Exam II

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Most of the solar radiation hitting most solid objects is absorbed


Radar can provide sub-meter resolution


Spatial scope is the extent of an operation, and may be categorized as local, neighborhood, or global. T or F


Tables must have key items with a common domain if they are to be joined. Tor F


The Lang method is a way to reduce the number of points along a line


What will be the apparent displacement, D, in ground distance, for a tower of height h = 100 meters, if the tower top appears to be at 2000 meters from the nadir point, and the plane was flying at 18,000 meters when the photo was taken (round up or down to the nearest meter; only enter the number not the units)?


Calculate the resampled value at the point shown, given the raster neighborhood, and using a bilinear interpolator resample_base52p2


name 2 coarse resolution land sensors

AVHRR *since the 1970s) MODIS

Aircraft tilt is the largest source of distortion by far for most aerial photographs. T or F


Almost all aerial images are appropriate for cartometric mapping


You collected code point data, 20 minutes for each point, with a high-quality, GPS receiver optimized for GIS data collection, recording in the "native" GPS coordinate system, and then differentially corrected against abase station with NAD83(CORS96) geographic coordinates. You then exported the data to without any transformation or differential correction. Mark the data sets (there may be more than one) below appropriate for merging with this data, without anyadditional transformation or processing

NAD83(NSRS2007) geographic coordinates (lat./lon.)

Which of the following are NOT digital data available in a national program. National Hydrological Datasets (NHD), National Wetlands Inventory (NWI), National Infrastructure Datasets (NID), Census Data

National Infrastructure Datasets (NID)

Match the equation to the best description

Polynomial → E Affine → A Conformal → D Residual → C Root mean squared error → B

Rank the following conditions from largest (1) to smallest (4) distortion due to the combination of tilt and terrain on a typical aerial photo taken with a metric camera. Assume photo scales vary from 1:12,000 to 1:40,000. If you can't tell between two from the information given, then assign them the same number in their relative order

Small scale, steep/varied terrain, tilt at 4.0 degrees → 1, Small scale, flat terrain, tilt 1.4 degrees → 4, Medium scale, steep/varied terrain, tilt at 2.0 degrees → 3, Medium scale, steep/varied terrain, tilt at 4.0 degrees → 2

Image resolution is often reported as the pixel size of the image, but may be smaller or larger


LiDAR can be used to measure terrain terrain heights, vegetation density, and water quality


Map algebra often involves the combination of map layers through addition, subtraction, and other mathematical functions. T or F


items, variables, and attributes are synonyms. T or F



Worst link → 12, 2nd worst link → 14, 3rd worst link → 6, 4th worst link → 5

Which map panel has the largest scale?


Match the most appropriate generalization to each letter in the image on the right. Note the land/water boundary is shown as a solid gray line in the map on the left, and water is the dark areas on the right

a - Bridge → exaggerated b - Bay → simplified c - Island → omitted d - Island → simplified

Match the most appropriate generalization to each letter in the image on the right. Note the land/water boundary is shown as a blue/green line, indicated by the black arrow on the left. exam_general2

a - Island → fused, b - Peninsula/bay → simplified, c - Island → fused, d - Island → omitted

Choose the transformation that is most likely to have the smallest average residual


Choose the transformation that is most likely to have the smallest average residual at an independent randomly selected set of test points? rmsecomp2


Choose the transformation that is most likely to provide the best (spatially accurate) transformation of an orthographic image from one Cartesian system to another?


Choose the transformation that is most likely to provide the best (spatially accurate) transformation of an orthographic image from one Cartesian system to another? rmsecomp2


Digital data aquisition is a three-step process. name them

identify obtain ingest

selection operations

identify features that meet one to several conditions or criteria

Select those factors which affect digitizing accuracy

image scale puck sensitivity fatigue map scale snapping tolerance digitizing table precision

What will be the apparent displacement, D, in ground distance, for a tower of height h = 100 meters, if the tower top appears to be at 2000 meters from the nadir point, and the plane was flying at 12,000 meters when the photo was taken (round up or down to the nearest meter; only enter the number not the units)?


What will be the apparent displacement, D, in ground distance, for a tower of height h = 100 meters, if the tower top appears to be at 100 meters from the nadir point, and the plane was flying at 6,000 meters when the photo was taken (round up or down to the nearest meter; only enter the number not the units)?



2nd highest PDOP → d, 2nd lowest PDOP → c, Lowest PDOP → a, Highest PDOP → b

Categorize the PDOPs in the diagram, according to the order

2nd highest PDOP: c Highest PDOP: a Lowest PDOP: d 2nd lowest PDOP: b

Identify the transformation type for the following equation set: E = 510,007 + 0.523*X + 0.203*Y + 1.053*X*Y N = 4,957,223 + 0.203*X + 0.523*Y + 0.05*X*Y

2nd order polynomial

Convert this azimuth to a bearing, then indicate the first and second letters for the bearing description, e.g., if the bearing were N27E, indicate N as 1st, and E as second.

2nd → W, 1st → S

What will be the apparent displacement, D, in ground distance, for a tower of height h = 100 meters, if the tower top appears to be at 2000 meters from the nadir point, and the plane was flying at 6,000 meters when the photo was taken (round up or down to the nearest meter; only enter the number not the units)?


Identify the transformation type for the following equation set: E = 19.2 - 12.8*X + 1.2*Y + 0.12*Y*X + 0.06*X*Y*Y N = 53.5 + 1.2*X - 12.8*Y + 0.3*X*X +0.047*X*X*X

3rd order polynomial

Calculate the resampled value at the point shown, given the raster neighborhood, and using a bilinear interpolator


Two main image types. pros and cons of both

Aerial:common relatively inexpensive easy to interpret small area coverage can be geometrically corrected Satellite images:large area coverage broader spectral range digital formats inexpensive for large areas geometrically accurate

Identify the transformation type for the following equation set: E = 1.1 + 152.3*X + 98.1*Y N = -6.3+ 152.3*X + 98.1*Y


Databases and tables in a GIS are generally organized in a multi-tiered structure to: ease data updates, manage simultaneous access, ease program modification, insulate users, all of the above

All of the Above

Identify the transformation type for the following equation set: E = 510,007 + 0.523*X - 0.203*Y N = 4,957,223 + 0.203*X + 0.523*Y


Where do we get digital data in the US?

Department of Agriculture (forest service, nat. resources conservation service), Department of Commerce (census bureau, natl oceanic and atmosphereic admn), Department of the Interior (US geologic service, natl park service, fish and wildlife service, bureau of land management), Independent Establishments and Government corporations (EPA)

Slivers in overlay are due to: features in one layer that are not present in another layer, differnt representations of the same boundary, resulting in gaps and overlaps, editing problems, none of the above

Different representations of the same boundary, resulting in gaps and overlaps

Code phase measurements are based on and unchanged fundamental frequency broadcast by the GPS satellites


Image scale is generally the same across most of the frame of most large-scale images


Map registration may be defined as tying a map to a Datum


Most LiDAR systems can easily penetrate haze and clouds


PDOPs generally decrease in the mountains


Paper maps are the best media for long-term hardcopy maps because they are the most durable, least expensive, and color-sound


Terrain shaded surfaces do not depend on cell aspect. T or F


The National Landcover Datasets (NLCD) identify vegetation type to the plant species level. T or F


Tilt distortion is higher when there is steeper or more varied terrain


An image with an optical axis that is 3.5 degrees from surface normal can be considered vertical

False **must be within 3 degrees

A dissolve function is used primarily to combine data in two different layers. t or f

False. It is used to combine features in the same layer

most satellite images are collected with film cameras, while most aerial images are taken with digital cameras. T or F

False. Terrain changes are

A friction surface that has an 1 unit travel cost for all cells is not the same thing as distance surface. T or F

False. it IS the same as a distance surface

Civilian satellites have trouble resolving features smaller than 3 meters (about 10 ft) across. T or F

False. they can see from 1 m to 50 cm

Name 3 high resolution sensing systems.

Ikonos, quickbird, spot

Ways to change amount of land covered when taking aerial photos

Increasing flying height reduces scale (objects get smaller, area covered by each photo increases) Increasing focal length increases scale (objects get larger, are covered decreases)

Match the satellite systems to the resolution, with high < 1 meter medium from 1 to 50 meters coarse > 75 meter cell sizes

IndiaSat IRS-P6 → medium Wordview-3 → high Pleiades → high MODIS → coarse Geoeye — high lkonos (panchromatic) — high Vegetation — coarse Landsat TM — medium

Select the satellite(s) adequate in resolution, data volumes, bands, collection interval, and frequency for the indicated use: Identify small plowed poppy fields (bare, dry soil approx. 30m by 30m) in steep, mixed grass and woodland covered mountains

Landsat 8 OLU → no → < > MODIS → no IRS-P6 → no Worldview 3 - multispectral → yes → < >

Name 3 Medium resolution sensing systems

Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM, ETM+) Multispectral Scanner (MSS) SPOT- coarse modes

Rank the following conditions from largest (1) to smallest (4) distortion due to the combination of tilt and terrain on a typical aerial photo taken with a metric camera. Assume photo scales vary from 1:12,000 to 1:40,000. If you can't tell between two from the information given, then assign them the same number in their relative order

Large scale, flat terrain, tilt less than 0.2 degrees → 4 Small scale, flat terrain, tilt at 1.0 degrees → 3 Medium scale, flat terrain, tilt at 4.0 degrees → 1 Medium scale, steep/varied terrain, tilt at 2.0 degrees → 2

Select the satellite(s) adequate in resolution, data volumes, bands, collection interval, and frequency for the indicated use: Identifying burn extent for large (10's of square miles) fire scars in evergreen boreal forests

MODIS → yes, Resourcesat-2A → yes, Geoeye → no, Pleiades → no, Sentinel → yes, Worldview-2 multispectral → no

For a period of time, the National Agricultural Statistical Service collected data for a 600 by 600km region from the IRS satellite to aid in field level mapping of crop type. The goal was to map the major crops (e.g., corn, soybeans, wheat, etc.) for the past year on every field 10 acres or larger (a cell size of about 200 meters) Indicate the attributes where this image source has a strong (deciding factor, unique to the selected technology), moderate (some other sensors/systems possess the attribute, but not all, or the level is acceptable but there are better), or no advantage over alternative aerial image sources (digital cameras on airplanes).

Spatial resolution → Strong Study area size → Strong Image cost → Strong Spectral range → no advantage

Recently, National Agricultural Statistical Service collected data for a 600 by 600km region from the IRS satellite to aid in field level mapping of crop type. The goal was to map the major crops (e.g., corn, soybeans, wheat, etc.) for the past year on every field 10 acres or larger (a cell size of about 200 meters) Indicate the attributes where this image source Indicate the attributes where this image source has a strong (deciding factor, unique to the selected technology), moderate (some other sensors/systems possess the attribute, but not all, or the level is acceptable but there are better), or no advantage over alternative aerial image sources.

Spatial resolution - Strong Image cost - Strong Study area size - Strong Spectral range - no advantage

This fall the DNR has contracted aerial camera surveys to collect fall peak color change images to better identify areas with healthy oaks. The goal was to map oak in a county sized area of the Anoka Sand Plain (approximately square area, 30 km on a side) with images collected with a two-week window, when infrared reflectance allows rapid, accurate identification of individual oak trees. They wished to map oaks with a minimum crown size of 10 meters (pixel size, or edge dimension). Indicate the attributes where this image source has a strong (deciding factor, unique to the selected technology), moderate (some other sensors/systems possess the attribute, but not all, or the level is acceptable but there are better), or no advantage over alternative image sources

Spatial resolution → moderate, Study area size → Strong, Image collection frequency or flexibility → Strong, Spectral range → moderate

This fall the DNR has contracted aerial camera surveys to collect fall peak color change images to better identify areas with healthy oaks. The goal was to map oak in a county sized area of the Anoka Sand Plain (approximately square area, 30 km on a side) with images collected with a two-week window, when infrared reflectance allows rapid, accurate identification of individual oak trees. They wished to map oaks with a minimum crown size of 10 meters (pixel size, or edge dimension). Indicate the attributes where this image source has a strong (deciding factor, unique to the selected technology), moderate (some other sensors/systems possess the attribute, but not all, or the level is acceptable but there are better), or no advantage over alternative image sources

Spectral range - moderate Spatial resolution - moderate Study area size - strong Image collection frequency or fexibility - strong

Recently, National Agricultural Statistical Service collected data for a 600 by 600km region from the IRS satellite to aid in field level mapping of crop type. The goal was to map the major crops (e.g., corn, soybeans, wheat, etc.) for the past year on every field 10 acres or larger (a cell size of about 200 meters) Indicate the attributes where this image source Indicate the attributes where this image source has a strong (deciding factor, unique to the selected technology), moderate (some other sensors/systems possess the attribute, but not all, or the level is acceptable but there are better), or no advantage over alternative aerial image sources.

Spectral range - no advantage Spatial resolution - strong Study area size - moderate Image cost - strong

Over the summer of 2012 the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration collected MODIS data on a daily basis. The goal was to map sea ice extent counting ice patches 500meters on a side or larger, for the entire Arctic Ocean. Indicate the attributes where this image source Indicate the attributes where this image source has a strong (deciding factor, unique to the selected technology), moderate (some other sensors/systems possess the attribute, but not all, or the level is acceptable but there are better), or no advantage over SPOT, Landsat, or similar image sources.

Spectral range - no advantage Spatial resolution - strong Study area size - moderate Image frequency - strong

Recently, the city of Minneapolis selected digital camera images from an aerial platform to support infrastructure mapping in a 10km by 10km area. They wanted to identify streets, sidewalks, curb widths, light poles, street and sidewalk covers down to 10cm diameters, street signs, and other city infrastructure. Indicate the attributes where this image source Indicate the attributes where this image source has a strong (deciding factor, unique to the selected technology), moderate (some other sensors/systems possess the attribute, but not all, or the level is acceptable but there are better), or no advantage over satellite image sources

Spectral range - no advantage Spatial resolution - strong Study area size - moderate flexibility in acquisition time - strong

Recently, the state of Minnesota elected to use Landsat and Resourcesat data for statewide landcover mapping, identifying NLCD-like classes for a two-year window, 2014-2015. Indicate the attributes where this image source has a strong (deciding factor, unique to the selected technology), moderate (some other sensors/systems possess the attribute, but not all, or the level is acceptable but there are better), or no advantage over satellite image sources

The correct answer is: Spatial resolution → Strong Flexibility in acquisition time → no advantage Study area size → moderate Spectral range → moderate advantage

A key is an item that allows you to uniquely identify a row in a table. T or F


A table in third normal form is by definition already in first and second normal form. T or F


All other parameters being equal (camera, study area, lens, tilt), terrain distortion is higher at lower flying heights


All other things being equal, distortion is higher in images over areas greater terrain relief than in images over areas with less terrain relief


Buffer functions produce data that are the same dimension or higher. T or F


Carrier phase GNSS is general more accurate than code phase GNSS


Carrier phase measurements can use one or two frequencies


Carrier signal computations are based on the speed of light


Code phase equipment is usually less expensive then carrier phase equipment


If the moving window kernel is the same size over the entire raster data set, you will reduce the size of the output raster relative to the input raster every time you apply a moving window function. T or F


PDOPs generally increase in canyons


PDOPs generally increase under forest canopy


The third order finite difference method uses information from more cells in a 3 x 3 kernel than the bi linear method for calculating slope. T or F


Tilt distortion causes perspective convergence, where objects far away appear closer together that they are


Viewsheds classify the world as visible or invisible from a location. T or F


you can crate moving window functions for the mean, range, maximum, minimum, and majority functions. T or F


List in order from 1 highest to 4 lowest positional accuracy, on average, for GPS data

Uncorrected Code Phase → 4 Corrected Carrier Phase → 1 Corrected Code Phase → 3 Uncorrected Carrier Phase → 2

List in order from 1 highest to 3 lowest positional error source, on average, for GPS data, when collecting in a foret with an inexpensive receiver and no external antenna, but with WAAS correction Projection errors Multipath Ionospheric and atmospheric delays

WAAS is a differential correction, so removes most of the satellite timing, receiver clock, and other systematic errors. Multipath is large, particularly in forest. Projection errors aren't related to GNSS, and so are zero due to GNSS The correct answer is: Projection errors → 3, Multipath → 1, Ionospheric and atmospheric delays → 2

Based on the following table that results from fitting a transformation, match the four worst points (here called links), to their order. Match the link number for the worst first, then the next poorest, then the third poorest, etc.

Worst link: 9 (12) 2nd worst link: 11 (10) 3rd worst link: 3 (8) 4th worst link: 14 (3)

Match the most appropriate generalization to each letter in the image on the right. Note the land/water boundary is shown as a blue/green line, indicated by the black arrow

a — fused b — simplified c — fused d — omitted

Choose the transformation that is most likely to provide the best (spatially accurate) transformation of an orthographic image from one Cartesian system to another?

a) 3rd order polynomial b) 3rd order polynomial c) 3rd order polynomial ***d) 1st order polynomial (affine)

Ten points were used to fit the following transformation. Choose the transformation that is most likely to have the smallest average residual for a random selection of points from the transformed image.

a) 3rd order polynomial b) 3rd order polynomial c) 3rd order polynomial ***d) 1st order polynomial (affine)

Match the most appropriate generalization to each letter in the image on the right

a) bay in island - simplified b) small island - added c) peninsula on island - simplified d) small island - omitted

Which map panel(s) (can be more than one) has/ve intermediate scales (there are larger and smaller scales on the same page)?

a, b

Note which are ture for contour lines. each show a given level of elevation, could also be called isolines, are usually at fixed intervals, may touch, all of the above, none of the above

all of the above

Which of the following are used to interpret aerial images? tone, texture, size, scale, brightness, all of the above, none of the above

all of the above

spatial data analysis

application of operations to coordinate and related attribute data. most often applied to solve a problem, identify high crime areas, generate a list of road segments that need repaving. typically involves using data from one or more layers to create output

You are building a GIS database, and are considering data collected via GPS by another department. The department collected point data, averaging 100 fixes per point. You are mapping streams, rivers, and drainage ditches, and require data accurate to the nearest 1 meter. Your target data are in NAD83(NSR82007) coordinates. Select the data you can accept without further processing (you don't need to project, transform the datum, or differentially correct)

collected in NAD83(COR896), carrier phase, differentially corrected

You are building a GIS database, and are considering data collected via GPS by another department. The department collected point data, averaging 100 fixes per point. You are streets and sidewalks in an urban project area, and require data accurate to the nearest 3 meter. Your target data are in NAD83(NSRS2007) coordinates. Select the data you can accept without further processing (you don't need to project, transform the datum, or differentially correct

collected in NAD83(CORS96), C/A code, differentially corrected

You are building a GIS database, and are considering data collected via GPS by another department. The department collected point data, averaging 100 fixes per point. You are mapping streams, rivers, and drainage ditches, and require data accurate to the nearest 1 meter. Your target data are in NAD83(NSRS2007) coordinates. Select the data you can accept without further processing (you don't need to project, transform the datum, or differentially correct)

collected in NAD83(CORS96), carrier phase, differentially corrected

Choose the transformation that is most likely to provide the best (spatially accurate)transformation of an orthographic image from one Cartesian system to another?


Which map panel has the smallest scale? scale1


The color infrared image on the left shows water as black to dark blue tones, vegetation as various reddish tones, roads and bare ground as white to grey tones, and various mixes as intermediates, e.g., sparsely vegetation fields. The map on the right depicts roads and open water bodies (rivers, ponds, and lakes). The map is made from widely distributed, "standard" data sources (e.g., USGS, NRCS, vendors). Generalization in the roads or water bodies data are marked by letter on the map. Match the generalization to the list provided. Repeat types of generalizations are possible, and not all types of generalizations may occur.

d - road → omitted a - road → exaggerated c - stream → omitted b - ponds → omitted

Paper maps are the best media for long-term hardcopy maps because they are the most

durable least expensive color-sound

The data pane usually contains the legend, and little else


Which of the following are FALSE for flow direction. flow direction is the direction water will flow from a cell, flow diretion is usually stored as an azimuth angle, flow direction is away from pits, flow direction is used to calculate watershed boundaries, none of the above, all of the above

flow direction is away from pits

spatial operations or spatial functions

involve the manipulation or calculation of coordinates or attribute variables. can be applied sequentially to solve a problem. a chain is often specified with the output of each serving as the input of the next

remote sensing

measuring an abject from a distance. for is that means using photographic or satellite images to gather spatial data

2.1 um (micrometers) falls in which part of the image spectrum?


4.1 um (micrometers) falls in which part of the image spectrum?


0.92 urn (micrometers) falls in which part of the image spectrum?

near infrared

Best match the listed features/characteristics to the labels on the image digpoly_ex1

node → g, missing polygon label → d, psuedonode → b, vertex → f

A restrict operation has the effect on a table of: only reducing the number of rows, only reducing the number of columns, reducing the number of rows and columns, none of the above

only reducing the number of rows

Best match the listed features/characteristics to the labels on the image

polygon label: h undershoot: a overshoot: e node: g

what models of operations work best for raster vs vector

raster takes neighborhood operations best because consistent number of neighbors. In vector the neighbors polygons can be different sizes and cause changes in data. network operations are generally easier to apply in vector models

0.67 um (micrometers) falls in which part of the image spectrum?


Normal forms are useful because they: improve the portability our database, increase access speeds, remove redundancies, all of the above

remove redundancies

Match the equation to the best description

root mean squared error polynomial residual affine conformal

binary classification

simplest form of classification. places objects into tow classes. a set of features is selected and assigned a value, and the complement of the set, all remaining features in the data layer, is assigned the different binary value.

Differences in diagnositic characteristics allow photointerpreters to distguish between features. Which of the following are characteristics used by photointerpreters?

size topographic (z) location color texture brightness planimetric (x,y) location


spatial data operation often used in conjunction with selection. also known as reclassification or recoding. it will categorize geographic objects based on a set of conditions. ex. 1 sq mile or larger = Large, 0.1 to 1 sq mile =Mid, 0.1 or less = Small. Often used at the end of a map making to show a map projection well for others to read easily.


spatial selection operation that identifies all features that contain or surround a set of target features.

spatial scope

the extent or area of the input data that are used in determining the values at output locations. a way that spatial data operations may be characterized.

Slope is: the rise over the run, the run over rise, neither

the rise over the run

What is the domain of an item? the number of different values it takes in a table, the number of different values it can take in a table, the set of values it can take in a table, the number of ways it can be viewed in a table, none of the above

the set of values it cna take in a table

Differences in diagnositic characteristics allow photointerpreters to distguish between features. Which of the following are NOT characteristics used by photointerpreters?

time, importance, precision

Radar can be used at night with no loss of information


neighborhood operations

use data from both an input location plus nearby locations to etermine the output value. the extent and relative importance of values in the nearby region may vary, but the value at an output location is influenced by more than jut the value of data found at the corresponding input location

global operations

use data values from the entire input layer to determine each output value. the value at each location depends in part on the values at all input locations

Local operations

use only the data at one input location to determine the value at a corresponding output loctation. Attributes or values at adjacent location s are not used in the operation

set algebra

uses operations <,>,=,<>. they can be applied either alone or in combination to select features from a set

Select the following that usually lead to higher GNSS accuracies:

using carrier phase, not code phase, differential correction, a range pole, real-time correction

Select the characteristics that are true for solar infrared radiation

vegetation reflectances are higher than for visible wavelengths atmospheric absorption is slightly higher than for visible wavelengths shows a larger difference in reflection between water and vegetation than visible wavelengths

Fundamental variables

• Planimetric (x,y) location and dimensions • Topographic (z) location • Color (spectral reflectance) • Surface Temperature • Texture • Surface Roughness • Moisture Content • Vegetation Biomass

What are some of the common data sources?

•USGS Digital Raster Graphics (DRG) ((US geological survey)), universal transverse mercator projection • USGS Digital Line Graphs (DLG), usgs too, • NLCD - National Land Cover Datasets •USGS Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles (DOQ) • USFWS National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) • Digital Soil Data (National & State) • USGS Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) • USDOC Census/TIGER Files

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