Exam One History Prep Chapters 1-5

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Why is the year 1619 crucial in the history of African American people?

African Americans arrived in British North America as slaves.

Which of the following statements about the Boston Tea Party is accurate?

Americans destroyed a large amount of valuable tea that belonged to the British to protest taxation without consent.

Which church dominated the Chesapeake region by 1700?


What is the concept of divine right?

As opposed to governing through constitutional authority, the monarch answers only to God.

Which of the following is true of colonial political evolution during the period of salutary neglect?

Colonial assemblies acquired new powers, especially over government appointments.

Which of the following terms is used collectively for the native people who lived in the eastern and southeastern parts of the present-day United States?

Eastern Woodland people

Maryland was established in 1634 as a refuge for which of the following groups?

English Catholics

Which of the following was a result of the Battle of Saratoga?

France's entry on the American side

What English revivalist preached to thousands and urged his listeners to experience a sudden moment of conversion and salvation?

George Whitefield

Which of the following statements describes one of the great contradictions of the American Revolution?

Great Britain offered enslaved Blacks more opportunities for freedom than the United States, even though it was a nation built on the idea of freedom.

Which of the following statements is a correct interpretation of the view of the states regarding the creation of a national government under the Articles of Confederation?

Having rejected monarchy, the states were in no mood to create a strong, centralized national government.

Jonathan Edwards's famous sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," characterized Puritan religion in which of the following ways?

Hell as a gruesome reality

How did the creation of state governments in the wake of the American Revolution affect political participation?

In some states, any male taxpayer could vote regardless of how much property he owned.

Which of the following statements about Thomas Paine's The American Crisis is accurate?

It bolstered American morale.

Which statement below best describes the impact of the defeat of the Spanish Armada by the English in 1588?

It cleared the way for England to challenge Spain in colonizing the Americas.

Which of the following statements best explains the importance of the pamphlet Common Sense?

It convinced many anxious Americans that independence was necessary and inevitable.

Which of the following statements best explains the importance of the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom?

It guaranteed true religious freedom, separate from the state government.

Which of the following was a result of the Boston Massacre?

It increased resentment among colonists toward the British and contributed to the repeal of the Townshend Acts.

Which of the following statements accurately describes Thomas Jefferson's draft of the Declaration of Independence?

It listed objections to British actions and expressed the self-evidence of natural rights.

What was the purpose of the Declaratory Act of 1766?

It reasserted the government's right to tax the colonists.

Which of the following statements about the 1765 Stamp Act is accurate?

It required revenue stamps on legal documents.

Which of the following statements best explains the purpose of Cahokia—the largest city in present-day United States—in pre-Columbian times?

It was a large regional trading center built near the junction of major river trade routes.

Which of the following statements would be correct concerning the Mexica Empire in the Americas?

It was an elaborate society with a hierarchical social structure, sophisticated irrigation engineering, and magnificent art and architecture.

Which statement below correctly describes the religion of the Mexica (Aztecs)?

It was nature-based, with multiple gods and routine human sacrifice.

In which of the following ways was the Pueblo Revolt significant?

It was the greatest defeat Native Americans ever inflicted on European efforts to conquer the New World and delayed Spanish efforts to reestablish control over New Mexico.

Roger Williams believed in which of the following ideas?

It was wrong to mistreat Native American people.

How did the Jamestown colony survive?

John Smith imposed strict military discipline and forced everyone to work.

Which early culture in Middle America (Mesoamerica) began developing large cities, including gigantic pyramids?


Who were the first Europeans to "discover" and colonize areas of North America?

Norsemen ("Vikings") from Scandinavia

The first Europeans to sail around Africa and on to India were the


Colonies developed different cultures over time. Which of the following was true of New England in the seventeenth century?

Religion governed New England more than it governed the middle and southern colonies.

Which of the following was among the most radical of the American rebels and organized the Committee of Correspondence?

Samuel Adams

Which of the following immigrant groups settled primarily in the backcountry because of the lure of cheap land?


Which of the following is accurate regarding slaves living in the northern colonies?

Slaves usually lived and worked in cities and towns.

How did Prime Minister Robert Walpole's policy of salutary neglect impact the North American colonies?

The British government intentionally chose not to enforce the Navigation Acts because it was costly and difficult and thus convinced many colonists that they could avoid economic control.

By the early eighteenth century (1700s), the English colonies in North America possessed which of the following attributes?

The English colonies were the most populous and prosperous on the continent.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the Middle Passage?

The Middle Passage from Africa to the Americas was the journey of Africans into slavery.

In the era of the Revolution, why were most of the northern states willing and able to take steps to abolish slavery?

The North had far fewer slaves than the South and was moved by the American ideals of liberty and freedom.

What did the Pilgrims accomplish during their early years?

The Pilgrims established the Plymouth colony despite a prolonged "starving time."

What was the relationship between the Age of Exploration and the Renaissance?

The Renaissance emphasis on humanism, discovery, and scientific innovation helped spark the Age of Exploration.

Which of the following statements best illustrates the concept of republican ideology?

The United States would be a republic in which property-owning White men would elect representatives to make governing decisions.

Congregational churches in New England exhibited which of the following qualities?

The churches were self-governing.

Which of the following is true of the colony of Pennsylvania?

The colony was open to all religious believers.

Which of the following is the best explanation for the Salem witch craze?

The controversy reflected the social division and anxieties within the village.

How did the prolonged conflict between Great Britain and France impact the relationship between the colonies and the mother country?

The cost of constant warfare caused the British to tighten their control of the colonies at the expense of American freedoms and provoked revolution.

Which of the following concepts was the basis of mercantilism?

The government should attempt to maintain tight regulations and laws to create a favorable balance of trade.

What was the significance of the Daughters of Liberty?

The group is an example of how the nonimportation movement enabled colonial women to participate in the resistance, such as by no longer buying imported British goods.

Which of the following defined the headright system?

The headright system gave fifty acres of land to anyone who would transport himself to the colony.

Which of the following best describes the impact in Europe of new types of foods from the Americas?

The new foods improved the health of Europeans and sparked rapid population growth.

As tobacco, rice, and indigo crops became more established in the Chesapeake region by 1700, how did this impact African slavery in the colonies?

The number of African slaves increased substantially.

How did geographical factors shape the development of the British colonies?

The ocean separated the "old" and "new" worlds, which enabled new ideas about political liberties and economic freedom to grow in the colonies in the eighteenth century.

What was one result of the Glorious Revolution of 1688?

The revolution reasserted the power of Parliament.

Which of the following statements most accurately describes a challenge faced by Washington in creating an effective army?

The soldiers, both militiamen and new recruits, lacked training and discipline.

Why did the British shift their strategic focus to their military effort in the South?

They believed that Loyalists were more numerous in the South.

What purpose did the slave codes serve?

They formalized the institution of race-based slavery by outlining the local laws that governed slave life.

Why did many colonists believe that George Grenville's new colonial policies violated their rights as British subjects?

They objected to the concept of virtual representation of the colonies in Parliament.

What was the most important contribution of the Sons of Liberty immediately after the passage of the Stamp Act?

They organized protests, wrote pamphlets, and convinced colonial assemblies to pass resolutions advocating boycotts.

The Puritans lived a strict lifestyle in many ways, but they did take part in which of the following activities?

They practiced a significant drinking culture.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the middle colonies?

They shared cultural traits with the New England and southern colonies.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the Tories (or Loyalists) during the Revolutionary War?

They were found in all ranks of society and included roles as varied as governors and farmers.

The Virginia Company declared bankruptcy in 1624. How did this development impact the colony?

Virginia was converted from a joint-stock company to a royal colony controlled by the government.

The first elected legislature in the Western Hemisphere was created in 1619 by


Which of the following statements accurately summarizes the role of women in the eighteenth-century American colonies?

Women often remained confined to the domestic sphere.

Which of the following best describes the triangular trade?

an international trade system that relied on the transportation of enslaved Africans, manufactured goods from Europe, and agricultural commodities from the Americas

Anne Hutchinson was kicked out of Massachusetts for what reason?

challenging the authority of male ministers

The French and Indian War was triggered by

conflicting French and English claims to the Ohio Valley.

Conditions at Washington's winter camp at Valley Forge were

difficult, as food and proper clothing were in short supply.

After the arrival of Europeans, the greatest number of Indians died as a result of


Which of the following is characteristic of the Mississippian Indian culture?

elaborate burial mounds and towns built around plazas and temples

What was the primary economic focus of the Dutch in New Netherland?

fur trade

The Columbian Exchange refers to the

global transfer of plants, animals, and diseases as a result of Europeans landing in the Americas.

Benjamin Franklin personified the Enlightenment in which of the following ways?

his passion for science and experimentation

Which of the following was a result of the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella in Spain?

increased Spanish Catholic exploration by sea

Most of the state constitutions adopted during the Revolution

limited state government power to protect the rights of the people.

John Locke's contract theory of government argued that

men have certain rights in the state of nature, including the right to life, liberty, and property.

To which of the following options was the United States forced to resort in order to pay the costs of the Revolution?

new issues of paper money

Which of the following terms relates to historical land policy in New York?


A central element of John Calvin's theology was his belief in


Which of the following was one of the most lucrative jobs among colonial women?


The purpose of the Coercive Acts was to

punish Massachusetts for the Tea Party.

The treaty with Britain that ended the Revolutionary War

recognized American independence and sought to establish the boundaries of the United States.

One of the chief objectives of policy under George Grenville was to

reduce Britain's enormous debt after the French and Indian War.

King James II established the Dominion of New England in 1685 in order to

reorganize the New England colonies into a single colony so that the Navigation Acts could be enforced more effectively.

The news of the outcome of the Battle of Yorktown convinced the British government to do which of the following?

seek to negotiate a peace treaty with the United States to end the war

The thriving fishing industry in New England encouraged the development of what other industry in the region?


Which of the following crops did the English hope to grow in the Carolinas?


By 1700, which of the following institutions was the most democratic and important in the American colonies?


This was the first plan for a permanent form of government for the United States.

the Articles of Confederation

The early settlers of New England differed from those of the Chesapeake because

the New England settlers were middle-class family groups.

The competition between Catholic Spain and other European countries, such as England, the Netherlands, and even France, was partly driven by which of the following events of the 1500s?

the Protestant Reformation

Puritan covenant theory led to which of the following?

the idea of people joining to form governments similar to congregations

By the eighteenth century, Mestizos made up a majority of the population in Mexico and New Mexico. Who were they?

the offspring of Spanish and Native American parents

Bartolomé de Las Casas spoke out against

the system of enforced native labor adopted by Spain.

How, in part, did Hernán Cortés conquer the Aztec Empire?

through capitalizing on conflict between Native American peoples and Spanish advantages in military technology

What was the main motivation for the French to join an alliance with the United States?

to obtain revenge against the British after losing the Seven Years' War

What was the purpose behind the Townshend Acts?

to pay the royal governors' salaries and make them independent of colonial legislatures

At Valley Forge in 1778, General Washington obtained the assistance of a Prussian soldier, Baron von Steuben. What was von Steuben's task?

to train American soldiers how to march, shoot, and attack in formation.

How did the Jamestown colony finally attain a measure of prosperity?

tobacco production

In late December 1776, George Washington was able to reverse American fortunes by

winning battles at Trenton and Princeton.

Which of the following groups of colonists initially settled British North America?

young, poor settlers

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