Exam Ana. Chapt. 5,6,7

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( autoimmunity, inflammation, degeneration)

Traumatic mechanisms

( physical & chemical agents) Head trauma, bone fracture,

Metabolic mechanisms

(endocrine imbalances & malnutrition) Diabetic, hyperlipdemia

Infectious mechanisms

(pathogenic organisms & particles) Cold, flu,

Neoplastic mechanisms

(tumors & cancer) Malignant or benign

Skeletal System Structure

206 bones in the system

Muscular System Structure

> Involuntary or striated skeletal muscle > Involuntary or smooth muscle tissue in walls of some organs > Cardiac muscle in wall of the heart

Digestive System: Structure

Accessory organs: assist the digestive process: **Includes: Teeth, salivary glands, tongue, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, appendix


Bands of fibrous tissue that hold bones together


Bone tumor

**Third degree burn

Characterized by complete destruction of the epidermis and dermis

Nervous System: Functions

Communication between body organs


Connections between bones that make movement possible


Crescent-shaped area nearest root called lunula

**Pathogenesis: Methods of detecting cancer

Diagnostic Imaging including: Radiography (mammogram & computed tomography {CT} scan Magnetic resonance imaging {MRI} Ultrasonography

Genetic mechanisms

Down syndrome

Hair muscle

Erector pili muscle "Goosebump"

Respiratory System Function

Exchange of waste gas (carbon dioxide) for oxygen in the alveoli of the lungs


Formation of blood cells


Fungal infection (mycosis) of the skin; several forms occur

Organisms that are called microbes

Fungi Protzoa Bacteria Virsues


Furuncles; staphylococcal infection in hair follicles

Risk Factors for Diseases

Genetics, age, lifestyle, stress, environment, pre-existing conditions

Hair growth

Hair papilla

** Skin Appendages

Hair, nails, microscopic sense receptors, sweat & oil glands


Heaviest organ in the body

Inflammation mediators

Hestamine, prostaglandins, kinins


Highly contagious staphylococcal or streptococcal infection

Skin dermis

Innermost layer

**Second degree burn

Involve deep epidermal layers; always cause injury to upper layers of the dermis


Large 1-celled organisms that have organized nuclei

** Benign connective tissue tumors

Lipoma: Adipose (fat) tumor Chondroma: Cartilage Tumor

Lymphatic System: Structure

Lymphatic Vessels Lymph nodes & tonsils Thymus Spleen

Sarcomas (connective tissue cancers)

Lymphoma: Lymphatic cancer Osteosarcoma: Bone cancer Myeloma: Bone Marrow tumor Fibrosarcoma: cancer of fibrous tissue

endocrine system

Make hormones & release into the blood. Sweat glands are not apart of endocrine system

** Carcinomas (malignant epithelial tumors)

Melanoma: Involves Melanocytes Adenocarcinoma: Glandular cancer


Microscopic: Intracellular parasites that consist of a nucleic acid core w/protein coat Invades host cells & pirate organelles & raw materials Classified by shape, nucleic acid type & method of reproduction

Epithelial membrane

Mucous (lining of mouth) Cutaenous (skin) Serous (Pleura & Pericardium in the thoracic cavity)

Which membranes are epithelial

Mucous, cutaneous, serous

**Signs & symptoms

Objective & subjective abnormalities associated w/ a disease

Pathogenic Animals: Arthropods:

Often vectors of disease >Parasitic mites, ticks, lice, fleas, biting/stinging wasps, bees, mosquitos, spiders bees, mosquitos, spiders

**First degree burn

Only surface layers of epidermis involved

Benign epithelial tumors

Papilloma: Fingerlike projection Adenoma: Glandular tumor Nevus: Small, pigmented tumor


Patchy light skin areas resulting from acquired loss of epidermal melanocytes


Pathogenic protein molecules


Refers to a disease with an unknown cause

Skin Structure: Epidermis:4-5 layers

STRATUM GERMINATIVUM: Innermost (deepest) layer of cells that continually reproduce; new cells move toward the surface Sometimes called the pigment layer Pigment cells called MELANOCYTES, which produce the brown pigment melanin—skin color; tanned.

Sebaceous Glands

Secrete oil or sebum for hair & skin

Viruses can be classified based on

Size, shape, chemical composition & structure of the genome (DNA or RNA)

Cutaneous membrane


**Appendages of skin; Hair

Soft hair of fetus & newborn called lanugo Hair growth begins from hair papilla

**Arrector pili

Specialized smooth muscle that produces "goose pimples" & causes hair to stand up straight

Bacteria's are classified by

Staining properties (depend on composition of cell well) Gram-positive Gram-Negative

Pathophysiology: Mechanisms of disease

Study of underlying aspects of disease Genetic mechanisms

Cancer Tx.

Surgery Chemotherapy (chemical therapy) Radiation therapy (radiotherapy) Laser therapy Immunotherapy

Connective tissue membrane

Synovial membrane (inside of joints) Likes the space between the Bones

Which one is not an epithelial membrane?

Synovial membrane —connective

Nail bed

The lining of epithelial tissue under the fingernail

Serous membrane

The pleura in the thoracic cavity is an example

**Skin structure: Dermal-epidermal junction

Weakened or destroyed junctions can cause blisters


abnormal growth of cells

** Signs

are objectives & a healthcare provider can confirm them, like fever, a redness on the skin, hbp

** Tendons

attach muscles to bones


collection of signs & symptoms


connects & cushions joined bones

The Rule of Nines is used to

determine body surface area that has been burned

Decubitus ulcers (bedsores)

develop when pressure slows down blood flow to local areas of the skin


forms at the junction of the dermis & epiderms

**Causes of cancer

hyperplasia (growth of too many cells) Anaplasia (development of undifferentiated cells)

Urinary System

includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra

**Latent stage in an infectious disease is the

incubation stage


infectious disease that affects many worldwide

primary organs of the GI tract

mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine, rectum & anal


native to a local region

** Epidemics

occur when a disease affects many people @ the same time

Malignant tumors

refer to types of tumors that spread to other parts

**Benign tumors

remain localized

What is another name for oil gland

sebaceous gland


subjective & only the pt. Can understand them like headache, abdominal pain

The skin tans in response to

sunlight because of the melanin in the stratum germinativum

accessory organ of GI

teeth, salivary glands, tongue, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, appendix

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