleles are favored by natural selection. even if the alleles are not favored by natural selection.


In this example, six populations are currently under study. Four out of the six populations can interbreed with one another and produce fertile, viable offspring. Two of the populations can only form fertile, viable offspring with members of their own population. According to the biological species concept, how many species are present in this example? Multiple choice question. 4 2 3 6 1


In very distant ancestor genomes several million years ago, sequence analysis suggests that human genome acquired most its Multiple choice question. gene duplications gene deletions mutations transposons


Increased __________ may cause alteration of gene expression after polyploidzation.


Isolating mechanisms that block the development of a viable and fertile individual after fertilization has taken place are called Multiple choice question. postzygotic hybrid azygotic interspecies prezygotic


Isolating mechanisms that prevent the formation of a zygote are called ____________ isolating mechanisms.


It has been hypothesized that species diversity will be slow to recover following the sixth mass extinction as a result of the great amount of the world's ______________ used by humans and therefore unavailable to other organisms.

different species

Laboratory selection experiments have produced forms that cannot reproduce and thus would in nature be considered Multiple choice question. different species hybrid species the same species artificial species

Plasmodium Anopheles

Malaria is caused by parasites in the genus ___________; humans are typically infected through the bite of the malaria vector - mosquitoes in the genus ___________.

1.7-2.5 million deaths each year

Malaria is responsible for Multiple choice question. 17-25 million deaths each year 5-12 million deaths each year 100,000-300,000 deaths each year 1.7-2.5 million deaths each year

Genetic variation

Many 19th century scientists believed that natural selection always favored an optimal form, and therefore would tend to reduce or eliminate which of the following? Multiple choice question. Heterozygosity Population genetics Equilibrium Genetic variation

convergent evolution

Many fishes that inhabit the sub-freezing Arctic and Antarctic waters posses antifreeze proteins; we now know that there are at least five different kinds of antifreeze protein genes that have evolved independently in different species to perform the same function. This is an example of: Multiple choice question. convergent evolution anatomical homology imperfect adaptation


Many genes in plants and animals are found across many species and show high degree of similarity, i.e. they are highly ___________.


Many of the differences between humans and chimps may be accounted for by ___________ duplication.

Fruit fly

Many of the laboratory experiments that test the hypothesis that selection can produce evolutionary change have been performed with Drosophila melanogaster, known by its common name the ____________ __________.


Mechanisms that prevent genetic exchange between members of different species are termed reproductive ___________ mechanisms and often play a role in plant and animal speciation.

Sequences, independently

Molecular analysis of lactase DNA ___________ in humans shows that genes for that enzyme have __________ evolved in Africa and Europe to produce the same result.


Most of the species that humans use as food have been modified through __________ selection.

Through artificial selection

Most of the species that we use as food do not look like their ancestral species anymore. How have humans achieved that? Multiple choice question. Through genetic engineering Through random chance Through natural selection Through artificial selection


Natural populations exhibit significant phenotypic and __________ variation.


Natural selection results in ______ in a population. Multiple choice question. new mutations nonrandom mating genetic drift adaptations


Natural selection results in ______ in a population. Multiple choice question. nonrandom mating genetic drift adaptations new mutations

only individuals who are well adapted to the environment contribute their alleles to the next generation.

Natural selection results in a population better adapted to its environment because Multiple choice question. only individuals who are well adapted to the environment contribute their alleles to the next generation. it increases genetic diversity. it causes new mutations to occur that result in better adaptation to the environment. it decreases genetic diversity.

the rate at which new mutations occur is low

New mutations are not a major factor affecting the allele frequencies in a population because Multiple choice question. individuals who harbor new mutations are rapidly eliminated from the population by selection the number of alleles in a population is very high the rate at which new mutations occur is low


OR genes are responsible for our sense of Multiple choice question. smell touch vision cold


Of the five mass extinctions of the past, the one that occurred at the end of the __________ geologic period was the most severe because it caused as many as 96% of all species to become extinct.

The pattern of common ancestry

On a branching diagram, what does the joining of twigs and branches represent? Multiple choice question. Differences in classification systems The pattern of common ancestry Extinction

On twigs

On a branching diagram, where should existing species be placed? Multiple choice question. On larger branches On twigs At the base of the tree At the nodes


One hypothesis suggests that changes in the amino acids of the human FOXP2 protein allowed it to be __________ thus altering its function, thus leading to speech.


One of the reasons for the large human genome is the presence of many relatively large _____________ in our gene sequences.


One of the ways in which genomes can increase over evolutionary times is the __________ of individual chromosomes.


One of the ways in which genomes can increase over evolutionary times is the ____________ of individual chromosomes.

many more

Our genome carries how many transposons relative to the genomes of Drosophila, C. elegans or Arabidopsis. Multiple choice question. less (about half) many more less (about a third)

The rate of speciation has surpassed the rate of extinction.

Outside of mass extinctions, how has the rate of speciation compared to the rate of extinction over the past 600 million years? Multiple choice question. The rates of speciation and extinction are equivalent. The rate of extinction has surpassed the rate of speciation. The rates of speciation and extinction are too variable to make a generalization. The rate of speciation has surpassed the rate of extinction.


Overall, the evolutionary changes observed in the fossil record of the horse family can be understood as adaptations to changes in global ___________.

The medium ground finch

Peter and Rosemary Grant studied natural selection in Galápagos finches for more than 40 years; which species was the focus of their research? Multiple choice question. The greater ground finch The medium ground finch The tree finch The cactus finch


Phylogenies can be used to determine ___________ relationships between species.

evolutionary relationships among species. how evolution occurred.

Phylogenies provide information about Multiple select question. reasons for extinction. the future course of evolution. evolutionary relationships among species. how evolution occurred.

autopolyploidy and allopolyploidy

Polyploid individuals can arise in two ways. In ______________, all of the chromosomes come from a single species and in _______________ two species may hybridize.

Exhibit intermediate phenotypes

Populations of a single species that are quite distinct from one another phenotypically may be connected by populations that have which characteristics? Multiple choice question. Do not migrate Exhibit intermediate phenotypes Do not have mutations


Prezygotic isolating mechanisms prevent the formation of which of the following? Multiple choice question. Mutations Zygotes Gametes Adaptations

very rare

Prior to 1850, the melanic form of the peppered moth in Europe was: Multiple choice question. common predominant very common very rare

Gene flow

Promoting or constraining evolutionary change via the movement of beneficial or detrimental alleles into or out of a population is an effect of Multiple choice question. genetic drift. gene transfer. natural selection. gene flow.

dark (melanic); light (peppered)

Regarding the peppered moth, many studies have shown that in polluted areas, the ______ form of the moth is favored by natural selection, and in unpolluted areas, the ______ form of the moth is favored. Multiple choice question. nontoxic; toxic light (peppered); dark (melanic) toxic; nontoxic dark (melanic); light (peppered)


Reproductive ___________ is the key to the process of speciation.

Varies depending on the group of species

Research regarding the pace of evolution in well-documented groups of species has shown that the pace of evolution does which of the following? Multiple choice question. Is punctuated for most species Is slow for large species and fast for small species Varies depending on the group of species Is gradual for most species

Variation must have a genetic basis. Variation must result in differences in the number of offspring surviving in the next generation. Variation must exist among individuals.

Select all of the following criteria that must be present for natural selection to occur and cause evolutionary change in a population. Multiple select question. Variation must exist among individuals. Variation must be the result of environmental differences. Variation must have a genetic basis. Variation must result in differences in the number of offspring surviving in the next generation.

A natural disaster such as an earthquake or flood An infectious disease that kills a large proportion of the population Human destruction of habitat

Select all of the following events that could lead to a population bottleneck. Multiple select question. A natural disaster such as an earthquake or flood An infectious disease that kills a large proportion of the population Colonization of an island by a small number of individuals Migration between two neighboring populations Human destruction of habitat

Genetic drift Gene flow Nonrandom Mating Natural selection Mutations

Select all of the following processes that can cause changes in allele or genotype frequencies in populations. Multiple select question. Genetic drift Gene flow Nonrandom Mating Random Mating Natural selection Mutations

Genetic drift Natural selection Gene flow Nonrandom Mating Mutations

Select all of the following processes that can cause changes in allele or genotype frequencies in populations. Multiple select question. Mutations Random Mating Genetic drift Natural selection Gene flow Nonrandom Mating

Vacant ecological niches Geographic isolation Lack of many types of mainland birds

Select all of the following that contributed to the adaptive radiation of Darwin's finches on the Galápagos Islands. Multiple select question. Vacant ecological niches Geographic isolation Lack of many types of mainland birds Repeated instances of gene flow from the mainland Allopolyploidy

A plant with an enzyme that makes it disease-resistant A moth that has a gene for cryptic coloration

Select all of the following that could cause evolutionary change by natural selection. Multiple select question. A horse that develops larger muscles through training A plant with an enzyme that makes it disease-resistant A moth that has a gene for cryptic coloration A human who experiences a sunburn

A few individuals of a population become isolated. Only a few individuals contribute gametes to the next generation. A population becomes very small.

Select all of the following that increase the chances of genetic drift in a population. Multiple select question. A population becomes very small. Migration into a population occurs. A few individuals of a population become isolated. Only a few individuals contribute gametes to the next generation. Natural selection is acting upon the population.

Natural selection Mutations Migration

Select all that apply Evolutionary change within a population can result from which of the following? Multiple select question. Experience Natural selection Mutations Migration

Genotype frequencies do not match those predicated by the Hardy-Weinberg equation based on existing allele frequencies. Allele frequencies are changing between generations.

Select all that apply Select the observations that would indicate that a population is deviating from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Multiple select question. Genotype frequencies do not match those predicated by the Hardy-Weinberg equation based on existing allele frequencies. Phenotypic frequencies are different than those predicted by the Hardy-Weinberg equation because one of the alleles is dominant over another. The frequency of the genotype HH is equal to p2, where p = the frequency of H. Allele frequencies are changing between generations.

lose function through mutation gain novel function through mutation assume part of the function of the original gene

Select all that apply What are the most likely fates of the duplicate gene after a gene duplication event? Multiple select question. become a virus gene or a transposon lose function through mutation gain novel function through mutation assume part of the function of the original gene

A species occurs in an environment with few other species and many resources Formation of islands through volcanic activity and subsequent colonization A catastrophic event leading to mass extinction

Select all that apply What types of conditions may lead to adaptive radiation? Multiple select question. A duplication of chromosome sets via allopolyploidy Gene flow between previously isolated populations that are recently reconnected A species occurs in an environment with few other species and many resources Formation of islands through volcanic activity and subsequent colonization A catastrophic event leading to mass extinction

Viruses Bacteria

Select all that apply Which have genomes that can evolve in a matter of days? Multiple select question. viruses duck-billed platypus bacteria humans

Duplication of DNA segments Duplication of chromosomes Genome re-arrangements

Select all that apply Which of the following are ways in which genomes can change? Multiple select question. Duplication of DNA segments Vertical gene transfer Duplication of chromosomes Genome re-arrangements

Postzygotic isolating mechanisms Prezygotic isolating mechanisms

Select the two main types of reproductive isolating mechanisms based on when they act relative to the production of a zygote. Multiple select question. Non-zygotic isolating mechanisms Postzygotic isolating mechanisms Prezygotic isolating mechanisms Azygotic isolating mechanisms


Selection for speed in thoroughbred horses has removed genetic ___________ from the population at a faster rate than mutation can replace it.

many millions of years ago

Sequence analysis indicates that most of the transposon hitchhiking in the human genome seems to have occurred Multiple choice question. many millions of years ago in the last 1,000 years because of retrovirus infections several thousands of years ago


Sequence analysis suggests that most of the DNA hitchhiking in the human genome occurred several __________ years ago.

Sexual dimorphism

Sexual selection favors traits that give males greater ability in mate competition, therefore males and females within the same species may exhibit different traits. This difference between the sexes of the same species is known as __________ __________.

homologous traits

Similarities between species that occur because the species are derived from a common ancestor are referred to as Multiple choice question. homologous traits convergent traits taxonomic traits phylogenetic traits

irreducibly complex; a system as a whole

Some critics of evolution claim that because complex cellular mechanisms (for example, blood clotting) are ______, the intricate machinery of the cell cannot be explained by evolution from simpler stages. But this argument ignores the fact that natural selection operates on ______. Multiple choice question. irreducibly complex; an isolated part of a system produced by a molecular clock; an isolated part of a system irreducibly complex; a system as a whole produced by a molecular clock; a system as a whole


Some genes can affect multiple aspects of an organism's phenotype. This phenomenon is known as _____________.

It causes those animals to dehydrate.

Some species, for example, frogs, are very sensitive to saltwater and therefore have almost no chance of island colonization. Why is saltwater so harmful to these animals? Multiple choice question. It causes those animals to dehydrate. It is toxic to the animals (due to he presence of ions, such as sulfate). It increases the susceptibility of animals to UV light.

It can be inaccurate and misleading.

Sometimes evolution can occur very rapidly and the number of derived shared characters can be small. In such cases, how is parsimonious analysis affected? Multiple choice question. It can be inaccurate and misleading. Parsimony is not affected by the rate of evolution or the number of shared derived characters It tends to perform even better, giving a very accurate picture of evolution.

less genetic variation than the original larger population. different allele frequencies than the original larger population.

Soon after it was established due to a founder effect, a population is expected to have (choose all that apply) Multiple select question. less genetic variation than the original larger population. different allele frequencies than the original larger population. more genetic variation than the original larger population. many new mutations not found in the original larger population.

Gene flow

Speciation is more likely in geographically isolated populations because which of the following does not occur? Multiple choice question. Genetic drift Natural selection Gene flow


Species that are ___________ species can occur in the same location and are phenotypically different.

expression of their genes

Species with nearly identical genomes can look and behave very differently due to differences in the Multiple choice question. replication of their genes mutation rates of their genes expression of their genes

increased; almost 100%

Starting in 1850 when Europe become industrialized, the frequency of melanic forms of the peppered moth in populations ______ until they made up ______ of some population. Multiple choice question. decreased; no more than 1% increased; about 50% increased; almost 100%

Convergent, homologous

Structures that have evolved separately but look very similar exhibit _________ evolution; in contrast, structures that evolved through modification from a common ancestral trait are _________ structures.


Suppose that a population of finches migrates to a small island where most of the seeds are large. On the island, birds with large beaks are more likely to survive, and over time, the mean beak size of the population increases. This is an example of a type of natural selection known as __________ selection.

Crossing and duplication

Synthetic polyploids are created in the lab by __________ closely related plant species and then chemically inducing chromosome _____________.

classifying living things.

Taxonomy is the science of Multiple choice question. sequencing DNA. linking genes and phenotype. classifying living things. understanding evolutionary relationships.

Brain and motor

The FOXP2 gene is expressed in areas of the ________ which coordinate fine ________ control.

3 and 2

The FOXP2 protein in mice and humans differs by only _____ amino acids, but the FOXP2 protein in chimps and humans differs by only _________ amino acids.

Oil, artificial

The _______ content of corn kernels has been increased dramatically by over 90 generations of ____________ selection.

Ecological species concept

The __________ ___________ _____________ defines a species in terms of its habitat, the environmental resources it uses, and its behaviors.


The __________ clock is used to determine the timing of branching events by using the fossil record or geologic events to calculate DNA divergence rates.


The accumulation of small changes at a relatively steady pace is known as Multiple choice question. stasis reinforcement adaptive radiation punctuated equilibrium gradualism


The ant-eaters in South America and the Australian echidna have similar snouts and tongues that they use to capture ants. This is an example of ____________ evolution.


The apicoplast is a __________-like structure found in the cells of P. falciparum.

Inactivation and olfactory

The best explanation for our reduced sense of smell relative to other mammals is the ___________of many of our genes encoding _________ receptors.

is always the same, whether one speaks English, Chinese, or any other language.

The binomial species name of an organism Multiple choice question. varies according to the language spoken by a person. is always the same, whether one speaks English, Chinese, or any other language. is identical to the common name of the organism. can be identical to that of another species occurring in a different part of the world.

a virus that infects monkeys.

The closest relative to HIV is Multiple choice question. the virus that causes chicken pox. the virus that causes smallpox. the virus that causes influenza. a virus that infects monkeys.


The duplication or loss of a single chromosome (instead of the entire genome) is called Multiple choice question. autopolyploidy aneuploidy allopolyploidy


The entire DNA sequence of an organism is called its Multiple choice question. genome nucleus allele chromosome

Hawaiian Drosophila

The evolution of these organisms is an example of adaptive radiation because populations were isolated and adapted to newly formed islands or habitat patches formed by lava flows. Multiple choice question. Galapagos finches Hawaiian Drosophila Caribbean Anolis lizards Lake Victoria cichlids

Placental mammals

The extinction of the dinosaurs led to adaptive radiation in what group of animals? Multiple choice question. Insects Placental mammals Flightless birds Marsupials Crocodilians

1, 4, 3

The feet of modern horses have ___ toe(s); in contrast, early horses had ____ toe(s) on their front feet and ______toe(s) on their hind feet.

Systematics and Classification

The field of ___________ involves the reconstruction and study of evolutionary relationships among organisms, whereas ____________ uses that information to place organisms into taxonomic groups.

Homologous, vestigial

The forelimbs of vertebrates are an example of _________ structures, while the human appendix is an example of a ___________ structure.

prezygotic and postzygotic

The formation of an interspecies hybrid zygote is prevented by _____________ isolating mechanisms, whereas _____________ isolating mechanisms prevent the successful development of hybrid zygotes once they are formed.


The founder effect results in a new population which differs in ______________ frequencies from its source population.

5500 genes with those of related function clustered together

The genome of P. falciparum appears to have about Multiple choice question. 5500 genes with those of related function clustered together 25000 genes with those of related function clustered throughout the genome 5500 genes with those of related function clustered throughout the genome 25000 genes with those of related function clustered together

Adenine and Thymine

The genome of P. falciparum proved very difficult to sequence because of its high proportions of _________ and ___________ which made it difficult to distinguish one region of it one from another.

millions of years

The genome of a complex eukaryotic species normally evolves over Multiple choice question. several centuries several generations days millions of years


The genomes of humans and chimps are different due to a number of insertions and deletions found in them. What is the percent of indels that are different between those two species? Multiple choice question. 15% 25% 1.5%


The genomes of threatened species can be mined to find genes that will lead to _________ reduction in those species.

large amount of foreign DNA

The human genome contains a Multiple choice question. large amount of foreign DNA negligible amount of foreign DNA small amount of foreign DNA


The human immunodeficiency virus is closely related to a virus called ______, which infects monkeys


The hypothesized evolutionary relationships among species is represented by a diagram known as a(n) ____________.


The idea that evolution occurs over time through the accumulation of small changes at a relatively steady pace is known as _________.

Biological species concept

The idea that species are defined based on the ability to interbreed with each other and exchange genes is the basis of which species concept? Multiple choice question. Ecological species concept Biological species concept General lineage species concept Genetic species concept Phylogenetic species concept


The medium ground finch of the Galápagos islands feeds on small seeds, produced in abundance during ________ years.

moths with coloration that matches their background are less susceptible to predation by birds

The most commonly accepted hypothesis that explains industrial melanism and the reversal of industrial melanism is that Multiple choice question. moths with coloration that matches their background are less susceptible to predation by birds pollution tends to kill off light colored trees which are typically used by light colored moths pollution causes the leaves of trees to fold, providing less resting places for the light colored moths


The most fit phenotype is assigned a fitness value of ______. Multiple choice question. 100 10 2 1

The greatest number of surviving offspring

The most fit phenotype produces, on average, which of the following? Multiple choice question. The healthiest offspring The greatest number of surviving offspring The most physically fit offspring


The pace of evolution is ______. Multiple choice question. constant variable increasing decreasing

Adaptive radiation

The phenomenon that causes a single ancestral species to evolve into a wide array of descendant species with diverse habitats, forms, or behaviors that occurs often as a result of colonization of a new area is known as which of the following? Multiple choice question. Hybridization concept Reproductive isolation Sympatric speciation Adaptive radiation

The total number of individuals in that population

The phenotype frequency is calculated by dividing the total number of individuals with a particular phenotype by which of the following? Multiple choice question. The total number of heterozygous individuals in that population The total number of alleles in that population The total number of homozygous individuals in that population The total number of individuals in that population

how the parents are chosen (by humans or because of their reproductive success)

The primary difference between natural and artificial selection is Multiple choice question. how the seeds of a plant are spread (by humans or by natural means, such as animals, wind, etc.) where the organisms are growing (in a farm versus a natural habitat) how the parents are chosen (by humans or because of their reproductive success) that only natural selection can lead to change in organisms on which it is acting.

natural selection

The primary process responsible for evolution is __________ __________.

natural selection

The process in which beneficial traits that are heritable become more common in successive generations is called Multiple choice question. natural selection genetic drift random mating gene flow

natural selection

The process in which beneficial traits that are heritable become more common in successive generations is called Multiple choice question. natural selection random mating genetic drift gene flow


The production of pheromones by an animal contributes to which of the following types of prezygotic isolating mechanisms? Multiple choice question. Temporal Mechanical Ecological Behavorial


The relative amounts of _________ elements allows some genomes to evolve faster than others.


The science of classifying organisms is termed __________.

wooded areas

The short legs and broad feet of early horses made them well adapted to their habitat which was Multiple choice question. wooded areas swampy areas desert areas

heterozygotes for the disease allele are resistant to malaria.

The sickle-cell anemia allele is maintained at relatively high frequencies in some human populations because Multiple choice question. the beta-globin gene mutates very frequently in those populations. the beta-globin gene is not subject to natural selection. heterozygotes for the disease allele are resistant to malaria.

small and relatively simple

The teeth of early members of the horse family (for example, Hyracotherium) were Multiple choice question. small and relatively simple small but with a complex pattern of ridges large, but relatively simple large with a complex pattern of ridges

large with a complex pattern of ridges

The teeth of modern members of the horse family are Multiple choice question. small and relatively simple large and relatively simple large with a complex pattern of ridges small with a complex pattern of ridges


The term heterozygote ______________ refers to situations in which heterozygotes are more fit then either homozygotes.


The type of diagram that represents hypothesized evolutionary relationships among taxa is called a ______. Multiple choice question. Venn diagram synapomorphy homoplasy cladogram

prezygotic and postzygotic

There are two main types of reproductive isolating mechanisms, depending on whether or not a zygote is formed when two individuals attempt to mate. Behavioral, temporal, and mechanical isolation and prevention of gamete fusion are examples ___________ of isolating mechanisms whereas hybrid inviability and infertility are ______________ isolating mechanisms.


To what degree are plant and animal genes conserved? Multiple choice question. Great Low Moderate

all major groups of vertebrates

Today, fossils have been found that link Multiple choice question. only a few groups of vertebrates only some mammals such as whales and horses, to their ancestors all major groups of vertebrates


True or false: According to the fossil record, only two major mass extinctions have occurred in the past: one at the end of the Permian period and the other at the end of the Cretaceous period. True false question. True False


True or false: Artificial selection has only recently become possible because of advances in our knowledge of genetics. True false question. True False


True or false: At some point in the evolution of humans two mid-sized ancestral chromosomes fused to become human chromosome 2, thus we have one fewer chromosome than all the living great apes. True false question. True False


True or false: Genetic drift, mutations, and nonrandom mating are three agents that can act to produce evolutionary changes in a population. True false question. True False


True or false: Genetic sequences are the only points of interest in the comparison of different genomes. True false question. True False


True or false: It appears that polyploidy has occurred numerous times during the evolution of plants. True false question. True False


True or false: Natural selection does not always produce perfectly working adaptations, because it can only work on the genetic variation present in a population. True false question. True False


True or false: Polyploidy accounts for all genome size variation. True false question. True False


True or false: Populations of a single species that connect those that are more geographically separated are often intermediate phenotypically when compared to the separated populations. True false question. True False


True or false: Recent findings suggest that there is no correlation between the prevalence of dark forms of moths and the pollution levels in an area. True false question. True False


True or false: Some populations that are considered to be separate species can interbreed and produce fertile offspring. True false question. True False


True or false: The pace of speciation in most species is slow and gradual. True false question. True False


True or false: Within the same species, females and males usually employ the same reproductive strategy. True false question. True False

populations with slight differences could be recognized as distinct species.

Under the PSC (phylogenetic species concept) Multiple choice question. differences among geographically isolated populations cannot be used to distinguish species. populations with slight differences could be recognized as distinct species. populations that are similar cannot be differentiated as separate species.


Unintentional selection can be the result of linkage and _________.

cats dogs corn pigeons

Varieties of which of the following organisms are the result of artificial selection? Multiple select question. Galápagos finches cats dogs corn oak trees pigeons

Organisms that are least adapted to their environment could have the highest fitness.

We know that evolution is not a random process, but imagine for a moment that evolution is random. If so, which of the following would be true? Multiple choice question. Organisms that are least adapted to their environment could have the highest fitness. We would see improvements in organisms and processes from generation to generation. Gradual trends in the size of organisms would be linear.

enzyme allele frequencies can vary with geographic latitude.

We know that selection can occur based on climatic conditions, because biologists have found that Multiple choice question. enzyme allele frequencies can vary with geographic latitude. the size of populations at southern latitudes is often higher. different species are found at different latitudes.

Barriers that prevent successful interbreeding among members of different species.

What are reproductive isolating mechanisms? Multiple choice question. Barriers that prevent successful interbreeding among members of different species. Ways used by researchers to facilitate breeding of animals in captivity. Procedures used in the study of courtship behavior in different species. Procedures used to study the embryonic development of different species. Techniques for isolating gametes and reproductive tissues for genetic analysis in order to identify species.

A four legged aquatic mammal that links marine mammals to their terrestrial ancestors. Tiktaalik, a species that is transitional between fish and amphibians. A fossil snake with legs that links modern snakes to the lizards from which they descended.

What are some fossil findings in recent years that have bridged major gaps in our understanding of vertebrate evolution? Multiple select question. A four legged aquatic mammal that links marine mammals to their terrestrial ancestors. Tiktaalik, a species that is transitional between fish and amphibians. A fossil snake with legs that links modern snakes to the lizards from which they descended. A glyptodont fossil demonstrating that South American armadillos have undergone a reduction in size.

Mutate without a detrimental effect on the organism

What can a duplicated gene do after gene duplication that will result in a novel trait? Multiple choice question. Become a transposon without a detrimental effect on the organism Mutate without a detrimental effect on the organism Become lost without a detrimental effect on the organism

Evolutionary forces are affecting the population.

What conclusion can be drawn from the observation that a population is not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium? Multiple choice question. Evolutionary forces are affecting the population. The population is isolated from other populations of the same species. Genotype frequencies but not phenotype frequencies are the same from one generation to the next. Allele frequencies are stable from one generation to the next.

A hypothesis of evolutionary relationships

What does a cladogram depict? Multiple choice question. A hypothesis of evolutionary relationships The mechanisms that led to evolution of different character states The taxonomic hierarchy of a related group of organisms

Pleiotropy Gene linkage

What genetic phenomena may be responsible for unintentional selection? Multiple select question. Pleiotropy Gene linkage Chromosomal abnormalities Mutation

One of two or more variations of a character

What is a character state? Multiple choice question. The time at which a character is thought to have arisen A character shared by higher order taxa One of two or more variations of a character The geographic distribution of a character

Some species may be paraphyletic.

What is a potential problem with the PSC (phylogenetic species concept)? Multiple choice question. It fails to recognize many monophyletic species. It leads to the recognition of a much smaller number of species than the biological species concept Some species may be paraphyletic. It cannot be applied to organisms that reproduce asexually.

The relative likelihood that a genotype will contribute to the gene pool of the next generation

What is fitness? Multiple choice question. The ability to maintain an internal environment that is suitable for cellular functions The relative likelihood that a genotype will survive The relative likelihood that a genotype will contribute to the gene pool of the next generation The ability to exercise for a prolonged period of time

The movement of alleles into or out of a population.

What is gene flow? Multiple choice question. The accumulation of mutations in a gene over time. The increased survival of individuals with beneficial alleles. The movement of alleles into or out of a population. The change from one allele to another.

Occurring in geographically separated areas

What is meant by the term allopatric? Multiple choice question. Occurring in the same habitat type, but in different areas Occurring in the same area, but in different habitats Occurring in the same area Occurring in geographically separated areas

Humans have many more introns which are also substantially larger.

What is one of the reasons for the much higher genome size of humans when compared to pufferfish? Multiple choice question. Both organisms have similar numbers of introns, however, humans have much larger ones. The introns in both genomes are roughly similar in size, however, humans have many more introns. Humans have many more introns which are also substantially larger.

Fatty acids

What is synthesized in the apicoplast (and nowhere else in the cell) of the parasite P. falciparum? Multiple choice question. Proteins Nucleic acids Fatty acids Amino acids

Inactivation of many of our OR genes

What is the best hypothesis we currently have for our reduced sense of smell relative to other mammals? Multiple choice question. Inactivation of genes that control our smell center in the brain. Inactivation of many of our OR genes Loss of almost 90% of our OR genes.

Human activity

What is the cause of the sixth mass extinction? Multiple choice question. Emerging diseases Plate tectonics Human activity An asteroid A cooling Sun

A constant rate of evolution of a molecule

What is the main assumption behind the idea of a molecular clock? Multiple choice question. A constant rate of breakdown of an unstable molecule over time The presence of a stable molecule that does not change over time A constant rate of evolution of a molecule A constant radioactivity rate in fossils


What is the ultimate source of all new alleles? Multiple choice question. Natural selection Mutation Nonrandom mating Genetic drift

Similarities in morphology

What kind of data were first used to create phylogenetic trees? Multiple choice question. Similarities in DNA sequences Habitat data Natural selection data Similarities in morphology

Natural selection

What process may lead to speciation when a population adapts to its environment in such a way that it becomes reproductively isolated from other populations? Multiple choice question. The founder effect Genetic drift Natural selection Polyploidy A population bottleneck


What term describes the classification of species based on evolutionary relationships? Multiple choice question. Hierarchical classification Parsimony Taxonomy Cladistics


What term quantifies reproductive success of a phenotype? Multiple choice question. Fitness Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium Competition Evolution


What type of isolation occurs when members of one species are unable to successfully interbreed with members of another species? Multiple choice question. Physiological Biological Evolutionary Reproductive

Highly conserved sequences

What type of sequences do scientists search for in the genome of distant human relatives such as pufferfish when trying to find clues about the causes of human diseases? Multiple choice question. Highly diverged sequences Moderately diverged sequences Highly conserved sequences

Rapid evolution of characters

When constructing phylogenies, the assumptions of the principle of parsimony may be violated under what conditions? Multiple choice question. Rapid evolution of characters Absence of homoplasy Slow evolution of characters

Centuries and millennia ago.

When did humans begin to utilize artificial selection? Multiple choice question. Only very recently, as the principles of genetics were discoverered. Only recently after artificial insemination and pollination was discovered. Centuries and millennia ago.

Horizontal and vertical

When genes are transferred from one species to another, we say that ______________ gene transfer has occurred, but in ______________gene transfer, genes are passed from generation to generation.


When little or no evolutionary change in a species occurs for a long time, that time period is known as which of the following? Multiple choice question. Stasis Equilibrium Inertia Gradualism

reproductively isolated

When members of populations do not mate with each other or cannot produce fertile offspring, they are Multiple choice question. reproductively isolated undergoing anagenesis experiencing gene flow undergoing speciation

became smaller and drab in coloration as a result of natural selection after about 10 generations.

When researchers raised guppies in laboratory pools with high levels of predation, the guppies in those aquariums Multiple choice question. became smaller and drab in coloration as a result of natural selection after just 1 generation. became smaller and drab in coloration as a result of natural selection after about 10 generations. became larger and brighter in coloration as a result of natural selection after just 1 generation. became larger and brighter in coloration as a result of natural selection after about 10 generations.

Throughout Eurasia and North America

Where has industrial melanism been observed? Multiple choice question. On a few large islands (for example Great Britain) In several European countries only Throughout Eurasia and North America

Resistance initially was due to a random mutation. Increased resistance is due to selection.

Which are true of antibiotic resistance? Multiple select question. Resistance initially was due to a random mutation. Increased resistance is due to selection. Humans have not impacted this process.

Second set of functioning jaws

Which characteristic of cichlids enabled them in their evolutionary radiation? Multiple choice question. Enlarged gills Extra set of lateral fins Wider tail fin Second set of functioning jaws

They exhibit drab coloration.

Which describes male guppies located below South American waterfalls where predation is high? Multiple choice question. They mature later. They exhibit drab coloration. They grow to larger sizes. They exhibit bright coloration.

Natural selection

Which evolutionary mechanism causes beneficial traits that are heritable to become more common in a population? Multiple choice question. Natural selection Genetic drift Migration Nonrandom mating Horizontal gene transfer

Assortative mating

Which evolutionary mechanism changes genotype frequencies but does not change allele frequencies? Multiple choice question. Genetic drift Natural selection Assortative mating Migration

p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1

Which is a correct version of the Hardy-Weinberg equation for genotype frequencies in a population in equilibrium? Multiple choice question. p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 p2 + q2 = 1 p/q = 1 p x 2pq x q = 1

Molecular clock

Which method is used to infer the timing of branching events by using the fossil record or geologic events to calculate DNA divergence rates? Multiple choice question. Maximum likelihood Molecular clock Cladistic Phylogenetic species concept Parsimonious

Pollution has toxic effects on light-colored moths. Surfaces in polluted areas get darker due to soot deposition. Lichens decline due to pollution.

Which of the following (choose all that apply) have been suggested as hypotheses that may explain industrial melanism? Multiple select question. Lichens decline due to pollution. Selective death of light-colored trees occurs as a result of pollution. Pollution has toxic effects on light-colored moths. Surfaces in polluted areas get darker due to soot deposition.

Certain parts of the human genome contain more variation than others.

Which of the following accurately describes the rates of variation in different parts of the human genome, as determined by the 1000 Genomes Project? Multiple choice question. The genome of a single individual exhibits uniform variation, however, the amount of variation differs substantially between different individuals. Certain parts of the human genome contain more variation than others. The entire human genome appears to have very low levels of variation.

Gene flow

Which of the following agents of evolutionary change occurs when alleles move from one population to another? Multiple choice question. Gene flow Natural selection Assortative mating Mutations

Vestigial structures Homologous structures Early embryonic similarities

Which of the following are anatomical features that provide evidence for evolution? Multiple select question. Vestigial structures Homologous structures Similar looking, yet distantly related animals on different continents Early embryonic similarities

Natural selection is a progressive guiding force pushing evolution in a single direction. Evolutionary change is constant through time.

Which of the following are common misconceptions about evolution that were traditionally thought to be revealed by the fossil records of horses. Multiple select question. Natural selection is a progressive guiding force pushing evolution in a single direction. Evolutionary change varies with some periods of little change and some periods of great change. The ancestors of horses were a type of marine mammal Evolutionary change is constant through time.

Evolution has not been demonstrated. Complex organs cannot be explained by evolution, but can be explained by intelligent design.

Which of the following are common misconceptions about evolution? Multiple select question. Evolution violates the first law of thermodynamics. Evolution has not been demonstrated. Complex organs cannot be explained by evolution, but can be explained by intelligent design. Fossils cannot be dated accurately.

Substantial differences in the amount of variation in different parts of the genome An average of about 24 to 30 alleles associated with known inherited disorders per individual A large number of SNPs among the different individuals (about 14 million)

Which of the following are findings of the 1000 Genomes Project? Multiple select question. Substantial differences in the amount of variation in different parts of the genome An average of about 24 to 30 alleles associated with known inherited disorders per individual A surprisingly small number of insertions/deletions (less than 1,300) A large number of SNPs among the different individuals (about 14 million) An average of 3,000-4,000 alleles that rendered genes inoperative per individual

Subsequent speciation may be slowed by the lack of resources available outside of human use. As many as 1/4 of all species may become extinct.

Which of the following are likely to occur as a result of the sixth mass extinction? Multiple select question. Subsequent speciation may be slowed by the lack of resources available outside of human use. Placental mammals will be the least affected. Species diversity will rebound much more quickly than in previous mass extinctions. As many as 1/4 of all species may become extinct.

Interspecies hybridization occurs in nature more often than was thought. Reproductive isolation cannot explain speciation in organisms that reproduce asexually. It is difficult to determine whether geographically isolated species would interbreed in nature as they do in artificial settings.

Which of the following are limitations of the biological species concept? Multiple select question. Interspecies hybridization occurs in nature more often than was thought. The biological species concept is not an effective way to understand the existence of species in nature. Reproductive isolation cannot explain speciation in organisms that reproduce asexually. It is difficult to determine whether geographically isolated species would interbreed in nature as they do in artificial settings.

They are written in italics. The first word always starts with a capital letter. They are always the same, regardless of language spoken.

Which of the following are true of scientific, or species names? Multiple select question. They can be the same for more than one species as long as they are classified in different kingdoms. They are written in italics. The first word always starts with a capital letter. The first word is the family to which the organism belongs. Reason: The first word is the genus to which the organism belongs. They are always the same, regardless of language spoken.

As many as 96% of all species went extinct. It was the most severe mass extinction.

Which of the following are true of the mass extinction that occurred at the end of the Permian period? Multiple select question. As many as 96% of all species went extinct. It was the most severe mass extinction. It was the very first mass extinction. It caused dinosaurs to become extinct.

Comparing genomes between humans and closely related species. Comparing the genomes of pathogens with those of its host. Comparing individual human genomes.

Which of the following are ways in which genome analysis is used to treat and prevent human diseases? Multiple select question. Searching for genes that are common to bacteria, archaea and humans. Comparing genomes between humans and closely related species. Comparing the genomes of pathogens with those of its host. Comparing individual human genomes.

An overall increase, but with some some sharp declines occurring at certain times

Which of the following best describes the general trend in global species diversity over time? Multiple choice question. A steady increase at a consistent rate A steady decrease at a consistent rate An initial increase up to approximately 200 million years ago, and a subsequent decline An overall increase, but with some some sharp declines occurring at certain times

Genetic variation refers to the fact that different individuals of a population have different alleles of genes.

Which of the following best describes the genetic variation of a population? Multiple choice question. Genetic variation refers to the fact that different individuals of a population have different alleles of genes. Genetic variation refers to the fact that in most populations there are two sets of each gene present in each individual. Genetic variation refers to the fact that an individual organism's alleles for a gene can vary during its development.

Which of the following can be found when comparing genomes? Multiple select question. Differences in genes DIfferences in whole DNA sequences Differences in the rate of genetic change Differences in noncoding DNA

Which of the following can be found when comparing genomes? Multiple select question. Differences in genes DIfferences in whole DNA sequences Differences in the rate of genetic change Differences in the possible nucleotides used Differences in noncoding DNA

A sudden, relatively permanent change in the environment

Which of the following conditions is most likely to lead to directional selection? Multiple choice question. A very stable environment A heterogeneous environment with two or more distinct conditions A sudden, relatively permanent change in the environment

Populations living in geographically separated areas can undergo allopatric speciation

Which of the following correctly links geographic isolation to speciation? Multiple choice question. Populations living in the same geographic area can undergo allopatric speciation Populations living in geographically separated areas can undergo allopatric speciation Populations living in geographically separated areas can undergo sympatric speciation

The chaparral

Which of the following is the habitat of the scrub oak in California? Multiple choice question. The chaparral Marshes Along rivers Forest areas


Which of the following is the most direct evidence for evolution? Multiple choice question. Homologous organs Fossils Darwin's finches Marsupials in Australia

Males are selective in choosing a mate much less frequently than females.

Which of the following is true about the reproductive strategies of males and females? Multiple choice question. Males are selective in choosing a mate much more frequently than females. Males are selective in choosing a mate about as frequently as females. Males are selective in choosing a mate much less frequently than females.

They are the most common type of fossil found in the fossil record. They illustrate how major transitions in life occurred.

Which of the following is true about transitional fossils (choose all that apply)? Multiple select question. They contain all characteristics of two separate groups. They help to fill in the gap in the fossil record between two separate groups. They are the most common type of fossil found in the fossil record. They illustrate how major transitions in life occurred.

Evolutionary forces can alter allele frequencies in natural populations

Which of the following is true of evolutionary forces in natural populations? Multiple choice question. Evolutionary forces have no affect on allele frequencies in natural populations Evolutionary forces can alter allele frequencies in natural populations

Not all taxa are affected equally; some groups may go completely extinct while others are virtually unaffected.

Which of the following is true of mass extinctions? Multiple choice question. Not all taxa are affected equally; some groups may go completely extinct while others are virtually unaffected. All taxa are affected similarly; for example, all plant and animal families lose approximately the same percentage of species. Certain taxa are always affected more than others; in general, more plant species go extinct than animal species.

Some characters evolve more rapidly than others.

Which of the following most accurately describes the evolution of different characters? Multiple choice question. Some characters evolve more rapidly than others. Every character evolves at a different rate from all other characters. All characters evolve at the same rate.

Chemically inducting chromosome duplication in hybrids. Crossing closely related plant species in the lab.

Which of the following processes are involved in making synthetic polyploids? Multiple select question. Chemically inducting chromosome duplication in hybrids. Crossing closely related plant species in the lab. Surveying natural sites until hybrids of two species are found. Propagating hybrids in the lab over at least 10 generations until a spontaneous chromosome duplication occurs.

Natural selection Genetic drift

Which of the following processes can lead to speciation in natural populations (choose all that may apply)? Multiple select question. Natural selection Gene flow between populations Genetic drift Artificial selection

For many types of placental mammals found throughout the world, there is a strikingly similar marsupial mammal in Australia.

Which of the following statements about marsupials in Australia is true? Multiple choice question. A marsupial mouse is more closely related to a placental mouse than to a marsupial mole. Marsupial animals are unique and bear no similarities to any other mammals in the world. For many types of placental mammals found throughout the world, there is a strikingly similar marsupial mammal in Australia.

Males and females often have different reproductive strategies.

Which of the following statements about the reproductive strategies of males and females is true? Multiple choice question. Males and females always have different reproductive strategies, regardless of the species in question. Males and females of the same species always have the same reproductive strategy. Males and females often have different reproductive strategies.

It it closely related to the group under study, but is not a member of the group. It can be used to polarize characters.

Which of the following statements are true of an outgroup? Multiple select question. It it closely related to the group under study, but is not a member of the group. It diverged after all of the species in the group being studied. It exhibits all shared derived characters found in the group under study. It can be used to polarize characters.

It may be used to determine the timing of clade branching events for a particular molecule. The evolutionary changes in genes with a constant rate of change can be determined.

Which of the following statements are true regarding the use of the molecular clock? Multiple select question. It may be used to determine the timing of clade branching events for a particular molecule. To date, no alternative methods have been developed. Data indicate that rates of evolution are similar for most genes, so timing estimates are usually applicable to other genes in the same organism. The evolutionary changes in genes with a constant rate of change can be determined.

It evolves so rapidly that different strains can exist within different individuals in the same population.

Which of the following statements best describes evolution of the AIDS virus? Multiple choice question. It has experienced oscillating periods of rapid and slow evolution its discovery in 1981. It experiences a high rate of gene flow, so modern strains are nearly identical to one another. It evolves very slowly and has relatively unchanged since it was first discovered in 1981. It evolves so rapidly that different strains can exist within different individuals in the same population.

They will share at least one shared derived character.

Which of the following statements is true for all of the species that come after a branch point in a cladogram? Multiple choice question. They will no longer need an outgroup. They will share at least one shared derived character. They do not share any derived characters. They will share at least two shared derived characters.

Members of different species may be able to successfully hybridize under artificial conditions, but don't do so in the wild.

Which of the following statements is true in regard to how scientists define species based on the biological species concept? Multiple choice question. Members of different species may be able to successfully hybridize under artificial conditions, but don't do so in the wild. The ability to hybridize is irrelevant as long as the species use different ecological niches. Members of different species cannot successfully hybridize in the wild or under artificial conditions. Members of different species can successfully hybridize in the wild or under artificial conditions.

Speciation may occur through random (e.g., genetic drift) or non-random processes (e.g., natural selection).

Which of the following statements is true regarding speciation? Multiple choice question. Speciation may occur through random (e.g., genetic drift) or non-random processes (e.g., natural selection). Speciation only occurs when the gene pools of different populations randomly change (e.g., genetic drift). The process of speciation is not affected by random (e.g., genetic drift) nor non-random processes (e.g., natural selection). Speciation only occurs when populations adapt to different environmental conditions through natural selection.

Disruptive selection

Which type of selection acts to eliminate individuals which are intermediate on a phenotypic range? Multiple choice question. Disruptive selection Stabilizing selection Directional selection

Directional selection

Which type of selection favors individuals at one extreme of a phenotypic range who have greater reproductive success in a particular environment? Multiple choice question. Stabilizing selection Disruptive selection Balancing selection Directional selection

Stabilizing selection

Which type of selection favors individuals with intermediate phenotypes and selects against individuals with extreme phenotypes? Multiple choice question. Directional selection Sexual selection Stabilizing selection Diversifying selection

Not all DNA is coding

Why are genome size and gene number not correlated? Multiple choice question. Different species have different numbers of chromosomes Mutation levels differ Not all DNA is coding

Like all mammals, giraffes only have 7 vertebrae in their necks which limits their flexibility.

Why are giraffe necks not perfectly suited for their function? Multiple choice question. Giraffe necks have 76 vertebrae in them, which makes them very difficult to maintain upright. Like all mammals, giraffes only have 7 vertebrae in their necks which limits their flexibility. Giraffe necks are very heavy and can easily break, therefore being a major mortality source.

Transposable elements commonly remodel the genomes of certain taxa. Generation times differ among taxa.

Why do genomes evolve at different rates? Multiple select question. Transposable elements commonly remodel the genomes of certain taxa. Generation times differ among taxa. Some taxa have a higher proportion of protein-coding DNA, which evolves more rapidly than noncoding DNA.

Because some individuals in a population possess more favorable phenotypes than others.

Why does selection occur? Multiple choice question. Because individuals move between populations and mix their genes. Because some individuals in a population possess more favorable phenotypes than others. Because evolution strives to develop better traits. Because individuals must adapt to be able to survive in challenging environments.

Because it helps explain a very wide range of observations. Because it is supported by a large body of evidence.

Why is evolution considered a theory? Multiple select question. Because it can explain all observations in biology Because it helps explain a very wide range of observations. Because it is supported by a large body of evidence. Because it is an educated guess that explains the diversity of life.

Natural selection does not affect these DNA sequences.

Why is the rate of evolution more rapid in segments of DNA that have no function? Multiple choice question. These segments are usually very large and therefore are more likely to mutate. These segments are more likely to undergo duplication and are therefore more tolerant of mutations. Natural selection does not affect these DNA sequences.

It assumes that DNA divergence rates are constant over time.

Why is the use of a molecular clock controversial? Multiple choice question. It assumes that DNA divergence rates are constant over time. It assumes that rates of evolution are different for different genes. It is only useful in some species. It does not incorporate information from the fossil record about the timing of evolutionary events.


You are examining allele frequencies of a gene in a population of frogs. This gene has two alleles, T and t. If the frequency of the dominant allele (T) is 0.25, then the frequency of the recessive allele (t) is __________.


____________ is the state of a cell or organism having more than two paired sets of chromosomes.


____________ isolation is another term for environmental isolation.


_____________ selection is a form of sexual selection based on same-sex competition usually involving males, in which the winner "gains" a mating partner.

homologous, analogous

_____________ traits are derived from the same ancestral structure or source whereas ______________ traits only appear similar, arising independently through convergent evolution.


_____________are chemicals produced by a species that trigger a social response.


____________is the study of the evolutionary relationships among organisms.


β-catenin, Bmp4, PtchI, and Lbh are genes that determine the size and shape of the cichlid _________.

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