Exam ch 3-4

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In order to determine the molar mass of area in a polyatomic compound such as ((NH2)2CO)

((NH2)2CO) put the outside two into the parenthese through multiplication once you have 2N, H4, C1, O1 than include the atomic mass of each element than multiply for example 2N= 2(14.01) than add all the components together

How to determine how many atoms of carbon are contained in 47.6 g of Al2(CO3)3? The molar mass of Al2(CO3)3 is 233.99 g/mol.

(47.6g) ( 1 mole/ 233.99g) (6.022*10^23 molecule / 1 mole) (3c-atoms/ 1 molecules)

Orbital blocks in the periodic table

- The first 2 columns of the left side of the periodic table (1A and 2A) comprise the s block. The 6 columns on the right side of the table (3A, 4A, 5A, 6A, 7A, and 8A) comprise the p block. The transition elements comprise the d block, and the lanthanides and actinides (inner transition elements) comprise the f block. - The number of columns in a block corresponds to the maximum number of electrons that can occupy the particular sublevel of that block. - Except for helium, the number of valence electrons for any main-group element is equal to its lettered group number. - Exceptions: Cr (4s1 3d5), Cu (4s1 3d10), Nb (5s1 4d4), Mo (5s1 4d5), Ru (5s1 4d7), Rh (5s1 4d8), Pd (4d10), Ag (5s1 4d10), Pt (6s1 5d9), Au (6s1 5d10). - For main-group elements, the row number in the periodic table is equal to the number (or n value) of the highest principal energy level.

Example problem ion for Te Tellurium


How do you predict a charge of an ion formed from a element of the periodic table?

1) find the element on the periodic table provided 2) identify if it is a metal (cation which is a positive charge) or Nonmetal anion negative charge 3) count back to the stable 8 valence electrons in the noble gases

Choose the correct electron configuration for Se. a) 1s22s22p63s23p4 b) 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p4 c) 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d4 d) 1s22s22p63s23p64s24p4


Sublevel equation

2l+1=sublevels if were looking for 3d n=3 than l=2 2(2)+1=5 sublevels

Mendeleev's periodic table

A Russian chemist who is given credit for organizing the 1st periodic table. He listed them by increasing mass from left to right and he put elements with the same properties in the same verticle columns.

+3 charge

Al, Sc

What are the names of Main group elements Be-Ra?

Alkaline Earth metals

What are the names of Main group elements H-Fr ?

Alkaline metals

Pauli Exclusion Principle

An atomic orbital may describe at most two electrons, each with opposite spin direction meaning you cannot have the same pointing arrow.

What main group elements make up the metalloids?



Brom, Br-, Bromide


C2H3O2-, Hypochlorite, CIO-

What is the empirical formula of the compound with the molecular formula C10H8? C2H4 CH C5H3 C5H4

C5H4 The subscripts in the molecular formula must equal n times the subscripts in the empirical formula (where n is an integer). Both 10 and 8 are divisible by 2, so the empirical formula is C5H4.


CO3 2- Chlorite CIO2-

What is the correct formula for the compound that forms between calcium and sulfur? CaS3 Ca2S CaS2 CaS

CaS The charges of the ions in the compound must sum to 0. The charge on Ca is 2+ and the charge on S is 2-, and there are one of each of these, so the charges in this formula sum to 0.


Chemical Reaction in which energy is primarily given off in the form of heat

Chlorine symbol base and name

Ci-, Chlor, Chloride

How do u determine ml?

Count from the negative value of the number given from l to its once again positive value than pic the maximum number. example l=1 ml=-1,0,1 ml=1

Aufbau rule exceptions

Cr, Cu these will fill 3d before they fill 4s when writing their configuration make sure to subtract 1 from the 4s and add one to the 3d


Cr2O7 2- sulfate SO42-



Shared properties of period row

Each next element in a period has one more proton and is less metallic than its predecessor.

For which element is the gaining of an electron most exothermic? Li N F B

F Locate the four elements in the periodic table to determine their relative electron affinities. Electron affinity (and therefore the exothermicity of gaining an electron) generally increases from left to right across the periodic table. Of the four elements listed, fluorine is the furthest to the right in the periodic table.

Which element has the smallest atomic radius? Be C Si F

F because it is the most right and upward element

What is the main group of metals that make up Halogens?

F,Cl, Br, I, At, Ts

fluorine symbol base and name

F-, Fluor, Flouride


H Charge: -1

Diydrogen Phosphate

H2PO4-, peroxide, O2-2



hydrogen carbonate (bicarbonate)

HCO3 -1 Chlorate CIO3-

Hydrogen Phosphate

HPO4 2-, Cyanide,CN-

What are the main group elements that make up Noble gases and what is special about noble gases valence electrons?

He,Ne,Ar,Kr,Xe,Rn,Og They are the most stable because they have 8 valence electrons so they fill the most outer shell.

Henry Mosley rearranged the elements

His periodic table is arranged by increasing the atomic number


I-, Iod, Iodide

What is L and how do you find its value?

In order to determine the value of l, you must start from zero the amount of numbers N said u should have

1+ charge

Li,Na, K, Rb, Cs, Ag Acarnime: linda now knows robing causes anger

Everything else besides B, Si, As, Te, At to the end of the periodic table is metal or nonmetal?


Identify the correct trends in metallic character.

Metallic character decreases as we move to the right across a row in the periodic table and increases as we move down a column.

Metallic trends in periodic table

Metallic properties increase from top to bottom and decrease right

+2 charge

Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Zn maddy cant swim by zooming

Halides anions

Minerals that contain a halogen ion plus one or more other elements in order to get to a noble gas and have 8 electrons it gains one to become a noble gas when doing such and forming this ion it is renamed ide after the root word.

What is the formula for manganese(IV) oxide? MnO2 Mn4O Mn2O MnO4

MnO2 Explainition: Because the sum of an ionic compound must come to 0 there has to be 2 oxygens with the charge -2 in order to cancel out the mn = 4




N3- ,Nitr, Nitride

Example question: What set of four quantum numbers corresponds to an electron in a 4d orbital?

N=4 l=0,1,2,3=3 ml=-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3 ms=1/2




NO2- permanganate MnO4-


NO3- Sulfite So32-

Are the elements B, Si, As, Te, At to the end of the periodic table metal or nonmetal?



O2-, Ox, Oxide


OH-, Perchlorate CIO4-


P3-, Phosph, Phosphide


PO4 charge -3 Hydrogen sulfate or bisulfate HSO4-

Rules for nuclear charge

Right: increase Down: decrease


S2-, Sulf, Sulfide

What group makes up the transition metals (Name the 4 atoms in the corners of the group) and What type of element is this?

Sc, Ac,Zn,Hg-Mt Metal

The ionization energies of an unknown third period element are shown here. Identify the element. IE1 = 786 kJ/mol; IE2 = 1580 kJ/mol; IE3 = 3230 kJ/mol; IE4 = 4360 kJ/mol; IE5 = 16,100 kJ/mol P Si Mg Al

Si has 4 valence electrons and jumps to the next which is 5 There is generally a large jump in ionization energy (IE) between the valence electrons of an element and its core electrons. Since silicon has four valence electrons, we expect the jump to occur between IE4 and IE5 (as it does for this unknown element).

Which substance is an ionic compound? CCl4 He N2O4 SrI2

Srl2 Correct! Strontium iodide is composed of one metal and one nonmetal and is therefore an ionic compound.


The 14 elements with atomic numbers from 58 to 71 or Ce-Lu


The 14 elements with atomic numbers from 90-103 or Th-Lr

What is N and what is its rule in finding its value?

The Principal Quantum Number (N) determines the overall size and energy of orbitals. In order to find N use the number of orbital you were given for instance if you are given 4d than N equals 4.

ionization energy

The amount of energy required to remove an electron from an atom

What is the effect of n-level?

The n-level affects the orbital space closer to nucleus are lower energy.

Periodic law

The scientific law that has governed the formation of our periodic table elements

Shared properties of group column

The vertical columns on the periodic table are called groups or families because of their similar chemical behavior. All the members of a family of elements have the same number of valence electrons and similar chemical properties.

Alkaline metal cations

These are formed when a metal gives away an ion in order to become more stable like a noble gas there goal is to get to 8 valance electrons in their most outer shell. These metals only lose one electron because they are only one electron away from being a noble gas. they have a charge of +1 because cations are positively charged once they give away an electron.

alkaline earth metal dications

This is when two electrons are moved from alkaline earth metals this happens because they want to be stable say they remove 2=di electrons in order to get 8 valence electrons in their outer shell.

effective nuclear charge (Zeff)

Zeff = Z(actual charge of the nucleus) - S(core electrons)

Which species is diamagnetic? a) Cr2+ b) Zn c) Mn d) C


What is the electron configuration for Fe2+? a) [Ar] 4s23d6 b) [Ar] 4s03d6 c) [Ar] 4s23d8 d) [Ar] 4s23d4

[Ar] 4s03d6

Choose the correct orbital diagram for vanadium. a) [Ar] [ ] [ I ][ I ][ I ][ I ][ I ] 4s 3d b) [Ar] [ II ] [ I ][ I ][ I ][ ][ ] 4s 3d c) [Ar] [ I ] [ I ][ I ][ I ][ I ][ ] 4s 3d d) [Ar] [II] [II][ I ][ ][ ][ ]

[Ar] [ II ] [ I ][ I ][ I ][ ][ ] 4s 3d

Arrange these atoms and ions in order of increasing radius: Cs+, Ba2+, I− a) Ba2+ < Cs+ < I− b) I− < Ba2+ < Cs+ c) I− < Cs+ < Ba2+ d) Cs+ < Ba2+ < I−

a) Ba2+ < Cs+ < I− Explanation: Since protons are positively charged, the greater the number of protons, the smaller the radius of the ion in this series. Ba2+ has the most protons and I- has the fewest protons. These species are isoelectronic (they all have the same number of electrons), but they each have different numbers of protons. Since protons are positively charged, the greater the number of protons, the smaller the radius of the ion in this series.

Which statement is true about electron shielding of nuclear charge? a) Core electrons efficiently shield outermost electrons from nuclear charge. b)Outermost electrons efficiently shield one another from nuclear charge. c) Outermost electrons efficiently shield core electrons from nuclear charge. d) Core electrons efficiently shield one another from nuclear charge.

a) Core electrons efficiently shield outermost electrons from nuclear charge.

Which set of four quantum numbers corresponds to an electron in a 4p orbital? a) n = 4, l = 1, ml = 0, ms = −½ b) n = 4, l = 3, ml = 3, ms = −½ c) n = 4, l = 2, ml = 0, ms = ½ d) n = 4, l = 4, ml = 3, ms = −½

a) n = 4, l = 1, ml = 0, ms = −½


all electrons are paired this means that after pairing up your valance electrons not one electron is single but both electrons are filled this is most likely to happen if the electrons fill the last orbital needed for that element and it has an even number of valence electrons

Which electron in S is most shielded from nuclear charge? a) an electron in a 2p orbital b) an electron in the 1s orbital c) an electron in a 3p orbital d) none of the above (all of these electrons are equally shielded from nuclear charge.)

an electron in a 3p orbital

Arrange these elements in order of increasing first ionization energy: Cl, Sn, Si. a) Cl < Si < Sn b) Sn < Si < Cl c) Si < Cl < Sn d) Sn < Cl < Si

b) Sn < Si < Cl Correct! Locate the three elements in the periodic table to determine their relative first ionization energies. Ionization energy decreases as we move down a column in the periodic table and increases as we move to the right. Cl is to the right of Si in the third period and Sn is below Si in Group 4A.

Which statement is true about an effective nuclear charge? a) Effective nuclear charge decreases as we move to the right across a row in the periodic table. b) Effective nuclear charge increases, then decreases, at regular intervals as we move to the right across a row in the periodic table. c) Effective nuclear charge increases as we move to the right across a row in the periodic table. d) The effective nuclear charge remains relatively constant as we move to the right across a row in the periodic table.

c) Effective nuclear charge increases as we move to the right across a row in the periodic table. Explanation: Core electrons efficiently shield electrons in the outermost principal energy level from nuclear charge, but outermost electrons do not efficiently shield one another from nuclear charge. As we move to the right across the periodic table, each atom contains an additional proton (additional positive charge in the nucleus) and an additional electron but the additional electron is a valence electron and therefore does not screen nuclear charge very much. Thus, the effective nuclear charge increases as we move to the right across a row in the periodic table.

How to determine how many C2H4 or and other molecules that are contained in an amount of mg like 45.8mg when the molar mass is 28.05?

convert mg to grams first 45.8 * 1/1000 * 1/ by the molar mass of the molecule given in this case C2H4= 12.01 * 2 + 1.01 * 4 = 28.05 once you get this than multiply by avogadro's number which is 6.022 *10^23/ 1 mol

what is the l-level effect?

core e shielding & core penetration give orbital energy order s<p<d<f meaning s has the lowest amount of protection from the nucleus and will most likely penetrate it.

Radius trend

decreases across a period and increases down a group

ionization energy trend

decreases from top to bottom in a group; increases from left to right in a period

trend of atomic radius

decreases right across a period (row) and increases down a group (column)

How to determine Ms?

determine ms by the arrow direction left over after filling the orbital if up than positive if down than negative

Electric Affinity trend/ exothermic

increase right decreased left

According to Coulomb's law, if the separation between two particles of the same charge is doubled, the potential energy of the two particles ________________.

is one-half as high as it was before the separation.

Determine the volume of hexane that contains 5.33 *10^22 molecules of hexane. The destiny of hexane 0.6548 g/ml and its molar mass is 86.17 g/mol

molecules-moles-grams-volume (5.33 * 10 ^23) ( 1 mol/ 6.022 *10^23 molecules) (86.17/1)( 1 ml/ 0.6548g) = 11.6 ml

Aufbau Principle

states that each electron occupies the lowest energy orbital available meaning they must fill the lowest energy

Name the compound SrI2. strontium diodide strontium(II) iodide strontium iodide strontium(II) diiodide

strontium iodide Explanation: Name the cation, strontium, followed by the anion, iod, with the -ide ending. The charges of group 1A and group 2A are invariant from one compound to another and therefore do not require Roman numerals to specify their charges.

Why are some atoms smaller than others?

the larger the nuclear force the smaller the atom. This continues to the right because we have a increases of valence electrons and a decrease of charge.


unpaired electrons meaning electrons are left with out a pair of two so its just 1 electron in the outer shell

Metals with different charges

when you are naming a metal with different charges you must place the charge after the name of the metal cation. Example is Sn^+4 = Tin(IV)

Hund's Rule

you have to go through and place arrows upward before u fill a second electron

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