Exam You Questions

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After the publishers submit journals to the Literature Selection Technical Review Committee (LSTRC), what dose the committee do with the journals?

The committee reviews and recommends journals for inclusions in MEDLINE

According to ASHP, when answering drug information requests, what is a patient factor that should be considered for the 'pertinent patient information' section?

The patient's environmental and medicinal allergies

How do you collect references within EndNote

You can search either within EndNote using the collect button, or my importing them directing from the database

If you limit your PubMed search to MeSH controlled vocabulary or the MEDLINE subset what will happen to your search

You will only see MEDLINE citations in your results

Which is one of the main uses of Ulrichsweb

identifying refereed sources

Which of the following is FALSE about the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) as a unique identifier

it is a alphanumeric

Which of the choices is an example of the proper way to use a wildcard when performing a search in PubMed, if you want to include results for both pharmcotherapeutics AND pharmacokinetics?


A controlled, clinical trial that works to study the safety and efficacy of diagnostic, therapeutic, or prophylactic drugs, devices, or techniques based on a small number of healthy people and is conducted over a period of about a year belongs to this phase

phase I

This phase of a clinical trial includes several hundred people and lasts about 2 years to study the safety and efficacy of a drug

phase II

Which of the following is not part of the Basic Sciences Course Subject Guide?

Access Pharmacy

What is NOT typically included in a format for biomedical journals?

Table of contents

Which of the following is FALSE regarding PubMed?

The 'default operator' used in PubMed is OR, and it will automatically be added between terms if you do not include other Boolean operators

Guidelines for various types of scholarly articles can be found online at

The EQUATOR Network

In PubMed truncation is utilized by which symbol?


Which boolean operator is considered the 'wildcard' in PubMed


In PubMed, Search Details is located on the right navigation column. This bus provides information on how PubMed ran the search. PubMed looks first for the entire word or phrase as:

1. Medical Subject Heading term 2. Journal Titles 3. Author(s)

About how many references are contained in PubMed

30 Million

How many citations on PubMed do we as students have access to?

30 million

Clinical Trial has how many phases


How long does a 'search' stay in your PubMed search history

8 hours

On Ulrichsweb, a journal that has been peer-reviewed/referred has what indication

A black and white striped shirt

What is PubMed

A free database maintained by the National Library of Medicine

Phase III of the clinical trial process is

A large group of patients studied to determine adverse response to long-term exposure

What is the Equator Network?

A useful tool for reviewing articles

What is a clinical study

A work that reports on the results of a research study to evaluate interventions or exposures on biomedical or health-related outcomes.

What is a clinical study?

A work that reports on the results of a research study to evaluate interventions or exposures on biomedical or health-related outcomes

What is the reporting guideline for clinical practice guidelines


What Boolean operator will automatically apply if you do not use it in your search


What is the default Boolean operator used in Pubmed?


Which Boolean operator increases sensitivity when initiating a search


Which Boolean operator will narrow your search results?


Which of the following statements regarding Boolean operators is FALSE

AND is used to pull together articles on similar topics

Which Boolean operators can be used to search in PubMed?


Which Boolean operators can be used to combine search terms in PubMed?


If you wanted information about using a drug while pregnant or lactating, which of the following resources would you use

All - LactMed, Briggs Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation, Hales

Which of the following statements about citing sources is false?

All citations will be formatted the same

Which of the following sources for DI request do you need to cite?

All of the above

Which of the following is FALSE regarding citing your sources?

All of the above are true

In NLM's Citing Medicine, what appendix cites PubMed and Medline

Appendix F

The correct form in citing a Book:

Author(s). Title of Book. Edition. Place of Publication: Publisher; Date of Publication

Which of the following is not a Boolean Operator?


When answering a drug information question using a DI form, the answer should

Be synthesized in your own words using information found in databases

The following are true about Boolean operators except

Boolean operators use be entered in lowercase letters

Which databases can you use specific Boolean operators within their searches

Both PubMed and REAXYS

Which of the following is not associated with the Boolean operator AND?

Broadens the search with similar terms/synoynyms

When reporting information about a case report, the guideline you should use is


What controlled vocabulary is best used when searching for chemical compounds

CAS Registry Number

What guidelines do randomized trials follow


A clinical presentation that may be followed by evaluative studies that eventually leads to diagnosis

Case report

Which of the following terms is used for "a clinical presentation that is followed by evaluative studies that eventually lead to a diagnosis"?

Case report

The first step in systematic approach to answering DI requests is..

Categorize the request

What makes up an abstract in a secondary source?

Citations + Summary

To cite our sources in the College of Pharmacy, we use this citation style based off of the NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors and Publishers and this style is also demonstrated in Malone

Citing Medicine

Which of the following is the correct definition of a Case Report?

Clinical presentations that may be followed by evaluative studies that eventually lead to a diagnosis

After searching in PubMed, where can you send your articles of interest temporarily to view them later


When using Ulrichsweb, which of these is NOT an advanced search option?


Of the sources listed, which is NOT able to be cited as a source

Common Knowledge Information

Which of these is NOT a feature of Ulrichsweb

Contains chemical structures of cataloged drugs

While using PubMed, "search details" provides you with what search information?

Details about how your search is broken down into "database terminology"

Ulrichsweb can be used to find many data points. What can you not find on Ulrichsweb?

Direct links to the journals online from each of the text sourcesPUB

Which of the following is not a feature of Ulrichsweb?

Electronic and physical copies

What is the difference of EndNote and EndNote Basic?

EndNote Basic is available online only and is free

EndNote is site-licensed by the University of Iowa Libraries and is available to users in two forms: EndNote Desktop and EndNote Basic. What is the difference between the two versions?

EndNote Basic is free for all HawkID holders; EndNote Desktop costs undergraduates for approximately $114.

What is the software that is available for free for COP students and that undergraduates at the University of Iowa that allows for proper citations and a place to organize references

EndNote Desktop

Which of the following provides tools for people when reviewing articles

Equator Network

EBP stands for which of the following

Evidence Based Practice

When completing a DI request form, the "time received" is to be filled out in regular time


When using PubMed, search works 'heart attack AND edema' will show ___ than "heart attack OR edema"

Fewer search results

This form of citing, in which the cited sources are arranged numerically at the final page of the paper, is called ___. The number is placed as a superscript at the end of the sentence that is taken from the cited source


I go into PubMed and I type 'Body MRI'. For my results it only pops up with 3 results. What should be my next steps to try and get more results

Go to 'subject details; and look to see how PubMed is breaking down your search, and then make a new search, this time type out the full acronym

Research reports use which reporting guidelines according to Kennedy MS. Journal Publishing: A Review of the Basics


It is a unique identifier method that is used internationally for different publications


Journals/articles are identified using


What is the best method for collecting references through EndNote?

Import the reference after searching the database

What is the definition of a case report

The clinical presentations that may be followed by evaluative studies that eventually led to a diagnosis

Using the Boolean operator 'AND' in search

Increases sensitivity and limits results

What is a journal impact factor

Indication of frequency of use of a journal based on number of citations

The following information is required when filling out a DI form except for what?

Internation Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

What is the full name of ISSN

International Standard Serial Number

Which of the following is incorrect to identify Unique Identifier for biomedical journals and newsletters

International organization for standardization

What are the two types of clinical studies?

Interventional and observational

What is true about clinical study?

It concerns humans, this publication type may be used for clinical veterinary articles meeting the requisites for humans

What does it mean for a journal or article to be 'refereed'?

It has been peer-reviewed by another professional individual

Which of the following is NOT true regarding a phrase search in PubMed?

It is a good strategy to force a phrase search during your first search for a term/phrase

What is a Journal Impact Factor

It is based on the number of peer reviewed articles it contains

Select the statement that best describes Journal Impact Factors

Journal Impact Factor values are standardized across disciplines

How would you formulate a search to return results including both Labrador and Golden Retrievers?

Labrador OR Golden AND Retrievers

Which of the following populations corresponds to phase III of clinical trials

Large enough group of patients

Which of the following term does not go with the definition?

Letter to the editor: a letter to a scientific journal expressing opinion without supporting evidence

What is the purpose of MeSH?

MeSH helps to standardize the vocabulary used in order to make indexing articles easier

What does the term MeSH stand for

Medical Subject Headings

What term best describes a case report, a form of biomedical literature?

Medical conditions and treatments for individual patients that are used to highlight care provided in a specific situation to illustrate medical technique

Which of the following is the correct citation for a package insert?

Medication Name [..]. Place of Publication: publisher; Date of Publication.

Works consisting of quantitative methods by combining the results of independent studies and synthesizing summaries and or conclusions are called


Works consisting of studies using a quantitative method of combining the results of independent studies (usually drawn from the published literature) and synthesizing summaries and conclusions which may be used to evaluate therapeutic effectiveness, plan new studies, et.


PubChem is an open chemistry database at


PubChem is an open chemistry database at the ___

NIH (National Institutes of Health)

What is the difference between NIH and NLM

NIH is research focused while NLM has the worlds largest biomedical library

PubMed is funded by which of the following organizations?


Which citing style does Malone use


Using double parenthesis around a word or phrase in a PubMed search is which type of search


Select the false statement. PubMed..

None of the above

Which Boolean operator will expand your search results?


Which of the following is NOT included on a DI form?

Patient Name and contact information

Which of the following does EndNote NOT allow users to do

Perform a google search from within EndNote

Work that is a report of a planned pose marketing study of diagnostic, therapeutic, or prophylactic drugs, devices, or techniques that have been approved for general sale, and garner additional data about the safety and efficacy of a product, is conducted in which stage of a clinical study?

Phase IV

Which of the following is true pertaining to the Boolean operators "AND" "OR" in PubMed?

Placing OR between two terms searches articles with either the first term or the second term

Which one is NOT part of publication process format peer review

Present in a conference

Are the ISSN different or the same for online and print

Print and online journals have different ISSN

EndNote Basic can import references from which database


Which of the following is correct?

PubMed is open to the public and can be accessed from the NLM website

Which of the following is NOT allowed by EndNote?

Quick search of only secondary sources

EndNote allows all of the following EXCEPT:

Quick searches of all secondary sources

EndNote allows

Quick searches of some, not all, secondary sources

Which of the following basic science resources give you the option to add Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT, PROXIMITY, NEAR, NEXT) or switch from one Boolean Operator to another Boolean Operator?


Which of the following best describes records retrieved from a NESTING search of salmonella AND (hamburger OR eggs)

Records will contain the term salmonella and eggs or hamburger or both eggs and hamburger together

What are the three categories to search under in SciFinder

References, Substance, Reaction

What are the three broad ways to search SciFinder

Research, Substances, and References

Which option is FALSE on review articles?

Reviews tend to address old matters

Steps for systematic approach to answering drug information requests include all but

Search the literature including tertiary, secondary, primary resources and your notes from school

What source is PubMed


When citing your sources, you should keep important factors in mind. Which of the following is INCORRECT?

Someone should not be able to duplicate your search

Correct steps to forming a search strategy

Summarize your topic, identify concepts, select terms

Which of the following is the correct order of the search strategy that you should use

Summarize your topic, identify the concepts, select terms, combine the terms, apply limits, perform search, save search strategy in private account, revise strategy and search again, print/download/email results.

Which of the following does NOT qualify a person to be listed as an author in professional writing?

Supervision of the research group

Which of the following from Equator Network do not belong together

Systematic reviews = CARE

Which of the following are NOT ways to describe Journal Impact Factors

They are a good replacement for peer review

What's the purpose of a CAS number

To find a specific chemical compound

What statement is false for the Boolean operator 'OR'

To retrieve a set in which each citation contains all search terms

Which search technique is generally not recommended when searching a term on PubMed

Truncation (*)

What database contains detailed information on academic/scholarly journals, e-journals, peer-reviewed titles, newspapers, popular magazines and more


Where should you go if you suspect an email you received regarding published in a journal is fraudulent?


Select the statement that best describes Ulrichsweb

Ulrichsweb allows you to see where a journal is indexed

PubMed citations DO NOT come from

Ulrichsweb indexed journals

Which of the following defines the purpose of use, "OR" Boolean operator?

Use to retrieve a set in which each citation at least one of the search terms

The Boolean operators uses AND, OR, NOT to refine search terms. Which of the following defines the purpose of "AND"?

Used between terms, "AND" retrieves documents containing both of the terms

What is NOT a part of the Boolean operator 'AND'?

Used when you want to pull together articles on similar topics

Answering drug information requests involves which systematic approach

all of the above

What does phase 1 of a clinical trial look like

based on a small amount of healthy persons and conducted over a period of 1 year

Which of the following is not considered a periodical/serial?

book review

A work that analyses the results of research study to access exposures on biomedical and health outcomes

clinical study

Which of the following is not a part of a clinical study

comparison of outcomes, results, and responses for different techniques

Abstracting/indexting resources are examples of which the of literature


What statement is false regarding boolean operators

these operators should never be used because they will confuse you search

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